Exeter Advocate, 1909-01-14, Page 51 1 Porter Undoubtedly the heat tstewed ou the continent. Preyed to be so by aaalysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bition., especially CHICAGO tt193, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. WHY not trade that organ of yours on� a piano rfr At the present we can handle a number of second hand organs and are therefore prepared to allow you agood price for it. We don't ask you one dollar more for the piano than your neighhbr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT RIGHT !!1 Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn Books, Bibles, Stationery, &c Ss MARTIN & SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality o1 their goods. Q zet ei aro cat e SIOLYZE - - ONTARIO $1.00 If paid In adranc., St.1O a year if not so paid. Tea YeUsltea!staarStrictly tes 1;is ►abavascrlMst.rs$t.AO Imo 8ANDIE8 « CREECH, Publisher& Cook's Cotton Root Compound. us The great Uterine Tonle, and only late effectual Monthll Regulator on which women can depend. Sold to three d of strength -No. 1, SI ; o. 9< 10 degrees stronger ft; a A Sod by oil druggl.ta or ser ent prepaid on rooelpt of price. Fres pamphlet. Address : Tag COOL RUM NE 11..TQIIMT0.0NT. (formarlY Wifulaort Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th This /shool is one of the largest In the pro. vtnce. It is noted for the thoroughness of its work and the d[ICC ail of Its students. 3 departments - Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, CENTRAL ersav OND.ONT. Our graduates are in demand as Business Col- lege teachers as well as omee assistants Ost our magnificent catalogue, It is fres. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. Ross' Furs Manufacturer and Retailer A Word to the Wise - When buying Furs remember the manu(actur• er supplies ths goods at firscost. Ne also knows the quality and value of all materials and Is the only one whoa' guarantee Is based on practical knowledge. w••••• ready to protect all purchas- ers is regard to value, and quality, of may article bought from us- S61.O0 Natural Canadian Hink, five tab muff, trim- med with heads and tails. Two skin throw warts to match. The set . Set 00 $29.00 Natural Alaska Sable, large pillow muff, long ruff to match, double fur at neck, long stole ends trimmed with heads and tails. The set $20 $13.00 Isabella For, long double ruff, and large pillow muff to match. The set....... 021.00 C.14001016 Mailed Os Application Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. Add Boiling Water Cool and Serve JeII-O TUE DAINTY DESSERT Flavored hast right Sweetened last rigid Perfect In every way Deal accept seMWesea All grocers +ell ft Corlett. -Mrs. JAM. n Pollock was pre- empted with a fland.orn.' clock by the I'itebyterlan chute it members and ad- hcre'r's rrt(ntly for her faithful sere eters ,le organist. What The Kidneys Do. WHAT BOOTH'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE DOING F'OIt EXETER. ONT. PEOPLE Alt the blood In t le body Daae.'il thtcugh the kidney. every three role- utes. Toe kidneys fllter the blood. Trey work night and day to dally remove about Soman gr.iI nc of impure mat - Orr if they (all some part of Ulla Inn - pure matter Is lett rti the blood, bring - Ing on pain In the hack. head she. ellr- einess. Irregular heart, hot, dry skier. rheumatism. gravel. dropsy. depoei's In the urine. Booth's Kidney fill. mike the filtering right and overcoat- Kid- ney troutele. Hundreds of Fturon Coui - ty residente have found this out. Mr. Wiu. Ilatding. of Ar,dt..w nen•.•'., Exeter. Ont.. says, "1 Mad suffered for years with a most annoying be -kat: e and tenderness arrois the small of nay back and sides. The urine wa. of a high color and ro,talne.l a :,uan• •v of brick dust sediment and was offs^gIve ly oc'•rrous and a(aldi.np in pe•eiite. Although 1 had tried erveral differ 'tit remedies t could Ind nothing t'•.it would benefit nue. unt I on reronune:.da- tion of our druggist, Mr. Cole. l used llooth'e Kidney 1'111.. They quickie ',- moved the Inactivity of tee kidneys. the urine cleared and nay bark *trent/Co. ncd 1 have felt mur 1 better generally Stn•^. using Booth's Kidney Pills and ran toe - nett nt muely o: -nettntrouely retonunend Sold by 1)e flet s. Pelee 50 rents. The it. T. 1300th Cu.. Ltd.. Mart Erie, 0,.•1.. Voir Canadian Agents. LL'MLEY, Mrs, Smith a.u; little daughter, Ii tzr•1 of Iirgcrevllle wtr.r here the gUate of fornnrr's rattier, Mr. Oco. IiohKtrk. Sr. - Mr, and Mrs D. L'ibb very pleasantly en- tertained a Lumber oI their fiends on Friday evening, the occaaton b log ti rlr hcuee-warner.a.- Mies :'arena, of En ccs County ie the guest of Mrs. John Trt- •tutlr.-Mrs. Thos. Dlekeon and daugh- ter, Maude, of Seafottt• visited r •ietiven here the fleet of the week, -Mrs. John (limo ix suffering from an attack of la gt1ppe.-Mrs. Chao. Armstrong of Itrarrthnrd spent a few days reavutly wl'h Mtn. Jos. Vance. -Mr. it. Ellering- tot. of To:onto was :one the guest of hen brother lered.-Mr. Jae. ilorton nail ''e'er reed from Furcat.-We are sorry to hare to rhre:.t;,e. the Jeatl, of etre 11. Canty at the hurtle of her daughter, Mrs. Kerslake. KI11VA Sehoo has again nper.cl with atlas Stitt r rt t of .S tipka as teavite:.-Mrs. Yager has re:u-ncd to her sonic In Ex- tit,- x- tttr on Tu'stiay, rift, t era eding a fen' weeks witJ, Ler brother. 11. Cu: ingnarn -Mrs. 11. Cunningham spent part of last .vrek In Excttr,-Rich. Sullivan of \VI.,- coneln, who has been visiting his uncle returned home heat w,rk.-.t number front ',etc attrttded the Modern Medi- : me (r,ocert .tt Shipka Saturday ev,•'t- Ina and report a goo,! tun'.-WI.ile driving home trout F'.,rkl llI on Friday Stilton hate's hast became ftWKt.t, td at an engt.tc and tat a col)ntderthte •Ilatancc before It ruuld b estopped. The hure:y was badly smashed and (1 , Horse's leg WAR t u: in several pia, N. t•'orlu',attlY l ,e orrupa,,te !el: aped in- ury.-Jae. Free'nan w;lo has been laid u;, with inflammation Is improving and In expected t(' have for Ills home 1: 1)e- 1reett sootily. -eta, SKrc Bolt and wire ParRh,I1 rept :it .undey gore. -%ti s. A:- t..!rt Cu n ,inghant and two children of Crcdtton aprin Su Ida:- here. -Mr. Clan. ;belt and el.nr. Meaney spent Strictly at Joan K:uacy'e.-l•u•no:s ct a wedding Rowe -Mies Kate Curry and Mr. McCor- mick spent Su ,day in Mt. Carmel with ('lends. McGILLIVI1. Y A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Jo'ut itu-R''a' con. 7. Mt0illIvray, o n Dec. 31.1t. w r 't l it at4'oad "feu; \ter Miele Elate. we. u !led Inntatulagt to et:. \Valt,•r i1' '.- nur o' 1.ondotl. The tr..0 );u1 marriage ceremony W.I. read by it. v. A. '.1. M,('u! ., of P irk :11. in the prese:trc or r,n u t: a. Co arra tulat o't e. More proof that Lydia E.Pink- heamm s egetwble Compound cures fala Mrs. John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk St, Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinkhanl : " I waa very much rue down in health from a female trouble, was thin, nervous, and very weak, and suffered (tom bearing down pains. Indeed I did not care whether I lived or died, I felt so baJ1 sometimes, "Lydia 1,. Yinkhaan's Vegetable Cour- p.,und completely cured me of all my troubles. I gained in flesh, and am free from backache, female trouble, rick headaches, and nervousness. " I heartily recommend Lydia E. 1'inkltt:m's Vegetable Compound for all women's ailments, knowing what it Las done for me FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thiity years Lydia E. Pink- Itant's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the t alldard remedy for female ills ,lid has positively cured thousands of ,women who have been troubled with 1 isplaeements, inflammation, ulcera - ion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, .'riodic pains, backache, that bear- tg-down feeling, flatulency,undi es- m, (1 i zziness or nervous prostration. \'Its- don't you try it? Hrs. Pinklram invites all sick omen to write her far advice. lee has guided thousands to •.alto. Address, Lynn, Mass. The Gr Tligni �odiae; r3reat I:erp(is Re'rnel: Tones and inriguratesthe wboie nervous:.:am, makes Dew la old Veins. OwesNers- out DeM(ityy, Mental and Bruin Worry, Ika- ,.onrierrry, ,4tsictl Weakness Brnion iesa, Bye• ,artorrhma, and reeds of Weakness, or Eaoeeaee. r ice) $1 per bog. ale for$S, One will please six will cure. Sold by all druggists or malle� �n Plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pa rsnardfree. The Wood Modloln. Ow (formerly Windsor) Throat*. Ontt, Wood.% IIENSALL T. Wood of Stratford, well known here had a stroke o1 paralysis at ills home, but 1e recovering. -Dir. and Mrs. 1. 11. Grahatn, of Lang, Sask., are guests Of the latter'o uncle, A. Johnatoli, Widow Ball Farm. -Miss Gertrude Thompson is engaged by our School Board to take charge of the room reuderei vacant by the resignation of Miss Reynolds.- Dr. Gunn was called trcre to operate on T. Smit!: for appendicitis. Owing to his con dilton only a partial operution was done and els case is not a hopeful one. -else Reynolds left on Saturday for Kenora, where she has lean engaged to teach the Public School. -Dr. Chesney has return- ed to his inspecting dupes after a vlalt here, -Watson Wood of Tuckcrennite plowed two acres Of land last week on Jan. :,th, and tcporta the ground to be in excellent condition. \\'11AT IS ITCH DIItT it 1s an o!d Anglo-Saxon name fqr Dandruff tool it's a good one. 1f you have dandlutf you !rave itch dirt and the oink not robes that are part and p.ircr1 of dandruff arc working persistently night and day and sooner or later will reacts the eery life of your noir and de- stroy its vitality. Then you will be bald -Bald to 'Rai - for not evnt the wonderful reJuvena(i:g ptoperttes of l'ar tietan Sage can grow hal. after (11 l:.tir bulk or root is dead. Parisian Sage tures Dandruff. W. S. Cole. the tit ueglst, sells it-recohtnenda It and guarantee■ 1t ; only 50c. a large bottle and your money back it It falls to cure dandruff, Falling IIair and Itching of the Sealp. LUCAN Our village chose progressive !nen at the accent municipal elections. This ,toune11 board should please anyone. -:.7, tv Ilawkettaw for Reeve, and Cott-will- ors, ou w:itl- ors, Chas. 1lobbs, Duncan McAlear, Geo Bowden and Geo. Crawley. Miss Eva Ilurlton of London Is .pend- ing a new days at ner home Iters. -Rev. Itaery of Kirkton and Itev. Arthur Car- lisle of Lu -an exchanged pulpits last Sunday.-I1r. aid biro Waiter tllbson are on a:: extended 'lett to Allcnford. -Mrs \Vi:idsor of lodge:own Is at pre- sent the guest of her sister. Mts. Ida l'o'ts. -T' e new .loly Ti pity Church, 1.u'att, will be opened on Sunday next. Tee dedication service 1s to tee held at 11 a.m. also service at 3 p•tn. and in the evening At al: of these sereteeseite Bishop of iTuron will be Pie speaker. \11 are eordiat.y invited to attend. -The ;desacs Jennie and Rachel Wllaoe and Sties Allle Wilson el Centralia visited Mrs. Mitchell last week. -Ed thrones of Sarnia spent a new days In town recent- ly. rettewit,g old acquaintances. -Mr. and etre. Frank Culvert of Faheerov'. ettrh.. a!e vl.it1I'g 1u Lu an and vrrint1y.-M r. and Mr.. Thoe. (lodging. formerly of this town, are home from tint \Meet on a there 1110a0hs' trip. Mr. liodgine talks very highly of Inc West and reports buvineae I oorning In Inc town of \Vllkie. Sask.-Nits. Leila Murdy. who has been vteanng with her grandfather Pere far the past teres weeks, has rationed to her tonne in Lu:,do:,.-There Is talk of I new rink in our town soon, r •1,.inly not before It In needed -A sacred organ tee ital wlil be gena :ler• on Mo take evening by Mr. Taos. Elide^Ile•',•^ in connection with tate opening of the new Anglican chert':.-Mra. Parks is visiting ter dausittcr near Gornto".. St Marys. -On San. et;t Mise Carlit• t ne. daughter of Mts, James Dunlop.was utitcd ht nturitage to A. W. Naim of Moose Jaw. Seek . tornnr,ly of Mother- well. Trice *111 reside in the west. I,.................n.......LROUND ABOUT IIS -i8tam....ta...ea..41111 ittbbert.-The council for 11.109 will be composed as follows. -peeve, J. A. Mc- Laren: Councilors, W. 011ier, J. E. Ro- ney. Hobert lloggarth, Jr., laugh Norris Uruce1It1d.-The death occurred !n the town of Moose Jaw, Sask., on January 1st, of Jane Durle, relict of the late Andrew Swann, aged 76 years: and 0 months. The funeral took place Thurs- day from the residence of her son. John Swan, 1)rueeflcld. for Interment In the !laird cemetery. Mitchell.-Wililant Robert, formerly of Mitchell. dled of pr:eumoala In Brantford on Dec. 31st. !le was 70 years of age and leaves a wife and len children. -On Dec. 30th Was \V1lhelnila Elligson was married to John ltonncnburg. Niters Em- ma >lligsot and Charlie Ronnenburg as- sisted. They will reside to Mitchell. ClInton.-A yulet wedding way solenul- on Jan. lat at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Cook when their daughter Minnie became the wife of George Boyer of Tor- onto. -The Onta:lo Street parsonage was the scene of a wedding on Jan. 4, when William Shipley was united In marriage to MI.. Hannah Wise of Tuckeramlth, -A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. E. Butt on Dec, 30th when Masa Mabel Clarke became the wife of Samuel Lee. CENTRALIA Mrs. S. McCoy and daughter Miss Re- becca A., attended the wedding of the fornier's nelce. Niles E. Nevin, fornl^rly of Centralia, to London to Mr. W. W. Metcalfe. Marrtagc.-A very quiet but pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Nevin, 312 \Vharncltf(e ltd. West London, on \Vedtceday, January 0th. at high noon, when the fonuer'e daughter, Mise Eliza, was united in mar- :lage to Mr. W. W. Jletcalfe of London, t y the Bev. G. I1. Sage. rector of the English Church, The bride wore a trav- elling suit of navy blue broadcloth, elites R. A. McCoy. cousin of the bride, acted as litideanald while the groom was sup- ported by his broteet, eft. F'. Metcalfe. Immediately after the ceremony a wed- ding hreakfast was served in the spac- ious dining roont which like the table was prettily decorated with whit: and green. The bride received many beaut- iful gifts from those present. We whelk them a very long and hapry wedded life. Mr. Thos. Oliver is visiting friends at Little Britain. -Misses Vera Essery and Flo Hepburn are visiting in the vicinity of Fullatton.-Miss Moriock of Exeter is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Orme.-Geo. Essery, our liveryman, is seriously ilL-The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church met last Thursday at the residence of Mr. C. Du lac, and were right royally entertained by their hostess. -The Epworth League was well attended on Tuesday evening. Mise Flo. Eseery and John W. Butt being in charge of the meeting. -W. T. Colwill, our hay merchant, is ship- ping large quantities of bay to the English market. -Rev. W. H. Butt preached at Crediton on Tuesday ev- ening. ATTACKED i3Y R(JLL --- While in the act of tying a bull up in nix stall George Urquitart of Fuller- ton narrowly escaped death. The ani- mal beanie angry and go' him down Un- der its feet, trampling on him and en- deavoring to gore lira. Ills ankle was broken and he received some bad in - fettles. The bull has sauce been dchorn- ed. Mr. Urquhart will recover. Zurich Mrs. Geo. Campbell left last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kampmann, at Berlin, -Little Mac. Merner's little pacer took 3rd money at the winter races in Toronto on New Year's Day. -Elmer Klopp is getting the brick and other material ready to build a house on his farm next season. -Mrs. Apperman has returned to her home in North Dakota. -Ezra Schweitzer of Sebringville, is visiting friends in this section. -John Rohner of Berlin, for- merly a resident of Zurich, is visiting here, -Simon Mittleholtz, of the Cana- dian West, is renewing acquaintances in town and vicinity. -Miss Melissa Smith and Miss Vanatter of Crosewell, Mich., are visiting relatives here.- Cornie Holtzman, who has been em- ployed in liartleib'estoreforsometime. has left for Berlin to take a course in the Business College, -On the evening of Jan. let, Miss Lydia Faust's Sunday School Class met at her home, and presented her with a beautiful jardin. ere. Mies Faust very ably responded, and kindly thanked them. She left on Thursday morning of last week for Caro, Mich., where she will remain for the winter. -Mrs. Henry Eicher of Michigan, and her youngest son, are visiting with friends and old acquaint- ances in this neighborhood. NOW IS HEST TIME TO TAKE A well known authority on Itheunut- isnt gives the following valuable though simple. attd harmlprescription hleh any one can costessly prepare at home.w Fluid Extract Dandelion, ons -half Duet e : Compound Karon, cue ourte ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. MI: by shaking well In a bottle. .red take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime, iic matte, that tat lagredlents car, be obtained from any good preerrlptien pharmacy at small cost, ands being of vegetable. extractfot, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, It taken reg- ularly for a few days Is said to over. COM(' almost any rase of Rheumatism. The pian and swelll.tg, it any, diminish• es with eac't dose. until permanent re- sult,' are obtained. and without Injur- ing the stomach. 'A hale !herr are many moo alied itheunmatism reniedlrs, patent meal,a co. eta.. some of whlr`t do give relief, few realty give p'tnraneet results :tna the above ail!, no doubt. be greatly appreciated by many sufferers aero at this time. inquire at the drug .torts of this nttgt.borhood elicits the Information'h)t these drugs are hatmleSs and ran be bought separately. or the druggists herr will mix the prescription for our etud- e: s If eked to. LIRINSLET. Mr.. Wm. Darling is spending a new weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. Bloom tleldnear Dentteld, who etas been very ■Ick. -Scott Trevethlck has returned to London to resWuc Ll. studies at the Business Coi.eee. and Sutter Auras to Toronto tc resume his studies in the Dental College. -Mr. McPeak and fam- ily have returned to Durand after the holidays. -Mr. J. Buckley is spending a few days at his home here.-Mlsd Pearl Niven has returned to her home near Bay City, Mice., after spending the past few months with her aunt, Mrs. Rose Wetmore -Special services at Marrs Hell commenced un Tuesday evening. The pastor will be assisted the brat week by Itev. Mr. McCulloch of Parkhill second week by Itev. Mr. Steadman, Grand Bend: third week by Rev. Mr. Flicks of Crediton. -sir. and Airs. Geo. Lewis entertained a large number of friends to dinner and also in the eve- ning on New Year's Day, It being rho 30th anniversary of their wedding. -)Mss Niven, after a visit with ler aunt, Mrs. Watson for several months ha■ returned to her home In Day Clty,-L. II. Corbett M. A.. of Toronto University, who spent the holidays here, has returned to the dude e at the university. Tut:kcramlth.-Tire council for 1000 is as fellows. -Reeve, Robert McKay: Coun eithers, Joseph Atkinson, Robert Bell, Herbert each and 1). McNaughton. IIALTTICAIMEET TELLS Of PATENT MEDICINES A graduate in organa cbcutn try, who has made a study of many of the best -►Vigo patent nied.clnea on the market, states that many ha'e virtue, but as a rule pt'ui:le have to pay fl/r a lot of unnecessary eat eller. The following is the recipe of a well. knew u secret preparation, and is knows by authority to be one of the best stomach and liver t, nits. It is prescribed by many of the best physicians. This mixture cures constipation and biliousness. '!'he recipe .-- Fluid Extract Cascara yS oz. Syrup Rhubarb l CZ. Carriana Compound . Compound Syrup Sarsatntr:'!a r oz. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. An eminent authority. aim has made a careful and scientific' =t'ldy of the relative values of dru, :lav- ing a specific action on the kiJ::t s, bladder, and liver, pronounce:, tars an excellent combination. You can buy the ingredients s•va. rately and mix at home. Cut this formula out and save it. e x. The Shine'that Won't Come Ott "Black Knight" Stove Polish Is an inspiration to the housewife -go willing to do its work and does it so well. Easy to put on, and just a few rube brings a brilliant polish, You should see for yourself how good "Black Knight" really is. If yosr deafer does sot beadle 11. send tee kis nause avid roc. for fatt stud can. lit F. T. MLLBT CO. MUD. • ItlatmTM, set eA COLEMAN'S QIJIN1NE fog COLDS 8. LA GRIPPE Beet thing yon ever tried for Colds, La Grippe, Coughs, Neuralgia and Headache. Cures colds in 24 hours. No after -effects --25c. At aa' *Wars or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. 4 s>. WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for a Successful Career. To Imre the folly of eStertat Mambos iile't wttb..1 m t'bmstasss ds.atl.att- read est gree Qesaiotec wl,r 4..s.11. M ..ere s I. c�"�! ss . dwt 0.s." elon.r Oaf Dallas.. G.11 .- Ac. f u....Stn. lO..I.. . rT .tTRLtROOS • t .. iaaj Is.arwte w .y.rtori awes raise . tosloo .. Dyl.nal Ssectl Os.alat.- dept. sad J.■. Tbs Forest City Baslsess t Moribund College L..4... Oscar.. J. V. w..t.r..h. J. W. Wein .it, Jr, C.A. Pttn.IMt YN. i o...p.l. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If yon ever had any contracted or herediter; blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison bas been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks la your system. Can yon afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used Indiscriminately -they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat• ment will purity and enrich the blood, heal rep all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re. tura to a normal ' ndition, and the patient will feet and look like a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete curt if instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture. Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Fres. N unable ie sell write ler • Question List for Nems Trestwsent. DR5.kENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan t Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. a..