HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 7TOO LITTLE BLOOD. Re pinteible for Nearly all of the Misery Woaon Endure. Anaemia is written on the fea- tures of ninety women out of a bundred. Unmistakable are the signs of "tuo little Lloyd." The weaker sex is assailed at all ages by the evils resulting from blood- lessness, from the girl who is weak and languid, with dull eyes, pale lips, fitful appetite and palpitating heart, to the woman who feels "never well," with pains in the back and across the shoulders, fainting fits and aching limbs. And later at life's turning point, ner.l ous disorders and heart troubles make great calls on a woman's strength. At all ages Dr. Williams' l'ink Pills are especially valuable to the female sex, for they alone possess the power of makit.g in abundance the rich, red blood of health. They fill the starved veitas with new blood so that enfeebled bcdies are strongthoeed, weak nerves are for- tified, and robust, health is restored. Mrs. E. Smith, Windsor, N. S., says: "A few years ago my health began to fail. I suffered greatly from inward troubles, and in about a year's time my whole system was almost a wreck. My blood had turned to water, and my heart had become so badly effected that I could scarcelyo about. In fact life had almost become a burden, and there seemed little hope fur me. One day a friend asked me if I had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and told rue that she had been in almost the same condition I was and that the Pills had re- stored her to her present splendid health. I took courage from what ney friend told me and began to take the Pills. I took them regular- ly for several months, constantly growing stronger, and the inter- nal troubles from which I had been afflicted were disappearing, and my whole system scented to hasp gained new strength. I wanted to make certain that there would he no return of the trouble and I •on- tinued to take the Pills for a time after I had really fully recovered. Since I have proved for myself what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can do, 1 have recommended them to a nu.n• ber of suffering people, and these who have given thorn a fair trot have proved with me that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills are just what th'y arcrecommended to bo." old by all medicine dealers cr by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 fr,,m The Dr. W,' lianls' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. GOOD LI CK ('HARMS. e`alskin, Human Bones and Owl's Heart, Wooers of Success. Gamblers have many charms to insure good luck when playing. Among these arc a fine catskin hung from the neck, a human knee hone or toe bone, an owl's heart, a smell red feather, a mole's foot, a rab- bit's font, the tail of a lizard, the skin of a black snake worn round tho waist or a lizard with two tails. The latter is Irresistible. Throughout Southern Italy wo- men and children wear a red coral necklace as a charm against evil. If they sell the necklace they retain one bead, which they regard as magical. A charm made of coral is supposed to avertthe evil eye. It is in the shape of a hand with the thumb, third and fourth fingers folded down over the palm and the index and little fingers extended. SCOTTISH MARRIAGE CUSTOM. Qt'EFR RAILWAY CARS. Strange Equipments Which Are Used on Some of Theta. What use is a balloon to a rail- way carriage? Few of the latter are so fitted, but there is at least one running on a mountain rail- way near Salzburg which •has a' balloon attached to it in order to assist it up the steepest portions of the line. At the summit a tank be- low the car is filled with water sufficient to counteract the upward pull of the gas -bag, whieh the vehicle thus drags down it upon the return journey. There is only one car in the world with a window fitted as a Royal autograph album. It is a somewhat ancient railway saloon used in Denmark for the convey- i.nce of Royal visitors. It has bo- -ome the custom of these to scratch their names on one of its panes, which now shows the autographs of King Edward and Queen Alexandra amongst others, including those of the late Czar, the late King of Denmark, the late Duke of Clar- ence, and many others. Another uniquely fitted railway carriage is that containing the ves- tibule entrance to the train belong- ing to the German Emperor. This vestibule holds several fine statues —an innovation which has not been copied elsewhere, though many Royal trains carr'y superb paint- ings as part of their decorations. A car with a complete veranda is another novelty introduced in the train constructed for President Diaz of Mexico, where the drawing - room portion is surrounded by such a fitting. Very few trains are roofed with water, and that of the Viceroy of India is amongst the small number that are so. All the vehicles, eight in number, have double ceilings, which are really water -tanks, hold- ing about five tons of water. This arrangement contributes towards coolness, and furnishes water for domestic purposes on the train. The train carries sixty personal servants when the Viceroy uses it. Neither paste -boilers nor bel- fries appear to be likely equip. ments for railway carriages, but both actually exist. A paste -boiler was built into the advance adver- tisement -car which preceded the Barnum and Bailey Show through England, so that the "crew" of the cur could start to post their pla- cards the moment they reached their destination. On the long- distance lints in Russia each of the important trains has a car above which rises a little belfry contain- ing a chime of bells. _S. Once More from The Great West Comes Evidence of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney Pills Are Doing. Cyrille Maginot Cured of his Rheumatism and Diabetes by the old Reliable Kid- ney Remedy. Findlay, Man., Mar. 8. (Special). —Cyrille Maginel, a well known farmer living near here, furnishes further evidence of the great work Dodd's Kidecy Pills .aro doing in the west. i "1 suffered from Rheumatism and Diabetes," Mr. Maginel says in telling the story of his cure. WAS IAKtErl S.0 F�1)Y CATCHIN: COLD PERU -NA REIIEYEC. mISS EBNESTINE BOUVARD, Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, C'an., writes: "At the close of 1t'03 I took sick as the result of catching cold. I became very weak and could not do anything. 'I consulted a doctor who had me take various kinds of medicine, but I ..id not find any relief from my suffering. At the advice of a friend, I wrote to you and you ad- vised me. "After I had taken two bottles of Peruna there was noticeable im- provement. I combined the use of Peruna, Manalin and Lacupia and after taking several bottles of each 1 find myself entirely cured. "I can certify that it wan through your medleines that I recovered my heealth. I advise every one who is similarly afflicted to obtain Dr- Hartman's advice and be benefit- „ Mrs. Wilda M000rs, R. F. D. No. 1, Lents, Oregon, writes: "For the past four years I was a wretched woman, suffering with severe backaches and other pains, leaving me so weak and weary that it was only with difficulty that I is a standard medicine that widens was able to attend to my household its sphere of ueefulness year by duties. "I used different remedies. but year. If you aro in need of some - found no relief until 1 had tried thing to rid yourself of a cough or Pernoa. cold, you cannot do better than try "Within two weeks there was a Dickies Syrup. change for the better, and in less Amongthe workmen of Holland, than three months I was a well and accident insurance is compulsory, and sickress insurance voluntary. urethsnt•ldwill alwafs cure my colds. "HARD BOILED" FACTS. In a hen's egg only one-fifth of the substance is nutritious, one - ninth part is refuse, and the re- mainder, the greater portion, is water. White -shelled eggs are not quite as good as yellow ones, for they contain a trifle more water and a little less fat. Judge by the amount of nutriment a goose's egg is the most valuable. Next in the order arc` ducks', guinea -fowls', hens', turkeys', and plovers'. Eggs contain a large quantity of sulphur, which is purifying to the blood, and good for the complex- ion. To get the best egg you must feed your fowl on grain; and to cook it in the most digestible water to 180 deg., and leave the egg in it for ten minutes. You will then digest every morsel. But if you boil it for three minutes, no less than one-fifth of it will fail to be digested. Thus, if you eat two eggs boiled for three minutes every day, you waste five dozen in a year. an Iabsrftanes of west hangs 1s a.erinus aatM1. sap. brat Allen's Lung Balsam, taken at the first ' sign of • south will en lire Immunity from thle dangerous detect. Don't %ride with unkuuws eere•alla. WAYS AND MEANS. "It takes a heap o' determination, ton," slid U'tele Eben, "to ha v I Five Gorse elos• Price Iwo, t.rms •ad acr•ag•. ti EOM; A I:ENDAI.L, Resler 1. Rea!t•. eve Ilaeungs St. W., Vancouver, H.C. FRUIT LAND. yoh own way iu des life, an' a heap o' brains to know what to do w if 1t after you gi:s it." to tall and vaacourer, D. O. Also city au 1 •uburbaa lots These two desirable qualifies- "Did your husband have any luck tions, pleasant to the taste and at on his shouting trip'?" asked the the carne time effectual are t., be friend of the family. "1'es, in - found in Mother Graves' worm deed," replied the know fug lady. L' terruinator. Children like it. "Ho managed to get honk without shooting himself or anybody else." "Did you ever," said one preach- er to aeother, "stand at the door after your sermon, and listen to w hat people said about. it as they passed out?" The other replied: ••1 did cuco"—a pause and a eigh— "but I'll never do it again." Repeat Our* cur myooueueand col." Fenton—"At first he was simply crazy about her, but now he neg- lects her shamefully." Sloanes— "I see. At first ho went out of bis mind, and then she went out of his mind !" For Ohllbfalne, Frost Rites, Eralses, Sprains, nothing equals the famous old remedy, Perry Davie' Painkiller. Kelp a bottle always on hand. Equally good to cheek Chills and break up Colds. At all druggists. First Student`—"Who is your favorite writer?" Second Student --"My father! You should see the cheques he writes 1" cage m# coughs and colds." s will always Twenty -rave per cent. of the world's ships are constructed in British yards. Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup continues to occu- py a foremost place among reme- dies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the lungs. It happy woman. "All the praise is due to Peruna." Peruna is not a local remedy, but an internal systemic remedy. It will relieve catarrh in its most obstiriate form. NO DOUBT. When a young man tolls a girl that he'll love her forever and ever no doubt ho believes he is tel - Ung the truth at the time. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your palm a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women -I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure to self. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will If you will assist me. All Inns need do Is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed In my bands to be given aw.1y. Perhaps this one box will curs you -It lues done so for others. If ro. I shall be happy and you will be cured for to (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. to to -da -v f•�r my fr•'e ire ,t - mew. MRS. F. ld CURAAll.'Windsor. Out. A man with a lot of nlorlcy is al- ways a great, help t4, Irineelf. Repeat it.- "BhUoh'e Ours will always cure my coughs and colds." A chain recently made in England was 2,1; miles long, and weighed 25 tous. They Wake t'io Torpid Energies. —Machinery not properly super- vised and left to run itself, very "11, sleep was broken and unre_ soon shows fault in its working. It freshing, and I was tired and nervi- is the same with the digestive or- ous all the time. I was treated by gans. Unregulated from timo to s. doctor but he failed to euro me. time they aro likely to become tor - Many quaint marriage cuptomg Reading that Dodd's Kidney Pills Pid and throw the whole system still survive in ninny old English I were good for brick sediment in the out of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable and Scottish families. One not- i urine, led me to try thorn, and Pills were mule to meet such cases. able tradition of this sort still kept j after using twelve boxes I and as They restore to the full the flag - green by the Dukes of Athol' and well as I can possibly be. Dodds ging faculties, and bring into or - pills have mado a now der all parts of the mechanism. (heir heirs is that of the bride- y _ _ `room carrying the bride across the : man of Inc and I sin thankful." Madrid has the hi h st altitude of threshold of Blair Castle. it beingI Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure - in accord with an ancient trnditir.all. They cure sick kidneys and any city in Europe. that is all that is claimed for them.`—' that it is unlucky for a bride whoPutep'wH tar/ glee. ib. hmnns rhe enters the castle fur the first time But sick kidneys aro the root of 0,t 1. a•enthof f9a.ter., whl-b cu,e ;umbago, numerous diseases catisod by im- h..kachw,•d.tics,nenraIgis.et:,arealway.put to w alk iii the ordillart• way. This npin n.eyanl rolh 1 ,phl,i-isnmaulfaroily u.e. Is the only one of the many etinint pure blood. For you can't have Ua,ia S Lawrence e' .. 3luntr.al- old feudal eustems that ere °Leers.- pure holed with sick kidneys. It is _ __ ell upon this estate, which the Duke the work of the kidneys to strain Denmark has the highest suicide - the impurities out, of the blood. rate of any nation. of :�tholl holds from the Crown by ?meld's Kidney fills cure Iliabetes one of those strange tenures which because it. is a kidney disease; they Repeat ft:-"Ahtloh's(ure will always are occasionally to be found in euro Ilheumatism because it is care my coughs sad cods (Treat Britain. Upon fear of for- caused by sick kidneys fatting to tenure the owner has to present strain the uric acid out of the The Tartars have the strongest, his sovereign with a white roto blood. the Chinese the weakest voices. whenever he or she vi -its the castle. 4.— When all other corn re tri- - MY l:YE. p p• A student in n medics! college tions fail, try Holloway's Corn EABY'S CWN TAFI:B?3 Cure. No pain wl►ate'ter, and no lii'o learning to use the opthal- inconvenience in using it. � WILL IU iB !CUR BABY moscope, was told to examine and -- — report. upon the condition of a GLASSHOUSES IN ENGLAND. mans eye. The doctor -to -be ad - At the present time there are justsd the instrument and looked 1f your little ones are subject to toile, indigestion, constipation, worms. simple fevers. er the other long and searchingly into the sub- some 1,500. acres in England cover - minor ailments of childhood. give ject's left optic. ed over with glass. which if stretch - "Most remarkable " he ejaculate ed out in one straight line would cd, with a surprised look. Head- form a glass hothouse a good deal jesting the opthalmoscope, he again longer than the length of England, carefully scrutinized the eye. , and about ten feet in width. Fifty "Very extraordinary, inde-d years ago the acreage covered by ht• exclaimed. "I never heard of glasshouses did not exceed much such an eye. This must he some more than 200. From the 1,000 new disosse. Have you ever had acres of glasshouses are produced an expert opinion on it i" annually about 0,000 tons of to - "Once," was the laconic reply. meows. 2,000 tons of peaches, and "The man who put it in said it was 1,500 tons of grapes. a fine bit of glass." --- Seme of the largest orcin steam - in .lapan. 't.000.000 camphor -trees ers can be converted into armed have Leen planted since 1800. cruisers in thirty hours. them Baby a Own Tablets and see bow quickly the trouble will disap- pear. But better still, an occa- sional dose of Tablets given to eel' ehildre'l will keep these troubles way. Mrs. Allan A. JfacDonald, Island River. N. B , says: "My baby suffered greatly from consti- prRtien end stomach trouble and Ilahy's Own Tablets cured him. I always keep the Tablets in the tome now.' Sold by medicine Balers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sunlight will penetrate very clear water to a depth of 1,500 feet. Sure Regulators.—Mandrake and Dandelion are known to exert a!: powerful influence on tho liver and kidneys, restoring them to healthful action, inducing a regu- lar flow of the secretions and im- parting to the organs complete power to perform their functions. These valuable ingredients enter into the composition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pi'ee. and serve to ren- der them the agreeable and salu- tary medicine they are. There are few pills so effective as they in their action. "Mamma," said little John, "I just made a het." "You naughty boy, Johnny' What made you do it t" she asked. "I bet Billy Rob- erts my cap against two buttons that ycu'd give five cents to me to buy same apples with. Ycni don't want me to lose my cap, do you 1" He got five cents. The Russian does not. "come of ago" until he is twenty-six. TNU ISSUE NO I0--09. Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds." Customer—"Why did you take your boy away from school so young 1" Grocer—"They were ruining hint for my business—try- iug to teach hien that sixtceu oun- ces make a pound." No Alcohol In Ib.—Alcohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength !y evaporation does not in any shape enter into the manufacture of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Nor do climatic changes affect it. It is as service- able in the Arctic Circle as in the Torrid Zone, perhaps more useful in the higher latitudes, where ratan it, more subject to colds from ex- posure to the elements. "Will you love when I am old 1" whispered tho poetic girl. "Didn't I tell you that I Loved you now?" he responded teasingly, and she didn't speak to him again for a whole week. Allen's 1 wig sals•m,ln which there Is ne opium, cares sore threat and sore lungs a+ 1t allays the tnlammatiun and rids you of the mucus that stops up the air passages. 2; c, 00c, 11.00 bottles. SKY SIGNS. Whether clear or cloudy, a rosy sunset presages fine weather. A sickly -looking, greenish hue, wind and rain. A dark or Indian red, rain. A red sky in the morning, bad weather or much wind; per- haps rain. A grey sky in the morn- ing, fine weather. A high dawn, wind; a low dawn, fair weather. Remarkable clearness of atmos- phere near the horizon, distant ob- jects. such as hills, unusually' visible or raised by refraction, and what is called a good "hearing day," may bo mentioned among signs of wet, if not wind. :t CALVES 1.1e Tb W:tbou Mtlt, llla..tIM r,.. etude Brts;s Seed Co., Lt•t., Toronto `4' g WA' T SY.L1AlILs N5Y tit* n'OyRg all oyer rsast► 1• w.. yk fur us during their .ea-• hen -s aide* sur tirsh grad. t'e.talo Toilet aetulaltee, Teas t'..Raaa etc No eel Sac• n•eewary w.,rk pl•suut and r•m•.ueret:eg, Tb• tf:m• Npeclsai.a Co., l/eV*. W, Trains" Areune. 'roroat4. Caueda. Important Auction Sale of Shorth:rn buds, cows amt h. .fern. at W003ST0CK, ONT., MA 1011 Ith. 19011 1n ax'. Pavillon 'Potty bead •r• in tb• .fer1 Fa+n.r• and br•o.••,s in need of hent t.cl.s wf dal them at &Lis •ate. Apply fir .AtaL.Xu•, H. J. Gisela Wood -304i Lays T. E. Rubsou, Ancuv:.«r. 6 LOVELY EASTER or SEAUTIFt'L POST CARDS FLORAL With your NAM or TIME In Oc Le se KL<!UT IO a. Agents wa:.t•rt. tUi5eaw Wel Premiums or Large c•owsiealuu gives. N.S.--This aai will not appear gala. •OUVEN:N ART 10 , I LINTONVI. LE, COMM. A. J. PATTI SON Si CO. 33-33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. Stook Broker3 & f inanolal Agent* Cf OS.L'1._Ler grad otter stooks b .ut;ht ant a ad on c.rmml 'Correspondence larited, Ordure may be wired al wpm swam NO 2DONO Oram separator PRICE 5.0.00. 1.Ii"rklN SEND YOU A Ooaio Cram Separatoli to your home for 10 claws' fres Trial. Th. Trial will not cosg you a penny. I sell machrn•strictly on is me 7 awl it his to be betty` 1 othera(uotsimpl 'savant) stand a chance in e..atp� . then. It 1S better, and fpm tro.iuced in a age are -4 way. Hy Erse Trial sad ell atntnation plaaehuuld tater est y .u. w ,ite for Circular "W" M J. ti. MORROW. snIOUTON, - - ONTARIO. PR. LLt;1{T'S BUST DETENI Lit Will demolup year bust from two to three inched In a ve y short time. ABSOLUT[LY HaleL•se. Price SI e0 prep:a tt. Cor nunicatiuns atrlct,y private. vim EDW+Rha M1aDIC,N : COMFA'VY dll Bathurst St., T•r.uto, Ont. DAILY MISAAPS MAKE ZIM-BUK A DAILY NEED. ACCIDENTS will happen in the best regulated homes; and having a box of Zam-auk handy is a precaution that has saved thousands of families much worry and excen3e. There Is never any knowing what a small injur/ may Iced up to if neglected. The stoppage of the bleeding, or the pain from d cut, burn, or scall, lulls many people into a false sense of s_curity. Dust getting into a wound may set up festering, Inflammation, and blood -poisoning. in • sitnilar way. a tiny cut may be the starting point of itching an.l irritating eczema ; ar.d the spot your child scratches on his heal, the uneri'pected beginninz of ringworm or some th-r hair -destroying scalp disease. Zarw-Buk, while such • perfect healer, Is also the inveterate eremy of .1.,r. Ctusae A burn. staid, cut- or !rules promptly and regular -1f dressed sv,th this rare •rad rich balm cannot t-vn the wrong way "; and any tendency of the skin to 1 hy, Inaarn•d, •r " mattary," 1. speedily checked, Thu 1e because Tun Hol. rot snip .r w a new. healthy Ono, but- belt.. 10 refined, 1• •b•orbed by the pores. and its heabrg ems 'ices make perfectly healthy ail the undtrlylrna ,rmrr-e. Always keep a bo■ of Zam•Buk handy. for daily mishaps make lam -Duk • daily need. SAD SCALD CURED. CMIto !URRID BY STOLE L10. Nra. W. Caked, 33, Richmond Square. len H e:lrellestune. 01 %101 Rawdcn Sneer. Montreal. says: -- lay hale grandson was Pt.:Afoul Vnt • as s:- 1 tad lam -Bab a se1k111om severely scalded os. a right las from the splendid i,ealer cf aktldren'e taiurirs. My toes so (D. ammo. Thum Mlury was very little boy hunted his tout very badly on the foe{uus. sad decundei .neat attention. We re.ldk.ot 111 c4 s.1 a stove. 1 he skin was seed cedls.ng but Zam-Bak. all it was c.unpietely turned aff. ard he bad a abo Iiog wonderful bow eoolin4 au! soothing 11 foot. the wourd tutu i g to a ruining .or prov.d It was nose week. Irsforo 1+.• ieg fe•iffInd and tine largtng 1 ap dl d was Really halal. but there was DM a scar 7+m -Auk and 11 .8s i,,elr checked •'1 left to show where be had been scalded. As disc reing and Irwin nig, die w- out 1' e the Dome •first Ali,' 1 lb.ok Zai••Bus is rrftaa.rtauui. aad Etrli, keeled me wound without egos'." nicely." -- —Lis-=�--- Zam fat Is a pv 1tive and certain Cure for r ts, bur . bruises. sprains. riles. festering "ores. ul.•ers. scalls. liked pisoning, -e..--ma. scabs, Lapp d hands. cold -cracks. ahiit erna. rtasw rrn. *Gall, sores. bed leg. disease.' ankles. r all whet skin diseases and smurua. Rabbet well into the part s.Be..ted,11 cures nett s.1 e. rbrumarnm, awl sciatic*. All I)rulststs •rad Sone. esti at v)c hoz. trues fee 51.23. or port free from Zan- flak Co.. Toronto. foe ,rice • e FURS •°°HIDES Write fee Weekly Price Lists. Shlpfsents Selieit•d. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, ONT. 'r Bond tor {area) Catalogue No. 75. 'ift� 11:11._ lab IA NUR O d