HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 4Oures colds and breaks up the fever in 24 howls. If you "feel yourself taking cold", get a box at your dealer's -25e. or send direct if your dealer does not keep them. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. _ r xet,er ;lbuocat*, Sander. & Creec. Props. THURSDAY, elan. 28, 1909 NOTE AND COMMENT They are talk1,g In t)ttaa of elc•t- ing the Speaker for life. We think they are pearly all epeakcr's down tereand they seem to be elected for life to. The result of a baliot ton:est by the Capadhan Courier sayer that the ten biggest Canadians arc Sir Wilfred Laurier, Lord S'rathcona. Str William,\'an Ilorne, Dr. Goidwln Smith, \Vill,ant Mackenzie, Sir ('harles Tupper. lion. \V. S. Fielding, Sr Thomas Sauhnessy, Sir Sandford Fleming. 11. L. Borden. Tee Fenian Veteran. of 1666 of this district have forwarded a petition to the Dominion Governnnt asking for veteran land grants such as were given ttte South Africatr veteran. iroto Inanyparte of the cou:ttry similar petitons are being preseatcd, and tt id confident- ly cspected that tate prsayer of the pet- ttlortere will be granted. Tleee veterans. althou;h they did ;tot all got o tine trut are deserving of land grant., awe!' snore than Doukobora and otter foreigner. Crditon The past weeks weatlter la a recor bleaker. The snow and ie have all d! appeated and Hone nT our farmers we plowing on Monay and Tuesday. Jat nary1909 will be a mencorable one fo ile ntlldnee. l'ert.aps Jack Prost 1 only taking a nap and will conte opo us suddenly with redoubled force.—Th special song service given by tate Choi its the Evangelical church last Sunda evening was a grand ell^cess. Sperla tnentioe must be made of the solo san by Miss Clara llalat, the duett by Mta Chrlasle Iirowh and Albert Mot lock, an the quartette by Miss Brown, Mss Win Albert Morlok .ted herb. Either. Eac number wag a treat and well sung. Scv oral of the old hy-nuts were snag an theft history of stow they were (compose was yrfefly explained by the pastor. Mrs. Gottfried Galscr and Mathew tilt ter left for Elkton, Micti., on Monday t attend the• funeral of tueir brother -in fax —\flea Stargurietc Kunz, wno ha beets vislting het• aunt, Mrs. Dora Lank for (conte time, returned to her home 1 Exeter on Monday.—Ira Ilrown and Ed \Lahon spent haat Sunday ht t)ashwon with frtende.•-Tac techer's nle.tings which have beep organized ht connectlo with tttc Sunday school of the Evangel( al e!turclt, are proving a succes. Tiext meeting will take plate at the hour f Mr. Clulstiat faiter. Alt .ntereste is Teacher's Work, ate requsted to at end.—O:t \for,day eve,leg a number o riends called on Mrs. Mary it:aver anave her a pleasant surprise til rentelnrance of her bittiday. Tt,c t•vening wa hal.py one for alt.—)I. Ellbrr I' 1'. as been kept Luay 11)18 week( forward ng the calendars and reports of th ay Township Farmer.' Inaurancc C o tite different policy holders.—The rev val tneetings in the Metodit church elt•g well attended. Althouh so tart h :u:rtber, who )rave taken the step, i mall. the interet Itt the work is unabat dand i.' tru,t that many will take th pportu:tlty to change their mode of liv ng.—Last Tuesday evening. the 1911 nst., about 50 young people called a !te !n ctot of John I'. Sntath told gave aughter, Miss Della, a pleasant sur rise party in honor of L•er birir. John Wein on behalf of thoe pres- ts: gave \tine Snelth a beautiful gold Iiia and Chtin ere a token of tthetr Headship. for which see made :► neat eply and thanked them for their ktted- ess. Lunch was served and after hav ga jolly good time the party broke up sthe s:Hall Lours of toe thorn.—Last ednesday evening the annual cleetlun f o:ftcers of the Evangelical Y. 1. .1as held. The following officers were oned.—feta., atlas Chrlasy i rownice., Miss Ada Ileaver; Trcasu ter, B. lown : Sec., Garnet Sweitzerts. Mies Oliva Iiultzntann and Mtss at; ha Wind; Librarians, Sites Ll.:.e olf ar,d Plank I•'nekbciner.—Cur but- ers amt hotelntett are uneasy at'out the e trop. So fat• none has beat 1 air vest - .—Last t'riday evenmig Mr. •'eristoer Ellber celebrated hie 79th birthday the cvetthtg his reatives :allcd onts .thd open: a plcavant cv:ntag withe fancily. Mr. EIlher Id still ht good alth, and we trust he will live to se any mere• ylal s of licaltn. Wedding.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. 0 Nth -Intel Klunpp was the scene of ',very pretty event en \\c da,mita y. the _7th, when at the hour of three in the atter :awe their daughter Wes Lovina was united In the holy bonds of matrimony to \ir. F,rnea• Guettl:tger. The knot was tied by the Ileo. E. 11. Ilian In the prey- / once of the relative() of the aontractlng partes acid r large nu:nner of invited gu-.:v. Wilde the eU,uns of Mai 11^- aohn's wcddhtg mare h was Wine played by Miss Myrtle Clark. the bride entered the parlor dressed in white silk aid car- rying a bouquet of white causations. Miss Amelia Ehlers of Castiwood acted as bridesmaid and was dressed in white and ear rad 4 bou tact of pink It Lena - Bons. Mr. Thoncaa Klu:npp, brother of tai 'utile assisted the groom. little Mite , .\Ihla Smith was the flower girl. Alter tate nt.arriag, ceremony had taken pea a and eared.u .oris (rt e .1 d.:he happy sot ails and etuca:s eat do 8 t to the v.eddueg orcakfast. Tae nrceents were numerous a:,d costly ar.d '+stere a token of the u s s'i 1 and este em hn WI11 II Mr. a•ed Mrs. Guettingcr are held th the village and vIehti ty. In the evening the Brass Hand called at the home and fur• nlstic.1 mush whit 1t was greatly appre- ciated. The 1 appy ro\1, I, will reside in Crediton and we take Pita maths of et - renew i; to than our hearty • ongratula- ttune find best wle tes for a very happy married life. CENTII.\LIA Mr. Thos. Oalver has returned from a couple of vaeeks v;e1t to friends in the vleint':• .,f Little itrttaln, )lobrayge•)n.— Mtsecs Flo. )(rpt,urn and Vera F-ssery Nave rcturtird from An rxtead,d vlst! to Fu!lar'.on.—Mr. ilk h. 11. as 18 confined to !.'s eo :r with a severe cold and an attack of asi!,nta.-•t)ur ct urrh ci ear is practising for the Eden Annle.'rs.ary to be 1.4 Id next Su,tday and the foiiowing Tu •sday evening.—.1t the Epworth L: a- gu• Tuesday ramie; the rottowtng offl- tr:A w•e de -Pic i.. Tao n. Il -)y•). 10 cc.. Miss .1. Swann . _rad Vire. M1•. • 11'tt,e.tr Eraser y :trd vase, M ()() Vera Essery , Ith Vice. Mrs. T. lloy "y Ser. Miss Ltu a Ilutt . Treas.. Miss ‘'era . ergs .:e . \tris Sart Niel LUMLEY. Mies Gertrude Anderson of Constance vas Isere this week tlu• gust of her ,,tint, Mrs. Geo. Ilobklrk.—Mrs, John Ilea tty, Vara,., was g railer on relatives it is week.—l-'rcd Elletington shipped a ear -load of cattle to Turuntu or. Satur- day. --suite a number front this locality attended the Notrls—Slaudson nuptials un Wednesday last.—Mrs. N. 11. Horton vlslted here over Sunday.—J. D. \\'ilsou of 1• aesvtlle spent a day al (ho neigh - bot good.—Tae very ntlld weather of the past w,•ck was very unusual at this time of the year.—Mr. and Mrs. ltobert Dou- gall of Bossevaia, Man., spent Monday .alai Mr. .and Mrs. Geo. Ifobklrk.—:3or- don 1•'yfe of CrystalCity , Alan., was the gu=st of Stewart McQueen this week.— Mlaa Marie \lvtan of Mitchell and Mise Mabel Barber of Statfa were the guests of Miser Maud Glean un Monday. STOMACH DISTRESS Every fancily here ought to Keep some Dlapopsln In cue flown), as any one Of yuu may have an attack of Indigestion 01 ,toatach trouble at any time, day or „tgnt. This harmless preraraltos will di- gest anything you eat and overcome a !•ur stomach five minutes attetwardi. 11 your meals don't tempt you. of whet lack you do eat seems to fiii you, or Jaye like a iu.up of lead in your atoni- eac. of 11 you have aeartturt, that is a sign of Idlgcstiot;. .1e). you! Phar:hall t: fur a 50 -cent rase of Pape's DIapepaln and take one trlateguie atter supper Tu -night. There will be no suer risings, 00 belching of u•tdigeated food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy :seting lu the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Otzeiness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. t'ape's Otapepsei is a certain cure for all stomach misery, because it will take hold of your food and digest it ;u+t the 'sante as It your stomach wasn't there. Actual, p1chcpt retlef for all your stomach misery is at your Pharmacist, wafting for you. These large 50 -cent cases cotltain more than sufficient to cure a cast of Dyspepsia er Indigestion. GREENWAY, Messrs. Statton & Mitchell put down a deep well for Mr. D. Foster in which .!ley had to drill :ad feet in the rock, the well befog about 210 feet deep awl the wafter carte within 60 feet of toe top. Mr. Poster hats placed an order with V. J. Wilson for a Toronto wind rnlll, 1n R. tower.—)flee D. Hayter spent sev- eral days visiting Miss Mabel Foster last week.—iter. J. Kennedy of Ailsa Craig will preach In 13ostant Methodist church (text Sunday le connection with the Edu•attonal work.—The Farmers' Institute meeting will be held In Wil- son's Hall Saturday, Feb. 6th Women will meet at the residence of Mrs. W J. \1'ilann.—The members of Tent No 49, Kti ghte of the Maccabees gave a public Installation of their officers Monday ev- ening, when the following were Installed Com., W. J. Prance; Lieu.-e•ont., C. H. wile•at : Record ICceper , \t Wilson ; Chap.. 3118. Young ; Sergeant, ti. Eggert ; St. ac A., W. It. Smith; 1st M. of G., W. J. Ilrown ; 2nd M. of G., 1'. Nichols Sentinel. Jas. b'oeter : Picket, Ii. 1.4'1.7k- -ell. 1 k- -ert. After thin part they gave a very altercating conceit, J. Blown acting as :haltman. The program was u long one tddreases being given by A. M. Wilson, Rev. T. A. Ste.tdman, Joan Sherrltt and several others. The music by the string '•Ind a:d the einging by t:,e mule qutrt- (tte and other local talent was de;fgnt- f ul. F..i.a1ERS NET 1IE,sErITEI) A 1' OT IA WA. The fanners of Canada are to have a representative Ira the house of Commons !u Ing title scallion. Tile I'antlly 1ler- ih and Weekly Star, of \loatreal, his e :g t'ed a prae'1, al farmer to attend the '+q'Oa and write s weekly letter to ,hat paper, tchhtg the farmers of Can- ada how Parliament Is conducted, as secs It. The man engaged Is not ,,,1y a practical farmer, but Is well able to write such a letter, said to be a than absofu'ely free from political prejudice. ,ft,r1. ro doubt, his weekly letter will be of g:ca' Interest to all Canadian farm- ( T Family herald and Weekly Star coats only one dollar a year, or will be o hist to hi w kW's( (hyla for the Hesston (about six months) for only do.,ty-ftvo cents. Dads of Dizziness COME TO MANY EXETER PEOPLE: There are days of dizzlt,ess, spells of drowsiness, headache, sideache, back- ache. Sometimes rheumatic pain tater urhn- ary trouble. You are plainly told that the kidneys are sick. E'ooth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney Ills. Mr. Thos. itroek of Huron street, En eter, Ont., says ; "Booth's Kidney 1'111 have given ntot.;cr mole relief !'ta•t all the other reltvlh(s she had previously tried. Ste had mufti teed constantly with a weakness and tenderness across Mr back and at times she could scar- cely stoop over and straighten herself up. iieadaches and dizziness were fre- quent and spots would appear before her eves. Nothing ever gave her relief until she procured Booth's Kidney Pills at Cole's Pharmacy and commenced re Omen?. She peon began to feel hat- er and stronger in every way, the bark at he had gone and likewise the head- ache and spells of dizzItte n. 1 can con- r're,tlously rceornmer.d L'uoth's Kidney fills as 1 know there to be a reined of exceptional merit." sold by dealers. l'r1•-e :,or. Th- It. T. tooth Co., Limited . Fort h$rte, On'. Sole Canadian Agents. Woodl's Phosphediaa, TAe Greet t'r.,lica /(nerdptt Tones al, l i• :ate'the wholes neva n'a rnakre new ltIoiv1 in , , . ,a Cures A'err • !'rhi:i y lfrnt,r! nn.; 1 n )fore t, Del • , -y, .Serval Weal. n t / mi++(craw, Spin rt, M, nasi Effects of A'"e.+e err !unw r.. • II per brit. at ford tine will Moser_ alt arm Sold byall mirtrt,tte or maned In pig. on r'•ecl t of `r . ' sin penapAler ,vrifat pkg. The Wood Medio1M 00. fore:rr/y 1�'i ••'1 Toronto" Ont. FAItQUHAR of their eldest daughter, Mise Myrtle, 1 Boa Sotlai—A bug social under the to Mr. William Norris. a prosperous CANADIAN B\NK young farmer, and second ouDRestTHE aust•lces of Court scar I. o. F. will be son of Oouncillor Hugh Norris, all 0[1 this fine program will be given, and R. D. (3:�) of a beautiful wedding march played by Mies Hay of Kippea, cousin of the bride. the bridal party marshalled themselves tender an evergreen arch artistically decorated, from which was suspended the h) nleneal bell. The matrimonial phalanx appeared in the following order. First came the groom, escorted by his brother Harry, who supported him through the ordeal; welcome. next came the two pretty bridesmaids. in their dainty costumes of white silk, Elva Bolton and Flossie Westlake, acting in the capacity of ring bearer and flower girl, respectively; then came the second bridesmaid, Miss Remrner of Exeter, and gracefully took her position, and last, but not least, appeared the heroine of the oc- casion, the beautiful bride elect, hand- somely and richly attired in white silk, and leaning on the arm of her sis- ter, Miss Edith, by whom she was at- tended. All in readineai, the mar- riage ceremony was ably performed by Rev. R. G. McKay of Oromarty. Congratulations from more than one hundred guests dispensed with, all re- paired to the dining room, which was so prettily and tastefully decorated that a close observer was beard to re- mark on entering: "This reminds one of Fairyland." The supper, which proved to be the climax of the many pleasant a:id agreeable features of this occasion. reflected great credit on the hostess, and her numerous assistants. After viewing the beautiful and costly exhibit of presents to the bride, the balance of the evening was spent with music and in various social amuse- ments. The guests then dispersed to their reepective homes, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Norris a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. held here on Friday Feb 5th when a township. At the appointed hour p. m.) to the soul•stirrin strains Cameron, Y.I1.C.lt. of Lucknow will jive an address on Forestry. Admission 15 ceitt- ; Ladies bringing boxes free. — - )letttany.--Evalgellat Bennett's sub- ject fur Sunday night, Jan. 31st at Is "Judgment after death—time and ob- ject of a day of general Judgment" .Mr. Bennett is a good speaker and singer, Ills sermons are pointed, plain and pow- erful Great good is being done. Every- body -- Whalen Miss Rosena Buttson and Miss May left on Thursday for St. Thomas.— Caleb !Willson and Mr. McConnell of Trenton were guests at J. V. Millson'e on Friday.—Newton Millson, who has Leen here for a few days saying good- bye to bis many friends, left Monday for White River, on the main line of the O. P. R., where he is to be placed as stationmaster,—The funerals of Mrs. John Whalen and Mrs. John Mc- Laughlin were held last week.—Mr. and Mrs, Archie Chittick were in the vicinity on Sunday,—Rey. C. P. Wells of Granton preached here on Sunday in the interests of the Missionary Soci- ety and Rev. Mr. Veal of Kirkton will preach here next Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. V. !Willson were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Collins' at Clandeboye on Tuesday of last week. Dashwood M. DROKENSIiiRE, DASIIWOOD CONVEY - LJ` • ENCEB. Deeds, Wilts, Mortgagee and all Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared. Charges moderate. issuer of Marriage Licenses, Miss Kruspe of Blyth is at present visiting friends in this community.— The meeting of the Y. P. A. next Sun- day evening will be of a missionary character. A good program has been arranged for and no doubt will be ren- dered in a very pleasing manner.— Last Wednesday evening at the Luth- erian Parsonage Mr. William Becker was quietly married to Miss Clara Wurm. They will reside on the farm of the groom on the Bronson Line. We extend congratulations and wish much joy and happiness.—Rev. Bean of Crediton occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical Church several nights during the week.—We are sorry to hear of Mise Lily Ehlers not being so well this week.—Mr. O. F. Finkbeiner Bold a good team of heavy horses last week for which he received a good fig- ure.—Mrs. Sachs does not seem to make much improvement and at such an advanced age as she has attained it seems difficult to determine bow things may result. Her friends are hopeful, however.—We hear there is to be a wedding this week, of which we will give you more particulars next week. Y. M. C. A. The Y.M.C.A. now meets regularly three nights a week—Mondays, Wed- nesday and Saturdays—from 7:30 to 10 o'olock in their room in Senior a Hall. That there is much interest being manifested in this Christian aeeocia- tion of young men is evidenced by the fact that the hall was crowded on Monday night last, when God truly blessed the assembly. After opening the meeting with prayer, the Bible study being dispensed with on account of Mr. Fleming a absence, the interest centered in the nomination speeches of the nominees for Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees of the Village of Exeter, the boys holding a )nock mu• nicipal election as the first effort in literary amusement, in addition to other games. While in the cane of the great majority it was their initial appearance before an audience and maiden speech, all acquitted them- selves creditably, speaking as God prompted them, bringing forth ap- plause and yet withal, touching the hearts as well as the minds of their bearers in many instances, the ad- dresses being hunterous and serious. causing rnuch merriment. Tittle and apace will not permit us to go into de- tail of the speeches, heat we will an- nounce the winners in the fight next week. That God may bless and protect and use this body of fine young men in the building up of His Kingdom, is, or should he, the prayer of all. Men, join the Y. M. C. A. Ilibbert A JANUARY WEDDING—One of the most enjoyable social functions that it has been your correspondent's privi- lege and pleasure to attend was cele- brated on Wednesday last, 20th inst., at "Hillside," the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. John Maudsou, of the 12th con, We refer to the marriage BALLAD OF T11E 'ENGLISH TONGUE The following itarold Begbie, wattle travelling verses were written by an English journalist, In Canada. So good to the ears of the wind and sea was the speech which Qur fath- er's used That lift notes with the farthest tlrecza were .decd, andt he utt.'rntoet talc were fused, And better than sight of Britain's flag from a thousand bastions flung Is the hound In the gates on her quay- Itnkcd roasts of the co ;3uering Eng - For For many a year, on many a sea, and on many an alien land, Wherever is need of a [cane•,t, brain and a happening hefty hand, Valley and mountain, prairie and plain, forest and shore have rung With the pluck which mounts In our Brit Ish blood and sings in the En;llah tongue. The Mother may chide with the Daugh- ter 1.a•telkA and the Daughter Lands rebel, Bu' peace shall be made in the golden speech that Shakespeare used as a spell. And the strife shall be who can boldest sing the song that our race has Bung stilet it learned to quarrel and fight, and Lucid and love In the Englleh tongue. Surely 1t le to this English Bong that India's morning breaks. Surelylt is to tills English Bong Egypt's soul awakes, Arid thee, wit t the younger peoples, grow vigorous, glad and young .1a they ;tarn to bpeac wltit the fact of things to the strength of the Eng- Ifeh toagu'. We shall go down to the great walte dead, down from the light of the sun 1\'hen our wives have kissed us our Iaet good -night, and our ',Work for the weans Is done, Hu' forever our souls shall hear the song of a nation with fibres strung Who march to the God of the English 11(.11st, to the Lynin of the English tongue. that FER",:if05 Nobody ran know very - thing. To become expert meenr to mortal Ise. We are site. ciallstn in producing lho belt flower and veretable Areas. In 67 years we have become •:peels. Sow terry's Reeds and reap the results of ou, care. For sale everywhere. Read our 1900 catalotue and profit by our • s pertenea, Bent free on reouPut. Addrr* II. M. FERRT i CO.. WmfasaI, CliEJRIJ'1O SIThE WINTER GOODS Bargains will be offered in the following lines Bargains of goods to clear before stock -taking DRESS GOODS — COATINGS LADIES' MANTLES — GIRLS' COATS AND JACKETS WKAPPERETTES — LADIES' FUR COATS FUR RUFFS — CHILDREN'S WHiTE BEAR COATS UNDERWEAR OF ALL KINDS MEN'S FUR COATS CAPS. MITTS, &c., &c. " '3 N HITS " OVERCOATS JOB LiNE OF MEN'S Ui.STEU8 " " BOILS' U1.STERS & REEFERS MEN'S READY • TO - WAER SUiTS BOYS' •' •, •• ,. ROBES AND BLANKETS If you are looking for Bargains now is the time to secure them as these Goods must be sold during the next two weeks. All kinds of Farm Prcxluee taken at Market Prices, GIVE US A CALL !!! TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER•, THE BUS\ S'T'ORE DASH WOOD OF COMMERCE aEAD OFVICI. TORONTO LSTARr r HIND MOT B. Z. WALKER, Prssideat ALST- LAIRD, Genstar Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,00( Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and EOM BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSY[D AT TMC P .t. WO aATE1 $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding =10 6 ceras " =10 "el $30 10' cense 44 $30 2;50 13 coma These Orders are payable at -par at every office of a Chartered Bask i•iip$ j (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in thN e United States. ' are negotiable at 84.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small slams of money with at small cost, and may be obtained without daisy. ZA Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton TRADE COLEMAN'S H 1, P Qu�nn�e COLDS 8, LA GRIPPE FIRST; READ OUR FR[[ CATALOGUE THEN Decide on the Business College We ask the privilege of sending you OUT intensely •interesting, handsomely - illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In fact. you really owe it to yourself to get a Dopy and read it thoroughly before you select the Business College to attend. ThisCatalogue explains an about our school, our faculty, our different courses Tells why we honestiyr believe our Col- lege to be the bast for you. After reading the book we will have you to iudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no obligation. Just mail your name and address on a postcard. Students admitted any time. Speck! openings September end January, d The Forest City Busine'-s and Shorthand College LONFION, - - ONTARIO wr.sr'P''.1_ ./i, Fernre rCRVEL�YlT. 1 .. T S1;�rt- �.... _ ._ ._ �:.gin-r_. .. •. _. c..,+..-+-- , The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) - Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. - EXETER BRANCH - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLIN°, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, A Newspaper Not An "Organ" The man who wants an open-minded discussion et politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions—but it recognize the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions •Mthout necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world. Consequently It Has More Readers Than Any Other Paper In Ontario. $1.50 A Year This paper and the TORONTO DAILY STAR fogethee flip one yecr, 52.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50o. added to above subscription prices. 2