Exeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 4(Exeter Abiiocate,l FA1ttlUI1Alt
Mr. Robert Gardiner, Jr., and sister
Mire Jeanette left last week for the west
and Mr. Win. I3rown leaves this week
for the same part of Canada. —Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kerslake !lave returned af-
ter tltelr honeymoon trip through Mich-
igan, and have taken up their abode In
one of 11r. Michael Fletcher's houses on
the loth cors. of Csboric.—Mfrs Manley,
who has been vielting In the neighbor-
hood, has returned to her home ht Pct-
erho"ouglt.—MIae A:ny J0'u3s has recov-
ered after u short illness.—Mrs. Cam-
eron, Sr., and Mrs. McInnis are suffer.
Ing from a severe attack of La Urippe.—
Mr. Robert McDonald. who had his leg
broken recently by a tall. doe not lin-
p:ove much. as his friends would wish.
—The concert lo Bethany church was a
success, eoate CIO being taken at the
Sanders & Creecn. Props.
THURSDAY, 'lar. 18, 1909
Mr. Peter M. Moir last week moved on-
to bis new farm known as the Andrew
Campbell farm, situated on the Thames
Road. near Exeter The neighbors hero
gave Mr and Mrs. Moir a pleasant sur
prise the other evening by gathering at
their home to spend the evening socially.
The host and hostess were equal to the
Occasion and everybody made themsel-
ves at home, and one or the stoat pleas-
ant evenings ever spent In the neighbor -
need was the verdict or all. Mr. and
Airs. (vlolr will be much missed here and
the beat wishes of tlfti whole neighbor -
/109d will accompany them to their new
Harold Swan spent Sunday at his
home In Fullarton.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Caves are confined to the house suffer-
ing from severe colds.—Mlea Maggie
Luxton. who has been confined to the
house for the past two weeks, suffering
from an attack of pleurisy is recovery.—
Miss Itettle Eseery vielttd friends in and
around Centralia last week.—Mr. and
Aire. R. Coates ppent Monday with
friends in Heneall.—Misses Clara and
Martha \Vied of Crediton visited the
Mlsaes Luxton last week.—W. Coates
has engaged Wm. Whiting for the corn-
ing summer,—Milia Wolfe of Crediton is
emending a few weeks with Mrs. J.
Thompson.—Mr. Ensingcr of Granton
visited Mr. Thos. Brooks last week.
A large number of horses have exchan-
ged hands In this section during t he
past few days. sonic buying, some sell
ing and others trading.
On the eve of her departure from a-
mong old friends in this neighborhood
the following address, together with
n chair was presented to Mrs. Welsh.—
March 12th. 1000.
To Mrs. Welsh.
We. your friends and neighbors have
gathered together this evening for the
purpose of presenting. you with this
chair as stark of the regard and respect
we have for you. During the time you
have been in our neighborhood you have
always been regarded as a sincere
friend and one who was always anxious
to assist us whether In the hour of joy
or trial and suffering.
Your removal Is a distinct lode to us
but we are pleased to learn that although
you're leaving our neighborhood, you are
not moving to any street distance, so
that we will still continuo to have the
pleasure of seeing and visiting you oc-
We trust that you will enjoy t'.e com-
forts of the chair during your remaining
years and It Is our prayer that God will
spare you many more years and give
you the best of health.
Presented In behalf of your friends.
Win. Walker Wm. Bowden.
Win. Andcreon Nelson Baker.
BRIKFs,-Mies Lily Morley of Strat-
ford was the guest of her father, Mr.
Frank Morley. for a few days last
week. --Mr. John Hazelwood is all
seniles this week, " it's a girl." -Mr.
and Mre. Homiest Parkinson were the
guests of her mother, Mrs. J. Morley,
last week. -Mr. J. Wright spent a few
days in London this week with friends.
-The lecture given here Friday night.
was both interesting and educational.
The views were gocxi and the Dr. has
his remarks very successfully attached
to the pictures. -Remember the Ilex
Social arranged by the Choir to be held
at the home of James Shipley on
Thursday next, March 25th. Every-
body conte and enjoy a good time with
the 1Vhttlenites. All htdies to e
prepared for the social, the boxes to be
auctioned ofT to the highest bidder. -
Miss Maud Parish of Essex has been
visiting her cousin Mrs. frank Mot ley
during the past week. -MINA Alma
Dann is the guest of her sister Mrs.
Wm. Morley this week. -John Hutch-
inson had it smash tip last week from
the effect of his colt getting away and
freed himself of the hnggy,—Mev,
Win. Brooks is tinder the i)r.'s care
and we hope for it speedy recovery.—
Mr. Oscar Mosley has commenced du-
ties with Mr. Wesley Parkinson for
this summer. -\I r, JanieS Ogden in-
tends to work at the framing with Mr.
Brtntrn'll of Exeter this sltniuner.
Tht' following is the teport of Union
S. S. No. 12, Ushorne, for the month
of 1'ehrunry. ('lasa V -G Morley 100,
1V Motley (missed an.'aa n.) 47. Sr.
V --W IIi.Igeon 121, V Hodgson RI,
.1 McCarthy 09, 0 (binning .'7, V OR -
den 52. M Sgoire51. 0 Atksey 39. Jr,
iV l Knowlew 75, V Morley 00. H Og-
den 07, Sr. 11i—I' McGee 70, T Gun•
nine Lett (missed eu Penne). Jr. iii --E
Hodgson 125. N Squire 1111. .A McCar-
thy IIS, (' Marley 100, J Knowles 73,
51 Gunning Q;. ii --J Whelihan 1255,
L' 111ook 52.- O. J. M''Naughton, ten -
Manitoba, $'skatchcwan, Alberts
5pecvl Train.,ea., 1 ,roe.n 2 p m. es
APRIL S, 21 KAY 4, 1I JUNI 1, 1i, 4S
JULY 13, 27 AU8. 10, 21 SEPT. 7, 21
Seeeel elan ii:k.t, hen ()•t. , ,tati.,ae to pr e<q,al
YaMwrat 1. ,,, at
a amt r.lra 832130; F.tmoa•a' sad rrturi
i,.• a'ce r.,ia•, in if-a.',t:ra. Taste
("` .lay.' n , t*, alae.
.q .1 •-.nv,ea. l-wlai 1,1. ball• !.t'..n Kt+<1
, . i!�er, eaa leift•.<! :.-odrra'e lain aNash
641 a,e.t
Forty applies' on melt be mad*
tve:aiair, raw ..1 !u1 ..'atnaaer.
Ayr.iv M sear►.t C: P R. Ate .i r •, R.I. TMrt, sow•
Out Pu, Ay. mar
\.. J. C.\ItI.:NG, Agent, EXCTE!l.
['J• ENCEK. Deeds, Willa, Mortgagee and all
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared
Charges moderate. issuer oI Marriage Licensee
Mr. Wltllait Rothcrrnal has engaged
to work for Mr, George Kellermann for
a year. commcucing his duties on Tues-
day.—Mr. John Brokenshlre, who has
bean visiting among friends In and
around Dashwood for some time, leaves
thls weak for Elnta Township where ho
la at present staking his home with his
slater.—Mlss Seldom spent Sunday with
her relatives in Exeter.—Mr. D. Geiger
spent a few days during the week with
friends on the loth concession,—Mr,Leo
Foster le having_ an auction sale of his
stock and implements on Mar. 25th.—
Miss Fanner of Crediton is spending a
few days this week at the home of }tars.
D. I3ettechen.—Mr.'E. Weltin left lash
week for Stalfa where he has secured
work at Liackwnithing —The band has
once more got rc-organlaed and are busy
practising several nights each week —
Mr Fred Gosutnan left iast week to vie -
It friends In Port Iluron.
Nicesre. Traquair Bros. very pleasant-
ly entertained ? large number of their
friends on Friday evening last in honor
of their guest Niles Parisit of Essex
County.—Mr. J. 1'. Mitchell recently pre-
sented Ills daughter with a fine Iielnt2
man plano.--?piss Annie Horton is In
Seaforth making preparations to go to
tho West. Iler sister Edna will go with
her. We are sorry to Lose the girls but
we wish tnem au -cess In their new home.
—Memsre. I1. Horton and R. D. Bell of
Tuckcrentith were here the first of the
week canvassing for subscribers for
the Tuckeremlth telephone and they met
with general approval by g^_ttlag ten
subscribers one tale line. They expect to
have 1t completed in June.—Mr. Grant of
lfllegreen and Miss Gladys Green of
the I'arr Line visited at W. Glenn's for
a few days.—Mr. G. H. Bolton disposed
of a fine young filly to R. McLaren of
lieneall for a good figure.
Wcdd:n3.—A pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mre. Afchlb
Robertson, Cromarty, on Tuesday. Mar.
lath, when their second daughter. Ru-
bens Jane. was wilted In holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. 'Henry Ferrington oft
Chatham. Promptly at 5 o'clock to the
strains of ticndelesohn's wedding march
played by Miss Etta Kerslake et Heeler
the beide entered the parlor leaning on
the arm of her father and took her pos-
ition under an arch of evergreens, der -
orated with whlto bunting and bells,
The ceremony was pe rfornicd by Rev.
Mr. McKay of Cromarty in the presence
of nearly sixty friends and relatives.
'After the usual congratulations the
bride and groom led the way to the din -
etc room which was tastefully decorat-
ed with red, white and btu. bun'tng
ani evergreens, and partook of an ea-
r—Matt wedding puppet. Three young
1 idles presided over the tables. The bride
'• t. attended by Miss Anna Gardiner
.tril the groo:n by hie nephew, Harry
1:0 r ng.o.). The to lde looked charming
in a navy blue juniper over a white lace
wtiet. The in.►ny baitutiful presents re -
x 1ieJ showed the high esteem In which
tie young couple are held. The happy
couple left \Wednesday evening for their
home In Chatham. The Advocate extends
hotel .t con tr.ettel .ttions an.l goad alth-
ea for many years of happiness.
inept(tor Tom o; Clod,ri.h nttiln an
t•laptct:on of ma. school lash Friday.
seedless to say everything was found
in n first-class coimlitIon.— Yesterday
was Sl. Patrick's Day and the wearing
of the green was tee popular teethe!.
et .8 Jimee lbodeels gave a party in the
terming to her young friends .and a ,try
en.oyable lime was spent by all. it was
mad^ an Irish evening and malty origin-
al Meas wet:presented for the occasion.
—August Ko',:, o: the Bank of Commerce
,tt Stratford spent last Sunday In town
under tit piro eel roof. Specl.tl .u,nlver-
atry s'r.1-04 will In held In the Evangel
Ical church next Sunday. Special coliee-
tions will t'keit for the purpose of
pty:ng a debt. whlcl has been brought
,nut by needed improvements to the
hu • : ;Int p.r-o i:.g', 1r. the iver•teg an
lingllsh service will be held and special
mull. w.I1 b, rendered by the choir at
Cie morning an evening services.—John
Smith has been busy In town t his week
u:t tie wood with hie steam engine.—
The family of Itcv. Bean whim' has been
,u tr.ultinrd for several weeks on ace sunt
'i' arAi l• t (ever were given their free-
dom rest week. 'tad we are pleased to
it it- tit:.t the fam:1Y arc naw enjoying
:h• best o.' heel'h.—(tarry Fowler spent
lest Sunday at home le 3cafort;t. At a
• •t:ng of our howler., teed tet Ur. Mc -
Cu •'� settee ori ato..d.ty evcni,tg the fnl-
o.ing officers were elccl_`d fol the year.
—II • n i'rcr.. el -try F1 bar, M.1'.1'., l'res..
Die MICue : \'1 .c•I'res.. Chas. %*I• kcr :
-:e . T.t is , C. 1i. Bawl : ('om:nett . S.
vie Co rid Kuhn and 11. F. E:Ib.'r.
It was tee hied to have aro:.lene gee
.td metalled 0.1 the gram this sea -
.I %n•1 1: is cape. lel that quite a num-
o7 new meat:a rs will be added to the
n.3ett eel family are vislt-
e ,el'tive•t In Forest Ills week.—Don't
o g t le • me .in I o: ill • Athl't1 • Assoc•
• 1;; °ire Ilii; u n "r:day Might
1' weak at P. p.m. Important bu•t-
,t,t t.' (Ls•utse,. All epo:t•
N •. n 1 Sire. 11. Hemmer of Exeter vie-
• 1 '1 . ant Mrs. August Hoist o•
: .0 .d..;.
(;et (corn any prescription ',Marina -
(1st the following ;
Fluid Eztalc t Dand.lioi., oae-hal:
ounce Compound Kargun one ounce:
Compound Syrup Saraaparilla, three
Shake well lu a bottle and take a teas-
poonful doee after cacti steal and at
The above la considered as the moat
certain prescrlptlon ever written to re-
lieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak
Bladder and all forme of Urinary dif-
(Meaties. This mixture acts prompt-
ly on the eliminative tissues of the kid-
neys, enabling them to filter and strain
the uric acid and other waste matter
from the blood wl.lch causes Rheumat-
Some persona who suffer with the af-
flfetlone may not feel inclined to place
much confidence In this simple mixture
yet those who have triad IL say the re-
sults aro simply surprising, the react
being effected without the slightest ht-
jury- to the stomach or other organs.
Mix some and give it a trial. It cer-
tainly comes highly recommended. It 1s
the ptesct•iption of an eminent author -
:1y, whose entire reputation, it is sail
was cetabltaltcd by R.
A druggist here at home, wilco asked
stated that he could aupply the inared-
iente or mix the prescription for our
readers. also recomntenls It aa harmless
Mr. Albert Berryhill sold his farm
on Monday to Mr. John Johns of Zion.
The farm contains 50 acres and 1s situ-
ate one and a quarter 'talcs south of
this village.--aleesre. Titon'as and Geo.
Coward were In London on business on
Thursday last. --Mr. Medd spent Friday
in St. Marys,—Miss Lena Smith, who has
been visiting her aunt, Mre. Medd, re-
turned to her home in St Marys on
Friday,—The %etc on the Railway By -
Law takes place on April 12th. Vote
for the by-law and get the rallway.
Rev. A. H. Going and wife visited at
the Methodist parsonage on Friday.—
Inspector Tont visited eur Public School
on Monday and the report was a most
favorable one to both teacher and school.
—Rev. R. B. Rowe of Hampton and Rev.
L. W. Wlckett of London were the
guests of Rev. bir. and Mrs• Butt on
Tuesday. Mr. Wlckett Is well-known in
this vicinity, having been stationed here
over forty years ago. Though- nearing
the eighty year stark, he is still hale
and hearty. and as sweet spirited and
lovable as ever.—Mr. Win. Oke, one of
our bachelor boys, has taken to himself
a wife In ,the person of Miss Bottrill:
who formerly taught school at Fairfield
Several of their friends met at their
home on Monday night and tendered
the newly married couple a pleasant re-
ception, when an enjoyable time wap
spent by all. We extend hearty con-
gratulations and best wlehee for a life
of prosperity and happiness.—Mr. James
Godeave has returned here from Mich,
igen, where he spent several weeks,—Mr.
Wert. Blair loft Wedneaday for Mile-
stone, Sask., Intending to stay.
Sidney Hodgins of Parkhill visited In
title neighborhood on I•'iiday. On Sat-
urday he visited in London. returning
to Parkhill Monday ;—A merry party was
held at Richard Dodging on Thursday
evening last,—Heber Turner has return-
ed home tont 11. Handlton's.—like Mild
red Carter is vl" iting Mre. \\'nt. Scott
of McGllllvray,--Mtea 1;. Collver visited
ht London Saturday.
Death,—The death of Alex. Langford
took place Sunday in St. Joseph Ilospltal
at London, as the result of an operation
performed a few dasy before. Deceased
was 6. years of age, arid had been a
resldcnt of lltddulph all his lite, and
for the past number of years had resid-
ed near the village of Granton. Besides
his wile the Immediate surviving relat
Ives are—Brothers, William, Isaac, Ezra
of Granton ; EliJah, Elias, of London:
Abner of Granton; Benjamin of Lucan.
Slaters, Mrs. Reith of Lucan, Mrs. Janes
Langfo:d, Mrs. George Talbot of London,
Daughters, Ella, Clara, Edith, itosa and
Bertha at horse. Sons, Everett, Charles,
Herbert, 'toy, Percival, Oscar, at home.
lire. A. Langford, London, is mother of
deceased. The father died 9 years ago.
The funeral was held from his late resi-
dence on Tuesday to 131rr cemetery.
Mrs. J. J. Carruthers and Miss Ethel
are visiting friends in Delaware.—totes
Mae Wilson spent a few days the past
week visiting Iter friend Mrs. L. Antos
of I3rhtelcy,—Glad to see Mise Eva Wick
ert out again after an illness of a cou-
ple of months.—Mise Mottle Stewardson
spent Friday evening with her friend
Mise Anna Pollock of Corbett.— alias
Edith McGregor spent Friday afternoon
with airs. Alex. Iiotson,—Mr. Jos. Fos-
ter, er., tecelved word on Friday last
of the death of itis brother John in Pet-
rolea. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and Mr.
Ed. Mason left on Saturday to attend the
funeral which took place on Sunday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason visited at Mr.
Austin Ilayter's on Friday last.—Quite
a number from this vicinity attended
Mrs. Wnt. ?Jenard's sale at Grand Bend
on Friday.—Mr. John Turner spent a
few days the past weak visiting friends
in Port Huron.—Mr. Jas. Brophy called
on friends at Grand Bend on Friday.—
Miss Jessie Creech o7 Exeter is visiting
her friend Miss Ethel Isaac.—Miss Esth-
er McPherson returned on Saturday af-
ter an extended visit with her sisters
in Buffalo.—Mr. Chas Stewardson spent
a couple of days with his uncle Mr. Win.
Couch of Parkhill.
St. Marys, Mar 14,—While Richard
Watson, a man about 55 years of age,
employed at the Maxwell works, was In
the act of putting a belt on an elevated
pulley about 9 or 0 feet high and about
10 or 18 Inches from tho wall, 1n some
manner his clothing caught and he was
whirled around the shaft twice and
tightly jammed with his feet and head
together between the shaft and the wall.
ills left arm was badly broken, two fin-
gers of the mime hand badly crushed and
the riba on the lett side badly crushed
In and his head bruised. Ile is 1n a ser-
ious condition.
Farm Lands
The undersigned have secured control of the finest block of
FALL WHEAT LAND IN ALBERTA. This land is all level prairie
and can easily be broken.
...Don't Miss This Chance...
if yon tete thinking of going West, come and talk it over. Our
prices ate right. Land sold to suit purchasers in sections or larger
blocks with privilege of select inn. This land will not be on the mar-
ket for long,
We have private cot attached to regular trains leaving Toronto and
London first Toustla\'.f each month, starting 5th of April. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
John Charltoi;, Exeter Agent for Allison,
Fair & Co.
New Spring Goods
arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and
MOST WT'YLIti1I GOODS this store has ever shown
Come and see our new goods before purchasing
New Dress Goods Ivit .tits is complete
with the most stylish
fabric., consisting of Striped Stilling., Merges, Pennines,
Wnol Venetians. Fancy Lustre!, Saline Cloths, Voiles,
('rispine Cloths,
Ladies' New White Wear
-•- Shite Waist -, (towns, Skirt., Corset Corers, dfc.. &c. —
New Wash Goods `ew i'rints, (;ing
hams, T.Nan
Vcstinge,'li••1ine, Linen M uitings--'I'III' Vi':1tYineriPLA'. I'ESTcy
ting , .ip., ,l c.
Men's Spring Suitings
and Lagent ttmet't of Fancy Miiling% ever shown in
Ila-hwnnd. All tit.• Ittest p#1111'11111 Alla roiorx. ('.111 Slid see
(hent h.•fnre 3.rt pitchase prier Spring Snit. Priees i0(1bIT
Ideal Woven Wire Fencing
All iiiitics int.-n.ling to p•och.i.e tt ire 1..r 1, tip . g 1.01 do
well to git.• i.:. ,•all. Mole agents foie ill.' ah„ve tensing,
Highs t 1'I'iCCS i'ditl f''t' i''..trm 1'rtn111('t'
'I'III: I3Us1' «'I'OI J': 1).1�-11WOOI)
IL It. W ER, President I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
�1/DIB LAIRD, °eaeral Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way In which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $60, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fran,”
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia,. Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office - t
of the Bank, 130.
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Sti!pka School will hold a Public Ex-
amination this Friday afternoon. The
regular 'elisions w111 be followed by a
Programme, consisting of Spelling Match
Recitations, Songs, and Music.
Mitchell,—Anne, daughter of John Mor
enz, ugcd two years, fell from a chair
hist week and broke he: arm above the
Clinton.—After two days illness of
pneumonia, airs. Cook, relict of tho late
Henry Cook, of the Oth con. of Godeh.
Ieh Township, died here at the home of
her son, Thomas, aged 69 years.
Mitchell.—lire. Richard llarrie passed
away laat week after an Illnces of sev-
eral years of heart trouble, at the age
of 50 years. Mrs. Harris was the dough
ter of the late John Goettler, Fullerton.
and atm was twice married,
Wood's Phos hodi3s,
Thr Orn', Engli.qh Remedy.
'Pones ant' i:, , :,;urate,the who e
nervus : 1, makes new
lilocxl in (,:..'.:r.:, Corotllama-
coraDebilityy,� Mental and Bruin Worry.
nrfrne y, .Sssitetd Weakness,Emission
,Abuse Excuses.
o $1 per box, rtaxfort% Ono will please six
• .11 euro. Fold by all druggists or mailed in
pills pkg. on receipt of price. Alto pamphlet
nutileci free. The YYDod ModIclno Co.
(formerly )Vinthor) Toronto. Ont.
We can send you a free booklet that will help you
paints and varnishes intelligently and econom-
ically. Write for the booklet you need.
i40 -Point. and Famish*. for the Nem& A valuable 60 -page booklet on the
pepper Babb fee all botwaboid uses.
i -70 -hint. and Varnishes fee the Faroe. 11.5 -page booklet giving full pattias-
lase oil Sw. Products for use about the farm.
/45 -Who Makes the Beet Paints and Yarsishee ? Explains the wiry and where-
fore of paints and varnishes -their manufacture and uses.
8 -Brighten Up Book/at. A handbook on paints and varnhbes for the boors
which should be fn the possession of every housewife.
8 -1e -Sherwin-Williams floor Finishes. Gives full partletrlats how to flnlsb both
painted and varnished floors.
- - -
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000
Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000
Iles 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in nil the
Principal Cities in the World,
at all Blanches. interest allowed athighest current tale.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
DICKtioN & CARLiNG, Solicitors.
N. D. IIURDON, Manrye•r.
'iii lir.:;,
A Live Daily Paper Will Put
Money in Your Pocket.
With The Toronto Daily
Star's accurate daily market
reports you could sell your
grain and 1ivc stock at top-
notch prices. half a cent extra
on just Soo bushels of wheat or
oats would pay a year's subscrip-
tion. 25c. a hundred weight on it
(low hogs would cover three years'
Don't you,dcpcnding on weekly reports,
or daily reports that are old when you
get then'—miss top prices by at least
that much several times a year?
Toronto Daily Star
Publishes Markel Reports 12 to 18
Hours Earlier Than the Morning Papers
Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very
day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of
Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important
cities. These are the same quotations that the next
morning's dailies publish -12 to IS hours later.
$1.50 A YEAR
This Pope? and The Toronto Daily Star
together for One Tear, $2.20. Guar-
anteed fountain Pen given for 60c.
added to above subecnpt,on paces.