HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 5F
How's ThisP
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward los asy cams
Of Cawrh that cannot be cured by Hail's Catarrh
Y. J. CHENEY a Co., Toledo, 0.
Ws the undersigned have anowu Y. J. Cheney for
the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly honoraWe
in all business transactions and financially able to
sorry out any obligations male by his fl.rm.
Wat.utxs, KI'.aia a !laavtO.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dl•
rectly on the Wood and mucous surfaces ot the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot-
tle. Sold by all bruggtets,
Take Hall's nanny Pills for constipation.
WIngham, Mar. 15.—John Wesley Cou1
tee, 16 years old, was instantly killed In
the Township of Morris Friday by a tree
falling on hint. Ile was working for a
farmer and they were engaged In cut-
ting down a large tree, which tltey had
wedged to make It fall In a certain dlr.
ectton, but In Lalling It turned, and when A SURPRISED MINISTER.
they were running away to avoid It the --.—
unfortunate yout.g fellow tripped In the
snow, the tree crashing down on him.
Blanchard.—Fullarton and Dlanshard
Joined hands recently when Percy Spar -
ling of Blansltard nuerrled Wee Minnie
M. Bodge ot Fullarton. Miss Edith Spar
ling was bridesmaid and Wesley Hodge
groomsman. Rev. Veale r t Kirkton per
formed the ceremon}•
The K.OT.M. -propose holding an At
Rohn+ and Taffypull on Match 23.—Mrs.
Thompson, nee Lydia Fletcher of Elk-
ton. Mich., Is visiting Ler mother, Mrs.
Robert Fletcher: Several. transfers Of
property have taken place lately In an-
ticipation of the new rallway.—Robert
G-ttd'ner it turned to Lie home In Clear-
water, Man., his sister Miss Jennetta
Gardiner accompaning him. She will
spend the summer out west.— Arthur
trout). ., Lictrlct ',Loiter of South Perth
L.U.1.., attended Grand Lodge held at
St Thomas 'set week.
Kidneys Cured or
Money Back
There is no risk in buying GIN PILLS.
They aro sold on a positive guarantee
that theywil l cure all Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Pain In the Back, etc. If, after
taking 6 boxes, you can ho..ostly say that Gin Pills have not cured yon,
take the empty boxes to yonr dealer and ho will refund the money.
That shows how certain we aro that Gin Pills will care yea. 50c. a box;
8 for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer can't supply you.
theaters this TORONTO lily Bois Drell Gti..
not trade that organ
of yours on a piano
At the present we can handle a
number of second hand organs and are
therefore prepared to allow you agood
price for it.
We don't ask you one
dollar more for the piano
than your neighhhr pays
for it.
Sewing Machines,
Sleighs, Hymn Books,
Bibles, Stationery, &c
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Thev are noted for the quality of their goods.
Council met Mar. lith. All the mem-
bers were present. Tne minutes of the
last meeting were read and approved.
The proposed by-law for granting aid
to the St. Marys and Western Railway
was carefully considered and referred
back to the committee for some changes,
before 1t be approved by the council. And
when the proposed changes are made to
the satiefaction of the council a special
meeting will be called It necessary to
arrange for the publication of the by-
law and its submission to the people
to• approval. Afew accounte w, repassed
ed and orders issued In payment. The
council then adjourned to Saturday,8rd
Apr:1 at 1 o'clock. 1''. Morley, clerk.
(Too late cur last week.)
Mr :Merl Simpson bus engaged Jos.
Gill P!I.in for the summer.—Mrs. Alfred
K1lrn-r, 1:+ In a very low condition at
preen:J.—Miss Etta Nell le vlalttng In
Ildert^n.—Fred and Ansley Nell are busy
hauling their wheat to market, taking
advantage o0. MI goof price.—Fred ship-
ped .a large consignment of tura recently
I—Jos. Garter Is slowly fmpro+ing.—Mo-
ses Simpson look two loads of dressed
hogs to London Satur day.—Wee. Ma-
guire has purchased a horse from Hod-
gson Pros.—Some of the people are talk -
Ing about tapping. It will not be long.
Mcane+ Good Health. Ci.ccrtulnese, Am-
bition, Peristeney and Success.
M1 -o -no will cute your dyspepsia or
any other atom:tch treuble by building
up the flabby walls and making
stomach so etro:,g l tat it will digest
food wltliout pepsin or otter arttfic'al
In other words. 111-o-na cures dyspep-
sia t y removing the cause.
W. S. Cole Is the agent for Mi-o-na fn
Exeter and he says to every reader of
the Adtocate wuusc elotnarh 1s weak.
who Las lndlgcatio.n ur dyspepsia. that
Mi-o-na is guarantcad to cure or ntuhty
The price is o•aly no assts a large
two. and one box is all you 090:1 to
prove that you are 0n the right road
t0 health and happiness.
