Exeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 5r The Ideal Beverage ASK FOR (LO NOON ) A PALtL ALS, palatable, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in sparkling condi- tion, is the ideal beverage. Now when chemists announce its purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. WHY not trade that organ of yours on a piano At the present we can handle a number of second hand organs and are therefore prepared to aftow you a good price for it. Wo don't ask you one dollar more for the piano than your neighbhr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT RIGIIT 111 Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn Books, Bibles, Stationery. &c S. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. exeter Abuocati Itili:TER - - ONTARIO 111•00 It paid In advance, $1.60 a year it not 10 paid. To United States Sntsacribers$1.110 �� a Year Strictly is Advance. SANDERS A CREECH. Fablishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The grot and only atLeffectualonlMonthly Regulator on wblcb womenoan depend. Sold in throe degrees of strength -No. 1, SI ; 10 degrees stronger Ed; No. S. for sad caeee. per box. Sold by all or sent prepaid on rose pt of price. /,� Free I am/ppt�h,let. AddressTr4` COOK MECROINIcc..TOAONTO.YiT. VonnerlYWiad•w1 ST8ATFORD, ONT.✓ This school stands in the C,oretront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. N'e have three.fepartmente; Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, All departments are in charge of experienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good positions. Students are entering every week. Write for our free catalogueat once. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN Principals. New .. e Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory -FOR THE - District of Western Ontario including EXETER. Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes of street ad- dresses, or for duplicate entries should be handed in AT ONCE TO Aa MARCHAND, Local Manager. Eastlake Steel Shingles either Galvanized or 1'a:ntal Are Always T'rcy Kr- m..ro t_ a nom:c:,lIy T ■1`O1iiaL71 0dur.^11 and .4.11f -tier to "WY teen n••.r ethers. fict,nR am,r. thu.f.•re n..'.t ca.dy laid. T'ey lin• ei b .r. t'-,-:c:,'y tested in n'1 ki,.'s et .'.'.•..•... ,:,variably 1•r0n'n•r F -Ira, Lt; htnlnr, [fust ared \Voather Proof. lfy„u'rebuil.''ng,r. age tweed' :atls- f..: n t y .ST1 . K,1 fear the - iut.'nnatwn if )Ju %rite. Metallic Roofing Co., Limited, WI �LISAt1 turn., TORONTO, eANASA. Don't do any Shingling until you rail lend get prices I _ JAMES It1lINTNELL, Agent, EXETER r SETTLERS' TRAIN8 - TO MANITOBA, ALBUM A SASKATCHEWAN fly (:nnndlnn Pnclf,c direct line For Settlers trove; • .i with livestock and effects Special Trains will leave Toronto tack TUESDAY to MARCH end APISH. et 10.13 p.a.. Setters end hmd,es w,thout livestock should use RedularTrains eavtns Tc-ot.te 10.18 p.m. dell, se S:eerre Cars Fastest Time COLONIST (;iRS Or ALI. TRAINS to Chard. toe Bertke Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the Kat A;i'y tc rearest agent to fu;l Informsucr, and tree cep) of •'Sett..?,' Ouids" or write R L. Thompson. D P.A., C P.R., Toronto W. J. CARL;;iU, Agc: GRANTON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning of Glendale Intend taking up their resi- dence in the village. They i:ave rented Mrs. ei(Contb's house. recently vacat- ed by Mr. Arthur Wilson. -Miss L. Ger- mu, 'of Grantor, took t:o::ors le primary rudiments at the London Conservatory of music czamtnat;one,--In far off Alas- ka an old Orar;ton boy, Thomas George White was wedded recently to Mise Sus -i is Duval at K:ataiia. He Is .a son of the late David White and a brother of Mr. Charles Weite of this place leIRKTON. A former resident of Manahan! Town- shtp, near this place, died at Stratford on the _:Ird. when there passed away Martha ,\lathea Ilueston, wife of Chas. W. Robineon, aged 413 years. They lived in St. Marys for some time after leaving the farm, moving to Stratford about a year and half ago. -41111e- III DDL-L111 St. Patrick's Church, 131ddulph, was the scene of a very pretty wedding . when \ferry Loretto Mitchell became the bride of Archibald Mc ileargey. The bride look rd very pretty in a travelling stilt of grey with hat and veil to match. She was assisted by Mise Lizzie Mcllhargey while the groom was supported by Jos. \titc•hcll, brother of the bride. After the ceremony the guests and bridal party re - pelted to the home of the bride. where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was par- taken, the officiating clergyman. itrv. D. 1'. McMenamin being a guest. The pres- ents were numerous and costly showing the high esteem in which the young eco- i•l•• are held. racy took a trip through \tic•higan oe a wedding tour and then will reside lar London Township. Con- gratulations and best wishes. - - McGILLI : RA T. The very sudden death occurred on the 241th of Thomas Walls of liatnlitott,who had been residing with !.IB daughter,Mrs. \\-m. Culbert. Deceased was helping do the chores at the stables when he was suddenly overcernr arid died almost Itn- ntdltt.ly afterwards.-Rodertck, the eld est son of Niniant Grieve. who has been very III of pneumonia and jaundice, has .K• , a (tr::i for the better and now ',,owe signs of recovery. GLAD IT DiD) SO ML'CII GOOD. Some remarkable stories Are being 'old about tow;, and amongt he country people coming hi of tide simple home- made u,,,-turc curing nceuntatlsn, eel Kidney trouble. Here Is the recipe amt dlrecttone for taking ; Mix by shak- ing we11 1n a bo'tle one halt ounce Flu'd Ex rart Dandelion, one oar ice Compound K.rgon. three ou.ices Compound Syrup Sersaeartlla. Take ae flexr one tea- ,poo'.ful alter tncaie and at bedtlne. leo change need b, made in your ueuai .Lr'. tar: dr1r,K ;lcnty of good wet. r. T.,e ri,.s:ure has a peculiar ton.: ef- • upon the kidneys; clensing the .•iog- ;.r,-up pores of the enrolnative tiasuee. ice ung the kidneys to sift ant steal?; rut the blo.J the urir arld and other poisonous waste matter. ovcrroming umarem. Bladder and Urinary troubles le a short while. A dtu;glst V,crc w:,o has had hundreds of calls for these Ingredients since the first ant,c'U icenunt to tt.e newspapers last Ck tobcr stated that Inc people who once try h " swear by It," esp_cially those who have Lrtnary and Kidney rrou'•ile clad suffer with ltheumattenl. All the dtu;glets 1n this nelghborhotxl 4 ty they ran nuapty t' e tngredle•ite, welc', are easily mixed at heti'. Thcrc is said to be no (letter bloodcleaaeing treat or system tonic known. and ctr- '..1.;Iy :.gee nu,rc harmless or sltept•' to Use. Mr. Geo \\'aero::d 1s visiting friends In Owen Sound. I Learn Dressiaking AT EXETER We teach you everything from the Plainest shirtwaist to the most elabor- ate and show you how to cut, fit and put together not only the lining but all other goods to coats, s'terta. waists, wrappers, sleeves, children's dresses, collars, etc. Why spend months at a dresseteking shop where you do nothing but her overcast, and sew on hooks and eyes, and then after you have served months there, what do you know about Butting. Absolutely nothing. Over 2,000 girls have been taught In this way within the past eight years, and all recommend It very highly. Charge of full course ie only 010.00 to be paid when through It satisfactory, Including one of the most perfect fit- ting sybtetns which we teac!, how to use free. An evening class will be also taught, skirts, coats, etc. Charge for Oda course $5, including the Ideal Tailor System." Will teach at Exeter front March Ilth to 1t)th. hours 9 amt. 10 5 p. iu- All wishing to try, or for further particu- lars be sure and call at the Central Ilotel on W'ednceday, March lath, Hours 11 a.nt. to 5 p.nt. MISS STE\VART, Iaetructress In Dress Making. MOUNT CAL1MEL. Wedding. -On Monday, Feb. 22nd, a very pretty weddtng took place in the village of Mt. Carmel, when Leo Die- trich was married to Miss Josephine, only daughter of Mr. John Kegler. A very large number of relatives were pre- sent. The nuptial mass begun at 10 o'clock, and the celebrant was his rev- erence, Father Foster. The bride enter ed ttte church leaning oa her father's arm where he presented her to the groom. The bride was attended by :Mss Laura Dietrich, sister of the groom, and the groom was aesleted by Mr. Albert Regicr a brother of the bride. After the cere- mony a large number of relatives and uiveda went to the home of the bride, where u sumptuous dinner was in store for theta. A epclal supper was given at 5 o'clock fa' the young people. Rela- tives, neighbors and all their friends con- gratulate the young couple attd their fondest wish is that many years of hap py wedded life may be theirs. School Reports The following is tee report of S. 8. Nu. Stephen, for February. -Sr. 1V., L. Stehle, E. Sims. Jr. IV., L. England, J. Coughlin. Sr. III., M. England, G. Neng, J. Sothis, V. Cornish. Jr. III., C. Coughlin. L. Sinus. M. Simi, C. Jones, \. 1• (anagen, I1. P,atten. Sr. 11., G ,Car- ter, 8. Jones. Jr. Il„ 11. Coughlin, M. Lawson, C. Stall's. 1't. 11., J. Brandon, f. Cornish. Pt. i., E. Clark, 0. Sinus. Mattie Chapman, teacher. The following is the report of S. 8. No. 5• Usborne, for the utontn of February. -III., Alda Westlake 09, Sr. 11., Mag- gie Moodie 82. Jr. 11., Orby Nestle 88, ."crtot itlggltis ea, Arthur Ford 71. I., Gorden Perkins 09, Charlie Trout 00, Mervin Dayniat, 00, -\mold Ford 00. Miss Robinson, Teacher. The following le the correct report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen, for l-'chruary.-IV., Flossie Davey, Jo. Davie, Elia Baker, Anthony White, Hubert White, Clara Jacob. 1V., Ella Anacreon, (thea McCur- dy, Madellee (Islet. 111., C.ttrie Davey, Melee Elitott, Ethel Bowden, Murvan Call Las, Oliver Davis, Irene McCurdy, Willie (taker, Everett Callfab, Hubert Neil. II., eturicl llogartii, Arthur Rubinson, Mil- ton Jacob, Elmer \V;lson, Willa Smith, Viola Neil. 1't. 11., Leonard Heist, Ervin Jacob, Janiee White, Edna Bowden, Jno. \Vhitington. Pt. I. Cooper McCurdy. E. J. Buswell, Teacher. The following Is the correct report of S. 8. No. 1, Laborite, for February. The names are In order of merit. -V., Ella M. Down. Barry Dougall, Jennie Strang. Nellie jtowc11Ifc ; IV., Laura llarvey, J Str•ttig, Gordon Oke, Tena Dougall, Co - 11 1)o'. t,, (leo. Blatchford, Jun Dougall Alvin Moir, ltoeula Down, Ira Moir, A. Itowcliffc. Sr. I11., Llia Moir, Earl 1101, Roy White. Jr. 111., Hazel Down, Willie Strang. Elva ftarvey, Wilfrid Dougall, unser Itowcliffe. Sr. IL, Cecil Harris, George Moir, Uladye Molt-. Roes Dick, Flossie Nell, Ilarvey Nell. Mid. II„John Dougall, Maggle Strand, Elgin ltowclltfe, ('rank Jarrort. Jr. II., Mira Dew, Har- old Moir, Vera Bell. Pt. I., Alice Dick, Katy Sanders, Lorne Oke, May Nedi,flla MR( 001, Clifford 1iolr. Average attend- ance Sit. J. Alvin lirintnell. Teacher. . The followlt,g is the -e port of S. 8. No. I for February, -IV. Ii. Pfaff, N.Ford. Sr. 111.. Edith Carrick. G. Hooper, A. Green. Sr. 11., L. Stacey. Jr. Ii„ W. trooper. Sr l't II., N. Carrick, A. l'faff. Jr. I't. II.. C. Ford. Sr. I't. I., Alma De.trl g. E. Carrick. M. McDonald. Jr. l't. 1.. 11. (teen. No. on roll 18, average 1 t. M. I'areorie, Teacher. The following Is the correct report of S. S. No. 4, Laborite, for February. -Sr. l\'•, H. May, V. Kerslake, H. Davis, C. May. A. Skinner, rt Coates. W. Walker, G. Davis. Sr. 111.. A. hunter, L. Coates V. Coates, L. Harding. Jr. 111., T. Skin- r,er al May, F. Webber. Sr 11., V,PIn o;nbe, G. Hunter, It. Tnomson, R, \Veb tar. 11. chanter, C. Thomson, V. lucks. Jr. ll.. 11. Coates, W. Thomson. Sr. 1 \'. hicks. M. Skinner, A. Harding. O,t liu:tor Loll -it. May. V. Kerslake. T. Coates. I1. Swann, teacher Kill VA Mims Kenny of Khiva Is spending a few days with her parents. -Mrs. harry returned home Tuesday, after a visit with ler deugntcr, Mrs. Jas. O'Rourke at London. -Mr. Albert Cunningham of Tredlton spent Sunday at Khiva.- Mr. Angus McCormlc k spent Sunday at Mt. Carmel. The following is the report of Khiva School for February. names In order of merit, --Sr. i':., Charles Gower. Jacob .Juerin, Chas. Itegler. Jr IV., Thos. Yearley. Leona l'ltikb, iner, Emma Cur.- ,i::gham. Untold Gower, James Maw- hlnney. Flo..le Hartman. Ella Wilhelm: J.,h:, Wilhelm. Maggie Hanover. Snit!. Roy Itatz, Lewin Johns. Edna Witte). .loscph Rcglcr, Roy !Litz. Jr. I11..Jno. Cun' t: gham. Francis F'lyrin. Sr. 11.. Gla dys Mawhinney, Arthur Hanover. Ver- aeica Hanover. \Vitb.rt Hartman. Jr. 11. Peter Reiter. Irene \tawhtnney, Willie '.Waring. Sr. 1't. 11., Fred Cunningham, 111tt!. Flynn. Jt. Pt. 11.. Bertha Hart. •nsn. Jon:, Ha•:over. Pt. 1.. Edgar Maw- ..inney, - M. E. S',erritt, Teacher. TIM MIGHTY POWER OF )11 -O -NA. 1 The following Is a correct report of 1) S. S. No. 3. Stephen, for February. -Sr. IV., J. Hogarth. W. Shaptsn, E. Shep- ton. Jr. IV., C. P. Parsons, V. llogarth, J. Willis, 0. Preszeator, E. Welsh, A. Willis. F.. itoz, G. 111-•ke. Ili., M. Wil- lis, R. Parsons. Sr.. II„ G. Stanlake, L. Sanders, C. Triebner. .Ir. II., T. Wil- lis. C. Parsons, L. Sanders. Sr, 1't. II. \f. Triebner, L. 1101, V. I'reszcator, V. Bus. Jr. Pt. II., 1'. Sanders, 0. Hamil- ton, C. Hamilton, C. Sanders. ('t. L, It Parsons, A. Shapton. C. Pres:.cator. E. Stanlake. Best spellers for the month, Sr. IV.. J. Hogarth ; Jr. IV., 0. Presz- cator, 111., W. win(.. wit. L. Triebner, Teacher. Mio-na. that extraordinary and per- fect stomach tome, will relieve dyspep- sia In twet,ty-four hours. It will euro and is guaranteed by W. S. Cole to the readers of the Advocate to cure the moat pitiful cases of dyspep- sia. if taken according to directions. MI -oma tablets not only cure diepep- sla, but all etcrnacit disturbances, such as vomiting of pregnancy, sea or car sickness after esceeslve indulgence. Mi-o-na cures by strengthening and invigorating the flabby stomach walls and atter a course of Mi-o-na treatment rottstipatlun, if there he any. will entire- ly dleuppear, Mrs, S. Beast of Clarksburg, Ont., Bays "A bad stomach trouble that had both? tired me for ycara, baffled and puzzled skilled physic lane, was int (Ay relieved by my using Mi-o•t,a. My trouble was un accoui,t of food not digesting but fermenting in :ny stomach, forming a gas that gave me untold suf'ering and pain and also made inc weak, nervous, irritable and unab,e to rest. Since use Ing Mi-o-na I can go to bed at night and sleep and wake up In tic morning, refreshed. I c,tu:.ot speak too highly of Ml-o-na." M1-o-na is a most economical treat- ment, a large box of tablets only costs 5u center at W. 8. Cole's and the die - peptic, nervous or otherwise, who does not give thein a trial is losing an opt portunity to regain health." ZURICH Wes Mutter of F'loradale is home for a few days. -David Livingood of Detroit Is vteiting his mother and other friends,. -Miss Elizabeth ltatunie hue passed the Jr. Harmony examination at London Conservatory with first ctaaa honors.- Rev. onors-Itev. N. S. Methfessel of Buffalo left on Thursday last for lila noire, being call- ed there owing to sickness In the fam- ily. -Peter Lamont has gone to Dubuc Sask., in connection with the sale of his stallion, Nateby Grant. -A quiet wed- ding was solemnized Thursday evening when Mr. D. S. Faust, postmaster, was united in marriage to Miss England of Dashwood. -Mrs. Fled Demuth was suc- cessfully operated upon last week for an ternal trouble and elle is doing as well as can be expected. -Miss Lizzie Poli- o -1c of Drysdale left last week for Sask- atchewan. She was accompanied by her brother, Samuel, w'eo has been visiting here. Desth.-Mr. and Mrs. H. Ilelrhert of the Parr Litre mourn the death of their youngest EUI, Arthur, a boy of about 15 Ile died on Feb. 23, atter an illness that was not considered of u serious nature. Hensall Mrs. Stelk left last week for Dauph- in, Man. -Harry and Arch Busch left for the west last week. -Miss Thomp- son left last week for Saulte Ste Marie -Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, and son, left for Corona, Sack., nn Monday, -Rev. S. Toll has received a unanimous invi- tation to \Vallaceburg Methodist Church. -Mr. limn, formerly of the Sovereign hank staff, Exeter. was in town last week, -Mrs. Youngblutt, ac- companied by Mrs. J. Bonthron, left for Waterloo on Wednesday of last week. -Mrs. and Mies Peart, who have been visiting at T. Pearl's. left for the west on Wednesday of last week. - Mrs. Geo. Walker and children, of fiuelph, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Swallacombe.-Ii. Cudtnore is prepar- ing to erect a substantial residence north of his present hnnto on Brock St., next summer. -Mr. Moir and sis- ter, of near Regina, Sask., are visiting relatives here. -Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn over the death of their little child, aged 2 months. DEATHS. -One of the beet known and most highly respected pioneers of this section passed to the great be- yond on Sunda, Feb. 21st. Peter Louttitt had attained the grand age of 84 years. Ile came to this country when a young than and settled on a farm which he cleared. His wife pre- deceased hint many years. His health had been good till within a short time of his death. The funeral took place from the home of Robert McArthur to Hensall Union Cemetery. - Elliott Fairbairn, father of Mrs. Jas. A. Bell and who has resided with her for some time, died on Wednesday morning of last week. Deceased was 77 years of age and one of the oldest residents of Ms section. The funeral took place on Saturday to McTaggart'sCemetery. MARRiAOR.-A pretty house wed- ding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Ring St. West, Hensall, when their second daughter, Elizabeth, was united in marriage with Mr. John H. Parke, a prosperous young farmer of Blake. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F. McL. Smith. Little Mise Mar- garet Weismiller was ring bearer. The groom's gift to the bride was a nice piano, and to the ring bearer a gold locket and chain. CURES INDIGESTION Take ysur .our rtontach-o: ma"; be :ou call It Indigestion, Dyapcpsia, Gas- tritis or Catarrh of Stomach; ,t doesn't matter -take your stomach trouble right with you to your rharmacist and ask hint to open a 50 -cent rase of i'aic's Dlapcpaln and Int you eat one 22 -grain Trlar,gulc and see It within 5 :hit wee there 1n left any trace of your etomacti misery. The correct pante for your trouoic is Food Fermentation -food souring ; the Digestive orga,ts bccou,e weak. there 1s lack of gastric juke, )our Toad is only half digested and you heeome affected with Ions of appetite, pressure and full - hems after eating. vomiting, naus^a, ',ea. ;burn, griping In bowel., tendo: - nese .n the pit of stomach, had taste In ;touch, constipation, pale ir. limbs. sleeplessness. belching of gas. ulttoua- ness, sick headache, ncrvoueneu,s, diz- ziness end many other stmllar sym- ptoms. if your appetite ie fickle, and noth- t:.g tempts you, or you belch gas or It y u frel Loatcd Mot' rating• or your food Iles like a lump of lead or. your stomach you ran make up 'roar mind that at tee bottom of ail th,e there 1a hte one cause-fcreutttatto.t of ur.dt- gcsted food. Prove to yourself after your neat meal that your e'creacu in as good as any, that there In :1otItl: g realty wrong. eine this fer'ne,,tetlorl a;.d ttcg,.t eating what you want without fear of discom- fort or misery. Almost Ir,ets.,t relict Is waiting for ere 1: la tiirrrly .t r1atter of !.0N go 1.1 jou take a littic Lalapepaln• The following Is the report of the ex- aminations In S. S. No, 11, Stephen for February, the !lattice beteg In order of nterlt,-Sr. IV., Pearl Tetrcau, AnteletEng land. Jr. IV., Mabel Wild. Jr. III.,Fran- els Latond, Muriel Winnie, Laura Ste- phan. Sr. IL, Joseph Latond, Irene Ithyhard Stephan, Enuna Zel- ler. Jr. II., Ira Tetreau, Olive Willert. l't II., Willie Stephan, Henry Latond, PO I., Ecroi Lafond, Ilertzcl Wild, Myr- tle Willert. No. on roll 19, average 17. E. Keyes, Teacher. LUCAN. Mr. G. E. Crawley, the geulal agent for the Massey -Harris Company had a del (very of machinery on the 25tH, when be- tween 80 and 100 teams were present to take home machinery. Over 100 pieces were delivered. St. Marys. -John Nicholson Gray, a well known photographer, died last week at the age of 55 years, after being an in- valid for thirteen years. Ile was born at Edinburgh arid came to St. Marys In 18133. A widow and four children sur- vive. PURINE HAVOC WITH PATENT MEDICINES An Old-tashioned, Homs -Made Mix- ture which Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles. A prominent local druggist states that since the celebrated prescription of a distinguished specialist h.., be- come more or Less known 11 is inter- fering with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or ad- vertised kidney pills. The prescrip- tion, which first appeared in a lead - ng health journal,rs rcptc,c:ured Just exactly as originally tct-tten :- Fluid Extract Cascara...... , ;ti oz. Carriana Compound 1 uz. Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz. Directions : (inc teasp.e nful after each meal and at bedtime. Any good druggist can dspense this, or, even better, a person can buy the items separately and mix theta at home by shaking them well together in a bottle. It is stated that the ingredients being vegetable, are Earn:' :ss and simple. It hss a gentle and natural action, and grad'! Illy tones up the eliminative leaving the kidneys in a peri.:. tly healthy condition. A. merchant well known in public affairs states that this recipe cl.,ed his rteumatism. Save the prescrip• tion. St. Joseph. -t1. M. Cantle has a gang of sten at work at the foot of (nt Zur- ich road cutting down the st:ep hank for a roadway to the dock. T .1a is very necessary as a dock Is not tuuch u -e if it cannot be approached front the land side. GIN PILLS are just as good for the Bladder aa they are for the Kidneys. If there Is trouble in retaining urino-if yon have to get up threo or four times or oftener during the night --if the urine is hot and scalding -Gin Pills will quickly relieve the trouble. They cure tho kidneys and heal the irritated bladder. 50c. a box ; 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or sant on receipt of price. SaLmcle ire° DEPT. A. -NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. Co. UNITED if you mention this Pav•r. TORONTO 105 Formerly Mases tem Bole Drug Co., /limns,. e QWNIPLk e ae Don't be laid up in bed with La Grippe. Break up the cold and fever with Coleman's Campho-Quinine. ., r: Cures in 24 hours -no bad effects -25c. At all dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. Nothing is easier to understand than this -one paint won't do for everythingany more than one medi- cine will cure allThat s the reason we make a specialty for every purpose. Ask your dealer for SHERW/N- W/LuAMS PA/NTS AND VARNISHES Made hi Canada TNt IINSRWiN-WILLIAUS CO. Montreal, Toronto. Winnipeg. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY •u000tooro to DNS. KENNEDY & KERNAI NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Fxceeses awl indteeret,'.ef are the "ansef amen) sorrow amt sunei•ng than ail other diseases combined Wo sea the victim, art vicious habits on "vert hmnd• the sallow, Pimoled face dark circled eye+e, st,nping erm, stunted development. baslifut, metsn cholic countenance ani timid bears g pro rlgaim to all the world GIs folly snit tend to blight hifeflstence. Our treatment positive- ly, .i 1tive-Iy cures all weak men t,y nven-emIng and removing the streets of former In.flscretk,ns and excesses. It et. pa all drains aro( quickly restores the victim 19 what nature Intended - a healthy and happy man with physical. men nal and serve power complete ReroverlOtesn Dra. K. A K. Ilsve t'/aated with the ,srsatsat SUCOser alt MN/ dlaeases of mss and women. if you have any secret dlm.aa" that 1. • Awl worry and a rnnna, a to )our health c..r.ult OttI1 old eatsbliahed 1,hyslclanswho do not have to experiment on you. Wo guarantee to cure NERVOUS OE.ILITY. .1000 DISEASES STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND .LADDER DISEASES. Censsltf, Doe ins. If unable to earl, write foe K puestloo Minh for Ilome Treat ses& Legated le Our Ogre Omte tlsslldlns. DRS.kENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Mkhiaan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mkhe