HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-01-14, Page 8C1i'ing
I Miss Loretta Lambrook 1s confined to 1 Mts. Eva Huston was in London this I EXETER UA�1ETis
the house through 'line•.. J week.
lir. Her"nan Prior sang la the James Mr. Herman I'tlor 1• in Toronto this CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
Street church very acceptably Sunday week. wheat 92 93
Dr. Tennant of Winnipeg 1■ 1n town at Barley 45 48
The hocnty buys are arranging for a present. oat. 36 37
1N town leagu_ and it la ezp.ctcd the Mlle Sadie Walker has :cturnad to Peas 75 82
players will be amtounced shortly, London.
T. E. Hai -Alford shipped two load• of Miss Lyda has returned train a visit Potatoes. per bag 60 60
horses west 09 Tuesday. 1'. Coleman Allsa "Lig' Hay, per rota 7 50 850
and F. J. Stacey aceompanied them. Daniel ilcndlo has returned from a FIOur.per own., family 275
Wine• of dead men all remind Ur to In- visit art London. Flour, low grade per ow 1 40 145
•ure for all we can -and departing Walter Prowse has returned to ills Butter as
leave bel,ind us money for another nun. home in Marlette, Mich. Eggs 26
Mina J. .7. Allan, Eye Sight specialist, Mr. John \Wood was In Toronto last Dried apples
will be at the Commercial Hotel, Sllue•- week with a load of cattle. I:ivshogs, per own 0 1
day. January 23rd, hours 9 A. M. to Miss Arnie Sanders 1s this week vis- Shorts per ton 2300
8 P. ad. Ring In Landon and Toronto. Bran per ton 20 00
Tho special week of prayer closed Ivy' Mrs, Wltwer e[ Zurich visited lira.
the Methodist churches last . rlday,and Halls, Exeter Nortlt, Tart week.
cottage prayer meetings are being held Mr. and Mrs. John Barris of Manitooa
this week. are visiting In (lila neighborhood.
J. 3 Staribury has been appointed pro- Mr. John Trlebner Is attending the
vis'onat lieutenant 1i; Ma. 6 Cou:pany, shooting tournament at Burlington thle
33rd Regiment, in tae place of It. N. week'
Creech, rerlgucd. Mr. M. Howey, who has been spending
On Tuesday evening the Methodist the past year In the west. has return -
Church Leagues held reception ser- ed home.
vices when a number of new members Mr. Clarence and Miss Annie Easter -
This offer is for 2 weeks were added to their membership. brook left Tuesday to visit In Hamilton
W. II. Lovett has engaged Ezra Oes- and other places.
only. Every suit is a treicher as bookkeeper In the place of Mrs. Mary J. Harris, wt.o has been re -
Hugh McKay, who is attending the siding at Tara for the past six ntoaths,
Exeter Hiatt Sct.00l, Comae.clal De- returned to Exeter Saturday.
partment. Mrs. Floody, after a visit with her
�{/7 (�/j�J' We note with pleasure the fact that parents, Mr. and Mrs R Crocker, re-
' • • 1' •o TAMAN two former Ezeterltcs are on the coun- turned to liaileybury last week.
ell board elect of Lucan-Messrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. James Westcott of Dou-
13awdcn and Geo. Crawley -both good glass, Man., arrived hers on Saturiny
Merchant Tailor, men and trim to visit relatives for a few weeks.
Exeter,- Ontario
One day last week a cow belonging to Mr. M. Itlatci�ford la expected home
Ontario ate. I. Ar:nstrung fell Into one Of the this week, atter a month's visit with
water tanks on Ifut•on street, but was friends in Cenuntbus, Ohio, and Chat -
taken out without much difficulty. The ham.
Business locals -- Read Themfir, tank has since been rwrit
Ertos Cudan writing moro In ng to thc Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Exeter North, lough
Advocate from Aaqutth, Sask., says they ter of Mr. nos. Batter, is visiting at
You'll miss it if you don't go to Steer- have beet' having some very cold weath- Thos. Hearttau's, London Road, and
area Stock.Taking Bale note going on- er In that district, tete thermometer re- Credlton.
21 pounds of Ilr'dpath's granulated sugar gisteri,g as low as 56 oelow zero. J. C. Colllt;s, who has been very 111 at
for 1.00.`.'! Mr. Gilbert II. McIntyre, S1. 1'. for Forest for the p.,st few weeks, is Im-
Advocate will be mailed to anySouth Perth, will be the deputy speak- proving and will shortly be back to re -
The of the new IIouse 01 Command. The Hume his duties as Dyar and Cleaner.
address in Canada until January 1st, speaker will, as previously ann3urccd,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh- ,aMr. Will Muir et Regina, Sask., n t aril
1910. Df r. C.,rles Marcia who was the dap- vcd here last week to e visit friends, the
bora about it. u'y speaker in the last parliament.
guest of Mr. E. J. Christie. Be vleaad
Listen -$8.50 Isabella Sable fur ruffs As la his usual au•t'c.n Mr. Sam•tel in Tllleionturg prior to coming !icra.and
reduced for stuck -taking to $5,75. Stew- Co.bblcdlck critertainel a number of fila 1eturned ltorne by way of Cni,_•aso on
arta. frie:.ds New Year's day, the occasion Mat,day.
!iia year being his 87th birthday. Con- The several members of the Iloggart'i
The Advocate will be sent to any sldcring his years 771. Cohbledick Is
address in Canada to Jan. 1st 1910,family who have been hollodaying at
81111 in excellent health a•td spirits. , Elmdale" have return.•d to their re -
for $1.00. Fton: tate gait the 6ucr.ey b bays nave
9.00 Saskatchewan Robes reduced to struck It looks as though tis game is epccilv0 homes and duUcs, Miss E. J.
going .o ratan here this wlnt_•. Thr. to London. Mr. Etter S. and family to
6.75 during Stock -Taking Sale. It's on Hamilton, Dir, J. W. to Ingersoll, and
nOtr, Stewart's. club ntentbershtp is very large and a Mr. Clinton S. to Owe:; Sound.
,strong line-up is assured. Practice cont -
Now is the time for cheap furniture, !fleeced on Monday night and a series
as Rowe & Atkinson are giving a spe- o[ games will allort;y 1)0 arranged. The therntomctt r tegiHtrred three tie-
cial discount of 20 per cent oft regular Mlssiouaty etrtnons will be held 1n rtes below zero here on Wcdnesd ey
prices. the Melhocilet churches on: he next two morning. about the coldest snap of the
Stewart's stock -taking sale is the spot
Sui:days.-Mr. Ger;nan of Landon and winter.
Rev. Martin 0t Stratford respectively In
for you. 815.00 septi -porcelain dinner each of the (hutches roaming and even The house and land of the late Wm.
set reduced to 89,95, Ing next Sunday, and the Collowlan Sur'- lloekin, Exeter North, 1109 been sold to
Mr. Win. Northcott of ay Townahlp
We take subscriptions for all foreign day Rev. Knight of Dawn M;lls and Dir.
Keenleysldr of London. who tales possession first 0( March.
r Canadian magazines at reduced The many friendsIt are will learn wit.)o
rates. Don't forget the Advocate regret of the serious 1lhtcsa of Sire..\ra-
When your subscriptions run out. Mr. Arthur Loadntan of Winnipeg, ' ��' NF'.
old Stole, who In suffering from a sc-
lieep your eye on Stewart's great stock v're attack of typinotd tcrer at tier home is the guest of relatives here.That Nutty Flavor taking sale -" it's noir on" -men's 45.00 1n Latchford. Nex Ontarlo. and from Mrs. Wiley (nee Miss Mary Jane
coon coat going at 33.00. wt;lrii she Is not expected to recover. Colwill) is the guest of her father and
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- licr mother, Men. Jol,n Gould, Hay, un -1 smother. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Colwill,
'mate office. Mrs. John Moir, Usbornc. left Tuesday Do NOT FAIL, to attend the Camer-
Great Stock -Taking Sale noir in full morning for that place. on -Wyatt (nee Miss Rowe) entertain -
have it in our
The Y. Si. C. A. boys acid a pleasant
blast at Stewart's-dandyfur-lined coatment in the Opera Home., Monday,
( dome" to the evening,
risen 10 their - Jan. 18th. Mrs. Wyatt is a leading STAR FLOUR II
for ladies going at s�37,50. l" "; g std t u'etru,uvre addr�HHc •when
r�r d9
soprano soloist of London flan of
livered ty Mererit. Cullens and FlemiStore
ng. hall and tickets on saleat
Are you having any trouble writing A number of games were rommcoced by . Tickets 25c anndd 35c.Gule's Drug
It contains the dualities
1903. the boys. Next afunday evening a mak - that tickle the palate. You
reu••fc;pal (.01.4'1 r will lx hegutl r o•nln- 1'USTAL STATISTICS.must have heard it over and
llic•k'a Forel :tate for Janu.try.-.\ re- atlo.is to take place that eve;ting• over again that Harvey's
storm period Is central on the The Commerelal ltoude here which has
3611 :tad 17th. Storms of sleet and of ttecn condue ted fur a nuts boa of y'ara The retort of the 3'uwtn:astr' i;rnrr.tl
snow wit, torte on and tou hong tnosc by Mr. Wm. Barrow') has been leased,
subject to enc transfer of enc Itcen3". to Incsfor tat poet year .'lows It c portal boa -
days. Cold rains will pass over re -
Ines,. of n r.unar of the offices In Good Bread
glans to the southward, High barometer \Ir. Layman W. Palmer of Lo:,do.i. \\'e 1;uron, to have been ae follows, In,
and frigid gale+ will bring fair cold u•tdcrstand Mr. i;atrowa will move with salary trios Lased on the buair.tns not
weather following nuc et.nrma. A rig- the family ten k to London: a;e-i has nI 19n8, bu of 19(1;
war storm period begi.ts will Via new 800)0 Lotion of going West In the springTry it and you will -
%1r. Bart WH .1 1,1 woo ttiy fatn:ly navy Post Office Revenue Salary
moon o•i tit: 31st, 1s central on the ?3. "" �� •- -
and extends to the 251h, U�cld ally made ntal.y w•.utl friends In Exeter, Hayfield
warmer weather will appear westw ward conscqu^ntly their tl• p.trture wlii be re- Blake
h.• the 31st with falling barometer and grctted. Brewster too.
cicui.incss. The do 10,Ail iotia will ad- The Ontario Department of F.du•atln.l Hlyth,.,,.
yenta.eastward, resulting in derlded whohaw decided to depart from •i,'. old es- Hrucefleld
ter storms front Friday the 2211/1 to the tat.lished cuete:n of having exatnlnaiinn Urediton
2501. Look with sono:Bence to these papers set by persons who were not "t
storms and for violent change to high ;1 in l Uwits, U 0 immediate work of Cetrals East
barometer a:' 3 cold, pushing clams on the preparation. and it rotary teachers of Cenntralia
western tIa,,ss of stout' areal.. Ther•• the various bra netted of edutatior' will Corbett
will no deo e: 18 a 'Jarivary Thaw" 1n set the partite for their respective Clinton
this period wIU, wuntoi lhu•xlcr and branches a;,d thus secure ezaii hiatlor, Chinclhur8t
1lghte•;'a; 0:1 or about the 27•th, but papers beating on the work covered btlitattem teat reiateal be much more sa.-
Dashwood c
ill e
cold «.1. [o'lovr, and don't you forst It. the curriculant of studies. The 01071)- Drysdale "" Scrap Iron, l
farm tory eclat- the new rondittati.
Egmnnd� IIIc. Iv 1 i
Brass, Copper '
Godericll ! I
U ensall y Rubber,tc j
Ilcnexll r,
Harpley a,
$20.00 and $18.O0
Suits for
$6 Pants for $4
$4 " $2.75
Mrs. Geo. Hawkins and loss Hazel
Browning were) in London Tuesday.
Mr. John If. Scott of the crsattiery was
In Brantford this week ort business.
Miss Tillie Yager, milliner, arrived on
Saturday from Dutton to spend her -va-
The many friends hero of Mr. Emanu-
el Blesett of Crystal City, Man., form-
erly of Exeter, will regret to learn that
he 1s quite 111 at hie home in that place,
suffering from an acute attack of stom-
ach trcuble.
A meeting for the purpos', of orgy:,lz-
Ing a class for the study of eight read-
ing in vocal music, will be held In S••n-
lor'e Hall, Wednc6day Evening, Jan. 20,
at b o'clock. It is desired that all, who
wish to take up the study, whether hav-
ing any kuoaledoc of music or not, for
the work will be for the beginner as well
as for those who have studied Ill:r3lc,
vial Tee present. A number have expre9-
sed themselves as anxious to Join su•:h a
class. Because of this fact the ntee:Lng
is r.,licd. F. RUse and J. Senior
The ratepayers of Usbornc who are In
tercnted In the Anderson drain stet with
Provincial Drainage Referee Rankin to
the Town flail here on Thursday after
noon last to coastdcr the question of
raymcnt of said drain. It appears that
John Reid of Logan, the co:,tractoi,
having partially done the work. found
that he would lone money on t:.e Job
and threatened to throw 1t up. Engln-
eer Itogcrs of Mitchell advl8cd blot to
[Inlet) the work which was door, and ac-
cording to report well done. Thi con-
tractor Mtn t•lllcd tit. council with $25n
titer the contract price. The council re-
fused to pay the account and called the
a ncLing of those tut':rcatcd, wtto the re-
sult that the referee advised thsnn to
interview the cci tractor. Mcesrs. R.
Gardiner and Thoe. Cameron were appo
fond for jhat purpose. The affair aaH
not yc•L been decided.
$ 3.28
31 hit
6� 35
5 45
0007 2023
46 35
400 215
x301 2210
877 421
tat alk4kAludIg____ k��
TRI? Iluyt,eulsT of the evening was
J. 11. Come, •ai and he proved, as usu-
al. at I, meta 1 inong the entertain-
er.. 110 hat e humorous twinkle in
hi- a y,• ih et 1- irresiitable, and a droll
way „1 -I' •., n. iig that appeals to the
humor of !he :uldience. Cameron
doe, no r•. I. on any grote‘ilno make-
up to in4c. his listeners iaugh, but
8111117 "n he- power of presenting the
Burl rrou• •hlr of things to his audi-
ences." - (iur'plt Mercury. At }'resbv-
teri:•n Cone rt. Opera (louse, Exeter,
nn '1.••. 1 .t . tan. 18th. Plan of hall at
(',.1••'. Ir• ,• store. Tickets 25c 8t 35c.
Cold Weather
Winter i8 now aeon )e
and ('III4IMTMAS will
80.nt be here. .
as overcoat
If not, t'etterearne
to 114 and
let us clothe you
we it ways Leap a goad line
al mterlal and our make
and "• ,, enarantee•l.
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
W. K. Snyder. who has been provl,-
t ail Conservative organizer for acne
years, has b:'cn asked by the government
to take charge of the work of establish -
lag a standard for •hc hotels of the
province in the matter of fire rscap•'s.
eat:ftation. bedding and acculno.l.ttloa
generally. Representation has been made
by the Commercial Tor/tiara' A sacs la
tion and others and the question has
toren under consideration for sanctum'.
It In believed that about a year will 1,e
•necessary to rover the work fa'rly'.and
to eatabllah sur:, st,u,dards that fur
titer special of:ort wit; Uz u:ineceasary.
Mea Ufarkwcll of Dixie and Mrs. John
Tinnry of hay met will, an arride:nt 011
)sturd.ly a•ght last watch might have
itrulied ertiousiy. it ap;'.•tra Mr. John
iililespie was tttutnii.g fron the etati:r,
with the bus after meeting the evening
'rain anti when on :tum street the: 1a.1•
les driving In' a bu;gy collided with the
hue. Ruth were thrown out with cattail -
at le force, but lackily both escaped with
r.nly slight injury. t).te of the ladies
had Ilei fur jacitcl badly damaged and
the burgy WAS co:nsid• cable bronco. 1t
"rants that 1•e) blame cou;d ba attached
n Mr. Glllesp;' it, tar mat e r as he waw
sandwlered bc;war.i In, damaged rig
.end another. taut prevenlb,,; hint fron'
u-r,mg out either way.
Mien J. J. Allan. Eye Sight Spe.laliet.
will be at the Com;nercial Ilotrl. Satur-
1ty. Janutry 23rd, hours 9 A. M. to
Mr. and '1r. S:drry `a^.derw 'leslei
•a tlintik t a i•e,ghbor8 .tial :riendw as
.aell as the Punt. Lodge of Oatdfcllowa
for kindness ahcwn thyro luring their
et ant illness.
FiNE YrEctstEY.
\rtmr; Inc orsew a'ttpp-d by Mr. T.
!:. Handford on Tuesday last wig a
...leans. whkh tat•1411rd 2010 pou•tds.
end was without ex• rptio:, the finest
.p-•i•n",, of a gelding .ver slapped from
}'.•. t. 11e was tabid by a Mr. Wood
n; I:,an,•r,ard. w 0 ha♦ a rcpu'atnon of
ratetng nothinf tunosh grade stock.
K iopen
Mount Carmel
Sareptn ,..
Sunshine ......
8eitfortti ..
Tharnen Road.
Varna .
Thr money order hueincsa, that 1s the
total valus of orders paid and orders
ISMO^d at the offices ntrntlone;l b -'low.
wan as follows: -Blyth $21,518; f3rus-
st Is, $30.078 ; Exeter, 11ri,n4S ; Clint.) 1
$44,054 ; Wingham. $4:'.2113: Seaforta
$14,099: Godrrit t., $5 :.452.
Professional AdvertlsJJ
Th• physician has a sIga en his
door. That lean advertisement to
the pas••r•ey. Cemparativty row
peep(• •N Ih• .len hew•s•►.
' why not carry your sign Into all
t,• bast horns* In town ? You
sander/0e, • Ci&.•I •d Want.ad:
and without_ tess_sf proysosienal
dignity tee.
We are prepared to pay
40c a hundred and upwards
according to duality, for Scrap iron.
Old Rubber iBoots and Shoes, Se per Ib
Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Brass Sc
Rags, 50c per hundred.
We Have for Sale
a large quantity of
suitable for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
MAiN 81... EXETER.
trained by our mana¢ement than any Mhrr
In Ontario. great Armand for our graduates
as itaeinew f'ollryM Tearhere, iciest. Sere•
varies, OT ke Awietants, et-. The emhodi•
mint of the most Enfold, M•,Aern R.stem§
known in mein- e',Cle • we in, ire tom.
paeiw'n Three 1'epartmenta. Manned t y
skilled hot mental.
Pail Ceterw. In all ttu•ine•e Collor.. and
High &•hon( en hl red e
GEn. Si' )TION. }'ttINt !Pty.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seede,Eto.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
&Mare stock is Mite
reat Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's III
We have started a great
slaughter sale comprising
every article of furniture in
our large stock at a
Special Discount of'
20 Per Cent
Off Regular Prices
for CASH. Note some of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to furniture
buyers. A call will convince
intending purchasers that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak
finish, with large Bevel Mirror,
regular price $16.50,
Discount Sale Price. .... $13.00
regular price $13.00
Discount Sale Price $10.00
regular price $8.50
Discount Sale Price $0.00
regular price $3.50
Discount Sale Price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
ur Great Annual
Stock -Taking Sale
This is the Month for Bargains
We are now busy with our stock taking and find we have a few
of our Winter Goods still on hand, which we must clear out to make
roots for our "Sprinv Stock ' that will be here in a few days. Our
Annual January Male has always been a Great Success in cleaning up
our stock and 7011 can be sure this will be just as good. Prices cut no
figure with us when we decide to clear out a line of goods. DO NOT
MISS this "Big Sale" if you want SOME RARE BARGAINS 111
Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats
Only a few left --hut we do not intend one to remain -every ono
must go. Now, if you want it cheap fur -lined coat this winter or next,
this will be the time to get it -
at your own price
('otne early and have your first choice.
Ladies' Fur Coats ---only one left !
One only ASTRACHAN ('oat
with baa itifnl SABLE Collar and Reveres,
Regular $45.00
for just half -
This is the hest b.irgain in for coats ever shown in Exeter.
Ladies' Ruffs & Scarfs
25 per cent discount
We have a few Very Choice Ruffs and Scarfs yet to he disposed
oL But they all go at 25 per cent discount. in fact, every Fur we
have in the store will he subject to the same discount.
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Every One This Season's ('oats -No Old ('oats Ieft Froin Laat Season!
Only 12 coats left to be cleared out at your own price.
This is the way we clear out our coats every season.
So you are sure to get the NEW STUFF and not have
01d ('oats offered to you.
Remember --your own price for any of these coats -
and plenty of time yet to wear them!"
Men's Fur Coats
each is a big bundle of a bargain!!!
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing