HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 7LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS Telephonic Cotnuluuit•:ition Without WIRELESS WON DFRS. - -- Wires. !Aft Weak, Miserable and a Fray What wonderful power there must be in the electricity of the air! to Masa iu Many Forms The exclamation naturally rises to the lips as one reads of the latest Lee Belson• struts eith a sneeze— inventions - -the primary principle and cards a ith rt complication of of which is the utilization of the troubles. It las, the strong than electric waves of the atmosphere. on his hack ; it tortures him with A few years ago Mnrt•uni astounded fetors and chill,, headaches and the world with his wireless tele - backaches. It leases him a prey graphy, and lately Mr. Lee De For - to pueumonia, bronchitis, consuiup- est, the inventor of the wireless tion and other deadly diseases. You telegraph, and certain French naval 1 can avid La Grippe entirely by officers, have been showing what — keeping your blued rich and red can be done in the way of telepho- bv the occar;ionel use of Dr. Wil- nic communication without wires. i lie fink Pills. If you have not' A fow menthes ago Mr. De For- e this, and the disease lays you est installed his latest apparatus low, you can banish all its evil after effects with this seine great blood - building, nerve restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over disease: Mr. P. E. Paulin, Collector of Customs at Caraquet, N. B., says: "In the winter of 1907 I had a very severe attack of la grippe, which broke the down entirely. I had to take to bed for several weeks. Dur- ing that time I employed a doctor. perhaps, is that of Senor Torres l V ut without benefit, in fact, I seemed Quevedo, a Spanish engineer, who / to be getting worse and worse. I has made a study of wireless tele - did not sleep; suffered from night' graphy as an agent for the proppul- aweats, and had no appetite. I was sion and direction of ships and bal- really a physical wreck. On aloons from land. former occasion I had used I)r. Williams' Pink Pills for general J HE KNOWS FROM NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we hear mHIS EXPERIENCE inglrh now-a-days,taand it is cc,place- to know that there are places specially equipped and located fur combating this phase of modern life. On the main lino of the (;rand Trunk Railway System, at St. Catharines, Ontario, aro located the curative Saline Springs known as the "St. Catharines Well." Con- nected with the Springs is "The Postmaster Cote fells holt the !Welland," where treatments for (.rat ('anadiai kidney Remedy nervous prostration, rheumatism, Cured 11 i Atiel• Doe•tori nail etc., are given by skilled attend- ants iu charge of a resident physi- cian. a 111lu t P. St. Catharines is the milest Le Petit Buis Franc, Temiscouata point in Canada during the winter Co., Que., Jan, 25 (Special).—lir. months. For further information Charles Cote, postmaster here, is and all particulars apply to J. D. firmly convinced that Dodd's Kid- McDonald, D.P.A., Union Station, Toronto. 'I'Il.l'I' DODD'S hIDNLY PILLS 111.1. Ft Rt: BRIGlf'1'S DISE.ISE. in the Eiffel Tower, and his voice ney Pills will cure Bright's Dis- could be distinctly heard at Mar- ease or any other disease of the seines, more than 500 miles awuy. Kidneys. He knows it front his own Many of the ships of the United States navy aro equipped with his ap aratus, enabling the officers to experience. Hear what he says: "For over four years I was trou- bled with Backacnc, Rheumatism talk easily at a distance of forty and lack of ambition, and niy urine miles, and the inventor claims that was of a dark unnatural color. I he has invented machines by which was attended by three doctors who ships can talk to one another over did the no geed. The last ono told a distance of seventy miles. me it was only a. waste of money to An even more amazing invention, try anything else as I could not live more than a year at the out- side. "At the verge of death I decided to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. I used eighteen boxes and to -day my Rheumatism, Backache and Headache are gone. My urine is like that of a child. 1 feel I own my life to Dodd's Kidney Pills." Postmaster Coto had all the symptoms of Bright's Disease. The doctors evidently knew ho had Bright's Disease—the most deadly form of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. They will cure any form of Kidney disease. THE DIFFEIIENCE. Little Willie—"Say, pn, what is the difference between a village and a hamlet'!" Pa—"In avillage, my son, a shop is called a store, and in a hamlet a store, is called an em- porium." At a certain t•rinl, Quevedo, from a transmission station on a flat roof debility, with great benefit so I de- of the Maritime Club. Bilbao, con- cided to again try them. I sent for trolled the movements of a vessel half dozen boxes and began to use in the harbor. All sorts of evolu- thcm nt once. When taking the tions were executed by the craft second box I began to feel quite a under the controlling influence of change in my condition. I was the inventor. able to walk about the house and Even this is not the end of wire - any appetite was improving. From less wonders, however, for during that, on I gained strength every the past year 1)r. Hans Knudsen, day, and before the six boxes were a young Danish engineer, resident done I was able to return to the in London, has been demonstrating office and attend to my work. Now how photographs. drawings, and 1 enjoy the best of health, and al- handwriting can be transmitted though 63 years old, am feeling through space without the aid of quite young. I think Dr. Wil- wires. By moans of d{nudsen's llama' Pink Pills a splendid medi- transmitters and receivers, it is not cine for troubles of this kind." at all improbable that in the near Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a future we shall bo able, by means blood -making, nerve -restoring ton- of a special typewriter, to take a fc. In this way they cure anaemia, simultaneous copy in London of a A Woman's Sympathy indigestion. rheumatism, neural- letter dictated, say, in Manches- Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's gia, St. Vitus dance, and partial ter or Liverpool. bei a heavy financial load? Is your pain paralysis. They are the best me- Furthermore, by a certain change ansa meuny toads ucra a womenoITy,ani BINDS OF A FEATHER. Two little youngsters shambled penitently into the class room long after the school had opened for the morning session. "Boys, come to my desk inunedi- ately," said the teacher. The meek little lads walked to the teacher's desk and stook look- ing helplessly at their feet. "Tummy, why are you late this morning?" asked the teacher. "I .•rslept myself, ma'am," be- gan Tommy. "You see, teacher, I dreamed I was going to take a rail- road trip. I just got to the station when I woke up an' found it was 'way past school time." "Freddy, why are you late?" in- quired the teacher, turning to the other boy. "Please, rna'nin," replied the trembling Freddy. "I went to the station to see Tommy off!" Repeat it:—' Shiloh's Ourta will always cure my coughs and Colds." AS THE TWIG IS BENT. "I hope you were a good little boy while at your aunt's, and didn't tell any stories," said his mother. "Only the one you put ole up to ma," replied her young hopeful. "Why, what do you mean, child?" "When she asked mo if I'd like to have a second piece of cake, I said, No, thank you; I've had enough.' " divine in the world for the ailments of mechanism, not only could such Leen mdiyscosr�•aged. too; but learnedyhow to ! Only those who have had experi- of girlhood and womanhood. Sold a letter be simultaneously copied, i a s. Why n t e d theins nownndotli0p the .encs can tell the torture corns by medicine dealers or by mail at but it could be set in type ready! dor-tor•s bill? I can do this for you and cause. Pain with your boots on, 80 cents a box or six boxes for for printing. ' That, at any rate, w1i11)li t o0U will io sus io �rrlte for a tree pain with them off—pain night and $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medi- will be one of the principal features box of the remedy which has been placed; day, but relief is sure to those who Cine Co., Brockville, Ont. of a demonstration which the in-; lhls ono box will cure youalt hasitlono eo i 11Se Holloway's Corn Cure, shortly venter hopes to give in this country for others. It so, I .ban be happy and! --- •b ou will be curod for c (the cost of a stage stamp). Your letters held conn Some of the olive trots in Tur- d, Fu Write to -ea y for my free treat- key are held to be over 1,000 years Just the Thing That's Wanted.— moat. MRS. F. E CUIUU.1i, Windsor. Ont.' — old. -- A pill that acts upon the stomach "Yez know Casey, the cuntrac- I No l.a.oaabt. Man aspects to etre aneg [eared and yet is so compounded that cer- tor 7" "Oi do." "Is he what ye'd 1 cold to a day. Rut time and Allen', EataaIn 1 will otercome the cold and slam. o consumption. tain ingredients of it preserve their call reliable?" "He is the most Cough will cease and lungs be sound as a new power and net upon the intestinal reliable man Oi iver knew. Whin.'dollar. canals, so as to clear them of ex -'ever he tells yez anything ye can In France physicians and chem creta the retention of which can- depind on its not being so !" not but be hurtful, was long looked ists cannot collect their bills if they for by the Medical profession. It e. sura ouM �eet the kind you neve atwsye n•a. allow them to stand over two years. was found in Parmelee's Vegetable ,.ah nrRia.>�te., r thingP ti leo iier 'Miia onlyalilf Pills, which are the result of much Last. R Lawrence Oom,paay. Tis 1Vcll to Know a Good Thing. expert study, and are scientifically — — prepared as a. laxative and an al -1 .1 philosopher is a man who can ternative in one. I eat mush and fancy it is ice cream. a CONTRAST WITH RUSSIA. Turkish Revolution Produces Dif- ferent Results. 'jtancis McCullagh, special corre- hpondent of the London Daily News, sends this interesting coin- - ment from Constantinople : "In this matter of a re -awakening, or, rather, a creation of a. national self-consciousness, the Turkish re- volution has produced results curi- ously different from those produced by the recent revolution in Rus- sia. Some days ago a tremendous eonsation was crested among all classes of the population here when some drunken foreigners pulled down the Turkish flag, and great i enthusiasts is always csuscd by the playing of the national anthem. "In St. Petersburg, un the con- trary. the Russian ling was detest- ed by the revolutionists, and so strong was the prejudice against the national hymn that, after an officer had shot a student dead for refusing to stand up when it was A racehorse galloping at full Rep-nt tt.— "Bhtloh's Cure twill always speed clears from 20 feet to 24 feet cure my coughs and colds." with each stride. The Suez Canal coat nearly $123,- Repeat it;—'3:rtloh'a cure will alt, aye �, to construct. cure my nought' and colds." There is no medicine on the mar - Cloves come seralargely from ket that can compare with Bickle's Zanzibar, where the frons thrive re- Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel- markably well, ling froni the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suieido to neg-good, honest butcher, and then Pnrmelec's Vegetably Pills aro lett your cold. Try the cheap ex- � stand by him." Mrs. Prentice— played in one of the leading restate co,,,imp...., ouitcled for use in any climate, pariment of ridding yourself of it "You mean that you give hint all rants of St. Petersburg, the chiefof /dice forbade the playing of it ,,4he;n I,.. found Is; „ nenanerr. r� using Biekle b Syrup, which is your custom?" Mrs. Bywell—''No; I mean that i stand by him while he is cutting the meat. A Cure for Fever and Ague.— said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Know - well, when they metin the street. "Why, where have you been for a week back ?" "Oh, just down to the store for a bottle of I)r. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil," and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a weak back there was another customer for Eclectric Oil. • Mrs. Prentice—"How do you manage to have such delicious beef?" Mrs. Itywell--"I select a Ile likely to cause trouble. I "The explanation is, of course, that Abdul•llalnid has himself he- roine a revolutionist, whilst Nicho- las II. was always an enemy of tefut nt," ;s "Pc see believe man is made of dust. qtr. Snip 1" "Not all of thein." snid the tailor. "lust al- ta%t: settles, and I know men who i 04-C +.'")+0+0+C +0+0+0+0+ A MOTHER'S AID IN THE NURSERY. Every mother should he able to treat the minor ail- ments of her little ones. Prompt action may prevent their powers in ady latitude. In o simple remedy, easily taken, and fever and ague they act upon the once used it will always be prized secretions and neutralize the poi- its n sovereign medicine. sun which has found its way into It is estimated that 20,000,000 the blood. They currentim boys and girls are attending Sun - purities which find entrance into da school throughout the world. the system through drinking water 3 g or food and if used ns a preventive fevers are avoided. we Must Co from heated rooms to the eysld outer air, and the thanes sets ns cathing. Cur. dng winter c+.lds is n.t hard U you take Allen's Sometimes a de itfnl womanrc- Lang nat.am. A neglected *010 le troublesome P anddanjerous, tends to be happy ellen site is. Trish Teacher of Elocution — Mates to the gene? A tenspponnful of Pate. "Now. Mr. Brown, do be more killer In a cup et h..t water sweetened will warm ,ir• •d I Junopen yon and avert a cold. Avoid •ubstltntes. Ther. is ) Leyour mouth but aM "Painkiller •'—PerryDavis'—!Stand :.00. and throw yourself into it." SOME BIG NUGGETS. itepeatit:-•Rhlloh'sOnrewill always Poseidon, the newest Australian cure my coughs and colds." goldfield, is producing some re- Could anything exceed the polite- Inarkahle nuggets. One, shaped ness of the Irish cabby 1 An old exactly like a cricket ball, was re- Indy Gaited fur n cab, and said to scrim's illness—perhaps rave eently found there lying on the sur- the driver: --"Help me to get in. a Child's illness—perhaps A simple re- Y face. the finder at first mistaking my good tnan, for I'm a very old it for a mushroom. Arid now,from e medy always at band is lady, •you •sec. en .1, therefore an absolute Hetes- the same place comes news of a ma'am," was the reply, "no mat - City, and there is nothing nugget of 103 ounces closely re ter what age ye are, ye don't look citylse so good as Baby's leg sembling a nautilus shell. 1111s it." was found by an Irishman and on Tablet•. These Tablets the adjoining claim a Scotsman, promptly cure all stomach named Mackenzie almost Pistilli - and b••vrel troubles. break up tnneously impaled a 38 ounce nug- colds. cure simple (eters, ex- get on theoint of his + el worms and innke teeth- p pick. Fur - 1 ing easy. Good for the new thermore, n boy driving a baker's ohorn baby or the well grown cart over the Poseidon field saw child, and gnnranteel to eon- the gleam of geld in the grass. Ile got down and picked up a nice lit- tela no opiate. Mrs. L. W. Ho nugget of 4 ounces. Smith, St. Giles, (tie.. says:— * i have used aby•s Own Tablets for constipation and �pq et her ills of childhood. and find them the best medicine i have ever given my little \."v Dov (rather inquisitive) — "11 -,pat diel the other lad leave for, sir ," Master—"For having defec- tive eyesight et times, my boy." ones." Sold by medicire deo- New Iloy—"Why, sir, I have seen lers or by mail at 23 cents a o him sine. :Apparently, then, his box from The Dr. Williams' ♦ c! r i 'ht ens all right. It seems Medicine roe Brock'.ille, + is tin:'s uri--a•, Fir." \tooter — e "\V ", ms 1.,v. nt various times Ont. p 11 l..••) takiee me•ncy from custom- wee•1oie-.c t oezet. +e+•Dae fee a rs tn' r-ou:d nut ace the till." TN ISSUE N0. 5-09. It.1W1:\'4 1ER.1LDS 01' WOE. liapt.huri; Royal Family fear Ap- proach of Etil•oluenett lairds. Throughout the histury of the Hapsburg family of emperors, rav- eus have continually appeared to its members as heralds of woe. At the moment when Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria began, at 01- mutz, his troubled reign, a number of ravens flew over the town. It is told also that ellen the ill-fated Maximilliau was about to leave Eu- rope for his fatal imperial career in Mexico, a raven persisted in fol- lowing him and his wife as they strolled in a garden ; and that, on the afternoon before the Empress Elizabeth was assassinates' at Ge- neva, a raven swooped down upon her in the woods about 'l'erritet, and knocked a peach out of her hand. COAL NICHT FELL ON HIM. Couldn't Walk for Two Months. Worker Owes 191. Restoration to Zrnu.Iesk. Mr. Daniel Goddard, of Ba Street, Sault Ste Marie, Ont., sa) s :—" While employed supainteaading the uale.diag of a coal vessel et Cohen's Coal Dock, a heavy coal bucket in daosedieg into the vessel to be r.Mlisd mud• dimly vertu:sed, Easing my left leg and scraping the &.h off to tke bene. 1 was compelled to discontinue work and go home for treatment, where 1 was confined for about two months. "When able to get ort again I got cold in the wound, iu,flamraauon stated, the wound opened again. and for another month I was usable to move about. I tried all manner of thiee to get ease and get the woend to heal up but nothing termed able to do it. Not only did everything 1 tried seem aseless to far as heaiiag went, but I could get no ens. from the aching ■nd the burning pains. At times I was lust about crazy with the intense throbbing pains, and night after night got no wlutevsr, Not until my wife began applying Zara -auk dad 1 find read. When applied to tlee injured member tris balm quickly soothed the pain, sad as we continued using it each day brought an improvement. The throb- bing pains were soon banished, the iopamma• tion and soreness relieved, and the wound thoroughly cleansed of all poisonous and un- healthy tnattee. •' Healing then began, and in a wonder- fully short time—considering the seriousness pf the wound—Zam•Buk effected a complete sad luting cure. 1 have 'lace had no trouble with the limb at all, and it is as sound and strong as before the injury." Zam•Buk is a sure cure for cuts, lacerations burns, eczema, ring• worm, cold- sores, chapped petuoned wounds, festering sores, bad kg, and all skin injuria and diseases. It is also a cure for piles• Drug(gist, and stores everywhere sell at 5oc. • bus, dr post Gee from Zam•Buk Co., To:coto, on receipt o1 price. You are warned against harmful emitatwuts sometimes represented as "just az good and cheaper." 4._ Norway is the most sober country in the world. Its laws against drunkenness are very stringent. One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectually ex- pels wortns and gives health in a marvellous manner to the -iititle one. The enal output of Japan is now 11,500,000 tons a year. Repeat it:—"Bhtloh's Cure will always ours my coughs and colds." THERMOS BOTTLI1 trr,•etnity (or every n..,,•r, 14 :uer, Baby. AlecJhu,,. !•tins, Fernier. fluutr.. Fr,l,erauu, eery body. Keeps contents HOT 11 HOURS OR ICE COLD 3 DAYS v„c}a,ul1 rc..r1:. PRItittT AQEOTS oaks big issue). fount (lames. \\:;,r .:e Late no ince. \fate ,..: parti,ula e Casadlas Themes bottle C.. Linked, Moalrsel. The copper production of the world amounted to 713,000 tons l: -t year. Of this, the I'nited Stat. s supplied 421,000 tons. Repeat It: "ehtloh'e Cure will nlwnys cure my coughs and cslds.” Fifty poen 1s of ivory is the aver- age yield of one elephant. CALVESRalsa Hiroo wiet 6'tn.h.t "I"k,1n4' Steele Daggs Meed Ce.. Ltd.. Termite A. J. PATTISON & CO.' 33.35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stook Brokers & Finanolal Agents and other stooks bought and sold on commtssl.. Oorr.apoadeao.limited. Orders may be wired ail ow swam 150 OLD TIME SONGS Nods and Music Complete. Ito COMIC RECITATIONS. THE PRACTICAL POULTRY KEEPER, to cents each or 3 for 25 cents, post paid, and our Catalogue ofdoo Book Bargains FREE. The 0. SMITH 00., Ospt. 0, Or1111a, Ont. • R.426.Z7(r I"TTR,3w Shipments to is. this ye.r, to fiat.• a'!n;,st double last year. 1.11Kltti S A RKA' ON Over two hundred trappers end eftppeva who had previously shim elsewhere have Leen adde:l 1' oar il,t. V. II\' NOT Tout We ps boot prices, snipping oxpeeses and remit casts same day. Price 1t.t ou application. A. & E. PIEROE & CO., 607 sr. T'AL'L ST., • MONTREAL QUEER I L CITY WATER WHITE Gives Perfect Light. Ia FOR SALE BY Nearly all the world's asbestos DEALERS EVERYWHERE. is ruined in (*tirade. RAW RS andHID • , - -...`fir. Writs for Weekly Price Lists. Shipments Solicited. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, ONT. .e ;t .. .e USED IN Leading Cooservatoniei, Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of dietmctive merit is appreciated. The Berl is the only piano with the Illimitable Repeatelg Action. • Just as You Insure Your Buildings The Iota nt a stallion represents a certain capital. the reimbursement of which comes in handy to replace the last animal whether death be due to accident or disease. On ra) ment of a small premium our Company will in.i re your Stallion. a• well as ,,our Horses, firrec. Colts, FIIliee, Bulls, Cows, Calves. Hogs and Sheep against dcat!i by nc. Iden• nr cti.ease. Ceoklet sent free on demand, Agent• wanted in unrepresented districts her resides a t eterin.if v surgeon f1/44of NINAL ANIMALS INSURANCE se. .t Oansfs 1+e;.: :1. few lora ISie lt.iitdi.,g, Montreal Send fur (frro Catalogue No. 75. It3LLL: PIANO®OraenCo.. Umil.d GUL'LPH,ONTARIO. os HOTEL TRAYMORE ON 711E OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ti t...5 ie1 CHARLES G. MARQUETTE, TRAVMOfft: 11Ort:1. CO.-IPANY, Manager. V. S. WIli1E, P:eaidetnt. —,—.._..IMEL trmurr • • 1 A resin!! rant ten -rusty Sr..prerot addltloa 1s Jill hetn- e-rnp!ste.l. te(king 1',1s tar—as bestelry the newest aid taunt opt •dale of Atlantic t..17 11 dills. A .,sco !oat,, . w lee anasaa dee • f the bed rooms, a•.ragisg .s feet Svey rout etina.. aods ma Vow, hath attacheI with •es a',i f e.h wets? (•i.eral. glglassIr. every chamber tem:veat7rei rejnlat,J by r6.:rn..Jarlt the I.ts.t Aevelo r•.v it se Hoare heating. 1. b :. •n. is *very rose. Wif prig Mier. cep set; a Write for IllsotratsJ