HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-18, Page 5r
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
purity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
hi.,• ns.
as a guest of the Lousdoa Daily
Advertiser, the best metropolitan
paper printed in Western Ontario.
All the trews frost all our lat-
est market quotations and all gen.
eral and local news worth printing
Send 82.00 for the Losadots Daily
Advertiser for 14 months and 400
votes for your choice of candidates
in the European Trip Contest.
Often Ella Simpuoir is visiting im Exe-
ter. -toles Della Whiteford is visiting in
Bryanston. -Nits. Kilmour stili continues
to be very 111 and not much hope is en-
tertained for her recovery.-\Vdding
bells will soon b.: ringing in our midst.
-Percy Simpson returned home from Sar
nla last week. -Mr. A. Baynham enter
tared a fcw friends Friday evening. -
Miss I3ella Miller visited the Dosses Dale
near Lucas last week. -Airs. Burley at-
tended the funeral of her cousin In
Parkhill last week. -Mr. Win. Lewis of
London spent a few days here last week.
-Mrs. Dempsey of Parkhill visited here
with friends a fcw days last week.
St. Marys -Mies Minnie Skinner, the
daughter ot C.iarlea Skinner of this
place, died in Ingersoll on thc 7t:t. Four
brothers survive. They are, Richard o1
Sl. Marys. William of Forest, Robert
of Ingersoll and Joseph of Parkhill.
not trade that organ
of yours on a piano
At the present we can handle a
number of second hand organs and are
therefore prepared to allow you a good
price for it.
We don't ask you one
dollar more for the piano
than your neighhhr pays
for it.
Sewing Machines,
Sleighs, Hymn Books,
Bibles, Stationery. &c
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Thev are noted for the quality of their goods.
Ozetei gtbuoi ate
81.00 if paid in advance,
OLIO • year if not so paid.
To United States Snbecribars$t.1l0
�r. a Year Strictly in Advance.
SAN '.5118 a CREECH. Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic. and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, 1; e.o. 2.
10 degrees stronger tat No. J,
for s /ecial case, Per box.
Sold by all del sta. or sent
prepaid on rood pt of price.
Free putm pellet. Address ' �TM``
CORK MEDIOINI CrO..TO*ONTO. ONT. (formerly WtMaor)
This school stands in the forefront as the largest
and best practi,:al training school in western
Ontario. We have three departments;
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
All departments are in charge of experienced
instructors and the courses are thorough and
practical. Our graduates secure good positions.
Students are entering every meek. Write for our
free eatalogneat once.
by Canadian Pacific direct line
For Settler-, trave:bng
with lives'ock and
Special Trains
will Isevs Toronto
sit 10.18 p.m.
Settlers ant families
without livestock
should use
Redular Trains
leaving Toronto
10.13 p.m. flatly
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Fattest Time
No Chard* for Berths
Low Colonist Rates
Oely Through Sorties to the Vat
Apply to scarp& agent for hill information and
frac copy of 'Settlers' Outdo" or write R. 1.
Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toren%
Mr. Jas. 13rophcy spent a few days
with Ed. 0111 last wear.-Jc•rry Oravelle
spent a few days at Thedford and Fort
Franks. --Ares Alma llosser:berry has re-
tUtrcdfrdat her visit 111 i:rranll.-E. 0111
spent Monday and Tur.day at Pott
}'ranks. -Mr. Jos. Ilrehner lost has dogs
by polsoting tact wren.-Severai from
here will a'lcnd the shouting match at
Port Flanks.
In fagrtt•Ise to legal qurrtey from our
village the following answers ;rave been
given. -
A. I:avung bou;ht a iut wits a stable
On It has a right to pull it dawn and
erect a entailer one. notwithstanding his
neightw:. C. used tit trod abutting on
his 101 ns Cis wall of hie rile:ten house.
