HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 8• Ci���I��UpS31C' It 1s a wonder someone has not said that they had aeon a robin. Itev. W. M. Martin will preach 1rl■ fare well sermon on Sunday, Feb. 7th. eupposc sonic of triose early -garden rtadps got a few seeds In tells wear.. Many of the farmers le this focality IN t,ave ttccu a_tively engaged In plowing during the pita( few days. atlases Mabel and Victoria Miners en- tirtalned a number of young people at their hone last Friday evening. Maas Charlotte Dearing is laid .up for a few Oays, tt e result of a trail pene- trating her shoe arid foot on Monday. The carnival ',hien was ammttourced for last Friday night, war, Owing to the unfavorable weather, postponed un- til next Friday. Jan. teeth Mr. John Perkins of Usborne, who has been conducting a milk route In Exeter for some time, etas bene out of the bus- iness, quitting Saturday night. The Lural:-Ezetcr hockey match at Exeter arranged Cur Jan. ?OBI, owing to the weather. has been postponed to Monday, Feb. 1st, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Barrows and Miss Mabel lett last week for London to reside, hay - leg Hold their '.otel busfneed to Dieners, Palmer Bros. Mr. L3ar;ows is here this week completing the transfer of the lic- ense and shipping the balance of his ef- fects to tae city. Rev. Martle of Cavcn Presbyterian church le attracting large congregations each Sunday evening wh'le he is deliv- ering a aer'cs of sermons on the seven deadly sine. lie Inas already preached on Pride, Avarice, and Envy, ar,d is handling tee subjects In excellent style. Miss Nellie Moir or I3roeklyn, N. Y., daughter of the late George Moir, a SUITS es.. $18.O0 and $20.00 Suits for $12.w $6 Pants for $4 $4 " $2.76 This offer is for 2 weeks only. Every suit is a BARCAIN W. W. PAMAN Merchant Tailor, • Ontario Exeter, Business Locals -- Read Them You'll miss it if you don't go to Stetc- drt's Stock.l ukirty Sale now going 07:- 21 poufuls of Iledpath's granulated sugar for 1.00 The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 1010, for one dollar. Tell your neigh - bore about it. Listen -$8.50 Isabella Sable fur rug's reduced for stork -taking to $.5.75. Stew- art's. The Advocate will be sent to any address in Canada to Jan. lst, 1910, for $1.00. 9.00 Saskatchewan Robes reduced to 6.75 during Stock -Taking Sale. It's on now. Stewart's. the anuu.1 meeting of the South Hur- on County Loyal Orange Lodge will be held t:•:re en Tu. eley , F -b. 2nd, co:- men.tr:g at man a, fu Stewart's stock -taking sale is the spot for you. 815.00 semi -porcelain dinner set reduced to $9.95. We take subscriptions for all foreign or Canadian magazines at reduced rates. Don't forget the Advocate when your subscriptions run out. Keep your eye on Stewart's great stock taking sale-" it's now on "-men's 45.00 cools coat going at 33.00. Great Stock -Taking Sale now in /ult blast at Stewart's -dandy fur -lined coat for ladies going at $37.50. Mr. Dart. Davie 1s able to be out again after 11s severe Illness. Wee Loretta Latnbrook is able to be Up for a short thine after lies oporaticn of last week. Mr. Ed. Shapton of Stephen had his buggy considerably damaged while driv Ing home from town on Saturdey night, his rig colliding with another going In the opposite direction near the railway crossing. A number of the Exeter oddfcilows drove to 1Jcnsall to attend the fu:icr,tl ot the late J.. C. Stonunan Tuesday. 1n the evening Exeter lodge was visited by a tiu:ntx•t of Hensall brethren to witness the work of the first degree. Mr. Win. Monteith of Inc T:tainee ltd. UsLorne. avid his lull acre tarot on Fri- day last to Mr. Andrew Campbell of the same towushlp. Tne price peed was t7ttul. T1 is is cul excellent f.trm and is considered good value. )ir. Monteith Intends going west In March. At the ,tont fly meeting ot Court itar- liarntony Oo. 61, Cauadlan Jrdcr of Foresters held on Monday evening last the follo.vi ig officers for Inc year were installed i+Irnty, chief ranger ; Dignan. elf e-r'etct; \Vat. liarditlg, Cttap lain; it. N. it >we. fit ase :al secretary . F W. ( ad:tt..n recording secretary ; T. I1. eleEtl:u:t treasurer; (Ito. 11111. Sentor Wco.lwerd . VV •n. Creech. Je, tVOodward S. l'owell. Sr. Bcadic ; W. Powell, Jr. Beadle" - - "on't Monkey Nvith that cough ! Tike HOWEY'S White Pine and Tar fi•g Bottle for a (leaner Sunday... Was a lovely flower of Spring dropped into the lap of Winter but i1fl•Ks predicts pretty cold weather tri cone yet -- and don't you forget it !!! I Better` Order That Suit or Over - Coat now, or may- be a pair of Pants We have in some g....e1. - and pr i.-.•4 right. W. JOHNS #Merchant Tailor • Exeter • f+.4 ++.4 + *+++++++++++++++, fernier resident of Exeter, is one of a r umber of nurses that the United States Government Is despatching to Italy to care for the injured in the recent earth - goitres. She 1s a graduate nurue and stands high in her profession. A. quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. el innate Loose - 100010, Inwood, on Wednesday last, when Hiss Mary Ilandford of Exeter, late of England. was wilted 1r. marriage to Mr. Joint lloyle ot that place. Mies Ilandtord will have the beat whines of her Mende Isere for her future ;tappl- :1Cre and prosperity. Hey. Knight of Dawn Mille preaceed :lisafor,ary sermons in the Janice -el. reelect Sunday morning and in the Main Htr'cet church In the eve:tug. Mr. Thos. Hlllyaid occur led the 3.tt110 pu'pita 111 the reverse older morning and evening. Itoth gentlemen gave excellent talks on nttaeiollary wore, although Mr. Knight was Huffs ring severely from a heavy cold. The warn balmy air of Saturday and Striday following the !cavy thunder lightning and yarn of Saturday morning cane 14s a big but Helnerwhac oleaaant surprise. The rattle were very much :ceded by :nuty of the farmers who have had to draw water tor their stock for for Some weeks. The general opinion le that eve will pay for the rine warns weather before many days are past, and we may confidently expect our sc:ond winter now.. A Cornier Exeter boy was married In London on Jan. 20th wren Edgar, eon of Mr. John Bisset(. became the how - band of Miele Annie Barnard, the cere- mony being performed at the lionte of the bride's parents. 1311 Itathuret-at., by Rev. James Rollins, of King Street Pros- byterian church, in the presence of a large nutntx-r of guests. Edgar's friends and relatives here *Send t.cartiest eon- gratulatfoes and best wishes. The annual meeting of the Cayce Pres- byterian church was held on Monday night last and was well attended. Re - Ports wore read and prove. very Hatls- factory. Misers. Jas. Jcckr11 ane James Scott were elected as managing hoard, rind Mr. Jos. Senior was reel.: ted as Sec. -Treace Votes of thanks wire ten - (Prof the officers of the church. Sundry ~retool and member,' of the choir. The ladles of the church served a dainty to r.r Leers after which a pleasant time was spent socially. The su,isleinc of lite is mads up or very little learns (het are bright all tt,e time. in the nursery, on the play -ground end In the .cr.00l rood. there fs room ell the time for itttn acts of ki:1;1ness that cost nothing but are worth mere than gold or sliver. To give up some thing when giving up will prevent un- ha(.renees ; to yield when p •rsiatOrg will (hate and fret others.; to go a lit- tle way around tatter Brae , trine >galn- 8t another; to take an III word or a (•1089 look rattier Mari to resent 1t ; these .ire the ways In which / lou 14 and etorn) aro kept oft, and a pleasant, smiling Nunshlne secured even In a humble horse aneong very poor people, as well as In tunnies In higher Hinton. Murh that we tetra the ;mettles of life w•oted bet avoided by adopting this rule of corrdnrt. A regular storm ,period covers the first five days In i'ebiuery witch Is central on the .1rd. ity the first and 2nd the barometer w11 be failing. and the temperature will be rising lu western sections of the country. By the 3rd. clouJinces and storm areas will be or- ganized and during the Ord to gin, rain wind and snow will prevail gcner.uly, passing plogreesivcly from western to rentern extremes of the country. The Worms of this period will rca"h their cutmtnating severity and extent Incon- nection with full Moon on and tooenl'tg the :.lh. By the 5th storms will hue turned to driving snow it the north and west, fultowed closely by rising barom- eter, high northwest winds and orange to 11,12:11 cold.r. Coed, fair weat(ie: will advance easlwiid and southward in rhe immediate rear of these progressive .torhos, reaching in various degree s ot frigidity most parts of the country by the 7th to 9t1. Irwlh.-Bissett.-A tie et but pretty wed .flag took place on Teureday. Jan. 1:1st t: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tt:os. 111. - nett. Jr., \\'Hilae(-st., when their veered rt tuehter Hornet was u:elt -d in holy bands of matrimony to Mr Edwin Irwin of Norwich. T. bride looked charm:ng In a princess gown of rream silk 111011 :arid carried a sno wee bou ire: of bridal roses. Iter travelling eu:t was navy blue t.readrlo'h, with hat of Al1.'e blue. The ( remony was perfumed d by Rev. V. W. Collins of 'the Ttivltt Memories enurch In • tic presence of the immediate relatives of the bride. After the ceremony a recep- tion was tel.) for the (elattves tied lni- reediate friends of 'at bred.:. when a dainty lu .ch wee errecd. Witt, the b:.: wishes and rong.a•u:attune of thetrmany frleede Mr. and \ire. Levin left on the eveeing train for prates caret. The groom's gift to the b:'d. wan a su ibur:rt ot pearls and amethysts. Tete present. were numerous sed «fatly. Th^y +•1 at hoes' to 1 ter friend. in Noreele et F'el.1nr) tire touile. air. 11. Spacketau was In Goderlch tt.1s week. Miss Edith Montur 'is brother lu Utlelph. Miss Neelln of ieatorth is the guest of Miss Nina Kinsman. Mr. Herb. II. Collins of Ripley spent a few days at the rectory. Mr. Chas. Knight Is visiting his Mr. Geo. Knight, at llderton. Mrs. F. R. Knight of Orcadla is vtslt- ing her mother Mrs, 11. 1">lown. Mrs. Wes. Snell visited her sister Mrs. Lamport at Clandeboye last week. miss Nine Catlleg left Frld3y for Brantford to remain for a month. Miss McPhee ,who has been visiting at S. Martin's has returned to Goderlch, !lir, Will. .1rtartrong ut Michigan visit ed Lis brother Irwin part of this week. airs. James Willis and Mrs. T. 11. McCallum were in London part of last week. Mr. and Dura. McCrae ot Culloden were visitors at Mr. John II. Scott's last week. Mrs. Win. Coultts is visiting Eentralla and Crediton friends for a couple of weeks. Mr. and etre. Wilson of London are viwlting their daughter, Mrs. W. D. Clarke. Rev. Collins leaves shortly for a two weckb' visit with a friend In Ctncinnatl, Ohio. Miss Millie 1iyedntan left Wedneeday evening for Ottawa to resume her mill- inery duties. Mrs. Sinton Campbell was called to Motherwell last week on account of her sister's illness. efrs. John Dignan and Miss Hazel, at - ter several months' visit 111 London, re- turned home last week. Mr. Clarence !diners, who was visiting at hit home Isere for a few days, has returned to St. Thomas. Messrs. \\'inert, Anderson, M(C.leuat and Moir are. attending County Council at Goderich that week. .tr. John Mestere nab returned to his clutters with A. Walter & Soar after a visit in Toronto for several weeks. Mr. hien. Stonehouse, who has beau residing with 1118 dauyater, etre. Birncy, for several months, returned to hie home' Itclgrave last week. Mise Gertle Chappel of Dundas, who has been %letting at henry Iteynold's, lireokelde kerne and wilh oll,er rela- tives, left for her home last Thursday, accompanied by Mr. Luther Reynolds. Mr. Wesley Snell is hawing ked brick Placed o:: the grou:id near his residence Huron street, for the purpose of build- ing a new residence next eurnnler. EXETER MARKET=. •is1ttng herICHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY son, STILL TIIEV COME. Cot 'ens again. :\nett:cr stock of Greecrles and treats and Shoes Just received 1 . the Exeter Bargain Store. Cracking Big Bargains all ttls week. Tale big sale wail begin to -day, Thursday, January 2811. One cast. register, one silent salesman go for half price. Rattling big bargains. J. W. 111tODEItICK. 1NVEsTiGATIJN INTO THE CAUSE OF WM. TAYLOR'S DEATH Coroner Jot: W. Bt owning sutnntoyed a coroner's Jury 0:1 Tnursday Thursday1.131 to tnqutre into the death ot ttie late \Vet. Taylor, wt.o died at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. Thos Batter, Exeter North, some five tr.ontitt ago. humor etas beer, expressed that Inc death end not frons ::.Mural causes, arid on the ettorney General being consulted he ask- ed that tree coroner empanel a Jury and decide the ueatte1. Accordingly the fol- lowing cftlzehs were summoned by W. iL Gundry, I',crh Constable of Godcr- lclt. under w,tnar.t from the coroner, -T. it. Carling, foreman, T. llewkint. kt. Mcicucll. Wm. tlawdela, It N.i;owc J. A. Stewart. W. J. ilcaarnan, 11. N. Creech. A. J. t ord, .1. Beverley, J. J. Nnite, P. Frnyhc, Jas. Gourd, E.IwvrJ ('bristle. Thee etc: Ire Inc Town stall on Thursday at 2 o'clock, and tinter taking the o.aln of oalce were taket to the ceitictery wacrc they vtawed the .n13111e and the proceedings were ad Journed until Feb. 2nd at I() o'clock. .vhen they will again neat at the Town Hall. The body was carefully examlt:ed at the cemetery by Dr. Straw of Clinton old i)r, Bright of town, the result of which will ix made known a'. tee ad Journed it quest. CUIILiNG The Exeter rinks of cutlets met wit!, excellent su 1e8s at the Parkhill bon- bpc•1l las' week. W. W. Taman's fink rot,slsting of Frank Sweet, Jas. Taylor. II. Ruston and himself, succeeded in gc"bng into the finale and were to have played off for the cup with Locale ).ut owing to the Ice being covered with water and the men being light they de- faulted the ganac to the. heavy Lucan rink. Skip Taman had previously offered to finish aide Lorrain on neutral he. a1 l.0:an ire or with short ends. but Lu - ran declined to accept the offcrs,whl:h they had .t perfect right to do, cons'- alu'•ntly Exeter detauato4. ; As runnera- up. however, tncy were awarded pearl tic pins each. Tarnan's rink defeated Ront)eron's 'rink of Herman 15-6, efe- Weigel's of Parkhill Old Boys 11.4; Mclntyre's ot Ncw Ltskard 9-7 ; tend 11• v Graham's of I'nrkiilll. 11-6. Ciro. Anderson's rink consisting of 1'• ilawden, Alt. Taylor, Ed. Jones, sued himself, defeated Crawford's rink of Tticdford 1 6-7 ; Gordon's of Forest 11-9 and were beaten by Cie trophe winners skipped by Dr. Thompson of Lucan 7-6. They have a good chance of winning out In the co,teolation event which wee post- poned to some future day on acc0uat of the heavy Ire. This tank expects to return to Parkhill for this event wr,cn Played off. The boys are so enthused over the game and tie su'cess of the t>o•tsreil in Parkt.Ill that they ate ta;k:ug ear`t- ce'ly ot hording a honeyed In Eteter • exr year. We would Ilke to see one 1.0on here and trust that the eItli:rna would give the cutlers every assistance they could In t't( way of r'akitlg up pet'o events. The t)ltl «')1V The Herr Way Take Howey's cure•a-Cold Capsules Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes. per bag Hay. per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow Butter Eggs Dried apples Livehogs, per owt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 93 46 37 76 c0 7 60 1 40 95 48 88 00 851 276 145 22 25 8 0 80 23 00 20 00 REV. 11013135 TO COME 11E11E. The officials of the James Street eletn, Church have received word from Rev. Richard Hobbs of Toronto that he has accepted, subject to the stattontng and transfer committees, the unanimous In- vitation of James street church to be- come their pastor next conferstice year. Mr. Hobbs had been invited to rennin where he le for a fourth year. Ile 1s an excellent preacher arid ahoule be well received in Exeter. IT EXPLODED What should prove an everlasting warn Ing to boys happened in town on Satur- day last. Three young lade, Tolntny Sanders, Willie Dirncy and Young Creech got hold of a loaded cartradee and be- ing curious to know what could be done with It to cause a little excitement they started to work to Hct it off. They did not have to work long until tete thing exploded and flew l,: all directions. giv- ing them all an experience such as they won't care to have repeated. Tommy San dere was struck in the knee, caueing a painful Injury, while Willie I3irney re- ccived a severe cut in the arm, near an artery that necessitated eeverr,1 stitches and which If It had been a trifle fur- ther one way would have cut the art- ery and bled to death in a short time. AGEICCLTURAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exeter Ag- ricultural Society was held In the Town etas on Teureday afternoon feet, with• a fairly good attcndai:cc. Mr. D. McIn- nes was asked to take the cilatr. The Treasurer's and Auditors' reports erre received, showing that itis so.:iety 1a in a good healthy condition. After the usual preliminary buainced -was tran- sacted the following offl_ere were WA - ed for the year 1t)uO ;-Pres., E. Chris- tie; Vice -pros., Jolli1 Allison; Zed Vire- pres., W. D. Sanders Directors, Joh \lair, \Ver. Russell, P. McTaggart, Paul Coates, Std. Andrews, W. 1I. Lovett, W. It..wden. W. It. Elliott, John Dc;bridge; Bon. directors, D. Mcbnnca cunt Satn'I Sanders. Sr.; Auditors, H. E. Huston and C, II. Sanders. The cream 1 ot•se owned by Mr. E. A. 1 chick claret 3 a little ezcnrnt<nt on Main street 'rucaddy• The wnitfletr_c ire the bread wago:a broke causing the least to kh k furiously and art ugly un- lit 11 relieved itself from tee rig. rwr vormersirw�� That Nutty Flavor We have it in our STAR FLOUR 4 It contains the qualities that tickle the palate. You must have heard it over and over again that Harvey's Flour makes Good Bread Try it and yon will SMILE t ot>. HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO Lk JAI IIILAlk ALAI idlaaaaancl Scrap Iron, }Waited Brass, Copper Rubber, Etc., We ate prepared to pay CASH 40c a hundred and upwards according to quality, for Scrap iron, Old Rubber (toots and `hoes, 1'c per lb Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Brass Sc Rags, 50e per hundred. We Have for Sale a large quantity of IRON PIPE suitnt.le for Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son MAiN ST.. EXETER. Adding Loess leaf ledger. bill and r'harge, , and rv.tem, ani all modern de 11, -es known ;Machine 1 n basines. l orlenee are at diet -weal o f War f t a den t o ('nn.,gently butane.. house* M leading Canadian ani American rlties !ere ratline fetidly lot our graduate.. Indiri.tfiul leaner tion. Enter any (lay. (tail ('MJ r.... Send postal lir pard v1v. CLINTON BUSINESS COLT GEO. SI'OTl'ON, it'At. T. HAKINS & SON. Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. NOM Sid is Complete reat Discount Sale of Furniture at Rowe & Atkinson's III We have started a great slaughter sale comprising every article of furniture in our large stock at a Special Discount of 20 Per Cent Off Regular Prices for CASH. Note some of the Great Bargains we are offering and what it means to furniture buyers. A call will convince intendingurchasers that this is the GREATEST BARGAIN SALE ever held in Exeter. ROWE & BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak finish, with large Bevel Mirror, regular price $10.60, Discount Sale Price. .... $13.00 SIDEBOARDS, regular price $13.00 Discount Sale Price $10.00 COUCHES, regular price $8.50 Discount Sale Price $0.00 MATTRESSES. regular price $3.50 Discount Sale Price $2,50 Everything else in proportion. ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES p.& 82CLARK Our January Sales have been the best we ever had. Nothing like " DEEP CUTTING" to clear out the goods. One leek More of January Bargains Stock -Taking is Over and we find only a few articles of WiNTER 0001)8 yet to clear - But they must all go -Nothing to be carried over -And our - " Bargain Prices" will soon clear them out. - 1-4 OFF ALL FURS Only n few choice ones left --blit they are just as gond as a month ago -this "1310 CCT" will soon sell them. Remember 1-4 Oft 4 only Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats This is a 131(1 reduction on thein but out they go to some lucky buyer 1-4 OFF ALL JACKETS LADIES' anti CHILDREN'S JACKETS are all to be cleared out at this priers. We have only a few left. So this is a money - saver for you Salo Sale 3 doz. pair of Beautiful, Soft, Fleecy Blankets to be cleared out at ra nig reduction. if you want Wool Blankets now is the time to buy them. NcW p;L: oods Our New PRINTS are in and selling every day. All our New Dress (ioesls, Trirnmings,'aces, Embroideries 11'aists, (iinghtin•, ('hembrays, &c., will he here this Werk. Conte and see the Ni:W GOODS opened up. it will do you gond. Every piece of Wrapper. ette in the store to sell at the same pries. 0001) assortment of Patterns, - only 1 Oc per yd ?1r-MaI Sits We have a few suit ends left in Blacks, Blues and Tercets. in order to make room for our NEW SPRING SUIT- iNG, we are offering some Very Special Priam on theta. They are (IENUINE BARGAINS and will pay you well to .ee: JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. K Sanford Clothing