HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 5GOLD MEDAL
- FOR -
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Als in Canada.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad.
sonata office.
Learn Dres8IakIng
We teach you everything from the
plainest shirt waist to the most elabor-
ate toilette that can be found In the rash
loft books. I show you how to cut, tit
and put together, not only the lining but
all the outer goods In coats. skirts,
waists, wrappers, sleeves, children's
dresses. Including sailor coilars, berthas
tilts, girdles, etc.
Consider that you will be able to save
by being able to make your own gar-
ments, better and cheaper. So why
spend your time In a shop sewing on
looks and eyes which you know all
about before, and even do not learn stow
to cut out a dress.
WHAT IT'S LIKE. An there Is nothing
to be paid in advance, you certainly
would not lose anything by trying.
Charge of full course Is only $10, to
be paid when course is completed if sat -
lofted, Including one ot the most perfect
improved 'Ideal Ladles' Tailor System,"
which Is given free watt cower'.
I guarantee that the waists made by
this chart will not draw or pull out of
the skirt, when raising the arm.
An evening class will also be tau;ht
In this class we will teach shirt waists
sleeves, dreaming hacks, children's dres-
ses only. Terms $5, Includes chart ;
hours 7 to 9 o'clock.
Will teach at Exeter from Jan. 28th
to Feb. 5th, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. :n.
Be sure to see enc at the Central Hotel
on Wednesday 27th between 9 a. m. and
5 p. in.
Instruetress of Dress Cutting.
not trade that organ
of yours on a piano
At the present we can handle a
number of second hand organs and are
therefore prepared to allow you a good
price for it.
We don't ask you one
dollar more for the piano
than your neighbhr pays
for it.
Sewing Machines,
Sleighs, Hymn Books,
Bibles, Stationery, &c
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Thee are noted for the quality of their goods.
V x etex g notate
glIgrgR - - ONTARIO
11I.00 It paid In advance,
f 1. RO a year It not so paid.
To United States Ssbscrlssr .Sl.3O
5 o► s Year Strictly la gdvsrce.
8ANDERS O CREECH, Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The groat Uterine Tonle, and
only safe effectual lifonthly
Regulator on which women oan
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, l ; Weir.
10 degrees stronger g3; No. 3,
for ► ial ca�rsoes�„�,s p,er box.
Sold by all -1 or seat
prepaid on revs ppt� of price.
Fres pamphlet. Addr'ees: �g
COO I11EDIOIN.Co-Tore IffO,ONT. Uwsrrfs Wiwdswf
This school stands In the forefront as the largest
and best prectical traininwheel in Western
Ontario. We have three decepartments;
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
All departments are In charge of erperieneed
instructors and the courses are thorough and
practical. Our graduates secure good positions.
Students are entering every week. Write for our
tree catalogue at once.
Ross' Furs
Manufacturer and Retailer
Reliable Furs
Our business principles DEMAND ONE PRiCEI
no misrepreeentalloe to sell goods, and no room•
mentation of unreliable garments
We meet d1 competition by our practical
knowledge and perfect equipment. We pro•
test aur patron, before and after the hoe -
days bo giving reliable garments and hon-
est value.
We Have No Annual Fur Sale
Blue Lynx
Black Lynx
Isabella Fox
Natural Canadian Mink
Alaska Sable
Persian Lamb
Astrachan Jackets
Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats
sets $30.00 and $50.00
18.00 to 50.00
a 50.00 to 200.00
a 23.00 to 38.00
20.00 to 50.00
18.00 to 35.00
25.00 to 85.00
Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Nervous, Diseased Men
, Question Blank
r r (tome
Treatment sent
Fs. for
Ws Guarantee to Curo all Curable Cases of Stricture, llatrl000eleo
Nervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital weaknesses,
Kidney, Badder and Urinary Diseases, and all
Oiseasos Peculiar b tA9n and women.
r,oe't waal. y.•nr t rn, a'; 1 tr• r ' ..r .;hra?. m,ern••a, etterine.'nlal treatment.
Don't InerMM st yone own i•o,t pouf mitt (stilly% byLr. u.• .•�l- , 4 'i',i.'1 .•n M ith rcl,teeca
e nh h Ih.•y einem o have )oat dim w,et,I by: c.trm. 1., i. n eva1n..em.• tt ' will 1, rat
t.,.1 a.na'.entrotta:v, honestly ft rt ekli'hd:y, aml rear... pal 1. hcaltl: In the shortest ps-
a 1 to time with (lit, team ree.lieirte, ainearefort etn.lrcl.'r.u' )ere. tirable Each css.• M
t r.• .:c.1 rs tee tyro; tun a Ir.J'r:.t.•. (mi. New Alcth.d la ". e.rci t( ar.•i has stood the tree for
te.:.ty ytvtra
Cor. Michican Ave., And flriswo!d St., Detroit, Mich.
flab woman says she was saved
from an operation by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. Frank Eln.ley, Lindsay,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. I;ulkllaln :
' When I wrote to you some time
ago, I was a very sick woman suffering
from female troubles. I had inflamma-
tion of the feminine organs and could
not stand o: walk any distance. At
last 1 was confined to my bed and the
doctor said 1 would have to go through
an operation, but this I refused to do.
'•A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. After using
three bottles of it, I Feel like a new
" 1 most heartily recommend Lydia E.
I'iukhaun's Vegetable Compound to all
women who suffer with female
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammatio ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, i ties,
periodic pains, backache, t bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency,in`d�i e's
t i o n, d izri nese or Ile rvous proetr ation.
Why don't you try it?
Mrs. Pinkhaiiu invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
she has guided thousands to
Iiealth. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Lela I3uewelt and Wflile Eseery, who
aro attending Lucan High School, spent
Sunday at their respective homes. -Mr.
Butler and sister of Staffa spent Sun-
day at F', Lurton's.-ellits Clara Lustre
atter a visit of a fcw weeks in Crom-
arty has returned home -Mr. and Mes.
F. Coates spent Monday in Blddulph.
Anniversary Services. The annlversary
Services of Eden church will be held on
Sunday and Tuesday, Jan. 81st, and
Feb. 2nd. Bev A. II. Going will preach
Sunday at 2.30 and Rev. R. Hicks, of
Credito,: at 7 p.m. An oyster Supper
and Program will be given Tuesday,
the oysters 1n the School Flouee from
h to d p.in., and afterwards a program
of speeches from Revs. Going and Hieko,
and solos, recitations, etc. Admission
35 and 25 cents. Special collections on
Palle Is Full of Tnein and Nearly All
Uso Parlslan Sago .
In the beauty show at the metropolis
two years age gold medals vitro award -
«1 to five different women.
To tit most lxautiful woman be -
twee 20 and 25; bclorcen 25 and 93.
between 30 and 85 ; between 85 and 40 ;
sect bit acre 40 orad 45.
A society re porter who interviewed alt
five women In the lnterent of hie paper
reported that all of them had beaUtlful
hate, and that each one of the five en-
.t.u,leeti(.illy uttttbuie.l bit luaurtant
hair to Parisian Sage.
W. S. Cole 'elle Perlelan Sage for 50
e.mts a I.,ri;c bottle. ire Suarante'e It
to r urc d,uni tel. in two weeks ; (0 atop
falling hair alit Itching of the scalp.
It makes any woman's !lair beautiful,
loft and luxul'11rit.
Parlor So, lar, St Patrick's Church, -
The N. A. of St. Patrick's Church
On the eighteenth of F.:brl1ary
\t ill hold at ?ere. Thin. hunter's home
A Social bright and airy.
And on that night we'll have a pie,
Jack Horner's It Ali equal
So If you wish a "plum" to buy
Be warted -acrd bring the "needful"
Now every friend who reads this rhyme
Just conic in kindly ep'rbt,
To share with us tins Jolly limo,
fou;1 surely rot ngret' it.
(boil Wings to teat -good things to cat
In plenty are provided.
Cottle early, you may mise a seat
For everyone's :netted.
Thursday e•vehmg, Feoruary 18, 1009.
Admission 15 ctn.