Mr. Geo. Ltn.cr of corner Milt and
Park Streets, Elmira. Ont., says ; ' For
about ten years 1 have been severely
troubled with glontarht rouble and In-
digestion so bad Mit I could no; rt\-
tain my food alter eating. I could not
eat meat. or scarcely anything and hat%
hcadar hes and constipation. I secured
a package of Ml -o -ha with the result
that now atter having taken two hoses
1 am entirely cured and ran cat any.
t!,ta.. digest perfectly :and am feeling
tine. Mt-o-na always overcame my con-
sttp..tio:c. 1 art only too glad to pub-
t:cly c idol so and tea °mineral Mi-o.na."
Mzrtex gtbuocate
sum) It paid In advance,
41.60 a year If not so paid.
ilea.To t)sitedStates Subscribers 111.3O
• Year Strictly Iu Asys co.
9ANDF.R9 i CREECH, Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho groat Uterine Tonic, and
only .oto effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women oan
depend. Sold In three degrees
of strength—No. 1. $I ; No. 2,
1t) degrees stronger Jia; NO. 3,
for special caws, per box.
Sold by alt d sts, or Bent
prepaid on reoe pt of prig.
Free pamphlet. Address Till
COQ[ MEO C wIC0..T000NTO.ONe. Uorew lg Wi'dsor1
Spring Term From April 1st
We hare a large school, a high-grade school,
with splendid equipruent, Inetrurtont are ex-
perienced. Courses in
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
departments are thorough, up-to-date and prac-
tical. our graduates are in demand as office
asistante and 'Susi Net. College Teachers. Write
for our tree catalogue. Enter at any time.
You can eat anythtrg your stomach
craves without fear of a caac of Indi-
gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food
will ferment or sour on your stomach
if you will occasionally take a little
Clapepsin after rating.
Ycur meals will taste good, and any-
thing you eat will be digested: tloth-
can ferment or turn Into acid or poleon
or stomach gas, which causes Belching.
Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after
eating, Nausea, Indigestion (ilke a
lump of lead In stomach,) Illllousnesa,
ilcattburn, Water brash, Pain to the
stomach and t'hc Intestines or ot•rr
1ieadacttc5 from the stomach are
absolutely unknown where this effec-
tive. remedy Is used. Dlapepsln really
does all the work of a healthy atom -
telt. It digeeta your meals whet your
etomact. can't. Each (riangule will
digest all the food you can cat and
leave nothing to ferment or sour.
Get a large 37 -cent vase et Pape's D!3
pepsin from your druggist and start
taking to -day' and by to -morrow you
will nrlutlly brag about your netltthy,
atrcng Stomach. for you tach can eat
anything and everything you want with
oar• the slightest discomfort or misery.
old every particle of impwlty awl Gars
'hat is In your stomach and Intestlii
is going to be carried away without
',e use of laxatives Or any oilier as-
M-s. MoorehOuse has return:d tome to
'liglnaw.—While unloading loge from a
sleigh last week W. Stoneman stlpped,
1111 tell, breaking several rlbs.—George
Kydd, formerly a contractor here, is
visrting friends In this section.—Rev, Mil
(lard. Jr„ has been Invited to the Meth-
odist church here. subject to the stat -
o ,1 tg t onlmittee.--Jartres Smith who cut
his Icor about a month aro, had the mis
fortune to fall on the Ire and broke the
wound open.—Mira. Wit. Mor has gone
to To:onto owing to the illness or Jos.
C.ts% of elumaca trouble.
301. r Rapp and Chris Rcc:filer of Mich
Is in ar a1Iitln; here.—irs- Wm. 1Jatker
501 her 010' ler Mrs. Livingoo:l left for
•11, %V.( 1 or wrek.—Mrs. Fc,:o.I 3g and
10.1 1.)r. Wes. a choelllg of Detrcott, are
vi slang r,lttitei in tins section.—Miss
Colvin of Brussels has returned to take
:•targe of Mr. Peccter's ntltlinet y roonts.
—lfatty Del(hert of New Ilaven, Mich..
ts'L1 it( g his f.at'ler who Is III: llarry
iiaytcr, who recently sold his farm In
Stanley, has purchased C, Welte'r's Itv
e.y business la town and gets posses
on Ap 1' let.—J. J. slern•or will shortly
Hove into C. Grab's dwelling which he
las rer,•rd.—Cyros Cotosky has moved
oto the dwelling he purchased from
Andrew 'lht:lholtz.—Mr. and Mee. Wal.
er Darts of Saginaw. Mich., are visit -
ng her, on their honeymoo.1.—Samson
Colosky will in future reside with his
+tri, Mrs. Pfaff, at Dashwood
St. M+rye—Duncan itrown. formerly of t
Ivan. died at the home of his daughter I
In St. Marys on Sunday. H: was 90
;c.:re old. a
For many years I have been a suf-
ferer troth bronchial catarl0, and I,ad
despaired of everything like a cure.
Judge of mY pleasant rurprlse when I
first used lfyo;nil, whir!, brought 1oni-
plctc relief, llyonlel has been a veritahle
godsernd."—Rev. Charles llartley, Sar-
dinia, Ohio.
Thousands of catarrh sufferers have
given up In despair. They have tried
stomach dosing, snuff, sprays and
douches without eucceee, and now be-
lieve catarrh to be incurable.
But W. 8. Cole, the druggist holds out
hope to all distressed. Ile sells a rem-
edy called IIyomel which as guaranteed
for catarrh, colds, coughs, broncnitiu,
asthma and croup.
llyoinel (pronounced High -0-111e) is
medicated air, full ot tate healthy vir-
tues of the mountain pines. You breathe
111 the delightful e.ntleeptic air, and as
It passes over the inflamed and germ
ridden n*ntbranc, it allays the itttI i t-
mat1on, kills the germs, and drives out
the disease.
A complete IIyomel outfit, including
a hard rubber Inhaler, coats but 11.00
s:.d an extra bottle of IIyomel, 1f after
wards needed, costs but 51) cents. Seo
W. S. Cole about it to -day.
Godcrich, Mar. l5.—Town Solicitor, E.
L. Dlcklneon, of the firm of Dtcklneon
& Garrow, dropped dead early this morn-
ing at. his home here. Ile had not been
well, and for tile past week had been
away from his office, being troubled
with neuritis.
Seaforth,--Mrs. Jessie Bart, one Of the
early residents of Seaforth, died at the
Marne of her daughter In Cnatharn, aged
65 years. She had not been well for
some cline and about a month ago want
to Chatham to bo with her daughter.
She suffered front cancer. The remains
were brought here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin of Seaforth
spent a tew drays the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Hawkins and Mr. and '.tire.
Wilbur Bunter.—Mr. John Johne still re-
mains on the sick list and 1e unable to
attend to work of any kind.—Tile Town-
ship Cowell accepted the by-law on
Monday after considerable dlscusslOn
and changing 0' certain clauses to put
put the municipality on a Bare footing.
Mr. Gladman of Exeter acted as solicit-
or for tie towrtsl.lp, while Messrs. Gra-
ham and Rice of St. Marys represented
the railway company. The by-law will
be advertised and the election will take
place on April 12th, 1909. Map the
ratepayers take a liberal view of the
matter and vote aceordinglY so that we
may have a railway.—The malty friends
of Mr. Win. Bray will be pleased to
learn and also to congratulate him on
wedding such an estimable lady, in the
person of :Mss Anna Delbr!dge of Exet-
er, formerly of Winchelsea, the event
taking place on Tuesday afternoon.
They left on the evening train for their
new home in Virden, Man.
AgFOR Brewed from se -
AS . j lectcd hop,, choice
barley malt and
pure spring water,
with the utnao,t
care. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to ensure proper
handling. That is
why Labatt', A'e
is equal to the fin-
est, surpa,'sed by
none, though it
coats consumers only about half as much as imported goods.
India Pale Ale
Breaks up a cokl at the start.
At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho-Quinine.
Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -26c.
iia's ` s !_xr"
Rs CATALOGUE kr 190�
� .�r
E,'� f, ,111 ,`tat
,ass .1111141M f
"lir it I :1111
¶ Every price in our catalogue is quoted because it means a
saving to you on that particular article. Buying in large
quantities for two stores; obtaining discounts for cash ; cutting
out middlemen's profits by dealing direct with manufacturers; and
economical selling reduces the cost ; you receive the benefit in
a lower price.
T When you buy an article from us by mail you are assured that
the goods will satisfy you in every respect. If for any reason they
do not come up to your expectations, return thorn to us and we
will refund your money or exchange the goods, paying transpor-
tation charges both ways.
We manufacture large quantities of Women's and Men's Clothing.
Iligh speed machines, saving time; expert designers and cutters,
s.tving cloth ; each operator tin one line of work, saving in
quantity and quality ; working the year round, saving in cost of
production ; thorough workmanship and good material, saving in
small amount of goods returned.
¶ Many of our customers have verified in letters to us that the
above statements are true. The continued custom of whole
families anti their recommendation of ups to others is ample
assurance that our method and merchandise please the people.
Your neighbor has been savin4 a nice bank account by dealing
here by mail. 1Von't you make a trial ?—anti be satisfied also.
r i'romp►t and efficient service is the corner stone of this business.
On the vert' day your order is received, it is started on its way to
be filled. If jt,s-ible, that same day itisshipped. No unnecessary
delay is permitted. Expert salespeople have each order in charge
and make the selections according to the desire of the customer.
Any advantage in style, quality or price is freely given.