HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 81 We Wish you, one and all, the complimentsof the season. esealentegimmlbglioRadota W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario easiness locals -- Read Them You'll miss it if you don't go to Stew- art's Stock -Taking Sale now going on - 21 pounds of Redpath's granulated sugar for 1.00.'!. Woseaa's Institute. The regular rneeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in Senior's Hall on Tuesday next, at 3 o'clock. Mre. Cobbledick, Mrs. Hastings, Pres. Sec'y. Mrs. McDonell Is still very 111, TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN. Thos G. Creech Is improving nicely, toeing able to allow t to nurse to leave slaving served two terns on the Coott- t•:s week. 'T was a common It tr,g to hear the :nen mitt. the pale face and tired expr.asi m say. Christmas wee a little too niUcit for are.,. Mr. Ernest Ilu:ton a1.4 the Misses Car- ting experienced a turnover while tak- ing a pleasure drive. on Saturday, but lu_klly received no Injury. W. 11. Gregory. of the firm of Makins, Hanley & Gregory, will move to Stoat ford about the beginning of the year and enter the office there. He has been a resident of Mitchell for about a year and his going will be ninth regretted, as he war popular and energetic.-Mtte'e_11 Advocate. On Wednesday of haat week Exeter's veteran telegraph operator, Mr Samuel Sanders, celebrated the 70th anniver- sary of his birthday. Many and hearty tougratulatlohs were extended to Mr. San dere on reaching this good ay., only slightly enfeebled in body. but remark- ably young and buoyant in spirit. By lnsnu;:tion of the Hon. alhtister of Agriculture a distribution is being made this season of samples of super- ior sorts of grail and potatoes to Can- adian farmers for the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution has been secured mainly from the Experi- mental Farms ut Indian Head. Sask., and Brandon, Man. The samples consist of oats, spring wheat, barley, peas. In- dian corn (for enallage only) and pota- to?s. The quantity of oats sent is 4 lbs. and of wheat oe barley 3 lbs., sufficient In each case to sow one-twentleth of aft. acre. The ieaniplee of Indian corn, peas and potatoes weigh 3 lbs. each. In mak- ing application no postage is required oil mall matter addressed to the Expert. - mental Farm, Ottawa. Installation of Officers. -At the last regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Lod- ge, No. 133, A. F'. & A. M., held Monday night .Last the following officers wee:: duly installed. -tiro. W. W. Taman. I. P. M.; Iiro. D. \V. Collins, \V, M.; Bro. it. N. Creech, S. \Y.; Bro. Fred Ken•. J. W.; Bro. 'Vm. Sweet, Chap.; Iiro. J. Davis, Treas. ; Bro. C. I1. Sanders Sec,; tiro. N. j). Ilurdon, Ae.'t Sr..: ; Bro. W. D. Sanders, S. D.; Bro. R. G. Sel- don J. D.: Bro. S. Sweet, Tyler ; Bro. Chas. Scaright, 1. G. ; liro. R. Murphy, S. S.; Bro. Fronk Sweet, J. S.: Bro. T. B. Carling, D. of C.; Bro. S. Stahlake, Organtat ; Board General Purpoees,Bro. L. 1I. Dickaon, J. A. Stewart, W. J. !Leaman, W. U. Levett, 1. Fishier : The Board of Relief, Bros. 1. it. Carling, Ed. Christle and II. Spackman. Don't look on the bright tilde of any- thing. Don't permit yourself to see good in anyone. Don't have any charity for your erring brother or sister. If you have any of the milk of human klndneae In your ncart, curdle It In tonne way. Believe that all mien. and women too are hare,, and the tenni is not in theta. Find faUlt with your fellowman. Say mean things about your nclghbor, envy her ; Late her ; seek your own ; scrap if you don't get It ; think evil ; rejoice in iniquity ; endure nothing ; believe tooth - log, and If you are not completely mis- erarle and u.thappy it 1s because you have not yet quenched the last vital spark of love In your bring. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy attend- ed the funeral of the latter s tnotherj Mrs. Robert liru_e, six lulled north of Clinton. Last week. Of deceased the Clinton News -Record say.. -'After a very painful tineas extending over three years airs. Itobett liru.e passed away. she bore her intense eutfering with for - !oleic and calmness. She was a kind 711(11hrtiy woman and throughout tl.' whole community she was held In the very greatest respect. iter maiden Hanle was Margaret Cunlringhant and she came Boor Dumfries township with her pa -- elites when gUite young. settling on the t:tl, con. of Mullett. There site was un- ited in marriage with Robert litu . To them were born three sons and also five daughters -Mrs. L. Crcc. Clinton; MIs. It. Murphy. Exeter: Mre. Thos. Little. Mullett. Jane: and Euphernta at noon.: ttob( rt 1). and George In Saskatcre wan, and Mathew on the homestead. W. tV. Tartan ate Christmas din) •r at hire home In illyth. Sir. W. \t. Blatchford is vlatt:ng rel- ative. 111 Columbus, Ot,lo. Sita. George MI1(1ii10012 and Cnild- ien ate visiting 1:1 Oshawa. Messrs. Thos. Vase and It. N. Tay- lor returned front Thessalon teat week. Mre. Thos. Iteanlall, London ltd., has returned from a visit tit l'ort Huron and Rami la Mr, Clarcnee Eastcrbrook, Fairground le• ri.cndi)g a Icw weeks with hit par- ents here. Miss Sarah Sweet, who has bce nvlsit Ihg for three months hr Detroit, return- ed last week to her home Lcre. !tr. \Vm. Snmith, art ontpanled by Mhos Catherine Jackson of De,rolt visited at the former's parents over Cit letm.t s. Mr. harry Jack eon of Toronto was home for Christmas and 1,e and r11s fa- ther are now in tit. T:1onlas vlattl•1,; friends but will to at home for New Year. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 1010, for one dollar. Tell your neigh- bors about it. Listen -$8.50 Isabella Sable fur ruffs redut'ed for stock -taking to 15.75. Stew- art's. The Advocate will be sent. to any address in Canada to Jan. let, 1910, for $1.00. 9.00 Saskatchewan Robes reduced to 0.75 during Stock -Taking Sale. It's on now. Stewart's. Now is the time for cheap furniture, as Rowe & Atkinson are giving a spe- cial discount of 'LO per cent oft regular prices. Stewart's stock -taking sale is the spot for you. $16.00 semi -porcelain dinner set reduced to $9.96. We take subscriptions ford' foreign or Canadian magazines at reduced rates. Don't forget the Advocate when your aubecriptions run out. Keep your eye on Stewart's great stock taking sale -11 it's now on" -men's 45.00 coon coat going at 33.00. Conirat Mr, J. H. Cameron. of Toronto, en- tertainer, will appear in the Opera House, Exeter, on Monday, Jan. 18th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Coven Presbyterian Church. Wait for this entertainment -Mr. Cameron is gond. (treat Stock -Taking Sale now in /tilt blast at Stewart's -dandy fur -lined coat for ladies going at $37.50. feed Kerr w is beaten at Allem Craig last wee g in .a _:,-bird shoot by J. W. Stewart. Mr ,alter getting 22 and the former 19. Recently John Diedds of Seaforth shot a sr, u.trel, white in burly, ear, :re.ed, Net mad tall black. and brousht It to Eu•Irr to he ntou.lt-d. This is n v'ry rare specimen. This a topsy turn; world. No one S eems (0 be satlafled. One man Is e tru•rglin3 to get justice. aid another is tlyi i3 from 1:. Onc man Is saving up to buy a house and .another in trying lard to pull 1,1s dwelling for less ( hail it cost to get r:.t of i1. Ont man is spending all the money tie can cern iii taking a girl to a con•eri e.r show and pending her val,i':,ie prrac;,n In hopes that he may eve: 'u.liy m,tk.' her his wtfc, and his nel;'tho to ape n(ttug all the gold 11e has sa%e3 t: yin; to gel a divorce. Another Min kc.ps •' pistol t) protect himself against burglars, while his neighbor doesn't keel, one for it•ar of s'io)tt•lg h'nrtIf or some member of the faintly One man pigs for his paper in advance beemnse ' e • in read 1t with a gr.rat• r reltah w .; 1.1otber takes it four or five yr is •.'•:;'rout pa)Ing one cent for it .1„41 o 1 O.I it hugely all LLC witl'e. Stately z, ituscr old world this 1s. ell hoard of your Township 1 beg to solicit a wntlhwnc:e of your ■upport for 1909. It will be Impossible for me to call on all the electors p"rsonally( bu: trust nue and all w111 remember ale on Monday. TO THE Y ours respectfully W. D. SANDERS ELECTORS OF EXETER. Having again been nominated for Reeve of the Village of Exeter I re- spectfully solicit your vote and influ- ence to secure my election, and if elect- ed promise my iest. Your' truly WILLIAM TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Having received the nomination for Reeve I respectfully solicit your votes on Monday next. UAWDEN. T. II. McCALLUM TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Vote for W. J.CARLING for councillor for 1900. He pron-dees his beet services If elected. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Vote for W, J. t1EAMAN For re-election as Councillor. TO TIIE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Cold Weather ��NOW Winter is now apon ns and CHRISTMAS will soon be here. . ARE 1100 READY 60T et SUIT as Overcoat s ?? If not, better come to n' and Id us clothe you W. a lea's kelp • g.v"t line of material an•1 our make and fit ;. guaranteed. W. JOHNS '1ert heat e+' "+++++++++++++++++++++-t Tudor pgeter 4 Having been again nominated for Court chlor I respectfully solicit a continu- ance of your aupport. Sincerely yours, WELLINGTON JOIINS, TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Your vote and tnftuenee is respectful- ly solicited for CHRIS. LUKER for Councillor for 191;9. TO THE ELECTORS - Oh EXETER. Having for some years been notniaated for councillor I have this year derid- ed to lel any name go before the clectora and respectfully solicit your vote and influence. C. 11. SANDERS. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. Being in the field for School TrUstco I solicit your volt. and influence. W. G. BISSETT. TO THE ELECTOIIS - O1' EXETER. !laving been nom- inated for School Trustee 1 respectfully solicit your sup- port In my candidature. Sincerely yours. T. 11. CARLING. - TO TIIE ELECTORS 01' EXETER. Mr. Wm. Anderson of Stephen has eigned a partnership agreement with SV. G. Bissett, to carry on the imple- ment business now conducted by Mr. Iliaoett. 117111 in the field for re-election to the Board of School Trustees and rower - fully .olte It a continuance of port. TO TIIE your tup- very respectfully SAMUEL MAi1TIN. ELECTOR- S OF EXETER. I ant again 1•t the field for School Trustee and restore tfully solicit your vote rand Influence, 7•°Urn truly N K A pretty wedding took place ('hrist- ttlas day, at one ci clock, at "Hillcrest" the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tor- rance, Clinton, when their eldest daughter. Brace, was united in mar- riage to D. London Cranston, R.A., of Port Arthur. The eeretturnv was per- formed by Rev. K. J. M. (ilaeeford of Chalmers church. Guelph, brother-in- law of tete groom. assisted by Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clinton and Rev. J. A. ('renston. M. A..of ('.Illingwood, broth- er of the groom. The bride. who was given away by her fat her, wore an ivory 'itis striped voile, made serni•empire and the conventional veil draped with real orange blossoms and carried a sheaf of a bite ropes. The bridesmaid, Mia Jean Randall of Paris wore a pret- ty empire gown of pale blue pailette .ilk with a touch of rope And carried H Mrtyret of pink roses. The hest Man was Mr. W. T. Cran.ton of the Pre'- byterisn College. Montreal. brother of the groom. The ceremony took niece to the drawing roolti under nn arch of ' n►ilnX 01,1 white carnations with a hock ground of palms and ferns. Mr. nod Mrs. ('rar,!•ton left for T.iront0 and points east iwf•tre leaving for heir home in Port Arthur, the hride tri vel• ling in a suit of oatbine brondelnth with hat to match. The wields vrere pr. cent from (i' 1ph. Women,. Paris, tyre to 5^rfort.i. Mrs. axed Miss Lo', ('olliegwo.•(1, 11.1,1•• •-i, t•. Mount Al. : ve-; to Lo 10 , \1r,'• C Wtaa at De_ bet t, ('nledon F ,t.t. Nie ,and Varna. i troll. WOOD. Vote for R. N. Rowe for School Trustee. Mise Lily Huston, for the holidays. A large number attended the seeem- bly in McDonell's Hall on Tuesday ev- ening. Mr. R. N. Rowe sustained a badly sprained right arra Tuesday evening by the falling of A chair from a plat- form in his store. Mr.:{onald McIntosh, of Detroit, Mich., was the guest of Mies Nellie Hatter during Xmas holidays. Your Vote and Influence for R. N. Rowe for School Trustee. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 2.2nd, a pleasant surprise greeted Mr. Richard Gould on his arrival home from work. A number of his relatives had gath- ered at his home and )n his arrival they presented him with a handsome easy chair, the occasion being the 70th anniversary of his birth. Mr. Gould thanked them kindly for the token of regard and expressed himself as very pleased that he still enjoyed such good health that the chair was not as yet greatly needed. A ``pleasant evening was then spent by alt. We congratu- late Mr, Gould on the anniversary. EXETERET$. CHANGED BAOH WBDNESDAT milliner, ie home Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay. per too Flow, per cwt,., fatally Flour, low grade per ow Buttttaer Bg Dr red apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 9'2 98 45 48 35 88 75 82 (10 ()0 4 60 3 60 1146 140 146 25 5 80 13 00 90 00 Pews11-Stolt. Two former Exeter young people were united In marriageat Somerville, Mass„ on Dec. 24t13, when Mr. Geo. 11. Powell of Tbedford and Miss Florence Pearl Snell. daughter of the late Joe- eph Snell of Exeter, joined hands In holy wedlock. by Rev. Dr. Tufts. The young couple hare the heartiest con- gratulation. of their many friends here. Holiday YisitorsinToni Chas. Ccates and wife, Geo. Willis and wife, Itichard Btesett, Fred Penhale, Sandy Rawden, WM. Knight, Ed. Tonr- 1111eor: and wife, Wallace Fisher, John Salter, Alfred Salter and wife, air. flus - ton, Miss Flossie Taylor, Mise Vera Rowe. P. Moore, )ft is Mabel Walter., of London; Roger Crocker and wife, E.1. Crocker and wlfc, Harold lliaaett, Was Mathews, Art. Woo& Mise Edna McCal fu:n, Alex. Marten, Ern. Hutton, Frank Rawden, Frank Dennis, harry Jackson, Elmore Senior, Joe. Case of Toronto; Dr C McCallum, Ernest Rivers of Buffalo, Tt:os. Northy and wife of Port Ilu-on, Vr. and Mre. McTavish of Shakespeare. Harry iluatca, • Mrs, Rawden, Ro1r'rt Sweet and wife of Clinton, Fred Elliot of Hallcyhur) ; \V, Goodleon, wife and son Jack of Sarnia, Dr. and Mise Mabel Follick of St. Marys, ~Slee Amite and \\ title Heideman of Berlin, Miss Millie ifyndn,an of Ottawa, Frank \\-alters of Detroit, taco. Holman and dao;liter of Egmondvlllc, Chas. Knight of St. Thom as, Norman Hera and wife of Norwich. Mussell F'rayne attd wife of Brantford, \tr. and Mrs. Jordan of Godertcn, John Newcombe and wife of Stratford, Miss May 0111 of Fort Erle, M. Dobler of Clan- deboye, ?,Sieves Hclta Hawkins, Bertha Mack and Lois Berney of Chatham, Miss Daisy llodgson of I'etrolca, Samuel Sim- ple, wife and fancily of Wyoming, Art. Seldon of Ingersoll. John Prang and wife of Godertcn, Fred Gtdley of Detroit,. Mrs \itAvoy of Kincardine, Mi as May White of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Bolder of M11 dtetnlss, Miss Sadie Hawkahaw and plater of Detroit, Art. 1)u•rcan of Tot on- to. Garnet Craig of London, Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark and daushter of London Mrs. 11. Me\turray and sons of Crediton Mre. and Mies 011ie Qltance were in Craig for Christi -nes. Mtea Maria Sefdon, milliner, has re- turned to Ingersoll. Mrs. Lindt'ntelt and son visited in Zurich. Miss IBertie hall of Mancelona. Mich., has returned home. Miss irno Sweet visited in London on Thursday last. Miss Norma holier has returned to Battle ervvk. Mise 011ie McPhee of Goderich is the guest of Miss Millie Martin. Miss M. (fill of (irend Rend is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. E. Follick, Sr. Mrs. init. Willie is spending theholi- days with her mother in (iodericb. Mr. and Mrs, John Grieve of Sea - forth were guests of Mrs. Geo. Mc - Lend over Sunday. The Misses SVeekee'pent Christmas the guests of their sister, Mre. D. E. McDonald of Guelph. Visitors Out of Town. 'IlerAir 1 and others - 4 1 9 Mirry Christmas AND A- � !ippy id Tr 1 LBW Tiu. HARVEY BROS. Mr. ,andcrson to Go lrrfrh, Mr. .lames •o Glencoe, Robert Sanders, Moore Week es. Mr. and Mrs. Platt. Tilos tlartoo and wife, Miss Eva iluston, Mia. Millie Martin to London. Mrs. A. Shtere to Lan/sing, MIrh., Mrs. Fisher to Brant- ford. Hector Heywood. \ire. %atm' to London. Ed. Magu're and wife to Slay City. Mk te. Alvin Eirintnc0. Fr.4 WaI- tera to \%•Ingham. T. Case and faintly 20 Clandrboye. Alt. Taylor and wife to Ilenstll. Mips V. Miners r) Aietnetn•,. \fis.ea Allte Handford. Jahn Wam.rl'v C'': h•., to 1,o t.10 .. Joa.t \1, r We wish our customers wish customers EXETER ONTARIO atm f ALAS.ALA' Ala Ala 411 Scrap Iron, �Wa�ted Brass, Copper Rubber, Etc., We Ate prepared to pay CASH 40c a hundred and upwards according to quality, for Scrap iron Old Rubber Boole and Shoes, 5c per Ib• Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Bram 8c Rags, 50c per hundred. e etM• We Have for Sale a large quantity of IRON PIPE suitable for Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son MAiN MT.. EXETER. T. flAWKINS & SON. Jobbers and Dealors in i Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Hardare is Co�plel� rent Discount Sale of Furniture at Rowe & Atkinson's III We have started a great slaughter sale comprising every article of furniture in our large stock at a Special Discount of 20 Per Cent Off Regular Prices for CASH. Note some of the Great Bargains we are offering and what it means to furniture buyers. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the GREATEST BARGAIN SALE ever held in Exeter. ROWE & BEDROOM SUITES, in } cut Oak finish, with large Bevel Mirror. regular price $10.50, Discount Sale Price. ....$13.00 SIDEBOARDS, regular price $13.00 Discount Sale Price $10.00 COUCHES, regular price $8.50 Discount Sale Price $6.00 MATTRESSES. regular price $3.50 Discount Sale Price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotors. WINTER TENN OPENS JANUARY 4th. MORA YOC1IU PEOPLE. trained by our management than any other In Ontario Orval demand for nor magnates as nnstnes College Tet. Aen. Private Scera- tartes,OBMe Ate)Mants, et,. The embrxli• mens of the ',mot F.z(pwert, M^dern 5 ..ems knnern 1n knNneaa $eienre. R. In. ire • nm• pari.ns. Three Department.. )tanned by skilled Inatrnetnrl COM MRR('iAi.. MMTINOt6KAPI11', TELEGRAPHY. Mail Cornea in all kn•lneea College and 11•ge *lien! erihfeo•ta CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (i EI, Ml't )TTi1N. Pni'1 11'71. 1 JONES PH & CLARK Wishes all their Customers and Friends'.'� A... Happy and Prosperons New Year Next Week we begin our annual Stock -Taking 'Sale." Wo will be right into the midst of stock -taking and in order to have our stock ars low as possible, will be giving some Great bargains on all our 'later goods. This is the time for you to get your wants supplied at small cost"' JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing