HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-18, Page 11 15c to JANI '10 NOW iS TIIE TIME to subbcribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above elated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates tit ilbst Wedding Invitations In Newest Type On Best Papers The Finest Work And Right Prices The Advocate Oflice,'Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR,. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 1009. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable WHITEWEAR T1.19 week brings us again to the whitewear. which has opened out to year without a doubt, better styles and corset covers, drawers and gowns than \VIIITE NO. 940-1n white Indian linen lawn trimmed with embroidery and vahriclem;e lace, made in new style, with long sleeve Sizes 32 to 40 Price 3.:,0 NO. 890. -In white lawn, with Heavy enibt older/ front, trimmed with val.lace and insertion. Extra value. Sizes 84 to 40. Price 2.50. NO. 900. -In fine linen lawn with em- broidery front, tucked, sleeve and back, trimmed with val. lace and insertion. Sizes 34 to 38. Price 8.00. WHITE Our White Skirts are !lade to Bell; have a do I • trounce and dust trill - NO. 360--.. .,.autlful lace skirt, trim - with clung lace and insertion and extra deep flounce at $3.75. NO. 857.-A very tine cambric skirt, trimnud with emnb. and insertion, at $3. NO. 105. -Our embroidered skirt In length 38-40 42, nicely tucked between rows of embro. insertion, finished with an embroidery full at $4.50. We invite you to come In and have a ed over, as we are showing and veiling HEADQUARTERS FOR WHITEWEAR tithe for opening up and !narking off our )ur entire satisfaction. We have this better qualities in white waists, skirts, ge have attowll for yearn. \VAISTS NO. 935-A1 fine white lawn, trimmed with embroidery, insertion and valises. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.50. NO. 889. -In white lawn, trinune dwtth lace and insertion, wide shoulder effect long sleeve. Size 34 to40. Price 2.25. NO. 870. --In white lawn, nicely tucked and trimmed. Extra value. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.25. NO. 866. -In white lawn, trimmed with embroidery, Insertion and val. lace. A perfect fitting waist. Sizes 32 to 40. Price $1.00. SKIRTS wear and give satlatactlott. They all two polite ladles are all looking for. NO. 353. -In a fine cambric with an' eyelet embro flounce at $2.75. Our 2.25, 1.75, 1.5.0, 1.25, 1.00 in lace and embro. finish are extra values. Our ladies' gown in O. S. trimmed with lace and embroidery. E-tra value. 50c. to $I.25. Corset Covers In Line cambric, trim- med and finished with lace and embro. All sizes. Prices 85c., 50c., 75. look through our stock, before It to pick - these goods every day. THE ASTORiA SHOE. CARLING BROS. 'go -PHONE 2 2 -�•-� New Spring Goods are now ready for your inspection r In Dross GoodsPLAIN iCn wall the leading colors, in AlatrFeaAeonCaYl51prtce t.S, PLAIDS We sellraf ton's prints ALL GUARANTEED FAST COLORS Cede Nailing: The Newest Colors in SHIRTS and TIES, FANCY BRACES, ETO Also a full stock of BOOTS & SHOES -in all sizes Clean, Fresh Groceries always in stock KNELL & ROWE rr.few.i.s,s,1 Cards. Di. e. ROL'Ltt"MN, L. D. a, D. D. O. DIINTI T f/ Asate of Toronto Only emitr OOntario and Honor O O771O1; Over Dickson t Carling'e Law Office, in pr, Wersoo'e former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Uolveristy. DENTIST, ask extracted without any pain, or any bad effects price oxer Gitelman a Stanbury's otEce, Main street Skeet. Modica! HR BRIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. a 8. HONOR • araduate of Toronto University, Two years resident phffsi fan lto'al A'eonily ll ital, •Io. Ome. and Itesldence, De. Amos' 011 Stand, Andrsw Street, EXETER. es•) at ti ) Ila � Dlo� trete, 1)R. T. F. MCLAL 0Il1.1N Rae resumed prartbe atter spending a asst (Col. British and Continental HospiWa General h actice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• on r, .one and Throat. Office: Dashwood, On Legal. 80N a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOi.IC1• Notaries, Con, e) an ern, Commissioners ieiloltor•tor Mol•ons Bank, ate. MOsoy t0 Loss at lowest rateeof Interest. Offices, Main street, Eceter, 1. a. Oasuse, &A., L, II. reason MONEY TO LOAN. We bare a lanes amount ot private funds to loan n Atm and village properties, at Sow rate* ot iratet set. (MADMAN a STANIURY,' Barrister•, $olieltors,Maln st.. Exeter On B. 13. PIHiLI.IPS, EXETER. Licensed electioneer. Wee attended In all partesstlsfartion guava!• Wed Or 110 pay Terme reasonable. All orders left at Advocate Oaks will be promptly attended to William Brown trot. Diploma of Royal !neer-perste/1 Society of resl,fane, England; Organist of Trivia Memorial Oanreh,Eeeter. Piano, Oman. Rarmnny and Theory of i/usic, Terms on apply anon. Exner, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederal ion Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead. ing Canadian and British Companies. Mair.SL. Rieter. MONEY TO LOAN .k large amount of money to ioan on farm and vlllagc properties at low( et rates. EllNi:ST ELLiOT. Conveyancer. etc. Office opposite Central liotel, Elute:. L. CAIRNS, VETERINARY SL'ROF.ON. 8uecessor to Da. R►reav, special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Yr. Peter Breeden Main street, (opp. Trititt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office -Dr. Ramsay'• old stand,eorner of Maln and North streets, (opp. Pyai s Blacksmith Shop). Tour patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer for liuron County. Terms reaaot,able. Datta can he made at tie Advo:atc, Exeter. or Henry Etlbcr's Office, Cred- iton. FARM FOR SALE 77, acres of the nal con. of Diddulpti, Lot 2, 1-4 mite tro.n Centralia; 65 ac. unefer r ultivatlon. In ac. Bush pasture. Tir re is a good two-story brick cottage barn :11 by 60. other buildings also, goo l wells, 2 orchards ; possession at o -re. Apply on the premises. TILOS. W. NEiL. HOUSE FOIL SALE An excellent brfrk house, modern and up-to-date. Situated on Main street. Apply at this Office. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implements. The undersigned Auctioneer hie been instructed to sell by Public Aurtion at Lot 16, ('on. 9, N. 13. of Stephen, 24 Miles Ent of Dashwood, on THURSDAY, AIAIICII 24-rrit, 1909 at 1 o'elnck sharp, the following valuable property, ria 1105SFv -Gelding rising f .are and gelding ris. Ing 4 years, both got by Indian (lief; gelding rising 4 years, by Maaknight; drt•Ing horse rising 4 years, by Sago; ('ivde 1111 • rising 2 year., by Nateby Grant; gelding rising 3 years, by Young Indian Chief; geld• log tieing 4 years general purpose. CATTLE-6Co•s--Cow with calf at toot, row due to entre in May, row due to valve the latter part ot April: row, was fresh in January: row due to calve the middle of June. Y.,1 to ('417411-2 Meer* 15 months old, 4 steer rales • months old, steer calf 4 month. Md. heifer calf 3 rncnthsold. P01.1.TRY- 2 geese and gander, 2 dot. hens IMPLEMENTS Lumber wsgen, nearly new; new von el hos, pair of bob -sleighs, set of Diamond har- rows; atrows; cultivator. wide and narrow teeth; Patterson binder, in good working crdef: twin plow, Fleury Na e; No. 13 walking plow, 11111 patent walking plow; set of donhle harness. se ,rood as new; set of double clow haws., new surd of single harness, Nag net cream eeparstor: a new emery stone, paddle with feet. and grind stone; binder knives and other articles too numerous to mention. TKRMS- is and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' ereelit given on furnishing approved )Mr.t notes. 5 pet cent. per annum oft for rash on credit amounts. LEO. FOSTER. Prop. ED. D ' SEN11E)flLY. Atirt. 1 Banquet to Rev. Martin On Wednesday night of last week the biggest event ot its kind ever held in Exeter took place At tho Opera Ilouse, when some 150 of the citizens of Exeter and neighborhood tendered a banquet to Rev. W. M. Martin, D. D., who recently resigned from a twenty-alx years' pas- torate of Caves Presbyterian church. The hall was beautifully decorated with bunthtg, pictures and foliage, while the front curtain of the stage consisted of the beautiful flag sent from Exeter, Eng. The tables were nicely arranged and decorated with flowers, candles and all the other necessities to a tasteful arrangement. And these, together with the many varied and beautitui dresses of the ladies made the whole scene one of beauty. Tony Cortese London Harp= era were present and did much to en- liven the proceedings. and a solo from Mr. Jos. Senior was much appreciated. Mr. French, with the assistance of Mr. E. A. Penick and a large staff of the town boys as winters, catered most auccesetully to the assemblage. The supper commenced shortly after eight `o'clock and the menu was an e(cgllent one, consisting of Tomato 13ouillion, Loren.!. Croutons, Entree, Dread Sticks, Roast Chicken and Dressing, Cranberry Jelly, Potato Croquettes and Garden Peas, ltuaelan Salad, Bread and Butter, Celery, Orange Water lee, :isn't. Cut Cake, Queen Pudding and Lemon Sauce, Ne.tpolaori Ice Creast, Jellies, Fancy Wafers, Oranges. Bananas, Nuts, Rala- iria, Co:fee, Lemonade. The supper over toe toast list was onssenced and wan ,presided over very ..oly by !ter. Colin Campbell. pastor of ra.t Tuuntete lto.td Presuyt rias Church. it the speeches t.t.tt followed many kind Jnj tou:hing al.u_lona were mad.; to the 'tt.tcter and life of trio honored guest :1 his family wno have the high re - :a, •.•1 and esteem of the people of this cighborhood. ' ilia Majoaty, The Icing` was proyoscd by the thairmau in a abort patriotic ad- dress. ' Canada and rhe Empire' was pro- posed by It. E. Pickard. who spoke on the Treaties made between Great Britton and United States with regard to Can- adian Territory, and the war -like and peaceful invasions of Canada by the Americans. W. B. Weiden)tanun:r re- sponded by giving a resume of the great resources of Canada In forest, nine, poll; etc., and dealt with the great 1mp.rial union which is now being considered and would ono day be a reality. ' Caves and Chlsclhurst Churches" was proposed by the chair and responded to oy Henry Strang, who discussed the Ills - tory of the churches, the increase h1 membership and number of families, and the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Martin. The Sister Churches" was proposed) by F. W. Madman, who spoke of the good feeling that has always existed' between the several churches and of the ultimate union he hoped would some day be brought about. This toaat was respo:tded to by Rev. E. A. Fear, who dealt with the history and standing of the Methodist churches it town, and by itev, D. W. Collins who spoke in a gen- eral way of churches and their causes, with) *Pedal reference to the English Church. ' Our Municipal Institutions" was pro- posed by A. Q. Ilobier who spoke of the health, wealth and prosperity of out', village, T. H. McCallum and W. ilea - man responded a:td discussed our sltu- Application to Parliament An application will be made to the Legislative Aeacinbly of the Province of Ontarlo at its nest session by the Strat- ford & St. Joseph Radial Railway Cont- pany for an Act extending the time for the commencement and for the comple- tion of the Company's railway. J. U. VINCENT, Solicitor for the Applicants Dated at Ottawa this 24th day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1909. SLED OATS FOR SALE The undersigned has about •awl bush ole of seed oats for sale -200 banner and 200 Canadian King -all clean and in first-class condition. Apply on Lot 0, South Thames )toad. Ueborne. IIALLIE DROWN. PROPERTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contain- ing eight rooms, with furnace. electric light and all modern ranee ttenecs. Ifard and soft water. Two tots, situated on Sanders street, Exeter. Apply at Advo- cate Office. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes. This le a new variety that has proven to possess a remarkable Aran stiff straw excelling all other varlets.. also gave the hfgheet ylcld of grain per acre of .t!: the txtrley tested In 1907 at the O. t. C., manchuria Included. It has been without an exception the most popular vattety with the experimental union to the province ever since the first distrib- ution In 190$ in two pound lots from the O. A. C. Price on applhation. JOHN ELDER. Ilensall 1'. U. Lot 113, Con. 2, Hay. WANTED-HOUSii TO RENT A house centrally iocated, of moderate size. Apply at this office. DVS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having derided to go Into the Iluw and r).ay Dusinese in E -(ter 1 have placed a new and up-to-date rig o,t the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station. and respectfully so- ilrit a fair rhare of business of the travelling public. Ctlla at the ottl, e, phone 41A, chcertuily attended to 'VM. ARNOLD. Prop. .,3 OC.: COCO? LOOKING INTO THE EYE .64 Lots of People never appreciate their Eye -Sight until they have ruined it by neglect. By the Famous System of Examination which we call " Looking into the Eye," we are able to detect the cause of evet•v slightest e; t ur of vison or muscular 1 ye- weakness.tnd By properly fitted GLASSES 1\'e ('rt remedy all curable eye -defects u� 4,Te r You Never Miss the Water till the Well Runs Dry 47471 Mr. Simpson, the expert who is at my store, will ex- amine you eyes Free of Charge give you his exact opinion and never recommends Glasses unless they are absolutely needed Come ?1f and Bringoar Children Jeweler SAXON FITTON Optician 2-200'/ ao0 9I*••iI* `%0'/ 00020-340000 D •� 4.0 T ation, itnatitutione, roads, etc. The Learned Professions" wee ably proposed by A. E. Fuke, who discussed the value of learning and spoke very highly of the professional leen of Exeter. Dr. Malloy responded by giving a..ye- eumc (in humor) of the work of the dif- ferent professions. ' Our Ruttiness Interests," proposed by Joe. Senior and responded to by J. A.' Stewart and S. Fitton, who both gave some wholesome advice on this topic. Canadian Sports" was introduced by H. E. Huston. N. D. Iiurdolt and Dr. Bright responded, all speaking highly of Mr. Marlin as a sportsman, and Mr. Hurdon read a poem eulogizing hint in this particular. ' The I'rese" was proposed by J. 0. Stanbury and responded to by J. J. White by giving some Interesting facts ronnectrd therewith. • The Ladies" was proposed by W. W. Tainan and responded to by Itev. Urquhart of Kippen and Rev. McKay of Cro,nar: y, and all dealt with this toast In a very able manner. ' Our Guest" was responded to by Mr. Martin. who was grateful for this ex- prce+Son of apprtclation, and the !many kind remarks made. ae minister l.e had tiled to be a good p.tetor and tO teach tt,e bible, and stupid he had been able to help some one, tic prayed that all might rut again al the great ban- quet above. Moe h credit is due the cOtmnittec who had the affair in hand, (he chairman rtes Ing iteeve McCallum and the secretary Clerk Jos. Senior. KILLED AT LUCAN Willie Woodward, 13 years old, who worked In the Gibson Planing 11111s here was caught in the shafting Friday and almost Instantly killed. The only wit- ness to the act Went was Hiram Windsor a farmer who had just conte in, when the boy made a remark about eotnething be ing wrong with the shafting, at the same time climbing to a table to investigate. The sleeve of his sweater was caught, and to an Itetant he was being whirled around with terrific force, eight times before the power could be shut off. Ile died an hour later without having regain ed consciousness, Ile was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Woodward, an English family who have been in this em- ploy ot D. Stanley for the past two year SOUTH HURON SEED SHOW The Seed Show of South liuron Agric- ultural Society was held In Drucefield on Friday and was largely attended. A epe' lal feature of the show was the lec- ture by Mr. Rainer of Prince Edward County on 'Seeds and tr,e breeding of Seeds." which was well delivered and tustructive. In the course of the lecture he stated that the best way to get rib grass seed from clover seed was, Moilton the seed and mix 1t with fine sawdust, and the rib grass will stick to the saw- dust, when the whole can be separated from the clover by the usual prorrss. DIRTIIS Roffman - At Zurich on Mar. :t, to Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Rottman. a daughter. 'urcrue.-On Con. 14, 11 ty. M tr. t•, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sure: us. a son. \Veit:. -In Stephen on Mar. :t, t , Mr. and Mrs. John Webb a daughter. The Advocate will by sent to any address in ('an ttla to .Ian. 1.1, 1010, for 75e. MARRIAGES Dray-Delbridge.-In Exeter o:n Mar. 10. Mr. William J. Dray of Virden. Man.. formerly of Usborne, to Mies Anna, daughter of Mr. Richard Delbridge of Exeter. Ramsay-Campbtil.-In Exeter, on Mar. 17, Arthur C. Itamsay, \'.S., of llatnil- totn. formerly of Exeter, to Mies Clara Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Si- mon Campbell of Eceter. Ferrington.- Robertson. -At -Cromarty, on Mar. 16th, henry F'errington, Chat- ham, to Was Rubena Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archin Robertson. DEAT1IS Ah zandcr,--In Tuckerarpith on Mar 10, Jane Cannon, relict of tho late Willam Alexander of MrKillop, aged 74 years Me.rriage Licenses issued at tho Ad- 'ocate office. Mtn it4 ►rte • r RELIABILITY:A\ , ���J PRECISION S0LID1TY 1NTERCHANGEAsitiTY ZfLc10NGl11ts�1\v& /Sago dcyu/ire ' /Yin hi 'itcs/ ir/ru/ahen /hmuyhcu//6e mmtels of/»e wo✓/d, 017 accoun/ ofMe/tre/r/u/ mens ifitivrt dq7Zi /e.r/td yae/i/its. Very nc mere rr ewerds o/ I//livelrn7/fnfisfiNofis hove confirmed /he'- suferfOt ctrr/re/me, omony Mese ~Po''s, m/gh/ 6e rncc/J//y men/"'neo'; 5 GRANDS PRiX ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897 -PARIS 1900 MILAN 1906 A \i.tRC11AND SOLE AGENT. EXETER BARGAINS for this week only ! 2 pkges. Tinned Tacks for 50 3 doz. cop'd Hat and Coat Hooks for 25c Lamps with 11, Burner and wicks, reg 40c, 45c and 50c, for 30c Dr. Scott's Stock Food, 50c and $1 pkges, for 35c and 70c " Heave Cure, 50e pkges for 35e K Worm Powders, 50c pkges, for 35c Balsam of Myrrh cures everything, 20c, 30c and 70c 25c, 50c and $1 bottles for Hollywood Ready -Mixed Paint in 10c, 20 and 35c tins 1 " Garland " Wood and Coal Cook, reg. $32.00 for ....$28.00 Curtain Stretchers, reg $1.35, for $1.15 Coil Spring Wire, per 100 $2.50 7 wire " Ideal " Fencing, all No 9 32c per rod Sap Supplies HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE