HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-11, Page 115c to JAN. '10 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. Y d Tamam #09 etc tibut le Wedding Invitations in Newest Type On Ile4t Papers The Finest Work And Right Price O The Advocate Ofce; Exeter EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1909. SANDERS dt: CREECH The Old Reliable WHITEWEAR - This week brings us again to the whitewear, which has opened out to year without a doubt, better styles and corset covers, drawers and gowns than WHITE NO. 940—In white Indian linen lawn trimmed with embroidery and valenclenne lace, made in new style, with long sleeve Sizes 82 to 40 Price 3.30 NO. 890.—In white lawn, with heavy embtoldery front, trimmed with val.lace and Insertion. Extra value. Sizes 34 tQ 40. Price 2.50. NO. 000.—In fine linen lawn with em- broldery front, tucked, sleeve and back, trimmed with val. )ace and insertion. Sizes 34 to 38. Price 8.00. WIHITE Our Whitt Sleii to are made to sell; have a flounce and dust fr111— NO. 86.—., beautiful lace skirt, trim- med with clung lace and insertion and extra deep flounce at $3.75. NO. 357.—A very tine cambric skirt, trimmed with emb. and insertion. at $3. NO. 365.—Our embroidered skirt In length 38-40 42, nicely tucked between rOws of embro. insertion, finished with an embroidery full at $4.50. We invite you to come In and have a ed over, as we are showing and selling HEADQUARTERS 1011 WHITEWEAR tlnie for opening up and marking off our aur entire satisfaction. We have this better qualities In white waists, skirts, we have shown for years. WAISTS NO. 935—In fine white lawn. trimmed with embroidery, insertion and val.lace. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.50. NO. 889.—In white lawn, trinune dwith lace and Insertion, wide shoulder effect long sleeve. Size 34 to40. Price 2.25. NO. 870. --In white lawn, nicely tucked and trimmed. Extra value. Sizes 32 to 40. Price 1.25. NO. 880.—In white lawn, trimmed with embroidery, Insertion and val. face. A perfect fitting waist. Sizes 82 to 40. Price 41.00. SKIRTS wear and give satiefactton. They all two points ladies arc all looking tor. NO. 353.—In a fine cambric with an eyelet embro flounce at $2.75. Our 2.25, 1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 in lace and embro. finish are extra values. Our ladies' gown 1n 0. S. trimmed with lace and embroidery. E-tra value. 50c. to $1.25. Corset Covers in line cambric, trim- med and finished with lace and embro. All sizes. Prices 35c., 50e.. 75. look through our stock, before It 1s pick- thcse goods every day. THE ASTORIA SHOE. CARLING BROS. 'go -PHONE 22-4■11-L New Spring Goods are now ready for your inspection I in all the leading colors, in I dew Dress on PLAIN CLOT$8, FANCY STRIPES, PLAIDS All At reasonable prices. We sellrafton's rints .i I.I. GUARANTEED A FAST COLORS The Newest Colors in elite rarisii:1/12SHIRTSand TIES. FANCY BRACES, ETC Also a full stock of BOOTS & SHOES—in all sizes Clean, Fresh Croceries always in stock SNELL & ROWE restesslsaal Cards. Da. G. 1. ROULSTON, L. 0.8 , D. D. 8. DBNiTIflT Msnb•r of the R. 0. D. S. of Ontarlo and Honor iseduat• of To•onto Univrnit). 07110g: Over Dickson 4 ('arling's f.aw OMce, is Ds. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. •DA. A. R. KIN'VAN, L. D. 8., D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto Unirerlstr. DENTIST, tMM site ct•d without any pain, or any bud effects Oise oyer Olsdman a titaobury's office, Main street Biome. Nodical �] R BRIORT, M. D., M. C. P. 4 S. 110NOR l.1• Grutaate of Toronto UnivenitJ Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Omen and RerAtItoce, hr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, LISTER. Da, T. P. Mc1.ACOIILIN MIHas resumed praett•e after spending a year (Col. leg.) at British and Continental Ifospitale. General practice with special attention to rap, (with retract• Hee) afar, Nose and Throat. Omce: Dashwood, Ont. i 1 Legal. DlaILSON a CARU.INO, BARRISTERS, SOLICI. tnow. Notaries, ('on,e) encen, Commlasioners ti.Bdtors for Yoleons Bank, etc. ■.sq to Loas at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. 