HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-03-04, Page 3THE TRUE CAUSE OF RIIEUMATISM Caused by Uric Acid in Blood ane Lan Only be Curia Though the Blood, Nut many years ago doctors thought rheumatism was only ai local pain caused by exposure toll cold or wet. Now they know that, rheutnatism ie caused by tho blood bo oiivag tainteel with uric acid. Maacid contrrlct's the n usclees, stiffens the joints, aid irritate the nerves. Then the cold and wet Aske the joints and uniscle.a greae ;: iia aching rheumatism. You bleier.: the wee:Hier bet the seal cavae is acid in the blood. 1f not promptly treated the cliffuese i ly used words as bishop, devil, clerk Spreads and the pain grows worse (from etcricus), preacher, pound, each year until y uu are a helpless 1 mint, street, butler, pepper, cripple, tortured day and night. If trio disease touches the heart. it, WORLD-WIDE LANGUAGE. The English 'Tongue 1'. An Ayton- Isbiug Mixture. The English dictionary was evid- ently eery proud of itself. "I contain the whole English language. In fact, you may say that 1 am the English luuguage. V. nut is the English language 1 Well, to be truthful, it's an aston- ishing mixture. In any one hun- dred words that you speak or Can't Praise Them Too Much So Says Charles Bell of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Instances When SUGGESTIVE OCCURRENCES M P Style—"Why, r. a my dear, ` ■wANTBKLf4aLaNY`f AND wnytll� -- I'm glad to see you so composed. I ♦� cat ever (:►via to wort♦ for es dories Children Initiated •t)'}favi 1 left this morning you w'?T��tketrepareh�,onwWyoerblghersd.Perfa.al,. 1 Toilet ogetsites, Ton Coteau, site. tie cape s•eninQ and K'allin d •ne.t'eesiss•ry. Nark ploevautend roawuent•re. T1i. hoar %portent's Cu., D.p'L W, Tra1lle Avenue, Toronto, Canals. Great Inventions. Hoole of our most useful meci,ani- g an tearing your hair because Fido sees ill cal appliances owe thie resistenee+ just t11e iit•y!e—''\Yell, you ee, iter you left Mrs. Tipptee to the ingeunity of children in tush jcame in and teed mo that dogs ,f loving their playthings. Argued, Fide 'a breed were going out of e v;hu Invented a lamp with a nick fashion. So I dried my tears incl fitted into a hollow cylinder, was kicked him out." one day buy in his norkrooiu; sitting before the burning lamp, his A monument. erected by pu'.!I(' little brother was arousing him -:elf nrhscription in Clydebank Public Ne had Rheumatism for Ten years and by. 1,lacuig a bottolnless oil flask Park to commemorate the heroism write, you Kill find from heventy the old Reliable Kidney Remedy Cureder different articles. Su'deulof Hebert orris, who in 1807 Lest to ninety Anglo-Saxon word!,, al- him comeistety.J' lfoc (' though the English tongue it; now hi placed it. upon the flame of the his life attempting to save an in- though than half made up of word,: North Range, Digby Co., N. e., lamp, which instantly' s.,ot up the font at the North British Railway taken from Latin French and Mar. I. ({Special). ---"1 am so filled lung circular neck of the flash with crossing,was unveiled recently. y' • with gratitude to D,r<ld'e lii<iuey', inc;cy:ed b,illir ney. Ar and did !'ills that 1 eannut• pl'alee thein ton not alma•,• such a Stlggestiye occur- Repeat It: —•'tfthtloh'eCure. willwlwIY. other tongues. There are, however, very few Celtic words still in use, although Celts were the real na- tives of Britain. "From Latin came such common - cheers., silk, alum, mile, caudle, creek, and monk. mteane sudden death. You can't "'then the Scandinavians sup - cure rheumatism with liniments, plied many useful words. They plasters or hot cloths. You roust gave me the verb to call, the words go to the rout, of the trouble in same, screetch, grime, bow (of a the blood. The one sure, rrcieuti- hhip), fellow, knife, loft, loose, low, fie way to cure rheumatism is I)r. skin, ar.d hustings. Then names Williams' Pink fills, bo,cauce they of towns ending iu 'by' leave eve