HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 3USING PURGATIVES FIRST ELECTRIC LIGiHT. INJURES TIIE HEALTII Six Are Lamps at Old Gaiety Theatre Startled Strand. 1 /tf John Ilollingshead was the first to th3 Cpriug a Tcnio is Nted d dun. It 1878 he installed six ara matt to use electric light in Lun- B11t Not Harsh, Drastic lamps at the old Gaiety Theatre and startled the Strand. The price -- •• cf gas shares tell immediately. The cost of the lamps was $200 a week, and he ran them ler nine months. An attempt to plant one inside the theatre at the foot of the grand staircase A•as a failure. The wo- men objected to the fierceness of the light. One of thein for instance, "pretended to ho very anxious that the secret of her 'loft complexion should not be discovered." Prof. Erasmus Wilson said of electric light at the Lino:—"With regard to the electric light, much has been said for and against it; but I think I may say, without fear of contra- diction, that when the Paris Exhi- bition closes the electric light will close with it and very little more will bo heard about it." Mr. Ilol- lingshead, by the way, had fitted his euro. "And have been section up the Gaiety as early as 1869 with man here for ten years. For five an electric searchlight, which years I suffered from kidney dis- dashed tho length of the Strand. Baso and rheumatism, also sciatica in my right hip, which descended to my feet. For four months I could not work. Reading of cures by I)odd's Kidney Pills led me to try them. I used nine boxes in all and to -day I am advising all who suf- fer fro►n rheumatism to use Dodd's Moorish Battles. Kidney Pills." Rheumatism and sciatica are In an entertaining article on the caused by diseased kidneys failing Spaniard's shorn for the foreigner to strain the uric acid out of the A spring medicine is rep actual nccoasity to most people. Nature dementia it as an aid in carrying oft the impurities that have accu- mulated in the blood during the in- door life of winter months. But unfortunately thousands of people who recognize the necessity for a spring medicine do not :now what is best to take and dose themselves with harsh griping purgatives. This is a. serieua mistake. Ask any doctor and be will tell you that the use of purgative medicine weakens the system but docs not cure dis- eases. Ift the spring tho system needs building up—purgatives can- not do this; they weaken you still more. The blood should bo made rich, rod and pure—no purgative can do this. What is needed in the spring is a tonic, and the best tonic medical science has yet dis- covered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pils. Every dose of this medicine actu- ally makes now, rich blood. This new blood strengthens every or- gan, every nerve, and every part of the body. This is why they cure headaches and backaches. rheuma- tism and neuralgia, and a host of other troubles that come from poor watery blood. That is why men and his little indulgence in interna blood. Cure the Kidneys with and women who take Dr. �1 ililams tional marriages, attention has Dodd's Kidney Pills and they will interne - Pink Pills eat well, sleep well, and been drawn to the curious fact that strain tho uric acid out of the feel bright, active and strong. 1f in the days when the Spaniards blood. Then you can't have rheu- you need a medicine this spring warred against their conquerors, matism. try this great reviving tonin, and see the uew life, new health and new strength it will put into you. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. He is Back At Work Again Abraham Garand's Rheum- atism cured by Dodd's Kidney Pill. He suffered for Five years and was Four Months ort work, but Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured HIM. Alfred Station, Ont., Mar. 29 (Special).—After being laid orf work for four moaths by kidney disease and rheuaatisur, from which be had been a sufferer fur five years, Abraham Garand, a section man on the railway here, is back at work again and he gives all the credit for his cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I aria forty-one years old," Mr. Garanti said, when asked about But he soon withdrew that for fear of scaring horses. NOBILITY O1•' SPAIN. Titles Easily Acquired in Days of WEDDING SUPERSTITION. Bride Believes Waxing Moon Will Bring Happiness. In spite of all her sound good tense, a German girl cherishes cer- tain superstitions which she likes to observe on her wedding day. For instance, the moon must be increas- ing, neither at the full nor on the wane, for a waning moon foretells that marriage, love and luck will the llloors, it was the custom of the Spanish kings to confer heredi- tary nobility on the population, en masse, which had made notably ex- -t - NOT SO DULL. Johnny was n dull sort of lad, and cellent stands against tho conquer- his father could make nothing of ing Moslems. As a result of this him, so ho determined he would rather ec.,entric course of conduct, send hint away to his uncle in the it is not surprising that down to country, who, he thought, would be this day every Spaniard believes sure to sharpen hien up a bit. himself descended from the nobil- Johnny arrived in dice course, ity. and was shown all over the faun I, y • his uncle who lost no time in scalded cal foot while impressing on his mind the netts says:—"I Y iwtreelAiraciria,,ete,r E Showing the Newest Spring Models in dainty hats to suit every age from " tot" to marten. Yot' can buy from the McKendry catalog in perfect confidence that our millinery experts, second to none in America, will suit you as perfectly as if you bought your hat in person in our store. We give first attention to Mail Order business. Write for catalog to -day. McKENDRYS LIMITED '226:428 Yonde St. TORONTO f "THE HOME OF THE HAT BEAUTIFUL" AMErianlarlinallganlig ss sae. MAX1MU FROM MEXICO. There's no gain without pain. To the hungry no bread is dry. Ho who has little nas little to fear. Flies cannot enter a closed mouth. No evil will years. A cat in gloves will never catch rats. A book that is shut slakes no scholar. A frugal rich father and a spend- thrift son. He who never ventures will never cross the sea. A tongue may inflict a deeper wound than a sword. \I-:GLECTED SCALD CAUSED MONTHS Or AGONY. Spent Dollars in Vain, but 'Lam- Buk Cured Her. Following we give the testimony of a lady who if she had known of Zani-Buk earlier would have beer: raved nine weeks of agony: Mrs. Frederick Bryant, of 169 Railway Avenue, Stratford, Ont-, endure a hundred ELEEPLESS LITTLE BABIES sity of wearing old things out first preparing supper. Next day the ARE S1.CKLY BABIES before commencing on anything skin came off and my foot was in new. a serious condition. I could not When babies are restless, sleep- Johnny scorned to take it all in hear_ ear my shoo and had to lay up less and cross it is the surest pus- very quietly, and the next morn for nine weeks. During this time Bible sign that they aro not well. ing the following conversation took I used dozens of settee, but none %fell babies sleep soundly and wake !,lace: did any good, in fact the wound up brightly. Sleeplessness is gen- "Now, Johnny," said his uncle, developed into a running sore. 1 d • 1 from the dwind'c, while a full moon denotes erally duo to some ailment of the "when yo'i have finished your got no rest ay or mg tut stat'onary luck at the best, stomach or bowels, or cutting breakfast I want you to go down to fain. At this point a supply of but a waxing marriage moon will, teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own the meadow and bring one of the; Yam-Buk was obtained and a few bring an increase of nuptial hap- Tablets will put the little one right. two horses 1 showed you yester- applications had inunediate effect ppiness, health and prosperity, says and givo it sound, natural sleep. day." ; in soothing the pain and irritation. Wom in's Life. Mrs. Jos. Cloned, St. Evariste, "yes, uncle," said Johnny ; ' A small supply proved sufficient to Neither will any. German bride Que., says: "I have found Baby's "which am I to bring—the old one h" -al the scald, although I had I 1r► spent dollars in other remedies. cf whatever rank, wear pearls, for Own Tablets a splendid medicine she firmly believes in the forbidden for constipation and stomach old adage, "The more pearls a wo- man wears upon her wedding day, Cie more tears she sheds in after life," In the Fatherland, too, if it rains upon the bridal day, tho bride will wisely look upon the best side of the matter, and regard the glistening raindrops—not as her English sister does—as prophetic of tea's, but "showers of blessing;" vohhle if she weeps at her marriage, she laughs after, saying she has spent Iicr tears beforehand, so that she Dill have none to shed in her new house, A (:RFtT ort ,e new one "Now, Johnny," said the uncle, I New skin has now formed nicely• the coca sero. troubles. I give thorn to my little with a twinkle in his eye, "whati •'Zam-Bilk is the most wonder girl and they keep her lively and did I tell you yesterday How soon fol and effective remedy I have well." Sold by medicine dealers you forget! Why, bring the old advise others to use of by snail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "What are you doing here 1" said the woman to the trartlp, who had got over the wall just in time to escape the hull -dug. "Madam," he said with dignity, "I did intend to arising from derangement of the but all digestive system, .t trial of Parini - request somethin' to rat ; I ask now is that, in the interest lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend - of humanity, you'll feed that dog." ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will, be another customer for this ex- cellent medicine. So effective is three mean to delicate woren--I have their action that many cures Pau the Most Popular. been d' -our; ed too; but 1^arned how to certaltlly be traced to their use Amon nll the great railways in a"r( rnyscu. Amongg dens. t1't. note P one of course. Always wear the: !'sem' old ones out, first." i 1t There is nothing to equal Oh, well, if that's it,"said' Zam- Johnny, "hadn't you better go and Buk as a family balin. Its uses are stitch lnui 1'' 10 wide. It has been proved a sure cure for eczema, ring -worm, ulcers, Trial is Inexpensive.—To those abscesses, piles, bad leg, suppurat- who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- ing wounds, cuts, bruises, chapped tion, rheumatism or any ailment !lands, cold cracks, and all skin in- ENGf,tSi1 «.tif,w.tf. A Woman's Sympathy Are you dlicoutaged? 1d your doctor's London and ort hue'tern i, One of bill a heavy financial I•oa,t? Is your pain O. host' physical burden? I know what Want to re D.% )our bur- where other pills have proved Lu- nd tin stn and flop lbs England the London and Nettle seaters bill? I can do this fur you and CIICCLItC. wlq If you n -III assist me. western stands out as one of the All po, aced do t� to write fora free best managed. safest and sweet hest b('% of tr'^ rerne.ly wh1.h 11.1s been �placcS; The largest serpent ever measur- tn my ban 1� to ba glen awey� I ether's ed was J7 feet leng, and it took two 'I that tight little isle.n It h 1 e eo Tal weave Ili a l e ttrls one buz w'I cure )n.t— ne r un Trasellers from dire side of the for others. if sn, 1 stead he harpy and horso9 to drag it. 11 1 cured tar 2c (the cost of a fou w ,a water aro lnndal in Litcrpoo{ right netnge semi)• T.,str lee( held .onn- alongside tile commodious and con- Sentt.tl♦ Write tn•.lse for n,v free. ire.t- ]111t3. 1•' E t.UItliA1L Windsor, Oat. venient Itiverslde Station of this i -- — railway, where, without any extra` Mistress --"Sarah Jane, what has cost for transfer of luggage, and happened l" `; lr th Jane "Oh Bacot Repeat tt: - "ShI1oh's Out'• will always • with the utmost facility and de- mt I've fallen (1,,aii the stairs 'patch, and without leaving cover, and broken my ueek." lienees they can take tho train for any,(ftrmly)—"11'ell, whatever you've art of the United Kingdom. i broken will be deducted from )our part corridor trains, three or wages:, four if necessary'. for London, are! —__ - cure oar cough• and colds. ` Manv a pianhas lost his geed name by having it engraved on the bandit of his umbrella. Wo Meet as from heated rooms to the entj cuter air. anal the .-hence Kir n, cooyhing. ('nr• Ini; winter c,I.H Is not !tial 1f )ou take Allen's Lun1t Raisin. A oeglecteJ cold 1s $r.,ublewne and d eruua ani alit:la s Irl waiting on the arrival of se furs son tet the sln4 you hate sown.. n'ti• ----- the great steamships, that there -The It A 1.- heath .1 t•ra,ter. I .r rhea:,i .t urn• TERiRIBLY SHOCKED. b delays h t T l '` ne,arai is etc., nthing is better. Male only by may C C aye w a flier. lege Uarlel !AMC' C.,1311001.'•Ever get shocked by talking over trains arree models of cxcelleno and convenience, and have luxuri- ` Experience is a great teacher it "Only once. I called my wife Juries and diseases. ltubbe into the part affected it. cures rheu- matism, sciatica, neuralgia, etc. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. per box, or post tree from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. in tho United States there are thirty towns or villages named Ber- lin, twenty-one named Hamburg, twenty-three named Paris, and thir- teen named Loudon. Holloway's Corn Cure is a speci- fic for the removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its failing to remove the worstkind. Some men manage to dodge enough work to keep a dozen peo- ple busy. Repeat tt•—"11h1lob's Our• will always curs my coughs and Colitis." Lieut. -Gen. Baden Powell is about to undertake an extensive tote in South America (hated to the eons t A teasppnnnnful nt Pats. killer In a run of h -1 water sweetewe.t w11I *trod a telephone w ire during a storm 1'' ) u an•i ,icer a e •1•1. .1..,i.I.nhetil .ins, there 11 bat cane " 1'1'inklller --Perry Davis' -t)c and SCC. cos dining caro attached, general -1 teaches its hue to snake ether kinds tip while she was housecleaning to ly two on each train. where most of mistakes. say that I'd bring a friend to din - excellent meals ale well served at - -_ - 1 priers.The coaches ner." re:tsunAlr o Repeat 1t - "fihtlnh'e Cure will always are kept very clean. and are well hnn(t, and as the roadbeds is rine ef the best in England. there is tory little vibration, et en when tiaselling at sixty to seventy miles pear hour. .ltl Canadians will make no mis- take in seeing that thea nre honked vii the Lc•n<lon and Northwestern ale aye. "That man will never forget his first and onlw love." "And who may that he 1" "Ilinhself." cure my coughs and colds. 1111Y IIE LEFT. "I can't keep the tisitors from corning up," said the office hoy de- jectedly. "When I say you're out they don't believe Inc.'' "Well," said the editor, "just tell than that's what they all say. I don't care if you chock them, but I must have quietness." That afternoon there called at the office n lady with hard features and an acid expression. She want- - c(i to see the editor, and the boy In Fie'dr Far Off.--T1r. Thomas' assured her that it was impossible. But I must 'ee hirn, she pro• role• trio Oil is known in Australia' tested!, "I'm his wife." South and Central America at well "That's what they all say, as in Canada and the faired lied the bol States. and its consumpt,:n in• plied new boyy is wanted there. crease: each acne It Ilea mate its own way, and all that nerds to be done is to krep its 1131•e 1•ef. rd' the, As the result of excess of births public r'one knows that i! is orer death., Germany's population t•- 1.4 1 - ' :'t any store. fer s:! n.er- in( rease• At the rate of about 000,- c:vt.its kc':p it. ,000 a year. re - Georgie --"That ink that papa writes with isn't indelible ink, is it. n:other 7" Mot hei -- "No." '•1'nt glad of that." "Why 1" "1'‘e spilt it all over the carpet." t i ',' K 1 D -N E Y, ..tji *PI LLS (, i �,5, it-$ `K1DNE_,;; f�d,; stD I A • E DS'� isK A, N . nut M cast ,;� Bei*e stare sell 0'1 iI. \ U :1S 11' MUST 131;. Hostess—"And so you really be- lieve the moon is inhabited, profes- ser1" Professor --"Not necessarily. 11.1a - dam. Hut there is it moon ill whirl' there must be a man and n wo- man." Hostess --"I beg pardon 1•' Professor—"I refer to the honey moon." Pale, sickly children should Ilse Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Worms are one of the princi- pal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system. ''What would you do if T were t( offer you work t" "it 'cad be all rght. Mister," answered Meander- ing .Mike; "I kin take a joke as well a • anybody !•' Repeat it; lhtloh's Ours will always curetny (toughs and colds." :1 fut.) and his father's money are 1 't E \O. 13-09 easily separated. ENGLISH SHOPPING. Toronto "Truth" says: We. had :to idea how easy and convenient it was to shop in England, until we made a trial of it recently with that old and reliable fir►n of Wal- pole Brothers, (established in 1766), 89 and 90 New Bond Street, London W. They also have shops at 108 and 110 High St., Kensing- ton W., 6 Onslow Place, South Kensington and 182 Sloano Street, Hyde Park. End. London, England. In 44 Bedford St., Belfast, and 8, a and 10 Suffolk St., Dublin, Ire- land, they also hive large retail stores. In Waringtown, County Down, and at 2 and 4 Clarence St., Belfast, Ireland, their great factories are situated, which sup- ply their enormous retail trade. They manufacture Irish table da- ntask, household and family linens, cambric handkerchiefs, quilts and counterpanes, blankets and flan- nels, carriage and travelling rug', Muslin and lace curtains, ladies' and infants' hosiery of every de- scription. This firm has the high- est reputation for honorable deal- ing, and any person wishing to purchase any of their gcods, may de so by correspondence, and may rely absolutely on their representa- tions regarding the quality as well as the prices of their products. The facilities afforded by the par- cel post, and express company at rangenhents between England ac(1 Canada render it perfectly safe and easy to order directly from this house. A catalogue will be mailed to any address on request to the New Bond St. shop, London, England. There is a 1•rig'tt future before the small boy who, when asked why he had not gone to school on the previous day, replied that he had read in books t plat great and suc- cessful men usually started life without educational advantages, and that he was giving the thing, a trial. Repeat it:- "Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and Colds•" "Cheer up, old man 4" said a man to a friend who had been ig- nominiously dismissed by She, fa- ther of his adored one. "Love laughs at locksmiths." "Yea, 1 know," replied the dejected suitor. "But her father isn't a locksmith; he's a gunsmith!" "A (:nand Medicine" is the en- comium often passed on Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, and waren the results from its use are consid- ered, as borne out by many per- sons who have employed it in stop- ping eoughs and eradicating colds, it. is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it liar no equal as a ready remedy-. If you have not tried it, do so at once. The 11•idower—"Thirty-five is the most charming age in woman.The Bachelor—"Y• it'rc right. It's hard to get array from a woman of that age.rr Re ssasoasbts Man etpe.-l• t^ care a ogle•fed eebl in s oy. Bat tune an•I Allen's Long Ftal,am .111 nre:,'ome the cold an•t et t.e oR c-•nsumptlon. (•oudb will cease end lungs boo sound as a sew • dollar. Mescow churches has at least 1,800 1.11111 CA VES Raise Tatt-�o. m y+etVith(„res.ut L J Mitk, Steel* Orla.-a Seal Ce., LPL, Toronto Tw•e:ity-five Post Cards assorted, landscapes. flowery. stews, comics, etc.( !or ten cents. NORMAN P11111., London, Ont; CFNTRAL SASHATCHBiVA?f LANDS broken, leased and sold \tete y.nrr land pro 11uetire, 'atnsble, saleab'e. V•. ca.h required First crop pays all expense,. Write for plan. W. 11. MANCLIES IKIt, Saskatoon. We have prerarod a oiroular renting an unbiased opirton on the different Mining prof-rtl63 of Cobalt, and wl'I bl glad to mail a o)py tree on request. J. L. MITC%-E LL & CO., McKinnon Building, Toronto Member, SLuul:rrt! ti•"rk Ex:Lange. 200,000 WI t LIAMS OTrAWs£RnY PL; II TS the fam-.us commercial harry. Alan 'enator Dunlop, nrasdywine, Cardinal and >lichui i Early. Write now Inc Information and prices. S. 11. It11 TEN DOUSE, Jordan Harlin, Ont. BRITISH EIGHTEENTH I3:ES AN) WITHROW TOU.� EUR11PE. ILLUSTfATEO PROGRAM 244 JARVIS STREET, TOf O 4TO. WE WILL SHOW YOU now .93 testa, $10, $:,0 earns $100. How Alaska Placer Mines have produced millions. Booklet free, fiend for it. 11111)1)) N BORG & CO., Marion Block, :.; 1 ?' . 11'a0h. Fire - Proof RUM 0 O n al'ECIALTY,y itt.tkosipe aISI.1h ti•.11,;.•-n•a.-eto•W.fxa tireprool c..n'tructi .n. - . • t w ill It •t 1.e excer sire. we render lust t:,Is ecr.Ice. 51 rite ,,,your roil cat limit ami f •r et this kill- the Idly curl •u0 we will mill yon a 1, k o1 np...nls o1 VP of our 1:,1.1 design' beet .,rl•••1 t . ).,or needs and g su intee emit of bull•tios fireproof will ,r4 ex. -en 1 r ,-t .f ordinary tenet r uc t her. by rr ore tha e 15X 1• the safet of your family. pletd.e• jewels, books, etc , worth it? Hissing in ineurrnce pay s tL i$ KEITH CO., Architects, 1842 ilennepin Are, Minnoapohs, 81 a n Also Associate Architects in N. V. C. "Yon seem quite fond of soup," remarked a landlady to a boarder who had consumed three platefuls. "No, not very," was the reply. ".The fact is, my physician r(:ct•ni- niend,•d me the hot-water cure." Repeat ft:--' Shiloh's Cure w111 always cure my coughs and (olds." Mr. Dyer --"Where is the bar- gain counter 1" The shopwalker--- "Tl,ere are seteral, sir. What ars you looking fort" Mr. Dyer—"I'm 'coking for my wife." These Pills ('urc Rheumatism.-- Tn the many who suffer from rhea- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidney's and by regulat- ing the action of these organs net as an alternatist' in preventing the admixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to directions and used atgadily and they will speedily give evidence et their benefr( sal effeeta. MIAIT1/11t IAlTIO POST CAR I Cr•.e•e• Aasels, Ra5M1, etc sad your name it, vitt on *act 1.•r $$ O Norman P..: '1 f t Co , t.••ndoo, OBS FURS°TIDES Writ* for W••ttly Primo Lists. Shipments S.tislt•de JOHN HALLAM • TORONTO, ONT. USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and io thousands of homes where a piano d dit inctite merit is appreciated. T?le Bell is the ally, piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action. Bend for (free) Catalogue No. 75. gaud; rno%Organ Go.. 1r(71.:ULPH .ONTARIO.