HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-18, Page 3flAb 6P/EN UP HOPE
`i1 �1•. iTillinlls' Pink Pills Rc-
store;l Vi,',oroua Ilaalth,
1101IN1; B11: TIt1•.t:A.
.1n I:mpete,itt l uderlal,iul, sortie.
linter Requiring a 1 4:11.
'frees of a very great size earl be
fumed successfully if time and man-
se are of no aciount, but it is all
hi•dlt•Illes of the old fashoti.'tl expensive process and bhtUld lilt
itita4 will sometimes relieve the attempted only where immediate
symptoms •,C disease, though they elle, t i., wanted, or in the case of a
never touch the disease itself -- i rare t au iety that requires to be ru-
they never cure. (lrtlivary Inedi- moved and cannot be replaced.
cines leave behind there indigos- To prepare a In -ge tree for re
tion, constipation and headaches• nluva', rays Horticulture, a deep
Pur••-'atives leave those taking them trench should be dug around the
feverish and weakened. On tho trete from five to seven feet from
other hand 1)r. Williau►ti' ('ink the base of the tri•% and working
!'ills do direct good to the boil', : under so as to cut off all the roots tSpecia!) "Dada's Kidney 1'111x d 1 I
the blood and the, nerves. '!'hey possible without dist tubing Ilio have done for dol all that is claim- "You get a broom or something,
till the veins will new. rich blood; bolo. "
they tone gad strengthen thin The earls of the routs should r►II eel for thea:. Su says Joseph and we'll fix it quick."
> be cut smooth and the treueIi filled i Macklin, a well known farmer of The broom was given him.
nerves; they cure diseases by root
it out of ills blood. They al- up ,this district.. "I was ill for over "Now turn down the covers
up with a gond compost of peat, rot f Six years with Ateuralgia, ('%gaup:( slowly while I hang it. Put n buck -
ways do good- they cannot possibly!
tea suds and manure and left for u ill my n,ueclu;, Backache and Heart et of water alongside the bel, Bo
do harm. (year, when a eeemel trench can be !B'oa's. 1 called on different clue- as we can shove it in and drown
Mrs. (Scorgo R. 11'ilsml, Mone-' opened at the outside of the first tors hut•got no help. I heard that it."
ton, N.B., gays :----"A tete years' awl the tree carefully undermined 1►c.dtl's Kidney !'ills were meant Marga fixed the bucket and re -
ago after confinement I cuutracted with a pick so as to remove the soil f. , just such cases as 1«1110 and moved the curers. After throe or
ca severe cold and although 1 took, frith as little injury Lc► the s.otulK bought eight boxes of them. Nov four good hangs they pushed it in
erahle luudicine, I gal. tae fibres as ,oeuble, and the tree
better. In fact my condition was 1 1 feel just like a new' matt• 1 re- the bucket, and then they took It
gradually getting worse. 1 was :ill
carefully drawn ever so as to cut commend there to all as a sire cure to the lighb to investigate.
runt down, hu.l nu appetite Hurl whatever taproot, tuuy have boon for liheulnatisin and all troubles When the ju(Irlo saw it was his
Isw so weak t11nt. I could out d., lefts
arising front diseased Kidneys." watch, he said : "I might have
t�iy housework. At, last the dux ' If a supply of bass mats is at Thousands of fanners all over the known. It is just like you wouleu
tor who was attending me turd me hand they can be carefully bound west relate similar experiences to tog go screeching and fussing about
husband that I was going int:, i, around the ball of earth, and if it that given by Mr. ?1i:I•klin. 'Choy nothing; it's utterly ruined now."
decline, and I feared so nls.xetf, for
is net too large it can be loaded on find that 1)udd's Kidui•y Pills do He tossed into bed, and spoke
a sister had ditai of consumptio,,, a drag and drawn to the place of just what is elaiwed for them - no more that night to poor Maria.
When almost in despair a frie ud i planting where the holo line beou cure all diseased Kidneys and all 4.
suggested my 1•aking Dr. Williams' i prepared beforehand. diseases arising front diseased Kid If you aro a sufferer from colds
Pink Pills, and I got half a dozen; If too Targe fur a drag the ball of plc's. et a bottle of Liffere'a Anti -Con -
loxes. Before 1 !Inch taken then! : ea rtlh may be surrounded by boards k get. a rc Syrup and test its qutali
all 1 began- to get better. Then I ,tar layers of hay and struts firmly FEMININE LOGIC. tics. It, will be. found that no
got another half dozen boxes, and bound with cords, a few boards Ile -"Your dogLora upall mypraise bestowed on it is too high.
bciure I had used them all I wa: passing undcrncnth, and the whole It 41008 all that is claimed for it,
able to do my housework again and fai-tened to the stela, which should best plants last night. It. must
and does it thorutghly. Do not
was; in better health than 1 hail be weli wrapped with hay or woolen not happen again."„ take anysubstitute for }iickl0'a
enjoyed fur years. 1 believe Dr. material before any force or lifting His Fair Neighbor - Why 1
Syrup, ecause it is the best, lav
Williams' Pink Pills saved Inc from is applied. 1t can then he raised Aren't you going to plant any i stood the test of years. All the
going into consumption and 1 with the use of a derrick onto a morel"_ ___ bast dealers sell !t.
warmly recommend thein to every truck and taken to the desired
• weak person place, lowered in the hole, the
1II t I'S 1111 1'1' JOSF1 J1 M
1.1N SW; Ill' DOI)I)'S
h 111 ' EY PILLS.
1hcy Cured His Neuralgia,
('rattiped M uscicy and 11eiu•t Dis-
ease t•'roul %% hid' lie had Suffer-
ed fat Two Years.
St. l'aul de \this, Alta, Fels. st
A well-known judge had the habit
of placing his watch under Itis pil-
low %,lien hr wont. tat h(d. One
Bight, suluch•tw. it slipped down,
and, 11)1 t he judge wits restless, it
worked its way t•, the foot of the
.After' a hit he awoke, and his
foot touched it. It felt very told,
and Iso was scared and jumped from
his hod, shouting: "My gracious,
Maria, there's a. toad or ru,nicthing
under the clothes, 1 touched it
ttith my foot."
!lis wifo gave n loud scream, and
was on the floor in a moment.
"Now, don't, go waking the
neighbors up," said the judge.
A Woman's Sympathy
Bold by all medicine dealers or binding taken off, the roots careful-
Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's
mail at. 50 cents a. box or !.ix ly spread and the soil well worked bin a htavy nnancl.tl toad? to your pain
boxes fur 442.50 from The Dr. Wil- in among them and well firmed. a heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to deticato women -I have
Hants' Medicine Co., Brockville, Large trees can also be trans been discouraged. too; but horned how to
euro myself. I went to reltovo your bur -
Out, planted by digging around them (lens. .Whynot end the pain and atop the
itt the• winter and allowing the oartl, tt.p toes bill? 1 inn do this for you and
wit) It you will assist mo.
TiiE 1,!1'/.1' ('1,1''11. nroend them (o b0 frozen solid. All you need do Is to write for a free
1'ox of the remedy which has been 'tared
having the ground prepared pert l In my hands to bo given away. Perhaps
Tian (►1 11'nrknlcn t(1 Iliseo;Ita'e olt.1y and t'nscred with coarse ma- tttls one box will cure you -1t has done so
far Others. It eo, 1 shall he happy and
the Habit of Being'Pard terinl to keep out the frost, and 1 you wilt be cured for 2c (oto govt of c
y removing them on a .led to their 'Mintage stamp). Your Lettere held confi-
dentially. Write to-dnv for my free treat -
Otte of the best assets of a ►Want- designation. snout. MRS. F. E CUIutAll. Whictsor.Ont.
facturing plant is the interest of 4,______ Oar idea of it foolish telt It is elle
employsem,_ and when this develops RopratIt• at/tatloh'ocurewillalways who argues with a friend.
into lriendly rivalry its value Is
cure soy counits and culde.' - ___
many times increltdu 8c•d, Frequently Repeat it.•- "Shiloh's; Ours will always
workmen will adomethods Spon 1'AC'T, curd my coughs and (olds:'
to neourly that are of great assist- ___
once to the firm. Another form of tart lies in the ;\n old toper, being very hard
in the engineering shops of a cer-ability lu serous at eonclusioils 1ele, ,rent into his fayurito liar and
tain English firth the workmen a without expressing thorn. asked the publican fora glass "on
year ter two ago originated what tick." "No," said the preprieton
they call the Lazy Cul'• it was A Soothing Oil. -To throw nil 1 won't give you whisky on ere -
entirely their own idea, ttliich for upon the troubled eaters means lilt, but there's ten cents. Now,
0,,s,,,,,,,reas008 has •eceivell neither to subdue to calmness the most what do you want 1'' „Nothing
recognition nor financial support boisterous sea. • Tu apply 1)r. 'l h•' herr „ replied the bele%, lifting
flrutu the management, but has been ins Eclectric nil to the troubled the coin and putting it in his pock-
s most excellent means of reducing body when it is reeks(! Willi pilin , t•"The man who refuses cme
Illy number ref late eolnert'. means speedy subjugation it of the i rtdit won't Kot ms. ready cash,"
\\'louder a workman is more most � nc�e{st/bra bruisry es. takes the fints. It re glad with an elevated nese he
than five minutes after time he marched out at the door.
finds the gate locked and he is not rem barna, and as a general
allowed 10 enter until the half (lour household medicine ix useful in
is up. 'i ••is half hour is deducted many ailments. It is worth much. Mother Graves'
from-his w+ibis. but in addition ho
- liter has no equal fur destroying
ha- also to pay the treasurer of the An Irishman and a Yankee were worms in children and adults. See
talking about their own countries that you get the genuine when
Losec flub shunt five coals for com
one city, when the Yankee said: - purchasing.
ins Into. "America is the richest country in
If he is late more than sues or the world to -day." "Shure," sail "My hai; i. falling out," admit -
s/4., during a work everybody'44 is Pat, "Oireland will soon be the led the t amid Inca in a chemist's
aware of the tact, ant. too second richest." "How's that1" said the shop. "can you recommend Rome-
„% third time ho mnkt* his appear -
Yankee. "Shure," answered l'at, thingto keep it int" "C'ertainly,"
sacs after starling time he i8 •.isn't tiro capital always Dublin?" rl•pticd the obliging assistant. "(let
greeted with a terrillie combine- a ox."
lien et noises product d on any Repent It "Ahflah'a core will slwal►• -
available material by his fellow cute my toughs and colds." Repeat ft: 'Shiloh'+cure will nlwala
workmen. •-• --- ours my coughs and colds."
At certain periods the accumul- �.lr. ('hatters -•Akre is an article ---
atoll finals /.f the Lazy ('I►lb are on 'tl hat One Woman Thinks.' it Voungun-''You regard society
slit idt d, not emoting those who have t,ecttii4's a quarter of a Cu!101111." illerely as it illaclilne, do 1•e11 1 Well,
due cd thein, it should be noted, air.. chatters "What of its" Mr. what part. if the machine do you
consider ole t" Olden - "Oh,
you're one of the cranks:"
,r v
int among the entire staff equally. ('hatters- "1 was wondering how
'rhos the lute workman i. made to large a newspaper would he re-
pay the Carly cement ter itis laze. quired to print what one woman
nc+•h. The Intl dist ribut i, n WnfL just
tele•% It, a "beanfeast'. 11111 funds
Loss of Pleats. remit' and pain In lbs cheat easy
1 f • • 1 f 1 te.,t ,i ..,n eua•nnlpU...s. lint aro Its 1 .IRs,. tllen'a
rut. unn►Iated tdturitig twelve inset iia Thal Yerrallatlas geld that mels you wretch'( ed air Iyaesq;e,o, Not a' grain.%! opium lu It 3.141 heals nam
last wlnt•' a Ill u d r .me 1.ar't h1 i';‘,:::"..:1,1%1'..!;': .- __
were dintribut,11 nmetintieg to 01er 114•.5 1t.t1••tn lien ).,tar Ihr'.at i
1ht•ad,•lrahlsr•ruetlyLittNlt»ua..plIM rake N.\TiON AN1) T1 1E111 I)I:IIT.
it to liras.
11 iso the glorious privilege of most
it i ,l•., - :: w('Innn to paint out \1'111('11 FOOT WALKS FASTER ?. vaunt ries to posses a National
11.e (sults lit ittedber noisily). You may think this Is a funny 1 i)ebt, and in the case u1 (he lend-
--- --'i' question t', ask, but it isn't. It is ing nations the amounts nre vary
4.0404410+0+O+0101O+C'+O a simple,'demonstral►Ie fact, which large. if we include the capital re
♦ . s Attt:ru� you can prove to your own satin- presented lsy the railways, (Ser
tl It faction in a tery few minutes. If many heads the list ; hut, excluding
15 A 1%ll.1. BABY yoil will take n pavement that is these, France leads the way with
clear, so that there will be no in $5,000,1100.000; Nu.Ain Proi'ul'iti
seven shilling. a head.
When )shy lnugb•, and
gurgles and crows mother
know* he is well and happy.
When he is cross. fretful
:mil 1.1ee)p14' 1. RI%e hits a doss
, f linty s Own Tablets and
•e,• boa speed!!) 'they nil!
I Lange lion to a happy, tend -
nig child, Thee Tablets
t, i t,Il' all the miner ailments
T , i 'tlhr•idl and bring Ltal-
i ::ltitral sleep be. sure
G • • ,emt•te the (Ikea' of
1 plcssness. if the little
:. • • It nre coming 1 hrongh
tht help them al( nor pain-
lessly. Ctrs. Ottavio Paulin.
4'arntpiet, N. 11 , rays: "I
have found ltahy'e Own Tab-
lets n splendid ni,dieino for
(breach and 1.oric1 troubles,
and In promote sleep. 1
strongly advise mothers to
tiff) them when their little
ones are ailing." Sold by
medicine dealers tar by trial
n,I 2s cents a lox from The
Pr 11'illiarna' Medicine l't .
Bo • tville, Ont.
P41,- 4 +c1o10♦C:♦01'::-10*01.
terferenee, and walk briskly in th,, tomes next, though the ran
centre, you w 111 find that before veil amount is not known; the third
have gone fifty yards yell halt place falls to (Ierrnnny. if the Em-
ttcit•d yery much to one side. You plre Debt and those of Prussia and
must nt't make any effort, of the other States be grouped toget-
eturse, to keep in the centre, hot her, the total being $1,141.200.000,
if yon will think of something nod exclusive of railways; and the
endeavour to walk nnturally, you fieirth place fella to the United
cannot keep n direct line. The Kingdom, with $3.740,000,000.
explanntit'1 of this lies in the pro-
pensity of one foot to wa!k faster A Sound Stomach Means a (Tear
than the other, or one leg takes a Head. --The high pressure of a
longer stride than the other, cans- nervous life which business men of
ing one to walk to one aide. You the present. day are constrain('( to
can try an experiment in this way lire make draughts upon their vi -
by placing two atic•ks about 8 feet tallty highly detrilnentnl to their
nparf, then stand off about Go feet., health. it is only by the tnust
blindfold yourself, and endcavoair careful treatment that they are
to walk between them. You will able to keep themselves alert and
active in their various callings,
"Your husband 41•!es not knock
yell about 110w• /Is Ile 1144(1 to de --
eh 1'' "No, sir." "1 am delight-
ed to hear it. After all, his heart
is in the right place." "011, yes,
sir -and the rest of his body too'
Ho is in prison!"
Repeat fit:-•'flhlloh's Cure will always
care my coughs and colds,"
find it almost impossible.
The aind that (leas
O'er ice and snows.
To some folks may
Bring pleasant glows;
Blit gee! Myno.,e
la nearly froze,
S(• l'm not gay,
I'll tell you those.
Airs. Burrow --"Our nl•ighhe,r ;
aro very shiftless people." Mr.
Borrow ---"How do you know t"
Mrs. l3orrow- "When I go over to
borrow anything they never have
*Phy,Nlat► Is not always at hsad. fluent your.
self against 1111,1441T1C•41(118 a•d c.11.15 by k..pplul
• battle of Painkiller In the bowie Atoid siti”et•
Into,. there Is but one " Painkiller" - ferry
mute :-Ysc and V.v.
:1 physician found one of his
t,a'ients sitting in the lath and
swallowing a dose of mexlicin0.
"What are you doing there, in-
stead of being in bed j" inquired
the astonished practitioner; and
the patient quickly responded: -
"Well, you told nue to take tho
medicine in water, and that's what
I'nl doing."
Known to Thousands.- Parme-
lee's Vegetable !'ills regulate the
action of the secretions, purify the
blood and keep the stomach and
bowels free from deleterious mat-
ter. Taken according to direction
they will overcome dyspepsia, era-
dicate biliuuaness, and leave the
digestive organs healthy and
strong to perforin their functions.
Their merits are well knt,wn to
thousands who know by experience
bow beneficial they app in giving
tone to the system.
John Smith fell down the cell:n•
..1 air; the other dray, unci broke his
left leg, Itis right arm, two ribs,
his nose, ono finger, and cut his
scalp, sprained his ankle, and grit
1uis shoulder out of joint, But he
didn't really begin to feel had
shoat it till his alto aska! hint if
he was hurt.
Zam-Oak's Healing Power Proved
by School Commissioner and
Baptist Deacon.
()NB of the most recent converts to the
Zam-Buk method of treating and curing
disease is Mr. C. U. Sanford, of Weston,
King's Co., N.S.
Mr. Sanford 1s a _justice of the Peace for the
County, and a member of the Board of School
Commissioners. He is also Deacon of the
Baptist Church In Berwick. Indeed, throughout
the County it would he difficult to find a man
more widely known and more highly respected.
Some tirne back he had occasion to test
Zam-Duk, and here is his opinion of thin great baht. He says :-
" 1 never used anything that gave rue such satisfaction as Zatn-Huk.
I had a patch of eczema on my ankle, which had been there for over
twenty years. Sometimes, also, the direas: would break out on my
eh ,aiders. I had taken solution of arsenic, had applied various oir.t-
mnents, and tried all sorts of thing,) t., obtain a curc, but all in vain.
1 was advised to give Zant-I3uk a trial, and as 1 am a firm believer In
Nature's remedies, I did so. Prom first applying it 1 saw it was
altogether different to the ordinary ointments and embrocations, and It
soon began to show signs of clearing away the eczema on my ankle.
This was so gratifying, that 1 persevered for some time with it, and 1
an, glad to say it had the desired result. 1 am now cured of the
disease which defied every other treatment for twenty years.
" This Is not the only direction In which 1 have proved the merits of
Zam-Bok. I suffered for a long time from piles, and 1 found a perfect
cure for this painful ailment in Zam-I3uk. 'lam -link soothes the pain,
relieves the congested veins, and so restores the elasticity to the tissues
that the piles gradually but surely disappear."
T.am-1:ut is a positive and ceualn ruse for cuts. hums. holies. sprains. pits' . festning
nares, takers. sesta,. blood poisoning. ••crema..rabs, chapped Enna*, cold stark•. tbilblains,
mg. -sun, scalp sores, bad leg. d,swami ankles. and all other akin diseases and injuries.
liuf bad well Into tin" parts guested. 11 cures neuralgia, rheumatism. and stlst ra. All druapats
and stores sell at sae. tea, three for tat 23, and )Mar free from Zany auk Co.. Toronto. for
price. Itafus• the Lund u1 Imitations souteldnlos represented to be "tuft as good."
Many an indulgent husband al-
1„its the indulgence to stop with
Reheat it:- 'Bhllotl's (lure will alwnya
cure my coughs and colds."
