HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-28, Page 3OPEMN6 OF PARLIAMCNT
Cl overnor-General Read the Speo ch From
the Throne in Senate Chamber.
A d.•-1 ct 1i from Ottawa says: energetically. Four parties have
The ferule! opening of Parliament been at work since August last. Up -
took place on Thursday afternoon un the report it will be possible
at 3 o'clock, and was attended by to reach a de. ision a3 to both the
the customary ceremonial ; the ar- route to bo followed and the up -
rival of his Excellency the Cover- proximate cost.
nor -General and party from Gov- COVERS COST OF H. B. LINE.
Ingrnment, House attended by a
.11nounted military escort; the pres- The provision of the Dominion
encl. of a guard of honor from the Lands Act of last session for the
Cevernor-General's Fort. Guard, sale+ of pre-emptions and purchased
the tiring of a salute from Nepean homesteads has created a now
Point battery, and a brilliant as- source of revenue that will be suf-
sembly in the Senate Chamber, ficient to bear the cost of the rail -
where the speech from tho throns way to Hudson's Bay without bur -
was read by his Excellency Earl dening the ordinary revenue. Froin
Grey, outlining the sessional pro- September 1st, when the Act. came
gramme of Government business. into force, until Jan. 1st, sales of
'TEs"T OF THE SPEECH. steads
and purchased home-
steads have amounted to over two
Tu welcoming you to the perforin- million acres, all subject to home-
ance of your duties at the first ses- stead rules.
sion of a new Parliament, I desire FE'E'DERS FOR I. C. R.
A to acknowledge, with devout thank-
fulness, the abundant harvest wits► In pursuance of an announce -
which divine Providence has again ment made during the concluding
blessed us. session of last Parliament, a com•
The Quebec Tercentenary festi- ntir.--siun was appointed to examine
vities in July, which were honored various linos of railway connected
by the gracious presence of his with the Intercolonial Railway, and
lluyal Highness, the Prince of which might become valuable feed -
Wales, as representing his Majesty. ers thereto. The report of this com-
niarked an epoch in the history of mission has been received and will
the 1)•.r.:. •i be placed before ,rou.
IMPERIAL St'.MP.1THIES. The commissioner appointed for
investigating the conduct of oflici-
The generous support given to als in the Department of Marine
this national celebration by the and Fisheries has concluded his la -
Federal Prirliainent. and Provincial bor, but has not yet reported. His
report, however, is expected at an
early date, and when received will
be placed in your hands.
A measure will be submitted to
you, based upon similar legislation
enacted in 1906 by the Parliament
of the United Kingdom, aiming at
the repression of the payment of
secret commissions and gratuities
both iu public and private business.
You will be asked to consider
measures relative to insurance, the
civil service, immigration, natura-
lization, and other subjects.
i•'ierce Riot at Transvaal Mine by
890 ('hin;uiien.
A (despatch from Johannesburg,
Transvaal, says: There was an out-
break of fierce rioting at the Village
of Deep imine on Thursday, in which
six Chinamen lost their lives and
a scorn were so seriously injured
that they had to be sent to hospi-
tals. The Chinese laborers at the
mine have been in an ugly temper
for some time past. Thursday
morning 800 men refused to go to
work and started wrecking the com-
pound. The police were twice driv-
en hack by the Chinamen. Eventu-
ally they made use of their arias
and order was restored.
Legislatures, and by the peoples of
Canada, of the. other Dominions,
and of the United Kingdom, em-
phasized the community of sympa-
thy which binds the various parts
of the British Empire to each other,
and to the throne and person of his
Majesty the King. The presence
of representatives from the United
Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, Newfoundland, and
from the great and friendly repub-
lics of France and the United
States, with the ships of war of the
three nations, served not only to
acid lustre to the occasion, but to
provide an assurance of increasing
amity and peace.
I have much pleasure in announc-
ing that a treaty relating to the
great lakes and other international
waterways has, been agreed upou
between his Majesty and the Gov-
ernment of the United States of
America, and is now awaiting rati-
fication. Both countries are to be
congratulated uu having arrived at
an amicable settlement, which I
trust will remove during the life-
time of the treaty many vexed ques-
tions from the field of controversy.
The treaty and papers relating
thereto will be laid before you in
due course.
The appalling calamity which has
befallen Sicily and Southern Italy,
and caused a total destruction of
life and property absolutely unpre-
cedented and unequalled in the long
series of historic disasters, has in-
duced my Government to offer as-
A little more than a year ago, the
whole civilized world entered into
a period of commercial, industrial
and financial depression, which may
not yet have completely spent its
force; signs there are, however,
that it is gradually passing away.
While it is hardly disputable that
owing to the abundance and elas-
ticity of her resources Canada has
suffered Icss than other nations,
this depression has seriously affect-
ed our trade. producing an appreci-
able shrinkage, in the public re-
venue. and calling for exceptional
caution in the administration of
our national nfftairs.
Reports for the Year Ending March
31 Lam( PreMrnted.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The public accounts for the fiscal
year ended March 31 last year were
presented on Thursday to parlia-
ment. Receipts on account of con-
solidated fund were $96,054,503; ex-
penditures, $76,641,451. Expendi-
tures chargeable to capital totaled
*30,429,906, while other expendi-
tures c
tures were fur railway subsidies
32,037,621); for bounties 2,787,354.
The net debt was $277,960,959, an
increase of 814,248,999. The year
ending March 31, the government
made a profit of 9291.2058 upon its
silver coinage, 11:1(1 $4,411 upon its
copper coinage.
Four Killed and Ten Injured at
\%'oi'ke In New Jersey.
'I't.a rapid settlement of the new .\ despatch from Newark. N. J.,
Province., calls ter new lines of says: Four men were killed and ten
transportation. The c-,nstruction of others injured. one fatally, when
the trans -,continental railway has several tons of dynamite in one of
been vigor lusty pressed forward the buildings of the Forcite Pow-
dering the last year. The line was der Works, at Lake Hopatcong,
open fur the carrying of the crops blew up late on Wednesday. The
tarn Winnipeg to the Battle River, detonation shook the country for
a distanee of 675 miles. miles arcnnid, and blew the building
Exploratory surveys for a railway containing it to atoms. Of the four -
from the Western wheat fields to teen mien who were working. not
Hudson's Bay are being pu!hed one escaped death , r injury.
Mrs. Frank Engle and Four Children
Were Burned to Death.
despot ': i, •11 Kronen, Sask., was '• ,•.sated before she could
\W hilt. Frank Engle, a well- reach t 1.m. The boy who escaped
t •1 • fernier, was absent from house trade three unsuccessful attempts
fire destroyed his house, his wife to rescue the family, but was driven
and f n r children. t h
c eldest ten back each time, the stairs giving
years of age. perishing in the way in the last attempt. The fire
flame,. One bov sixteen )ears started about 1 n'elock on Wedne:.
old. who slept d,wnstairs. escaped. day morning from an overheated
The moth ‘r. who also slept down• stovepipe. Mr. Engle was en a
stairs. attempted to re -erne the chit- bu9iness trip to Milestone when the
dren t) at were asleep upstairs, but terrible calamity occurred.
THE (;1.013 E.
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Ouu
and Other Countries of
Recent Li eats.
Building prospects at Winnipeg
this year are exceedingly good.
The civil servants at Ottawa have
received an increase of 8150 each.
The total output of Ontario mines
in 1907 aggregated in value $25,-
Hyde Park Public School, near
London, Ont., has been closed on
account of an outbreak of diph-
Joint stock companies incorpor-
ated in Ontario in 1907 and 1908
have an aggregate capitalization of
Mrs. J. U. Filteau was burned to
death at Quebec in a fire that de-
stroyed the Behind building, on
The Ontario Governmentis con-
sidering the question of extending
the T. k N. O. Railway from Charl-
ton to Elk Lake.
The Attorney -General has ad-
dressed a strong letter to Police
Magistrates in regard to law en-
forcement against disorderly houses
A C. P. H. express was wrecked
near Andover, N. B., on Thursday
The express, mail and baggage cars
were burned. The mails were saved.
Oliver Pepin was sentenced to
seven years' imprisonment for as-
saulting a jeweller'3 store at Mont-
real and attempting to rob the
Mrs. Eccles Lennox is suing the
C. P. R. for damages for the death
of her husband, who was murdered
in the company's yard at Winnipeg.
Negotiations between the city and
the street railway at Winnipeg
have been broken off, and the Coun-
cil will go ahead with the munici-
pal power plant.
A plumber named Royal was suf-
focated while working in the Cote
des Neiges College at Montreal, on
Thursday. His torch exploded,
and he could not get out.
Over five hundred loaves of bread
:were seized in a Jewish bakery at
\Winipeg, fur being short in weight.
The proprietor offered a bribe of
$100 to the officials, and will have
to answer in court_
The Londt,n unemployed had a
clash with the police in Berkeley
Square on Thursday.
Two men were drowned in one
foot of water near Plattsburg, N.Y.
A Long Island girl swallowed half
a paper of pins, so that she would
not have to go to school.
Eleven foreigners, stupid from li-
quor taken at a wedding, were
burned to death at Goodtown, Pa.
Both Ifouses of the Tenessee Leg-
islature passed the Prohibition act
over the Governor's veto on Wed-
Two thousand residents of Belle-
vue, n suburb of Pittsburg, Pa.,
are ill from drinking water with
sewage in it.
The Waterways Treaty between
Canada and the United States has
Leen favorably reported to the
United States Senate.
President Roosevelt has asked
that action on the anti-Japanese
bills now before the California Leg-
islature be delayed.
Governor Dene tn of Illinois,ois in
his message to the State Assembly,
urged the completion of a lakes -to -
gulf deep waterway.
Gonipers, Mitchell and Morrison,
the three American labor leaders,
have declared that they will ask no
pardon in connection with their re-
cent conviction.
Frank H. Bell of Toronto has en-
tered an action in the Probate
Court at Boston to break the will
of his nu,ther. who, thinking him
dead, had left her property to
Half a million suicides yearly aro
said to he due to the use of opium.
New Zealand licensed victuallers
have decided to employ no barmaids
in their establishments henceforth.
.1 wide -spread plot, having for
its aim the overthrow of the con-
stitution, has been discovered in
The South African Union con-
s•ention has solved all tho prob-
lems set before it with the excep-
tion of the choice cif a capital.
The Young Australian party has
issued a manifesto demanding that
Australian citizens shall own, con-
trol and rule the Commonwealth
Prices of Cattle, (;rain. Cheese and
Other hairy Produce at
Houle and Abroad.
Verdict of Coroner's Jury on the Fatality
at Grimsby.
A despatch from Grimsby says:
13RI:AI>ST[ FI'S. Great interest was taken in the
Toronto. Jan. 20. --Flour - On- enquiry into the level crossing ac-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents cident at Grimsby, by which five
quoted at $3.70 to 83.75 to -day in lives were lost. The Town Hall at
buyers' sacks outside for export. Grimsby, where the investigation
Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.80 v.as condti('tcd by Coroner Alexan-
un track, Toronto; second patents, der, was crowded on Wednesday
$5.30, and strong bakers', $5.10 to to such extent that standing room
$5.20. was at a premium. The trend of
Wheat -Manitoba wheat, $1.09 to the evidence was solely as to the
$1.03'%j for No. 1 Northern, at $1.- condition of the crossing where the
00 to $1.06,'.1 for No. 2 Northern, fatality occurred. It was shown by
and at $1.04 for No. 3 Northern, the evidence of the night operator
Georgian Bay ports. No. 1 North- that there are eight trains in ei-
ern at $1.13% to $1.14, all rail, and ther direction through the night,
No. 2 Northern at $1.10% to $1.11, and that they run at various rates
all rail. of speed, ranging from twenty-five
Oats ----Ontario No. 3 white at 39% to forty-five miles an hour.
to 40c outside, and at 42 to 42%e The jury after a brief consider -
on track, Toronto; No. 2 Western ation, returned the following von -
Canada oats at 45e, lake ports, and diet, which is meeting with general
No. 1 feed, 42c, lake ports. approval throughout the district :-
Rye -No. 2 quoted at 69 to 70c + -
outside.r $1.07'; asked. Rye -No. 1, 77%e.
