HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 5�► India Pale Ale
rreludiced and unscrnpalous vendors may suggest ethers, but compare it say
way yeas will -purity freedom frosts acidity. palatableness-I.ab$tt's Ale is surpass-
ed by none. equalled by few -at about half the price o1 best imported breads.
ace offering some Big Bargains in
Pianos,! Organs &
Sewing Machines.
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano, mahogany finish. This Piano
been in use about eight months.
ular price $250.00; sale price $175 -
and see this instrument as it is
the best value they have ever offered.
Also Big Bargains in FOUNTAIN
lbc. a box to $1.75 -the largest stock
in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Th ey are noted for the quality of their goods.
exeteV 2t1worate
lturxR - - ONTARIO
11.00 1f paid In advance,
11.60 a year If not so paid.
las,Ts Vatted States Subscribers $1.150
s Year Strictly is Advance.
SANDERS t CREFCII, Publishars.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle and
only sato effectual Monthly
Regulator on which womenosn
depend. Sold in three d
of strength -No. 1, 1 ;
10 degrees stronger $3; No. 3„
special cases,irti pt pot box.
Fr• ee o• ld idrnon re Addie a price.
COOK III E01/1MK fIO.TO.ONT0.ONT. (formal./ Windsurf
Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th
This school Is one of the largest in the pro-
vince. It is noted for the thoroughaese of its work
and the success of Its students. 3 departmsnte--
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
Our graduates art in demand as Business Col.
lege teachers as well u Mace assistants Del
our magnificent catalogue, it Is fres.
Ross' Furs
Manufacturer rind Retailer
A Word to the Wise -
When buying Furs remember the manufactur-
er 'unbent
nanufactur•er'upplient the goods at first cost Ile alto
knowa the quality ani value of all material+ and
is the only one wine guarantee in based on
practical knowledge.
We are ready to protect all purchas-
ers le regard to value, surd quality, of
say article bought from us.
Natural (Canadian !fink, five tab muff, trim-
med with heads and tail* Two akin
throw scarf* to mat. -h. The set - . t6'2.1s)
Natural Alaska Gable, large pillow muff, long
ruff to match, double fur at neck. long *tole
ends trimmed (with heads and tails. The set $29
Isabella Fox, long double ruff, and large pillow
muff to match.
The set ....... $23.00
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
How much of your
salary are you leaving
at our Savings Department
each pay day ? Couldn't you
easily spend less and leave a
dollar or two, perhaps five or more ?
q Remember, your future success
depends on what you save -not on the
amount you earn. We pay 3 per
cent. on deposits and 4 per
cent. on Debentures of
$ 100 or more.
Assets over >1 t 1,000,000
Incorporated 1864
Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co.
Wood': Phoephodia&.
. 'ver in 11eu of a regular tains,. To
Tit C1 A Mewledy, -hU arllbee.' the price le 50 teats e
Tonraeat,. :.tteethowhole New tu,errlbers will serceive It et
nervous • . snakes new , ., . •ll:u n as hang as tete supply lasts
131a4 kI . .a. VI". Nn+ 'tbrass the W ILLI AM \\ ELI) CO.. Ltd
owe ne I)ebQU 3h-ulnaa -.. t t.. n I 'ot'ry, iter
t.,n.Very. SexualIreerkn••s.:'•9iaaiesa.Boer I,('.lden. Ont.
-- r,•cch.Fe1, and Rims of 4'n,ae or P.t+nrwsre.-_------
rel perbot,dxfoT$. One willpl sig
�• t:I core. told by s11 rnev; to or mall in
dims pkgR. on tree p�+tt, of �,ri'+ti %-eua ,911
award TMtNOod Med)uIM Oil.
(formerly iC it herr) TrwewMs 0111•
T .r 1 .u.! C els:nits Nu :tact n' "Tne
h :,r;nc r'e .tdvu: ate an 1 florae Ntac.ez-
In a hit' nt.ti:veini ng .a b. old c t O•
I1(• y of ou 10)4. strikes a Soili'lant
nt'ic_al note. Alt:cies or era r.1 Inter -
ea t• o:t tit; ,r,te of b a4Ln; Can t'tt.a:a
aH'o I.he treat a pleasing varlety of
to;.us in a conlpr(.1(.6,1* slain, t. I or-
• es.1y. The Aocf hldu,.ry. Dalry, Poul -
117. tee.. are anlu.ig tJe su'r}sets. T le 1
pages arc repl•'te with panic Warty fine
11!0-1tratlo.te. Nutlert:lxre 1s th• t'ann-
e.'s Advocate ace prtecitted with thus
Package of
makes enough
dessert for a
At all grocers
What will appear very interesting to
many people here is the article taken
from the New York daily paper, giving
a ■iinple prescription. which is said to
be a positive rcnt_dy tor backaeM or
kidney or bladder derangement, if tak-
en before tete stage of Bright's disease.
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one -halt
ounce; Compuul,d Kargon, one ounce:
Compound Syrup Saraaparttia, three
ounces. Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after each
steal and again at bedtime.
A well-known druggist here at nonne
when aekcd regarding flees pros.:lp-
tlacnt, stated that tie ingredtent■ ars
all harmlees. and .an be oIta'Ited at
a small coat from any good preazrip-
tion pharmacy, or the mixture would bo
put up it asked to do it. He to:t;t'r
stated that walk this W eacriptlo.t 1s
often prescribed in rheumatic aftlt -
tione with splendid results, he could
ace no reason why it would not be a
splendid remedy for talUmey and uri-
nary troubles and backache, as it has
a peculiar action upon the kidney
structure, cleauaing these roost impor-
t.t1 t organs and 'lclp`tn, them to
sift and filter from the blood the foul
:olds and waste matter which cause
ea knees and suffering. Those ot our
readers who suffer can make 110 mis-
take in giving It a trial.
ant -
1'. M. C. A.
The County Committee of the Young
Men's Christian Association of Itu:•ua
Couaty, held ti,cir quarterly meettns hes
the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. in Canto.'
Dec. 15th, Messrs. Blair, JlcCaliUtn,S,•o'-t
Hill. Cullene and Fleming being present.
The Treasurer's repot ahowed teat
atl+d.SS had been rect.ived .ince Sept.
1',tlt, which added to the balance turn
on hand totalled $:45.10. Of this awn
$612.25 had been paid out, leaving a
balance in the trcaeury of }102.8.5. \tr.
L. C. Fleming, County Secretary, report-
ed that five places had been organized
!'it ce Sept. 15th, \Vinghanl, Goderich,
Clinton, Exeter and Myth, with a total
membership at present of 130 young
:nen. A boy's department had been or
.;:u,lzed at \Vinghatn also, and all con -
tottered the walk ac•(onit.lI& td up to
date and the prospects tor the future
were quite encouraging. Ile reported al-
so that there were now in the county 12
corresponding nec,bers, and that 22
)'ouag men had been followed by lettere
and looked atter in the places to which
they had gone by Y. M. C. A. officials.
The bu3gct for the year 1909 was estim-
ated at 41 dun. The committee Is ar-
ranging an ezet; I,.r.! F rogr ales for the
Coavcutlon tit \Vingnant on Feb. 3 and
U. and are looking forward to a good
stet ting.
What Parisian Sage did for Chas. S.
Baker. it will do for you. head the
lc 'lowing;
'I was so bald and such a ehin:ng
mark for my friends. that 1, ae a last
:1 sort, tiled your Parisian Sage t after
11)Ing several bott1cs of the highly ad-
vertised and high priced so -(ailed hair
rtetoiers) and 1 am glad to say 1 now
have a Heavy growth of new :lair. ! ate
now 44 years old aiid 1 have a Leavy
growth of new hair after carrying my
shining stark for over seven years. I
gladly recommend Parisian Sage to all
afri(tcd with 10ldieee." Chas. S. Bak-
er, 491 Main St. East, Rochester, N. Y.
I'arielan Sage, the only natural hair
restorer, 1e guaranteed by W S. Cole
to ( we dandruff, etop falling hair. :and
cure itching of the scalp, or money bask
It Is the lattice' favorite i,alr dressing.
because it adds charm and luxuriance
to the hair. 50 cents a bottle. Ask W.
S. Cole about it.
Miss M. tatty (.tote home front ttinni-
rws lest week. She has been t'e'e one
year and a half. -Geo. 'Fold has goo' to
Huron.-Altnur 3d ,tlliatcr of Tor-
•.:tto Yaralty la hone for t'lc i.olidaye.
-The 1(0081ll hockey (tub was organ:::^d
Lest week.-Mlse Porter. milliner at J.
\Yotsm1liet'6 for t!,c past season, i::IB
returned to Hlyti,.-Mise llartlet, (nilliti-
er at J. \t•. Ottwcln'a, has returned to
ser hen'c It. 111 tri ptou.--- Jlrs. M_Mur-
rin of Chicago is here owing to tis. ser
iuu l illr,esa of h(r father. \fr. W. i411.