042r,u6, B.A., L, 11. Kitson MOWRY TO LOAN. As kava a larse amount of private funds to loan • isms and village properties et low rates of Inter sot. OLAI'MAN a STANBCRY, aatrbten, Solicitors,Maln st.. Pieter On B. s. PITILLTPM, FIRTR1t. Licensed Asctlnseer. dales attended In all parts Satisfr'tion teleran. teed or no pay Terms reasons! to All orders left al Advocate Office will to promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated 8oetety of McNctaas, England; Organist nt Trivia Memorial A.►ca,Rxster, Piano, Organ, liarmeny and Theory et Meek, Terme on emit. atirn Ereter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Lowrance in lead• log Canadian and nritish Companree. Main -St., Exeter. MONET TO LOAN A large amount of money to Irian on farm and v111age properties at lowest mice ERNEST Ei.LIOT. Conveyancer, etc. Office opposite Central hotel, Exeter. 11 FCAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • Successor to Da. R Special Attention to Dentistry. Night rails left at the home of Nr. Peter Bowden Main Street, (opp. Triiitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office—Dr. Ramsay -'s old stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited FARM i'OR SALE 75 acres of thc let cop. of Blddulpt:, Lot 2, 1-4 nitle from Centralia : 65 ac. under cultivation, 10 ac. Bush pasture. There Is a good two-story brick cottage barn 34 by 60, other buildings aleo, :1 good wells. 2 orchards; possession at once. Apply on the premises. THOS. W. NEIL. STIIAV 11EIFEIt There came onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 13, McGill- ivray, a red and white heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. TILOS. LEWIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER VM. ANDEitSON, Licensed Auctioneer for lluror. County. Terms reasonable. Dates can bc made at ire Advocate, Exeter. or Henry 1:Ilber's Office, Cred- iton. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implements, The undersigned Auctioneer hu been instructed to sell by public auction at LOT 0. CON. 2, NTEPIIEN, ON TH('RBDAY. MARCH ISTii, 1909, at 1 o'clock. m, sharp, The following valuable property: ■orses-- (teary draft mare rising y veer., in foal; 2 general purpose mares rising 4 yeas, in foal; cell• ing rising 4 years, draft; dri,ing horse rising r yrs; del) ing mare rising s yes; driving colt rising 3 yrs; fi11. rising 2 years, light, I'ercheron colt. Cattle - 4 rows due to calve in April. cow sup. potted to be In calf, 2 farrow cows, 3 heifers rising 2 year.. 4 steer. rising 2 years, 5 rakes. sheep poll ry ire! hens. mostly all pullets; 3 ducks .1 1 drake. 3 turkeys and 2 gobblers. haplewrest• McCormick hinder, nearly new; mower. horse•ra►e, riling plough. nearly new; Per. rin seed drill. wafting plough, pea -harvester, ('bat• ham fanning mill• weigh wales, set of iron harrows. root puller, waggon. gravel box, open buggy. MI. kaAo bogey, atetgh, wbeehbarrow, rind stone, hay rack, aster trough, sap buctets, milkean, a quant• Icy of wood, ethos els, forks, hoes and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS-- SLS and under, east,: over that amount S months credit gi'en on furnishing approved Joint note*, or discount of 1 per cent. per annum for casts on credit amount*. SEXSMITH Surprise party.