Barley -No. 2 barley quoted at 56 Corn -May, 61%c asked. Barley -
to 57c outside; No. 3 extra at 54 Standard, 66c; samples, 61% to 65c;
to 55c, and No. 3 at 52 to 53e. No. 3, 61''A to 63c; No. 4, 61 to 62c.
Buckwheat -56 to 58.4c outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 86 to 87c CATTLE MARKET.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow
nominal at 67%c, on track, Toron-
to, and No. 3 yellow at 60%c, To-
ronto; Canadian, 64c.
Bran -Cars are quoted at $19.50
in bulk outside. Shorts quoted at
$21 to $22 in bulk outside.
Apples -Winter stock quoted at
$3.50 to $4.50 per barrel for good
qualities, and at 82 to $3 for cook-
ing apples.
Beans -Prime, $1.85 to $1.90, and
band -picked, $1.95 to $2 per bush.
Honey -Combs, $2.25 to $2.75 per
dozen, and strained, 10% to ltc per
Hay -No. 1 timothy is quoted at
$11 per ton on track here, and No.
2 at $8.
Straw -$7 to 87.50 on track.
Potatoes-Ontarios 60 to 62%c
per bag.
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 11 to
13c per pound; fowl, 9 to 10e; ducks
11 to 13c; geese, 11 to 12c; turkeys,
17 to 18c per pound.
Butter -Pound prints, 24 to 25c;
tubs and large rolls. 22 to 23c; in-
ferior, 20 to 21e. Creamery rolls,
27 to 28c, and solids, 26 to 20%c.
Eggs -('ase lets of cold storage.
2:; to 2Ce per dozen; pickled, 24 to
25c, and new laid are quoted at 35e
per dozen.
Cheese -Large cheese, 13%c per
pound, and twins, 13'/,c.
Bacon -Long clear, I0% to Ile
per pound in case lots; mess pork,
$19 to $19.50; short cut, $22.50 to
Hams -Light to medium, 13', j to
14e; do., heavy, 12'1r; rolls, 10,1,=
to Ile; shoulders, 10 to lo!;e ; backs
16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon, 14%
to 15e.
Lard --Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 12%e;
pails, 13c.
Montreal, Jan. 26. --Peas -- No.
2, 91 to 9bc. Oats -Canadian West-
ern No. 2, 47c; extra No. 1 feed,
46%e; No. 1 feed, 45'/,c ; Ontario
No. 2 white, 45%c; Ontario No. 3,
44'.e; Ontario No. 4, 43%e; No. 2
barley, 63 to 64%c; Manitoba feed
barley, 55% to 50e; buckwheat,
55'; to 56c. Flour -Manitoba
Spring wheat patents, first~, $5.60
to $5.90; Manitoba Spring wheat
patents, seconds, $5.10 to $5.40;
Manitoba strong bakers', $4.90 to
$5.20; Winter wheat patents. $5
to 15.25; straight rollers, $4.60 to
$4.70; do., in hags, $2.15 to $2.25;
extras, in bags, $1.75 to *Lea.
Feed -Manitoba bran, $21 to $22;
Manitoba shorts, $24 ; Ontario bran
$21 to 821.50; shorts, $24 to $24.-
50: middlings, $24.50 to $25: pure
grain manilla, 828 to $30; mixed
leonine, les to $27. Cheese -Fin-
est western, 122 to 12%e; east-
ern, 12 to 12%e. Butter -- Finest
creamery, 26% to 27c; fresh re-
ceipts, 25%to 26c. Eggs -New laid
eggs, 35 to 40e; selected stock, 28
to 29c; No. 1 stock, 25 to 26c.
Buffalo, Jan. 20. -- Wheat -
Spring, steady; No. 1 Northern.
carloads, store, $1.14',4; Winter,
firmer; No. 2 red, *1.10; No. 2
extra red, /1.08%; No. 2 white,
91.08: No. 2 mixed, $1.09. ('ern
-Higher ; No. 3 yellow, 63% to Glc;
No. 4 yellow, 63 to 63%c; No. 4,
62'„ to 62%c; No. 3 white, C63' e;
George Johnson Went Calmly to No 2 r
'oli�, Iran a' 4 �4Wheat -
the Seaffold at Keoora. May. 81 09%; July, 81 08%; No. 1
A despatch from Kendra says : hard. +11.11 to $1.11%; No. 1 North -
George F. Johnsen, the 24 -year-old ern. 91.10'x; No. 2 Northern 11. -
murderer of Mrs. ('hsrl's :Acker- 09'4 to $1.08%; N.e 3 Nortier•n,
than, was hanged nn Wednesdrf• $1.0114 to $1.064. Bran -819.00
tnorninz. He went to depth calm- to 919.50. Fleur --First patents.
ly. Ile was a hired man at the $1.05; second patents, 95.25 to $5. -
Ackerman home and suddenly ap- 45: first clears, 84 to $4.10; second
peered to go insane. He killed the clears, $2 93 to 83.05.
woman with a hatchet, hut. claimed Milwaukee. Ja',t. 26. -Wheat --
later npt to have known what he No. 1 Northern, 1+1.12; No. 2
Was doing. Northern, $1.10; May, $1.073 to
Toronto, Jan. 26. -Exporters -
Good demand for choice bulls and
steers. Butchers' -Best quality
and heavy cattle in strong demand
at firm prices. All others down.
Milch cows in active demand, but
common not wanted. Calves -
Steady at last week's prices. Sheep
and lambs -Market steady at lower
prices. Hogs -Steady and unchang-
ed. Stockers -Good demand and
market steady to firmer at 83 to
$3.75; good heavy feeders, $4 to
$4.25; short -keep, $4.50 to 84.00.
Arrested In Toronto for Non -Sup-
port of Wife.
A despatch from Toronto says:
To have lived to the ago of 110
years --65 as a slave in the South-
ern States -every day of which was
spent in hard and earnest toil, and
then to he arrested for non-support,
was the fate which awaited Win.
H. Morgan and which came to hien
on Wednesday night, when he was
lot ked in a cell at the Court Street
Police Station on a warrant issued
by his second wife, who is 56 years
of age. When taken to the station
the old than told the story of his
life in a few words, without appar-
ently realizing his position. He re-
called the days spent under the
lash on the Southern plantations,
and his comparatively happy life
in Canada during the past 45 years,
and then quietly went to his cell.
According to his wife, he has money
in the bank, but she says that she
could never find out how much he
had. She gave no details when she
laid the complaint.
.tn increase in Amount et Deposits
Noted for December.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The bank statement for the month
of December shows an increase of
savings deposits frons 8200.315,809
in November, to $210,180,115, and
an increase in depeeits upon aur -
rent account from ,m b
410180,1 7
41129,719,21s. Current loans in ('a -
nada have decreased from 11515,-
698,476 to 8511,509,909.
"That the said Wm. Wilson, Ida
Wilson, Geo. Teeter, Jennie Ger-
trude Teeter, and Gordon Nelson,
carne to their deaths from being
struck by a Grand 'trunk express
on Depot Street cr.issing at 2.55
a.m., Saturday, Jan. 16. We ex-
onerate the train crew from any re-
sponsibility. We censure the Grand
Trunk Railway Company for re-
moving the night watchman when
the said crossing had only a single
track, and culpable negligence in
view of the past accidents, together
with the fernier jury's verdict, for
not protecting the said crossing
with watchman and gates, and thus
preventing the recent accident.
"We also consider this an ex-
tremely dangerous crossing, and re-
commend the Railway Commission
to take steps at once to have the
said crossing properly protected."
Miss Ethel (Allies Left a Fortune
by u Grateful Patient.
A despatch from Chatham says:
A report has been received here to
the effect that Miss Ethel Gillies
has been left a fortune of $200,000
by a patient whore she nursed
through a fatal illness. It is stated
that the young lady was pursuing
her calling in ono of the large
American hospitals when a mall
thought to be suffering with a fatal
sickness was brought to the hos-
pital. Through the weeks in which
the man hovered on the verge of
death the young lady did all that
was possible to alleviate his suffer-
ings. The end finally came. and
then it was found that the plan had
been possessed of considerable
means. He had no close relationa,
the story goes, and left the greater
part of his fortune of 8200,000 to
the young lady who had been kind
to him.
Second Shock Experienced in .t'i-
nlie Turkey.
A despatch from Smyrna. .1 .:tie
Turkey, says: Another earthquake
was experienced here at 2.10 on
Wednesday morning, but no dam-
age was done. News of the effects
of the shock of Tuesday continues
to come in slowly. Over 300 dwel-
lings were destroyed in villages in
the Phocaea district, twenty-five
utiles northwest of Smyrna, but
only a few persons lost their lives.
At Menomen two persons were kill-
ed and ten houses collapsed, and
two persons lost their live., and a
number of buildings were damaged
at Cassaba. The local authorities
have sent out doctors, tents and
SS'11'1i ORIENTAL I1'd.FN9011.
Lady Violet Elliot Mei ricsl to f.urli
Charles Filzinauriee.
A de'patch from Calcutta slyest
Lady Violet Mary Liliot, third
daughter of the Earl of Minto, Vice-
roy of India, was united in marri-
age on Wednesday to Lord Charles
George Francis Fitzmaurice, sec-
ond sou of the Marquis of Lans-
downe. The ceremony took place
in St. Paul's Cathedral, and was
most brilliant. There vas much
Orien'al splendor in evidence. Tho
Bishop of Calcutta officiated.
An Explosion at Chicago Caused a rlrerriilo
A despatch from Chicago says: of the disaster dawned upon the
Blown to pieces by exploding pow- men•
der, burned to death by the result -One of the workmen, with it cool•
er head than his fellows, Abandon -
ant fire, or drowned in the icy ed the shouting and frantic men on
waters of Lake Michigan, was the the crib platform, and Made his
fate on \\'ednesday of fifty-three way through the smoke to a little
workmen Ville were working on a enclosure in which was a telephone
submarine tunnel at a wooden crib, that cnmuntnicalcd with the sh ►ro
a toile and a half from shore. The stat 1' 11.
crib was used in the construction
CRY FOR HELP('i'T 511.1111'.
of a new submarine water tunnel The drowsy attend:int ou ahem
connecting with the south side shore was brought into action by a via..
of the city at 73rd Street. lent ringing of the telephone hell,
Ninety-five wurkn:en were em- and this was the mes ige hic!1 ' e&
ploycd in the crib and the connect- on foot the work of rescue:
tag tunnel at the time of the explo- "The crib on fire. 1'•.r Gel's
cion, which started the fire and sake send help at once or WO will
blew or drove men into the water. be 'eeriest' alive. The tug --''
Owing to the difli•:ulty exp'riencer! At this paint cvmntuuivateei
by small craft in rea_hiee the crib ceased.
(luring the Winter, n: '' of the The tt'g T. M. M.rofor,t, in
workmen employed en t'•. work. charge cf Cant. Johnse,t. a• ;,1 -
particularly those wh t h a.",, few- el'or within a short di.ta- c f •'
Ries, slept in temporary bunks on imperilled crib, wa; th• fir-: t
the crib. It :..ta past as thes., men into the wort: of rr T• • e
} w7 -'''1 r t A '' I
a i been a. R c.l for he d e•s wade imp 1 1• t ,� t� :.)
h ( i t
work that the re:plot ioa ra:carred reach the in;p, :: '.1 i
in a small 1• •sd:'r house about 160 small boat was r. -^d • •••! 1 . t
yards fr •ta the crib structure pi' injured to the e.tca►ner .1 t :
per. !i. seas not anti! the 'lames cue those who had plan-
lan and strtlint• •m.oke penetrated t!:g waters of the bake rather "
so -reviled "lit ing-room" of the evil) the tlen:e, c i:irh ::c'C r'. i.:g , t'.9
and the tunnel that the full impart crib structu;e.