HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 841-1.-1 New ...
Having j ,-r made the purchase of
forty nee arid natty suit ends
e f eY.-. t 'tonal quality, and
n t e x t renaely low prices
there aro bargains in store
for those who wish to
take advantage of them as
long as they last. They consist
of Greys, '1' tie, Brown and Green
Something Natty
Something Good
Something Cheap
Call and examine
and be convinced
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Ladies' tailor -wade suits. Perfect in
style and _tit. Full line. Stewart's.
The Advocate will be mailed to any
address in Canada until January 1st,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
Do you want to sure about fifty per
cent on a man's fur coat or ladies' fur -
lined. Go u to Stewart's.
The Advocate will he sent to any
address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910,
for $1.00.
11.dpath's extra standard granulated
sugar is on the jlunp up -hatch it go ----
perhaps you better order now. Steuart
sells no other.
We take subscriptions for all foreign
or Canadian magazines at reduced
rates. Don't forget the Advocate
When your subscriptions run out.
New 'mirror' finished ladies' suiting -
blue, bruu•n, green and black -special
price 60c. Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Ladies' New Spring Jackets. Extra
value 5.50-7.50. Stewart's.
A house centrally located; apply at
this office.
Weston's Institute.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held in Senior's Hall
an Friday, Mctl. 5, at 3 o'clock. Sub-
ject -Different ways of preparing Fish
All tuembers are requested to be pres-
Mrs. Cobbledick, Mrs. Hastings,
Pres. Sec'y.
GIRLS WANTED -To learn dressmak-
ing. Apply to V. T1cEf3LE.
Mr. John Wood shipped two care ot
cattle 0.1 Saturday.
lite k'e Forcraete.-A continued spell
of unsettled weather will start out the
month. but about the 4th to 6th. storm
conditions will be quickened arid de-
cided areae o: rain. sleet and snow will
spread progressively from west to east.
Look for high bare:weer and cold wave
close following. Don't be surprised it
blizzards sweep the north and west not
tar from. the 4th. 5th and 6th. A reg-
ular . storm period extends from the 8
to in, central on the 10. Low barometer
and electrical atorme will begin In west
ern parts by the 9th, and during the 10
to 1a storms of much force will be nat-
ural in moat parte of the country. mov-
ing. of course, In their regular order
tro.n west to east
The public will welcome the 11100 ed-
ition of tale valuable booklet. which has
been hep.,ily d• seribcd as a tabloid en-
cycloptdi 1 of Canada. it Is unique and
clove- In Its arrangement as worked out
by 1t:, co nptier. Nit. Frank 1 clgh of Tor-
onto th ? w. II -known writer arid lecturer.
80,o er copses have already been sold.
The r,rourst 1. wealth and business of
the i on,try art given in concrete forma-
t f , t In a :,c,,tcnce. Mr. Hamar Green
wo .1 M. P. r•1r York. Eng., says, It
to :.n eye op n r to even a keen Canadian
like myself." 4 copy may be had for 25
cents fno.n Tee Canadian Facts Publish
Ing Co Aldi Spading Ave., Toronto.
lan You keep
warm these
cold days .
Spring has gone -
Winter is come -
nickel wits right -
:f, Gime in and get
eine t,f nnr
Winter Suits
or an
and you will not
milt feel herrn and
cn,nfortal l". lett also
right np-t„ t ate.
Al.o a eery Partings
etre line of
Merchant Tailor - Ffseter
k+,4444+ f 444+44444444-1 h
Tues-- Old Oaken Bucket. -
flow dear to my heart is the steady sub-
Who pays 3n advance at the first of
the year,
Who lays done his roon.ey and does it
quite gladly,
.and cast round the office a halo of
Ile never says, - Stop It.: 1 cannot af-
ford it,"
Nor I'm getting more papers now than
I can read."
But he always says Send It : the famllY
like it ;
In fact, we all thank it's a real house-
hold need."
How welcome he is when he steps 10
the eanctutn,
How he ntakea oto' heart throb, how
he tuakce our heart dance;
We outwardly thank hint, we Inwardly
bless httn,
Tile steady subscriber who pays in
Evangelists Crossley and hunter, who
are now holding meetings at Pontiac,
Stirh., will start a series of services at
St. Marys on March 21.
Mr. Robert Holmes. cx-M. P., publish-
er of the Cltntoe New Era has been ap-
pointed to the posltioa of surveyor of
customs at Toronto at a salary of two
thousand and one hundred dollare.
Mr. Richard Murphy, Exeter's well-
known Massey -Harris agent , held a
large delivery of farm machinery on Fri-
day last. About 65 teams took away
machinery of various kinds. The buyers
were all treated to a dinner at the
Mr. W. Drown of Exeter has been en
gaged as organist of this church at a
salary of $100 a year. He will propably
enter on his duties one week from Sun-
day. 1t will be remembered that he
played here a chert time ago, and gave
universal satisfaction, showing himself
to be an accomplished ,nuslcian."-Clin-
ton New Era.
Mr. John Cudtnore o1 Crystal CIty,Ifan.
and Mies Jessie Stacey of Workman.
Sask., deughttr o1 Sir. John Stacey, Hay,
both former residents of Exeter. were un-
ited In marriage at Workman last week.
The ceremony was a quiet one. They
will make their future home In Crystal
City. They will have the best wishes of
their friends here for their future hap-
At the Annual Meeting of the National
Portland Cement Co.. held Irl Toronto,
on Wednesday of last week all the old
directors of the company were re-elected
but three, Messrs. V. Ratz, A. F. McLar-
en and G. McKecltnle. It. H. McWilliams
was again elected president and managtr
at a considerably reduced salary, the
salary for the past year being $6,000
and the ensuing year $2,500. The dir-
ectors salaries remain the same.
Thursday. April Stb, the day preced-
ing Good Friday, has been selected as
the date of the Huron County Temper-
ance convention to be held In Blyth. It
promisee to be one of the moat important
conventions ever held in the County. as
the question of the abolition of the bar
Is to be considered. Mr. Jos. Gibson,
President of the Ontario Alliance, of
Ingersoll. and others are to speak. The
Special Easter rates will be on on the
Sunday was Children's Day at Main
street church, when Rev. Dewey of Lon-
don preached. The choir for the day
consisted of a number of the children
of the Sunday School and (tie little ones
did exceedingly well. A mase meeting of
the scholars and friends was held In
the t,o:Iy of the church In the afternoon,
ween the superintcndeat, 11. E. lluston,
u •ruptrd the chair and he and Mr. Dew-
ey addressed the audience. Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey sang a very acceptable duc•tt at
the morning servtce. The reverend gen-
tleman is an able speaker and las dis-
courses were most attentively listened
to oil each of the uccastons. On Monday
evening the children gave a most pleas-
ing program and lunch to a Targe num-
her of people who were present.
if you would Increase your I.ap,,Iness
and prolong your lite, forget your neigh-
bors faults. Forget all the slander you
ever ).card. Forget the temptations. For-
get faultfinding, and only remember the
good points which made you fond of
them. Fo:get an persona: quarrels or
histories you may have heard by acci-
dent. and whir,:, 11 repeated, woaid
seem a thousand times woes" than they
are. Illot out, as far as posalb'e, all
dleagreeahlene ea of lite : they will come
hut will only grow larger when you re-
member them, and the constant thought
of the acts of meanness, or -xora' ntS11,
malice, wilt only tend to make you more
familiar with then,. Obliterate every-
thing disagreeable from yesterday.start
out with a clean sheet to -day, acid write
upo:, It for sweet memory's aakc only
those things that are lovely and lovable.
Ile -aver help the man who Imagines he
ra,, dodge enemies by trylnd l0 phrase
evelytrody. If such an Individual ever
nu, (ceded we should or glee of It -not
that we believe in a nt.►n going through
the world trying to find teams to knock
and thump his pour Mair against. dis-
ruting every man's opinio,l. fighting and
elbowing, and crowding al; who differ
with him. That. agate, is another ex-
•rrnte. Clear people have a right to
!heir opinion, so have you,don't fall In-
to The ctror of supposing they will re-
spect you leas for rnaii,taining it, or re-
spect you more tor turning your coat
every day to hatch t.:e Colors ot their/
wear your own colors 1n spite of the
wind or weather, storm ur sunshine. It
Coats the eracllating and irresalute ten
tones the time to win.l aha shuttle. and
twist. than ft docs honest, manly inde-
pendence to stand its ground.
Tae lecture giver: n. the Opera house
Friday evening by Rev. W. J. Spence un-
der the auspices of the Ilig School
entry So So tety. attracted a large audience
who were kept Interested throughout by
the excellent views and lecture on the
subject, The Flower of Empire." or
as the lecturer stated The British Em-
pire during the last 100 years." Mr.
