Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-01, Page 175c to JAN. '10 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as aboye stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1909. Wedding Invitations in Newest Type On Best I'a tet s Tit' Finest \\'Olk Anti Richt Prices The Advocate Office,' Exeter SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable —Jr WHITEWEAR This week brings us again to the whitewcar, which has opened out to year without a doubt, better styles and corset covers, drawers and gowns than \VII 1TE NJ. 1•&0-1t, white Indian linea lawn trimmed with embroidery and valenclem:e lace, made In new style, with long sleeve Sizes 32 to 40 I'rlce 3.50 NO 800.—in white lawn, with heavy embroidery front, trimmed with val.lace and insertion. Extra value. Sizes 34 to 40. Price 2.50. NO. tiOO.—In fine linear laws with em- aroldery front, tucked, sleeve and back, trimmed with val. lace. and Insertion. 31:03 84 to 88. Price 8.00. WHITE Our Whn' .s are made to sell; have a doul ince and dust frill— NO. 38u—A beautiful lace skirt, trim- med with clung lace and Insertion and extra deep flounce at $3.75. NO. 357.—A very fine cambric skirt, trimmed with es1b. and insertion, at $3. NJ. 365.—Our embroidered skirt in length 38-40 42, nicely tucked between rows of embro. insertion, finished with an embroidery Lull at $4.50. We invite you to come in and have a ed over, as we are showing and yelling HEADQUARTERS FOR WHITEWEAR time for opening up and marking off our Jur entire satisfaction. We have this better qualities in white waists, skirts, we have shown for years. WAISTS NO. 035—In fine white lawn, trimmed with embroidery, insertion and val.lace. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.50. NO. 889.—In white lawn, trinnme dwith lace and insertion, wide shoulder effect long sleeve. Size 34 to40. Price 2.25. NO. 87o. --Inn white lawn, nicely tucked and trimmed. Extra value. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.25. NO. 866.—In white lawn, trimmed with embroidery, insertion and val. lace. A pertect fitting waist. Sizes 32 to 40. Price $1.00. SKIRTS wear and give satletacttotr. They all two points ladies are all looking for. NO. 353.—In a fine cambric with air eyelet entbro flounce at $2.73. Our 2.25, 1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 In lace and entbro. finish are extra values. Our ladles' gown int O. S. trimmed with lace ctrl embroidery. E-tra value. 50c. to $1._5. Corset Covers in Sine cambric, trim- med and finished with lace and cmbro. All sizes. Prices 35c., 50c.. 75. look through our stock, before It 1s pick - these goods every day. THE ASTORiA SHOE. CARLING BROS. 000C0C'G'000C0'�0e9:504e'��0e' Discount Sale In order to reduce our stock we will give a discount of ,., .•. 10 : per : cent on all DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES for the ... ... Next 30 Days —We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries— R. N. ROWE PITON E 22 — ONE DOOR NORTIL OF POST -OFFICE — 1'\ ul 004000400000000410000,241100. re.N...lewal Cards. Dia, O. BOUTATON, L. D. S., D. D. DT Ilewber of the R.. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Roaor elSduat• of Toeoeto University. O11106: Over Dickson It Carling'. law Office, 1a 101, £sdersoe's former Dental Parlors. aDR. A. R. 81NSMAN, I. D. 8., D. D, S.' Uonor graduate of Toronto Unireriety. DENTIST, 1.181 extracted without any pain, or any had effects Ole. oyer Oldman e' 8tarieury's ofTlce, Main street Insist. Medical R BRIGHT, M. 0., M. C. P. A 8. 110Nolt 11m Graduate of Toronto University,Two year fMldent physician Ro el Alexandra Iaepitat, etc. Mow and Residence, iter. Amor 014 :±tend, Andrew • Street. SISTER. DR. T. P. DeLAU0IILiN Iles resumed pra•tlee after spendinit a year (Col. wite) at British and Continental Hwpitale. General tier w,th spe.•ial attention to Frye, (with tame- ) Ear, Nome and Throat. 0i11- e: Da.hrood, Ont. 1 Legal. DICatlON L CARLING, RARitISTERS, 8O1.1Ci ton, Notaries, ('ons -.al, ere, Commiationers lellclton for Menton. Bank, etc. Mosey to Loma at lowest ratesof Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. t. CaIW. B.A., 1. it. tcwws MOAST TO LOAN. As bees a large amount of yr:, a'e funds to loan • lam and village propert,ee . low rates of Intel M. (MADMAN & ST(NItl RT, Barrister,, 8oliciton.M.ln rt.. Setter On H.-8. PHILLIPS, ExaTER. Ltceesed Aectlose.r. We. attendee 1n all parte. Satisfaction guano• Med or no pay Terms reasonable. All order. lett at Advoeat.Ots:e will he promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Mploesa of Reyal imrrpnrated Society of IllaMetan . Iingland; Organist ef Trivitt Memorial Qarch,Rseter. Plano. c rgan, Harmony and Theory M Mus'', Terms on appli• ani, n Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Aequrance im Company.alto Fire lnenrence in lead- . g Canadian and British Companies, Main -St.. Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN A large nmou ;! of money to I oan on tarm a:•:d v111age properties at lowest rates E1(NEST F.I.1.T0T. Conveyancer. etc, Office opposite Cenrtrai hotel, Exeter. T$ CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • 8wxeseor to Da. R , Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Deaden Malo street, (opp. Trirltt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office—Dr. Ramsay's old stand ,comer of Main and North street., (opp. Pym'. Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER Wei. ANDERSON, l.fcc,.s, 1 Auf.tionecr for Huron County, Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at (1 e Advo•atc, Exeter. or Ilcnry Either's Office, Cred- iton. FARM FOR SALE 75 acres of the 1st col.. of 1llddulp'L. Lot 2, 1-4 stile fro,n Centralia . 65 ac. under cultivation, 10 ac. Rash pasture. There 1s a good two-story brie•k cottage barn 84 by Co. other buildings also. 3 good wells, 2 orchards; posecsalon at once. Apply on the prestress. TILOS. W. NEiL, DISSOLUTION Ole PARTNERSHIP We, the Decker Threshing Contpanv of this section of the County of Huron, do hereby give notice that we have this day dissolved the partnere!.Ip hitherto ex- isting under the name of said company. chits. Harvey, Pres., W. 11. Dearing, Sec. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Ffaving decided to go Into the Bus and f).ay ilusiness In E -.tet i have placed a new and up-to-date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station. and respectfully so• Ileit a fair phare of bualness of the travelling public. Calle at the office, phone 11A, cheerfully attended to \VM. AiRNULle i'rop. SEED BARLEY EOR SALE About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes. This is a new variety that has proven to possess a remarkable clean state straw .'zcelltng all other vartet.es. also gave the hlghtet yield of grain per acre of all the barley tested in 1907 at the O. \. C.. manchurta included. it has been without an exception tt,e most popular variety with tilt experimental u Ito: In tee province ever since the first distrib- ution In 1906 In two pound tots from the O. A. C. i'rice on a ppllration. JOIN ELI)E11. Hcresall I'. G. Lot 16. Cea. 2. Hay. WATER WORKS AGAIN DISCUSSED On 1 tiday cveiling the Exeter Council in special session, together with a num- ber of tee other citizens of town, read and discussed the report of Mr. Chip- man, the Toronto civil englr,ecr, regard- ing water works for this town. The re- port gave three estimates of tate pro- bable cost of the different systems. They were, $51,000 for a comphte system for domestic and fire purposes, 4311,000 for a complete system for fire only, and $27,000 for ,t fire system in which the stains extend only through the Main-st. In the discussion which followed the reading of the report the $51,000 scheme was immediately and unahihhoualy con- sidered impractical for Exeter, as the estimated cost was too high and the necesblty for domestic water too alight, because Exeter is well supplied with the best of water from wells. Tee system for complete fire protcctio;t was fully dis- cussed, but it wan generally consider- ed that the estimated costs in each case were too high. In the full fire system the estimates allowed for eight, six and four Inch mains being laid along Main atr.:et, wi.h branches back Huron, John OIdley and Station streets and Lake Road. It 1s behaved that the old mill p.oper.y at the river should be purchased and the dam rebuilt, a water -wheel and geso.ite engine installed to pump the water to a 100 -foot standpipe at or near the Town Hall. The standpipe Is toe the purpose of det.ln; a qui:k water supply with abundant pressure necessary fo: several minutes, then ea b: reinforced by water- and pressure from the et;gine or wale:wheel. Tills is consfd rid to br Stn Al tire fighting senetne. it tin. opin,uu of the expert, and be his opinion would coat $4000 for site, $600,) for machin- ery and $0400 for etnndplpe. The fur Lite, cost depends on the size and ex- tent of the mains. The coat of any one of these systems ha au cyo opener to many of the people of Exeter, but the town le up against the fact that some- thing must be done. The old tank .ys- tent 1s obsolete, and whatever is done should be dor,e with an eye to tee de- veeeasr n: and c•nlarg. hl nt of the syn au No detinet. decision was arrived at by the meeting. and the council 18" ;n the predicament of not knowing what to do. Every man in Usborne should bo In favor of the railway by-law. The man in front owes it to hintuelf and the back fellow. while the back fellow owes It to himself and his children. Vote for it. SHINGLES AND I'OSTS FOR SALE. A carload of red cedar shingles and posts for sale at \\'M. COULTIS', Muln St., Exeter. Sale Registers. Saturday, April 3rd.-llou.etiold Effects of Sirs. J. T. O'Brien, on Andrew St., near Foundry, at 2 o'clock. John OIIl, Auct. White Wyandottes Good Laying Strain. FOR SALE—Eggs for han.hins: let pen, $1 :4) for 13; 2nd pen, g1 00 for 13. Three setting. or more at reduced rates. Fins pcu ht•m1.+1 1.y a bird bred by .1. 8. Martin of Port Duvet; 2nd pen heeded by • real good bird of my own raising. Either pen needs no comment as 10 quality. All communications ans- wered promptly. Address (SIies. F. 1100PER, P.O. 11 .a 157 Ettter, Ont. Oldley 8t. SEEDS AND BULL FOR SALE. A quantity of seed barley an seed peas. also a registered yearling bull for sale. Apply to iRICHARD D. HUNTER, Lot 9, Con. 4, Usborne. Exeter P. O. IIOIJSE FOR SALE 1r1 eiccllent brt•-k li ruse, ntOdcrn and up-to-date. Situated on Main street. Apply at this Office, BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE First claire stand; doing good busi- ness : 111 hearth reason for selling. For term■ and particulars apply to A. E. Prat. Ezctcr, Ont. Application to Parliament An application war be made to tt.e Legislative Assembly of the ('rovince of Ontario at its next session by the Strat- ford & St. Joseph Radial Railway Com- pany for an Act extending the time for the commencement and for the comple- tion of the Connp.tlly.. rallway. J. U. \ INCENT, So.icltor for the Applicants Dated at Ottawa Ulla 24th day of Feb- ruary. A. 1). 1900. PROPERTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contain- ing tight rooms, with furnace, electric light and all modern conveniences. Hard .and soft water. Two lots, situated on Solders street, Exeter. Apply at Advo- -ate Office. IIOItSFMEN ATTENTION. The season for horse bills will be here. The Advo' ate 1e prepared a choice line of cuts and type for job. Remember we give you free soon with your from all charge a two -weeks' notice of the horse and route in The advocate wnb-h has the i.erge t err. ulation i.1 the d mulct, The notice itself is well worttthe price of the cards. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS The E.euPabl. Life Assurance See 17ty of the United States will he plrasxl to negotiate wi'h 8e' ooi Teachers throa3h- out the county o: Marcel to act as their ag'nts after school hours with a view to euppltmen'Itg their income and be - con) ng pern.anrntly 1{1110. I and wit,, the So 1-ty. To the proper parties a 'areal olds ,o„ ltact will b. offered. .\d - dress CC T. 011iesple, Manager, 24 King W. Toro..to. LADIES' SPITING 11E..D\\'EAR The spring hat snow is on again, and the show roosts of the local dealers in millinery are once more decked In fest- ive ,tray. The formal openings on Fri- day and Saturday last attracted many o: the fair sex who were anxious to see i`.ne displays and to get a first choice. The new styles are as usual of great v.it i.. ty and diversity. Most of theta are pretty enough to even attract the uncult- ured eye of man. Large crowns and 1 t1g_' hats prevail this season. Flowers are used in abundance, both, large and small, although the preference Is for the small. Small (tats, such as turbans, eelnt.as, eto., are very fashionable. An- other noticeable feature Is the preval- ence of ties and sashes. The advance lines of Paris models for the coming season have arrived, and show strongly the influence of the turbans that have been a marked feature of the latter half o: the winter season. Large Russian toques are very much in evidence for the spzeng suit hat and are made in flowers end heavy braids. Many of the hats Gave the large bowl crown of flowers winch conte almost to the brine. The jet turban holds the most conspicuous place :or the early spring. A popular trim- ming for the turban 1s the Antlnney which Is caught directly in front with an oat; er- ,1 n' Jet Quills are also used and are o_ .-.- '.Iephlato variety. Chif- -ons, tulles. matinee and crepes are all used. The long ties of Duchess and vel - .et t ibson are a very charming feature of the large that. The new colors are Taupe, Ashes of Inoses, Tuscan, Mogul .n•own, Gun Afetal and Westarla., \WHALEN Every man h: .excel. should be it Savor of the �l'-trlway by-law. Tho man ..1 front owes it to himself and the back allow. while the back fellow owes it to ,Lttaelf and hie children. Vote for it. Mies Pearl Short of White Oak visit- ed friends in and around here during tate past week.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parkinson visited over Sunday at the .tame of talc latter's mother, ptlor to :heir departure for Regina where they pu: nose making their future home—Mise L ly Stone returned home this week after t pleasant visit at the home of Mrs. John Hazelwood.—The Box Social was .e decided 'Success.. A large gathering ants present. The program was of fleet .rasa order, and the boxes sold as high AB $2.25. the Miss's Squires have,,• the highest boxes of the lot—Miss Ver c3tiutre8 has accepted the position organist, and kite singing of our eh• adds very mural to the volute of ',Lurch services.—The Messrs. Dick and Smith of Salntebury spent Sunk evening with friends here. WINTER (Composed by a I'ub11c School I'upil of Usborne, with only a few minuted of preparation.) Ott, Joy ; the winter Is here; For sleigh ride's we can go, In the air so cold and clear, over the frosty snow. Tare snow 1s so pure aid white. The. b•.11s are so sweetly ringing, The night is so warm and bright, That our voi .r,e just love to be singing. Ilut soon will we reach our home, And sorry we will not be, For the ruddy light of the f ire bright Will not bo unwcleome to see. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South Huron Notre is beret.) given that the hoard of License Commissioners for the License District of South Huron will meet at DIXON HOUSE, IN THE VILLAGE OF I3ItUCKFIELD —t)5 -- FRIDAY, APRIL Z31t1, 1001) AT 111 A. 31., for the purpose of cnneid. rink applications for Liquor Llttn.eo for the 1J0enee Year 11110.101. All persons interested will gmern themsehes ac. cordlbgly. JOIN TORRANCE, License Inspector. !Pat.,' at t'Briton on March 30th, 101A. There are no new applications for Licenses for the ensuing year. For the current year there were twenty•8.e tavern and two shop licen.es ietu .1 The total cumber of app•licatious for licenses for the ensuing year is nineteen tavern and one shop license. Any petition against granting License to any ap- plicant or premises must 1.e lodged with the under- signed at least four days before the meeting of the License hoard. J0115 TORRANCE, 1.1.enee !noise, tor for South lluron. Dated at Clinton thio 3° h of Mar. h, ENG. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implemlents. The undersigned Aug Dokter has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at 1,,t. 10. ('on, 1, Stephen, on TUEMI)AY, Ai'at1L I3th, 1009 at 1 o'clock sharp, the following ,aluable e►oT•ert:, fir HrntSF$- 1 mare G old, in foal to !leaden.4 M• Ibnelts grey horse. 1 (Iri, er, 10 years old; 1 drir• Inc mare, R y ran old, in foal; 1 gelding, coming 2 tear* • 1.1, by Roller; 1 gelding. rising 3 years old, by )frisker fernery.; t env ne ng 2 years old, by Buller. I•ATTI.F, 2renew edcrse, 1•-owdue to calve In April. 1 due In eal.e In May, 2 farrow cows, 3 heif- ers.4steers, 1.all ee. riIF.EI'--9 breed me ewes, PiGS - 5 store hop. I brood .nw to pig In April. 1'itt'I,TRY --?turkey hens end gobbler, about 76 rbkken isI'LEMraces. MeCc.notick binder, new; 1 new 51 ('otmnck mower.0 ft. rut: seed drill, cultivator. M littler. rano plow. 2 -furrow N'i.kina,n plow. 2 wattle,/ plow•. roller• waren, buggy. cutter, bob- sleighs, fanni•.g mill. sal2 sets Acuhle harness, eet .;rile harms■• rn•t yelper, set INamcnd har- rows, date harrow. pea harvester. 2 churns, sugar kettle, .,earn ..paratc r, nearly new ; hay ts, 5, a quantity of millet tend, 1n41., *Anyele, . Daine and other articles too sumeroua to mention. TERNS. -RI and under, rash; over that amount y HEAI/AN,1 HARDWARE de mo,ths'rrMit Oren en famishing apprnyeel Joint notes . 4 per cent. per anm.m r.R 1- r cs.h ov rre.tit USBORNE RAILWAY BY-LAW. To defeat the 13y -law in Usborne o11 Apr11 12th to a direct slap at the intel- ligence of the peopic of the townehlp. The good reople of Usborne should get out and vote on April l2th because your staying at hone Is a vote against the ray -law and a lasting black eyc to your township. Every man in Unborn° should be In favor of the railway by-law. The man In front owes 0 to himself and the back fellow, while the back fellow owes it to himself and his children. Vote for it. I)o you desire to have the township Of Usborne benefit to the amount of many thousands of dollars yearly by by hav- ing the proposed branch of the C. I'. It. run through your township If so vote In favor of the By-law on the 12th. That Is eiactly what it means. The intelligent and good thit;Sing peo- ple will not suffer the township to sus- tain a black eye from wick 1t will never recover by voting against the By-law for the proposed new branch of the C. P. R. on April 12th. Let there be no mistake in the matter. GRAND BEND Mr. A. Ravelle left for the West on Monday.—Mr. 1t. Isha, who has been here for the winter, has returned to his home in Stratford.—Mr. A. Disjardine of the Il, Line left !or the west last week. Leo Dlajardate of the same line moved alto the village Monday.—Word was received here. of the death in the \fest of Mr. Johnston who left here about a year ago. While here lie resided on the B. Line.—Spring Is opening up in ane styli: now, and we will be glad of it. Death,—On Sunday last, Mar. 29, the death o:•culi red on the 10th concession o: John Allister. Deceased was taken 111 of paralysis of the bowels from which he died Sunday morning, the 28th of March. 11e had been In his usual health tUl about a year ago. Ile was in his 74th year and he leaves to mourn a wife two softs and four daughters. The fun- eral took place Tuesday afternoon, the service being held in the Methodist church, of which he was a regular at- tendant. Every man In Usborne should be in favor of the railway by-law. The man in front owes it to himself and the back fellow, while the back fellow owes It to himself and els children. Vote for it. Si.trk.—In McGillivray, on Mar. 23, to Mr, at,d Mra. Alfred Mark, a daughter. Dempsey,—le Rccl Deer, Alta., on Mar. 20th, to Mr, slid Mrs. James Demp- sey, (nee atlas Dorrington, a former teacher of Exeter) a sun. I ers.—Lt Uaborne, to par. and Mrs. Jno. Hers, Jr., a son. --- MA 1011 AGES Kellermamn—Ehlers—At the ham., of Air. and Mrs. Richard Baker, Dash- wood, on March 31st, Mr. Clarence Kcllermann to Miss Louvina Melinda, daughter of Mr. John Ehlers, all of Dashwood. Ratcliffe—McKenzie—At Columbus, Ont„ by Rev. J. Borland, Catharine Stark, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, to John N. Ratcliffe .01 Eketer. Rowe—Andel)—At Luc'an, on Mar. 24th, James Rowe of Clandeboye to Mtge Liz- zie Ardell. Stewardsoll—Pollock.—AT the Methodist parsonage, Corbett, on Mar. 24th, by Ile,. Steadman, .\Las .\luta l'oiior k, the daughter o: John Pollock, to Mr. _Chas. Stewardson. Parker—Keya,—In Seaforth, Mar. 24th, by Rev. I). Rogers, Mr. Enoch A. Park- er o1 Chis:hturst to Airs. Jamoi Keys, of Varna. Koehler—Kennel—At Walsall. on Mar, 24, Oscar Keohl:r of 'Zurich to Miss Nancy Kennel o: Blake. Retch a t—Ncue:•hwanger—Goshen Line, 1 bay, El. Reichert of tae Parr Line, to Mie t I.i ictta Ncuschwangcr. DEATi1S Fletcher, At Kir•kton, on March 27th, Mary Jane Clarke, wife of Robert Fletcher, aged 52 years, 11 months, 7 days. Carter.—In Cltndeboye. on Mar. 21, Geo - Carter. aged 15 years. Cunningham•—T'1 Clandebo;e, o.1 Mar. 25 Andrew c'unnl:wgltanm, agol 55 years. Allister.—At Grand Bend, Mar. 28 ,John Allister, aged 74 years. Dilhn,g.—.(t Cranbrook, on Mar. 22, John Dining, In his 86111 year. , Itartielb,—In Dashwood, on Mar. 23rd, Charles Ilartlelb, aged 82 years. Radcliffe.—In Grunion, on Mar. 27th, ilober't Radrliffe, In his 88th year, East.—In London, on Saar. Roth, Isabella wire of Samuel East of Corbett, aged 01 Snowden—In Parkhill, Mar. 22nd, Jane Jackson McDonald, belovo1 wife of Mr 111 - hard Snowden, in her 70th year. onard,—In Parkhill, Mar. 2Ottr, Cattl- e -hie Leonard, aged 88 years. IcEachcn,—In Shlpka, Mar. 17th, McEachcn, aged 74 years. John PRECISION SOLIDITY RELIABILITY Jf1TERCNANGEABiLITY THE ION �S* *KV .\\% Gll�l Aare dermic e Ate hie See/ flu/ehoa thmu#cu//'Se mantels ofMt accoun/ o//OM nrirfu/menix4c/urrand ler/ed quo//ties. Bary ovine/v.-1 owats v/ 1//l%Y rj's/ Et7f/6/WOOS h,r 'e awfinned thew. Suferror curr/ewe, °MOIR Mese vworo'J', m/0/ 6e .peciolly men/ioned' 5 GRANDS PRIX ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897—PARIS 1900 MILAN 1906 r ,\ MARCHAND SOLI AGENT, EXETER 4 7 wire, all No. 9 Fencing 32c 8 11 11 35c 9 II Med, ll 35c Coiled Spring Wire 52.50 Staples, Hooks and Gates STOVE STORE SIDNEY DAVIS, Prop. W. J. MELViLLE iS LlOW JAB. STANLEY k Wm. ANnxFwthN, i n c.,. t,c uf' Alieti,.ti' • 1.. TinSinith and Plumbing Department.