HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 3A MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Dose With Purgatives. ;Brae is All You geed. Not exactly sick- but not feeling quite weal. rThat's the way most people feel in the apriug. Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes keadaches and a feeling of depres- sion. Perhaps pimples ur eruptions may appear on the ,kin, or there may be tt,inges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of them indicate that the blood is out of order ; that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily de- -. velopinto more serious trouble. Don'tir Buse youruelf with purga- tives, as many people foolishly do, In the hope that you can put pee- blood terblood right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. What poi need in spring is a tonic that 'will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the one medicine that can do this spexlily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to make new liked, which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite, and snakes tired depressed mon and women bright, active and strong. Miss Mary C. Ayer, Ward J3 rook, N. S., says :--"I cannot speak too highly in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was weak and run down and quite unable to work. I often had headaches, and sny appetite was poor. I began it, the color of tt, Franco must $1000000; in the Marseilles, $!,- taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fight. Matters will arrange them- 00, , 0,000 and in a short time there was a selves." Within one year forty hotels marked improvement, and to -day The Ambassador left with his were put up in Manhattan at a I ani in better health than I have been for years." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. se $4,000 FOR A BULLDOG. ,1 1 1 1 WHEN WAR WAS POSSIBLE! THE MODERN HOTEL. A Town In Itself -Big Manufactur- ing anufactureIns Industry. HOW N.ARROWLT WARS UAV E BEEN AVERTED. Diplomacy le the Rope by Which Nations aro Suspended Over the Abyss of War. The modern hotel is a town -nay, a city, a manufacturing industry, a theatre, a restaurant -in itself. In one leading New York hotel are 750 bathrooms. Almost any time one can find housed there 1,500 guests and nearly as many servants, while daily as many as 10,000 per- sons can be served in the dining There is an instance when war hall. hung on a button. It, was during There are in the hotel telephone the Fashoda crisis in 1P9S. Tho and telegraph offices, a machine British Government had tried to shop, an electric light plant, an ice arrange matters peaceably, but plant, a blacksmith shop, silver - they had failed. Our Ambassador smith shop, tinsmith shop, plumb- ilr Paris put into his pocket an ul- ing shop, upholstering shop, bar- titatuin to the effect that Franco bey shops, a fire department, a must retire from Fash.,da --or tight. I polico force, aprivate detective Ile buttoned up his coat, and drove bureatt, a grocery warehouse, a to the Quai d'Orsay, where he hothouse, steam laundry, printing asked for an interview with M. 1)elcasse, the French Fureign Min- ister. office. In the wine collar are a half mil- lion dollars' worth of aged and ag- ing)ll. Delcasac received him at once. wines; each year is spent $50,- The Ambassador explained that 000 for linen, $57,000 for butter, his Government did not see its way $18,000 for veeggetables, bias,$42,*0 for fruit, to prolong the unsettled state of $1)0'000 for ve stables $113,000 fur affairs, and that the matter must poultry, $100,000 fur meat and be brought to a head. Fully aware !30,000 for costofBowers. Cor - of the terrible consequences of his And the of the hotels! Cor - act, the fingers that fumbled at the porations aro behind them. In ran - bottom of his coat trembled for a thorn are sunk oleos kings'fraotion of a second. soils. In New York city, the me - M. lle!casse hold upa warningtropolis of hostelries, there are in - band. vested in the Plaza Hotel $12,500, - "Do not nada that button, Ex 000; in the Belmont, $9,000,000; in crllency," he cried. "i must not the Gotham and St. Regis, $9,000, - see the paper you have in your 000; in the Knickerbocker, 57,000,- pucket. If I but see the corner of • Bresli the $3 00o 000; 56,000,000; l � rvilleo Thoroughbred Merino Ram Changed Bands for 530,000. The offer of 84,000 which was made and refused for a little French bulldog the other day, weighing only 15 pounds, makes the animal worth its weight in gold. The price offered, exorbitant es it. seems, is by no means exceptional, however. Lady Samuelson has a Japanese spaniel that has won many prizes and championships, for which she has refused $5,000. Doge do not hold a monopoly in high values for other animals sometimes (etch record prices. Four lambs, tho property of Lord against the underhand dealings of Roseberry, were sold at Kelso some Bismarck. few years ago for 81,750. This was PLEDGED HIS IMPF:RL L 'WORD Unfortunately the letter became public property, and the Germans a ers undelivered, and matters P cost of $20,375,000; the following did "arrange themselves." themselves."year the number increased 'to nino- BISMARCK'S INTENTIONS. ty with an investment twice as large, exceeding 540,003,000. "THE COWBOY BARONET." Another French crisis, this time with Germany, was the war scare of 1875. There is little doubt. now that Bismarck really did intend to Sir Gonillo Cave -Brown -Cave, of sweep down on his lately -conquer- Strettun Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, ed foe, and reduce her to a state Leicestershire, who is better known of absolute dependence on Ger- in Canada as "the Cowboy Baro - many. Tho French Governmonr net," has had a wide experience of received from their agents infor- the value of Zam-Buk. ►s riling to mation that. Germany was display- a friend recently, and speaking of ing extraordinary activity in sec- this great balm, he says :- ret military preparations. This "I feel it is only my duty to let information was shown to M. de you know what great benefit I have .Blowitz, the Paris correspondent derived by keeping Zam-Buk handy, of the Times. and having it in constant use. For Blowitz wroto out a despatch, the sprains and bruises which 1 and sent it to the Tithes. When have incurred in my horsemanship, ho received it, tho editor was al- and in my cowboy life generally, most terrified at its contents, but 1 have found it a reliable and after some hesitation he published speedy healer. Some of the best it. Then the fatwas in the fire. riders in the !Vest that I know, use Queen Victoria herself wrote to the Zam-Buk regularly with the groat - Emperor of Clermany, protesting est benefit. 1 may mention that, on one occasion, my horse, "Bob,. canto down with are, rolling over my limbs, and tearing pieces of skin off toy arms. By use of Zam- L'uk immediately the wounds and bruises were cleanly and quickly healed, and the raw parts covered with new, healthy skin. "When on the Mexican plains, 1 have used 'Lain-Buk for poisonous insect -bites. Zam-Buk is Nature's own heal- ing balm, being composed of pure herbal essences. It is a sure euro fur eczema, rieg-worm, ulcers, tarn types of cats during the past of war, refused fur some drys to cuts, burns, bruises, poisoned few sears has also been quite receive the ambassador, and, when sores, chronic wounds, bad leg, astounding. 1incess `ictoria, the; be did grant an audience. his elan- piles, festering sores, and all akin daughter of Prince Cl>,I i s�eeu•>; s haat' ler was so cold the unhappy injuries everywhere !sellat50e. some ter • valuable basvd b tr t t• It (car Thand a record price at the time, but it has since ben beaten. A dealer from the Argentine Republic paid 88,000 for three lambs, reared on were so angry at her interference King Edward's farm at Sandring- that her letter almost provoked the ham, but the record price was pa fd war she was trying to avert. for a champion thoroughbred meri• In the meantime, Franco had sent no ram exhibited at the recent a special Ambassador to St. Peters - Sydney Sheep Show. It changed burg, with orders to procure the owners for the astounding suns of intervention of the Russian Emper- 830,�. or. His Majerty, convinced that The increase in the value of car- there u as nothing in the rumors Once More the Proof Is Civen That Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure the Deadly Bright's Disease. Hartle O'Crady suffered /rots fright's Disease far a Year, but the old Reli- able Kidney Nsmady Cured HIns. Emmet, Renfrew Co., Ont., Apr. 5 (Special). -That the one sure euro for Bright's Disease, the most deadly of all kidney diseases is Ilodd's Kidney Pills is again proved in the case of Martin O'Grady of this place. And for the benefit of other sufferers, Mr. O'Grady has gir-en the following statement for publication "For over a year I suffered from Bright's disease. I was attended by a doctor, but lie did me no good. My appetite was fitful, nay sleep broken and unrefreshing. My mem- ory failed mo and I was always tired and nervous. I had sharp pain and pressure at the top of my head. "Beiuig advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, I bought a couple of boxes and found relief soon after 1 started taking them." This is only one of hundreds of cases in which Dodd's Kidney Pills have conquered the worst form of kidney disease. They never fail to euro Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Lumbago or Siatica. e• - NOT DIFFICUI:I. "Doncher know," began Sap leigh, "that I'm-er-sometimes in- clined to think—" "You really ought to try it," in- terrupted Mia Cayenne. "It's not such a difficult thing after one gots used to it." Repeat tt:-"shiloh'e Cure w111 always cure any coughs and colds." HOPELESS. Symptoms of tho house-cleaning epidermic are becoming more evi- dent daily, and the horrible thing about it is that there is no pre- ventive. A Woman's Sympathy �1! SKATES 3,000 YY..IRS OLD. 1 P E- R U -NA figure Skating Among the Aneient Norwegian Heroes. Iroe Cramps In tis 333.3.1 et stn Tearer StaThe English chronicler has re- led with coaled that 8 the youth of London "I was troubled with cramps In the in the twelfth century understood stomach for six years. 1 trled many the ort of flying over the ice like kinds of medicine, also was treated birds in the air ; but the origin of by three doctors. skating is far inure ancient. An "They said that I had nervous dys- Icelandic sago relates bow the Nor- pepsin. I took the medicine for two w•egian here Frithjof not only years, then 1 got sick again and gave traced verse -4 upon the polished up all hopes of getting cured. mirror but also Ito out tho dear; •'1 saw a testimonial of a Ian whose name of Ingebord, Bays the London' lobe. case was similar to mine, being cured (ISkates have been discovered near •by Peruna, so thought I would give It C',pandau, in Germany, which those a trial. I procured a bottle at once, competent to express an opinion at and commenced taking it. tribute to a period of 3,000 years; "I have taken nineteen bottles, rand ago. These skates were made from am entirely cured. I believe Peruna bones of horses, figured and per- i alt that is claimed for it." -Mrs. J. (orated to attach to the sandal. C Jamison, 81 Marchant 8t., Watson. Similar skates have been found at "lei"' Moorfields in Finsbury, and like diacnverios have been made in MEASURE OF RIGHT. Berlin in the bed of the Spree. These and similar discoveries, we learn, enable the authorities to con- clude that the European ice area in prehistoric times extended from Great Britain to Finland tend frons Norway to Hungary. Long Distance Wireless Victorian and Virginian Up -to -Date. The Marconi Company has re- ceived instructions to fit up the Al- lan line turbine steamers Victorian and Virginian with long distance wireless equipment. These two vessels will be the first steamers on the Canadian route to be thus equipped, and the installation will unable them to be in communica- tion with either side of the Atlantic for the entire trip between Mont- real and Liverpool. There is no earthly hope for a young man who site around and waits for an engraved invitation to kiss a pretty girl. sure lripm teit1.-" htto and o colds." cure will always Policeman (to loiterer) -"Now, then, what are you doing here?'' Loiterer -"What aro you doing here?" Policeman -"Can't you see! I'm doing my duty." Loiter - Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's er-"An' can't you see I'm �a-muk- blll a Leavy financial load? Is your pato ing the duty for you t0 dol' a heavy physical burdenT I know what th••se /titan M delicate women -I have "^ `- been dlscour ed, too; but learned how to III fitting boots and shoes cause cure myself. I want to relieve our bur- dens. corny. Holloway's Corn Curo is dens. �Yhy not end the pain ar.3 atop the � doctor's bill? I can do this for you and the article to t1se. Get a bottle w111 If you will n+5lst me. ' as once and cure your corns. 11 you need do is to write for a fres box of the remedy w•`tich bus been place — In my hands to Le elven sway. Perhaps this one box will cure you -it has done ra .Slow—" 1C0 girl, Mary Brown, for others. If so, I s ,311 he happy and ell 1" "Yes ; but she hasn't much you will be cured for 2o (the cu,.t of a Stape stamp). Toar letters held c, nfl_ sense. She had a chance to marry ,ntlally. rite to-dav for stn free tr►at- mo and refused." stent SLR!. F. E t:UitUL&.U, Windsor, Ont * All seinen Know what Is 1e to trove violent pasta PROFESSIONAL. t1L. sem• take one then and some another. Our ad. Medical Student -"What did you. tlSe la to place "Tg• I► a 5' noetath,t Plaster operate on that Igen for 1" >ter the east ..1 the pain; `t will do more to give [run comfort than anything. Eminent Surgeon -"Two hun- dred dollars." One secret. of success is the early Medical Student --"I moan, what discovery that you can't du every - Eminent. have?" Surgeon -"Two hun- dred dollars." Repeat it:- ' llhiloh's anrewill always caro my coughs and colds.' forThe merits of Bickle's Anti-Con- suniptive Syrup as a euro remedy Mr. Bacon -"You should never fur coughs and colds are attested judgea man by his clothes, my dear."Mrs. Bacon -"I never do. 1 always judge him by his wife's clothes:" Cumberland Lodge, (Inc of these, tzar was touched, in spite of him- a box, or post free fur price from by acuses who know its power in a splendid blue Persian kitten, ie self, and consented to look at the Zam Buk Cv Toronto 3 boxes, ' t worth at lea t 11,000. Ilex Royal papers showing the secret warlike Highness uwns a large number of preparations of Bismarck. cats and provides luxurious apart- After reading them he could not meats fur there : in fact, they live fail to see the gravity of the situ - in perhaps the finest catteries in;ation. :ldvancing uitlt outetretch- 81,85. You aro warned against giving almost the world . RELIABLE MEDICINE ed hands towards the, weeping Arn- ba«pdor, be pledged his imperial word that he would present the FOR YOUNG CHILDREN ;annihilation of Franco, and that ( (,crmaey would be made to keep On the wolf of thuusands of the peace. mothers in all parts of Canaan who DISRAELI'S LiTTLi: JUKE. have use n y's OwnTablets' harmful irritations, sometimes rep- resented to be "just as good." Light, heat, and oil are the worst enemies of the rubber tyre. Repeat tt;- 'Shiloh'. Cure. will alwalfa sure my coughs and colds.' ins ant relief when the throat is sure with coughing. and the whole pulmonary region SYSTEM.disordered in consequence. A bot- A i'leasant Purgative.---Pnrme- tle of this world -famed Syrup will lee's Vegetable Pills aro so coin Victim (disposed to grumble) - save doctor's bills, and 3 a great Pounded s to operate un both the "You .have robbed me before I've deal of dealers. suffering.Price 25 cents,stomach and the bowels, so that been in town half an ho kr." at all dealers. they act along the whole alimentary Footpad -"]est this is a pay -as - and execretory passage. They aro' }'on -enter fawn.' not drastic in their work, but mild Iu all his underhanded deeds It all depends on how it ends, How people are affected ; In all his underhanded deeds A span is right if ho succeeds, But wrong if he's detected. !Repeat it:- "Shilob's Curs will always care tray coughs and Colds." "Birks is weak financially, isu'I he 1" '•He hasn't much money, bull he gives employment to a great many men." '• Who are they 1" "Other people's hill collectors." A Thorough Pill. -To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly. aro l'armelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in results. They purge painlessly and effectively, and work a perman- ent cure. They can be used with- out fear by the most delicately constituted, as there aro no pain- ful effects preceding their gentle operation. Let the amateur optimists con- template the ice man. Ho's perfect- ly cheerful notwithstanding the scant prospect for a bump r ice crop. •85 Grave.yare eeaalt" 1. tb• 0 ).rta sifts for merr dire them mercy to tits form &lien's !.ung mercy. which 1. u.ed w,tb mu (od effect even In oon.umptioa'a early .tries. Serer neglects cough. Oct the habit of saving money before marriage if you would save it after. Repeat it: "Shiloh's Cure will '.ways cure my coughs and colds." The Minister --"Then yo.l don't think I practise what I preach eh?" Tho Dencon-" N o, sir, It don't. You've been prea.chin' oac the subjeo' o' resignation fur twee years, an' yo hivna resigned yit." If your children are troubled wit() worms, give them Mother Cravdl' Worm Exterminator; safo, sure and effectual. Try it, and marls the improvement in your child. "Well, young Dr. Slider has made his mark already, hasn't her "Yes -did it on his first cash." "Great work : What did ho do I" "Vaccinated him." Miu.lonerlee M an lands are trends of Pals• tiller. Ilun Ire Is .1 letters notify 3, the fact, ror accidents and sudden emergencies, emelt a1 ipralat, cute and bruise+ they And It IArslaable, &sold substitute., there le but one "Painkiller -Perry Lathe i;,t and boa "I was going to ask yon for a Tho corning summer will bo a new hat, dear," said this losing 1t purgative, and the pleasure of CALVES RdeeTfl+sin W,GatMllk. great ono for embroidery. wife, "hut I won't, because I see, taking them is only equalled by sR....rt.e»tr e.,Lt•t„T«en•• A Good Medicine requires little you can't afford it.'' "How did , the gratify ing effect they produce. ! '----"- if fhesole. from whom role h 1 H b advertising. 1)r. Thomas' Eclectric you find out that, dear 1" asked Compounded only of vegetable sub- AGENTS enter your su piles are ,n If r ..mil r em i �•t t t h .f r L.n stick 1 1 there is no other medicine to geed A few months raga M. Delcaaae Oil gained the gond name it now her husband. "Well,” the lady re- +stances the curative qualities u[ . g rat aeu t .. - veil -, .,. _ . hung -- - - -- - - r. fends. y+'e •uPPtT Du re tee.. c„Reer eptc,r, per• •� - • -. -••- -• --•-: ho enjoys, not through elaborate ad Plied, I took a look into your which were fully tested, then afford'fumN,lellet re.{•!.iter'X.'attheintertpticer. hood and childhood. And we Bite Franco German Morocco crisis. in' %•erti,sing, but on its great merits cheque -hook this morning, and I 7h• so n:. sp.r alt er to., raspy A.'t•rront.•, int you the guarantee of a government a speech in the french t'ha ub►'r he! es a remedy for bodily pains and naw you had only one cheque left." r Q tpr� analyst that the medicine is rafts showed how German diplumacv had ailment, of the respiratory organs. -- fire I�sura�c Agents Wa111lfU and contains no opiate or poison- 'Again brought Franco to the brinkMesh Anse Meath a ...id Melt. ase seems se p P 1t. has carried its fam0 with it Mar holed In year throe. Are ren •were than sus drug. Mrs. I.. Murphy, St. of war. Ho A' near a thing war then w berever it has gone, and It le pea astabbors awl long nolle^lei cold is ca r•1 Sylvester. Que., says :---"I find was may be guessed from one fact prized at the antipodes as well as with Ala''' La.s Raisins t P.irh rasa I R Drnmmend Firs fns Jan (`o,•. aby's Own Tablets the safest and 'that. M. Delcasse did not mention. at home. Done small, effect sura �� By all means... the ties ' ,,tai w.o*► 1,w wt•nol...t moraine - elderly best medicine for all stomach and, For four terrible hours the French ALL SORTS OF SPORT. t And l h "rat"e �'.•In a • t . bowel troubles and strongly recorp- , Government suspended all private MONEY AND ITS DRAWBACKS, There aro very few sports in ptend them to other mothers." Sold telegraphic communication, so that borne people are left money just) whic}i King Edward has not at, one by medicine dealers or by mail at. they could issue mobilization or- tial. or another been a participant. E', cents a box from The Dr. Wil- ders a ithout delay' in the nick of time, and make a He hay lakrn the premier place as neat,' Medicine Co., Brockville, I There is an amusing story told Food ore of it ; it is ruinous to a British yachtsman, the first nasi ^ in connection with an Anglo -Rue- others to recciv, money that they tion on the Turf, and has won the Sian crisis in Beaconsfield's time. have never earned. 1 good many prize must coveted by all hunting I:\Otl(11 I'17-.11. (There had been a Cabinet meet people would never do any work Hien-the Grand National Steepple- ing during the day at whieh the at all if it wasn't for the fact that chase. He is one of Britain's big - Ming I iom the 1 itilIt ester (lttea question. "Peace or war r' had they had to. and so a wi i' provi• gest farmers; he owns 12.000 acres been debet"d and settled. but no donee decrees that money shall not of genie preserves at Sandringham ltrvuli• in ti ut h fain. i,iut had been allowed to leek out come their way except by the sweat alone, where 3.000 head have sonte- of their brow. Ad to the de_•isi -)n of the Miniwters. times been killed in a single day. relief without chance of injury. PARTICULAR. "Shall I torch nut the wrinkles in your face?" asked tho photo- grapher. ,�t. nese Alco Hirh►sond' qua •Ubli.hel r. ., d re s elderly ►c- t. ": nr aloes those, ifod H. ART. Chief adireAreet, there be any. in my trousers." it is caroms that rah;le so much has been written in our language en snaky hitee there has been coin- con•field sat next to a lady who paratively little placed on record wanteil to get at the secret. toncerning the stings of fish . "Well, which is to 46 1" she as -ked Snake, bites are rare in this' cnatinrly. Country, but fill, stings are very Dizzy stared at her, then picked common. especially among fisher•. up the menu. pion and fishmongers The fishes "Lamb. I believe, madam," ho (Dat most often sting are the great! replied calmly. ami little weever. A prick on the; He knew perfectly well what she end or foot from a weever causes wanted to know. and he had an- swered her question. for a lamb has always been tho symbol of peace. And peace it was' Mr. Kid ' Row does that, shoe p state of collapse er becoming de- feel?" Mrs. Kid -"i reaily ran• lirioue. Usually the inflammation not sap. but if it feels half es un- sebsides in about three days, fol• cnmfurtahle a• my foot feels. i can lowed l s des.4•:aunation. I sympathize with it." M dinner that evening lord Bea- His stud of driving -horses were once of world-wide renown. In his younger dans he was a keen deer- stalker. and an ent}tushastic ( rick eter Nur mint his tiger -hunting expcd,tints In India be forgotten. to short, it may be said that, al- i though he 1s, of course, excelled by! individuals in each branch, no single man in the world has done i all these things so well as the P`ing, not even among those who, neglect- ing the sterner realities of life, have devoted their energies to the pursuit of pleasure alone. what is a politteal leader!" "A man wl>,o its able to see wlilch way bhe crowd i1 going, sod fttf�- lewRR w1 op loud whams le Osis( 41- 1ssl E NO. 14 0S, reetlon. uch swelling and inflammation. 11 the arm is affected the inl am- metinn may spread tote shoul- br. the swelling of the shole 11mb eeing enormous. The pain is agon- izing. the patient often falling into T(C No. 11 weltin„ bm Mt.. rad. !.rout", FURSandHI ES Writ• for 11.'••kly Price Lists. Shipments Solicited. JOHN HALLAM - 4 TORONTO, ONT. USED IN Leading Conservatories, Cvteges, ��hn.,l•. -Theatres, and in thousands of homes vvacre a time of dilfirtetive merit is appreciated. The Ben is the only piano with the Illimitable Itepeatirg Action. Send for (free) Catalogue iii MU. Pt%OIO-fraO►Mn Co •• Urn, tad GUCI-PH.ON iAr !O. OS o. 78.