Spence has an excellent voice and (.and
t' d nix subject well. The views meowed
:rimy of the notable mea of Britain. not-
able scenes of the Uritis', Isles and of
the possessions beyond the seas, the
011 wooden weer vessels and the mo]ern
:o -x ltd many of the great war scenes
of South Africa. T re Crimea. and the
indlan Mutiny, as well as many of the
a:-enes of pear throus'cout the Empire.
en Interesting feature was the views
(long different parts of the Grand Trunk
Itsilwey. whker, were toned to M.
Sp-tr-e by the tt.\tlwar Coctpany. fn ee-
ry way the eat rt.,l ,rn'nt was most rn-
;oy ►ble.
1. It. C.triieg waa in Loedon Monday.
Mfr. John Farrier spent Monday In
toxic On business.
\tr. He.►ntaa of L.o•idon visited els son.
W. J.. over Sunday.
Mussell Southcott has returned froth a
vtatt in St. Themis.
Mr. Robert Ltathorn of London spent
pert of the week In town.
Mrs. Itobier of Buffalo, N. ;t, is
here spending a few daps.
S. (1. Iiawdcn returned to tete duties
as traveller Monday morning.
etre. Thos. Elliott returned Saturday
from a visit to Marlette, Mich.
Mr. Chas. Knight of 011 Springs, is
here vlelting his uncle, Mr. Charles
Mr. Sidney Clark of London visited at
Exeter and Crediton on Sunday and
Messrs. Peter Itawden and James Wal-
ters lett Saturday morning for the Soo
on a ten days' trip.
Ed. Lambrook has returned to Fort
Wayne, Ind., after a visit here during
the pact few wceke.
Mr. T. 11. Cook of London, formerly
of the Mansion house here, spent Mon..
day evening i:, town.
Mrs. Roes of Winnipeg, who has been
visiting etre. 1). Johns. left Saturday to
visit In Sarnia and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ways, who have/
been visiting at Mrs. Horney's, retuned
to Kennare, N. D., Tuesday.
Dr. II. K. Ifyndnlan, who Is undergoing
treatment for a nervous trouble at the
London Hospital, waa home for Sunday.
Court Thompson of Hamilton, Litton
efetalltc Cartridge Co's representative,
agent Friday with the toys on the Gun
Club Grounds.
Mr. G. E. Crawley of Lucan was In
town Friday shaking hands with old
friends and assisting R. Murphy with
machinery delivery.
Mies Ethel Sweet returned from Tor-
onto Tuesday and left Wednesday for St.
Marys to again take charge of Mr. Loft's
millinery department.
\ir. and Mrs. Watson. who have been
v!xlt!ng the tatter's mother, Sirs, Win.
Cudmore, since Christmas, returned to
Crystal City, Monday.
Mrs. 3. A. Stewart returned Monday
front a visit In Toronto and other east-
ern pointe. Mr. Stewart returned from
Toronto the same evening.
Mr. W. W. Taman left Saturday even-
ing for Detroit, Toledo and probably
Chicago, with a view to learning what
may be new In the line of clothes cutting
and snaking. He will be away about a
week or ten days.
Sam Elliott accompanied a car of
horses to Winnipeg for T. E. Handford
Mies Seidon has taken a position as
teacher at Dashwood, 111 succession to
one of the Misses Carling.
Miss Emma lfall entertained a nuntb,r
of her friends Wednesday evening last
at her (tome, Exeter North.
Rev. E. A. Fear, of the Main Street
Methodlet church took Rev. Mr. Dewey's
pulpit In London on Sunday.
Miss May Armstrong. nillllner, has
purchased n business in Lucknow, and
on her return front the openings she w111
leave for that place. It Is expected that
her easter, M'es Ethel, will accompany
her. We wish them success.
Miss Scott of the Methodist Deaconess
Ito:nc Toronto, took the service at the
James Street church Sunday morning,
giving an excellent description of the
alms, objects and duties of those engag
ed In the work to the hone.
Mr. D. A Koss arrived home Friday
from Cuba where he had been for the
past nloettt Inspecting the (rust farms
in which several Exeter re ogle are 1n-
tercntcd. Ills report w.ts a very favor-
able one, the land being well situated
and the soil of the best, w!.Ilc the orange
trees are showing remarkable growth,
He enjoyed the trip very much and says
he feels .s little ceilly since he returned.
A walking -cane earl, of tropical wood
was a present he brought home to the
Two ricks o.• Exeter curlers vent to
Wirigham o:, Teuraday and played with
the club of that town. The rink connlet-
L g of lt. W. I)lnuey, N. D. lturdon, 1t
N. Taylor, It. G. Sc line,, skip, lost by
I n p01n1e, and the other rink, I.. W.
Palmer. H. Gould. I1. 1:. Huston, Itev.
(:ollins, skip, won by 11. The sante even -
Ing a rink went to Parkhill to finish Out
the consoiation event hi the *401) epi. 1
which had been postponed owing to the
mild weather, but were beaten by a rink
or ilensall players.
Itev. It. J. Bowen was In Exeter Sun
illy In the thterest ot the Canadian ltlbl'
So lety, a branch ot the British and For-
• len Bible So:lety. preaching in the morn
Ing In the Trlvttt Memorial church and
I nthc evening I:1 the Jaynes Street rt.ureh
In the course of which he gave very in-
teresting accounts of the great material
progress In the Canadian Northweat,the
Influx of strangers speaking no less
ran S7 different tongues, and the need
of a bible printed In each of the sever-
al languages. The work of printing has
been done, but money is needed to sup-
ply the bibles to the people. Tne object
of his visit was to form a branch soc-
iety to Exeter, and this was done at a
11.158 nleetlrg held In the Town ila1)
In the afternoon when the following of -
(here, who will endeavor to interest the
people of this district 'n the work, were
elected. -fres.. R. N. Creech. Vire-('res.,
the various nlirtisters of tow,(; See., N.
D. lturdon ; Treas., T. H. McCallum ; com
mlttee. T. Hawkins. E. Elliot, F. W. Glad
man. Jos. Senior, II. E. Huston, A. J.
Ford. F. Wood. C. Sweet. A meeting of
the officers and rommlttee 1s called for
next Monday evening when a full attend
ance la (Petrol.
Mr. 9. althea the Jeweller. 1s to be
congratulated on his success In secur-
ing Mr. W. Ward Simpson, one ot the
leading exponents of the modern science
of opal's. to Install his new system of
Optical Examination in Exeter. The
Shadow -Teat has corns to be at know -
ledged as the only sMu,titir method of
e-suninhig eyes. in recent years it has
been adopted by the Ieadl:ig hospitals of
England and the continent of Europe.
Mr. Simpson has installed Bile system
'n To onto. Brantford. Bterlin, Galt and
other Canadian towns and cities. and
on Monday. Starch Ste, lie ieglra a
d!rno:letrat!on 1n Eteter Ir Mr. leittoree
Jewellry Store. Doubter's a very large
number of oar people will take advantl
age of Mr. Simpson's stay here to con -
nun hln, about 11 ear eyes. We undrtt.
shin.] that Mr. Fitton pays the tepee-
ses of the ev:anttnatloes In order to ha c
" o opport'•nity of leernlns this r e
.y It en he oha' rvallo:i.
Barley 45
Oats 40
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 60
Hay, per ton 7 60
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40
Lfvehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
1 00
2 75
6 90
23 00
20 00
Mr. It. S. Lang of St. Marys was In
town Monday.
Niles Lyda tluance has secured a posi-
tion as milliner at Inwood.
Misses Minnie and Martha Carling left
Saturday for Brantford to reside with
the -1r uncle, Mr. Geo. Stanton.
Our town has one tiring which she is
juutly proud of and to which she large-
ly owes her good name, the influence Of
our schools. They have seat out a class
of young ladles and gentlemen that are
wielding a power for good and most
suctesbtully filling tate best places and
positions In life. There le no more ef-
ficient aid to morality, honesty, sobriety
and good citizenship than weil conduct-
ed public schools, and it la a part of
wisdom to keep thcse achoola up to the
very highest point of excellency, and to
do tt.ts ttcere trust he harmony of four
elements, viz.; the sci,00i board, the
the patrons. the scholars and the teach-
ers, and without which perfect success
cannot ire attained, therefore, let it be
the duty of these four elements to see
that no deficiency or ninder-anc_v arises
on their part to thwart ti.c good pur
posse of our ecl,noie. It factions exist
pray disband and give your hearty sanc-
tion and co-operation to the efforts be-
ing made to maintain the est.eltcncics
of schools to -day, and so enhance their
Interest that they s';a11 stand second
to none In the land.
Don't Be Put Off
by any salesman telling you that
be has a preparation better than
Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly...
for chapped or rough skin, tan
or sunburn. Look out for your-
self -if you want
then 1380 "Enjoyute," There's
none just as good. Only one
store in Exeter sells it -and it's
here. 25e a jar,
>�>� Ake&
Celle IN
The Old Reliable
It has the statural color and
flavor. Has an army of
satisfied customers.
t The Quality of
has given us our
success e . e
tAct&/i` ilk AL testi
Notice to Farmers
and Public !
if you have any
Bring it to M. Jackson &
Sons, the Old Reliable
- Firm -
where you ran get highest
market price in
All siZ.es Iron Pipe) on hand
also Iron Posts j
M. Jackson & Sons
OPP(,SITR i:LHc'Tlil(' Pows:R Hot's :
TEACHF.it9 •f rpe *chnl-
aral„p, w,de test ION; and
t•ueiness etperien,•e in lesd-
ince Canadian and American
centre*, employed t.3- our
hair, of High -Orbit ('ol1ele
es, have eeilt np • n,perior, unapprosShed
(aro. ufane
rain at•tent is torten, -ted privately at hie
earn 'teak. We areist oar gradaate* to the
(.eat rare lee*.
Three rostra* -Ceinrner (11. c'.negrap1y
and Telegraphy,
11.11 Conroe„ Enter any day
Write fel' part dart
0E0. SPOTTON, t'rimin.o.
Call and examine our
28 gauge Preston Sale Lock Shingle
which we aro selling for $4.50 per square
and you will be conv'need that it is the
moat satisfactory shingle on the market.
Guaranteed Wind and Storm Proof
needing no clip to hold bottom of shingle
to place.
We are offering splendid values in Halt-
ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff
Baskets, Lanterns, etc. - - -
reat Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's III
We have started a great
slaughter sale comprising
every article of furniture in
our large stock at a
Big special discount
off regular prices
for CASH. Note some of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to furniture
buyers. A call will convince
intending purchasers that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak
finish, with large Bevel Mirror,
regular price $10.50,
Discount Sale Price. ....513.00
regular price $13.00
Discount Sale Price $10.00
regular price $8.50
Discount Sale Price
regular price $3.50
Discount Sale Price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Now that Spring is almost here you will find it to your advent -
age to secure
"lee Spring & Summer Wearabies early. We
are all ready for the ea r 1 y
shopper with our magnificent showing of New Dress Goods, Trim-
mings, Linen Suiting., Gingbame, Chambraye, Vestinge, White
Waists, Whitewear and everyt hing that is new for the coming season.
New Spring
Exclusive Cloths
Latest Colorings
An aristocratic show-
ing of the very correct
French and British suit-
ing. now ready for your
approval. A prorninent
feature is the surpris-
ingly stylish clothe at
popular prices -
50c, 75c, $1.00
per yard
New Grays, Greene.
Blues, London Smoke,
and a charming range
of Blacks.
Dress Skirts
are a big
in our More this season.
They are very handy to
secure, being all ready
for wear. Nice Voile
with Satin or Silk trim-
mings, Merges and I'an-
amas are the leading
From the one inch
Trimmings to the 1K
inch Corset Cover Em-
broideries, We have a
very large assortment
as they will be very
much used for this sea-
Our Stock is
Fast Filling Up
NO. 32
House Furnishings for the
New tare (',rrtains
" Madras do
Swigs do
Muslin do
Tapestry do
New White
This season we are
showing the largest and
most stylish range of
Dainty White Waists
we have ever put before
the people of Exeter.
Every Waist
Garment of Style
Long or Short Sleeves
Prices from
$1 up to $4.50
Under -
Of Silk, Heatherbloom,
Moreen and Sateen.
The colors are Blue,
Green, Brown, Gray
and Black.
An ideal underskirt
to match any suit you
may buy.
All at very low prices
Now ie the time
to buy them.
The New Prints,
and Muslina,
Our stock Is large and
the patterns are correct
in the sea'onable shades
Spring House Cleaning
New Welton Room Rugs
" Velvet " "
" Brussels "
" Tapestry "
" Wool " "
" Medallion "
" Carpets
He idrinart'l i for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing