Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 4Szeter + Marys and the Town of Sarnia or some tereat in any year during the said Per -
other point on the St. Clair (liver, or 1ud of twenty years snail be as nearly
Lake Muton, and when raid station equal as may: be to what Is payable
Sanders et Creech. Prop$. 1 • sdfte•,gfrt eti nes and cattle
yards arc (C:npleted read) to be used.
TIIUlt4l)AY, Apr. 1t 16OO .IND \1H1sIE.S tt la •tdvlYab1e that
ten,: CO! per it:0n of the said Township of
.:w. u: 111i.1 11 enter Into the: said Agres-
i erit.
1 aid to the a stent of Twenty thous-
and dollars, ($20,000) Is hereby grant -
.1 by the CorparatIon of the Township
u' L'at•,: rte 1-0 t Ie St Mary and Western
Ontario Railway Company In aid of the
said Railway w.ijc.l is to be constructed
:.o:n the Town of At %larys to the Town
Sa. ala u,' stem utter point un the St.
Cliir )fiver or Lake Huron. The Bald
.'.venty thousand dollars, (#2U,UUu) to
oc adva.ned to the said Toe St. Marys
.nil \Yest.rn U,.taY.o Railway Company
as set out In paragraph 2 of this By-
2 That at any time within six months
titer the 'final p.tsaing of lila 13y -law
t'io said Company enter Into an Agree -
wit., Lie said Corporation of the
Inc Towns:tip of Laborite 'to erect, equip
.and maint.tl:, tt station and freight
balding, sidn:g and Cattle yards for the
p,•opet hal,dling of partaengers, a -press
Ind freight. at the roadway leading from
t.,c )'oat Office, or Vlllagc known as
\Wlnehel.4ea to the Post Office or Village
snow. ad El:n vIlle at some point as
nearly as possible equally distant from
tat Village of \%lnchelsea and Ellntvtlle
And shall (ulther agree that they will
erect, eluip and maintain a Station and
.'(eight building, Siding and Cattle
trds for the proper handling of passeng
e_preas :out freight at the boundary
line betwc_u the Townships of Blan-
tn1 Uaborne, ut sort;: point as !nearly as
pose.uic a ltNLy diatar,t front the VII -
o: Khktun and Woodaani; .And
a i ill fut't.ar agree tea. they wilt erect,
atr1 nulntale a atat.o0. Freight
ltuhd.ng, Sicilia; and Cattle Yards. for
:he proper ...milling of pltNBenger8, ex-
p.: sa and freight at some point In the
\'Llage of Exeter; and strait further cov-
en tut that file construction of the said
Railway. the erection of the said Stat -
lona. Freight iluildttlga, eidinge, and
elute Va1d8. small bo conipieted at or
before the First Day of December 1'911 :
and shall deposit with the Treasurer of
tn.! Ba[) C r
puralfoi, the
BUM of Five
Hundred Dollard as security ' to the
said Corporation that the Bald Bunt of
11011 shall be.repaid to t:,e said Cor-
ot. itlo:1 without cos' If the said Cont -
puffy falls to carry out its agreement,
!'ten. and 111 Bu1:1 case, the Corporat:o.n
o th sal 1 To+vnship or Ustorne terough
its proper officers shall enter into an
agreenleet with the said Company to
Il- posit the Bald sum of Twenty TI oaa-
and dollars. teeie0ort) to the Joeit cred-
.t o: tale 8.ttd col potat!un at.d Tile St.
Maiyi and Western Ontario Railway Com
p iny In, some Chartered hank in the
Vi 1 ,g' o: Exeter, and shall further ogre"}
rt tt the sa11 Teen y tl ou,anl (1 )11 (18
($20,000) shall .be paid to the said
Company as follows.-Flvr thousand
dollars (15,000) thereof upon the 0001 -
Motto', of the survey of the said railway
from the ,Town of St. Marys to the Town
of Sarnia or to some other point on the
St. Clair River or Lake Iluron, the ap-
p.ova! of the plane thereof by the Board
o Railway Commissioners. and the com-
p: •:lo.r of the purc•haac or otnrr acquisi-
tion of the necessary right of way from
Inc Tu.vII of St. elarye to the Village of
Exeter ; Five thousand dollars (5,000)
upon the completion of the grading
of the mild portion of the said
ttallw,iy; Five thoumaild (1(111.118 (Eimer)
up.)rt the completion of the said grading
of the said portion and of the payment
by The St. Marys and Weston Ontario
It.ttlwey Company of the steel and tics
to be used 111 the construction of the
w:ole of said road and the pure.hase
or otecr ncqulelhon of the necessary
night of way tot the renlalnirne portion
or said road. And the remaining Five
thuumand dollars (Vetere) immediately
after the said railway Is in operation
between the Town of St. }Luys and the
Town of Sarnia of some other point On
S'. ('lair itiver or Lake Huron and
when said station buildings, freight
Hidings and cattle yards art completed
ready to be used; and all Interest accru-
ing on the money so deposited shall be-
long to the said ('orp0retloll.
ANI) the agreement shall further pro-
vide. that It the debentures Issued under
toe authority of tris by-law shall not
yield the euro of Twenty thousand dol-
lars (.20.00o) then, and In 8uc9 case,
the deposit by the said Corporation of
tee mot -Tads of such debentures shall
ee. act (peed by tie' Company as perform
alive by the Corporation of that part of
send Agreement requlr;ng deposit and
the said Company shall accept such pro-
ceeds In (leu of maid sten of Twenty
Thousand dollars ($20,01)0) but the
said Company shall on final settlement
he entitled to 80 111u:tl but no more of
the interest accruing un the money so
deposited as may be required to make up
the full suis of Twenty Thousand dollars
AND the agreement shall also provide
that upon the completion of the payment
of 120.0 )1) to tae said company any
balance rumainieg deposited .ha11 be
p(Id out to raid Corporation by such
chartered bank on cheque signed by
ter Treasurer or other proper officer of
said Corporation.
.1ND the said Agreement e}ta11 be
1 geed ey the proper °freers of the Geld
row•n.hlp and 8ha11 have the Deal of the
Co-por.ttloa attar hed.
3 That for the purpose or raising tee
sa41 aura debentures of the said Corpor-
ation of the Town.hlp of Uaborne to the
amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars.
reer►.(tr't1) as aforesaid, shall be issu-
ed III 8011(8 of not less than One llund-
red dollars (11001esch. and such de-
reeitutee sea11 be e'ga'd by t:,•' it'eve
of the staid Corporation for tee tante be-
hig and countersigned by the Treasurer
for the time being of the said Corpora-
tion. ant duly sealed with the Corporate
.ie11 thereoe which Seal, the Cl. rk for
the tam• being or the said Corporation
Is hereby authorized and dlrretrd to
aft ice to ear 1 of the said debenture..
4 The sale Deber,'ure s a:id Int( r. at
ally Ise payable at any place In Cr. at
h 11.aln or In this province and may
ae made payable h, et, Hing mosey of
Ghat Br.taln Cr In Ca:.adian Curren Y.
The sold Debentures shall be data.'
epee the date of the Issue thereof. and
as to both principal and Interest s alt
be payable in annual instalments with-
Iln twenty >ears from the date of tee
Issue thereof. Sut 1. ulstalmentn to M
Of su'h amounts that the .ggreeate
amount payable for prine1ps% ar.d 1:. -
By -Law No. ....
BY-LAW to authorize the Issue of de-
bentures of the corporation of the Tuwn-
ahlp of Usba:lie to the a (tweet of
Twe.ity Thousand Dollars, (8eiernb) fo:
the purpose u' grenteis aid to the ex-
tent o: Twenty Thous u.d Do1iol- , (420.
rem) to the St. Mary. and Weston Ont-
ario Company.
WI !Ea E.IS it la advisable that the
Corporation of the Township of 1ntonle
grant aid to The St. Marga and We.tern
U.a trio Railway to the extent of Twenty
Thousand Dcllara. Ii;_,),uu,r,)
AND WHEREAS in order thereee it
will bo necessary to issue debrntured of
the Cd1'poratlon of t' . Township of Os-
borne for 910 aunt u: Twenty Thousand
Dollora, ($20,000) as hereinafter pro-
vided, which le the amount of the debt
intended to be created by t his lty-La w,
the proceeds of the said debentured 10 be
appil:d to the said purpose and no other.
AND WHEREAS It 1s desirable to is-
sue the Bald deb -inures at on • time and
to stake the principal of the said debt
repayable by yearly sums during th_•
rcr:od of twenty years, being the curr••n-
cy or the said debetltures, Bald yearly
HUMS being of such respective amounts
that the aggregate amount payabli h:
each y(:ar for principal and eitereat in
respect or told debt, shall b.• a8 nearly
as poyelble equal to tin alnouee ao pay-
able in tach of tee Meer !Reelects years
of Reid period. as s" own in Schedule
A" hereto anlacird.
AND \%III:IIEAS the total amount re-
quired to b • r tlso.l annually b) a special
rate for paying the said debt and inter-
est 1+ the 80111 of h'ourte •n hundred and
seventy-one dollars and sixty-four cents
($1471.64) for the period of twenty
AND WHER EAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the Curpor-
atlo:n of the Tow;,s,itp of Uaborne 80-
rord.ug to the last revised Asse8Brnent
(toll Is -2,1 1 8,f 7,e.ho
AND :WHEREAS the said Corporation
Ilan not now any debenture debt what-
AND WHERE.%$ the said Company
pro0o80 to elect, equlp and maintain a
Station and Freight Ilullding, Sidu:g and
Cattle yard/. fur the proper handling of
ptsmenger8, .epees and freight at the
roadway leading from the Post Office
0r Village known a8 \Vlnchol4ca to the
Post Office or Village known as Ellnt-
vjilc et some point as nearly as Peteible
equally distant from the Vlietgee of
\Vln,-hclsc,t and Manville.
ANI) WHEREAS the said Company
further agreed tilat they will el(''t, equip
and maintain a Station and Freight
building, Siding and Cattle 1 ,. le. :or
the proper handling of passengi re, ex-
press and freight, at the Boundary Line
hetwc(n th • Tow'ne!.tpe of 111 tnehard and
tjsbo:lle at sone. point as dearly as pos-
sible equally distant from t1 c Villages
of hit kton and Woodham.
AND WHEREAS the said Company
Cave fult.ur agreed that they wilt erect,
e luip and maintain a Station. Freight
Bu'Iding. Siding and (.talc Yards, for
the proper (handling of passengers. ex -
. ,111.1 ((tight at etu:nc p0jnt hn the
Village of Exeter.
ANI) WHEREAS the sale Company
propose to enter Into an agrertcnt with
the Corporation of the Towtisl 1p of Ca-
tionic to no erect and coestru''t said
stations, freight buildings, aidi, gs and
cattle yards, and for the completion of
the said road on or before ter first day
of December 1911, such agreene nt to be
entered cite within six ninths from the
date of t!ie final paeslug of this iny-few.
the SAN Company re-
quire that the said Corporation shall‘.
when the said agreement Is so executed
depualt the suns of Twenty thousand
dollars legit ltlU) to the Joint credit of
the said cotporatlon and the said The
St. Mary*. and \1'eetenl Ontario it ell -
way Company 111 a chartered Bank In
the Village of Euler, and *leo re.)ulre
the said Corporatlr ii to eater into an
Agreement with the said Company to
pay the maid auto of Twe nt)' feet m.o,d
dollars re20,00n) to the said Company
as follows. Five thousand dollars
($5,cl.ii1 thereof upon the completion of
tau survey of tee said railway from the
Town of St. Marys to the Town of San:-
lt. or to some other point on the St.
Clair ltiver or Lake Huron. the approval
Of the plans thereof by the Il0ard of
Railway ConlmleeteeerM, and the said
completion of the purchame or other ac-
a.1e1tion Of line hceessahy Bight of Way
from tee Town o7 St. Marys to the Vil-
lage of Rector Jive thousand dollars
(15,Uthn) open the completion of the grad
illg of the maid portio;l of the meld hall-
way; have thousand dollar+ (15,000)
talon the completion of the said grad-
ing aril o' the peynent by Tr•e St Marys
and Weatcrn Ontario Railway Company
of the steel and Bre to ha, used In (he
conatructlon of the whole of said road,
and the purchase or acquisition of the
remaining right of way for the remain-
ing portion of the *rad road , and the
rem.11nhlg Five thousand dollars (1:.,000)
imnnedlately after the said rallway Is
to operation betwrcn lee Town of et
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Nees' Tria.l...e, Timm. 2.00 Pa as
APRIL I, M NAY 1. 11 ANN 1,11, 2I
AMY IS, tt MN. 11, t4 $IPT. 7, 21
3.c.ai deo echo hen O.a,i. 'mise ie peisnpl
Nadtwve poorer
11%en es .ad nem. 11:00, (:,:m,ve.s ..d woos
N2 SIO 0..1 b CONN Ulm*
pad 1., rera,r8 ..16as 10 d.,.', e, tame dew.
ea , ,i e,,vnwss. Coslarealig benle. My eelsst•d
ver!, lvd.sss. cam be •..B .t aairr.r run awash
Incl 'feet
F tel,. application mutt be .node
As)t .Ort MOMrattatas' PAMPHLET
(eet..:e noes acid fa isesroai.s.
An: ► to wP MiTroLD Pea ATarawaTINA
ONLY ININCT ultt 110 CRAW! 01 (WM
W. .1 C\I(LiMU. Age:•t. lexE'?Ett.
arrived. -A large Louslgnntent of buggies
for ptinclpal and interest doting e front five of the leading firms of Ontario,
of the other yearn of MUCH p.:sod of In all the latest styles and design.. Any
t wt(;ty' )tar 8, as herclnaftel art forth. pei 3011 hneltdhlg buying will do well to
The Bald delentures soil bear interest look over our stock before purchasing:
at the ratu of Four per cent. per annum We will save you money by so doing. No
from the date of issue thereof, and (he trouble to show
Wu)..ald Interest shall -be payable yearly on good.. All iced. vehicles are
guaranteed. A call solicited. -TRE -
the day of the month which the debet- , vETI1ICK 4 110LGINS, Crediton, Ont.
truer are issued. the first of such In-'
atalments of lntereat to become due and Mr. and Mrs. Steinacher of Rostock
be paid one year atter the date of the moved here on Tuesday, They will
isnot of the sante, make this village their future home
0 During the currency of the said de- I and we extend to them a hearty wel-
benturee, there shalt be rained annually Conte. -Albert Mortock was in Toronto
'Monday on business. -Chas. Zwicker
by a special rate on all the rateable
;and Saul Brown, our seed merchants,
p1eysr1)1 in the said Corporation of the: have each purchased a machine to re -
Township of Osborne the sunt of Four- move buck -horn and other injurious
teed hundred and bt'VBlnty-Dire dollars seeds out of clover. The fact that
and sixty four cents, ($1,471.64) for i these Machines have been introduced
t'(0 purpose of paying the amount due in this neighborhood will be a boon to
in each of the said years for the prin-
rlpel arid Interest in respect of the said
debt, as bhow,l 1n Scncdule A" hereto
7 That it shall riot 0e necessary for
the purchaser or Intending purchaser of
the said debentures or any of them to
enquire 48 to the performance by the
said Rahway Company of any or all of
the conditions necessary under the pro-
visions of this 1,y -law to entitle the
Bald Company to payment 'of the said
looney or &ley part thereof.
8 That tide fly -law shall conte Into
:orcc and take effect on the day of the
final passing thereof.
9 Ttiat the votes of tut Electors of
the said Township of 1'8borme entitled
to vote on tine by-law be taken on Mon-
day, the Tweift:t day of April, 1909,
commeucing at trine o'clock 111 the fore-
noon and continuing until F1vc o'clo.k
in the aftcrove/a of tete sant: day at the
following places within the said Cor- the past week, -Edward Wurm has
poration of the Township of Laborite by been engaged by Chan. Zwicker to es-
te. followers Deputy Returning Otfi- shit him in the Feed cleaning business.
-Miss Nora Siebert of Dashwood vis-
ited ;Mae Della Brown last week. -
Our farmers are busy cooking maple
syrup. Although not very plentiful
the quality is fine.- Mrs. Wm. England
has returned from Sarnia, where she
spent the wintir with her son, W. T.,
and is looking wonderfully well. -Last
Friday night the ha.e-hall boys met
our farmers as they will now have the
assurance of being able to buy clean
seed for seeding putposea.-Albert
Cunningham has secured a situation
in Ailsa Craig and intends moving
there in a few weeks. -Our milliners
had their Spling Millinery Openings
on Monday and the parlors were
crowded with eager members of the
fair sex. The hats ore of wondrous
hues and size. Some of the men were
present on a tour of inspection and af-
ter they left they quietly looked at
their bank account to see if it could
stand the strain. -Wm. Sambrook has
been having some needed repairs done
to his house the past week, -Alonzo
Hudgins is ill from an attack of the
grippe. -The quarantine for scarlet
fever in the house of Daniel Mcl+sac
was lifted on Monday. -Miss Clara
ilaiet has been visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Sam Sweitzer of Shipka for a few days
cera, -
Polling subdivision No. 1, Township
:fall. Ellruville, Sidney Andrews, D. It
J., eleoige. Kellett, Poll Clerk, No 2, Lot
et, North Tramiel; (road, John W. !tor-
,rey, D. it U., Daniel Dew, Pull Clerk:
.to. 3, S 1-2 Lot 3, Con. 1'), Laborite,
:.10111/8 Waa..uutrl, D. It O., laugh Bar-
y, fell Clel1; , '4u, 4, Public Hall, Far -
lunar, John Duncan, Jr., le It. 0., Silas in the Fire Hall for their annual meet-
1;.1i,r, Poil (2hir,!. ing. A g.od nuulbe'r were in attend -
it) That Seturd.ty, tet Third day of ante.. The fall:swimz avers elected offs.
Idol, at Twu o'ciuck, p. 19 shall i'ers: Hon. Pr. s.. Ilv. Either, M.P.P.;
00 he day t d and the Clt'r office Manager. y Clerk'a o q c In k r. W. R. Webal el ; Asb't Mane -
la tp Fail fit due Yragu of ger, V.
H. James. A discussion took
liil.nlvllle, shall be the place where the place ae to whether the local team
to vc 8!(111 ((!tend to appoint persons would Join a league this coming sea -
.0 attend at the various polling places son and the !!latter was finally left in
.tto.eaal.f, 11111 at the final summing up the hands of the manager,. Ed.
or the votes by the clerk on behalf of %Vurrn ryas elected Captain and we
p,rsuns luterc,t_d 1n promoting or op- feel seli'ftrd our buys will continue to
pu.tng the passage of this By-law re- play hall as }rend this year as in the
Bpeet(veIy. , peat.
11 Trier tee Clerk of the Corporation'
U. the said Township of Uaborne stall! DASIIWOOD
.11 ti at las offtre In the Bald village Alia. tie Guenther of the Exeter
o Ellnlvltic at Nine o'clock a. rt, , orr M- t opolttan Ilo:el Is visiting here at 1.er
^u adey. the 13th Day of April, 1909, 1 :tome for 801110 time.
to aunt up the number of votes given for The annual business meeting of the
'ill against Oda i!y-yaw. ; Evangelical .hunch will take place to -day
111e particulars of which will be given
fe OT ICE next week. -Mr, Sam. !leaver had the
Tee above is a tt ue copy 01 (((1 pro- misfortune to badly sprain his ankle one
;wed iny-law which has been taken
Lett week, and as a cunsequcnve he
:1110 c0uaidcrattou and width will be will be laid up for 901(10 tl,ne.-Mr. Ed.
(anally passed by the Cou::cll of the \\ illert lett on Monday for Edmonton
Corporation of the Township of UsLorne(0 he ezp'•cte to g. t work. He was
!n the event of the assent of the Elect-
ors being obtal,ted ther.tu, after one t!1'Sau,blc
month from the fleet puUlcatiun Ir: the ,I
a 1:. 1'. ll111' tart contplinlentary ad-
d-So (1,y all recital
• w,m p:c,c„ted w•tlh a
dreae by the Adult Bible Clans of Northd
street church. Mr. Paulin 1108 been the
preeldeet of the class and ha8 pone a
great deal toward bringing It up to Its
present condition of auceesa. Another a
therm was presented to elin on Wedgies.d.ty evening by the officials of the quar-
terly board. Mr. Paulin and family are
going west.-Godcrle•h Star.
Death of Charles 1Iarticlb.-Mr. Chas,
llartlelb, Sr., peened away on Tuesday
of last week at the advanced age of
over eighty-two )ears. lie had been con
fined to the house fora long time, and
beetdes h1s other Illness was completely
Ite was one of our oldest and a
hlgely respected resident. In early life
he taught school and he was always
1909 071.04 atm on 1471.64 bright along (boat lines. He is survived
1,111) 099.36 77:t 25 1471.61 by his aged partner, five eons and two
!9l 1 726.18 745 10 1471.01 d.tutih1r Is. The fuieral was conducted
1912 755.49 716 16 1471.41 on Friday afternoon by Rev. L. K. Eldt,
191:1 785.72 68592 1471.04 lnternu•nt !being trade In the Bronson
1914 817.10 654 48 1471.64 Ilene cemetery,
1915 840,88 921 70 147164 Marded. -On Wednesday evening Mr.
1916 883.94 587 80 1471.04 Clarcnre Kellermann took unto
1917 910.16 552 48 1171.84 a helpmate In the person of Miss Lou-
1918 955.92 515 72 1471.64 villa Ehlers, ;second daughter of Mr.
