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Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 3
J. b NEW HOOSE OF COIDIONS Various Denominations Are Represented About the Same as Last Parliament tCONI)[NSLE) NI.WS ITEMS1[HE t,'ORLI'S HAPPENING' i'It011 AI,L OVER HE (,1A)1;E. Telegraphic Briefs From Onr O+sa Still Other C-ouutries of A di -patch hem Ottawa says: also includes one member who was lleelent Etente. .1 despatch front Ottawa. says :{ fund to be applied to flits gra,lttal born in bunter Anlerira. CAN�1ll.1, In connection with the proposed ! imPro\ crne'nt of existing condi- Ace analysis trf the personnel of thens. It is suggested by the I', r(rligi<,Ita the figures ars c+111_ 'rt:, •+ilte Feb.!•'t,2.-Flour-Ontario investigation of the Railway Coin - ally House of Commons with re al!) intarc�sfiu Z'he� 1 Mr. G. T. Rice, jeweller, drop u.11c,u/ !s) per cent. latents $3.7f► board that the Provincial reit! Fed - g : Roman C'a rpect to places of birth and relig- thulic.s are of exactly the same ;�s tied dead at Oriilia, ou Tuesday. ► t1 patents, • mission into the question of levet c.ral Gth t t ►e'nt�, „hid, charter_ $3. day in buyers' sacks rail - ions Rites the fr.plle\\irig interest- in the old House the figure in llarnilton Conned rt'fuscd to press outside ter export. Manitoba crossings with a vies to e`\'ul\ing ed the railways should out. of the ' the li�ensc� rt*du•_tiun by-law. flour first )stents $3.50 on track, a general line of poliey to afford public r•eventies assist the rail- ing figures:-- each ease being 70. The Presby- '1'►+e ,► enin of the Quebec Pro- 1 greater rotection to the public in eas, and the n►unici,alities to In the lase Parliament there reruns number 46> in the new vinci:tl I Legislature llas�beeu 1Pxt.�cl rot onto; second patents, $3.:30, t; P' i I House; last year they hat' 47. 1'he g,► grid strong bakers', $5.10 to $5.20. all pians of Canada, the commis- jointly },ear the expense of pro- Toronto 24;0 native -horn Canadians; in hlethucliet• Church is represented ler \l:lrch _ Wheat --Manitoba. wheat, 81.0:►!.: shin lease recommended to the tenting or eliminating entirely the the new House the native-born L 5t) in the new House, as agaiilr;t Tt,runtu military ►ne�,1 to in slew is ?t1.10 for So. 1 Northern and Government. the adoption of a level crossings. The whole qut•s- S' of the London conviction, may ``P- , 2 system analogous to that in force tion is now udder consideration uluribel• •201. 1 here are six Eng- 50 in the last Parliament, rhe t$1.06, to $l.t)7 for 1u. Nott}1 R , 1 g ply for club liquor licenses' ern, Georgian Bay putts. No. 1 in s,nle of the btutcs acres, ithe b\ tile• hiiuistt'r 1rf Rails►ays, but lisp born as compared with four in (hunch of England has 41' as The late :Mr. :1. W. Hooper 1ef1 „ hordAr. Phis systcnl, recugnl%he }sending the furthrf rept►rt of tht, tht• lel: L !tit old. Ireland sent four against t.'. The Baptixtsr i111'!1++!`1' l01tlif ! 11 $1.15 to $1.13,2 all rail, fifty thousand dollars t , t}►�� Mont- ,) that. the expense of eliminating all e01111ni8sioll rib to the result of the luny tr+ the House, but there ed Eight in the furl►cr Heu: c : i,1 real General Hospital. ;mu :Au. Northern at $1.12 to l t, are only two Habra Irishmen in this they 'mintier six. One :l ith- , $1.121-::, all rail. the dangerous level crossings i5 investigation now proposed, it is the new House. In each House tion to the religions is a Universa- '''''t'1:11 :1ne.•tstcr per,pll' hese. Wheat --Ontario 97''c outside,. more than the railssayR call btu cx unlikely that any ctflinite dtscis been bitten by a dog which, it is �� 1 )aerate ►r IUAdc to hear alone, • u iuu will I e reached Intl c Tllt edied the membership included three list. The Congregationalists are tOats Ontario No. 2 whin', 40'. I , t P= ' r ' Olen who were beim in the United two, the same as last Fear. :lad 'vareei, is Ilffected "11 "'les' to tie outside, and at 43 to 43;/c vides for u central Governmental in legislation. States, Scotland had three repro- there is one Lutheran and one Steve ine Milers at Hamilton'are On trac., Toronto; No. 2 Western said t , have refused t'► rlcc.'pt •5 �� �� r;entative:; in the last House; now Farringcdon Independent, just as retiunt�i'ru its, wage,,ami a strike (.snails oats, 45c lake ports, and and market firmer. The demand WORKING DAY �/ RRO�{ it has onl • two. The new House in the last House. No. I feet!, 421/,',e lake ports. for lK NG A u" K 3good hotelier cattle was rlc•tivP, is spok1•n of. It e-- Nu. 2 quoted at, 69 to 70c .. - , ---- - - -- - - - -- 1'a.ihi'1 t•ernei was lost on the c►utbide. 0and everything offering in this THIEVES BUSY D s I R.11 \ `3. TORONTO'S POPULATION. prairie in Saskatchewan, and drove ) class war soon picked up at. brut Itarley---No. 2 barley quoted at , . two day, in the• storm before ub- Y n prices. sheep and lainbs-Bettel. 5G to 57e outside; \o. 3 extra at demand for ewes and lamb~ mar - According 1;1'tltcert Buffalo and According to the Direett>•ry Esti- raining shelter., 51 to ti5:�, and \'u. .; At 5" to 83c.m. • &,lt,et at $6.40 Hamilton. Orate it is 365,923. The Ontario (,e:e'rnn;ent. ofhc•ial9 Buckwheat -56 to 56', ,2c outside. f.ot hfirand *6.65, A de.patch fret!, Niagara Falls, are surveying the tug nriitt of Vow- Peart ---No. 2 noted at SG to 87e fed and watered. P 1 dc:=l,:tte11 frt►r,i T�►rotlt0 sa • >;antla which ss ill tits withcirati\n9 Sternly demand fur butcher cost's. Out x:1)5: The Lehigh Valley and Toronto has nrr\t a. population et Pruni the f erc5t rte reserve. outside. Good export steers and bulls want- Teo Moms Allowed for feel Din - Grand l '1'r►inlc Railroadthe past detectives 365,923, according to tiro estimate' \i r. lackcnzie lCiil); bus 1pl , nt Corn -No. 2 American yellow, oil. :Milch curl's of good tinned~ in tier - Merits of Different have been busy for the Last set- elf the \iiy;ht Directories, Limited,. (d an interesting report on the 6. to 6ti,vc un track, Toronto, and depniund; conitnon not wanted. c•ral Weeks trying to ren down a Which has just issued its 1,O0 cell- + c'„tt�-►l► mills of (�uc•bec, in c\hir.tt No. 3 yellow at 67 to 6712c, Toron- Good veal calves steady, Establishments. gang •.t thieves who have been op- tion of the city directory. East,the question of child lab„r is a to. Canadians, 61,V, to Gac, Tu- _ , eratnn on the passenger trains of 1 Complaints are common in Her - these 1 R lurorltu and Deer Park which ront•o freight; feature. 7II1. 1JIHIR(,.i1t0\ A('7. lin, Germany, that the hours of these roads between Buffalo and were annexed to the city ion 1)e-: ll:. 1'. J. Chamberlain has heeii I;run- (;ars, $20.00 in hulk out- work are not, better arranged :end Hamilton. Su far, as has been term r 13 last, are .included in this: apl,t,illted !'ice !'resident and 0011 gide. SIi its, $2?.00 in boli: nut- Hon. Trunk Oliver ProposeR See- the more generally observed. Berlin, learned by the detectives, or at edition as part. of it. The map of stele, erttl it it is declared, has no business day le,;`1 oral Atana��1•l. of the Ur:►nd trunk t. from what they are wiling to the cit}• presented includes not onlyi !Pacific, succeeding her. '1l�,rse'. like tither capitals, and copse ue►►t tell, the gang is making; its ren- the recently annexed tolvn c►f East► ('01. \Tltl' PHUDL?CE. A despatch from Ottawa says: p 'R :1r1 atlp;e.nelit art; being !u ole. P }y no one eau fig: any rt nclezv•►uy <lcz\:�us in this city. The modus Toronto and the suburbs of Deer between the ('orperation of Sat+lt 1 , lc,s___`t'intor stuck $3.f►0 to Some important amendments to the where a considerable fix number of upc`:Inc1i of the gang is to board Park, but also all the intervening: tilt,. Marie and a company for vile l P immigration Act will be iuct,rpor par±. through the tram, size up the and surroundingsuburbs, the 1 i ;)arils in the $'1•°�il per barrel for good qualities, ate(' in a bill respecting immigi•u_ people are to be brought together. L actu-; • st;rrtinl, of large shipyards and at •$2 ,t, $a for cooking apples. tion, to he introduced in the Com- et The taus© of the trouble is the valise,. and then when they are resent volume contains, y ' P tus+tt• Beans --Prime $1.80 to $1.90, long hours and the frequent meals, Left unguarded when the train et count, 133,083 individual names ' The 11'«•nt«,►nth C'uunty C'ullncil, neons early this session by the Min- g nears a Station, the thief steps off 't and hand-picked, $1.90 to $:. per istor of the Interior. The Lill will large to. small, which break Otho P c'xcluoive, of firms, corporations... The to take no acti.dn on a let- busllc•l. business dray up. Business in Ger - the train with it and checks it at etc., an increase of 3,703 over the ter from the Inspector of Prisons provide for a consolidation and re - rotation. He may or may not• Honey -Combs, 82.25 to �s2. e3 per vision of tel© resent laws, as pass- 11'.a")' begins (surly, At ti o'clock, previous issue. The number of ; and Charities ordering the cr•u.tion dozen, and strained, 10,'.:� to 11c P ' even in the banks and other big offi- ces, the train, and perhaps t+,iildir,g3 cif all kinds in the cit~, of l comity house of refuge. ed from time to time, thus making make a second haul while making as shown by the street director • 1 : rte 1t Per pound. the act clearer and tuoro easy of cP�e but if so there is always a 3+ Jeehn R. Ila~ was se Ott e Hits ---No. 1 Lirlle►thy $11 to $11.- "rause'' of from a quartet. to half the ',ante trip. 'The detectives say 1s 61,9t•1, an increase of 4,593 over enforcement. It will Also provide 1 that the two companies have re . y Cuell►1t t , t\co ce:lr= iul})risoluncnt tiU per tun on track here, and low- of an hour at 11 or le er 1 for the 1 last, a car. Of these 3,035 are fur settin fire to the barn of Mrs. for a stricter supervision of imnu- K er grad:s at ey t,, $10 a tun. runts on arrival, both as regards enjosracnt of A thick sandwich and ceiccd a number of complaints re shown vacant, as compared with ilic(:uire, He pleaded in excuse Stra\c -$7 to $7.5u on track. g lass of beer or milk. Then comes rentl�', but the gang has ate clever- f)9:1 in the last edition. '1 lie e 1 -,ve t,_, the; \vi- medical inspection and to insure 13 1 that i had Orad_ Potatoes -60 to 6.''.:e per ha a -table time'' at 2 or 3 o'clock, ly carried on its operations that above 3,0m vacant buildings in- The ,.frit-! had Leen rejected. - , R' that all the regulations of the act the detection has thus far' been int- ► Poultry -Chickens, k0i15, clrt.bsed, ll to are bein obser\ed. One of the which Usually lasts for two full elude th+.