There le so much Rheumatism Imre
In our nelghbornood now that the fol-
lowing advh e will be higt,ly appreciat-
ed by those who suffer,
Oct from any good pharmacy one-half
uu:;re Fluid Extract Dandelion. one
°orae Compound Kargon. three ounces
Compound syrup Sarsaparin9. Henke
«rll Its a bottle and take In teasp•,on-
ful doses after each rascal and at bed,
time, also drink plenty of good water.
it 1s claimed that t,rere are few vier
Orns of etas dread ani torturous des,
c.tse who will fail to find ready relief
in thin elrnple to:rte-made mixture, and
In most rases a permanent cure Is the
Th;l, "emote tee(ipt Is said to str.nRi'm-
en and cleanse the eliminative Pestle',
of the Kidneys so that they ran filter
and strain from the blood and 'system
the petitions, acids and waste matter.
which r «use not only Rheumatism. but
numerous other diet ass e. Every nevi or
«oman here who feel that their KI -1•m. es
are not healthy and artivt. Or who mut-
ter from any urinary trouble whatever.
should not :.esitate to make up (his
mixture es 11 In ccrt,th, to do 'nur•eh
goad, and m.ty neve you from much ntls-
ety and suffering after while.
Out home druggists say they will
either supply the ingredients or mix the
;presetiptio!: ready to take 11 ow r •.td -
r+, ate thein.
Elmore Mundy and Miss Fraser are
visiting friends for a time in Micttlgen.
-Levi Boyle ot Ripley visited friends
here part of last week. -Mr e. FlmpsOn
has returned home frau a visit in Lon-
don. -Jas Nell's family 1s recovering
Ciotti typhoid fever. They are now able
to be up aroa:ed.-The rain of Saturday
has done considerable good In this lo-
cality. There will be no scarcity of wat-
er for a time. -Mrs. Clark of London,
who moved there before Christmas, 1s
vette Ill at her home of run-down sys-
S TATE or Oelo, CITY or TOLEDO, t
Lucas Cucstr
Prank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior
partner of the fine of Y. J. Cheney a Co., doingbusi•
n ew in the City of Toledo, County and State afore•
said, and that said firm will pay the aura of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cabs of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY
Sworn to before rue and subscribed in sty pres-
ence, this tlth day of December, A.D. 1856.
(Saab) A. W.0LEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts
dllectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CIIENEY a CO., Toledo, 0.
gold by all Itruggists, 75c.
Take liali's Family Pills for constipation.
131 DD C' LPH
Mrs. John Quigley and Mrs. John
Whalen, both, lung residents of this
township, cited laet week and we.re
burled at St. i'atrtck's cemetery.
Indulging in reminiscences of Blddulph
Mr. W. W. Itevingtott Saye. -The first
school teacher of the townehlp was Jean
Summers, who afterwards us Mra. Scoff
became the first poetmletress, and is
S till living at the home of Dr. Jones(,
of C'laideboyc. Three of the councillors
elected 50 years ago, 1858-9, are still
living. Samuel Langford of London, Ber-
nard Stanley of Lu -an, and John Mc
Falls of Blddulph. In 18x•5 t;fey had
five collectors Appointed, .t.darn Hodgins
Tilos. Stanley, Patrick Ryan, Timothy
Toohey, Mark Garret. in 1353 three as-
sessors and three license lnepectOre
were appointed'. All 01 which goes to
show that conelderable .nangc has taken
place in the conduct of township affairs.
We are pleased to note that Reeve
David I3onle of Blanchard has been el-
ected \Verden of Perth County. He will
fill the chair gracefully and well.
Revival services are being continued
this week In the Methodist church, con -
du •ted by the pastor, Rev. Veale.
Agricultural Society Meeting. -The
Kirktot: .tgricultural Society held
their annual meeting on Wednesday,
Jan. 20th, when the financial roport and
other reports were received. The finan-
cial report Shows an excellent balance
on hand of $328.00. The following of -
Mere were elected ;-President, John
Ifazelwood ; 1st Vice-pres., Robert
Berry ; 2nd Vice -prof., Robt. Painter ;
Directors, G. Bentley, A. Brethour, John
A. Robinson, John Kelland, Samuel
Doupc, Wm. Atkinson, Jas. Robinson;
%Vrn. Delbrldge, Hugh Berry and Amos
Doupc was re-elected Secretary -Treas-
urer. The Fall Fair was arranged to
be held on Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. The
President and Secretary were delegat
cd to attend the meeting of the aseostat-
fort of fairs and exhibitions at Toronto
on Feb. 10th and 11th.
Death. -At time hong of her daughter
Mrs, Alcx Brandt, the death occurred re-
cently ot Mrs. Germain. After the death
of her husband at New Ifamburg In
1807 in a railway accident, she resi-
ded In Ailsa Craig for 20 years. She
had been living here with, ler daughter
about a year.
our curlcre took part in the bonepcll at
Parkhill last week. and had a good time
-Rev. Kerr of Lucan preached mission
cry sermons In the Methodist chorea on
Sunday. The following Sunday Wee
Marton of Toronto will coniucncr a ser-
ies of evangelistic services.
Death of Mr. Stencman.-Mr. J. C.
Stoneman, one of Ileneall'e best known
and most highly respected citizens and
business men parsed away on Sunday
last et rut eight o'clock to the morning,
after a meott illness. at the age of 52
years. The deceased had enjoyed 01s Us-
u health up to about a week previous
to his demise, wient he disclosed eyrn-
p'onts of some ,erloue internal trouble.
Medical aid was nunununed and on diag-
nosing his case It was found that he
n ut fel ing from an acute attack of appen-
dicitis. An operation wa. deemed neres-
,,.tiy. which wee p r'crned on Tue clay
by Drs. Gunn o' Clinton, Campbell of
%ui It h, and McDermott o' Mensal. Tee
sptration was pronounced a surcese. but
his physical condition was agaumet tilmt
and recovery was doubtful. Day by day
hi■ condition beeante the more alarming
AIM slowly but surrey ne waned until
the vital cord was snapped. The
deceased was born In the towns;ilp '►f
Tuckersmith and for a number of year.
followed the profession ot t.•aching.
About 18 years ago he embarked in the
mewellry business here and t.irough his
courteous manner, Honest dealings and
good bu',luras prtneiples he citJoyel a
lrtx•-ab pattonugc and auntlierrd ells
'r bonds as many. The deceased was a
number cf the Methodist cnurca and
took an active pint In 511 matters
prrtainhtg to the Masters work. Ile was
a valued member of the 1. 0. 0. F. socie-
ty and also the Monte Circle, I;1 bot.i
of whirl, me will be mina missed. Ile
ie survived ley a surrowiig wife and
two so:is who have the sympathy of
a large circle of friends. The funeral
;sok place to the ltodgcrvilie cemetery
Tu •eJty and was largely attender.
The St. Marys & Western Oitatio Pail
way Company has :Wade application for
an amendment to Its charter giving
power to con5tru t the 'ollowing Il:ees
of rail•.tay.-F'rom n point en an amain
hne bet wet ti the tower of St. Marys aed
the %'llingt of Exct,r In a northerly and
westerly direr:Ion, t:rruu;t. the couetice
of Perth and iiu:0,1 to a point 01 points
on the Gulp r and Godriirtt ItallwaY be -
wet r, the vrtlagc of ltllvrrtoe and (hr
town of Goderfch ; from a point on its
m.ln ie•te at or hear the village of garter
to a point ut l.akr ilurort at or near
'he harbor of t)eand Beni : and for otter
and fu:lher powers.
Mr. Thos. Kestle Is a very pleased man
over the excellent well he had awe's on
Ole farm by Mr. Dattlel Cook of Exeter.
This Is the tignth well that has been
sunk on the farm two rock and nes or-
dinary, but an failed to supply water,
and It would seem titat 1s was hopeless
to try again. Mr. Cook undertook the
matter of finding water and on going
down thirty fcct shuck an excellent
series and now Mr. Kestle Inas «bund
artce. It Is no wonder Mr. Kestle Is ro
loud in his praise of Mr. Cook's ability
as a well -digger.
Miss Mcrlock of Exeter visited Misses
Itickbell last week. -Miss Vcltch of Cor
inch is visiting Mrs. Dr. Nilson, -E. Co-
win of Tiny, Sark., le visiting his Uncle.
T, Johnston. -Cal \Vblllants of Buffalo
l■ home at pi-coml.-Wm. Sparks has
Purchased from cue uncle Alex. Sparks
10)0 acres In Stanley. -If. F'leisch•,uar'a
son is very 111 at prescrit.-Miss Clara
Wurnt, daughter of Mr. Martin Wurm
of the Bronson Line was married Jan.
IL to Mr. Becker ot the same line,. -W.
'Lcttel of the Noi•lhweet Is here on a vis-
it to relatives. -The Ilay Tp. ()Ulcers for
this year are,- Clerk, F. Koss, ar., at
a salary of $1eo, Treasurer T. Johnston
8115. Assessor 11. Llpphardt 885, col-
lector, John If. Sennett $75, auditors,
Jacob Iiaberer and henry Neeb, $6 each
Ed. Lewis and the Misses Daias vlelt-
ed friends at the Bend on Sunday. -Mrs.
T. Simpson returned home from London
Saturday evening. -Win. Kilnicre pur-
cnased a Lite team of mares the other
day from John Patterson. -Frank Ryan
A Distinguished Specialist Gives
Valuable A.Av/ce.
In the first place I always impress
upon my patients die importance of
careful living aad regular habits.
Moderation in eating, keeping the
feet dry, and wearing plenty of warm
clothing are some of the precautions.
No amount of medicine will cure,
or even help, unless attention is paid
to these few simple rules.
I have had perfect results where
patients followed these instructions,
assisted by the following blood tonic
and rheumatic specific :--
Fluid Extract Cascara yS os.
Carriana Compound , oz.
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz.
Dox : One teaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime.
It is advisable to drink plenty of
water during the treatment.
A proluinent local merchant who
has tried this treatment states that
it relieves backache, bladder tremble,
and urinary troubles almost imme-
diately and has aentle het thor-
ouj�h ac}Ign o th, kidneys.
We advise i OUT readers to keep
this prescriptids. The instruction,
ale valuable.
has the contract of cutting wood for Jae.
Morgan. -Ansley W. Nil and wife
moved out front London on \t'edrt ad:ty
to their new home on the Hat concceul >ti
of McGillivray.
Swollen Hands and Feet
mesa Kidney Trouble. Liniments and blood purifiers aro useless. What you
must do is to cure the kidneys. Take
Gin Fills act direly on these vital
organs --correct aildisease-neutralise
uric acid -purity the blood -relieve the
pain and reduce swelling hands and
feet. 50c. a box ; 0 for 02.50. At all
dealers or sent on receipt of price.
DEPT. A.-IIATIONAt B 'i& DU. 01 UM[THl Porwariv
wade bv
TOROiNTO los Ms Dreg „M.ga'» J
Sar11 frac
is a revelation to housekeepers. Nothing
like it has ever been made before.
It means less work, because ft does not
get dull or brown, and is so easily
It insane less work, too, because just a
few rube bring a bright, brilliant polish
that always look. fresh and dean.
It is cheapest, because you get a bigger
can for the money.
If your denier does not Medic "re oat
Knight" send his name as.l I's: for
full shed can. 7,11
Thor. /. R*LLiR CS. Lsstlled. tesmAea , OWL
`Peerless Peninsulas"
Are Cast -Iron Ranges Built Like Steel
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the
Drop Oven and Low Closet which have
heretofore been exclusive features of the
most expensive steel ranges.
'They are also the only ranges made with
Fire -Box on right or left side, as may
better fit the kitchen in which the range
is to be placed.
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid
cookers, are very economical in regard to fuel, are
strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service.
I.et us sbow you their many features of
superiority. 71
aamoring for Dessert
One Package
Will Satisfy them all.
Very Economical.
Prepared llotantly - Simply add boiling water and
serve when cool.
Sweetened Just Right. Flavored Just Right.
No Cooking. No Fussing. Ido Worry.
7 Choice Flavors, at all good grocers.
New Illustrated Recipe Book, Free.
ldgliest Award. Gold Medals at S/. Louise
P r1land and Jamestown Expositions,
U you value your health avoid cheap imitation.
JELL-O costs a Mlle more, rest