HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 5J ASK ?ON , (LONDON) India Pale Ale Brewed from se- lected hops, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt's A'e is equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. WHY not trade that organ of yours on a piano At the present we can handle a number of second hand organs and are therefore prepared to allow you agood price for it. We don't ask you one dollar more for the piano than your neighbhr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT RIGHT 111 Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn Books, Bibles, Stationery. &c 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. =Were -.... Sze#ex atworate EXETER - - ONTARIO *1.o0 it paid in advance, 61.60 a year it not so paid. To Ostitea Staten SabscriMrs61.6O INay a Year Strictly ist Aaysface. SANDERS a CREECH, Publishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. r� Tho groat Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1, 111; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger ; No. 3, for special cases, per box. Bold by all dr te, or sent prepaidon rocs pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address Tre COOK VEO,OiN1CO-TOGONTO.OUT. (formerly Windsor, This school stands In the forefront as the largest and best practical training school in Western Ontario. We hare three departments; Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, All departments are in charge of experienced instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good position's. Students are entering every week. Write for our free catalogueat once. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN Principals. Ross' Furs Manufacturer and Retailer - OF - Reliable Furs Our businessrinci le p p s DEMAND ORB PRiCS) no misrepresentatoe to sell goods, and no recom• mendation of unreliable garments Ws meet all competition by our practical knowledge and perfect equipment. We pro• tect our patrons before and after the boli• days bo giving reliable garments and hon• est value. We Have No Annual Fur Sale Blue Lynx Black Lynx Isabella Fox Natural Canadian Mink Alaska Sable Persian Lamb Astrachan Jackets Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats sets 4 4 0 4 $30.00 and $50.00 55.00 18.00 to 50.00 50.00 to 200.00 23.00 to 38.00 20.00 to 50.00 18.00 to 35.00 25.00 to 8.5,00 Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. Don't Accept Cheap Substitutes when you ask for JeII-O THE DAINTY DESSERT or you'll be disappointed STf i ISTICS IN MEDICINE, OLD REMEDIES RETAIN THEIR POPULARITY Investigations of French Physicians Show that Large Production of Synthetic Medicines is Not Crowding Out the Old Favorites. A late despatch from Paris says: Prof. Gritubert presented a notable paper before the Academy of Medi- cine .•n thet,ti cutis tendencies in the last ten years. ltaatng his figures on medicines furnished to no large asylums and hospital, by the State Pharmacy, he finds that the old- fashioned torch( ries retain their popularity. An expert authority on being inter. hewed states that the tendencies of the medical profession in Canada are along exactly the stone lines. Ile gives the following old-fashioned vegetable mixture as the safest and hest treatment for all stomach and liver troiblcs, constipation. disorder of the kidneys and bladder, and states that many of the leading physicians use these ingredients in some form, often by some fancy and expensive name --- Fluid Extract Cascara '4 oz. Syrup Rhubarb t or. Carrtana Crnp••und t or. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla S or. Take one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. This acts in a pleasant way, and is free from the bad effects of strong purgatives aid svntheti, s. VVc advise all our readers to cut this valuable formula nut and use it. Any drugg :an supply these ingredi- ents at a small expense. You cal mix them at Lome if you prefer. SAINTSBURY Mr. arid Sire. Frank Dagg of liill•trney. Man.. are visiting rcl..tlees in Ude neighborhood.-hlat,k 1Vashburn of Ar- thur hate returned after a visit hcre.- \tlea Minnie Davie has been 111 of pl.u- ,lay for Fume time. She is recovering •;ircly.-Ilei many frir.,da will be pieties - i -,1 to know that uIe le recovering. -Mrs. wen. Derham. who has been on the oleic ,!;rt for the pail two months. is slowly 'ccovering.-Dat,. Macdonald of London Spent a fe•,v days at his Lome nere the past wee:c.-Lorne W. Derham has re - 'mead from Toronto where he has ee- used a good position with Vie C. .1' 1t. Company. and he will rnovc to Toronto in the course of a few rnunthe.-\V m. Lewis of McGillivray spent Su•tday ev- ening ni the reildcnce of T. Ns. Ucr:ant. -Jetties Tu: ut r spent last Sunday ev'g In the vicinity of Lucas. -Messrs. John and Archie :.Ltcdu.iald of London spent eu day at their Lorne here. i',erlor So i..1. St i'atrick's' Churah,- The W. A. of St. Patrick's Church On the eighteenth of February will hold at }Ire. Pion. ifu• ter'• !nonce .1 Social bright and airy. end oh that night we'll have a pie, Jack llorner'e It will e,,uai ; so It you wish a 'plum" to buy ire warted -and bring the "needful" Now every friend who reads this rhyme Just coni in kindly spirt, ro share with u,, this Jelly limo. learn Surely rot regret' It. Hood things to Isar-goc.1 bungs to cat In plenty arc provided. Conte early. you may tiles a seat For ever)cne's ir.vitrd. Thursday evening, Feorutry 18, lei.). Admission 15 eta. Il.\ V TOWNSHIP Death. -\t err residence. 2nd con. of Ii:,y. Mts. C't.iries Jtteen died Ince a Itngccing lilneam of one year. Decea:acd was born nn the. 1iu.eri elardiarmtd faint Stanley and was t her Lath year. - had been :narrlrJ sou, years and tits u •hated and a year-old rend Survives. r .c funeral took p,acr to liensall ceme- tery en Friday last. M ct1L.l.1VRAY At Canicror'a 51d1 tg th.• drain o•' urs of er an Allies* of ore: a year of Jane Johneto,t. wife of 1V n. Graiiat,e. at the :age of ;5 years. Tiorty years ago they tete to M Glllivray to reside. ret.ring 't net feria lift a fr es y; ire ago. I! i• .F4(.1.4 lir '.usbar;d 1:1rtc ehillr,:n are le' .-Mrs. st F'. Parslnson, of South 1•. :•'.t81t , .Mrs. E. Fleming, on 't • ofd • o.nrstead in MrJlllivray, and 1.sa Jt This woman says that Lydia T« Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound cured her after everything else had failed. Mrs. W. Barrett, 602 Moreau St., :Montreal, writes to Mrs. J'inkhanl: " For years I was a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite every remedy given me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse instead of better. I was fast failing in health, and I was completely diseouraged. "One day a friend advised me to try Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegetable Com- pound. I did so, and am thankful to say that it cure:l the female weakness, malting Inc strong and well. " Every wow:tn who suffers from fe- r:xae troubles should try Lydia E. Pink - haul's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - haul's Vegetable Compound, made fro;n roots and herbs, has been the stall:lard remedy for female ills l has positively ctn'cd thousands of • •':nen who have liven troubled with :i:i)i,icements, inflammation, ulcera - fibroid tumors, irregularities, .11)dic pains, backache, that bear - flatulency, )3,dizzinessor ear- flatulency,):t,dizzines.or nervous prostration. don't you try it ? l rti. l'itiklt;itnl invites all sick • ales to t: r ite Iter for advice. Itai., guided thousands to health. Address, Lyrrn, Mass. IIENSALL The young people of St. Paul's church are busily engaged preparing an excel- lent and vaned program of songs, dia- logues, tableaux, etc., for their concert to he held in McDonell'e Opera House on Friday evening of this week, Feb. 5. Mrs. Cai. Newell has recovered some- what from her recent Illness.-A;)nlver- eary services were held In the Billeg:een l'rrshyterian church on Sunday last, Rev. MeL. Smith preaching morning and e vening. .A tea-rneetlug was held on Monday evening, -Mrs. Coaett, Sr., of Ilillegrecn has bought M. Ellwood's re- sidence for which She paid $1400.