actually make new blood. They dente of their presence, as Whit - sweep out the poisulwua u�:_<r, loos- hy, Teuby. en the joints and muscles, and "After the Nnrman Conquoct I bring ease and freedora where be- cemmenced to be an entirely new fore had been pain and misery. language. Tho change was slow ct Mrs. Fred. Sabeau, Canada Oreek, N. f9., says :--"Three years ago I was taken with a severe pain in my right hip. It grew gradual- ly worse until it finally eettled in both my hips and legs. The pain was really almost unbearable. At first I tried foot drafts and lini- ments, hut this gave me only the must temporary relief. aro! 1 Tel, words through the French. By the as if I 'was to go through the rest middle of the fourteenth century of wy life as a suffering cripple. I was as much French and Latin as A neighbor whose daughter had English. been cured of rheumatism by Dr. "I was Old English up to year Williams' Pink Pills advised me 1150; Middle English from 11GO to to try this medicine, and I pur- 1500, and since then am Modern (dissect three boxes. Before they English. Now I am a mixture of were all gone I was able to get my every language on earth. I con - foot up on my knee and untie my shoo, something I had not been able to do for two years, ard 1 began to feel 1 had at last found aniece- eine to cure the trouble. I kept en taking the Pills until I had used, I think, a dozen boxes, when I was completely cured and I a:n as well and strong to -day as ever 1 was in my life. I want every suf- ferer to know that Dr. Wiliiams' Pink Pills is a sure cure fur rheu- matism, anti that if they will give this medicine a fair trial, their pains and aches will disappear as mine did.'' !,old by all medicine dealers sir by nuril at 50 cents a box or f.ix boxes for $2..0 from The 1)r. Wil- lilwns' Medicire Co., Brockville, Out. first among the people, but the Normans banished the natives blood. With no uric acid in the from all high positions in Church bleed there can he no Rheunlati rn. and Steto, and French became the Consequently to cure Rheumatica♦, language of the upper classes. French was itself a Latin language, and gradually I got a vast number of French words, and of Latin highly." ]'hese are the words of ranee to escape hien. The idea of curb iia' coughs end colds.' lir. Charles Bell, well known here, the lamp chimney almost immedi- and they are echoed by many an- ately Caine into his head, and in a other who has been freed from the short time his invention was per - tortures of rheumatism by I)edd's fected. Kidney Pills. The telescope owes its origin to a "I ffed terribly fm r'.euma a Dutch spectacIe-maker happened similar occurrence. The children of tism for teern years," Mirr. Bell con- .:_....... "I was a* bad I could PRIDE. Nothing pleases a man more than to have his dog lick another dog in a fight. Use the safe, pleasant and effee- to be playing or.e day with some Of tual worm killer Mother ()riles' scarcely get in and out of bed. their father's glasses in front of the Worm Exterminator; nothing shop door. Placing two of tire equals it. Procure a bottle and glarses together, they peepe I take it home. through them, and were exceedingly After trying various meciiciues without- getting relief, a friend ad- vised rte to try Du'd's Kid.iey Pills. Six boxes cleaned the astctnlshed to see the weathercock Rheumatism right. out of mc. ]♦test's what Dodd's Kidney Pills of the neighboring steeple brought du to Rheumatism—clean it right within a short distance of their one of you. They do this simply eyes. They were naturally puzzled, and naturally. Rheumatism is ;and called to their father to see the caused by uric acid in the blood. strange sight. When the l:idr:eyr; are healthy they When the spectacle -maker looked Atrain this uric acid out of the through the glasses he was no ices .ourprieed than the children hal been. He went indoors and thought the matter over, and then the idea cure your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney occurred to him that he might eon - Pills always cure the kidacys. striae a curious new toy which would give people a good deal of amusement. Not long niter the LANGUAGES OE_'i IIF. WORLD. teleecupe was an accomplished fact. Eight Hundred and Sixty, Wilh '!< !RIPPLES. M you would he happy, people do the nervy ing. Silent -'•cn never ha% e occasion to eat t. own words. If men were less stupid, women would have to be much cleverer. Lo,e that is blind during ceert- shop ought to r( main so after u;.tr- sia;tc. Some men not only save their money, but a lot of other people's as well. If a than only tells a woman she is beautiful. she will overlook most of his nti,,•r lies. fate difference between willowy girls and angular girls is usually only a matter of silver and sense. it is much for the sound sense of women generally that they have survived all the -weird advice men have given them. let other It is Good for Man and Beast.— N' t. only is Dr. Thomas' I:elect.ric t)il of incomparable value iu the bottsehohl, but the fanner and stockman will find it very service- able in the ftrrn yardaand on the rattle range, often saying the ser- vices of a veterinary surgeon. In injuries to {tock and in cases of rough and pains it can be used with good effect. Cooker;: Teacher --"Now. if you were eooking a dinner for rix peo pie. end had only five potatoes hew would you divide t.heln so the eneh person had an equal port'n 1" Bright Pupil --"I'd mash 'em." A Woman's Sympathy r ��,••••s•-tet s your doctors lure." n bill 1.1.1,1; is your a;the She"�lcani s ficayy` 1rnt:nclal I••g yourself, I S heavy pl.yshal burden? I know what 1ppos0." throe mean to delicate women --I have • been dlscouraieb too; but horned how to euro to 'se;t. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Whynot end the pain and stop the ' Repent tt•—"Shiloh'.Cnrs will always setter's bill? I ran da this for you and curd my coughs and Colds." MIllp If you will n=slat ore. it11 you ar ed ,lo is to write for a free Px of the remedy which has been pte.cd it sen enough my bonds tv Le given egret•. !'erhapa this one box will euro )'nu—It box done so fr,.wn if her For others. if re. 1 shall bo harpy ort[ often. u will be cured for L: (the coat of a ti stan:r�. Tour lettere h,dd confl- enitallyyrr \trite to-.'av for my free tri it- tbent. AW IIS. F'. H C111UI1Al1. S17n.cer. Oat. Fa'nhnter in went -r checks chills, breaks sip e.,'Aa sod thus prevent• Itruncbitls i.Krlrle and Hi octuatt.m. t'no,ivalled as a linlmo:.t for WA easier 1 J snake a bluff then Ir' 1 b.tes, chilblains. bruises, sprains. trots by all druggists. Only ens Painkiller 1'e.ry bails'. It is to get other people to stand for ib. Most of the free ach i. -e ea get is It is easier to prevent than it is worth just about that voted♦. t . cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the companion of- neglected Repeat it:--"Shiloh'sCaro will always colds. and once it fitels a lodgment euro ! Y coughs and colds." in the system it is dif1i alt to deal with. Treatment, with Bickle's Anti•"onsumptive Syrup will cradi- .iasfe--"\\•hat do you think of cute the cold and prevent inflam- Charlie's pr, poo ng to me when he matien from setting in. It costs hasn't known .ce a week!" little. and is at satisfactory as it Jenny—"I th.uk that's the rea- is surprisi,Ir in its results. son." tain Hebrew, Bussi.tn, Spanish, and even Polynesian words. "When you want to be plain and simple you use old Anglo-fiaxon, and when dignified, and on great occasions, Latin and French." 0+0+0+0+440+040+040404 SAVED BABY'S LIPS. lTrs. T. Osborn, Norton Mills, Vt., says --"I have no hesitation in saying that Baby's Own Tablets reeved my baby's life and I cannot say enough in praise of this medicine. He was 80 weak and sickly that he 'took no notice of anything. and cried so nnu'ch that. Inas worn out caring for him. After riv- ing hie{ the Tablets there was a great eltange, and he is now a bright -eyes!, laughing bahy, tbo pride cif our home." B: by's Own Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, bre•tk up cokls, destroy worms and keep little ones healthy and happy. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at `.b cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 0 4C+o+o+0+0+04CI+c,4 PRECAUTIONARY. Patient --"1)o you think a sud- den fright would be likely to bring on a relapse?" Doctor --"Most certainly." "Then please bear that in mind when making out your bill." A broken promise cannot, be mended so that it will look like new. Impurities in the Blood.-- When the action of the kidneys becomes impaired, impurities in the blood are ahnnst sure to follow, and gen- eral derangement of the system en- "What is the most aggravating sues. Parmelee. a Vegetable Pills thing in worried iife l" asked Dore.. will regulate the kidneys, so that thy. "lionletirncs," .said the ba lhe- they will maintain healthy aetion for friend, "it's the husband, and and prevent the complications sometimes it's the wife." which certainly come when there is derangement of these delicate or- as ears Spread. to dry grits, se doe. an Inn im• gens. As a restorative these Pills nyttIon in tor. :IT at ewer dawn int,, the hiogs. 1I Etre in the first rank. Devi prlerpt:% eith a c.'tl Al with a 6.e, and rhea you begin lu c.ugb use Allon's Luna Balsam. Re— "I have never married bo- CAUGHT. cause I have been true to my first Tom— "Well, I have not lived in vain. 1 saw Brown acknowledge ,to -day that he had made a mis- - take." Jim—"How diel that happen Tom --"tic put the lighter] end of his cigar in his Mouth." Five 'lheasautl Dialects. ECZEXIA OF THE SCALP. The least learned are aware that Erni-Ruh Cares ,1 Bay who Suffered there aro many languages in the for Three Years. world, but the actual number Is Now and again mothers find that probably beyond the dreams of or- sores or ulcers on the heads of dinary people. The geographer children refuse to heal, despite all Balbi enumerated eight hundred ordinary treatment. Then is the and sixty which are entitled to be considered as distinct languages, and five thousand which may be re- garded as dialects. Another mod- ern writer on this subject reckons up three thousand and sixty-four languages and dialects existing arid which have existed. Even after we have allowed either of these as the ORT R10 SEED CO., q hospital, but none of the luUons rotlard LOOKS. Never judge by outward appear- ances. A good looking woman may not be as good as she looks. Repeat It:-- "ebilo 's Cur* will always Mare my coughs and colds." HIS CHARITY. "That g-nt over yo der is Mr. X- -, 141,E :,as contrieutod to wire Away many a tear." "Bless his kind heart." "What for f He deals in pocket handkerchiefs." Whet H nth 1*et Thaws M strengthen we back 1 '•'rbu L L 1:' Meath II Plaster It Wil sere lumbago and automatism. it relit ,nt • Hiroo Y c. pla:terL Dads d; 14wrence (:o., Motet:ell. The woman of fash'on seems more FRUIT LAND. Pi,e aeras. close to ren and Vancouver. S. O. Price /- u teras. Also city and suburban Tote and acreage. ttltOH(iE A. K!:\DtLl., Maier 14 H.sttr, e.e Ilaating, 51o IV., Vauc..urtc, Important Auction Sale of Shorthorn balls, c.'.s in1 heifer., at W003$TOCK. OST., SLAIOH 4th, 16011 In Fe:o Pavilion. Fust)) bad are :u t:,e ',daring. Val !Wird and h,aa.la,.: in need of tu..1 buns wit! find {baro at tbte sal*. Apply f.'r onager, to H. J oar,., WuuJ.l.ck Capt. T. E. Bobua, Anotlo..e.r. A. J. PATTISON & CO. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stook Brokers & Finanolal Agsnta a CO sad ether.took• b rotbl and sold on cornettist correspontte•eo tonsil. Orders may ire tilted a( MxWw� 65,000,000 ]waits Claimants iu British Chancery We require the next of kin of Edwaro 114:Ourk, who aro untitled to as eetatu valued at `A,100; we here also •aluabLe lafertuailon for the following: Adolphus Oarritl Milestone Allen (ties MacElwala Arkla Ot,direy Heiman Appleton Ooodricli Murray Ahatson 'oedema Malley Anthony Gray Yale Albin Gray Majer Ilat,a as Gilder erd. Billing °rears Norval karillet Gelder Normae Carnett Gate. Newton Leel Gilbert Owen Ball Gilliland O'Malley iiennie Greases Peter. Bootie= )!lease otter Bennie $etberis ton Bayles &arbert s PD 11.. bfIcer Yll'e b uci:ss. ster Ershahaw Crown to,d naltifcrth Brennan dependent on her dressmaker than hol'ee on her husband. arnby rooks Lernap tune toL I! k' } I' Blair 1:nor•et ever - etude nets:, scot Co., Lt 1 . Toronto r prove am- u e tea iiig an et power. A case which mothers will J Ratae Th•rn Without +tuk Campbell C,oghlread with interest occurred recent- CALVES C. ('oauor ly in Winnipeg. Mrs. C. Keep, of — — — — -- Cockburn 682, Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg,!ACENTV WANTED ° Chpouter rays :---"A year ago any little girl ems:tore mbere contracted eczema of the scalp, and i 'Cooper crow aotwithstanciing all I did the sores, Good profits. Even boya and Leighton } spread until the child's scalp was girls earn 80.00 to $12.00 per week. Mark number of languages, vie must, cuntpletc!y covered. I took her to � CO•nnufh acknowledge the existence of many . ,los King St., waterloo, out. t minor diycrsities ; for alInost every and ointment:, applied had an • ef- viler y-- province hasn tongue mere or less fr• t on the disease. By degrees the/ Cr"'pton peculiar, and this we miry well be- child's hair carne out, until she was I,ieye to be the eerie throughout quite bald. R e were, at this stags the world at. large.. Of the eight hundred and sixty 'languages enemer'ted by Bulbi, fifty-three belong to Europe, one stroi.g}y advises) to fry earn-Huk, and did ro. From first comrr.r•nc- ing, with this wonderful balm the child got relief from tl:c itching and hundred and fourteen to Africa, pain. the sores were (pee ly ban- ished, rind iii a remarkably short nese hundred and twenty-three to space of time the child was cured. Asia, four hundred and seventeen ,r.,, t. De roam* Dorno Cream Separator llv;ee to your howl" fsr 15 days' , Devine reed Trial. I Darby 'The Trial will n,t c)t{ Durha m you a pr'ny. 1 Reil toy Pale machine silt ::n isa me it 1)yLer eudlthitt• be Iettor tr.,a I)avt.on tithe: )lust pimps at, j)nrnrr slat 1 • chs ire iu •• •rpetl• 1:dsards Ll., . It ly boner. ani is Iu• Evan* trot:seed In a ry.:e• deal Bvens .air soon grew• ayat:l, and is NO 2 CO AO tray _ Sly Yree 70.1 Jed es- Baar to America, atL'd one hundred and now 'rllrlte long and in a healthy Orsini saturator atn,nitl.aplan ill .ull Inter -(Doti reventnen to Oceania --by which term he distirlguiehes the vast number of i' -lends stretching be- tween Hindustan and South America. ee Repeat It: cure w111 always cur a my coughs aLd colds." LIABILITY. "Do elan dat goes aroun' sing - in' his own praises," said Uncle Eben, "is mighty Bible toet dis- app'inted when he looks fob folks to jine in do chorus." A Cure for Rheumatism. --- Tho intrusion of uric acid into rho blood vessels is a fruitful eanse of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unheal- thy condition of the liver. Any ono subject to this painful affec- tion will find a remedy in Parrne- lee's Vegetable fills. Their action upon the kidne,'s is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restor- ing healthy action, they correct impurities in the blood. to make a woman husband sr.,iles too WHY TN U ISSUE NO. 0-09. • i Fa14)n condition." rater:LA) 0.J. Wits f.r Circular '•w" to ' French Perim Port Field F. .t PUMP, t; .. �• .•_ .� fishy pinlarcon Fra!;tr PtraeeralJ pct.'s Galloway 011csen Gilchrist Orale, ;sir Greenwood °erniott All who have crate of children J. should know that Z::rn-Ituk is Parti- IIBl0trroV, cularly adapted, because of its purity, to the tender sk;n of chil- dren. It cures with equal tiit,patch ringworm, blood-poisoniug. ulcers, cold -cracks, chapped hands, frost- bite, piles, had leg, etc. Used as an embrocation it cases the pa.in of sprains, and cures rheumatism, sciatic a, and neuralgia. All drug- gists and stores sell at LOc. a le,x; or posit free from Zara-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. NO CIHANCE. 11. MORROW. 0( r.1ttlO. 111 RI.1T'S RAF DEII;L ll'EK will develop y air bast from ton 1.. th:eu 1u..boa In a very short tiro.. Ipso: t•ru.) Hai:sai.t:01. !'rice $i re prepaid. Mrs. Bink°—"There goes a man rtrict:r priv.tta. who propo$cd to mo onco. Iio's THIS IOW•ar1.a rnsorctNa CO.nPA:1Y rich, too." p (11 list:rum% tit., fur/0o, Oat. Mr. Ifinks--"I'll bet, he wasn't l -- -- _—- rich when you refused him." Have von tried Holloway's Corn Curet It has no equal for remov- ing these troublesome excresences as runny have testified who have tried it. Even in the days of the inquk-i tion they never locked the victim in a room and compelled 'him to listen to hours cif piano -practice. Ituprat It. - "8hlloh's Cure will always sure my coughs and colds." It casts a lot of money to bring up a boy so ho 'won't be able to support himself, when lie becomes It man. Alien's Lung BALSAM 1. esrerially Intended to break up neige -•ted c"u•h.end ruany 1) pe!eat clues 11 415 I.., saved by It. use. Contains no opium in any form. THINGS WE CAN 1)0 WiTIII)L'T. It is wonderfully how ninny things we think most needful are really not so very necessary after all. Try this little experiment and it will astonish you. Take a r,Li et of paper and write d..w'rl all the things you "want." Make the list as full as your desires arc. Put this list away for one hour, then look it. over. Cross out the things you think you can do without, and in another hour revise the list once more. Next pick out the things you feel you cannot afford to buy. Then, with a mind determined to be level and sensible and prateieal, gn over the list once more. What is the result 1 Try it and fee. It doesn't take a blunt. person long to come to the point. hemiains Miliiord HIeriley llexell sir Bay Harper H ♦seri l Yore goiflold Hill Hodges Holdferth Howard Healey Hsu is licrd>sen Hunter Hughes 111;071 Have Heat' es Holmes Dutehin* Mildred Jsekman Jones Jackson Jeffs Jenkins Jolly Johnston Kens Keane Knapp Lamb Ives Legs Lirrsbnts Long Lows Little Lens Langley Lie Lasbbrook Lea 757f s teem leafier, lfrEenna Yeredi15 iror,•leyyr Medal In 113 r,!' -r Ve11••rattlt Mrtll•e•.,s 1''Phlo Morrleon )ffd'iet^n !conger Yellnoti Y..;�h;iitpr PeManne Hurray Porter Pauket Portes Nikki Prior Qeoleh Rain.. Zostron Hodder Reborn, Roberton Ra sash Mabee Ridley Robinson Remade Ramo! ale Restieatls Its ttery Riley 1:►bl ui Rogers Sargeant Scott {stock Summer Sheldon 81n:use Bal,sce Schrader Sexton Smith south hcbolts Szymt•ur Sims Strong Titweion Taff. Villiers Yc,u ReicLbaf Vnan 1711:iime Wino Weleh Wroth Wh.tebcad White w'1'.L1r..on t: ro.,IrnRe Warren Walton Wurrrhawbkl W iktos W•1:rr Ra1r5 Wray %. ylan Young Walirr Warren Webb 1.1 richt 57.kef•,rd Vonr.x IF 10: 11 math 11 11 THE ABo1'S: i•LA� write us, quoting prrtirul*re of birth,. etc.. and err+reo 11, cur cr.ly fee Alcd etamp,A sddrer-rd e•irelnpe, ■ted we will snail particpi're. Ouare',teed authentic. Address all con municatfoas Ia E V t ':11 'i at H It I' E R Room 3, S1 Adelal!o S!rr.t Eat1, TORONTO. Ca:1zdL ' ''?"ttC•1:.:tv'�.,�.:r :.:�1'ii'=:.1��; Aiyiii.�^s::' t.'"£": � r" WANTED IN1MEDIATELY ale vele 200,000 MUSE<AT Gil'l'A.1�NiS SCLIC;TID. 1 1 tt:rel 13 (I On 1, Si. lorsr,ry ro WE SIN ALL OTNIR KINGS tF iuri. The Monteith, Strother Y-nr Co. .'ti's7a"I31.4i+t ..'rigAZIff .:AEZE "ti.fJi ZA!L RA/ and Writes for W.,kly Price Lists. Shipments Solicited. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, (`NT. :030=11 Sta, USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, i heatres, and in thousands of homes where a l iano of ckttinctive mens is appreciated. 11,e l:ell is the only piano with the Ililmitable i u'pealing Aciioa. Send for (free) C'nt,i; ,, Ir Nu. 75. Tf+i DELL PIANO fe Galen Co.. Lrn.tr 1 G U eLPH,OWAR IQ.