HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-02-04, Page 1E Prot. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society M Musicians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Obnrch,rxeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory el Music, Terms on application. Meter, Ont, O J. SENIOR Agent (`onfcderation Life Assurance ompetty, also Fire insnranee in lend - Ing Canadian and British Companies.Main-St., Exeter. MONET TO LOAN 85c to JANS '10 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAS. tier iihat Wedding Invitations In Newt -et 't'y'pes On Best Pe tern The Fittest `Fork And Right Prices The Advocate Ofilce, Exeter EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1909. The Old Reliable We are now taking stock and now is your lime to get BARGAINS in Furs and Fur Coats, Over -Coats and Ready -Made Clothing. We have just nine $3,00 Coats left The regular priee being $5.00, 63.00, $7.00 and $8.00, now selling for the very low sum of sa.00 041111111111111111 You may depend that you are missing the time of your life if you let these prices pass. We have also a few Men's and Boys' Suits -$5.00 and $1.50 -That were $0.00, $7.00 and $4.00. They must go to Make room for our Sprit,.: tack. Dress Goods -75c for 25c, 60c for 40c, 35c for 15c. Those goods are heavy and durable and would make Splendid Children's Dresses. Underwear -one line only -regular 75c for 25c A few Winter Caps to clear at 10c Suitable for Boys and Men. COME AND GET YOUR CHOICE BEFORE TIIE RUSH BEGINS!!! " DO DROP IN " CARLING BROS. '""""40 -PHONE All Furs and Ladies' Coats 1 at Wholesale Prices for the Next Two Weeks Our Croceries are the best we can buy III SNELL & ROWE PNfessleaal Cards. D` 0.11'. ROULSTON, L. D. 8 , D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor •[adnate of Toronto Unh erslty. OVTIOZ: Over Dickson a Carling's Law Office, In De. Anderson's former Rental Parlors. iihDR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D. D. Honor graduate graduate of Toronto Cnlveristv. DENTIST, Beeth.atracted without any pain, or any bad effects Oface over Madman a slant tees ortice, Main street S astre Medical DR. T. P. MCLAIOIII.IN Has resumed prsctL e after spending a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental hospitals. General practice with special attention to F.ye,(with retrar• two) Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: Dssh.cood, Ont. HR BRIGHT, M. D , M. t•. 1'. A 9 , 110500, . Uratuste of T. nr,to t'nncr.itr, Two years resident physi. tan R,.11 Alexandre I► .ep:tai, etc. Office and It. •r fence, in. ..\n,o+ r,;,i •.•and, Andrew Street. EXETER. Legal. DIC[8ON A CARLISO, 1L RRISTER.9, SOLICI. ton, Notaries, Conveyancer., Commissioners O slleitor. for Molsons Bank, etc. Messy to Loss at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. 1. Oaareeo, B. A., L, H. Drcgsor MONIST TO LOAN, W. have a large amount of private funds to loan s farm and village properties at low rates of Inter este OLADEAN d STAN IW RT, Barristers, Solicitor', Mein se. Sister Os 13. S. PHILLIPS, EXRTRR. Licensed Aactioeeer. Sales attended In ail parts. Satlavtirn guann• Wed or no payy. Terni. reasena'J. All order, left at Advo•.