HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 7} t 1 DISEASE COMES ed forward to with some little ani 1 THIS ATHLETE OF iety on the part of the cattlemen, THROUGH THE BLOOD for and insist heir tont theswn is ser► exacting, -- Icare being exercised in regard to the stalls and stables, as well as their inmates. He inspects every - To Curs Gunmen Alllne1t3 th3 thing thoroughly, anti it is a sad Blood Must be Made Rich I dad thing some ase when it he discovers and Red. The farm is a model and is visited I Pearly by thousands of fanners and Nearly all the diseases that et- breeders, who find there everything flirt mankind are caused by bad that modern science has invented blood, weak, watery blood poison- for the advancing of cattle breed - ed by impurities. Bad blood is the cause of headaches and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism, debit sty and indigestion, neuralgia and her nerve troubles, and the dis- uring skin diseases like eczema and salt rheum that shop how im- pure the blood actually is. it is no use trying a different medicine for each disease because they all spring from one cause—bad blood. To cure any of these diseases you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blond. That is just what Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood. That is why they cure these dis- eases when common medicines fail. Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B., says:—"About a year ago I was so weak and miserable that I thought I would not live to see spring again. I could neither work, eat nor sleep. My blood was in a terrible condition. My entire body broke out with pimples and small boils that would itch and pain and caused mo great trouble. I went to the doctor and tried sev- eral medicines but to no effect. I was almost in despair when one day •a friend asked me why I did not try Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills. I decided to try thein and took alto- gether eight boxes. By the time I had finished them I was like a dif- ferent man. They not only puri- fied and enriched my blood, but built, up my whole system and I have not had a pimple on my flesh nor a sick day Since." To enrich the blood you must get the genuine Pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People," on the wrapper around the box. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. \Villiutns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. KING'S FAVORITE DRESS LOOKS WELL iN FIELD MAR- SHAL'S REGALIA. After Doffing Gorgeous Costume, King Eduard Enjoys Visit to Stock Farm. lug. ''Old ,Tack," who has complete charge, is a veteran who has been in the sante position for over thirty years, and he is a great favorite of the King. The King is usually very punctilious about the deference due to his rank being paid to him, but with this favored employe he re- laxes and permits familiarities which would bring a stinging re- buke on the head of any other. The old man and his royal master generally contrive to get into a heated argument about the cattle, which ends, in the majority of cases, in the old man's hobbling away in high dudgeon, in which state he remains until the timely offer of a cigar restores him to good humor. . CiIINI:SE WOMEN AWAKENING They are Demanding Education and Legal Rights. The Chinese woolen are awaken- ing to the brutality and injustice of their position. and aro demand- ing education and legal rights. The old Empress willingly heard their call and answered it. Schools fur girls have recently been establish- ed, with foreign ladies, principally Japanese, as teachers. They are crowded with pupils, mostly from leading Chinese families. In Pekin the college for young ladies of the court is very popular, and fourteen Mongolian princesses are receiving their education there. English is taught, in all the schools. Many women are not content with the education ('hint can supply, and have left their country to ,study in European universities. Miss Le Tsu-zung. the daughter of a doctor at Shanghai, has recently been ad- mitted to the Berlin University on the special recommendation of the Chinese Minister, and many others aro follow ing her example. RCSI CHBEKED BABIB& Nothing in the world is such a comfort and a joy as a healthy, hearty, rosy-cheeked, happy baby. Babies and young children can be kept in perfect health by giving them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets, which will keep the or - This time the Kinghasto ire stomach and bowels in perfect prepare aro der. And when sickness comes to meet any foreign ambassadors there is no other medicine will cure who n ish for an audience, or such the minor ills of childhood as other special messengers as are speedily and safely as Baby's Own daily passing between the Euro- 'Tablets. Guaranteed to contain peon courts. For this function no opiate or poisonous drug. Mrs. •King Edward attires himself in the 31. Ronlard, Eastern Harbor, N. S., full regalia of a British field mar- says :—"I have used Baby's Own Fled, with the imperial scarf across Tablets for the various ills from his coat and his breast decorated which little ones suffer, acid find with the blazing insignia of the them a marvellous medicine. royal orders. This is a costume Thanks to the Tablets my baby now which the King has a decided pref.,' always enj..ys the best of health." erence for. Sold by all Medicine dealers or by It is a magnificent dress and par- ! `mail at 25c. a box from The Ur. titularly becoming to him, for it 11llliuins' Medicine Co., Bruck%ille, enhances considerably the digni- Onta. FIFTY-TWO YEARS S.11•S til: o%% ES HIS WONDER.. F1'l. l:\I:It1i 1' 'f0 DODO'S hill\E1' P111.5. Was Tortured With Rheumatism and a Cripple Till the Great Kidney Remedy Cured 11itn. Six Nations, Ont., Jan. 18 (Special). --Fifty-two years of age, but. still young enough to captain the lacrosse tearp, John Silversmith52,800 fretand lifted either one Aunt Mary lead not appeared, Mrs.of this place can tr.Ily be looked en skate or the other 13.1..A)times. The flint asked if any of the children knew where their Aunt Mary was. John spoke up promptly :— "Please, mother, she is on the roof." RENEW YOUR YOUTH. Never before has the struggle for social and commercial success been so keen as in our own day, and to the victor and the vanquished alike comes a time when nerves and body cry fc.r rest. Nature and sci- e INGENIOUS ADVERTISING. OBEDIENT JOHN. Figuring out Skate -Weights Makes Mrs. Flint always demanded in- I:ood Talk. Stant and unquestioning obedience from her children- Ono afternoon A very unique argument eas re- a stoim came en, and she sent her Gently put forward as an advertis- eon John to close the trap-door ing feature of the Automobile leading to the rouf. Skate. Tho Automobile Skate, it "But, mother--" said John. may be mentioned, is the newest ''John. 1 told you to shut the thing on the ice. It is exceptional_ trap-dtor." ly light, being made with an alu- "Yes; bat mott.er—" nlinuui-alloy top and a blade of "John, shut that trap-door." 'All right, muther, if you say ro, but------'' 'John"' John ,;lowly climbed the stairs and shut the trap -dour. The storm howled and raged. Two hours later the family gathered for tea. When the meal was h•tlf over and nickle steel. Here is the argument : Every slide of a skate takes you forward something over four feet while the other skate is lifted and held above the ice. Suppose a per - seri Foes ten miles around a rink --which distance is easily covered by most anyone—he has covered as a wonderful athlete. One would "Automobile" Skate is, at the low - naturally think he was all his life est figure, six ounces lighter than a healthy loan. But it was far any other. Figuring that out, you otherwise, and he unhesitatingly will find that he has actually lifted states that his wonderful energy 4,888 pounds less than he would and vitality are duo to Dodd's were he using any other skates. Kidney Pills. The Automobile Skate is manufac- "1 suffered from Rheumatism for tured by the Canada Cycle and over seven years," Mr. Silversmith Motor Company. says in telling his story, "and it 3' finally made a complete cripple of CHEER UP! me. My back was bent nearly dou- ble and when I tried to walk I had button your wife's waist. Be glad to use crutches. Latterly I could not get around at, all and I suffer- ed excruciating pain. "Two boxes of llodd's Kidney Pills gave me relief ; sixteen boxes cured me completely." 1)odd's Kidney Pills always euro Rheumatism because Rheutnatism is caused by disordered Kidneys and D.;dd's Kidney Pills always cure disordered Kidneys. .l, The yellowest gold comes from Alaska; the reddest from the Ural district. Au:aralian gold is red- dish, and California yellowish. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. Shopkeeper—"Corns here, Fido! Fine animal, that. Your dog, sir 1" Young Customer—"My dog 1 I hope not. Would not be followed about by such a eur as that." Shopkeep- er—"Get out, you brute. 1 hate dogs." >> "•-•r » Child—"For ter Rasa and the work&me. A Four stamp !1fif1 children win ae sloshing, They „nee hems Lady—"What for? out them. There is nothing Ua116e- to new In operation. producing front the Reran osiers,' with snow• Half a tet. p•'or.i..t of rain- keping the fox warm, of course. :atlas in their stn actu re• and the grade ure about $ fl U,O per month. Some tett.,. UO :killer in hot sweetene.l water will prevent any worth .f on It now hloclod out sad we ran safe. ill effects. Avoid substitute., there se but one . most delicate can use thein (unfr- Iv pwdict there eta heave: a'ullties Wert •aprtn - "Painkiller "—ferry Davis' -2.5e. and 60c. Biliousness Burdens Life. — The dently. bilious man is never a companion- ( t 1 it li d ., peas bloc v( •t t,e?I .lyref Is now oRsre•1 t•r the Schoolmistress, endeavoring to able man because his ailment ren- Broncho Bill—''See here. boss ! rook et 75c per share. We Invite fuar.t inrea• impress upon the class the meaning dors him morose and gloomy. The What in thunder dyer mean by M1314TO11 & OAVANAUON, of the word "cuticle"—"Now, Pol-complaint is not so dangerous as it putting 'Paid with thanks' on my isnokeIte, Irrawet 1002, NCLSON, B.p ly Johnson. tell me what it is with iii is disagreeable. Yet no one need account? Jest you put 'with cash,' • which my face and hands are cov- ered." Back came the answer with startling promptitude: "Freckles, miss." trice have combined to produce an your wife has a t+air} and double environment where tired men and glad you have a wife to button a women may renew their youth. On waist, for. Some men's wives have the main line of the Grand Trunk no waists to button. Some assns Railway System, at St. Catharines, wives' waists have no buttons on Ontario, is situated "The Wel- to button. Some men's wives who land,'' where the ills of life aro have waists with buttons on to but - Springs by bathing in the Saline ton don't cr.ro a continental wile-, Springs of the "St. Catharines ther they are buttoned or not. Somea cls," under proper medical super- men don't have any wives with. vision and attendance. Apply to waists with buttons on to button' 130 Pt. James street, Montreal, for any more than a rabbit. booklet and further information. ! An Irish caps•ain inspecting his A Woman's Sympathy i company noticed that one of the Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's soldiers had neglected to wash et bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain g a heavy physical burden? I know what titer the back of his neck or his these mean to delicate women—I have ears "H1 you:" he called to been discouraged, too; but learned hove to r euro myyaelt. i want to relieve your bur- hiin —"you haven't washed yourself dens. 1`'h not end tho pain and atop the at the back! Right -about face and doctor's Lill. I can do this for you and ¢ wit) tt you will assist me. . lvuk at 3 -ourself!" A11 you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been p1.. cd In my hands to be given away. Perl;a{,i Useful et all Times.—In winter this one box will cure holo -1t Was done ro' or in summer Parmelee's Vegetable for others. It so, I shall ho happy and you wail be cured for 2c (oro cost of a fills will cope with and overcome postage stamp). Your letters held cons- BUY [NAMES IN TN! BUT MINE IN dentlally. Write to -day for my free treat -ally irregularities of the digestive pleat. DJIt9. F. E CUIU(Aii. Windsor, oat.1 organs which change of diet, Canada's Greatest Cold Camp . change Of residence, or variation riH1iiP ('rtY.Rl(," riluato.l Boma ffl ,nli Importunate Lady (who has been ' of temperature may bring about. south of Nelson, ran undoubtedly claim the, die. subjecting the child to a running They should be always kept at hand tinction. One yew's de•eioppwent has p.ru.fctee4 fire of questions)—"Is the skin of halt mines. the greatest elwhlchisthe '•Nugget. q )and once their bouefic sal action be- In one year this nine has tatwn out &iris: de. the fox any use?" Child—"Yes." comes known. no one will be with- vel"pn"ot ev"$5J,ee,) iu gum, actually 1a AND CoId-S ore; Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore? Have you "cold cracks' which open and bleed when the skin drawn tight.? Have you a cold sore cost, bite, chilblains, or a "raw' lace. which at, times makes It agon or you to go about, your house} uties? It so, Zara-tluk will give y• chef, and will heal the frost -damage kis. Anoint the sore places at night ,em.Btik's rich bealitttg essences w .nk into the wolutds, end the smart as, and will heal q,dctly. Rt.ad this Lady's Experience. Mrs. Yelton, of Portland, says: 'I consider it onl • my duty to tell yo f the great benefit I have derived fro Z:tm-Duk. My hands were so sore a :racked that it was agony to put t •ear water. When I did so they wool. • ut and burn as it I had scalded the• I see;ned quite unable to get relief fro•• thing I put on them until 1 tri on link and it succeeded woe_: all els d failed. It closed the big cricks ave ine ear+, soothed the iuftauimatio ud in a vary short timo haled in, ands completely. It is a wonderf healer and should be in every home." rota -Pub /ha carts rhaln,J. rash's. u4 ca sees. Woe -re. /rect-m7 s•.rea sore heeds a» • tS abu'auti M?..p.•es, nap -iron t et. rut area, brut... aM/eis..,.r,.ens. UseJ as an r•,,Jr neon 0 ran ea rheuniclen, rrsrlrey one -:hl. ta. Of all Jrw1q i:la ,.s4 s.'n-,y or iv.; tree ro• he 7.avi-BuA ('a. royal. Prete 50 r. 1 1 Or 4' !.ii. • e:'ect more economic work 1t 1a netes,ary 1. e -eel ,a :,r er sad an tramway. Fort a pup Always a Good Friend.—In health and happiness we need no friends, but when pain and pros- tration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rubbing in I)r. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, for when the Oil is iu the pain is out. It has brought relief tri thousands who without it would be indeed friendless. Mistress (astounded)—"You can't read, Norah? Good gracious! How did you ever learn to cook so I well i" New Cook—' •Shure, Fount, fled and ahthoritative air which is a' ',____— Oi lay it t' not Lein' uhlo to rade distinguishing characteristic of the YOU KNOW THE \f.1\. tit' cook books." Ding. King Ialwaid always wears : it on state occasions. and although • Most of us are acquainted with theperson who asks ohs nes- A Nag$ing sough drlvos sleep and comfort not a tall mall and in Inner years q away. Von can c+•ngner It with Allen• Lung inellned to be Sienna, he presents all i Ilene the sort of man who stops Hassam. which relieses hard hrethin,, pain in .. — ' \.ell Ili the muddle of a headlong 15..b.at and irritallun oI Ib. throat. Olt. 11 Ilnp"sing and kingly appearance g treeiy to rho children. Rale Them Without M;Ik. CALVES neottet Pree. Srce,. I:riep Seed Ca, Ltd., Toronto Lawyer --"Yon say the prisoner, - stole your watch 1 What. distingu-' A. J. PATTISON & CO. ishing feature was shout the 53.35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. watch?" \Witness --"It had ray' sweetheart's picture in it." Law-, Stook Broker3 & Finanolal Agen!s yer--"Ah, 1 see. A woman in the CO CS MB AILies ' case." 1 suffer from it who can procure and be slick, too. None o' yer fu»- I'arnlelee's Vegetable fills. By ny jokes on Inc." regulating the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the stomach No lubetrtute far "Then & f." Menthol Plaster, ' they restore men to cheerfulness although wee unecrnpulnusdealers nay ray Oats and full vigor of action. 1.. rteenmmemled by doctors, hcapitals, alergy , i=sad ewe, fur pleurisy, endues/, etc. 't necessarily follow that 1 It doesn man would rather fight than eat: because he marries a cooking school graduate. V Thea N Ne Bush Thing as a harmless r.,nah. The tr,.nbte knot from had t" wer.e un'e-s check. e.1. Mica's Lunt! Rattan) cutin, lite e'rol of colds. It allays iutlammation and clean the ata passages. DISCOVERED. Beggar—"Sir, I am starving." C'roesus—"here, take this con; and tell me how you became so tniserably poor." Beggar --"Ah, sir, I was like you: 1 was too fond of giving away large stints of money to the peer." MOST GENUINE i'L1:ASU'R1;, rush and asks YOU if you are in a hurry. 31r. E---- is one of these After his audiences are over the peels. and during a walk abroad King d'rffs his magnificence to en- the other meriting he paused in as - joy the most genuine pleasure of tonishment outside a friend's house. the day. Dressed as a country I Beferc it stood three huge moving gentleman, lie goes oft to his stock . vans ; the lawn was almost covered farm to attend a dock sale. f his' with articles of furniture of sari- Ilritnnnic Maj( sty bad not been oils e..orts—pictures. wardrobes, and born in the purple he would prob- china. And there was his old sbl} hate been a farmer, and he friend 11—, begrimed, %teary, and •would hn%e been a Fled one. The ill-tempered. directing operations King's cattle have taken prizes all in his shirt -sleeve). seer the world, and their owner "What, 11----," exclaimed Mr. not only takes a deep interest in E---. "are you moving 1" their breeding and welfare, but is' "Not at all --not at ail," snap - thoroughly (onversnnt with nil the red B--, with elaborate sarcasm, lore of the cattleman. His love "I'in taking my furniture out for for horses, of eourse, hos been n a ride :" passion with him all his life. lett he' is almost equally as fond ehf cows .\ lady writes: "i ens enabled to end sheep. and is regarded as one replete the corns, root and branch, p of the first authorities in his king- by the nee of Holloway's Corn doth on these placid and unexcit- Care:. Others who have tried it ing animals. have the same experience_ VI.TFin.\N C.tRES Foil ST0('K. i "- NOT ON THE. MAP. At lis ;.tock form his visit is le.,';_ i There once lived a wealthy, but 1 uneducated man who owned many ter,els. and followed their T Y IT til a sis ,I et(lte: t tic ' r,'t M• .;�. n`ln:n SGg'1d CJI ISSUE NO. 1 1 1 course 'vr'r the seas by the aid of an enormous atlas. "•i'tc jt,st had a letter," lie said to a neighbor, "from one of my 1 captain:, and he tells ole that Iles !been in n feat fill Nt••rrn, and didu l I know but the vessel would go t• r! e r..1Ilia I'll read you whet 1 , '!.•. rte. He !aye : 'The wave, .' ':t c wou^_tain., MI ilr; the vivid ...*se hrekc the pitchy glr:urn, \' • 'I. '. ' n lee:ere the n inti, scat je:'pr i de. .t 1 ..' l++ knew is. said • • r, :is 1i folded the • ici'e is Great J(•.,pardr 1 .w eta Pomo s here in the 11e- . e ranean. but i stn's find it on 1, this map a±i}••e-hero :" Time tries all things, and as )tickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it. now ranks as a leading specific in the treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most stubborn cough by relieving the irritation, and resore the affected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its value. 'fry it and be con%inced of its efficacy. amt theest.><t• u. htanl•.:1. n c,mmissles. (• ••rc.pnndeuce isvite.. Urders may Ls wIreda$ sur •spools — WANTED. Agents, Stores, everywhere; hand - ease profits ; sell our perfect, brass, kerosene, mantle, tnble- lamp; hanging or bracket -lamp; 100 candle-power; !; kerosene used; a wonder; sells ou sight ; re- tails $3.50. 11EBSTER SPEC! ALTV Co.. 1Walerbury, Conn. Old Gentleman --".1 poor lethal canto to Inc this morning asking I Alt the Strength for food, as he said he was St.I,v ing. I sent him down to ; otir of Prime 011 Boof plaer. acid told hien to get a c ' d is Concentrated in Bovril. meal and i would pay for it. !I ..t mud, is the bill 1" 1.andl. rd "Fifty cents, sir." "What are B 0 R L the items?" "Seven beers and titre:. cigars." aiLkg14a" it.1 ..o. e Josh WI? nits. the elven' Ptlo eneer chose max - 11. aro futi of homely «;+duan, roe* said : ''Tho i'rrger 1 live the mere i b• hove seed set of how - Es are wont mere then a good ret st brats, " (•e.errr King makes toed bowels. '1.S cant', at flea - rn Bn or Lj nasal. tl U. Wells it Ce.. Toro:. La. Why Not Both is palatable, very nourishing, and easily (ligested. It is no trouble to prepare. A spoonful of i3OVEITa stir• reel into a cup of boiling .cater i5 the finest tonic and I,icl:•nle-up. BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE In the town of Ballinagh lived a butcher, who was famed for Felling tough meat. A countryman went in one day to purchase some. "Well my good man," asked the hatcher, "is it for frying or boiling you want it ?'' "Neither," replied John. "It's to make hinges for the stable -door," .Ship:haat, L• n+ lit:• year. t. date, a::.,.rt double lost year. '1HERR B A ItcAS(rN. Over two hundred t appera and shippers w !o had priori wooly. *hippedelsewhere have been added to our list. ". 111• NOT 1.01' t 1i a pay best price., slipping expoau, an I remit mash same day. Pr,:e ll.t .rn app'i••atton. A. & E. PIERCE & CO., 507 til. t•.1l :. - Mt/Vi :t:al. RS and E :., Wrlt• for Weekly Price Lists, Shipments Solicited. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, ONT. WILY DO ' So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Brll pianos) 'i he fact that they ure and prefer the Bell is evidence of dietinct merit! Ore follows professional advice in acquiring an educstoay why n ,l follow professional custom is Inn in,( hell places ) Il.e only pianos with the I1limita!,k (Zi:ck Rep -aline Accost. - Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. The DELL PIANO SOrAein(^.o,. Lirn,r.d GUL'LPH ,ON-fARi0. HOTEL TRAYMORE (,S '1111. Or.F.AN FRONT. ATLAt•TIC CITY, N. J. 1 . A rneenli..nl 'ea story fire genet addition Is jest'.e'ng e.np'er.;t. realise (51. f se; o heetel-y the coedit and ssnt sole date of Atleatle Citi If -.tors A ..ew feat's. b tip ass Mao of the bed rouses, e.eragtag If feet enure R•ery room ,9mIoamil an newts .few, hath attached with s, and Ire+b water chess'. giw ta.ve-yebamlor. rsaperatere rego'a``.J by Therm>.Jvlt the latest d5rwl•.ppmeas :a steam beatiag. 11e:epb•r,e10*very roes. tion privllege ,. Capeailyepe, Nrl%s1.,lliostrat.J boo! l.t CHARLES 0. MARQUETTE., TR ‘‘',MORE tlOif:i. Cr lf'AYI, Manager. 1). S. %\ fill E, Prca.de: L -5,