HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 8CI��iu�OpSalc
$18.00 and $20.00
Suits for
1 1
Pants for $4
$4 $2.75
This offer is for 2 weeks
only. Every suit is a
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Hockey Match
Don't stop my paper. printer, --
Don't strike my name uft yet;
You know the Man cutucs slowly,
And dollars hard to get
Put tug a little harder
1s what 1 mean to do,
And scrape tee dunes tog.ther—
Enougtr for me and you.
1 can't afford to stop ft,
And I Lind It doesn't pay
To do without i papere
However others may.
I have to arlk my neighbors
To give me their' to loan.
They don't Just say but ,mean it.—
"tVi,y dont you get your own."
New shapes in "King" stili hat just in
at Stewart's. See them.
The Admin to will be trailed to any
address in Canada until January 1st,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
Forty toilet sets to pick from at Stew-
art's. That the spot for bargaine. See
their 3.60 set.
The Advocate will be sent to any
address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1010,
for $1.00.
Do you know of a better place for a
square deal than Stewa►t's. "We dont."
We take subscriptions for all foreign
or Canadian magazines at reduced
rates. Don't forget the Advocate
when your subscriptions run out.
Some swell new suitings for ladies just
in at Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Yes, Stewart's sells lledpath's granu-
lated sugar, and none other. 4.76 per
hundred. Buy quick.
Four of the best ladies' fur -lined jack-
ets we erer sats. Beauties for 37.50—
tcorth 55.00
WOmoten institute.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Institute will he held in Senior's Hall
on Friday, Feb. 5, at 3 o'clock. All
members are requested to be present
foritnppoortant business.
Mrs. Cobbledick, Mrs. Hastings,
Pres. Sec'y.
Listen .' :33.00 for a stout's well ,fur-
red coon coat. Stewart's.
A house centrally located; apply at
this office.
Dlvislon Court will be held In the Town
Ball on Thursday.
Mr r. Jane Atkinson 1s confined to her
bed through llineae.
etre. Harvey, sr., and Miss Salina
ilarvey are both quite Ile at their home
on Stntcoe street.
Mr. Daniel Davie is able to be out at -
ter being confined to hie bad for sever-
al weeks through Illness.
A total eclipse of the sun win ba vis-
ible in Canada on June 17th, and a part-
ttat eclipse of the sun on December 12.
Mr. W. Brown, orgahtst of tete Trlvitt
Mentortal church, Exeter, pree:tied at the
organ in Wesley Church, Clinton. on Sun
day and gave a recital after tete even-
ing .service.
Mrs. Cunningham, who is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Tager, la suffering
from a severe attack of erysipelas In
the face, and wrille being painful is now
showing signs of recovery.
Itev. W. M. Martin preaches his fare-
well sermons on Sunday nest, atter 20
years pastorate ot the Caven Presbyter-
ian Church. Ile, with the family. will
move to London to reside.
Mr. Jos. Davis had lt'.e misfortune on
Thursday last to fall down the cellar
stairs at his home giving hint a severe
shaking up. but luckily breaking no
tones. He is now able to be out again.
Mr. D A. Roes left this week for Cuba
in the interests of The Sovereign Fruit
Company. the shareholders or which are
residents of Exeter and London. The
company owns considerable land on
which they are planting orange trees.
Your attention 1a directed to a com-
munication from the Reeve in another
coluann• regarding waterworks for Ex-
eter. head it and come out to the meet-
ing Friday night and b: rcady to ex-
press your views regarding the matter.
General regret le telt at the illness
of Mr. M. Y. McLean, M. P., for South
Huron, who is suffering from pleurisy
at his Ronne iu Seatortn. It will be eor.ne
weeks before he can take his seat 1n
Parliament. but a speedy recovery 1s
hoped for.
Misses Martha and Winnie Curling,
who are teaching at Dashwood, have
resigned, the resignation to take ctfect
March lat. The Misses Carling intend
residing In Drauttord at the hone of
their uncle, Mr. Renton who recently lost
his wife through death.
At the meeting ot the License Comnds-
eloi.ers for South Huron. held at the
Commercial hotel on Saturday last, the
et -arise transfer of that hotel was made
(rem W. \V. Barrows to Lyman \S. Pal-
mer. Messrs. Palmer Bros. ate now in
charge of the business.
The Providence Literary Society held
their first meeting at S. S. No. 3 School
House on Jan. 28th. The following ot-
ticern were ele:ted—President, S. J. 110-
garth ; let Vice, Ed. Shapton; 2nd Vie°.
M. Willis; Secretary, \Vet. Lr Titebner;
Treasurer. 11. Fond. Meetings to be held
Tnureday evehhngs.
That little Boit snap of ours got }a
mighty Bever° cold .tic latter part of
Last week with tt:e result tnat we have
experienced the cutdest time of Inc witt-
ier shine. It was only just in time to
aav° the rink managers from having to
commence at the oottont and make Ice
again. The carnival, skating party and
hockey ntatc:tes may now proceed again
atter twice befog postponed.
Mr. Palmer, teller of the Molsons Dank
received word from hcadqutrtere Tues-
day that i.e was to be moved to Morris -
burg. and report there for duty FiIday
morning. His place is to b. taken by
an old Exeter boy, Clarks Dyer, of Sim -
roe, whom all will be pleased to sec 1n
town again, although Mr. Palmer's re-
moval will be mucin regretted. particul-
arly by those interested In sports, as he
is a good baseball, hockey and tennis
Mayer. we wk,, 1•ttn every success.
At a meeting of the t,uartetty Board
of Main street church. at the .parsonage,
oh Tuesday evening. a unanimous In-
vitation to remain for a fourth year was
extended to Itcv. E A. Fear, wha has
accepted It, conditional upon the (kilo-
ton of the stationing committee. A pt'an
;Int social evening was epetat by all pros -
cot. Rev. 1•ear has proved einisclt one
of tate best pastors In the history of trc
1 ?.u' -ch and the congregation and town
at largo will be pleased that he will re-
main another year.
Mr. T. H. i(artdford shipped two rare
nt horses 10 Winnipeg on Friday. On
their ;.rrival at Inc statfun here three
grcups of the horses being frigatened
hy the train escaped from the gentle..
men leading thein and ran north along
the railway track, one group even bet-
'ing onto the river bridge before baht,
headed off by Me. Shirley !tobier and
some QQther teen who succeeded In get-
'li,g Mai turned back toward ate eta -
len. It was certainly a narrow es-
cape for the horses as they would al-
•uust cert ainly have rust off the brtige
had not the nr_ n nue col:A i , nea.c.ig
thine OIL
1 ou will find that a great deal of
cl.eiacter Is Imparted and received at
the table. I'acents too often forget titin,
and therefore testead of swallowing
you- food in sullen silence: Instead of
hroo.ting ovct you: business; instead of
et•crcly taming about others. let the
cc:Ivo-natio h at the table be genial. kt',d
social and (tact -Mg. Don't brig d;s-
.tgieeable things to toe table In your
'•of, at rant it•t. a ny more than you would
you: dishes. For title retson, too.
the more good company you have at
yt u- table. the better for your c;rildren.
Every conversation with company at the
tile is an cdu'atlon to the family.
Hence the Intclligrnce and tine retine-
mcn: and appropriate behavior of a fam-
e), which Is given 10 hospitality. Wier
feel that Inteli:grht vi Iters can be any
:•,g tut a ble a,ng to you and your+.
,..+.• few have go tt t ,old of the fart
t.,it company and c'oover•ation at the
table are no amaii part of edwatton.
On Tu'sday night the death occurred
at his home, 11 Pearl street, London,
of George It. Cooper, aged 27 years,the
cause being heart trouble, Lie result, so
the doctors claim, of his heart being
attached to one nide of his body front
birth. he was always Inclined to be de-
licate. Detcascd had been employed as
moulder 11. McC9ars'e foundry, and be-
came ronflncd to his room abOut six
weeks ago. The family formerly resid-
ed on tine dnd of IJiddutplt, and previous-
ly In Debut -lie. Bestd, s She moaner the
brothers and sisters who s,IVive are, --
Jonathan 6f Altcrta. Mrs. Geo. Knox of
Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Ptncombe of Us -
borne, Mrs. Wilbert McFalls of Btddulph
Mee. I t . r y Nettlercott of Petrolee, the
Mis••ee 't. ire and Dolly and iianlea
at hone.•. .rt' of whom have the sympathy
of the co;rr.ru Illy. The funeral will take
place to t'tc Exeter cemetery on Friday
molting o , tr,e arrival of tlr± morning
trate from London.
Don't Monkey
with that cough !
11,11 • Take HOWEYiS White
Tree hockey that, ;. let the rink on Mon-
day right between Lu au aid Exeter
textus was no disappointment to the
large itunttxr of interested spectators or
to the Exeter club. Tee game was a
good o.tc front wait to Masa and only
resulted In favor of Exeter by the nar-
rowest margin. In fact Lucan scored a
fifth goal one minute alter time was
called, Lut haute: the referee had salted
time, he :raving not 'ward the signal
that time was up. Possibly Lucas may
(Amelder they were t trticd to that goal,
but, l.owevcr that may be. the game
was a good one and whether the aeorc
was 4-:i or 5-5 matters little as the
spectators were well satisfied. The
first half was niu-e. in favor of Exeter,
erdtng 4-1, and the first 1'i mtnutes
of the second ;:alt gave Exeter one
goal, but the last 13 minutes ot the
second half were favorable to the
visitors, they securing three goals in
that time. The scores were inade.—Ex-
eter 8 nein., Exeter • Isis.. Exeter 1-4
nein., Lucas 7 min.. Exeter 8 min., Ex-
eter 18 nein., Lucan 3 min., Lucan 8;
min., Lucan 1 min.
The line-up was. -Luca,,. -Fox, goal ;
Smith point ; Morgan cover; Ma wberry,
rover; Ross, Crawford and Craig for-
wards. Exeter—F. Dawden. goal ; Pal-
mer. point; Drowning, Cover; S. Dawden
rover ; Acheson, Curr others and Martin
forwards. W. Robinson of Liven made
a good referee, while F. Stanley was the
time -keeper- for Lucan, and C. McLean
their goal umpire. Tete genie was clean
and tree from anything approaching
rough work, not a mate being injured or
a player penalized. The work of Exeter's
forwards; was a brilliant feature, both
in combination aid individual work. Gar-
vey Acheson played the lett wing in ex-
cellent style and repeatedly worked him-
self passed the Lucan players and ear•
ried the puck to the Lucan goal, which
was however well defended Beattie Mur.
the on the right also did good work. The
defense was very strong and they also
made some beautiful rushes, a notice-
able one was that of Palmer who took
the ruck through the whole line up and
scored on a six -toot shot. The Lucan
boys played a good gatne alt tnrougn
and showed better staying powers than
their opponents, as the score would In-
Pine and Tar
Big Bottle for a Quarter
.++-► i t• i+++++++++++++++4-114
Were n lovely flower of Spring
dropped into the lap of «inter
but 11I('lKS predicts pretty
Cold weather to come yet—
and don't you forget it I.!:
Better 4?
Order That
Suit or Over -
now. or may-
be a pair of
\V.' have in arum.
In.ely goods - and
prices tight.
;ti' ,IOHNS
`lerchant letnr I?peter
r++ I ++a' 1 +f *4-144 } 41-4-1-1444.4 +++♦
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton 7 60
Flour, per cwt., fatally
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40
Dried apples
Livehoge, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
A -yery quiet wedding took place at the
home of the bride's par_ttts, Ittdgetown,
on January 27th, of an old Exeter boy,
W111 Niter, son of the late John 31u:r.
now a resident of Regina. Sask„ to Miss
Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Steele. The ceretnony was a ver:
quiet one owing to tho serious Illness
of Sir. Steele, who has been confined to
his room for some time. Mr. and Mesa
Muir visited here at the ionic of Mr. anti
Mrs. 13. Making, London Road North,
the latter put of the week, returning to
itidgetown Saturday, where Mrs. Muir
intends remaining tor some time, Mr.
Muir returning to the West. \'r ill's
many friends extend congratulations to
him and his bride and wish them every
manyl,arPlncsa during their married Iltc
110CSE t'Dit sALC.
Corner tang' all and A-drow streets.
.t two story new brick muse. al, hhoelern.
••wo ken: goal n'..hle. :\pp:y alt t I•
Y. M. C. A.
2 75
0 05
20 00
Stockholders of the National Portland
Cement Co. living In this vicinity not
Intending to attend the annual nteetig
in Toronto this year will do well to
hand or send their proxies to this office
for Mr. \Vm. Quinton, who will attend
the ntectiug. S1r. Quinton wishes It un-
derstood that he Is no office seeker and
that he will use Ills influence: to the very
best interests of the company.
Mr. Fred Kcnnhtga of South River has
taken a attUation with Mr. Ceaa. Har-
vey near ilurondale.
Let U3 again remind you of the Annual
County Wotk Convention in Wingham
on the 8th and 91h. Delegates will be
entcttalncd while In Wingham. All who
expect to attend, should notify L. C.
Fleming. Clinton. Immediately.
On Wednesday, the loth of February.
tete County Committee will conduct its
one -day financial campaign of the Coun-
ty. All the principal places in the Coun-
ty will be canvassed that day, beginning
at 9 o'clock a. tn. A buiget of $1it)) Is
needed to carry Ole the work for the year
191)9, and Exeter's share is $250. The
eight !mai ttICt as 118 representatives,
who, assisted by Mr. E. It \Whan. Sec-
retary of London, Y. M. C. A., will wall
on the people for their contributions on
the day appOlntcd. The work Is going
ahead most satisfactorily in the (neo or-
ganizations of the County, there being
a membership of ovcr 21)0 men and boy('
It everybody will do his share, Ilia
amount will be easily raised in Ex tt r.
Let us keep the grand work gobs: well
it touches the lite of every one o: Ilu-
ron's 161.100 young men and buys.
The Y. M. C. A. stet in their moms
over Senior's Ball on Monday evening
and, notwithstanding that the first
hockey match of the season was being
played on the Exeter Rink het ween
L,tent% and Exeter teams, a goodly
number were in attendance, which
was augmented when the rink closed.
Reeve JicCallunt opened the meeting
with prtt�er and President Southcott
occupied the chair. The advisability'
of forming a Visiting Committee of
three members for each ward w,►a
eimeed, which was finally ndjosted t,y
the President. Vice•i'resident and the
Secretary being appointed, they to
choose the committees for each ward.
This will insure the sick being well
looked after. Mt. Fleming, the (.'nun-
ty Secretary, then conducted the Bible
study, the passage being the life of Ab-
raham, which was entered into with
much interest and enthusiasm. Mr.
Fleeting is an able exponent of the Bt•
bis and anaweted all questions in a
satisfactory manner, and it is to be
hoped that he will he with the boys
quite often. This is a very important
part of Y. M. C. A. work.
After this the meeting was thrnts•rt
open for the playing of games and to
give the aspiring candidates for mun-
icipal honors a chance to get in their
work of soliciting votes before the
closing of the polls nt 9;3), This gave
the boys who were at the rink an op-
portunity of polling their votes for
their favorite men. Election resulted:
Reeve, i)r. Itmttiston; ('ounciilore,
Mr.ats. SVilrnx, ii. Mnuthentt, Bus -
Wm. Sweet: ?school Trustees,
Me-s.r'. iennings, ‘'entrott, Clinton
Sweet, White, Johns, Wesley Stone
tied ,Vm. Sweet in the run for Coun-
cillor, but Mr. Bell. Clerk, nave his
casting vote in favor of the latter.
Throughout the entire contest and
games the most fti.'ndly spirit has
leen evinced, and in the niter speech•
es of thankfulness to the electors, the
vangni.hed aee"rded to the victors
their full treasure of eredit and hoped
to mIhngeee platfntm
fir theete . uffraemge. ofin f bpe peosnthplo at tome
ftitur.' time. The singing of (lod Lave
the 1C'r t. !,r light to a ein.P a plea!' int,
pr'"tit 'b:. .•t ening. ('• me.
A quiet wedding took Mace in 'Ioronto
on January loth, when Miss Hannah
Parsons was united in holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. John Kelleher of Proc-
tor, Minn., conductor on the Duluth,
Maseiler & Northern Railway hy Rev.
T. E. F. McCann. Miss Parsons la well
and favorably known in and around Ex-
eter, and is held In tete highest esteem
by her many friends here and in Lon-
don where she has been living for the
past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Kelleher
left Toronto on a trip to friends and
relatives In Buffalo and London, and
have spent the last week its Et;eter, the
guests of the latter's brothers and sis-
ters. Mr. Kelleher is a stranger to Ex-
eter but during his short stay here has
made tetany warns friends. They left
Saturday evening for their new home
near Duluth and will stop a few days
at the Soo on their way. The best wish-
es ot a host of friends go with them to
their future home.
The Old Way —
The New Way
Cure -a -Cold
That Nutty Flavor
We have it in our
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
NUE stock is Wit
It contains the qualities
that tickle the palate. You
must have heard it over and
over again that Harvey's
Flour stakes
Good Bread
Try it and yon will
ttekiAradkAcaA aka3tafkillaakatkaexi
Scrap Iron, jw��}��
Brass, Copper Aubber, Etc.,
We are prepared to pay
reat Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's III
We have started a great
slaughter sale comprising
every article of furniture in
our large stock at a
Special Discount of
20 Per Cent
Off Regular Prices
for CASII. Note some of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to furniture
buyers. A call will convince
intending purchasers that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
40c a hundred and 11pWltr(18
according to quality, for Scrap iron.
Old Rubber Hoots and Shoes, :i per ib
Horse Bair, 20e. Copper and Brass Sc
Raga, 50c per hundred.
We Have for Sale
it large gn,uttiry of
ehitahli fnr
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
• Loose ?cat ledger.
Adding and charge.
egadand ► amt
d1 modern de -
Nisei knows,
Machine ,rico eearnii eret
dtspu I a.t
oat student a CoroetlnenUy basin...
Douses of leading Canadian and American
'are calling loudly for our graduate&
I IndivlInal In:+tnection. P.nter any day.
]fail Coarses
send pndtd for particular.
(11.;(►. SPl►TT(►N, Pette( II'.tt.
BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak
finish, with large Bevel Mirror,
regular price 316.50,
Discount Sale Price. ....$13.00
regular price $1:3.00
Discount Sale Price $10.00
regular price 38.50
Discount Sale Price 36.00
regular price 33.50
Discount Sale Price 32.50
Everything else in proportion.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
New Spring Goods
are arriving every day.
Nearly every train brings ns fresh shipments of "New Goods" -all
for the Spring trade. You will find us with the hest array of the new-
est and most stylish goods this store has ever shown. Come and see
the "New Goods," as they ate all bright and fresh. It will give you a
good idea of what you want for your Spring wear. It will be a great
pleasure for us to show you over our stock.
The New Dress Goods Are
The Best Yet
This will be our banner year fur Dress Goods. Our stock ie com-
plete with the most stylish fairies on the market.
New Colored Dress Goods in All
the Leading Colors
Striped Cheveron Suiting
Striped Serge do
Panama tin
Serge d.,
Venetian do
Wool Taffeta d.)
Farley Lustros
Striped Voiles
Plain do
Crepe de Paris
Cr epe de Chene
A Ihatras
Nuns ClOth
New Black Dress Goods
Fancy Striped Suiting
Striped Serge 110
Panama do
Venetian do
Broadcloth do
:serge do
Wool Taffeta do
Fancy Striped Voiles
" Bordered do
Plain do
Crepe de Paris
Crepe tie ('hese
Ladies' New White Wear
Is more dainty than ever this season. We have all the "New
Creations" in Ladies' Skirts, (inwn•, Corset Covers anti Drawers
at prices that will tempt you.
New Wash Goods
Everything yen may need in this line will be (mind on our count-
ers. New Prints, New (.inghatnq. New Linen Snitings in plain, fancy
and stripes; Fancy Vesting aril Fancy 31italine. This is the time of
the year to have these goods made up.
New Gent's Furnishings
New Spring Suitings Now Ties and Shirts
Wn a►e showing nn extra tine
lot of \fen's Suitinggs this Spring
-They are better than ever and
that is saying a lot• -Do not fail
to see thorn before deciding for
your Spring Sint.
Our New Spi ing Shirts k Ties
are all here, open for you to see.
They are real swell. Nothing
hitt the new things for our trade.
\Ve will delight you with our
big assortment.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing