HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 8zq New... Suitings Having j •.r made the purchase of forty 1,..a and natty suit ends of ex., to tonal quality, and at esti cutely low prices there art'. bargains in store for th•,se who wish to take ndrttntaer' of them as long a.: they las.. 1 .,.y consist of Grey's, Tans, Brown and Green Mixtures Something Natty Something Good Something Cheap Call and examine and bt' convinced W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Rosiness Locals -- Read Them Ladies' tailor-made suits. Perfect in style aruljit. Furl line. Stewart's. EXPEIIIENCED DRESS MAKERS are WANTED. Apply to V. TREBLE. Ili you want to save about fifty per cent un a man's fur coat or ladies' fur - lined. Go to Stewart's. MOUSE WANTED—TO RENT. A house centrally located: apply at this office. The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 1010, for 75 cents. Tell your neigh- bors about it. Redpath's extra standard granulated sugar is on the jump up—watch it go— perhaps you better order now. Steuart sells no other. We take subscriptions for all foreign or" Canadian magazines at reduced rates. Don't forget the Advocate when your subscriptions run out. New 'ntirror',/inished ladies' suiting— bine, brown, green and black—special price 60e. Stewart's. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Ladies' New Spring Jackets. Extra value 6.50-7.50. Stewart's. The Advocate will be sent to any address in Canada to Jan. let, 1910, for 75c. W INCIIELSEA The following Is the report of the ex- aminations held In 9. S. No. 6, Ueborne, during the month of February ;—Sr. V.— Llll.t Heywood 27il, Ella Washburn 262. Jr. V.—Nelle Heywood 190, Laura God - bolt 162•. Sr. IV.—Lulu Godbolt 214, John Crecry 205, Ella 1(evwoOd 199, Pay Fletcher 194, Rhea Godbolt 183. Jr. IV.—Emus tleyweod 263, Alex. Berryhlll • 190. John Brock 147 • . Sr. t1i.—Earl Coward 183. Jean Can:Isbell •102. Jr. 11L—Edward Kellett 223, Inez Crecry 213, Eric Coward 185, Roy Goulding 153. Sr. 11.—Dia Cornish :t15 Hardwick Cornish 2113. May Clark 259 inia Heywood •87. Jr. 11.—Cordon Dun- can 230. Gordon Washburn 211, Lloyd Johns 192, David Creery 191. Jessie A. Hamilton, teacher. 111 kr' For,.acts.—A reactionary storm 1'erlol is central on the 15th, 16th and 17th. T its period leads directly Into the Venus period, combined wit'' the gross n: el rat disturbances, and near the centre o' the Earth's equinox. The character o' storms and weather at this tlmc Is pro.tl^_ntatical, as the Mars in- fluence wi l begin to dominate the ele- ments. ani It caninot be positively fore- seen wilt et way its influence will turn. In any eie.tt the storms will show In ex -ccs. that Is. storms of rain, thunder ani wind, a: o' snow, and boreal winds. w111 be of very decided character. We believe that t .o latter will prevail. and that Vie At er, Influence about this time will act a Nl der pace which will char- aetet.z.' tee wether generally tar into A pr:I. L an You keep warm these cold days ? Sot ing has gone— Winter is come-- Ilicks wits right— . Conte in and get ane Of our Nice Warm Winter Suite or an Overcoat and you will not only feel warts and comfortable. I ilt also right up -iodate. Alae s very n,.•* line ..f Panting: W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Exeter TIIE PERFECT MAN Tr.ere is a man who never drinks, Nor smokes, nor chews, nor swears, Who never gambles. never flirts. And shuns all sinful snares. Ire's paralized. Taere is a matt wao never does A single thing not right, Ills wlte can tell just where he is At morning, noun and night. Ile's dead. T. E. Ilandferd ehlpped a load of fine horsea west on Monday. Mr. Wm. Burke has taken a position as barber with Mr. A. Hastings. Oscar and Eddie Anderson entertained a number of friends Friday- night. Rev. Chowan occupied the pulpit In Raven Presbyterian church on Sunday. Miss Jean Ilawkeltaw very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends on Tuesday evening. A number from Exeter were very pleas- antly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wit. Winer, Stephen, on Monday evening. W. A. Mason, who was annountced to speak at the Y. M. C. A. meeting last week was unable to be present but will attend special nteAlitga Mar. 16 to 19. This Wednesday evening a large citi- zens banquet Is being tendered Rev. W. M. Martin in the Opera House, particu- lars of which will be given next week. Little Jack Burdon la suffering con- siderable pain from having spilled a quantity of hot water over his body while going upstairs one day last week. A new lighting system is being instal- led and tried by several of the business 'nen in town. The light is generated by gasoline and the effect is certainly a brilliant illumination. A number of the members of .Lebanon Forest Lodge. A. F. & A. M.. attended a meeting of 209A Lodge in London on Friday night and witnessed the working ot the third degree, with which they were highly pleased, Thomas Wall, an inmate of the House of Refuge at Clinton is evidently deter- mined to end his life, It possible. Two weeks ago, before being brought here, he made an unsuccessful attempt to drown himself in Ashfield. On Mon- day last he attempted to choke himself to death by grasping his throat with his hands, but was discovered in time to prevent itis accomplishing his purpose. Ile was committed to Goderich }all. Never suspect your friend of doing you wrong until the proof of It is as plain and as clear as the sun at noon on a cloudless day, and then. yes, even then, do not accuse or censure until you have heard from his own lips his version of the supposed wrong. It you were ever a friend to him he le certain lye ntitled to that much forbearance and considera- tion, It this rule was practised many a misunderstanding would be averted, and many a heartache spared. Tommy, Mr. J. A. Stewart's delivery pony, enjoyed a beautiful) dash along James -at. on Friday morning. While the driver was delivering some parcels at Mr. Gladntan's a dog frightened the animal. Not being able to make the turn onto Main street It continued through the Central alley and into W. G. 131e- sett's livery stable, where It stopped, be- cause there was no place else to go. Only slight damage wao done to the sleigh Anybody can soil the reputation of to Individual. however pure and chaste, by uttering a suspicion that his enemies will believe, and his friends never 'tear of. A puff of idle wind can take a mil - 1:o t of the seeds of the tired- and do the work of mischief which the husbandman must labor long to undo. Such arc the seeds of slander, so easily sown, so dif- ficult to be gathered up, and yet so pernicious Inn their fruits. No reputation can refute a sneer, nor any human skill prevent mischief. The marriage took place in St. Thomas on Mar. Ord of a well-known former re- stdent of Zurich, Miss Beatrice Steln- bach, who assisted biles Morlock of Exeter In tier millinery work a few sea.: sons since, and Chester L. Fitzgerald of London. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Alfred Brown at the residence of the bride's slater. Aire. George Bald- win, formerly of Seaforth, in the pres- ence of only tete immediate friends. The young couple wero unattended. After a ti ;p to Detroit they will reside in London The Advocate extends congratulations. Did you ever think ot what your ad. in The Advocate Is doing for you. when you close your store in the evening and go home to your fancily and fireside, not thinking about your business stall, then It is that the paper 1s being poured over in hundreds ot Montes—the homes from which your trade 1s drawn. And there Is your ad. doing its work silently. but surely, and 1f you have taken the pains to stake It attractive Its work will be all the more successful. This is re- peated over and over again, and is no doubt what inspired some writer to call newepeper advertising 'a silent drum- mer.' On Saturday, the 6th inst.. the Exec- utive Committee of the West Huron Tea- chers' As.o lation met in the MOJe'room at Clinton for the purpose of preparing the program tor 'tf.e next institute meet- ing to Exeter, May 'loth and 21st. The fol!owleg memb rs Of the committee pre- sent, Miss W. !toward of Exeter, and Meners. W. Shore of Dashwood, J. 11, 'Meet and J. E. Tont of Goderieh and W. H. Johnston of Rrucefleld. In the ahsrnee of Mr. J. W. Hogarth, President. Mr. J. Hartley. Clinton, occupied the chair. An excellent program was pre- pared and It was decided to procure the assistance of some leading educationist from a distance. --- These are the days when wheat is wheat. The market 1s very strong at present. For a few days 1t has been ranging from a dollar to a dollar and five. Never since 1895. when Joe Leiter tried to corner the market, were things so interesting as at present. The cause for the rise In price Is credited to the tendency to shortage In the world's sup- ply. and the persistent rumor that Pat- ton of Chicago is working for a corner. ills holdings at present are estimated at from 25 to 40 million bushels. The lo- cal supply 1s naturally growing short. thoug.i some t.arnv^rs. who didn't need the money before, could wait for a raise. They aro now unloading. Don't Monkey with that cough ! Take HOWEY'S White Pine and Tar _7) 11K I3, t r'e f..r n Q'iat to \1' W. T.uuart returnal Monday front Detroit and Toledo. Ni. a. 11. 'tout. has returned from a vielt In Sarnia and Deeroit Mrs. Nelson Cas' of Clattdeboy le vis- iting at Mr. Thos. Oases. Miss Melee! Mara of Lucah is visiting tier sister, Mrs. W. S, Cole. Mcesre, 1'. Ilawden and Janes Walters returned Friday from the Soo. Miss Auld has taken charge of J. A. Stewart's millinery department. Mrs. A. llodgcrt returned Monday from a visit with friends in Toronts. Niles ilobbs of 13irr Is visiting ser sister, Mrs. Collins, at the rectory. Mrs. Geo. Anderson left Thursday for St. Thornae and Fingal for a few weeks Mien Mabel Cudntore spent nevt rat days at her home in lieneall during the week. Mr. Frank Bawdcn of Toronto 1s vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Ilawden. Mr. C. T. Brooks was last week visited by his cousin, Mr, 13. 11 Maturing of Cry stat City. Man. Mrs 1.. W. Palmer and children are' visiting with friends in London Mr. Palmer went Sunday in the city. Mrs. Wm. Westcott of Seaforth and Mr John Lighthowler of Ingersoll spent a few days here with relatives during the week. Mies May Armstrong left Monday for Lucknow to take charge of her millinery business. Iler sister, Mise Ethel, ac- companied her and will remain a week. Mist) Stewart has taken roosts over Mr. Elliot's office, Alain St., where etre will be engaged teaching Drees Making from March 1lth to 19th, instead of at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 13agshaw left Mon- day for their western home, after spend- ing several weeks at the home of use formcr's parents here and in other parts of Ontario, since their marriage. The beet wishes of The Advocate go with them. At the Presbytery meeting last week in Clinton the following minute was read and adopted.—Tho Presbytery of HurOn hereby places on record its high apprecia tion of the services rendered by Rev. W. AI. Martin, B. D., during his pastorate in Exeter and Chisoihurst. Owing to the scattered condition of the people and their numerical weakness the field has been more than usually difficult, but under his superintendence, satisfactory progress has been made. Int every de- partment of his work, as pastor and member of Presbytery, he endeavored to do his duty, and from first to last he has enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his own people and his co -presbyters As a citizen his record has been equally honorable. In the cause of temperance and moral reform especially he has al- ways been regarded as a wise and trust- worthy leader. The Presbytery is thank- ful to God for the work he has been in- strumental in accomplishing during his pastorate of 26 years within their bound ary, and they pray that he may be spar- ed for many years to render further service as God may give him opportun- ity, and that the health of hie wife may be speedily and fully restored. — The congregation of Exeter having c>tpreseed a desire for separation from the con- gregation of Chlselhurst, Messrs. Lar- kin, Fletcher and Shaw, with their el - dere, were appointed a committee to confer with the latter as to their fu- ture relations and standing. LECTURE I)o not fall to hear the Lecture by the itev. Jas. Livingstone next Monday even- ing in James street church on 'The Hu- man Voice," one of this eminent lectur- er's best subjects. being of a most pleas Ing, humorous and instructive nature. 1t is given under the auspices of Lades' .t1.1. Admission 25c., children 15c, HOCKEY MATCIIES. A teats of Exeter hockey players drove no Lu•an on Thursday evening and play - (d a game with the club of that town. resulting in favor of Lucan. 10-9. Ow- ing to the narrowness of the rink the game was lacking in individual or conn - bin tttoa work. The visitors report the hest of treatment at the hands of the home team. That Heeler has this year the strong- est hockey tears of some years was well proven on Friday night when they de- feated the fast Hcnsall team on the Ex- eter rink by a score ot 3-1, to a game of 50 minutes length. Tree Exeter play- ers were) Goal, P. Fleming; Point, 8. Ilawden ; Cover, le. ilawkshaw ; hover, R. Southcott ; Forwards, i1. Martin, G. Acheson, and C. Dyer. The itensali players were, Goal, 1I. White; Point, 1t. C:uneron, Cover, A. White; Ilover, E. Stacey ; Forwards. A. Rickert, P. iluch- anan, W. Shepherd. W. Perkins of lien - salt refereed and F. Smallacombe and G. Anderson were goal umpires. Exeter scored the first goal in two minutes and Ilensall followed with one its one minute. Eight minutes later Exeter scored No. 2, and no further goals were secured In the first 25 nnlnutes, in the second half Ex- eter secured one in five minutes, and, al- thouga both teams worked hard for the remainder of the half, no more counts were made. The players of both teams were Individually good and some good combination work was Indulged in. al- though the latter feature of the work is always Interfered with much by the posts. Sandy Bawden stakes a beautl- itul point player and stopped many a sltot that looked good. In an individual rush he 1s a whirlwind and repeatedly carried the puck to the opponents' goat only to fail in scoring by the good work of White in goal. Another feature of the playing was the work of Southcott as rover. ile Is very speedy and is an 1 xce llent shot. Unfortunately he was of for fifteen minutes owing to an injury. The game throughout was clean and Fleming was the only man sent to the bench, and that for bee two minutes. A good crowd of enthusiasts was present and the victory was thoroughly appreci- ated. A plek-up tette of hockey players went to Hensel) Tuesday nignt and as expect- ed got a goof tritnmteg. CENTR.IL.IA On Wednesday afternoon, March 3rd, at the Methodist parsonage, Centralia, Mr. Wm. Dar,Ing of Brinsley was mar -I 'd to Miss Emma Whiteford. 2nd con. McGillivray. by Rev. W. H. Butt. — On Thursday evening t'te i.ad'es' Aid gave a bunqu t to their tnusbands and famil- ies at the Atct'•odlet parsonage. Fella EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1 05 Barley 50 53 Oats 43 44 Peas 80 88 Potatoes, per bag 60 W Hay. per ton 750 858 Flour, per owt., family 300 Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 1 45 Butter 20 $ gs 20 Livehoge, per owt 6 80 Shorts per ton 25 00 Bran per ton 24 00 711 persons were present when the fol- lowing menu was served to the latest of style.—Oranges on the halt shell, press- ed chicken, sliced ham, salad, pickles, berries, whipped cream, Parker house rolls, pies, tarts, cake, write. Nev. W, 11. Butt was chosen toast -master and proposed the following 'toasts. — Our Church, Sunday School, Epworth Lea.. gut., Ladies' Aid, Choir, Young People, Guests, Village, Country and Montes. A number of after dinner speeches were given in response. A most enjoyable ev- ening was apet.t.—Rev. S. Salton of Trow bridge, a former pastor, preached miss- ionary sermons in the J1:etttodlst church on Sunday with the result that the con- tributions were ahead of last year. The reverend gentleman received a cordial welcome front his many friends.—Miss Pym ,who has been staying in our vill age for a couple of months, left on Mon- day for her home In LOndon.—Mrs. Mc- Coy is visiting friends In London, The Old Way — The New Way Take Howey's ;r Cure -a -Cold Capsules Poor Fellow 'e alh a cold,'. aught to use NAMELESS it settles the cold problem—it costs leas and cures easier than most all other remedies. Drop in and buy just one 25c bottle and see for yourself. Sold only at ;, THE PURITYg wte;, See our display of St. Patrick .4 Easter Canis The Old Reliable Family Flour It has the natural color and flavor. Has an artny of satisfied customers. The Quality of STAR FLOUR has given us our success . a HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO Notice to Farmers and Public ! if you have any OLD IRON, RUBBERS, RAGS, COPPEIt, BRASS, LEAD, ZINC, Bring it to M. Jackson & Sons, the Old Reliable — Firm — where you can get highest msrket price in CASH All sizes Iron Pipe also Ilbn Posts j on hand M. Jackson & Sons MAiN ST.. EXETER. OPPOsITH ELECTRIC Pciwilt HOrss TEACHERS of ripe who!' arship, wide tearhing and bneinen experience in lead ing t'anadian and American centres, employed by out chain of ili,rh Grade Colles• es. hate built up a •nprrirr, unapproa• had curriculum. Euh student is lastru. ted prit►tely at hia own desk. We awii.t our gra.taatra to the beet positions Three eourwe Commercial, atenov,raphy and Telecrat.hy, Nail Connie*. Enter any day. Write for partl-friars CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (3E0. Sl'(tTTt)N. Pim. letr. Call and examine our 28 gauge Preston Safe Lock Shingle which we aro selling for $4.50 per square and you will be conv'nced that it is the most satisfactory shingle on the market. Guaranteed wind and Storm Proof needing no clip to hold bottom of shingle to place. We are offering splendid values in Halt- ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns, etc. – – T. HAWKINS & SON Gteat Discount Sale of Furniture at Rowe & Atkinson's III We have started a great slaughter sale comprising every article of furniture in our large stock at a Big special discount off regular prices for CASH. Note some of the Great Bargains we are offering and what it means to furniture buyers. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the GREATEST BARGAIN SALE ever held in Exeter. BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak finish, with large Bevel Mirror, regular price 810.50, Discount Sale Price. ....$13.00 SIDEBOARDS, regular price $13.00 Discount Sale Price $10.00 COUCHES, regular price $8.50 Discount Sale Price $0.00 MATTRESSES. regular price $3.50 Discount Sale Price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK Now that Spring is almost here you will find it to your advant- age already secure some Spring &Summer Wearables early.ha r 1 We y :•hopper with our magnificent showing of New Dress Goode, Trim- mings, Linen Suiting., Gingham., Cbambrays, Vesting., White Waist., Whitewear and everyt king that is new for the corning season. New Spring Dress Materials Exclusive Cloths Latest Colorings An aristocratic show- ing of the very correct French and British suit- ings now ready for your approval. A prominent feature is the surpris- ingly stylish cloths at popular prices - 50c, 75c, $1.00 per yard New Grays. Greens. Blues, London Smoke, and a charming range of Blacks. Dress Skirts are a big factor in our store this Reason. They are very handy to ecure, being all ready for wear. Nice Voile with Satin or Silk trim- mings, Merges and Pan- amas are the leading cloths. Embroideries and Insertions From the one inch Trimmings to the 18 inch Corset Cover Em- broideries, We have a very large assortment as they will be very much used for this sea- son. Our Stott is Fast FIlllng Up PHONE NO. 32 NCVY Spring Goods dor 1Vc Early Buyer Beautiful New White Waists This season we are showing the largest and most stylish range of Dainty White Waists we have ever put before the people of Exeter. Every Waist i9 A Garment of Style Long or Short Sleeves I'rices from $1 up to $4.50 Colored Under - Skirts Of Silk, Ileatherbloom, Moreen and Sateen. The colors are Blue, Green, Brown, Gray and Black. An ideal underskirt to thatch any suit you may boy. All at very low prices Wash Goods Now is the time to buy them. The New i'rints, (iingbams, ('hamhraye, Linens, Vesting. and Muslins, Our stock is large and the patterns are correct in the seasonable shades House Furnishings for the Spring House Cleaning New ince Curtains New Welton Room Rug. •, Madras do " Velvet ' " Swiss do " Unslin do " Tapestry do " lfattings " Linoletnms , u " llrur.ele " Tapestry " " Wool " " Nadallinn " " Carpets JONES & CLARK IHe8(1qu tr'teri for the celebrated W. E Sanford (Clothing