C n.u,t provide a wait for ;lis ehlcicen
howl(' at hie own ride. He :an. row.
ever. legally call upon 13 to erect arid
nlaIniatn halt toe line fence bet Ncen
their lots. wnich will ineluda the nems
o., %idlest by the stable. A ran rut dram
all trees' on hie lot o.1 toe lint: b tweet
it and the lot of (t -.vitt out tot.'t f.v'ng
with its wire fence. 11 cannot !.'(tally
remove the wits ft etc e. tier ea a .
if you want to build a new :lotto: be-
tween you and C, and thc latter will
not notice to your doing so. you cart
give ',1n1 ootut t tat you wilt do so at
the errtry of sitz months. and rail the•,
leg lily do so without his consent. It
the present !ince is dile, tier you can
at once call in the tense -viewers. and
tiavr all award to r.tvc it repotted at
the ,olet cxtonut of you and C.
Toa owner of hens must k••ep Bon.
o r has owit pre:iilscs and I• Ii.ihlr for
d.untgci to the Katde:l of his r,e Igh-
t•orp to a sea in toe divlawn court. Ile
slay also he fined if there Is a Io•al
bylaw In force against hes :U .nti,4 at
(Too late fur last week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dlsj.tr brie spent
z'unda; and Monday nt Blake.--.\ nun
her of our young Mut held a ahooling
match last week. one of the gentlemen
betting that they could not hit -15 blue
ro•ke out of fatty. but the. following
score showo that they did much better,
-11;uver ltoasenhtrr. Irl Eddie 1318 -
Jardine It, Jerry Gravelle t3. Joseph Ra-
violi, i. W ( I:J'a tl:imk eve have some
good Nhootcrs -Mr. void :.ars, Smith vis
lted at !hake Ti.utaday ev.:t1r.g.-Joseph
Dfej:trdlne 1 as g!e.•, up itobert Pal
lock's blacksmith shop. Mr. I'ollo' k
will t,ow condu-t It h;n irelr.-Mrs. Jos.
(fill spent a few days with hi r daugh-
ter on the 1611. concession Stephen.
(Garnet Case of the G.T.R. spent Sunday
1: 1leilmall. Ile 1s (n Brurefteld reliev-
ing Agent Prince, who 1s seriously 11!.
Mr. Wilson of Pigeon. Mich., Is spend-
ing two weeks here. -Wm. McEwen ln-
tr,:dn ralelr:g tis barn a•ld pulling a
■tone fou :di(ttua under It next spring
Albert hell intends erecting a new barn
and itobt, D. Bell a new dwelling. -Mrs.
Joint Itlatt i:ford is vlattitig in Toronto.
-John Wclsi, Is agar able to be at
work at the electric light house. -F. C.
Mrpontll has moved itito the store re-
ceotly occupied by the late J. C. Stone-
man. -James Sto etnat. of Cornoer Is ato-
ning- relatives here. -Wm. Towers Is
now residing: here with his daughter
Mrs. Carmichael. -Mrs. Dagg of Mani-
toba is visiting her mother. Mre. J. Ben-
gou;h het(.--13aro:d Jalvls. the cele-
brated tenor of Detroit, will assist at
the the anniversary services of Carmel
rho -ch, 011 March 7th and dth.
You ran rat anythlr:g your stOinarh
raves without fear of a rase of ir:dt-
ge.tlen or Dyspepsia. or that your fold
ion ferment or sour on your stonr.crh
if you will occasionally take a Ilttlr
Diapepsln atter f
Ycu twain will haste .good. and any-
thing you eat will be digested ; •iotr-
r.t:l ferment or turn into grid of po!p,.t
or stoma( h gas. which causes Belrhltrg.
t)lz)inees. a 1..lit,(t of fu:i:traa :Mot-
ftere.tting. NO n a lndlgcytlmi liik'• a
lu np of lead in stomach.) Iltllouyneea.
ilcaitbutn. % nt. brasf,, fain it the
stomach and toe Intcattf,es or •11'1
Head acme from the stomach are
th((olu toy craw own where Bite •'tfer-
ive remedy I. used. Di.tpepstn rrilly
.lura All the work of .t ne,llthy atom -
h. lr digcetr• your mrala wi r•,i :or
stonoact. can't. Each 1, languie will
.it ct'a' alt thi tool ).•u t'; rat sad
1.• tvt 1,othl:14 to term :,l or sou
Ort a large 5.1 -cent .as of Pape's DIA
pep:.tn front your drutgint and start
taking to -day old by to -morrow you
v 11 ac tutlly brag about your hcalt':v.
Stom ,, ti for you t ie:1 rail eat
anything and evrrvl' tn; you v,,tnt with
u the sligl,teat discomfort or nllsary.
of every particle of Impurity an! tl.t•
is in you- atomae t and Inte.ttnta
• e..i. g to he r tried aw.ty •N:t'l )u'
• u.e of lasatives or any ot •r a1-
ate:afu e.
More proof that Lydia E. Pink -
ham's V egetable Coln pound c urea
Nick women.
Miss M. R. Morin, 335 Ontario St.,
Montrealt writes to Mrs. 'Inkhorn :
" I was in very poor health and doc-
tored for months, receiving very little
benefit. I had lost all ambition, was
nervous, and subject to dizzy spells and
painful periods each month.
" A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound as the
proper medicine for mc. I procured a
i.,ttle of this remedy and began tak-
ing, and before it was finished, I felt
so much better that I continued its use
and gave It a thorough test, with the
result I am to -day well and s much
healthier girl than I was three years
ago. I have no more painful periods,
dizziness or nervous troubles."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
haul's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
.tandard remedy for female illi
Ind has positively cured thousands of
,vomen who have been troubled with
lisplace ments, inflammation, ulcera -
,,.n, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
.'liodic pains, backache, that bear -
,g -d4 owit feeling, flatulency,indiges-
.n, dizziness or ne rvous prostration
hv ticm't you try it?
I'inklianl invites all sick.
.:':nen to write her for advise
e has guided thousands t(
:sill. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Council met pursuant to adjournment
Feb. 3rd. Minutes of last sleeting read
and signed. Treasurer's bond was read
and approved. A number of accounts or-
dered to be paid. Ult;ns-Maweon-That
by-law No. 2 of 1909 confirming the
a1 pointnlent of the Jfunieipa! officers tx•
read a third time and passed. -Car rlyd.
Poore-Ulens-That tete parties using
the township hall for dancing purposes
br cl.arged at toe rate of $:l for each
time, Bald money to be paid in advance
to the janitor and incetinga to be con -
du -ted under the approval of the janitor.
-C:trrred. Adjourned 10 matt first Mon
day ht Nfarch .,t one o'rlork.
To relieve the worst forms of rheunt-
atlsri, take a teaspoonful of the fol-
loxing mixture atter each meal and at
I luid Extract Damdcllon, one-half
ounce; Compound 1Cargoii, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
These harmless tngredi•:ttts carr be ob-
tained fro,. our home druggists, and
;.re coatis' mixed by shaking therm well
1:1 a hcttle. Relief le generally felt 11.3In
the first few doses.
This prescription totccs Ute clogged -
up. Inactive kidnt ya to Fater and strath
Lour the blood the poito:,ous waste mat-
ter and uric arid, wi,it .. (buses Rheutn-
As Rheumatism le not only the most
p..inful and torturuua drsc.tae, but dan-
gerous to lite, Otte supple receipt will
no doubt be greatly valued by many suf-
ferers but ltt home, who s.00uld at once
prepare the mixture to get this relief.
It Is said that a person who would
take this prescription regularly, a dose
or two daily, or even a few times a
week, •,could never have serious kidney
or Urltlary disorders or Rheumatism,
Cut this out and preserve 1r. Good
ith,umatlsno pr aerlptions which really
relieve are scarce, Indeed, and when you
need it, you wa1,t it badly.
7.1 11ICI1
Charles Greb and faintly intend mov-
ing to Uerlth early len the spring. -Mr.
Philip Hauch took quite 111 fast week,
but he is improving rapidly. -J. Nevins
of Bay City, Mich., was here last week
and La■ purchased tite stallion. Young
Indian Chief front Chas. Fritz. -N. M.
Gantlet's young daughter, aged about 12
has been very sick the past week. The
girl was so weak that an operation
could not be performed. The patient Is
stilt In a very dangerous condition. -\V.
H. render returned last weeic from Ill-
inois. where he purchased a percheron
stallion. -John Delcert, Jr., who has been
at Clinton Hoepitai for several we.Ks
has returned -ltev. N. S. Aiethtesecl of
West Ser,eca, N. Y., to assisting Rev. A.
D. Glehler in his evangelistic meetings
trite week. -Louie J. Kraft has disposed
of his lard east of towel to Mr. Henry
Ftaxbard for the sum of $335. -One of
Mr. and Mrs. Marcil Corriveau's twins
of the Sauble Line died very suddenly
of croup on Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vnl. Vennor entertain-
ed their friends to a dance on Wednes-
day evening. -The Rev. Colin Fletcher of
Thames Road took the service on Sun-
day afternoon last in the Presbyterian
church herr.-Our teacher, Mies Camp-
bell spent the week cod at her home
It Winthrop. -Tile Methodists of this
place intend giving an up-to-date supper
consisting of cold hang, salads of all
kinds. and the best thlmge procurable
In the culinary art, on tt.e evening of
March Ord. A tine program is being pre-
pared. The Ilensail orchestra of the
Methodist church has been engaged. The
Presbyterian quartette with Mies Bart
reader of Ilensall will be present. Solos
will be given by Niles Pybus, Frank Al-
len of Staffa, ductte by airs. Kelly and
Niters Ortwel0 of Ilensall ; violin select-
ions will be (oven by Mi. Jarvis Horton'
and surrounding ministers will speak.
The committee is putting forth every
effort to stake it one of the best affairs
posslble.Last week It wail announced for
the 23th but 1t had been postponed ow-
ing to the revival services in lionsall.
Council met Feb. 8th. All the members
were present. Tee minutes of lett meet -
Ing were read and approved Comnlual-
r,(tione were read from M: ears. Dent &
Thcrnpson, re J. ltcld's erten Andersop
drab, ,from Clarke Bartlett & Bartlett
re. Baitd's account, Stewart drain, attd
[tum The Ontario Mu'ticipal Associa-
tion ; all of which were laid on the tabic
for cor.sldctl.tio,,. The Auditare' Re-
port as read by 11 Strang was adopted
and 100 copies ordered to be printed for
distribution. Alex. Halyd's order, per
Dickson R Carling, In payment of the
account of W. narrows, was accepted.
payabie out of Baird's account. Stewart
drain. The Clerk was nistructel tO
elite Dent & Thompson, explaining the
position of Me council In refercn:e to
\f r. Iteld's claim and thc efforts made
toward a settlement; also to write Mr.
it.tird's solicitors, that no further pay -
malt could be made on Stewart dr u:t
ar taunt until the garnishee prozecdi. ge
iri tonnection titerew,t were all i.d.
The petition of the Ontario Municipal
Asso.-latte ,. asking for the repeal of
Scc. 606 of t1,,. Consolidated MUni' 1pal
Art. was approved, signed by the Reeve
and Clerk. and ordered to be forwarded
to out member of the Legislature for
;.resentaticei. (ly la -w No. 1. !POJ, con-
'i,m:•ng the appointment of Murliripal
officers and fixing salerlrs, was read.
pineal. •1,tt d oy the ilceve and Clerk
.e,d the corporate seal attached. Ar-
(ounts amounting to $13:3.2:5 were pass-
ed and order. Isau_d in payment. Cou.-
, 11 then adjour•tcd to nteet Saturday.
Mater Gtti, at one o'clock.
F. Morley. Clerk.
Board of Healtl.•-Township of I's-
t•ort:e.-The hoard :net Feb. Ath. tor
,1 gunlzat(on and business. 3. Moir,
reeve was rtitled chaff:Ilan for 1914.
It was decided that Inc,sanitary i,t,pt-
or and vele of tale mcn,hcrs of the hoar/
anal' stake an Inspection of scho0. prem-
ises. factories. slaughter houses, etc., be-
io• a the end of Ju,.'. and report to the
itoard. A4loutncd to mett at call of
c sabots or secretary. -F. Morley. Sec.
Dir. Joshui Johns Is now taking stock
of 13, W. F. 13eavers goods It the store
and win bc. in posscsslon shortly. Iie
had a tine Cale of atocg and implements
at Ellinville when $2500 was realized:
Mr. Beavers will enter into partnership
with his brother-in-law, Mr, S. R. Eac-
rett to the semi -ready clotting buainess
itt Brantford. The many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. BeAvcrs will regret their de-
parture but will wish t hent every ow: -
ie. -4a.
Last week Mr. Tmos. Lewis of the 211d
(on. shot .t fine for, measuring -tteet
r, inches from lip to lit.. Dir. Lewis has
In his day shot more foxes tnan any
ether man in Oh (liiiivr.iy.
Ar: old McGillivray boy was matricd at
ltond head on Jan 27th witc,l I. N.
Dorman of Ad,i lac, Alberta, wan uttlled
in wedlock to Kathlcea C.atke of Swath
more. at the tome of Mr. and Mra.Mii-
to:t Long. The you lg couple are Clow'
visiting stere and in diffe1t it parts of
Mitchell, -A very sudden death occur-
red in Mitchell early Friday morning,
being that of Frank R. Dowding, re-
cently of the Soo. He had been staying
with his slater -in-law , Mrs. George
Dowding for three or four months, and
was in his ueu.ti health up to a week
ago when he caught cold and pneumonia
developed, causing Ida death.
il•nsall's Revival i(lectlngs.-This Is
the final work of Miss Morton's labors
here In evangelistic work. Murk inter-
est has been aroused in the meetings
and many have sought the higher lite.
Sunday next will he Alda Morton's fare-
well day. Adreaee will be delivered at
11 alit. and at 7 p.m. Iteception and
Baptismal services will be held In ton-
nection with the morning service. All
are heartily welcomed.
The trustees of Senool Section No. 3,
Twkcrsmlth, have decided to erect a
new school during the coning aeasOn.
Tne old school. which Is situated on the
14111 Bead, ha■ dune duty for a great
many ycars.L'ut it has served Its day
and a new and modern building Is to
take its plare.
Granton -There was a small explosion
In the village about halt past six Sunday
of last week, whco Mr. Pullyblar.k
tou:bed a notch to the gas jet In front
Jt the •J4Nteodist chur_t1 there was a
dcafenll;g report which was heard for
a ccupa: of miles. Except for til. brok-
en g;utie and a single how in the ,eacietl
glass Ir. the front of the church, no ser-
ious datnage war done.
We are pleased to be able to publish for the benefit of our
readers the prescription of a celebrated specialist. This Is the
result of years of scientific Investigation and experience, and
Is taken from a reliable publication.
This is an exact copy of the original :-
ci6AseritglA. (Ct
The ingredients are vegetable and have a gentle and natural'
action, giving a distinct tonic effect to the entire system.
It is a wonderful mixture in the treatment of Lame Back and
Urinary Troubles. It cures Rheumatic Pains in a few hours.
The ingredients can be bought separately and mixed at home, or
any druggist can fill the prescription.
If not in need of It now wo would advise out spiders to cot,
this outaad.save it.
Urucefleld.-011 Feb. 0th the death oc-
curred ot Mrs. Janice Swan after an
illness of two months. Her maiden name
was Janet Beattie and she was. born in
Westminster Township, Middlesex Co.,
In 1857, and was married to Mr. Swan
In 1867. The husband, one son and two
daughters survive.
iilanehard.-Thos. Eppiett, a lite -long
Breathe llyonlet and Kilt the Loathsome
Catarrh cerate.
Just as long as you have catarrh your
nose will itch, your Creat', will foul.
you will hawk and spit and you will do
other dtsgUsttng things because yoi
can't help yourself. The germs of cat-
arrh have got youy In their power ; they
are rontlr,u.tlly and persistently digging
h.to and Irritating the mucous norm -
Wane of your nose and tnroat. They
are now making your bile miserable : In
time they will sap your enure ay stem of
Its energy, Its etrnngth, it• vigor and
nu' there is ot,e rvmrdy that will kill
the germs and cure catarrh. and that
is ii)omel, the Australian dry air treat-
Joseph Dural. of Woodstock Street,
Tavlstot-k, Unt , says. -"Catarrh had
give:, me all kinds of suffering for a
long time. There was a swelling of the
;fends under fila oyes and adjacent to
my nose and the drsrharges would drop
into my throat. 1 used severvl :tone -
dial. au' never Kot the relief that I d11
from Booth's llyomei. i nave been so
pl'ased with 1(yornel tesu:ta that 1 Mgr. -
recommend Its Use by catarrh eutfrr•
W. S. COi', ih• drS;ilst, 'e1 1 gu.irtht s
ityo-nel to cure catarrh or monlY ba••k.
Dont delay this pleasant anti -sept!^
treatment. Bteatlir 111 Ilyonlrl ar,d ir111
:he germs.
W. 8. Cole will sell you • complete
Ityo;ntt Ouifit, Including Inhaler, for
Duly 81.00, it Is also guarantard to
u -c bronchitis, asthma, eougoa. cold.)
hay fryer and croup.
resident ot this township, parsed sway
In St. Marys last week. following anill-
nese of two weeks. Ills wife toroth-
ceascd hint to 1898. The sots arc. J.
13. and Wm. C. of 131anshard ; t t ank,l ub-
lleher of the Wheatley Jou ..r.,l: J. A.
of Vancouver, Richard of Wheat'ey, Mrs.
Wm. Iiodge of Mitchell, Miss Salem of
Winnipeg aid Nitres Jennie at t,om• are
the daughters.
Liniments can't cure Rheumatism
" Liniments aro only skin deep," Liniments can't reach the muscles,
nerves, joints. Liniments can't get to the sick kidneys, which cause
Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago.
curd Rheumatism because they cure the
kidneys. If you aro a sufferer, don't
waste money on useless remedial. Curo
$ourself with Gin !'ills, 50c. a box ; 6 for
2.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of
price. Sample free it you mention this
LIPorwrly mE4, by T . hole TORONTO CO.. Winnipeg
T R/.el
Breaks up a cold at the start.
At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho-Quinine.
Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -26c.
is a revelation to housekeepers. Nothing
like it has ever been trade before.
It means less work, because ft does not
get dull or brown, and is so easily
It means less work, too, because just s
few rubs bring a bright, brilliant polish
that always looks fresh and clean.
It is cheeped, because you get a bigger
can for the money.
L yore deale r doea not handle "Black
Koichi" aced his same sad 10e for
fall steed ears. TA
ifs Il. I. Dalin CO taUNA Ira. Etta
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan
Owing to Dr. Ker.
fan being deceased,
Dr. J. 1D. Xennedy,
Medical Director,
nae associated with
him Dr.Keanedy Jr.
who has been with
the Arm for several
rears, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted uodar that
Dame of
Thousands of youne and middle acrd note are amount'y swept
to a premature grave through M.\kI,Y INI,lsCkl.Tlutt1,
IXCF.SSE9 AND 51.00D DIr*EA5ES, Ifyou have any .1 the
tolfowing symptoms consult us before it to oo late, a re you
Nervous and weak, despondent and gloom specks be/ore the
eyes, with dark circles ueder them, weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of the heart, bashfel, dreams and 1 ..,s, evil.
Iment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunkenholler" cheeks
careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, di.tnr.tful, tack
energy sad strength, tired mornings restless nights, charge-
able moods. weak manhood, premature decay, tone pains, Tait
loose. sore throat etc,
B OQD POISONS steal Toisoms
art the n,o.t
tit sat most serious d(seaws, They asp the very life
cif the victim, end Units* entire eradicated frr,m the
system may affect the enure ,aeration. Rewire of Mercury. it only suppresses tie
symptoms -OUR NSW M1aiaon carte thew.
O�JR NEW MET IOD TREATMENT alone min mare yu• and make
rose o you, oder its influence the brain becomes active. the blood pushed w that 511
samples, blotches, and ulcers dlvpntar. the become sltong as st-rt, so that net -
yowlers', bashfulness and despondency vanish. the eye becomes hrieht the lace fen and
clear. energy returns to the body, an.i the moral, physical, •,.1 vital systems ere invig-
orated: ell drains cesw-no more vital waste from the rystem. Pont let quacks Sod fakirs
rob you of your hard caned dollars. Wei wit, *worm or no any.
No mettrr why has treated you, write for aft honest opinion Free
ei chars. 1' n,r.5 pre3 8 The (,olden Monitor" (illustrated)
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