•ate Office will to promptly attended to. William Brown .t large arnoteit nt money to loan farm and village properties at loons rates. ERNEST ELLIOT. Conveyancer, etc. Office opposite Central hotel. Exeter. FCAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • Successor to Da. RAYDAT, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter [law den Main street, (opp. Triyitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Ofeee-Dr. Ramsay's old.tand,rorner of Hain and North streets, (opp. Py m's Itla ksmith Shop). Tour patronage solicited BARN FOR SALE A Darn 52 tett by 32 feet, rock elan tram, Is for sale at a reasonable prat... For particulars apply to CHRIS. DiETRICH, Khlva I'. O. WANTED -DOUSE TO RENT A house centrally iocated, of moderate size. Apply at this office, MUSIC TEACHING Miss Olive Madge, A.T.C.M., teacher In Voral. I'lano and Theory, wili prepare rupils for Toronto Conservatory Exam- inations. Itccutt solo.st to \Vlartan. Apply by plicate, letter or personally. MIs. Madge. Thames Road. Sale Registers. Friday, Fee 12th--t•nreservcd sale of a rhoicc farm. farm .tock and implements of Joshua Johns, Let s,4 11, Con. 7, [',borne, at 12 o'clock. No re- ser%e as proprietor is giving up termini.. T. (:am - eon, Anet. Tuesday. Feb. 23rd -Thoroughbred and high grade farm stock. the property of J. C. Gardiner. Lot 11, Con. 12, Us - borne, at one o'clock sharp. See pOsters. No reserve. T. Cameron, Auctioneer. The children of the Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday School have formed a Busy Bee Circle, and will have certain afternoons of each week for sewing (or learning to sew). All the children should become members of this circle. They gave an " At Home" in the School Hall nn Friday} evening and a good time was had, the receipts enab- ling them to start sewing right away. The officers are: President, Miss Flora Dinnev; Vice -('resident. Miss Annie Day; Secretary. Mires Lillian Boyle. This Circle is for the girls -the htys can sow elsewhere. Clinton. -Atter a year'. severe and patntul Ilhtesta caused b2i cancer, Mr.. itlddleccnbe panned away at her home Jan. nth. S!,c tame herr- on her wed- ding tour to 1868, her husband naving teeter engaged in the J wellery business for ironic time prcviou•rly. Exeter School Report. SANDERS & CREECH 11. S. DEPARTIdENT Form 111. honors, Eddie Willis 86 Katie Collins. Tau Sanders 52: pass, Alva McMahon (4, \Vlllie 13irncy 70, Anna Dow 68, Lizzie Sanders 67, Earl Copeland 66, Loney Heywood 66. Jessie Stenson 05, Joint Oeetretchcr 62, Lulu Martin 62, Muth IIooper 62. Alma Mc- Pherson 62, No. on Moll 1t0 ; average daily attendance 28. Win. Ii. Weldenhannner, prin. Form 11., \\'elle Monteith 77 (honors): Gladys Kcetle 60, Harry Carling 09. Mussell May 87, Ilubert Jones 65, Ros- well Dougall 65. Nellie Ahty- 62, Jean Graeelck 62, Loftus Bern 61, Garvey Acheson 60. No. on Roll 22; Daily av- erage 20,2, S. L. Gregory, teacher Commercial Sr. -Honors, I.I. Pope 86, F. Beaver 77, F'. Hunter 76; pass, O. Wood 73, E. Wood 71, H. McKay 71 Junior -Honore, 13. Boyle '34; pass, A. Jackson 73, W. Bradt 63. Form 1. -honors, W. Welemiller 83, II. Sweet, 8U, M. Elision 76; pans, W. Slllery 74, C. eeopcland 74, W. Stewart 71, L. Grieve 71, 11. Fuke 68, A. Iilsaett 68, O. Atkinson 67, B. liogearth 67, E. Iiowey 67, G. Paaainole 66, G. I3oo- per 63. No. on (toll 4S : daily average 45.5. A. M. Joh;tston, teacher. 1'. S. Department Sr. -Donors, Reginald Bissett 87, Ruby Wood y2. Clarence Heywood 76; pass, Preston Dearing 73, Leon Treble 71, Ethel Drlckwood 10, Mary Acheson 67, Madeline Catling 66, Jean Soldon 04. Irene Rivera 63, Willie Heideman 63, Mary Davis 00, Stella Southcott Jr, IV: --Honore, Fred McPherson 79, Greta Biesett 77 ; pass, Flory Dfnney 73, Jas. Walker 72, Ariel Beverley 69, Russell Balkwtll 65, Viola Rowe 05, Ilett Chiles 61, Gordon Penhaic 63, \ elms Eaaterbrouk 63, Nellie Jones 6.2, No. on Roll 36; average attendance 32. C. Vosper, teacher. Sr. 111., Linden Harvey, Francis H111, Ernest Harvey, Itarty Snell, Oliver Hodgert, Irno Sweet, Sydney Hector, 13ruee Walker Jr. 111. -Maggie Case, Beatrice Hodg- ert, Maurice Settlor, harper Rivets, Lulu ilcdden, \Y title Manson, Florenco Rowe, Elt'o Iiowey, Alberta Knight. Mildred Heywood. Jr. 111.-Iionora, Harry Paraone 88, ['earl Jackson 97, Edith Davis 81, Mar - Rolle Ilueaton 81, Joe. Craicr 9./, Alma Mack 79, Taos. Clarke 76: pass. Silas Reid 74, Marjorie Seldom 72, Ifugh Smith 72, Ina Delve GJ, Earl Cooreson. Sr. I1. -Vonore, Lila Zuttle 91, Mar- vin Vincent 89, Allen Carter 82, Bertha Horsey 76 Melville Galdman 73; pass, Karl Weidenhanuner 73, Dorothy Kunz 72, Stanley McFalls 71, Dora Holden 68 Gordon Ford 63, (leo. Ortwein 62. No. e tallied 39; average attendance 36. H. Kinsman. teacher. Jr. II.- Edna Johne 91, Milton Kydd 91, Marguerite Pickard 90, Mary Day 74, huaeel Marshall 73, /slay Patterson 71, Cecil Dearing 66, Grace Carling 59, Jack Hurdoh 50. Sr. Pt. 11. -Harold Boyle, Wilfred itcnale, Priscilla Col - Repriced, Vera Marshall. No •th Roll 45: average attendance 88. le. W. Howard, teacher. Middle Second -Alice Taylor 87, Rhoda Cornillt e6, Drew Knight 81, Violet Welsh 80. Herbert Hector 79, Mlldred ,lardy 78, Millie Walker 74, Lillie Walk er. Jr. li-Mary Morlock 80, Wille Ja- cobi 70, Willie Davis 75, Irene E.tetcr- brock 71, Walter Harness 70. Sr. Pt. lf-Clttiord Mallot 89, Clarence Morley 89, Willie Brown 57, Char ,farness 85, Alvin Cotnlsh 85, Vera Sweet 85, Leon Dearing 7J, Milton Bedford 74, Gladys Carter 70. Claes A --Winnie Knight 80, Wilbert Gillespie 78, Priscilla Cornleh 70, Verde 11111 73, Idella Davis 70, Mary Ann Taylor Oe. Class 11 -Clyde Ileaman 82, Earl McGee 70, Josephine Davie 70, Mabel Hoiden 70. No. on troll 39; aver- age attendance 35 M. V. Martin. Hicks' Forecasts for eebru.kry.-A reac tionary Sturm per is central on the 811r. 0th and 3 011. At this time look for marked teactlon to warmer, begin- ning hr the west. Failing barometer 1s to follow. bringing cloudiness and rain, with possibly electrical storms south- ward, on and touching tree 0th. As these storms move eastward, the west sides of storm areae will turn to snow, and be followed Immediately by rising batonuter and Much colder, fair weather Learn well this lesson of storm and of anti -storm arras passing periodically to cast or west and you will rarely "got left" In your calculations of what will reach your locality at regular Intervals. Auction Sale Of Farni Stock and implements. 'The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at LOT 9, N. T. it.. 1'SHOIINE, ON WED., FEB. 1th-11, IIN)D, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp. The following valuable property: Horses --3 draught mares, one 4 years 0141, im- ppoortc.1, and two 3 years old, all in foal; 3 draught fillies rising 2 and 1 year, one from importer) stork; roadster 2 years old, by Jap; and driving mare. Harsesa-3 sett. -brass mounted, black mount• ed and single. Cattle -Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull 11 months old; thoroughbred Shorthorn row, calf at foot: 3 rose with calves at foot; 9 cows, to calve in Feb., March .t April; 2 steers rising 3 years old; 6 .teen and 1 heifer rising 2 yrs; 3 steers and 3 heifers rising 1 year. Pigs -9 .tore hogs; 1 sow to litter in Marra Powltry-itis hens (Wyandotte, Orphingtons. Rock end Leghorn.); pair of geese; 3 docks; 3 lurk. rya. Irmilemelts-Rinder, Eft Mas*ey•ifarris, new; mower, I'1, -•t .t Wooer, nearir t.ew; drill combined, and cult i.ator, Frost a Woo.l, bath nearly- new; rot- ler; diet, Ma..ev•llarris, new; hay•rake; riding and 2 walking ploughs. Perrin nearly new; 2 set of hat - rows (iron) I set new; fanning mill. Clinton make; cutting nos; .et of scales; turnip sower: cream Pep - orator, De La Val, nearly new; wheelbarrow, new; incubator and brooder; Itain wagon, remptete; set of trucks; pair of sleighs; buggy; top buggy, nearly new; cutler, nearly new; car and slings sort 160 feet of rope; water trough, new: gravel box; 2 frtn ket• flee• a quantity of Timothy hat, turnips and man - golds; on bus. seed oats 1 Banner); 150 hus. Man• cholla barley, also shovels, forks and numerous eth- er articles. Ail the above are in frst•cierecondition. TERMS $3 and under, cash; over that amount 12 month, credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum off for rash on credit amounts. Pn.itIvely no severee as the proprietor has sold his farm. Wm. Monteith, Prop T. Cameron, Allot Death from Natural Causes I Discuss Fire Protection serest SO THE JURY'S VEI%DICT 1N THE To the Advocate, INVESTIGATION INTO THE CAUSE I desire through the press to extend OF WM. TAYLOR'S DEATH an invitation to the citizens of Exeter "Front the cvltionce produced your jury teals that the death 01 the late William Tey1or was due to natuaral causes," was the verdict of the Coroner's iu-y at the adjourned Investtgatlon held by the Coroner. lir. iJrowt,ing, at enc_ Town Hall on Tuesday, February and. The etldenee was taken le full under thc• direction of the Coroner, war. Crown Attorney Stager Ot Godericn prosecut- ing and Mr. L Fi. Dickson conducting the defence. Tne jurots as named last week were to their places, and tete hall was filled to over:lowintg with, inteiest- ed spectators. Miss Quance acted as ourt stenographer. A large number of witnesses were called and the evidence went to show that although that Mfrs. Hatter and the deceased had quatreiled before the marriage in July last of her daughter and deceased, they had been on friendly terms afterward; that Tay- lor was taken sick at her bonne and was taken good care o' u:dil death, which was .undoubtedly from natural causes. Mrs. Hatter wast he first witness. Her evidence snowed that they were on friend ly terms after the marriage, that she had not aaid that she would kill film, that he looked sick when he caste home Saturday night, but became ill shortly after dinner which he ate al her home the following Sunday. Ira atc soup form the sante dleh as others of the family. also ripe tomatoes which he sliced and prepared Willetlf. Ile vomited and Dr. Hy hdmah was summoned. Slta did not give him anytning to cause the sick- ness. She had no motive. Ile had no In- surance , but she wished he had. She cared for hire du: ing the animas. I)r. llyndntan's cvide,tce showed that he was su:n:noted Sunday afternoon be- tween one ani two, Sept. 27, and attend- ed until he died on Oct. 1, treating hint for vomiting and pail. in stomach, con- ditions roma:tang the same until totl3w- ing Saturday, when vomiting was allay - cd. but circulation became rapid. Mot - day his heart gave out and he died. yn•4toms and history were those of cholera morbus, although all the signs were not present. At the request of Tay- lor's fetner and by nisi own desire, he, with Dre. McGillicuddy and • Ormo per- forated post mortem, it being under- stood that It was agreeable to the Cor- oner. with a view to 'Repelling rumors that were afloat. They took out the 'stomach, part of gall, pancreas and entail bowel, placed then[ et sterilized vessels, later on placing stomach alone In r; vessel and it was gent to Govern- ment analyst. in Toronto, whose report, waive was read. stated that there was no lgdicatioh of poison In 1t. The jar had not been tampered witn while In Itis possession. The Coroner here stated that he sent message to the doctors not to Fer:orm the post mortem, but the evi- dence of the three doctors snowed that the message they received was 'Dr. I3towning 1s loo busy to collie." Dr. McGillicuddy, partner of Dr. IIynd- man stated that he visited the patient and found the symptoms to bo pain In abdomen, normal temperature, weak pulse, intense thirst, pinched and shrunk eft features. anxious appearance, skin cold and clammy. Substantiated Dr. Hyndman'e evidence. Conditions might be those of certain poisons In part. Ptomaine poison has temperature wnlclt was not 't)ere. Aealsted Int the post mor- tem and found other organs than those taker. out normal. No doubt about stom- ach sent to Toronto being that Of d6ccas- cd. Dr. Orate of Centralia at the request of parents asked for a post molten, and assisted in It, and from the conditions found, thougat death due to natural causes, possibly cholera n.orbis. Con- ditions were sufficient to cause death. Ot'ier evidence was similar to that of Drs. Ilyndman and McGillicuddy. Adapt Glouel-.er gave evidence that he had seen Taylor tate day he took sick about noon, and he did not appear sick. John Willie of Stephen saw Taylor Sat - u -dry attetnoon and he was working and apparently not 111. Dr. Shaw of Clinton, who, with Dr. Bright of Exeter, performed tna second autopsy on Jan. list last, found the parte previously named had been remov- ed from the uody; owing to the body being In the grave five months, he could not venture an opinion as to the cause of death, but found the remaining parte In a normal condition. D. ilright's evidence was practically the sante. Frank Slme, Taylor's employer, said he saw deceased Sunday before death. when Ta) for said ire thought Ire was poleoncd, and admitted having drank water from a creek. Ile thought the patient was teeing wt.'tl taken care of. Mrs. Wm. Taylor, jr., the widow, Bald he was 111 the Sunday morning as well. and that he said he had drank rale wat- er from a barrel the ptcvlous week. ile never said anything to her about being poisoned. Airs. Taylor, the mother. said her son sad stayed wit:[ her one night three days before the Sunday and had not 111 Mat I,e been lied he had told her ll a and Mrs. flatter did not get along very well. Mrs. Hatter had visited her and she had threatened to murder hint. The son lead told her Ire was not .tele U;[tit eating afro. ilatter's soup. Fier ground for demanding the investigation a as his story and the threat. Deceased stated to her that he was poisoned. She did not want hint t3 marry a:rd had not meld that he rad irnsurance. Mr. Taylor, 'he fatnee, and Mies Tay- lor. the sister, gave evidence teat Mrs. Hatter had made the threat, but the latter thougat it only a ;eke. and that the inver'igatiou was asked for only on suspicion. This completed rue evidence and al- tt:ourn tee coroner thought It advisable to await the return Ot certalh parte of one body from fare analyst, tree ;urs was of tire opinion that there wee no evidence whatever of poisoning and con- %Nu-trtly brought in the verdict as hag been stated above. to be present at the Council meeting on Friday evertlt g, Feb. 5th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of dlacussing the 5ct tering of our fire protectio•i. The time has now come when your council must do something In that direction and the queetiotl arriets what shall we de first. Repair the present system, or Install n new one for fire ,protection Daly ; or to install a complete system for domestic and the purposes, with a complete sew- erage system in connection therewith. Ithlnk the council enould have some idea what the citizens want, so that when an engineer is brought 011 we will be able to tell hint about what we may desire. We hope to see a large number of the citizens In attendance. I ata your humble servant, T. II McCallum. Local Items Rev. Collins Is on a visit to Cincinnati. Mr. Ritzier Williams is still very 111, Mr's. John Welsh, London Road, Horth is very 111 at her home. Mr. Motherstill of Port Stanley le tete guest of Rev. Mr. Going. Mr. Coleman Moncur of New York Is the guests of his parents. .Mies Alice Davis of Salntebury ie the guest of Miss Plumate Sweet. Mies Edna Dow of Toronto 15 visit- ing at r,er home here for two weeks, 51r. and Mrs. W. Coutlls are visiting in Ktrkton and St. Marys this week. Mrs. J. P. Ross of Calgary is ttte guest of old friends !ere. Exeter was her former home. Miss Anna Martin leaves for Palnmer- stoe Thursday morning, where she will visit Mrs. Cranston. Tuesday -was Candlemas Day and the sun shone only a new minute.. -Draw your own conclusions. Melville Martha, M. P., 0f Regina call- ed on his parents dere last week on his way to Ottawa to attend parliament. Mr. and Mrs. Warfen Rose of Aber- deen. S. D. visited the former's oar - enter. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rose, the,lat- ter part of last week, returning home Monday. The County meeting of the Loyal Orange Lodge was held hc:e on Tues- day and was well attended by delegetcs from all parts of the district. A large amount of important business was tran- sacted and among other things it was decided to celebrate the 12th of July at Clinton. Str. William May of Toronto eon of Mr. W. 1. May. Mitchell, has entered into p:tru,crsldp with the firth of Jones & Clarke and on Tuesday commenced duties. For a few years Mr. May taught sc l,00l, but of late has been engaged as traveller for a large wholesale house in 'reroute. We welcome Sir. May to our tuetness arena BIRT1HS Carter. -In McGillivray, on Jan. 21, 10 Mr. and Sirs. Geo. Carter, a daughter Wilson. -At Grand Bend, On Jan. 22nd, to Mr. attd Mrs. Reuben \Vileon, a son. DgAItRIAGF S Oke-Eesery.-At tltc Methodist parson- age Centralia, on Jan. 27th, Mr. James Oke to Mies Florence L. Emery, both of Centralia. Muir, -Steele -At itidgetown, on Jany 2,7. Will Muir of Regina, formerly of Ex- eter: to Mies Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steele. Hazelwood -Loupe -In Uaborne on Feb. ard. George H. Hazelwood to Lucy E. daughter of Mr. tied Mrs. Robert Doupe all of Usborne. Kelleher -Parsons -At Toronto, on Jan. 10th, John Kelleher of Proctor, Minn., to Mise Hannah Parsons, formerly of Exeter. DEATHS Cooper. -Iii London on Feb. 2nd, Geo. It. Cooper, aged 27 years. Funeral On Friday ;Horning from the Exeter DepOl Ovet holt.-At Allaa Cra;g, Jan. 24th,Mrs. Jane Overholt, aged 76 years. McNeil. -At Ailsa Craig, Jan. 26, Mrs. Hector McNeil, aged 50 years. Beautiful China Free I l ! For the balance of this month we will give two pieces of China FREE with each purchase of $l. on all goods except phonographs. See our window display. See our swell Valen- tine novelties and cards. We show the greatest assortment of Post Cards in Exeter. Don't forget the place. Jam AIL 00511: 1N THE PURITY .1. Willie Powell Horses, Catlle and Ponitry A Full Line of Stock Foods, Poultry Foods and Remedies International Stock Foods 25c and 50c pkge Poultry " 25c Louse Killer 25c Heave Cure 50c Worm Powders 50c Silver Pine Healing Oil. 25c & 50c bottle Colic Cure 50c & $1.00 " Compound Absorbent $2,00 Dr. Scott's Stock Foods 25c, 50c and $1,00 per box Cows' Relief for Caked Bags, &c. 50c per box Glauber Salts and Sulphur ,1 U AEAYAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE s s' rG'� t1 6 THE �ECI]�lAATC�-1 a e. 14 TIIE PEER OF ALL WATCHES FUIt BEAUTY OF DESIGN, SERVICABILiTY AND SATISFACTORY TiME-KEEPING. These watches are made by the most skilful tnerhanirs in the �• world. Assisted by the most up-to•date machinery known /.'a to science. in These watches are made for men, women and boys and will give the BEST OF SATISFACTION to anybody who requires a ....... good servfreaWe time -keeper. 3010 ttellea The watch that gives sat isfltc• tioli tinder ail conditions of service is the watch that you want . . A. Marchand - Watchmaker R X F1 T F. R• O N T A R I O,