-A smith arid family w I: rnovc into Mrs. Mu't'e residence el.ortly. ZURICH Mrs. Philip Bauch was at Berlet last week attended the funeral of her son-in- law. Mr. J. K Wing. -Wm. Thiel has bought Mrs. Llvingood's dwelling oppoa- Ite the Evangelical parsonage. -Rev, A. D. Glrc filer began a series of evangelle- tic meetings on Wednesday evening, -An- drew Mlttelho'.tz has purchased the dwel- Ilrig on the Zurich Road East from II. 1". \Vicecloh for $1J5)).-Jo:.n Deichcrt uulcrwcnt an operation for rupture at Clinton Hospital last week. We arc glad to hear that the operation was a suc- cess. -After an Inness extending over conte years the eoungcat eon of Mr. II. l'Icisc"auer dice tact Monday at the age of 16 years. --The death of Mr. Wing took place at I''cr1in on. Jan _4th, the stenmons coming suildcnfy when the tarn Ily were about to rcli,-c. The w,ctaw,tfc .1 tu3hter of the late 1'. Moritz, and '!rrce children are let: to mourn the I04a The deceased was formerly a merchant here, occupy'ig the Wore now used by J. J. Merrier. -An cid pioneer of tide suety passed away at Drysdale In the person of James Pollo^k aged 85 years. Deceased was born In Ireland and carte to Canada tit the age of nlr,c years, re- siding for tett yearn. In Lower Canada, then moving to Stanley and laver to Ilae where ;,ie wife died three years ago. THAMES ROAD Tate Thant a Road Presbyterian anni- versary and tea -meeting aro to be held ;tent Sunday and Mo:•d,ty. Pee. Nc11 M. Leckie of Londeshoro will occupy the pulpit on Sunday. The supper on Mon- day will be nerved from 3.30 to 8 p.m. atter which addressees will be delivered by Mr. 11...e( IOC cad Iraidertt ministers.- YOU niniaters.YOU CAN CURT. CATARRH. 3. 11. Taylor, 51 itond St., Toronto, Breathed 11yoir1 and Cured a Long s:tand:lig Case of Ct.tonic Catarrh that Defied All Other Remedies, Also To- ronto and Neve York Specialists. \Vithout taking a drop of medicine In- to the atontach, J. Ii. Taylor, 54 Mond Sheet, Toronto, tells how the distress- ing troubles of catarrh were overcome by simply Inhaling 1tyo:nei air. It's the history of tens of tioueandm senile!. .secs on record, proving that ilyomel rant be depended upon to cure catarrh. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and croup. it has no equil for any distress of the. breathing organa. Mr. Taylor says; "Some years ago while on a hunting trip in Northern Catt- alo. i contracted a severe roll that settled in my head aril finally affected my throat. It rapidly developed Into cat- arrh and reused a miserable throat weeknease My head would become tlog- ,t.'.1 during the night and there was a catarrhal dropping from the nose Into the throat. Many day. 1 had been tie - Abe) t- ab'• to breathe 01 lir than thruu;h my ntou'h. and the constant hawking and e pltting was almost unbearable. 1 hail been treated by the best threat ep''- t.tliste here and in New York. but not'e- ing benefitted my co Attlee). I gleait:- ei llvonxl at W. N. Coles and moon found relief, the throat dropping ceased end my heal began to clear. i ronti ru- ed with 11)otnel for sit weeks and aft'r that time 1 was well in every do:ail. There has twee no rcturc of the trouble shire. and 1 fee; grateful In epeakh g well of Iiyomei. 4. It cured nae when .til else tailed." GRAND REND Wilbur Dewey, who has been visiting In Munroe the last month, returned to his home Monday.-Syrus Green was In Parkhill Thursday. -So ateo were Ed. G1I1 and !Weisel' \Vilson.-Mrs. F. lice Is on tate aloe list. Report of Grand Bend School for Jan- uary. -Sr. 1V., Jennie Dlsjardlne, Glad- ys Patterson, George Oliver, Viola Tied- entan, Theodore llse. Sr. HI.. Sametl Carrlere, Maurine Ravette, Gladys DI. - Jardine. Ivan Green, Russell Mollard. .lr. 111., Florence Gilt, Myttle Revelle, Erna Feltz, Veda Fritz, Dolly Dewey, Elton Green, Itichard 011vcr,John Lovle. Sr. II., Susie Dlejardine, David Baird, Francis Dewey, %Welland Itavclle, Part IL, Itose Wilson, Mabel Down, Willie Williams, Luella Green, Maurice Tiede - man. Ncleon Staiten, Marguerite Car- rlere, Alice Funnel, Gorden Tiedeman, Leonard llavclle, Arthur Page, Arnold Itaaelle, Part I., Hazel Fritz, Freeman Clark, Beattie Di.Jardinc, J eonard Pat- terson, Jane Baird, Fantle Baird, Jos- ephine Allister. M. Macauley, Teacher (Too late for last week.) Reuben 'Wilson la all smiles over the arrival of a boy. -Wit. Moilard still tontir.uea lift -Mr. and Mra. A. Patter- son wero In Parkhill on Mondale-J013. llavclle and R. fella were in Stratford a few days last week. -The 1nfa:tt child of Mr. Andrew Turnbull died of Mot:dey it being only three weeks old and lied never been well. The remains were laid to rest here \Vedicbday.•-Mr. Ware 011 - ver le under the doctor's care. -A num- ber of our realdent3 are regretting the loss of their doge, a dog poieoner being at work. LUMLEY. little daughter has arrived to en- liven the borne of Gordons Bolton. -Miss Jean llorion left on Tuesday for Vic- toria hospital, London, to train for a nurse. 'We relish her success In her un- dertaki ng. -Mr. and Mtgs. J. A. Bolton chatter -thud a few fric;tds to euchre on Thursday evening. -Mrs. Philip Rick- man of ilensall was the guest of her 14011 Grant and family for a few days. - Miss Cora Wenner had a quilting bee on Wednesday afternoot:.-Jack (Penn spent Su•tday with friends at Sunshine - R. Mutter, assessor, made. !iia tour through here on Monday. -Jas. Wilson of Montana vlsited at Noah llorton'a first of the week. GOSHEN LINE henry Smith spent a few dais in London leer. week. -:•ilea Jennie Year- ley is spending two wcek-r in London andd Strathroy.-Sinton Mlttle:tollz has gone to Detroit after spending a couple of months in ti,e ncignborhood-Thontaa Mawhlniey and John Flnkbetacr had ,u-cessful wood -lees fast week.-tilar- net and Elgin Anty spent Sunday at 'XIl;lant \fawltinney'a.-Arthur Amy has been helping Elmer Lawson at lite wood cutting. -\Ilea tllinic aherritt spent Sunday at her home west of Shtpk.i.-A surprise pally had a pleasant time the other night at John William's. School Reports The following is the correct report of pupils at S. 5. No. 1, Stephen, for Jan- u.iry.-Sr. IV., Flossie Davey, Joseph Davis. Robert White, Anthony Wnite, Ella Baker, Clara Jacob. iiI , Rhea McCurdy Ella Anderson. Madeline Ilalot Carrie Davey, Irene Mr Curdy, Mabel Elliott, Murvan Calltae, Ethel Bowden, Hubert Nell, Everett Centres, Oliver Davis, Willie Ilaker. IL, Milton Jacob, Arthur Robinson. Ebner \Vilson. Willa Smith. Viola Neil, Muriel lioggarth. 11 Part„ Leonard Ilatat, Erwin Jacob, Jae. White, Edna Bowden, John \Vhitington. 1't. I., Cooper McCurdy. E. J. Muswell, Teacher. Tne following le a correct report of S. N. No. ;1, Stephen, for the mouth of Jan. Sr. IV. -W. Sitapton E. Shapto:t, J. Hogarth. Jr. it'. -C. I'.arioni, V. Iio- g.trth. J. Willie, Etta \Veleu, A. Willis, A. t'reszc•ator, E. Boz, G. Hicks. 111.-M. Willis, It. Parsons. dr. iI.-L. Sanders, Triebncr, 0. :reatilake. Jr. iI-T. Wallis C. Tarso:,e, L. i1;ttdcre. Sr. 1't 11.-M. Triti ries• ltox, L. 11111, V. l'r.:ezcator Jr. Pt. i1. -C. Hamilton. O. tiandlt•m, C. Sanders, 1'. Sunders I't. 1.-A. Shep- ton, 11, Parsons, E. Prcezrator, E. Stan - lake. Win. L. Teichner. teacher. Ter following is the corrct t report of S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for Jan., the names being in order of nnerii-I V., A. C•erntsh, Ii. Schwartz, L. Mot lot k, A Ilrokcnshlre, C. Eilbcr, W. Schwartz, 0. Brown. G. Cornish, C. Brown, 11. Kraft, 0. Cornish E. Sct,rocdc•r, M. iirok'tast Ire, M. iilump Jr. iII.. 1. Falter, C. Arty L. Smith. E. ltoeeiler. Sr. ii.. J. Schwartz, ,T. Isrok- en.hlre, C. Morlock. E Cornish. E. Wein Jr. I1., C. Schroeder, 0. Cornish, A. C. Moriock. Pt. I1. M. Wilde, ll. I'resz- cater. l't. 1.. S. Cornish, M. ""c'1". E. Eilbcr, I. 1i. Armstrong. teacher.) The following is the report of S. S. No. 5, Usborne, for January. V. - Hazel llissett. Mr. IV.- Elva Ford, Willie Kernick, Vera Moodie. Sr. 111 Alda Westlake. Jr. I1. -Maggie Mon. die. Pt. 1I. -Ferrol Higgine,Orbv Kee• tle. i. -Gordon Perkins. Chas. Prout, Mervin Dayman. Miss Robinson, teacher. The following is the report of 8. 8. No. 1:4, Hay, for January. Nantes in order of merit: Jr. I V. -Horace Pfaff, Norman Ford. 8r. I11. -Grant Hoo- per. Edith Carrick, Annie Green. Jr. 111.-- Emlie Smith. Sr. 11. --Elena Stacey. Jr. 11. -Clarice Hooper, Wil- lie Hooper. Sr. Pt. II. --Alice Pfaff, Norman Carrick. Jr. i'art 1i, -Cora Ford. Sr i't. 1. -Alma hearing. Ethel Carrick, Mand McDonald. Slid. Part i.- Henry Green..Jr. I't. I. --Johnny Stacey. No on roll 21. average 11. M. Parsons, Teacher. Following is the repot t of the exana- ations of the school of 8. S. No. 11. Stephen, for January. Name. in or- der of merit: Sr. iV.---Amelia EngRe• land, Pearl Tetreau, Jr. IV. --Mabel Wild. Jr. ii1.-Frsnci. iwfond, Laura Stephen, ;Mueral Willert. Sr, i1.- Alhert Vincent, Ithynerd Stephen,Jos 1.afnnd, Emma Zeller. Jr. 11. -ire Tet retie, Olive Willett. fart iL-H. i.afnnd, Willie Stephen. Sr. Part 1.- Hertzel Wild, Heron Latrine!. Myrtle Willert. Jr. Part i. -Emma Tetreau. No. on atoll 19, average 18. E. H. K Eva. Teacher. WAItM AND U1tr TO STAY WELL. Now 1s the time whc:r the doctor gets busy. and the paint medicine manufac- turers reap the haricot. unless great care 1s taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry. Tit. is the advice of an old eminent authorliy, who says that Rheumatism and Kidney trouble weath- er Is here, and also tells what to do in case of an attack. Get trent any good prescription phar- macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dan- delion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three our:cts Compound Syrup Sarsapar- illa. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful atter meals and at bedi line. Just try this simple polite -made mix- ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting Just right. This is said to be a eplend:d ktdacy regul- ator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of ltheu.natistn, which is caused by uric acid in t'ie blood, which the kith Heys fall to filter out. Any one can eas- ily prepare this at home and at small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity, when shown the prescrlptlon, stated that they either supply these ingredients, or If our readers prefer tl•cy will compound the mixture for them. PARADOXES Sterne beat his wife and wrote most pathetically on a dead donkey. Johnson, who wae a perfect bean wrote admirably on politeness. An electric thrill in the grasp of her hand as you say "grao1 night" means at 1. :st 14 left at the florist's next day. 'Have you got a bargain is tickets le California? caked Stratton. "The clerk looked him over carefully and concluded that a hobo had dropped in to get out of the sun. " 'Not today. We may have one to. morrow.' " 'Well, you sell tickets to California, don't you!' " 'Certainly, lint we have no jolt lot on hand at preseut.' " 'How n.uch is a ticket to San Fran- sisco?' "Thr clerk told him. " 'Let rue tee. I shall have to take along several people -servants, you know. (.cess you bad butter give nee nine tickets.' "While the clerk was staring at him 6tratten was struck with a new idea. " 'By the way, how mach will a epe- tial car cost? I like to go as costfortubly as possible wheu 1 travel. Y t s, I guess I'll have a special cur. How touch will it cost?' "The risen told him. It was a large sum. " 'That's all right. Look here. I'm going to stay a month or six weeks, and I guess I'll sleep in the special. How much a oro will that coat?' Ile was told. 'All right. I'll take that car for six weeks. Got a blank alieel?' "Tho clerk gave him one. It ivas Riled out and handed to the clerk. who said: 'I know all about Mr. Etratrou, but I don't know tht;t you are Mr. btratt.?n.' "At that moment Ban'er !dut:ott passed by. Stratton calle-1 cut, 'Cane in hero, Moffett.' Ile calm. in. 'Art 1 Stratton?' 'You are.' 'I til t't fit Ft). 1:.:1 this t•herk had his doubts. The:.:-: y,.,.' " -Chicago Timet -Herald. Lucas Mrs. T. Toohey, ar., an old resident of Biddulph passed away Sttturd,.y at the boate of her son, Cornelius. of the 8th con. The funeral was held 'Tues- day to St. Patrick's cemetely.--Mrs. Hugh Toohey, who has been tin a few weeks' visit to friends in this 1 icinity, received a despatch Tuesdt,y calling her to Winnipeg owing to the critical condition of her husband, ss to. is con- fined at St. Boniface Hoapiti.l, having on Saturday undergone ell opt 1441l0n for appendicitis. He is a son of the late Mrs. Toohey and him ninny ft fends here sincerely hope for his rec.)wery.- Emerson L. Hodgins, M.R.C.S., .it nt- onstrator of anatomy of the 0, oat Lon- don Hospital, London, Eng.. and only son of Thomas Hodgins of tort 11, was married in St. Andrew's church, To- ronto, on Saturday to \Viitifr. it N: ar- nica, B.A., of Bravenhurst, ^r.,1 wdd' medalist from St. Michael's fl neral, Toronto, in 1004, where she gr'uturtted as a professional nurse. Kidneys Cured or Money Back There is no risk in buying GIN PILLS. They aro sold on a positive guarantee that they wi l l curo all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Pain in tho Back, etc. If, atter taking 6 boxes, you can hor.estly say that Gin Pills have not cued you, take the empty boxes to your dealer and ho will refund tho money. That shows how certain wo aro that Gin Pills will core yon. 50e. a box; 6 for 12.50. Sent on receipt of price it your dealer can't Supply you. Sa1 pefree DEPT. L-IIAT10NAL DRUG & CHEM. CO. LIMITED a �y mention this per. TORONTO 107 °ifs- Lew Co.. The Shine that Won't Come Ott "Black Knight Stove Polish Is an inspiration to the housewife -so willing to do its work and does it so well. F.asy to put on, and just a few rubs brings a brilliant 1 cosh, Yon should sec for yourself how good "Iflack Knight" really is. If your dealer does not handle It, semi its his tame and roc. for full sired can. RR O. f. DAILEY CO. LIMITED. BIMiLTfeN. Set IPA NERVOUS DEBILITY OVR Ewil NEW METHOD TREATMENT "(HI euro you and make a roan of Under its Influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified w that all pimples. blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become Strong as steel. w, that MOTTOuaneas, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes beeome bright. the taco full and clear. energy returns to the body, and the moral. physical and mental systems arelnvlgnrate,t; all drains cease -no more vital waste rem the system The various organs become natural and manly. You bel yourself n man and kr,.' mar- riage cannot boa failure. We Invite ell the afnictc'I to consult us c,ufldentiatiy and tree of charge. iton't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your haul earned dollars. is- NO NAMES USED WITRutT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter F. Summers, of Kalamazoo, Stich., relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. 1 lay It to indiscretion and excesses in early youth. 1 tee -rune very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. l imagined everyt.-ly who licked at nee guessed) my secret Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had tains In the back of my head. hands and feet were cold, tired In the morning. poor appetite. Angers were shaky, eyes blurred. hair loose. memnry poor, etc. Numbness In the fingers Act In and the doctor told me he feared paralysis I took all kinds of medicines and tried many flretclass Physicians, wore an electric belt for .•roar TNaaftsta� Shire months. went to Mt. Clemens, f' r AmpMINT laths, but received little benefit. W1 bile at'Mt. C1emene i was induce.' to COnsulf Des Kennedy R Kennedy, though 1 hub lost all faith indo'•turs IJke adrowning man 1 commenced the New Method Treatment and it saved my life. The Improvement was like magic- 1 could feel the vigor going through the nerves. 1 was coral mentally and physically 1 hase sent them many patients and will continue to do so " CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat satiety* VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES arid all Diseeees stealer to M.N. � ii ii'I lOF BOOKS FREE. U usable to call write fee a Qeeetiee Staab ee !kiss Treetspiret. DR8.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.