HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 1p l 65c to JANI '1 NOW IM THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates etet of ft. Wedding Invitations In Newest Type Ou Best Papeete The F1 ti tie Work And Hietht Prices The Advocate:Office: Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1909. SANDERS & CREECS The Old Reliable IPRINC SPRINO # SPRING Spring le here and we are here with the goods. The latest and newest LACE CURTAINS In Tisbuet and Battenburg, Patterns ranging from 50c. to 44.50. Art Muslin in patterns and good colors, 10c., 12tjc., 15c. per yd. Fancy Scrim In stripe and fancy patterns, toll 40 inch wide at 20e. and 25c. per yd. Real Medrass Muslin in light and dark woven colors, suitable for draping and curtains. A very full line of frilled muslin and Robinette, a 'rely special line at 25c. per yd. Bonne Firnie Curtains, beautiful designs, ranging in price from 50c. to $1.50 per yd. Lace Curtains by the yard, a very fine line for 25c. per yd. now selling at 18c. These are all first-class lines and will stand inspec- tion. Come in and satisfy yourself that we back onr words with the goods. WALL PAPER We are showing this year the finest assortment we have ever offered' We can give you all the latest and newest patterns and colors with wide and narrow borders to sell from 5c. to 25c. per roll. Our em - and silk finish are regular 25c. for 20c. and 15c. SPECIAL -500 rolls of paper ranging from 10c. to 20. for 5c. Don't Forget That we have a first-class milliner in connection with .tore in the per- son of Miss Morlock. CARLING BROS. 4114111114/410.0.00390430,1106061116 Discount Sale In order to reduce our stock we will give a discount of ••• .,. 10 : per : cent on all DRY GOODS, BOOTS SHOES for the ... ... Next 30 Days -We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries - R. N. ROWE PHONE - ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE - resteesl.a.t Cart.. rt CAIRNS, V ETERINAEY RCEOEOII. • Successor to Da. RAM.1y, D.. O. I. ROULSTON, L D. S., D. D. s Special Attention 10 Dentistry. D • li T 1sT Night calls left at the tome of Mt, Peter !leaden of the IL 0. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Male street, (opp. Trirltt Memorial Church), will b. Ma&sato of Toronto University. promptly attended to. 0//10E: Over Dickson It Carling', Lw O■ce, is EISLSR, • ONTARIO. De. Andsrsos'e former Dental Parlor. Otec.-Dr. hamsay's old stand, cornet of Blain and North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). `01 A. R. KINSMAN, L D. s., D. D. S,' Tour patronage eollclted Besot graduate of Toronto Calveristy. DENTIST. tllel� eztesct•d without any pain, or any bad et•cte =yet Oladnaa t staoburl's omce. Main street Medical HR BRiMH?, M. n., M. c. r & S , HONOR • Graduate of Toronto University. Two yeats resident phydcIIan Royal Aletandrs 1 ital, etc. Oso. sod R/sidence, U,, Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Stmt. UISTE14 DR. T. P. MCLACO1MS Hae resumed practi-e atter spending a year (Col. titre Britton and Continental itospital•. General aiticewith .pe.. 'al attention to Lye, (with retro:• on) Ear, Nae and Throat. Office: Dubwood, Ont. Legal D101LSON t CARLINO, RARRiSTER.s, 80L1Ci tor, Notaries, Conveyancers, C'on,miss!oners Iloltcttor for Mol•or's Bank, ete Mosey to Loss at lowest rater of loterest. Offices, Main street, £tetet, I. B. Ceara... B.A., I. R. rasp■ Mo11zT TO LOAM. a We ban a Isere amo'rnt of private funds to lose a tars and Tillage properties at low tstes of lots tilt. MADMAN A STANBt'RY,• Barristers, SolkItots,Maln et.. Ritter Os 9. S. PHILLIPS. EXRTER. L1cessod Auctioneer. Bales attended In all part'. Satlsfactton roman. Wed or an per Terms reas•nal.le. All order left M Adyocat• &I11 •e wilt be promptly attended to. 1 3. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -9t., Exeter. MONET TO LOAN A large amount of mo•;cy to loan on farm n•,d village proper'!rs at tow.* it rates ERNEST ELLtOT. CeElveyancer. etc. Office ot.postte Central Hotel. Easter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contain - leg right rooms, with furnace, electric- light lectriclight and all modern conve:tlences. Yard and soft water. Two lots. situated on Sanders street. Exeter. Apply at Advo- cate Office. FARM 1 tilt SALE 75 acres of t.,c 1st . or. of nlddulp'.. Lot 2, 1-4 nine from Cehtralla . 65 ac. u ,<ter cultivation, 1.) ac. Bash pastare. T ere is a good two.a:ors brick cottage barn 34 t'y Co. other bu1ldlegs also. 3 good wells. 2 orchards ; posse.alon at once. Apply on the pre:Wises. TWOS. W. NEiL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP We. the Der k.r Ttregal; :g Company of tt.is section of the County of Iluron, do hereby give notice that we have t hts.day dissolved the partnerstip fCherto ex- isting niter the tcarne of said company. Chas. Harvey, Pres., W. It. Dearing, Ser. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Baring decided to into the Bus and i):ay Business In Eecter 1 have placed a sew and up-to-date rig o,1 the road tor tae conveyance of passr;;gers to and from tt.t station. and respectfully so- licit a fair share of business of tl:. 'ravelling public. Colla at the office, p'.one IIA, cheerfully attended to WM. ARNOLD. Prop. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE At•otit 800 bushels of No. 21 barleT grown ..nd kept for toed purposts. This Is a new variety that r.as proven to possess a remarkable reran stiff straw ex-ellteg all other varlet es, also gave the highest y;r1d of Stain per ace of 311 the barley testrd ;n !tint at tO, A. C.. menchur:a included. it has hoer without an etceptlon the most popular vartety with the esix rimertat 0',13-. !� Hate Registers r!., province ever since ^.e first distrlh- v'.ot 1r, 190$ in two pound las from Monday spell 12th rtrey . Harness, Houn- :he 0. A. C. Pr1•c on application. hold Rae. t•, revoett, .a its Late tcyhis Qachs, at 2011N ELDER. Ps0a00,1 F. P's-• '-rt:. .low!. Ller.all P. C. Lot 16. C3:1. 2. flay. CENTIIALIA /Ir. W. It. El!lolt was taken a'w'ay Mon- day to one of the Toronto hoapitala to undergo an operation. We hope for the best results.-Ext(nelve preparations are being node for the Epworth League An- niversary tea -meeting or: Gcod Friday evening. Tea front 7 to 6.30. followed by an illustrated lecture on "Canada" by Rev. W. II. }iutt.-Gus Coughlin moied his family to Toronto on Monday. Ills '.ouse is to be occupied shortly by J. Col- '.11l.-ttcv. W. 11. Butt returned Satur- day from the National Nflasionary Con- gress in Toronto last week. Ile gave a very Interesting report on Sunday morn - leg. taring it was the greatest coaven- 1,on in the most respects that he ever at4 tended. }Ie had attended large gather- ings, but thla was the most representa- tive and Influential ever held in Canada. -Several of the farmers around have had some good runs of sap and maple syrup la now 1n common use on the table. - Mrs. Welsh is somewhat better and there is hope of her ultimate recover y. TENDERS for CONCRETE ABUTMENTS Sealed Tenders will be received by the and rs'gned up to Mond cy, May 3rd,190t at 12 o'clock noon for the construction of tentent abutments in Crediton for a Midge, across the Sauble River. Plans ani apeelf(cations can be seen at the of - flee of the undersigned. The loweat or any tender not necessar- ily ac.epted. HENRY EILBEB, Clerk of Township of Stephen. Crediton, Ont. (HORSE FOlt SALE --- Goof drl.1ng m,r , r1=1:vrt .It years old, wJghtng about 1100 pounds. Apply one door south of the Mansion (louse, Exeter. D. MACK. SHINGLES AND POSTS FOR SALE. A carload of red cedar shingles and posts for sale et WM. COL'LTIS', Main St., Exeter. White Wyandottes Good Laying Strain. FOR SALE --Ergs for hatching: 1st pen, $1.50 tor 13; 2nd pen, 11.1(1 tor 13. Three settings or more at reduced rates. First pen headed by a bird bred by J. 8. Martin of Port Dover; end pen beaded by • real good bird of my own raking. Either pen needs no comment as to quality. All communications ans- wered newered promptly. Address CHAS. P. HOOPER, P.O. Sox 167 Exeter, Ont. Oldky St. SEEDS AND BULL FOIL SALE. SIM A quantity of seed barley arta seed peas. also a registered yearlltig bull for Bale. Apply to RICHARD RD D. HUNTER. UNTEit. Lot 8. Con. 4, L'ebortite Exeter I'. 0. BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE Fleet (lass stand ; doing 173od busi- ness : 111 healt', reason tor tolling. For terms and particulars apply to A. N. PIM, Ezetcr, Ont. Ontario liquor license Act License District of South Huron Notic• is befell given that the Board of License Commissioners for the 1.1• erre District of South Iluron will meet at DIXON HOUSE, iN THE VILLAGE OF BItUCEFIELD -ON- FRiDAY, AI'ItIL nth. 1000 AT 10 A. M., for the purpose of considering application' for Liquor Licensee for the License Year 1t.N•1o. All persons interested will govern themselves ar- coedingl,. JOHN TORRANCE, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton on Larch 31 th, 19'4i Notice i• hereto gi, en that the per* 'ne whose names appear in the following sehedule are apply• ing for Ie. nor 1.i, arses for the License Year 19091u and that the same are not now Lb enter niter the Act or &reapplying for Ilcensrs for premitee not now under I cense. Name of Kind ofDescription o i Name of Applicant LicenseI Premisesi Muri-'ipality N N Cantin Tatern Rdmorial -- 4t Joseph Hotel Tp of Hay For the current year there w ere twenty-four tavern and two /bop license. issued. The total number of applications for !tenses for the ,T,••ting year is talent) tavern and no shop licsnx. Ano petite at against granting 1.1. era, to any ap• ph- ant or premiss must be lodged with the under. signed at bad four days before the meeting of the 1.i-en.e hoard JOHN TORRANCE, License Inge, for for South Iluron. Dated at Clinton this 3'th of Mar. h, 1'.•9. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implernents. The 'in•I•reigned Au tioarerhat been instructed to sell by Public Auetlon at Lot 10, ('<.n. 1, Stephen. on TUF:M1)A11', AI'e111. 13th, iMlrfp at 1 o'clock sharp. the foliowln valuable tropert . vis. IIORSES-1 mare • years old, in foal to Bawler' ,1 Y-nonetl's grey horse: 1 dei, et. 11' years old; 1 dn.. ing mare, C years ofd, in foal. 1 gelding. rnmine 2 tears cl.l, ty Buller: 1 gelding. rising 3 years old, by Brinker Sprague. 16111 rioting 2 years old, by Ruiter. C'.ITTI, . -2 renewed teas, 1 cow due to calve in April,! doe to calve in May, 2 farrow cows, 3 heil- err, eget?", 6 calces sheep--Ib►eeding ewes, 110)'- 5 store hogs, l (•rood sow to pig in April. 1`01.'LTRT -2 turkey hens and gobbler. about 76 chicken lWPL£1ftN?R-11cCorn,ick Linder, new; 1 new 51 C'ormi t mowee,6ft, tut; seed drill, eultirator. e slier. eons plow. 2 -furrow Wt./imam plow, 2 waiking plows. roller. wagon, buggy, cutter. boh- •ieigh.t. fanning mill, •-ales. 2 sets doulde harness, set rinde harness. root reaper. vet reamcnd her• rows, disc harrow. pea hartestet. 2 churns. saga, kettle, .ream separator, nearly new; hay rack. a gnantitt cf mil:.1 seed. fork.. shovel., chains and other arte-ie• too numerous to mention TERMS- le and under, cash. oyer that amount P months' ; redit gisen nn furnishing approved )oin1 notes. 1 per cent. per annum el for rash on credit amount' SID? F,Y DAVIS. Prop. JAS. STANLF.V h WM. ANtiNtisoN, Aortioneera, THE EXETER COUNCIL. !Number enrolled 133; average attendance 3.3. The count 11 met Wednesday, Mar. Mat,' 1I. N. Kinsman. Teacher. as called together by the reeve, at 7.30 Room V1I.-Jr. 11., M. Kvdd 90, M. p. m. All the members present. The Pickard and Jerk )lurdon 95, M. Day minutes of the meeting held Mar. 19th de, E. Johns 813. C. Dearing 74, G. Car - were read and approved. The following 'ing 73. M. Patterson 72, It. Marshall .recounts were read and orders drawn '51. Sr. Pt. II -W. Rendle 81, II. Boyle on the treasurer In payment, -T. haw- r-„ V. alarahall 7:3, P. Collingwood 67, king & Son, hardware for cemetery 1.45 No. on toll 46; average attendance 32. .tncbrose Cottle, account cemetery 16.50 ; F. W. HIoward, Teacher. Thom. B. Martyn, manure and hauling of Room VI11.-Jr. II., Class A -R. Cor - same to cemetery (18 ; Electric Light Co. •llsh 94, M. hardy 87, V. Welsh 95, A. street llghttetg, la arc lights 24 nights Taylor 79, D. Knight 78, M. Walker 74, 60.48, 33 series 22nighte 47.19, 13al. H. ]lector 60, L. Walker 63, W. Jacohle due on Feb. ltghttng 1.08, Town Hall 60. Class B. -M. Monocle 79, L. Flnk lighting 3.813. total being $112.35; F. 78, \B. Davis 74, 1. Easterbrook 70. Mallott tabor 75 cents, T. Brock. labor Claes C. -A. Cornish 90, C. (farness 97, 2.25: W. J. Blesett, pt. salary $33,00, C. Mallot 85, L. Palmer 85, W. I3rown ditto., steals for tramps 50e. Jae. Connor 79, C. Morley 78, V. Sweet 72, L. Dear - part salary librarian $25 ; Dennis Iron ing 70. 31. Bedford 68, G. Carter 62. Works Co., Loddon, balance due on Jr. Pt. II. -W. Knight e2, F. Mother - 1: on fence at cemetery $183.50 ; C. W. sill 81, P. (ornlsh 72, W. Gllleeple 7o. Cross, pt. salary cemetery (129.00 ; all I. Davis 69. I't. I. -G. Fink 79. E. Me - ::nailing (1410.30. Passed on motion of Gee 75. J. Davie 73, M. Houlden 70. Johns and Neaman. Carried. No. o:, roll 40 ; average attendance :12. Johne--Curling-That the account as Mildred Martin, tel t•t.cr presented by T. Hawkins & Son for glass, amounting to $4.40 and Interest 55:•. be returned as council feel that this amount Is an overcharge. -Carried. Luker -Carling -Teat in future the Electric Light Comp -any'', account must tcc presented showlug the number of arc and merles lights burning each night of the we .. 1.. to give total at the end of the month. -Carried. Neaman -Adjourn- ment. J. Senior, clerk. HAI TOWNSHIP Death of Jol,n Corbett. -At his home on Lot 1.4, Rliad Linc, ilay, on Satur- day, April :3rd, the dean: occurred cL one of our oldest and most respected residents in t'- p r _on of John Corbett w.10 passed away at tee age of 01) yeti's months, and 19 days. Death was due to Bright's Dteease front which Ile had been suffer! :g about right months, be- ing confined to his he 1 since the New Year. Previously he t.ad enjoyed the best of health, such as enabled hint 52 years ago to go Into the wilderness, a:.ere not evert a road had penetrated, and hew out a horse for himself. Born 'n London Township In 1840 he resided there until 1857 when he came to this townehlp and settled on the fare) on w!,ir't he died. Two years after coiningec•veral pupils around here and will be - here he married Mies Drover. A fancily girt giving lessons shortly, -All our pro - o' fourteen children were born to the pro- minent farmers and retired merchants union, all of whom. with one exception, are talking about the new railway. The survive. They are Joseph and Mrs. Me- majority are etc favor of It, as it will be tufts) of Port Huron.William and Mrs.•t great convenience, -alias Charlotte IIar- James Brown of Fenton, Mich., Mrs. nese Is visiting friends In St. Marys. -Mr Mart's of Detroit. Minnie of Minnesota, and firs. John BrOcillTelITOving to Cen- John of Sarnia, Mrs. Wm. Cook of Sea- trans this week. fortis. Moe: Alex Colvin of Lobo. Mrs. WHALEN Owing to,ttle muddy state of the roads :,o: much business was done Lt town the Past week. -Solna of our young men have accepted positions for the summer on the 1011i of Blanchard. -Our genial mer- chant fell and hurt himself on Saturday in Granton. Sorry to hear 1l, Georgc.- A number of young people spent Monday eveieng p1- ana'ttly at the home of N1, Aaron Davis of Salntabury, Willie a few of the older ones attended the sale of Mr. tn'l.oay u'Dwycr near Clandeboye Mon- day afternoon. -About :5 per cent. of the residents of this community have been nursing nasty colds. -Rev. laugh J. 1'a1: µ•i11 preach a special sern1o:1 for the W. 31. S. of this church next Sunday. Spe.lal Easter mual, will be rendered by our celebrated choir, under the lead- ership of 31r. I1. Mfllaon.-\flee 'IJtud Pariah le •letting frienda around here this week. -Mr. Bert Francis of Bethany was a guest at Mr. Frank Morlcy'e on Sunday. -Mise Gertle Suti.erby Is visit- ing at her rnother'e In the village this week. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson spent Thursday evening with friends at Ellnt- tll!e,-Prof. Ruse of Exeter has secured Cries. Perky of Winnipeg. Nlrs. William' Callaghan of London. and Fred and Nel- Ile at home. Two sisters. Mrs. James Sweet and 31rs. henry Lambrook of Ex_tcr and one bro'hct Jost p - of Califor ::1.t, also survive. Deceas' 1 •VAS a da minable neighbor. a warni frl. lid and an .tffe.tto:,ate 1,ushand and father, al.d he will b3 much missed and regretted by the whole community. Pol.ticall) be was a staunch Conservative and to re tigion an adh •r.nt of th. English church. The fun- eral which took place Tuteday to the Ea iter cemetery was very largely attended. The Advocate extends sincere spm path)' to the ber,aved one.. EXETER SCHOOL. REPORT 11. S. Department Form 111, -Honors„ K. Collins 89. E. Willis Det. A. M,Maeoil 78, T. Sar,dere 76, 1. Ifandfotd 75. Pass.. K. Ste•a•a-t 73, L. S.:.11 72. A. Dow 72. it. Hooper 70. L. Heywood 68, J. Oestrelc•her 69, E. Copeland 67, J. Walker 65, W. Illr- ney 65. C. McAvoy 65. L. Hodgert 85, G. Hutt 62. L. Sanders 81, D. Stewart 60. No. on roll 29. Daily average 27. W, 13. \veIdehhamm'•r, le. A.. Prin. 1'0. ni II. --W. Monteith 85, T. I'cnhale 69, L. !fern GN, G. Ford 67, G. Keetle 67. H. Jones 66. E. at se 63. No. on Noll 23, ave rage 20,2. S. L. Gregory. Te.tel.er. F'o-nc 1. -Honors. W. Slllcry tl3, it, Ilotgerth 46, R. Dearing 69, C. Copeland wr,, 11. Sweet r(2. G. Hooper 81, W. Welemlller 81, C. Wool 79. G. Dearing 71. ('ass, M. Elston 71. L. Grieve 69, E. Soutbcott 69. G. Passmore 67, E. Howey 67. W. Stewart 62. Commerclal,-Sr. iio;ors. 1i. Mackay 90 (5. Illssctt 90, F. itunter 92 O. Wood 92. If. i'ope 81. Pass. F'. Beaver 69, E. Wood 07, L. Handford 63. Jr. Cont - •n n 1.11 -Vonore, W. Bradt 76. ('ase .5. (tithes 64. 11. Moyle cu, No. on role 48, average 43.6. M. 4oht;sto; . t. tt'ie r Roost 4 -Sr. 1V.. Honors. it. Monett I'3. 17. iWood 114. C. Heywood 80. at. Carling 77, E. lrlckwoorl 77. Pass. 1'. Dearing 73. L. Treble (14. (3. Taylor 63, M. Acheson 80. Jr. iV.. honors. 0. Big. sett 82. A. Beverley 77. 1. N1cI'hcrson 77, F. Dlnney 711. Pass. .1. Walker 74. It. Balkwlll 73, N. Junes 711. V. Easter- Itraok 60. No. o ro'l 3;t ; average attc:t- dtnce 3.1. C. \'osper, Teacher. Room V.Sr, 111.. Nunes of those get- ting 75 per cent. and over, L. Harvey. 1t. Walker, G. Delve. 21. Jones. II. Snell, S. Hector. Those over 60 per cent.. but I, ss than 75 per cent..R. Rowe, L. Tay- lor, E. Harvey. 1. Sweet. iI. <Juence. 0. ilodgcrt, T. Fear. Jr. 111. -Names of 1' see obtaining 75 per cent. or over. Myers. W. Man.oa, E. Day, W. Kydd, L. Ifand:otd, at. Senior. E. literacy. F. Rowe. Over 60 pre cent. but or ,der 7a, 1.. }icddcn, A. Knight. B. ltodgert, Nt. Heywood. A. Bell. J. Blackwood. M. Case G. Down.. E. Bowie. L. Marct.and. S. Fin(keleteln. Mies ,Murray. teacher. Rooni \ 1 -Sr. Div. -Honors, A. Mark 99. E. Davis 86, M. Iluestoa 95. 1'. stood 81. E. Caokso-t 81, M. Hicks S. Rcld ' e. 2f. Se:don74. T. Clark 7". Paso, Parsons 7on 65.� , H. RmltSmith73. Bowie F'. HEAmAH'S HARD�IARE owe 72. 1. Ferguso68. J. Craig . L. Ilasti: ge 61. Jr. 1),v. -Honors. I. '/.uefte 66. M. G:adman 95. M. Vinci: t 91. A. Carter e2. O. Fitton 77. Pees. E. Wetdenhammer72, D. Holden 88, B. y 87. D. 3VLhc 64. G. Ortwth; 62 US11OIINE RAILWAY BY-LAW. On Monday the people of Ueborne. we feel sure, will do justice to themselves and their townahbp by carrying the rail- way by-law by a good majority. No one can put up a reasonable argument against the value of railways to a com- munity. It coats a little but no one ez- pec'ta a whole lot for nothing. 1t will save the township many times the cost. BIRTHS Patton. -At 3looreav1l1c, o,t April 3. tee Sfr, and Niro. Wm. Patton, a daugl;- ter. Ifarncess.-In Exeter, Mar. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ilarnc*s, .t daughter. )foll.trd-In McGillivray, on March 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, Herbert !Bollard, a so:t Bolan -Lt West McG1l11vray, on March 311, to Mfr, and Mra. James Rolan, a son Curt*. -111 Greenway, Mar. 25, to Mr.a:.d 3trs. Cies, Carts. a daughter. Wilson. -At Zurich, 'Mar. 29, to Dr. and Mrs. 35 neon, a son. Mfeltck.-01, Bronson Line, Hay, March 29. to 11r. and Mra. Alfred Melllek, a daughter. MA ItRtAGlis lennewl, s-71eIr.-In Fullerton, 3laren 31, Geo. BennewIts, to Enema, daugh- ter of l'red'rt:-k Jtelr, all of Fullerton: Buhler-Walpc•r-:5t Daahwood, on Mar. 29th. Albert E. Buhler of Fort Wayne, to Mi*v L' n Louise, daughter of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Louis \Yelper. DEATHS 11c11. -in Cabortie, oil Apr. :ird, Susan, the Infant daug ler of Mr. and Mrs. \telthcgto:t Neil. aged eight days. blunter. -in L'aborne, on April 3rd, Grab Ann hunter, aged 51) years. 8 months, and 17 days. Corte tt-In Hay. o:1 Apt 11 3rd, John Cor- bett. aged 613 years, 5 months, 19 days) llalfour.-In 1ltbbert, on April 5, Mrs. James Balfour, aged over 90 years. Begg. -In Mitchell, Mar, 31, Jolla Bcggl aged 62 yearn. Park. -At Rueselldale, Mar. 26, James ('ark. sr., aged 81 years. Ak1ne.-In Mitchell, on Mar. 29, Alez, Akins, aged 67 years. White. -In Mitchell. Mar. 25, Mary Ana Graham, relict of the late John While, of Iflbbert. aged 75 years. Rudd. -In Clinton. on .March 26. Mary Ford. relict of the late John Rudd, aged 85 yearn. 411361111111 G G PRECISION SOLIDITY RELIABILITY�iITERCiIANGEABILITY THE �S �N�zcz ZONGIf Sere equiird Me /)/96er/ /u/'A'on flmu9hou/i)'Se menids ofM% wa : an accoun/ cf Meir [weir.'/ menul>srtUuir end &r/ed 9'v f//ies. very num r:•s ewsPdse/ UnikA7111 AY/10m /Sova colbtmed /,iei • sune'ry 'r e,: r"ew e, smog Mere e#1,1175-, 0747/1/ 6e -p ecia/iy men/,ci'ed' 5 GRANDS PRIX ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897 ...PARIS 1900 Mit.An 1906 • .1 Nf 1It('}I'N7) S(JLE AGENT. E'.(Ti:11 7 wire, all No. 9 Fencing • 32c 8 it 11 11 35c 9 t1 Med. 13 35c Coiled Spring Wire 32.50 Staples, Hooks and Gates STOVE STORE W. ,T, MELV (LLE is now in ('iirue of Tinsmith and Plumbing Department.