+st in course of erection. tied :liaet111ey has ju,t Peer' ae•- g possible'. .i• c Neil of theft at Ile ilia. \!'lien laic per pound; fowl, loci clucks, most important cnanges now con hours, during \\ hick thousands of ! t 1 l•l to 13c; geese, 11 to 12e; turkeys template(' is the extension of the con - employes go borne by street car and -�`''' Ai:RI('l"1 ITRE A\D FORESTRY : he Was committed ter trial he vol- P et through a satisfyin hot local. TA11i':1•; GREAT ELEVATORS. unteered to ccotvey himse� 16 to 170 per pound. tiruo limit for deportation from two g gg if to court P M. C. C. James and Prof. Zavitz and, after P01r10 di8icutty, hunted THE DAIRY MARKETS. to three years. At present an inn- NOT CONDUCIVE T() WORK. Speak at ('ohourg. up a mounted P.►lieemau. to whom • migrant who l.ecornes a public 'The result in the majority of eas- he surrendered. Rutter -Pound Prints, 2.1 to 25c; charge within two years of arrival cs is that this indulgence is follew- 1 de,Latf•h from ('uoourR' says: fulls and large culls, 22 to 23c ; in- may be deported. It is now pro ed by a drowsiness that is an} thing \I ie C. C. Janne:, Deputy Minister _ ftsriur, •'e)^ : creamery rr1119, 27 to posed to increase the period of but good either f�►r the employe of .agriculture, and Prof. Zavitz, GREAT BRITAIN. 29e. an•.I solids, 26 to 27c. probation by one year. or his work, either ecen thnuie work is addressed the Counties Council 1'n Mrs. Carrie• Natiepn v. -as pelt_ct 1•:);gs-C'ase lots of cold storage, �._.. continued until 7 er ', u'cleck. In Wednesday. Mr. James gate an t\ ith eggs while le: i tering in.Can- t to 26c per dozen; picked. 24 to ,� addition n to the "table tinge" many able address. shoving the advent 26,, KILLED, 716 1\J1111D. a terbury, England. Mendes' night. 23c, and new laid 25 to 30e per employes also snatch a hasty bite highof tools. lK aKri Schoolr in the! Right lien. J�phn Sinclair, sec-i+keen. Victims of Lo(•omotite };>tplosiott�+ or cup of toffee aheut half -past 5. hiRlt schools. The Board, ; rttury fe r 's otlared in the British Cheese -1 'trge cheese, 13';c per members of the Collegiate Instiin Eve !'ear+. If every business concern were t'ubiuct, has been tsar t d i'� the pound, and twins, 13ic• eased~ to observe the same lute and public school staffs. diet peerage. A in front Washington ••i,au,e'' and "table times" it. p1 ase of Trade,nd others were )' • syndicate has been HOG PR011L1CT5. says: In response to a Senate re- «0111(1 net be so bac!, but as a rnat- 1 went. Prof.Pro Zavitz` An English }) " e f' O l rived upon; I forrucd ter extract radium from +.• solution, Chairman Kna ► , of the 13rtcon- Lang clear, 10;{ to l lc Knapp, • tel. of fact Berlin has not reached the advantages t 1 itchblend deposits of an old ('or- er pound in case lets: mess pork, Inter State Commerce ('omnis this stage trf unanimity and each 1,000 feet from the shore line`, ty has s,000 mat- . ham 7,00 court -!I• h copper mine. P has forwarded to that body , ty has and Durham 7,000 nares tis } p $19 to $19.50; short cut. $2:' 30 to snot, place of business arranges therm tri thoughnt the water is nowhere more $23. a table showing the number of em- suit its own ronrenienc•e or caprice'. than two feet in depth. 11'ith the of waste lands suitable fats this. 1. to luyeg and assengcra in3ured dots- Hence the ttit}ie•u1t�• of getting hubi- 1Hams-- Light to int chum, 13• .. Q P conln ants cent\nt of the !!'astern Lle- He showed h+►« s�+roe f+►rt�iKu coon- UNITED S7 .1 fI.S. i 1c; do., heavy, 12! to l3t�; rolls, ing the years lt►(r:3 to 1908, inclutii\c�, ness men together for any c•enenon pater C'oleppan}'s building in 11'est. tries were deriving large revenue , • ii from locomotive boiler explosions, object or even �ot an appoiutuleut Fort William and the week already from lendz ref,►re'trd some years hour Hien lost their lives in a lU,, to Ile; t;houlders, lU to 10; c; fire in a tiotol at Fort; \berth, }.asks, 1G tc► 16'.:c; breakfast La to be 2415 killed and t1G injured. 1'etweeii two men. gain, on tin the Grand Trunk Pa- Ap;n .1 c,pintntttee Was R c,intecl - tific f•lt':ritt,r tlii< slake; by the ('etitities ('�enimeil, whose Texts• cent, 14''A to 15c. * - }t};lil•;1)1' 1'ROPO.�}:h. three delft' it \sill I+r te, further the inter_ '1 brae men Ire u•' d At hurt. 1)II Lard -Tierces, 1S', c; tubs, 1?'4c; X11 T (.0%'1•:I1\011 (.1:\1;R.11,. large elevators which will be arae- T ])el., fre,nl drinking deux I►ail:;, 13c. 'I'}IP remedy }proposed is that Her - ted in the t\\e cities duringthis est. ,rf agriculture in this district. pont.lin should fellow the exalliid4• cif __.t.._ _____ lured alcohol. --' Opinion in Britain that it will be 1.erndun, where wel.k is not 1 re,v.ilrrl fie:+' �- An eighteen -year -els' bey has BUSINESS AT MrINTREM,. Mr. John tiinclair• int,+ well narre\s limit. Berlin -- __ed.__ (\ t:R 11\ CROP OE �1.1\i'fOR.I. been condemned t„ death far lnur- '1'it 10E, 1111'0 ('.1 \.111.1. `� - der in New Jersey. 'Montreal, Feb. 2. ---Pay, No. 2, ,1 despatch f rani London says: would then have its I►u,ine ,- • day 1't•otinri;11 Report i-111111ti it al hour children lest their lives in 91 to Sac; oats, Canadian Western The 1)aily Mail (trete res definite [Intl he dune with th+• SItio1e thing definite - German Foreign Ilitti�ler Sileaaks of 11%054,1'x'± Bushels. a fire' which (1 sti teal their home 1�o. 2', 47c; extra NO. 1 feed, 46'',:_'x•; 1s 1h •it \1 r. John Sincl.tir'5 elc'\a At, sad. a o'clock. in that case, it . '; No. 1 feed, 45!'9C; Ontario No. 2. 11011 to tell' Peerage is merely pre- is ineret,\-er urged with settle feree, .'' I'r►�+il►If Treaty. 1 tic l,atr'h from 11 i,;n,h�•� ,a� s : nt Ar Pitt,h11r4. 1 1.. T _ :edea ►att•li free! Berlin sa\ s : 'flet pre irrneNl veep 1•: pert was ►s- The Senate of tl:e I.11eted States 4Gc; Ontario No. 15'.' Ontario llrilill 11'y to his appointment as Rerllrl Ct+lli(1 d0 «lt ht,llt its s+,- 1 1 will amend the waterways treaty No. 4, ,Ile : No. 2 h:lrley, G31Q to Get erner-General of ('snails. This called night life, whieli mean, that, se - To the Budget (',+nlnlittl'e of the sued !►y the 1)cL:'rtn►ent of :1t,ri lteich:\ta 1 ++rel a Secretary Von culture on \!'wine &Lis lnrrrnt►, so .as to protide for the division G:►c; \elnitoha feed barks-, 651; to IiPP''ars to he the genual opinion in the 4111t11 erf tlu tit', srtleuns an d u Kt ales .and re •tnpiranty are a11r\1 d Seller!), p1 all4wer to a question The total grain Cru , tri the. )ru\R• Mt. 56c; buckwheat, 5 ' t 1'1 In i.1bf`ral C'1CClt'3. 1 } . I of the eater -power In the • . JJ �> Ji)C'. Flour remain (Teti the night through. Mary's River. --Manitoba Spring wheat Patent, t 1 tetlee'1'hll►�( CQlnttler,`iAl relations ince is estimated at 11i,11�)t;,li 3 f11'�t5, ��.til)' Manitoba }►rlrllT '� Certain well k11en11 Faloenist and a'itli Canada, stated that es rr bushel!. compared \lith t►'+,rt}0,:;55$5.10;Teacher---'•!Phut were the Dark cafes have not nnterrlIpted hilliness 1 \t heat patents seconds, GENERAL. p'' 'several sears. fern when night thear possible.• had 1•, 011 r iter fel. is in the pre\ toils year. The \laoitul,a strong bakers'. $4.90; Ages . Bright. I ul►il- The age fur the defence of t:er:e►an interests. total Steil of wheat is placed at T}iret 11 ►ane,e s lies hzrr, been• $5 to :45.25; before spectacles were invented." work ends clay work begins. It tta hot itnlpe,ssihlr that en op 49,25Y.S:iJ bushels. cin a\ArARr r,f ' ` i I :stafWinter wheat patents, arrestcei in Et -under. ;;might culler.;, $1.64) to $1.71); do., \1't+en a man treaty his wife kind Berlin's s nmght life 13 chiefly niP ant pertunity would before keg arise 17.22 lrti.lrels per at re. The total tien• rrlt Ce)ll,tallt !'•p�it(+lin. the 1n bags, $2.15 to AISt•g3; extra. In ly she imagines Ile 15 concealing a for pro\11►e'+;tls, fe+r \\111r1t1 It s•'tr11V toe the diRetic9i•pr1 1►f a commercial tlo' 518. under I' grain1113is alae!! ti 1. -hest known of French actors, is hag $1.75 to $1.35. Feed-- `Mani- c4llfesslen he ought tt, make. to lisve :1 pt,werfllt attraction, blit treaty, after ttre' f t)ticltlsir•u erf the `•1A.r�11 ace • and the area under dead. te,l,a bran, t;21 to $22; llauitoba said to his father the is also larvt'Iy clue to the need, 'f Johnny :111 unconfirmed l'arla despatch shorts, $24; Ontario bran, $21 to tither (1>z1', "father, IIA\'e Von ever eropleycs turned heist' front leist- 1elli that King 0ie'ne�llk of t1b�sstn- $21.54); Ontario shorts, f)21 to t!t24•- °hell n, -ss tet, late to ►(e 1io,,14' for A n,,ite• enticed hew e, tP t mother aa\'s, is is dead. 50; Ontario middlings, $44.60 to '-And sir on, and so on' ?" Oh, fertable meal er for the enjoyment itelatir►ne are strained between $2;); Mire grain rrr.�uille, $28 to cis, ,ldnny," was father's reply, of !ports or other recreati"n. ('hili and Peru. and a Chiba!' $30; mixed mouiile, $25 to $27. `--';' poking sadly at the breast of his squad, en has been ordered ne,rth. Cheese --Fittest western, 12,)!, to shirt ; "hut it never .applies to het_1 Rill without in appetite can The \car cloud has returned to 121,c; eastern, 1.2'% to 12',;e. But- fou,, my boy.'• taf>terd to marry ,•t pert. the region of the.Balkans, and llul- ter - finest. creamer', '27 to 27'2c; garia is rinbilizing troops on the hest' receipts, 257/, to 26e. Eggs -- Turkish frontier. New laid eggs. 35 to 40e; selected Cuba's second independence be- stock, 2.3 to 29c; No. 1 stock, 25 carie a reality on Thursday. when to 26c. the affairs of the island were pine- - end in the hands of the• newly -elect- T-Nyri-:1) STATES MARKETS. .1 despatch from Ne\. YOrk alleged further, shat the hteritl a rd native officials. 1111\�rll;kt'e_'. Feb. " --Wheat \ ►. tt.^...: l'ennvcl for the Oceanic! failed to indicate her chance, ref �_,l, 1 \r,rthera. $1.11 : No. 2 Northern, hatch. that sift' ua•+ ►roce.•din� at 1 Kteaul \at iKatiurl Company. ass rl an item emerate , ',peg! Anel diel n,rt $1.03 to 31.09: May, $1.n7, c asked. res e•f the White sitar tine steam 1 MG t)f IVELLt;111- RORIi1 RY. Rye -No. I. ;a; c. ('ern Nifty, stop ul' 1►aC1 I1Pr etl�{Itles• - - 63c asked. Barley -Standard, tests; er Republic, eti Friday filed a libel Thr Peed Italiano Societe di �I�t+tt•Iriou• !Bair in 11'eAtnle►ttnt samples, fi!)i�c to Gac ; No. �3, (' inthe United timer District Court Na'*hiiR e'. al Hers of the steam- That Baffles the Police. a No. 4, 59'', to 6(k'. .1 despatch from Ottawa cats: , James Ogils ie and .heroes t i,aries. against the •Ica mer hie+rich of the Philp Florida,le�*ialso tiled in the !'nit- to G -c ; . St. Louis, Feb. 2.---Wheat--Cash, 1n im portant. re-erganiration of The I'rorinees of Quebec, New l.le+til Italian() line, \\hich ran ed Mate- I)i•trit•t �'r ,let a 1i{►elanel �\ despatch from \fontre`al says: � �� ,. ► , (tel► n and gunk the etPpllblie off petition ft r a limitation e f lintel j1 robbery invrrltinK the lo!� e)f 62 .2e ; May, 63Nc ; July, e;5�,c. the Railway Cornmis.ien is an- Brunswick, Prince Edward Island I\Itntur f,rt lightship. p. l)iiii.s es try :r ain•t the 1'l.,rida, tier freight several thenarsd 1(,Ilors worth of Buffalo. 1'eb. 2.- Wheat --Spring �ir►iin:Pd I►} v.hieh the Dominion And ;\'rya .Scotia art' allured t•, K 1 R K g firm; \o. 1 Northern. carloads' is divided into districts, each in Non. M. E. Bernier, who will he amounting to $1,:i00 (24)4) for the loss and as.sa e money. The papers t'.sel}ery was ne,ninntted some time of the ship and $500.000 fear the state that Rthe� collision was c)aPsed on Wednc day in they residence of store, A1.13%; \Sinte•r. time. C'1ernI special charge of true of the, corn- Assisted by NIr E. C. Lalonde. in - Higher No. 3 yellow, 6114C : Nn. nri�esi.►nets as to the routine apple- specter. loss of esrgo anti effect. of the i,ae- solely by the Sault and neglect en Mr, J 11. Stanford, whey nccu- R taengers and crew were claimed. It the part of the ileptilelic. The Pe- pie• suite sixteen in the Metcalfe 4 yellow. G11 0; No. :; cern, f►te'; cations. Chief ('e,nlnllssioner Mabee (`ornnlil+'4loete'r S. J. \I },eau is asserted in 111e libel that the col- titien!•ra 'n' that the damage 1 artmeutr. on ('1.te St. Antoine No. -1 corn, 63;c; \ ►. 3 white. will, of course. have a general take. charge of ,111:nitel►a. ,$a•s- lision was due t.\ no fault nn the value of the Florida now dere, not road. \1'estmcrllnt. Despite diligent 117! 20. Oats -Firm. ids `-No. 2. supervision ()ter ea'•h district. kateles\a►,, and that politer' of part of Captain Sealhy e'f the Re rceerrl 15))$ 004) and ask the court inv0r,tigations of the Westrnount• on track, 91', je. f The Province of Otarie. with the Unt:tr,o West eef }'ort ;Arthur, With ee ne+ elr.e has tet peon discnr !acception of Port Arthur and the Mr. W. S. Blythe (if 11 ii;uil►•�g as public. but sshe,ltc tel the fault of to fix the },rahllet} at not more than relief. (.1TT11•; MARKET. the 1- 'ri4Is. which, it is alleged.: the 1 amount e'rcd which 'sill lead to the aplprP distrt't west thereof. 1' planed inspcl fur. did not keel! a proper course. had 1 .After the filingg of the papers in hension of the l+ulglar er burglar. -Toronto. Feb. 2. ---Ex ort --Nan- uncle.- they immediate 3uriAdiction; Alberta and British (elumhie n0 suffrcient lookout. did not givetheprer•ee/lings u n ted States Mar- There are no'ervants in the h11u'e. k,t 1s f inn fur ehoire. export itee,4 of Mr. 1►•:1r.•v Scott, the :1ss14t- wilt l.e leaked after by ('ommis- pre;per %thistles nor pay heed t.,, slut! Henkel seized the -Italian res- and vn far the r',l,lpery Is shrrr++d- and bu'.ls. }hatcher --.1n actise� ant ( hitt t 'r+►,rnisaioner. and he : si'e,ier efills, a •sited oy I,, p'.1 'r whistle* s of the ISN t:b{i.. It is sel under t► writ of attachment. ed in nl'stary. dc -nand for choice 1►titcher cattle, will be assisted by luspeetorsi M. J. Me�('aid. the hest e Y MARKETS' REPORTS h'IR011 THE LEADING TRADE ('1:\'i'R1:J. Pricci of Cattle. Crain, Cheese and Other .)ail y Product% at Howe and Abroad. f►11E:1DSTC'1'l'S. THE GOVERNMENT MAY HELP Fund to Assist Railways and Municipalities to Do Away With 0 -rade Crossings. TOO 1i 3 N V MEALS I N 111. $IN ESS l!O1'1IS IN GERMANY. To he !•:retrace During !'resent Year at Fort William. :1 despatelt from Fort 1Villianl nays; Pile -driving on the founda- tion of the Thunder Bay elevator, situated a short. distance from the Atiktrkan Iron Works, commenced on Tuesday, and a large force of mere is already engaged on the ts•erk. it being the intention of the Contrnc•ters. Messrs. Barnett & DfcQu' en, to rush the work to contplctit n at the earliest possible tittle The site of the elevator is STEAMER FLORIDA LIBELL Seized at New York for Sinking the Steamer Republic. THE RAILWAY COMMISSION Each Member Will Have Special Charge of a District. 1 t 4 4 c / 4 1 1 1 1