—The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Northcott surprised them at their hone on the 2nd con. Monday evening, Mar. 8th, and presented them with a beautiful chair each and the fol lowing address.—Dear Brother and Sis- ter Northcott.—On the eve of your de- parture from this community we would like in some way to give expression to our feelings. Inn the first place we re- gret that you are under the necessity of getting away from an active life and seeking rust In a more retired situation. As an Intelligent and industrious farm- er you are leaving an example not only to your boys but to thc neighborhood at large. But where you have endeared Yourself to us the most is in your warm attachment to the church of God. Your fidelity and never ceasing zeal in the Master's cause havo won for golden mem orles that shall never fade or grow dint; Wo can never forget your faithfulness on the means of grace. In all kinds of weather you made your way to the !louse of God with the determination and purpose of the Psalmist, 'Our feet shall stand within thy walls, 0, Jeru- salem." Neither can we lose sight of your unbounded liberality to the church of your choke and all good institutions. You havo always shown a willingness to help In all good things. We shall amiss you In all the details of a conse- crated life in the church and In the soc- ial circle in which you moved. We want you both to accept these gifts as me- mentoes of out' regard and' esteem,pray- ing that you ntay be long spared to spInd many comfortable hours of sweet rest in the same.—Signed on behalf of thle neighbors by one of the oldest res- idents, Mrs. Ellen Campbell. Mr.North- cott made a very appropriate and te!'1- ing reply on Whale of himself and his wife. The rest of the evening was spent In music and other amusements, anti after a hearty supper provided by the ladies the people all went hotne feeling that they had spent a very pleasant l Ince. Messrs. R. N. Treble and Richard Welsh left last week with a number of ho -see for the West. Tt13 fornur intends remaining for Borne time. COW FOR SALE A Durham grade cow, will calve about April 1st. Apply Lot 10, Con. 7, Usborne JOHN IIEYWOOD, Ellmvillo P. 0. Application to Parlianiont An application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at Its nett session by the Strat- ford & St. Joseph Radial hallway Com- pany for an Act extending the time for the com►encement and for the comple- tion of the Company's railway. J. U. VINCENT, So:lcitor for the Applicants Dated.at Ottawa this 24th day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1909. IHOUSE FOR SALE Ali excellent brick house, modern and up-to-date. Situated on Malta street. Apply at this Office, SEED OATS FOR SALE The undersigned has .about 400 bush cls of seed oats for sale -200 banner and 200 Chnadla;, KI• g—all clean and 111 first-class condition. Apply on Lot 6, South Thames 'toed, Usborne. '!-- - IIALLIE DROWN. PROPERTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contaltt- ir.g eight rooms, with furnace, electric light and .all ntoderri conveniences. Ilard and soft water. Two lots, situated on Sanders elm t, Exeter. Apply at Advo - ,ate Office. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE .About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes, This Is a new variety that has proven to posse,.'l a remarkabie clean Wit straw excelling all other varlet.ee, also gave the till/heel yield of grain per sere of all the barley tested in 1907 at the 0. A. C., tnanchuria Included. It has been without an exccpit01i tt:e meet popular variety with tli( C1p( rinlental u:iioc In the province ever since the fleet distrib- ution In 1906 In two pound lots from the 0. A. C. Price on appllcatlon. JOHN ELDER. ltensall P. G. Lot 16, Can, 2, Ilay. WANTED-110USVI TO BENT A house centrally located, of moderate size. Apply at this office. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned Auctioneer has been Instructed to .ell by Pul.li•• Auction at Lot 10, Con, 9, N. B. of Stephen, 24 Miles East of Dashwood, on TIIt'RSDAY, MAR('H 2irrn, 1909 at 1 o'elo('k sharp, the fnllooing valuable t rn}ertr, cit MIMES -Gelding rising et years and gelling ris- ing 4 yeas, b»th got by Indian ('hie?; gelding rising 4 years, by Pisaknieht; Arising horse rising 4 yearly, t -y Sago; Clyde filly rising 2 years, by Neteby Grant; gelding rising 3 years, by Poong Indian (lief; geld• logrising 4 years general purpose. ATTLE-6 Cow. -Cow with calf at fere, row due to calve in May, row due to calve the latter part of April; eow, was fresh in January; row due to calve the midd a of June. YM"so Cstn.s -2 steers 15 months 01,1. 2 steer rale es • months old, steer calf 4 months old, heifer calf :I mcnths okt. POULTRY 2 geese and gander, 2 dor. hens. IMPLEMENTS- Lumter wagon, needy new; new gravel hoe, pair of boa -sleighs, set of Diamond bar• rows; cultivator, wale and narrow tenth; Patterson hinder, in gond working order; twin plow, Fleury No. 6; No. 13 walking plow, i111 patent walking plow; set of double harness, as gond as new; set of donble plow harn..s, new set n1 single harness. Meg - net cream seper.tor. s new emery some, pad Ile with feet, and grind stone; binder knives and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS_ 0 and under, cash; over that amount 0 months credit given nn furnishing approved Joint note*. 6 ter cent. per annum or for cash on creels DANIEL Mt CURDY, Plop, amamt.. Thos. Cameron & Wm. Anderson, i.i?O. FOSTER, Prop. Auctioneers. ED. IIOFtSiSN iIEllitl-, :loci. voveccoel 11164)30411=2-3-3214tp LOOKING INTO THE EYE The Optical Demonstration at my store more than justifies all the wonderful reports I had received of the Superiority and Accuracy of the New System of Examination known as " Looking into the Eye." By means of a proper adjustment of lights and lenses Mr. Simpson is able to examine the interior of the eye, ACCURATELY SEEING and ACCUR- ATELY MEASURING any defect that may be present. rs , 1 11(11 continuing this deinonstratiou a; considerable expense to mybelf in order to thor- oughly learn this method of work. and 1 sincerely hope that every person in and about Exeter will accept of my invitation to Come Yourself and Bring Your Free of Oharge Children to be Examined ... ... while this expert is here. Mt'. Simpson is turning out a class of work that is NOT EXCELLED BY ANY SIGHT SPECIALIST AT TrIE PRESENT DAY and his services are yours for the asking. V CoTI?e i.SAXON FITTON oon Dveni1 Jeweler & Optician g� 0000-30e0,24,0-2,3*****0110416-30 000 KHI VA Miss Tena McCann of Detroit Is at present visiting her mother who is very 111.—Mr. Tl»t Collins and sister Nora left Friday to attend the funeral of their brother's child In Detroit.—Mies Minnie Kenny is improving from her recent 111- nese.—Mies Kate Curry le visiting at Mt. Carmel.—Theo Deltrich who has been laid up for the last two wecks with brOn- chltls, Is fmproving.—Jeren►lah Barry lost a valuable colt last week. Dc th.—One of the beet known and most highly respected pioneers of this section passed to the great beyond on Sunday, Mar. 7th. Mrs. Sullivan had attained the great age of 8.4 years. She came to this country when a young woe man and settled on the faros watch tticy cleared. She had been well till within a short time of her death. The funeral took place from the bonne of her song Patrick Sullivan, to the fit. Carmel reme tory and was largely attended. DIRTIIS Cudmorc.—In Crystal Chy, Man., on Feb. 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. wllbur T. Cud - more, a daughter. t-ovc.—liarplcy, Feb. 2b, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love, a 500. Elloontfleld,—In McGillivray, Feb. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bloomfield, a eon. Varley.—In McGillivray, Feb. 28, to Mr, Mrs. Walter Varley, a son. MA IIRIAGES S•iulre—Morley.—At the home of the bride's parents, on March 10th, by Rev. 11. J. Fair, Mr Harvey Squire, to Miss Minnie May, daughter of Mr. Francis Nforlcy, (Jeborne. Fit zgerald—Steinbach.-111 St. Thomas, on Mar. 3, Chester L. Fitzgerald of LOn don, to Miss Beatrice Stelntlach, form- erly et Zurich. Aiteeehead—Armitage.—l.1 London, on Mar. 4th, Dr. Aitkenhead of Hensel' to Mis. Bessie Armitage of London. Darling.—Whiteford.—At the home of the nrtde's parent,.. Mooresville, on Mar. 3rd, by )rev. Mutt, Mee Emma Wtliteford to Mr. Won. Darling of 1)rinsley. Appleton.—Thomson.—At Corbett, on Mar 2nd, by Rev. Steadman, John J. Apple ton of Crediton, to Mise Elizabeth Thomson of Parkhill. Dieter—Ma weon: in McGillivray. Feb. 24, Geo. M. Dieter of Dundurn, Sask., to Mies Jessie, daughter of Thoma. Maw.on. of the same place. Batten—Wiles—In Blansh2rd, on Feb. 24 Miss Mabel Wile.. daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. John Wiles, to Mr. tV e.ley Batten. DEATf18 llragg.—At Winnipeg, Man., Feb, 22, Mrs. Chas. E. Bragg, daushter of Mr. Phlll;p Mowbray, formerly of Granton. aged 28 years. Itossenberry.—In Bruceflcld, on Feb. 25 Dorethea, Infant daughter of (truce Boysenberry, aged 2 months and 27 days. Aalllvan.—At Khlva, on Mar. 7th, Mr.. Sullivan. aged 84 years. Gunnti,g.—in Bianehard. on Mar. 7t0, William Gunning. aged 89 years, 4 months, l0 days. wail-owe—In Aylmer. on Mar. 5. COunt- ess Amelia Walrond. beloved wife of Mr. J. A. Gillett. aged 24 years, 2 mos, BASEBALL OUTFIT F'ItEE Boys, here 1s your chance; ,;un this splendid baseball outfit In a iltt;e of your spare time. Consists of first -clans ball and bat, given absolutely free tor selling fifteen pieces of our Jewellry at 10 cents each. GIRLS, we give you a lovely gold laid bracelet for selling 13 plc( es. We trust you with Inc jewelry. iie 'lure and write to -day to Consolidated Specialty Co. Station 1). Toronto. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Buslnese Ln E-ater I have placed a new and up-to-date rig oil the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station, and respectfully 50, licit a fair shire of business of the travelling public. Calls at the offices phone 41A, cheerfully attended to WIC ARNOLD, Prop, PRECISION RELIABILITY JIGIN,E4 SOLIDITY JEERCNANGEABILITY 2 'L LONGS� WAZC NI In hereon-Fa/ire" lite /Wes/ moulelloa /hrouydcu//ne /write& of/»t wade, on serous/ ofhfei •ttrir/u/manunrc/urr and /e:/ed yuo///%s. Verynumeivus owenofre/ U/7/kerS0/Ed /O/Artns have crw/amed //Seip sunerror etre enc', among /riese owaroyr, m/9h/ 6e spec/aft/ menfi0ne:4. 5 GRANDS PRIX ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897 -PARIS 1900 MILAN 1906 r A. MARC11AN1) SOLE AGENT. EXF:TI:It 1 SPECIAL SALE all this week Pants Carpet NSweepers reg, $3.00 for $2.70 3.50 " 3.20 Georgia Pine Step Ladders, 5 ft 90c No. 9 Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire 250 "Ideal " Fencing, 7 wires, all No. 9, a rod32c 6 Red Ridge Axes reg. 95e for 70e Heavy Galv. Tubs 85c, 90c & 1.00 X -Cut Saws... reg. 4.25 & 4,50 for 3.75 & 4.00 3 doz. Hat and Coat Hooks for 25c 120 cit. Best Read --Mixed Paint...45c for 35c 100 pts. - .. , 25c " 20c 100 } pts. " " ...15c ° IOc Senour's Floor Paints per qt 45c Campbell's Varnish Stains.... Vie. 25c and 45c HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE