HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 4I zetex gthuorate,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Mai'.4, 1909
The council met Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
with all the members present. The min-
utes of last meeting read and approved.
Mr. E. Treble addressed the council In
regard to selling some of the old band
music. Carling—Luker—That Councillors
Johns and Ileanmen be a committee to
'confer with Mr. Treble.—Carried. The
13y -law regarding the C. 1'. R. was dis-
cussed with Mr. Dickson, who was pres-
ent. Per Johns—Luker—That the Reeve
with Councillor lleaman be a conunittec
will. Mr. Dickson and further look Into
the Railway by-law.—Carried. Per Car-
ling—Johns—That the Commissioner see
to 1'epairs on water tanks at Town Hall
Ammendment, Heaman—Johns—That the
Reeve with Councillor Carling and the
Comnnlaaloner get the necessary repairs
made to the water tanks.—Carried, By-
law No. 5, 1909—A by-law relating . to
the number of t evcrn licenses to be is-
sued in the municipality was read and
was accepted on motion of Heaman—
Johns—and ordered to be read the
second and third time. The Reeve and
clerk signing the same, and the seal of
the corporation attached thereto. The fol
lowing accounts were read and orders
drawn in payment.—The Ezeter Tines,
nomination notice $2; G. Cudmore, lab-
or, $4.75; Wm. Skinner, wood, $ t ; W.
J. 9lesett meals for tramps, $1.50; ie.
Mellott, labor, $1.25; totalling $16.50;
passed on motion of Beaman—Luker.
Adjournment by Johns to Mar. 5.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
11. S. Department
Form I11., Ilonors.—B. Mantel 86, T.
Sanders 80, K. Collins 78, A. McMahon
75; Pass., E. Willls 73, L.. Sanders 72,
A. Dow 71, K. Stewart 71, W. Blrney
67, L. Martin 06, J. Oestricher 66, I.
Itowe and L. Snell 64. G. Butt 63, L
Handford and 1t. Hooper 02, C. Pickard
60. No. on roll 29, average 28.
Wnt. B. \Veldenhaminer, prin.
Forma 11.—Iioiors, Jean Graealck 81,
G. Keatle 80, W. Monteith 79. N. Amy
78. V. Sweet 75, GI. Ford 75. Pass,
L. herr, 7J, H. Tricbner 72, 8. Petty 71
C. Dunsford 71, E. Case 70, G. Acheson
09, 1I. Jones 66, 11. Carling 36, A.Cole-
man 65, T. Penhale 64, W. McLean 62.
No. on roll 23, average 18.
S. L. Gregory, Teacher.
Form I.—Pass, M. Elston 73, W.Wels-
miller 71, C. Copeland 70, C. Wood 70,
1I. 1' uke 69, B. Hogarth 63, It. Dear-
ing 66, G. Dearing 63, C. Pickard 64.W.
Siliery 04, 0 Atkinson 62, L. itivers
01, G Passmore 61, F. Trlebuer 60.
Conttnrrcldl Sr.—Ilonors, 11. Mackay 87
G. Ilissett 80, II. Pope 78, N. Beaver 76
0. Wood 70. Pass, 1•', Hw;tc. 7'•
Wood 64. Commercial Jr.—i nes, W.
Bradt 72, H. Moyle .68. No. on roil 47,
average 44.
NI. 4ohnstoi, l e;chi :•
P. S. Department
Room IV.—Sr. IV.. honors, It. Wood 90;
It. Bissett 89, M. Carling d5, C. trey
wood 85, E. Itrickwood 79, L. 'noble 77,
1'. Dearing 76. Pass, S. Southcott 74,
J. Seldon 70, G. Taylor 70, 1. Rivers
69, M. Acheson 09, Y. Creech 69, L.
Snell 68, I. !lardy f:7, Wlllle Stoll 05,
N. 11111 62, Mary Davis 62, W. Heideman
61. Jt. IV., honors, 1.1. Gllil..a 87. F".
McPherson 79, G. Blasett 83, F. Dinney
82, It. Baliewlil 79, Nellie Jones 75.1' ass
G. Pcnhalc 68, V. Eastcrbrook 64. No.
on roll 33; average 30.
C. Voaper, teach, r.
Form V.—Sr. I11., honors, L. Harvey.
Pass, I. Sweet, M. Jonea, 11. Walk. r.
E. Harvey, L. Taylor, H. Snell, Game..
0. Ilodgert. Jr. lila, honors, li.lttvcrs
Palls, W. Ranson, M. Case, M. Senior,
M. lleywood, E. Day, B. liodgert.
J. Murray, Teacher.
Rooth VI.—Jr. 111., honors. E. Davis
92, A. \lack 88, M. Se:ldon 8_, 1'. ilowey
82, M. Hicks 81, S. Reed 79, 11. P,irso..e
79, M. poste, 79. Paas, E. Cookson
71, J. Craig 70, T. Clarke 70, J. Fergu-
son 09, iI. Smith 64. Sr. li., honors,
L. Zuctle 93, et. Vincent 91, M. Madman
87, G. Fitton 91, A. Carter 84. S. Mc-
Fall. 7:. 11. Murrey 78, D. Moulden 76
G. Ford 70, K. tVeldenhammer 75. Pass
G. Ortweln 74. D. Kunz 69. No. on roll
39; average 34.
11. N. Kinsman. Teacher.
Room VII.,—Jr. 11.. JI. Kydd 95, E.
Joints 85, C. Dearing 84, M. Pickard
83, M. Day 09, M. Patterson 77, 0.
Carling 68, R. Marshall 66, J. Ilurdoe
40. Sr. I't. IL, 11. Boyle 73, W. lten-
dle 65. V. Marshall 02. I'. Collingwood
52. No. on roll 46; average 33.
F. W. floweret, Teacher.
Room V 111..—Jr. II.. A., 11. Cornfeh
90 A. Taylor 94, 11. elector 79, D.Knight
79, V. Welsh 78. M. Walker 71, M. Har-
dy 76, L. Walker 01. It.. W.Jacobl 87
M. Moilock 76, I. Eaetcrbrook 72. Sr.
rt. 11.—A. Cornish 92. W. Brown 90,
C. Mallot 85. N. Swett 85, C. Murley 93
L. Palmer 74. M. Medford 72, C. liar -
nese 71, Jr. Pt. iI.—F. Mothersill 80,
W. Knight 76. P. Coi111511 73, W. Gill-
espie 70. l't. I.—E. McGee 85, J. Davis
82, C. Neaman bo. M. Ifoulden 72. 0.�
Fink 69. No. 0:1 roll 40, average 33. ,
Mildred Martin, teacher
Oouncll neat NI a. 1st. All members pre
sent. elinuna, of previous meeting were
read sad signal., A number of accounts
were read and passed. The auditors re-
port was received, aen('ptcd and 200
copies ordered to be filleted atter which
the council adjourned to first Monday
l;t April when palhniasters wilt be ap-
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
Welles Isabel and Nellie Dyer of Lon -
•do t who have been visiting at Thomas
Armit.lg ., h the taturn el tont •.—SI In y
Hoagies has rented his farts to his
brother. Lchana. Sidney and Reginald
have gone Into the livery business In
1'.,rk' 1.1. We Nish thorn every success.
— people of 3t. Patrick's are going
to to 11-a new hall on the church ground
In rhe spring.—Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Davis
•lilted with thclr nephews. enc Cunning -
h . •1 teeters. Ice( \Vcdnesday.—A In. rry
peg., dove o'er to Mi. AA Mrs. Wm.
Seco; at list '.week and enjoyed themselves
In a merry dime.—Mr. anJ Mrs. F.
We wlsa to announce to the farmers
requiring aced that we have selected
front the stork we have handled Gds
season the very choicest seeds for our
retail trade and offer the same al
very- moderate prices. We have in stock
Alaike, Timothy, tied Clover, Altalfa,
Timothy and Alsike mixed, Mlltett,etc.
%Vo offer a good grade of Red Clover,
rccleal;td a,,d free (tont IJuckhorn or
Ittb Ureses at ere,. 0 per Wilmer A call
The Council held their regular monthly
business lit the Town Hall last Monday.
They derided to have concrete abutments
constructed for a new bridge, (nosing
time Sauble at Crediton East at once and
will have an iron bridge constructed on
the site of the old one as soon as con-
venient. In the meantime the Township
Engineer has been instructed to make
an Inspection and take measurements for
the plans and speclticattone. It will be
a matter of but a few years before all
the bridges on the Saubie will have to'
be replaced with iron bridges. It was
reported that the railway magnates
would interview the council regarding a
bonus for the railway but they did not
make an appearance.—Crediton has the
name of being up-to-date as tar as lo-
cal Improvements are corcerned. Now
we can boast of Having an automobile in
our midst. This motor vehicle arrived
here on Monday, not under its own pow
er, but drawn from time station at Centre
lia by a team of horses. August Haled
and James Lawson are Jolla partners In
this venture, and since both of them do
:lot understand much about ruining it,
our citizens are on the alert to see what
will happen until they have this monster
under control. No doubt, when the C.
P. It. slakes Its appearance there will
be several more of them in our ntidst.—
Sannuel Brown has been 111 this week,
but at the time of writing he as Improve
Mg and expects to be able to resume his
business duties at the store to a few
days.—Wm Lewis, our V. S., had a
close call from being blinded last Wed-
nesday evening. Ile was mixing some
medicine, when In some way the ellen)
kala eep:oded, burning his face and eyes
beatdes cutting a gash in hla hand from
the bottle breaking.—Bert Clark had a
quantity of wood cut with the engine)
last week.—The revival meetings which
have been held in the Evangelical church
for some weeks, c+tme to a close Last
\Veinesday evening.—Henry Ellber, M P.
I'., has recovered sufficiently from hie
attack of rheumatism to return to Tor-
onto to resume Ills Parliamentary duties.
'George Ehler was in Zurich on Tues-
day visiting his brother Chris —Messrs
Nirholas and Lingelbach, who have been
visiting Mr and Mrs. Daniel Oestrelcher
:or several weeks, returned to their Monte
in Tavistock last Saturday.—Mr. and
Niro. Aaroi Brown and family of Bright
are visiting relatives In our midst.—We
are pleased to state that the family of
Rev. Bean, who have been 111 of rcarlet
lei; r, are almost over the attack and
It Is expected that the quarantine will
be lifted tit a short time.—Mr. Scott,rc-
presenting the Dominion Lite, and Mr.
Hooper, representing the Manufacturer's
Life, both of Iiensall, were in the village
Tuesday' 0:1 business In connection with
the companies they represent.—Mr. Ira
Brown sp^nt ltut Sunday In London rialt
ing friends.—A meeting was held in the
Town hall Monday evening with the ob
,tort of dlscusshig Y.M.C.A. work In this
neighborhood. Mr. Cullens of London
was present and gave a very Interesting
address. It hasn't been decided as yet,
.vhetuer organization will take place here
end i1ot111ng definite will be done until
eext fall.
Mr. Amos spent a day 1n London last
week.—J. Gravelle, who has been here,
1'. gone to Port Franks.—H. 0111 of Port
.ranks spent Tuesday with ifs parents
here.—Toe three months' old :rind of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ltossenberry of
.lrucefleld was Iald to rest bore Sat-
JC (t, of Wnm. Mallard.—Tule week it
ite our sad duty to mention the death et
another of our oldest residents. In the
persoe of William Mullard, at the age
o' 71 ye trs and 2 months, and 4 days.
tie had been III most of the winter, but
was up and around. Last Tuesday the
summons came at 12 o'clock. Heart fall-
ure was the immediate cause. Mr. Mol -
lard was highly esteemed, a most kind
1:'d obliging neighbor, at,d a member of
tae Met!,odist ceurch for years. He is
survived by a widow and eight child-
ren, who are Mrs. Wm. Melan. Mre. Fred
1'ige of this :aighborhood, Mrs. Jerry
trophy, near Snlpka, Mrs. Muller of
i)etrolt. Abner and Ernest, titer here,
Arthur, nein Parkhill, and Pussy at
home. Four brothrrs also survive. Jaw.
.111.1 Tho.. of this plate. Iearer near Park-
hill and C t.trlee it, tee West. The fun
•r.tl was largely attended last Thured.ty
,e renatins being laid to rest Int (rand
Rend center, ry, Mr. Steadman officiat-
ing. The bereaved asset the eynmpatty of
the community.
The following is the report for Febru-
ary of Grand Bend School.—V.. W. Oi-
!ver 140. iV.. J. DIsjardtne 133 S,
Dewey 130, G. Oliver 128, T. Ilse 94. Sr
111.. M. Ravelle 180, S. Qtrriere 145,
1. Green 9S N. Mollatd 73, G. Dtsi,tr-
dine 7n. Jr. 111.-1'. 0111 157, V. Fritz
tee I). Dewey, 158, E. Fritz 125. M.
Ravelle 115. - 111 :1 111). Sr. 11.—C.
1)ewey 112, S. aiejardtne 130, W. Rav-
elle 83. F. Dewey 70. 1't. 11.—W. Wil -
;lama 95, A. Funnel' 90, L. Green 89,
W. Down 85. M. Carrlere do, L. Rav-
elle 78, I). Betrd 70, A. Ravelle 60, N.
Station 50. I" I.— R. Dislardine 95.
L. Patterson i . 11. Fritz 80. M. Tie-
1e:111an 77, E. Down 75, F. Clark Cie
F. hand 55, J. Alileter 50, 0. Tieder-
man 85. M. Macauley. teacher.
Mr. Clem Flood Is renewing old ac-
quaintances In this vicinity; Mra. Vio-
let Carter has returned to Toronto.—T.
1. 1fodgine for:ucrly of this place. In-
tends to return to Wilkie. Sask., thin
week. after spendl.ig the winter here.
.1 v. Hodgins will remain longer ow-
tng to the illness of her father.—Miss
1 •1>n Wheel at Ailenford Is the guest
or her slater. Mrs. Walter Gibson.—Mr.
enJ Mrs. R.Iph Mowbray attended the
aaterel of the tatter's sister, who died
re •eptly In W ett peg. Til • tullrral took
el tee on Friday from her home in Oran
01 to tit. Marys cemetery.—Mr. and Mrs
1 o gHodgins of Lo Woe spent Sweaty
o v:1.—We are pleased t0 say Mr.
Cote visited the tatter's parents, Mr. )o en,. out p'lotogrepeer, Is rerovening
an'.. .'1:s. 1'. Dickens. 0;1 Sunday.— I1.0;n his rcct.d. long illness.
Niles Martha Taylor of Port Huron 1s
visiting her cousin Mrs. Robe. English.
—Masers. Gee. and Ed. Bullock left on
Thursday last for Saskatoon. Seek.—
Militias Mabel Foster, Dareoa Mason,
and Delisa Hayter visited their aunt, Mrs.
Kennedy near Craig for a couple days
last week.—Mr. Dare Eagleson has mov-
ed to tate farm 1.0 purchased from Mr:
Jas. lily key.—Mr. Thos. Stewardaon and
Miss !Aura viuited relattvea in Exeter
on Monday,—Mr. and Mrs Itobt. Eng-
lish and etiss M. Taylor visited at Mr.
A. Smtther's un Sunday evening.— The
Women'. Institute will ho:d their month
ly meeting on Mar. 9th at Mr. J. D.
Hodgins, Harpley. The subjects are,
Simple Bleats," 'F'lo were and their
Cultute" and Useful Hints for Spring
CleanIng" Everybody welcome and come
prepared to give a talk o:t these uuta
The big ball at Shlpka one Monday ot
last week was a grand success. There
were present about sixty couples, coming
from Mount Carmel, Crediton, Dashwood
Grand Bend and Parkhill A most enjoy-
able time was spent by all. After the
12 o'clock lunch dancing was continued
until tic break of day.
Mr. J. Essery attended the Insurance
meeting at Farquhar On Monday.—Mrs.
F. Coates is con'l,.ccl to the house But-
fering from a severe attack of tonsil-
Ital.—Miss Edith Buswell spent Sunday
under the parental roof.—A number from
here attended the concert at Centralia
Monday flight and report a good time.
—G. Manthorpe leaves on Monday for
Wedding bells will be ringing here
In the near future.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Horn and daughter Olive visited Mre.
Hern's father. Mr. Wm. Gunning,
who at the time of writing is seriously
ill.—A number of the young people
around here right merrily enjoyed
themselves at the home of Lloyd Hod-
gson on Friday evening.—Next Friday
evening. the 12th of March, the Rev.
Dr. Dougald of Godericb. will deliver
his famous lecture. "Ben Hur." in this
church, with 200 etereoptican views.
Admission 15c. A good time is antici-
pated.—The W. M. S. will hold their
monthly meeting next. Thursday, Mar.
iltb. in the church, when the Granton
Auxilliary will pay ourAuxilliarya vie-
it.—Mrs. Wm. Brooks has returned
home after spending a week the guest
of her mother, Mre. Parks, at Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning were
somewhat surprised on Thursday evg.
of last week, when all their old friends
and neighbors gathered at their home
to bid them a kind farewell on the eve
of their departure for their new home
in Granton. An address was read by
Mr. Daniel Hodgson, which portrayed
very nicely the Christian character of
our brother and sister, after which the
presentation of a beautiful Morrie
rocker to Mr. Gunning, and also a sty-
tylish rocker to Mrs. Gunning was made.
Mr. and Mrs. Gunning very briefly re-
plied, expressing their sincere thanks
to their rnany friends, and also wish-
ing the Church at large every success.
Mr. Gunning, as a member of our offi-
cial board. and Mrs. Gunning, ne a
member of our W. M.S. and a teacher
in our Sunday School, will both be
missed here and the sincere wish of all
is that a successful life will be theirsin
their new home in Granton.
• ENDER. Deed. Wills, Mortgagee and all.
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared
Chargee moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licensee,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenn of Parkhill
formerly of this village. spent Sunday
with friends in this place.—An adult
Bible class bas been organized in con-
nection with the Evangelical Sunda
School of this place.—Mr. George Kel-
e -lerman sold one of hie black team of
horses to a Mr. White of Ezeter.—Mr.
and Mrs. Christian Fahner of Orediton
visited friends in this place on Tues.
day.—Miss Susie Rader left on Mon -
dap to work for Mrs. Love, near Grand
Bend.—Mrs. George Kellerman and
Mrs. Justus Wagner visited friends on
the 14th con. on Tuesday.
WEDDED.—Mr. Amts Schroeder of
Dakota, who has been visiting among
friends in this place since New Years,
Was on Tuesday afternoon quietly
married at the Evangelical parsonage
in this place to Mies Katie Ileiger, of
this village. They left immediately
after the ceremony to take the even.
ing train at Exeter for their future
home in North Dakota. Their ninny
friends here will wish then[ a pleasant
journey homeward, and all happiness
in their western home.
Rev. S. Salton will preach here both
meallirlg and ov'o'11ng o,1 Sunday neat, 7th
of March.
Mrs. Ed. Ryan, who etas been quite 111
of tum,gestlon of the lungs, le, we are
pleased to learn, recovering as is also
Mrs. Ilayuham.-1r. Boyce, wIio is quite
Ill at tiules, ie on the mend.—John and
Polly Cochrane of lilliegree; visited at
the home of their grandmother, etre.
Co, t,rane, last week. — Tne Ladles'
Aid are giving u banquet to -night, Thur.
day.—ellss Aggie Anderson entertained
a few of her girl friends one evening last
week. A11 report Agree. a pleasant host-
ess.—D. McCurdy has sold Ids farm to
John Colwill. 'Twas a merry crowd of
ladies tt:at spent Tt,uraday at Mra. A.
!:rooks to a quilling.
Mr. W. R Elliott shipped another car
of horses Blonday to the Northwest.—
orthwest—Last Sunday was Choir Day In the Meth-
odist church when some special Music
was given in a superior manner by the
choir, and Rev. W. H. Butt preached a
aeration in the morning on church ntuelc.
—A concert followed with a social was
given in the Methodist church under the
auspices of the choir. There was a large
gathering and an exceptionally titre pro
gram was rendered. Besides home tal-
ent Miss )Inst of Crediton, Miss Hernj
Mr. Herb. Southcott and Prof. Brown of
Eseter and II. Swann of Eden rendered
valuable. assistance. Miss Neil deserves
great praise for her faithfulness and
the efficiency of the choir under her able
leadership.—Nett Sunday Rev. S. Salton
of Trowbridge, a former pastor at Cen-
tralia, will preach missionary sermons
here, Rev. W. H. Hutt will take the mis-
sionary services at Trowbridge.— Mime
Scott. a deaconess of Toronto addressed
a well attended meeting In the church on
Friday evening. The address was very
interesting. bearing especially on the
alum work these ladles engage In so
cheerfully. The deaconess' ,jlovement in
the etethodlat promises much for the
A very pleasant affair took place at
the home ot Bir. B. W. F. Beavers on
Monday evening last when Mr. Beavers
was tendered a complimentary Oyster
Supper and presented with a gold -head
ed cane as a token ut the esteem In
whin 1.e le held and in appreciation of
lila services as secretary -treasurer of
the Usbornc it Hibbert Fire Insurance
company. A good time was spent by all
Mr. Joshua Johns has full possession
of the store here now, Mr, and Mre. Bea-
vers having left Lila week for Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vance and family
alio leave this week for their new home
t:l Little Britain—Tine young people spent
a pleasant time at Wm. Monteith's on
Wednesday evening of last week, when
an enjoyable dance was indulged In,Wal
ter McNichol and Walter Kerslake fur-
nlshlog the music,—;Ir. Ed. Stone has
purchased the farm of Mrs. Win Francis
near I'lugtown, getting P0850541011 111
i the fall. The price was $5750.
Catarrh Sufferers are Nothing But
Hawking, Spitting and Blowing
Machines, Says an Authority.
Is it possible that in these days when
cleanliness and sanitary reform 1s being
preached in the churches, schools and
gatherings, that thousands of people w11
continue to suffer from catarrh when
there is an absolutely certain remedy al-
ways on hand.
llyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-mc) in a
pleasant, medicated and antiseptic air
Breathe 1t In and 1t will cure catarrh.
it will stop foul breath, watery eyes,
and crusts in the nose in a few days
Mrs. II. W. Wilson of Johnson St.,
Wallaceburg, Ont., says ; "Yes, we are
great friends to Ityomei for the reason
that Mr. Wilson has had catarrh for
several years and tried several remedies
and doctors, but nothing has relieved
the trouble like Ifyornel. Ills trouble 1
from pains across tate eyes and a burn
ing or huskiness In his throat Borne
times much difficulty in breathing, the
glands 11: his oyes and nose swollen and
the disease made hint literally sick all
over. Ile cannot say enough in praise of
11yo 11ei, and there 18 nothing that can
give better relief to catarrh than thl's
remedy, which we heartily recommend.'
A complete Ilyomel outfit, cementing
it a strong hard rubber pocket inhale
end a bottle of llynrnel, costs only $1
end extra bottles If afterwards needed
nst only r,'lr. each. W. 8. Coln sells I
.•, 1 ,;u.lran:et's It to do exactly as ad
Ilyonul also cures Asthma. Bronchi
In, Coughs, Colds and infant's Croup
New Spring Goods
arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and
MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown
Come and see our new goods before purchasing
New Dress Good
Our stock is complete
with the most stylish
fabrics, consisting of Striped Soitings, Serges, I'anantas,
Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustres, Mntine Cloths, Voiles,
Crispine Cloths, &c., Arc.
Ladies' New White Wear
— Shit t Waists, (towns, Skirts, Corset Covers, &e., lire. -
New Wash Goods
hanlNew e, Prlfitnss, . F(liancyng-
Veetings, Mullins, Linen Snitings—THE VF:KY LATEST—
Shittings, &c., &c.
Men's Spring Suitings ,T�t Arriv- ed int
and Largest Assortment of Fancy Stating.) ever m.hnwn in
Dashwood. All the latest p'tter'tls anti color ('.1I1 t' ) qc.'
them before you purchase your Spring Snit. I'ri'. s 11 IG 111'
Ideal Woven Wire Fencing
All parties int"nding to purchat•e a ie.. for f.•n.•'. , nt ill ,to
well to give 0• „ call. Sole Sgonts for th.• nl,. v.. fen-ing,
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce
S. MADDER, President paid-up Capital,110,000,000
ALFTA.NDER LAIRD, General Manager r Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 t
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Rolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may bo obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131A
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Miss Agnes Young of Motherwell vis
Ited her cousin, Miss Vera Campbell,
last week.
How's ThisP
We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CIHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
earry out any obiigatione made by his arm.
WALDIae. Kissam, & Mlavllr,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
rectly on the bloat and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot•
Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Ailsa Craig.—.\ quiet wcddtng was sol-
emnized at the resider -'e of the priest of
St. Marys Church, London, on Tuesday
of last week when Mise Kathryn lacKcn-
etc of Ailsa Craig, became the wife of
Alex. Jos. Macfie of Pottersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard of Lon
don were time guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Spacknlan on Friday.
Wood's Phosphod tae,
The Gr,' :1 :Ng? Remedy.
Tones ant' '• ; :rates the whole
nervous : ., makes new
Blood in . •. _ ' ,'. u'. C'ur'es Mev.
oa9 Debaily, Mental an.i :;.-ria Worry, Drs-
,,.,1,,1cnetl, Sexual Ifrakn.'.s, h'mi,'.steras,Spon
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,'o St per box, six for $.5. One will please six
.1111 cure. Sold by all druggists or 'nailed in
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Gentleman Farmers!
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will pay for Junk Iron Rags Rubbers Etc
Rags -55c up, per hundred Rubbers -6c up, )ler 11.
Horsehair -2'2c
Iron —45c "
in trade for Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods &
Groceries. Easy terms of payment may be arranged for
OR(X'EEIE5--in 15 days we will have a full supply of groceries
$20 suits for $12
3 pants for 2
25 suits for 15
Where you buy the goods ? Why !
where you get everything cheap !
When you got IRON TO TRADE
go to Joe Finklestein—fair, decent,
honest dealings.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
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N. D. IYURDON, Manager,
ivv'Tttwsltis Mike
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