HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 5r rZ GOLD MEDAL - FOR - Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Ale in Canada. Clandeboye. Mre. Herbert has gone to London, where she intends spending a time. - George and Percy Dauncey have [tone to Des Moines, U.S.A., to visit their sister. -Miss Lou Hennessey has gone to 8t. Thomas to visit her sister, Mre. Hodgins.-Eslie Hodson and family are moving to town this week. -We understand Walter Hodgins, of let con., has rented his place to Moore Cunningham. -Fred Brown spent a couple of days in London last week. - There is a number round here suffer- ing with la grippe. -Richard Carter is all smiles, it is a boy. -Rey. Fair of Elimville assisted Rev. Kerr in the re- vival services last week. There is a good attendance each evening. -Mr. John Dixon of Walkervillo is renew- ing acquaintances round here. -Miss Olive McRann entertained a few of her friends last Wednesday night. They tripped the light fantastic till the wee sma hours of the morning. -Mr. Russell Denholm of Blyth is visiting his aunt, Mrs. D. Cunningham. -Mr. Will Davis, an old timer, after twenty years absence, is visiting friends around here. -Miss Forest was the guest of Mrs. Eli Bice over Sunday. - Mrs. N. E. Case visited at Mr. Thomas Case's in Exeter this week. llillsgreen.-After a sickness of sit weeks John Arthur Reichert died Friday Feb. 2flth. He was born in Itay Town ship on the 7th of December, 1893. Six weeks ago he failed In health but was able to be around until three days be- fore his death. wily not trade that organ of yours on a piano ??? At thev resent \ e p can handle a number of second hand organs and are therefore prepared to allow you agood price for it. We don't ask you one dollar more for the piano than your neighhhr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT ItIGIHT 111 Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn Books, Bibles, Stationery, R,c S. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.) Thee are noted for the quality of their goods. New... Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory F'Olt TIl1- District of Western Ontario including EXETER. Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes et street ad- dresses, or for duplicate e(itries should be handed in AT ONCE TO A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. !SE(D5 can know every- thing. verything. To bsrome expert means to s inial* e. We are elalidta In producing the berg flower and vegetable seeds. In 61 year* we have [,some experts. Row Ferry's Heads and reap the means of our care. For sale everywhere. Read our Mt catalogue and profit by our experience. Rent free on request Addvex 1. N. MIT $ S., WMI$lt, elii. `ter CHILES' .'i j 1 INS ---TO---- 111:1NITt1IiA, ;11.,11::i; A SASKATCHEWAN R} Ci.adlnn Pnc ;320 direct line For Seer 4: e.t.,: with terra• Ck nr,t Brescia Special Trains w.3 leave Toronto roach TlF.11)A1 In MARCH ..d 4r111. at 10.13 p.m. Ikeraas and fan! S w,11 out livestock ,scold as. lteHilrTrains eavire Toronto 10.13 p... dao, Teti. at S;e.r'ng Cars Fastest Time COLONIST (:ARS E' Al.I. TRAINS 4i, (:hard• for 1\erth■ Low Colonist Hates Only Through Service to the West At ply to nearest went for full information an,f !see eery of " Sett,*rs' (1u•4e" or writ* R a_ Themrson. U 1'.A . t: P.R., Toronto \V. J. C.\RLING. Agc:,1, F:X1:TElt. Msrtex Abuorate EXETER - - ONTARIO 11.00 If paid 1a advance, 61.50 a yen If not *o paid. �Q To United States Sabacribere$1.60 s Yoar Strictly in Advance. SAN DEM i CREECH. Publishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and only sato elfocttral Monthly Itegulaturon which women can depend. Sold in three degrees sr of strength -No. 1, 1; 1.o. 2, 10 dcgrocs stronger 53; No. 3, for special ca..ses, per box. bold by all dru is, or sent propel d on rood pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : TN COOK MEDIOINICo..TORONTO.ONT. (formerl3r1Yindaor) STBATFORD. ONT. This school stands in the forefront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. We have three departments; Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, All departments are in charge of experienced intnIctors and the courses are thorough and practical. t)ur graduates secure good voutions. $talents are entering every week. Write for our free catalogueat once. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN Principal[:. School Reports Following to the report of S. S. Nu. 14, Stephen, based on weekly examinations, --\'., M. Hanlon, M. Ifaynhant, I. F:Hsery, 3.. Coughlin, w. I lodgers. Sr. IV., E. Brooke. F. Essery, L. Butt. 11. Anderson. Jr. iV., M. Hanlon, S. Neil. Sr. I11., M [(carnal'. It. llanlou, Sr. 11., D. Brooks, L. Baynhani. L. Abbott, G. Hanlon, E. Culbert, 11. Elston, E. Alexander, W. Culbert. Jr. i1., H. Eeaery, V. Davis, L. Hicks. It. )Mlle, F. lluxtable. 1't. Ir., (1. Cuits rt, M. Ilrown, 1. Alexander. l't. 1.. A. hicks. \V. llu:table, 1. Taylor. M. Brown. L. Ellett, 1). Hackney, N. 1'axman. A. Swann, Teacher, The folluwing is the report of S. S. No. 3, L'eborle, for February. So:ne of the pupils nhisaed an examination. - t'on. Class. -Bottle Doupe :t.:., Alberta 1)oup 32 1. Sr. IV., J. MrC'urdy 297, Iea- i ol1c Turnbull 2135, E. Shia r 278, It.Shit r 251). Jr. IV., A. Copeland 264, (J. Me. curdy 214. Sr. 111., E. Doupe, 321), L. 11 rrls 289. Jr. Ili„ J. McCullough 3011 1. Irvine 298. R. Doupe 257. 0. Cope- land 252. Sr. IL, May Ilodgert :121, 1 F'rancle 31 U, T. McCurdy :105, D. 11al- four 21414. Jr. II.. Hoy Fletcher 272, 11. Shute 25:l, L. McCurdy 217. (1. Copeland 128, G. Harsh 12::, It. It.ay 68. I't. iN; 11. McCurdy 146. l't. 1.. 11. Shier 125; \l. McCurdy to -l. E. M. (;reason.ttac•her Report of Shfpka Public School for Feb tu.try, No. on roll 59. average ,7.U. -V„ 1.. 1lariton 918. iV., V. Milner lleitt Jr. 1V., 11. P'b:kbelner 1170. A. Fink- Ixlner 1152. M. Flnktelner 1103. Lucy Patton 958, A. Smith 886, Ii. Lex hr.or 66o, 1). O'Rourke 650, iii., T. Sp:ckett 11119. T. Krogh 1155. Jr. Iii.. M. I'Ick- ering 1175, 8. Keogh lnt)4, V. S:.arp 1072, E. Robinson 910, M. Clark 896, E. Lynch 972, J. O'Rourke 96LtI'earl %Ving 789. B. Ilaynham 761, A. Gateer 716. A. Rrophey 462, It. (lower 405, E. Ilaynham 251), (3. Hutchinson 100. Sr, 11.. It. Ilaynham 725, F. Webb 683, V: Flnkbclnrr 680, E. F'Inkbelior 666. A. Keogh 596. M. Pfaff 5;.m, W. 111uphry '.42, T. Mason 509, M. Gower 4147. E. llutchlnson :11.'., Jr. 11., 1. Schroeder, 138. W. ilaynhar) 414. 11. Lochner 231, I. Sharp 183. (1. Clark 170. N. Arm- strong 65. I't. II. S!.-1,. Schroeder :117. M. Ilaynham) :1. G. 1i. Lynch 315 I.. Wing 309, D. !leotard 121, Pt. 11. Jr, -(1. Flat 23:1. J. Lynch 231. E. Webb 1 ES, Sr. Pt. I. L. Finkbelner 1 7 1 E. 1laynhanl 14:t. S. Pickering 15. Jr. l't. 1.-N. Hannon 205, 0. Pfaff 167, P. Schrocdrr 1 16. K. Lo •finer 1 1 n, 1.. 1 timer t. 9. 11. Rrophey 83, L. prop! ey 79. J. M. Rolx•rteon. teacher. I'o;ioa•I;,g Is the rorreet report'Jr S. S. No. 4, .S:ep:ten. for February. Warm 10 order of merit. -1 V., 11. Schwartz, A. Cot blah. It. Kraft, .\. Itrokcn.hI,r. 1.. )lode's[ %V. Schwarz. C. Fiber. G,('orn- ish, C. Moen, 0. Itre,wn. M. Klumpp. Jr 111.. 111.4 Silber, F:. Amy. L. Smith. !to .71 r. Fr. 11., J. Schwartz. J. Brok- t n mL -e, E. Co-nlih. C. Mork) k. E. Wein. J.. 11 . 0. Fc•hrocd •r, C. \tot to k. 0.Co: n - i•1 . 1. W..)1. Pt. Ii., 11. I'reezcator, M. V I.3 1. rt. 1.. S. Cornish. E. F:i:her. M. 1 11. Arnls:tong. Teacncr. MAKE THIS tJP AT YOGI( IIOME. What will appear vary interesting to many People here le the article taken from the New fork daily paper, giving a simple prescription, which le said to be a positive re>n_•dy for backadrr or kidney or bladder deralgetac•it, If tak- en before the stage of Ilrig;lt's disease. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargor, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sareapa!illr, three ounces. Shake .well In a bottle and take in teaspoo,itul doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home when asked regarding this pre,.: ip- tlon, stated that the ingredients arc all hrmers, and lin Ih otla'ntd at u small coat front any good pres.rlp- tlon pharmacy, or tie mixture would bo put up if asked to do it. He furtnar Stated that while lila preacriptloa is often prescribed in 1heutnatic affll.- tlone with splendid results, he could s(e no reason why it would not be a splendid Icnedy for Kidney and uri- nary trouble's and backache, as it has a perullar action upon the kidney snot lure, cleanuing these most lfnpor- [art organs .and tit them to elft and filter from the blood the foul at Ids and waste matter which cause sickncas and suffering. Those of our headers who Buffer can make no lads - take in giving it a trial. Seaforth,-Last week the people here were shocked to hear that Mrs. Wm. Finlayson, formerly Miss Sleetth of this place, and who visited here this win- ter, drowned her self and three-year old H011 111 a large water tank in the base- ment of their home 111 Regina. I11 health was supposed to bo the cause. She was 27 years of age. The remains were brought to Seaforth for interment. ALMOST SENSATIONAL There Is General Surprise at the G:eat Number of Persona in Exeter Who Praise Booth's Kidney fills. It's but a short time since tihe first box of 1)ooth'e Kidney Pills came to Exeter. What a work this stranger has accom- plished. Dozens of residents benefited and curcd of c weak and aching' s tacks, urinary and kidney troubles. It is remarkable ; the reason for it is Booth's Kidney Pills are a new Mend of vegetable ingredients, having a peculi- ar action on the kidney tissue that twinge quick help. F. A. Wright of King Street, Exeter Ont., says ; "MIS Wright had been a constant sufferer with many annoying and painful symptoms of Brig:Its dis- ease, ffer back was tender aril pater ul and elle could at times scarrriy get up from a chair without seaming !herself watt, both hands. There was a dropsi- cal swelling that would ( oma around the ankle's and under the oyes and the urine had shown nuathy' signs of this dread disease at different analysis and con- tained slut It Nick dust sediment of high color. Different prescriptions had fail- ed in giving relief and we had begun to think nothing would he of any benefit. 1 learned of Booth's hidncy Pills through an advertisement and procur- curing a box at Mr. Cole's Pharmaey she commenced treatment. The maul's were surprisingly good from the fleet. The dropaltal swellings began to de- crease, the urine gradually cleared of the s1(111nent and rt HUlll,. t1 els natural color. The backache soon had gone and it was a comparatively short time be- fore airs. \Vright had begun to look and feel like a new person. Booth's Kid- ney fills gave a very speedy cure when all else h.ta Lti;ri - veil to Whore and 1 cannot imitate to recomntct,d them as an Ideal remedy, and one to be relied upon always. Sold by Dealers Price 50 erv.ls. The It. T. Booth 1'n., L't'd. Fort Erle, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. HENSALL J. W. Oitwait was un bulginess in Tor- onto tart week. -Lorne Scott will clove shortly into the house now occupied by Thais. Kelly, -Alf. Fairbairn who W45 home to attend the funeral of his Lather has returned to the West. -While walk nig in the grain sturehuure W. C, Davis had the mlafortune to step into a hole sial injured his side considerably. -At a meeting of the official board last week an invitation to remain a fourth year was catcudcd to tic pastor, ltev. S. Toll but the latter has accepted an levitation to Wallaceburg. John Coulter, while working at F. J. Grallenl's taut Tuesday, had the misfor- tune to fall off a building, a diwtance of 12 feet, lighting oa 3218 tread. ills fore- head was cut so that it required several et(tches to close. -Our hockey team went ro Exeter on Friday evening and enjoyed a game with that town, 1o81ng by 3-1. Married. -Dr. Alkenhead of this place was 011 Thursday of Last week married to Bertha, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. 11. Armitage at London, In the presence of the immediate relatives. Canon Vague of the Mci1urlal Cilurch officiated. The bride was assisted by her sister, Bessie, and the groom by this brother Max of Loudon. Congratulations and the best wishes are theirs. Fullarton.--aft. Pleasant appointment held a very successful anniversary on Sunday last when Itev. Jas. Livingstone of Mitchell took tile services and preach- ed very acceptable ecrmons. A Thank - offering of 51 w) was asked for and re- ceived. which speaks well for the lib- erality of the congregation. STEPI1EN COUNCIL. The council convened In the Town Hall Crediton, on Mar. 1st, 190U. All the members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Tia clerk read a letter from the clerk of the Township of Bosanquct, In reference to the construction of a bridge on the Town Llohe between the Townships of Stephen, McGillivray and Bosanquet. It was re- solved that the clerk write the clerk of the Townelhip of Bosanquct that this Council w111 10001 the members of other councils at the prop osed site 0:1 April 7 next at 2 p.m. Anderson -Yearley -That the auditors report be received and that orders be isyucd for their remuneration. -Carried. Love -Yearley -That Council- man \Vuerth and Deputy peeve Anderson ('x:unine the tlain) of Mr. Hepburn for tile o1 the •ith con., with full power to art as they think beat. -Carried. Wucrth - Anderson-That the bond of the Town ship Treasurer be accepted and that the *same be filed with the clerk of the mut) ideality for safe -keeping. -Carried. Ycar- lley-Love-Tthat Anderson and Wucrth have Crediton 1lridge repaired at once. - Carried. Anderson -Yearley. -That the clerk write the Township rnglneer, F.W. 1•'.trncorlb, requesting 11101 to exanhinc the site of the Crediton bridge and prepare Plana anti specltacation8 for concrete a- butments to be constructed this year. - 1 ,11 Tied. The following orders were paid - Ii. Either, reg. B. M. yc D., to Dec. 31, 5 10.40, 11( 11 Tek phone, nese,tges to Jan. I, $6.55, C. Prouty, gratuity, 525, Mun- icipal World, Subscriptions $5.75, Sun insurance Co., Insurance on Town Hall, 511.".0, I)r. McLaughlin, re- Ilernhoft In- 5e:tlhe indigent, 56.80, Frank Schneider rep. culvert 0021. 4, 51.2 5, Claude Bluett t411d 11. Sweltzer auditors fees, 59 each, F. W. Fathcomb, awards under D. and W. Act, 51 9.52, Jos. Ziler, refund .of statute labor, $1, Arthur O'Leary, re- fund of statute labor, 36, Isaac Besterd, rock (111 lumber, 572.93, Thomas Ess cry, ditch on London road E. 13. 53.00: 1•'. Green, gravel N. I). 55.10; D. West marl concrete tile, $6.50 The council ad Journed to meet again on Monday, tate 5th April, 1900, at 1 p,nt. when Path - master, pound -keeper's and Fence-V1ew- crs will be appointed. Henry Ellber, Tp. Clerk 8t. Marys. -Hilda, the four-year old daughter of Thomas Allen had a naruw escape from drowning it u cistern last week. She accldrlltally tumbled into a wen, but was taken out 1n time to save her life, but 1t was 110111. too soon. McGILLI' RAY. Wm, McEwen is preparing to raise ills baht on the 8th con. in the spring. -Witt. Meltann hes purchased a barri front \\'n,. McEwen and Intends raising it in the spring. -Mr. and Mrs. Joa. MawSon who have been visiting relatives there, return- ed to their Lente at Dundurn, Sask., last week. -Mrs. \t. Hedged of Manitoba is spending a few days at Mt. E. 111nd- mareh's,-_t very pretty wedding took place at the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Jot,; Mawsun, of the 16th con., 0:4 Feb. 24, when lith daughttr Jt nide, war uatcd in the holy bond, of matrimony to \tr. George M. Delter, of Dundurn, Sask. The bride was attended by Wags Matgarct Steeper of London, while the groom was supported by Mr. Joseph Maveeo:h, cout>1.7 of the bride. They have since left for their home 10 the West amid general good witlscs.-Dr. C. 8. McVicar. of New York, a former McQllllvray boy, nab appointed Ship Surgeon 021 1240 S. S. %Vordline and stakes tripe to Cuba and Mexico, Swollen Hands and Feet mesa Khlnoy Trouble. Liniments and blood purifiers aro nselese. What you must do is to curd the kidney's. Take GIN PILLS Gin Pills act directly on these vital organs-corroct all disease--ne u traUse uric acid -purity the blood -rel (eV() the pain and reduce swduing'in hands and feet. 60c. a box ; 8 for ;240. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. DEPT. A-NATIOIUL DRUG & CHEM. CO. LIMITED """"'f y *ado by TORONTO los . Sample free l( you mention thlg Paper. n A i COLEMAN'S CrnpffO MARK QUIN COLDS 8, LAtRIP 141 t Best thing you ever tried for Colds, La Grippe, Coughs, Neuralgia and Headache. Cures colds in 24 hours. No after -effects -25c. At all dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. 4 BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. 11 If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you aro never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Fo••nhe poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used Indiscriminately -they may ruin the system. 'Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn to a normal ''ondition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. A'1 case; we accept for treatment are guaranteed n c: m- piete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous , Debility, Varicocele, Stricture. Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. 1f unable to oatl write for a Question List for Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan `tt Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. E FOR • SPRING CATALOGU s'"" Would You 'Save Money? ofrs•-we. C2•0*-fte )2m. Some of our customers have saved a nice bank account buying from us by Mall. . . And De Pleased With Your Purchases Write For this Cata►.1�oue To -Day Why not con- sult the Cata- logue every time you want to buy an article? e. Buy from this Catalogue as you would from a store - you'll be better satisfied, is the testimony of thousands. dT. EATON C LIMITED TORONTO n CANADA It's good bus:Ines, ability to buy the best at the lowest price.