HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 4Q.zetex Abuorate, Sanders 4 Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Apr. 8, 11 09 By -Law No. see• ill• -LAW to authorize the issue of de- be:,tures of the corporation ot the Town - seep of Usberne to the amount of Twe ty Thousand Dollars. (320,10O, for the purpose of granting aid to the ex - ter;' of Twenty Thousa,.d Dollars, (42J. twat to the St. S1aryot and Western Ont- ario Company. WHEREAS It Is advisable that the Corporation of thc Townahlp of Ueborne grant aid to The St. Stares and Western Outer.o Railway to the extent ut Twenty Thousand Dollars. ($20,000.) AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to 1eoue debentures of t :r Ccrporatton of the 'Township of Us - borne for the aunt of Twenty Thousand Dollars. ($2u,000) as hereinafter pro- • vided. which Is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By -Law, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purpose and no other. AND WHEREAS It Is desirable to is- sue the said deb• ntures a t one time and to stake the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly aunts during the reeled of twenty years, being the curren- cy' of the said debentures, said yearly Duma being of such respective amounts teat tee aggregate amount payable In each year for principal and Interest in respect of said debt, shall be as nearly as possible equal to toe amount so pay- able in each of tt:e other niteteeh years of said period. as e• own in Se'tedule A" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS tv.e total amount re- quired to be raised annually by a special rate for paying the said debt and inter- est le the sum of Fourteen hundred and seventy-one dollars and silty -four cents ($1477.84) for the period of twenty years. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Corpor- ation of thc Towneiap of Ueborne ac- cord -ng to the last revised Assessment Roil is 32.418,675.00 AND WHEREAS the said Corporellon has not now any debenture debt what- ever. AND WHEREAS the said Company propose to erect. equip and maintain a Station and Freight Building, Sidicg and Cattle yards for the proper handling of peesengere, express and freight at the roadway leading from the Poet Office or Village known as Winchelsea to the Post Office or Village knowtt as Elin- vilte at some point as nearly as povalble equally distant from the Village's of Winehtleea and Etimvllle. AND WHEREAS the said Company further Agreed that they will erect. equip and maintain a Station and •ate t building. Siding and Cottle Yards, for the proper handling of passengers. et - press and freight, at the Boundary Line between the Townships of Blanchard and lisborne at some point as nearly as pos- flble equally distant from tt.e Villages of Kirkton and Woodham. AND WHEREAS the said Company have further agreed that they wilt erect, equip and maintain a Station, Freight Building. Siding and Cattle Yards, for the proper handing of passengers. ex- press and freight at some point In the Village of Exeter, AND WHEREAS the said Company propose to enter Into an agrei,ent with the Corporation of the Township of Ue- borne to so erect and construct said stations, freight buildings, sidings and cattle yards, and for the completion of the said road en or before the first day of December 1911, such agreement to be entered Into within el: month. from the date of the final passing of this By-law. AND WHEREAS the said Company re- quire that the said Corporation shall, when the said agreement 1s so executed deposit thc sum of Twenty thousand dollars ($-0,000) to the Joint credit of the sold corporation and the satd The St. Marys and Western Ontario Rail- way Company in a chartered Bank In the Village of Exeter. and also reaulre the said Corporation to enter into an Agreement with the said Company to pay the said sum of Twcanty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the said Company a• follows; Five thousand dollars ($5,000) thercot upon the completion of the survey of the said railway front the Town of St. Marys to the Town ot Sarn- ia. or to sonic other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Huron, the approval ot ter plans thereof by the Board of Railway Cornntlpetotters, aid the said completion of the purchase or other ac- quisition of tilt necessary Bight of Way from the TOW ti o: at. Marys to the Vil- lage of fleeter ,Five thousand dollars ($5,000) upon the completion of the grad lag of 11.• geld portio:, of the said ttaa- way; Fire thousa:,d (foliate 13:•.0.)0) Upon lit completion of the said grad- ing and o: the payrm nt by Tre St. Marys and Western Ontario (Railway Company ot the steel and ties to be used in the construction of the w;iole of said road. and the purchase or acquisition of the remaining right of way for tee remain- ing portion ot the said road . and the rens titling Five thousand dollars ($:..00 )) Imnxdlately atter the said rallw:ay is 'lg Jo uwoj sql ttoostmiq uoltpaado ui Marys and He Town of Sarnia or some other point on the 8t. Clair River. or Lake Huron, and when said station buildings. freight sidings and cattle yards are completed read) to be used. AND W }MARAS it Is advisable that tr.e Corporation of the said Township of Usbontc shall enter Into the said Agree- ment. THERE -FORE THE MUNICIPAL COtUNCll. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USRORNE EN- ACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1 Aid to the extent of Twenty teous- and dollars. ($20,000) 1s hereby grant- ed by the Corporation of the Township of t'eborr.e 40 the St. Mary and Western Ontario Railway Company in aid of the Said hallway which le to be conettu, ted trona the Town of St Marys to the Town of `hernia or sone other point on tae St. Clair River or Lake Huron. The said Twenty thousand dollars, ($20,(100) 10 be advanced to the said The St. Marys and ere -tern Ontar:c. Railway Company as act out in paragraph .1 or this Ry - law. 2 That at any time within six rano .tta Otter the final poestng of this By law the said Company enter into an Agree- ment with the mold Corporation of tee the Township of Ueborne to erect, equip and :I:eintaln a station and freight t.:; at 1 Cattle yards for t p . .:,Jilts o: passengers. e-pres :-• d .t. at tilt roadway leading fro the Post Office, or Village known a Vlnchelsea to the Post Office or Villa v:. ..a El:n.,.,le at some point a •a.ly as possible equally distant fro Villages of Winchelsea and Ellinville .t:id shall fu!t:ier agree that they will e.ca, equip end mahout, a Statto:: and i',elght bu:►ding. Siding and Cattle eerie for the proper handling of passeng ere. eapress and freight at the boundary line between the Townships of Blan- and Ueborne, ut some posit ad nearly as Possible equally distant from the Vll- lagea of Klrktu;, and Woodham ; And shall further agree tna, they will erect, e Iulp and malnta:u a station, Freight ltul:d.11g. Siding and Cattle Yards. for 1.10 proper •.taudllig of passengers, ea- p..esa and freight at some point In the 11 !age of Eteter; and shall further cov- enant that the construction of the said Railway. the erection of the said Stat. loos, Freight Bulld.iga, endings, aid .ittic Yards, shall b� completed at or before the First Day of Dccennber 1911: And shall deposit with the Treasurer of the said Corporation, the sunt of Five :lunched Do:tare as security to the said Corporation that the said sum of 420 ten) shall ba repaid to the said Core potation without cost it tee said Com- p my fall. to carr; out Its agreement, :'ter,. and In such case, the Corporation o t.14 oil! Township of Ustorne through :t:, proper officers shall enter into an Agreement with the said Company to deposit the said sum of Twenty Thous- and dollars, (620,00e) to the ;elm cred- it of the said corporation and The St. M irya an! Wes:ern Ontario Railway Com play Its some Chartered Bank in tee 1'I !age o: Exeter, and strati further agree hit the sell T eetn'y thousand dollars (320,000) shall be paid to the said Company as follows.—Five thousand lollara (3),000) thereof opo❑ t'.tc coin- pletiot: of the survey of the eatd raltway [tont the ,Town of St. Marys to the Town 0' Sarnia or to some other point oa the et. Clair River or Lake Iiuron, the ap- p oval o: the plans thereof by the Board o hallway Cotnhnlas'onere, and the cont- pletloa of the purchase or enter acquisi- tion of the necessary right of way from the Town of St. Marys to the Village of Exeter; Five thousand dollars (3,000) upon the completion of the grading o: the said portion of the said .tallway; Five thousand dollars (33000) apo t the completion of the said grading o: the said port:on and of the payment by The St. Marys and Weaken Ontario Railway Company of the steel and ties to be used it the construction of the whole 3I said rued atoll the purchase or other acqulsltioa of the necessary right of way for the rematntng portion or said road. And the remaining Five thousand dollars ($5.0O0) immediately tfter the said railway 1s in operation between the Tovvu of St. Marys and the Toon of Sarnia en some other point on the St. Clair River or Lake Huron and when said station buildings. freight :!dings and cattle yards are completed ready to be used; and all Ir,ter.at accru- ing on the money so deposited shall be- long to the said corporation. AND the agreement shall further pro- vide that it the debentures issued under the authority of tris by-law shall rot Yield the sunt of Twenty thousand dol- lars (#20 (um) then, and In such case, the depos:t by the saki Corporation ot the prcreede of such debentures snail be ar.tptrd by the Company as perform ance by the Corporation of that part of said Agreement requiring dcpostt and the geld Company shall accept such pro- ceeds In lieu of said sum of Twenty Thousand dollars ($20,000) but the said Company shall on final settlement be entitled to eo mu.:h but no more of the interest accruing un the money so deposited as may be required to make up the full sum of Twenty Thousand dollars (320,000). AND the agreement shall also provide that upon the completion of the payment of $20,On0 to the said company any Mance remaining deposited shall be pild out to said Corporation by such chartered bank on cheque signed by the Treasurer or other proper officer of said Corporation. AND the said Agrcemen' a .all be s'gned by the proper officers of the said Township and shall have the seal of the Corporation attached. 3 That for the purpose of ralelrg the said sum debentures of the said Corpor- ation of the Township of Ueborne to the arnount ot Twenty Thousand Dollars. 1320.000) as aforesaid, shall be issu- ed in sums of not less than One Hund- red dollars ($100)each, and such de- bentures shall be signed by the iteeve of the said Oorporatlon for the time be- ing and countersigned by the Treasurer for the tone being of the said Corpora - eon, and duly sealed with the Corporate Neal thereof. which Seal, the Clerk for the time being ur the said Corporation 1s hereby authorized and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. 4 The said Debentutcs and interest roily be payable at any place in Great Britain or in this province and may be made payable le sterling stoney of Great Rr,taln cc In Canadian currency. 5 The said Debentures shall to dated upo:t the date of the Issue thereof. and as to both principal and Interest shalt be payable In annual instalment■ with - le twenty years from the date of tele lse•tr thereof. Such i::stalm.els to be o: such antounts that the aggregate amount payable for prinripa: and in- terest in any year durt:g the said per• sod of twenty years shall be as nearly etu.tl as may be to wrat le payable for principal and interest during each o: the uther years of •ucn period of twenty ye.tre. as hereinafter set forth. The said denatures shall bear interest at the rate of Four per cent. per annum from tee date of Issue teereof, and the Bald Interest Malt be payable yearly on the day of tar monU, which the deben- tutes are issued. the hest of suet In- stslments of Interest to become due •nd be paid one year after tee date of the tssue of the same. 6 During the curren.•y or tee said de- bentures, there shall 0. relied annually by • special tate on all the rateable property In the said Corporation of the Township cf tlsborne the sum of Four. teen hundred and seventy-one dollars and misty fur cents. ($1.471.641 for tate purpose of paying the amount due In each of the said years for the prin- ripal and interest In respect of the said debt. as shown In Sc.udule A" hereto annexed. Teat it •"all not be necessary for the purchaser or intending purchaser of the wild debentures or •ray of them to e:tiuire as to the pertormanre by the t.tt1 Railway Company of any or alt ot . • conditions necessary under the pro - he visions of this l,y-law to c:title t110 • rald Company to payment of the said rat .,toaey or tatty part thereof. ✓ 8 That this By-law shall conno tufo ge force and take effect o:t the day of tt:e s final passing thereof. IN U That tee votes of tc,e Electors ut the said Township of U•borie entitled to vote on this by-law be taken on Mon- day. the Tweltt t day of April, UAW, . eo n:ueizcing at tithe o'clock In the fore- noon a,td coatluuing until Five o'clock in lite atternoua of the same day at the following placer within the said Cor- poration of the 1'ownstup o! 1•burne by rho fuliowiig Deputy Returning OHi- rera,— I'ohhtg aut.division No. 1, Township Hall, Elim/111e, Skint), Andrews, D. 1t 0., Oeorgt Kellett, Poll Clerk , No 2, Lot tl, North Titaate■ Road, John W. 11or- ney, D. It 0., Daniel Dew, Pull Clerk.: No. 3, S 1.2 Lot 3, Con. 10, Ueborne, filo:nae \Vas:J,urn, D. It 0., Hugh Bar- ry. Pell Clerk ; No. 4, Public Hall, Far- quhar, John Duncan, Jr., D 11. 0., Silas Shier, Poll Clerk. 10 That Saturday, the Third day of April, 1909, at Two o'clock, p. n) shall be the day and the Clerk's office in the To•wnst:ip Hall In lila Village of Manville, snail be the place where the Reeve shall attend to a ppolnt persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of parsons hoterestcd in promoting or op- posing the passage ut tits [ly-law re- spectively. 11 That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said Township of Ueborne shall attend at his office in the said Village or Elimville at Nine o'clock a. In, 01r Tuesday, the 13th Day of April, 1009, to sum up the ttumber of votes given for acrd agal:uet tide Ity-law. NOTICE Tne above is a true copy of tic pro- posed By-law which has been taken into consideration and which w;11 be -:rally passed by the Council of the ::o pur.alon of the Township of Ueborne in the event of the assent of the Elect- ors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication In the Exeter Times a wap. per, which first publication was on the 19th day of March, 1009, and at the hour, day and ptacea herein fixed rot taking the votes o: the Electors. a poll wit: be•h-eld. Dated at Ueborne chis Fifteenth day of Starch, 1009, FRANCIS MORLEY (7ierk of the: Corporation or the ?owe - ship of Unborn e. A" Sthedult A" referred to In the an- r*exed By-law No. , show- ing how toe amount of $1471.64 there- by required to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year Principal Ltterest Total Amount 1909 671.64 800 .10 1471.64 1010 698.36 7732', 1471.64 1911 726.48 745 16 1471.84 1912 755.48 7 16 1 6 1471.61 1918 785.72 685 92 1471.84 1914 817.18 654 49 1471.04 1915 840.88 621 76 147104 1916 883.84 597 80 1471.64 1017 t+19.18 552 49 1171.64 1018 955.92 7.15 72 1471.61 1011/ 991.20 477 44 1471.64 1920 103.3.96 437 68 1921 1075.32 396 32 1022 1119.32 353 32 1923 1163.04 308 60 1924 1209.56 262 08 1925 1257.96 218 68 1926 1308.28 163 36 1927 1360,60 111 04 1928 1415.12 56 52 FARQUIHAIR 1471.84 1471.04 0 1471.64 1471.64 1471.84 1471.64 1471.64 1471.64 1471.64 D..S11WOO[) I KKOK►:NsIIIKI:, (•ASIIN'OOD CONVEY. • ENCEK Ikeda, Wills, Mortgages and all Legal Do urue• t. earetully and {promptly prepared ('bargee moderatel.su•r of llerriege l.t,eneee. Mr. John Lippert having rented h1■ farm In Stephen to his son, moval to the village last Thursday artd is occupying the dwelling recently vacated by Sir. Burmeister. • Rukier—Walper—A very pretty wed ding was solemnized on Monday, Marc 2'Jth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou - Is Walper, when their eldest daughter, Lena Louise. wAe united in marriage to Mr. Albert E. Buhler of Fort ,Wayne'. The bride was charmingly dressed in weite silk and carried a large bouquet of roses, while Miss Millets., slater of the bride, ar ted as bridesmaid and wore a white silk collet -Inc drtsa. Little Anna made a pretty flower girl and wore a white Parisian lawn dread. Mr. Berman acted as groomsman. The house was betu'lfully dreorattd with ev(rgreena and wedding bells. Miss Melinda Willem played the wedding march to the strains of which the young couple marched to the parlor where the ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. G. Tr,un, after which all repaired to the dining room where a dainty dinner was served. Only relatives of the bride were present, being about fifty to number. The bride received a large number of presents which were, costly. The bride's travelling dress was a pretty green and made in Princess style, also a green silk coat and hat to match. The young couple left Thursday on the evening train for their home Ir Fort Wayne, where Mr. Buhler is 1t buelness as furniture dealer. Their rel atives and friends wish them a happy and joyous wedded life. h Kellerman,—Ehlers.—One of Melee in teresttng and happy events which always rause Interest In a .community took plate at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raker on -Wednesday. Mar. 31st. We refer to the marriage or Mr. Claren'e Kcl Iermann to Miss Louvina Matilda Ehlers daughter of Mr. John Ehlers. The cere- mony which united these two for life took place at five o'clock inthe afternoon and was performed by Rev. L. K. EMelt.The fair young bride as sae took her pi ice bootie the groom r rented a hand- some appearance. and her costume was one of elegance and beautiful design. Miss Amelia Ehlers, sister of the bride, :nide a eharm!ng bridesmaid while little Mies Stella Baker made a pretty flower girl. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Tho'. Klumpp. The bride was gown. ed iii a handeome costume of white Bilk. rimmed with lave and insertion and car- ried white carnations. The dress of the brldcmmaid was of blue silk. trimmed wilt white baby ribbon and overier° and arried white arid pink carnations. The !r se o' the toyer gI-1 was of white and rimmed with pink, and she carried a basket of white roses. After the cere- mony was oyez'and the congratulations vended the guests number:ng nearly a tundred sat down to a sumptuous and daintily arranged spread of good things provided for the occasion. Ali having Ione justice to the good things, the re- mainder of the evening' was spent In mu - Mr and games. the music being furnish- ed by the Dashwood Coronation Band. Tele a" oust would not be contplete with- ut melting mention of the house decor- atIon t. which wire Indeed magnificent. red, white and blue being in profusion and fans in abundance. Guests were present from Ezrter, Crediton. Zurich, i+laky and Grated ilcr:d. The ptc-eente t0 the bride made a rnagr,lticent array, will, t. comprises articles of beauty, vale• and usefulness. testifying to the esteem tet whk•h Rile Is held. The happy couple .111 leak. their future home in Dash- wood and will have the best wishes of a nose of frtcnde for a long. happy and prosperous wedded life. !teeth of Sirnon Mlttleholtz,—.tno'hrr Of Stepern'R rno.t worthy and highly esteem ed remidutta hate paid nature's debt. We refer to the demise of Mr. Sinton Mlttle- holtz• who passed away on Saturday af- ternoon last kt the age of 74 yearn. The de-etecd had been 'sick only a short time of bronrh:tle. whlrh coupled with the In- flrmttike of old age soon cut his life short. He was a native of Germany, con*:ng to Canada about 40 years age .eel first erttling In Waterloo County. A few years later he moved to tine Town- ship of Stephen, occupying the farm on wh:ch he died on the Goshen Line. Ile wan a man of sterling qualities, poes- enned of a kind disposition. affable man- •,er iced was beloved by all who knew him. Deceased was a roneietent mem- ber of the RomanRomanCatholic church and a Conservative In politics. Ile is survived by a sorrowing wlte.and• large grown- up family. the most of whom are away Ir, the west and other places. The funer- al took place to Mount Carmel cenotery on Tuesday. c Tne boys met last week and organiz- ed for baseball for the season as follows —Captain, D. Brown: Sec.. W. Pollen ; \tanager. T. Allen ; Referees F. Stewart and W. Hodgert. It was thought wise to appoint a few policemen also, so I'. Gardiner. II. Brown and Jim Kay were .ppotnted with instructions to have the law maintained to the letter. it was decided to hold a Boz Soda! ar,d Con- cert In th}• (ntcrests of the Club on Thursday ev'g. April 8. A good tirne Is bring provided tor. Everybody welcome. —Mr. \1'm. Monteith and Niles Nina left for tfte west on Monday. IIOIISEMEN ATTENTION. The season for horse hells will soon be here. The Advo•ate 1e prepared with a rtwlce her of cuts and type for your Joh. itemen,ter we give you free from all charge a two -weeks' hotter of the horse and route in Tt.e Advocate watch els the largest rlt• ulatlon 1s1 the d.s'rict. The notice Itself Is well worth the price of the cards. ew Spring Goods arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown Come and see our new goods before purchasing New Dress Goods Our stock iscomplete with the meet stylish fabrics. consisting of Striped Suiting,, Ser es, Panama,. Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustres, Satloe Cloths, Voiles, Crispin, Clothe, kc., Ac. Ladies' New White Wear — Shirt Waists, (towns, Skirts, Corset Covers, &c.. Ac. — New Wash Goods New Prints, Ging- hams, Linens, Fancy Veetings, Muslin*, Linen Suiting+—THE VERY LATEST— Shit tinge, &e., &e. Men's Spring Suiting $Just Arrived - the Finest and Largest Assortment of Fancy Suiting. ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and enlore. Call and see them before you purchase your Spring Suit. Prices RIGHT Ideal Woven Wire Fencing All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well t�, give us s call. Sole agents for the etx.ve fencing, Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce GIVE U8 A CALL 1!1 TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, TIIE 11L'$Y SIeORE - - . IMSHWOOD THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MUD OF1riCE.1011rOWI ESTABLIiWeD 1187 S. S. WALLL►R, Preeideat Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALZWIDElt LAIRD, Geasral aianepr I Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient way in whish to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations Of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belslum, Denmark, Frtiljcc, Germany. Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. IIIA Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton ett P There are two reasons for painting your house -- appearance and protection, and three reasons for using Sherwin-Williams Paint, durability, economy and appearance. Ask your dealer for SnrRvdvMJf4LIAMS PAINTS ANDVARNISHES in Canada MreA1t11 -i1 aA ct Ca Montral TattontuWiaq TAKE NOTIOE! I AM PREPARED TO PAY FOR Scrap Iron .... 46c cash, 60c trade, per hundred Rags byc 60c ee Rubbers 4c " 6c " per pound Horse Hair... 22c " 25c " et Copper 7c " 8c " et It All junk to be delivered at HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE, where cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of junk way also be left with HAWKINS & SON, M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer FIVE FARMERS WANTED FIVE FARMERS WANTED I have just enough room for five more parties in our priv- ate car going to Saskatchewan and Alberta on April 20th. All parties will be shown over our lands at our expense. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of first cash payment. BPRINC WHEAT In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the C.N.R. from Saskatoon to Calgary. FALL WHEAT In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from Wayburn to Leathbridge. John Charlton, Exeter, Age Fano&Alco n' Winchelsea Mr. George Jacques moved into C. Oodbolt's house on Wednesday of last week.—Mrs. 8, A. Miller of Cromarty was the RRueet of C. Godbolt, Sr., last week.—lir. Harry Delbridge lost a valuable cow last week.—Mr. Medd of Millburn spent a few days last week at the home of hie son, W. 0. Medd.— Mrs. T. Coward was in London on bus- iness the last of the week.—Mr. W. O. Medd was in Toronto the last of the week.—Mr. S. A. Miller and eon F.ve- Inid of Cromarty spent Sunday with C. Godbolt, Sr.—Mr. Charles Godbolt loot a valuable cow on Monday. ADDRESS AND PREARNTATIUN. — A pleasant time was spent at the borne of Mr. Herryhill on April let, when a program of'peeche*. music, etc., etas given and the following address read: Winchelsea, Apr. let, IfkiO. Mr. and Mrs. Q. llerryhill: Dear Friend., --On this the eye of tour departure from our midst, we, a few of your friends and neighbors, have gathered bete to express to you our deep and abiding affection, as well es noir hitch appreciation of )mfr val- ued services on ninny o"caeioneduring the years Chet are peat. ! We cannot hut recognize the kindly spirit that bas always characterized you as neighbors, and your readiness, !at all times, to do all in your power for those in need around you. Your departure from among us is a cause of deep regret and sorrow. We will greatly miss you and your family from your accustomed places in our social circles. We cannot let you depart., however, without ezpreesing in some way our high esteem for you and yours. Would you, therefore, please accept this par- lor suite, not for its value, hut for the love of true, honest hearta embodied in the gift. Our united wish for you is, that hap. pines, and prosperity may attend you in your new home, and while you meet many new friend'', may you sometimes think of the old friends of this vicinity. Signed on behalf of the neighbors:— John Delhridge, Samuel Hrnek, Thomas Bell. Mr. Wen. Brickwood got two Haters badly rut by a maw while rutting wood on th• tar:n of Sir. MI:ton itussell last week.