A mart isn't necessarily bashful
btc.tu,.t he declines to alert his ob-
I tK:1t i„us.
Imitations Abound,
but 1ns1,1 upon rotting the
genuine. "'1lie It 411." ►lenth,' t'ladr• it h L.
gree t the tort .1 yeas It cures aches and pain,
quiets, than auy ;timber.
Miss !focal'• -"So Mr. Smart
really Enid he considered sue very
ttit.t3--ch Miss K nox -- "Nut
exactly; he said he had to laugh
eters. titne he met. you."
Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says:
"I have removed ten corns from
my Jett with Holloway's ('urn
Cure." Header, go thou and do
It's bard to amend a bad. break
in your (.4,F-1%4.1-attain.
Rs and
Write for Weekly Prtos Lista.
!shipments Solicited.
100.000 MUSKRAT 60.000 COON
6,000 REU FOXES 20.000 SKUNK
WANTF_r) tMMib'AT ELY WC ALe1C' FiJV 01 ,sr.R Funs.
Ship to us at once and ,atisfy yourself that WI• are the
VERY HEST buyers of Raw rots in Canada.
Lehi MONTEITH, STROTHER FUR CO., 11 R j3 vrii 1 S1
Leading Conservaantles, Cal:sere ,ci• lea 1',
I hcatres, and in thouvnds of 1,"hu s %herr a Piano
of ih tinctive nuns is appretltfrd. 1 lie l'eU it the
only piano with the Illimitable Krpcati,:L Arbon.
CALVES Rain T �' twin i Milk.
wtet. gryts Peed ea. MA. Triers
Our guaranteed heave ('urc will
Iger your h•erse. lfas cmnplets'ly
cured many cases pronounced in-
curable. Send for copies of testi-
moninls and further information.
Four Brothers, Itestoule, OIlt
snarly of them know the valnn ut ----------
Parmelee's Vegetable l'ills in reglt- A. J• PATTISON Se CO.
'sting the stomach and cense 33-3S SCOTT SIM; TOSONTO.
quently keeping the head clear.
Stock Brokm• & Financial Agents
She ---"The man i marry must QO$ jL7+
be 'ons little 1 than the ,, n urhl and r
r a 1 (' are 1 :1 • n c m.,leflel►
anitc ls.' " Ho (suddenly (bopping) (so n• • •ll. • ,ao1 'I utleta say W wired N
''it,•re 1 roto en my knees, a lit- pasesa•a*
tie lower than one of them." HeT U
Rvt her.
188CE N0. 7--69.
Fend for (fu, e) ('.,tal. ,•.ir Nu ;;1.
'iiia DELI. PIANO eft Ortan Go., brit dad C.7U G' LPH .0NTAR IQ.
('N IHI: i)1J:AN DireiNT,
1 ' 4 .la
it. , t•
-- yta%�'l4llifl , - aid
- J 1jitti - aa
. .a-.-.•..►•.a•sa:,
r,'I ' - 1. - ;: 01.1 r. )• • ('• •, fiJyi
1. . Sita ' I • 1 t is
1 t•et•IPMn1 tea 51,ry 8.e erne( a 14111.'t �, ,. •1 1.',; .,. ,epi•t 4 .110.121 Ut. fora- •,
1,1444,1r, bils•41 11•14 ep t ...st• A atlantic • t, betel. A oe. fea•ceU(seoaeVIM
esu o1 lh• leg '0454 O. o•eri let le lest 61 ,u•
R.ary roe! e•s Onsege as :•w hash alla't•.4 wn4 n, a, : 1 •r0 sitar rhssal.
a:a•s to er•.y et alike lespe.at•se %•(-,tai. 1 by 114.r.n *dada 1h• I,ro•t 1•t•;^rat•-.1 •
1415,4 Gss11'( Te'•pi'ae is •'I'y roes• U •.1 vr., f•+•apart/+► 6,. Nrlt• t., .!Tv
CMARLL'S 0. MAUOUI:T1'EE, lit Al Moki: NOTi'.I. CD'lPANV.
Man.Cer. U. Sfeta Jet.