1019 901.20 477 44 1471.64 John Ehlers of the 14th concession.
1920 103.1.90 437 08 1471.44 The knot was 80 urcly tied by Rev. L.
1921 1075,32 89032 1471.01 K. Eldt In the presence of a large gath-
1922 1118.32 353 32 1471.64 ering of relatives and friends, the cere-
1923 1163.04 308 60 1411.64 atony taking place at the hoax of the
1924 1206.56 262 08 1471.64 'trr1de's sister, Mrs. Richard Baker. The
1925 1257.06 213 68 1471.84 tet. nlony over and congratulations ex -
1926 1308.28 163 36 1411.04 tended all partook of a most sumptuous
19J7 1360.60 111 04 1471.64 supper and a pleasant evening was spent
1929 1415,12 56 52 1471.64 by all. The young couple will settle
Exeter Tines iewrpap_t, we ,icn first
publication was on tee 19(:1 day of
March, 1909, and at the hour, day aad
Places (lerelu fixed for taking the votes
of the Elcc•tore, a poll wit: be Mid.
Dated at Lubun1a 9114 1•'1f:tenth day
or March, 19e9,
clerk of the Corporation of the Towle
elite of Uaborn C.
Schedule A" referred to 111 the an -
:weed ily-Law No, , show-
ing flow tilt amount of $1471.04 there-
by required to be raised annually by
special rate is apportioned.
Year Principal Ii tcrest Total
ew Spring Goods
arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and
MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown
Come and see our new goods before purchasing
New Dress Goods Our stock is complete
with the most stylish
fabrics, consisting of Striped Suiting., Berges, Panamas,
Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustre., Batine Cloths, Voiles,
Olispine Cloths. kc., &c.
Ladies' New White Wear
- Shirt Waits, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, &c., &c.
New Wash Goods New Prints, Ging-
bams, Linens, Fancy
Vesting*, Muslin', Linen Suiting' -THE VERY LATBST-
Shittings, kc., kc.
Men's Spring Suiting. Juvt
the ri stat
and Lament Assortment of Fanny Suitingn ever .hown in
Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. (fall and sten
them before you purchase your Spring Suit. Price). R1011T
Ideal Woven Wire Fencing
All parties intending to purchase wire for feneir•tr will do
well to give un a call. Sole agent" for the wtx.ve fencing,
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce
s. t. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria. Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Ilolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131A
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Paintingis not an expense. Like fire insur-
ance, painting is a profitable and necessary
investment. Your buildings may not burn
but they certainly will deteriorate rapidly if
not protected by good paint.
tamed on yotu buildings every five oe six years will completely seal the wood
against the weather, and the dam pnw will not pd tato the wood, turn-
ing it soggy to be split and sacked by the sun and frost. Theaconsider the
=decal estate value that well painted bulldings have compared with un-
S W.P.b a ITh se paint oust
made of the bed materials in right
ground (not mixed)
machinery. The S -W.
agent fn your locality has a fun
stock of paints, varnishes, stains
and enamels foe every pt pose.
Ask Mm for color catch. Wrde
us for booklet, B-60.
o ssa? M.OT are Var•NU
✓ ,r res 84ssas.
..ewrwswt vrestrsr
mhten. UP
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1865
Capital (paid up) $3,500,000
Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000
Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
Mall Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLIN°, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
down to the stern realities of ilfe on the Journey over life's sea.
homestead farts. We extend our heart- it ie hinted that there to another
test congratulations to the young couple wedding title week but we cannot vowel
and hope they may have a very pleasant for the truth of the report.
Agency for
We have secured the agency for the celebrated
Parnell Bread. manufactured in London, and are pre-
pared to supply customers.
Received Daily : Try This Bread
It Cannot Be Beaten !
Wilson Bros.
PHONE 58 •-- Next Barak Commerce
The undersigned have secured control
and can easily be broken.
Alberta S ,
Farm Lands I
of the finest block of
land is all level prairie
...Don't Miss This Chance...
if you a.te thinking of going West, come and talk it over. Our
prices are right. Land sold to suit porrharers in sections or larger
blocks with privilege of selection. This land will not be on the mar-
ket for long,
We have privets car attached to regular trains leaving Toronto and
London first Tuesday of each month, starting Oth of April. For fur-
ther particulars appy to
Owing to changing c.rndition'the train will leave on the 20th instead of the/th
John Charlton, Exeter, AgeFair & Allison,