-Harry Welsh and wife have 'Owned
Henn Von:'ouvcr, 1t. C., whets they went
hoo' a year ago. They will take up rc-
eiden0e nl Lactcr,-While working 'n the
ileasall planing mill !tiny Cook had his
h.tnd tura In Lire shads. The flesh was
amity torn at .the base of the thumb. -
N1, 6. Taylor from tllc West Is home vis
itirig her mother. tare. Putt, vivo has
been serlously 111.. -Will and F.dlnu:ld
:tiger are home for the bolidaye.
Deaths.-L(onard, the five-year oil son
of Mr. and Mrs. Latnmle, died last week
,:1 the Sit Coildten'a 1iospital, owing to
an attack of whooping cough. The finn-
, ial took place to the ilrnsall cemetery.
-Aiter art illness of only a day atlas Mc
1•,:vre. who has been •a resident of OU
vtllsge for the past few years p.ais••d
• Ala y On Tu'sday of last week. Sne r1• --
;heti y resided near Varna and eamc ti -re
right yeoms ado wit•, her mother, arta)
died some years since. She will be ritual
monied aln.nlb her friends and the 111rn1-
n,•ra of the Methodist (Lorca.
Christmas has again passed. KI:,K
tt hirer favored us by most deligit.ea!
.feather and good sleighing. ann.-Rath
:or a few days prior the +weather Na9
if ry uncertain. -Family re -unions were
!.1 great order all over, and alt t11 hood
boy■ and girls of ltiddulph had t'u•ir
stockings tilled to the brine. -Maly of
.t,dduiph's people had a cloud of sor-
.uw cast over the day on learning of the
,.olden death of Mr. John Atkinson of
.•'rtralia, ,,,,rmerly of the Sauble
Ile was well-kllow{1 as an hon'1rnblet.
0,11 1401 man. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank C tit -
04 01 411).' .i1 ChrieUnae h' -r' 1n-
0yi:0g the good Ihlegs 111 Ha" lead of
Sirs Coates' birth -Other CnrI.'nnas via
. ale were Mr. and Mrs. lia:ter of aat
t'raig, Alt 1. Hodgins of Itryahston.\errs.
t'enticc and son of 1'..1k1.111. Dr. R. J.
lanlllton ot Cou.Ingwoad.Mr. and Mrs.
.las. fattening. Mr. aria Mrs. !tarry 11 t-
:011ton of llrin.Iey. Mr. ferry Armitage,
Nisses Mildred and Alnla Carter, Mr.
1 td Mrs. Walter Cu Illtngham.-Many of
'he home) were the scenes of festiv 11
fatheringa t u City are t o0 1101111 •111 10
.,,r,•tlol..-'fCost s Vera and Ida .ttki
.un of 1.0 ea are ependtr.g the 1,ot..Ltya
.<Ith their par( 1118.-1':ack Coates.9o:1
.at Inch. Coates. Eden, has arrival hon.
. om Toronto yet mUP'h hnproved. 11;N
tat her accompanied hln home. -Dr. B.
3. is looking hale and hearty.
his work agreed with stint.
as it I A very pleasant and surprising part ot
the program was the presentation and
address to Mrs. Rev. Itscey. The well -
worded address was read by alas 01 ad -
YIP Dobbs. and the presentation of a
beautiful fur coat was ably pertornled
by Mia Ethel Atkinson. A short and
suitable reply was given by Mrs. Marcy.
All departed well pleased with the ev-
ening • piecedinge.
Wedded. -A very pretty wedding took
place at One Lome of Louts O'Neill at
high noon on Dec. 23rd. venni his nelce,
.11.. Ellen Gertrude O'Neill. was unit.•d
111 marriage to Mr. Edward T. Wilson,
a prosperous young farmer of Pickford,
Mich., The ceremony was perforated by
Rev. Arthur Carlyle ot Lucian . The bride
was dressed 111 a gown of muslin silk,
trimmed with all-over chiffon and val-
era-tentless lace, and wore a bridal veil
and orange blossoms, and carried a
shower bouquet of white roses. The
wedding march was played by Miss LULU
Slay 0 Nell. Mies Eunice Robinson of
t.00dott acted as hrtdcsnaald, ant Mr.
Percy Windsor supportc3 Ole groom.
'.ties l'earl Wurtz of Alma College. St.
Thomas 14 spending the holidays at her
/lame here. -Jiro. Ernest Gies has her
daughter Dirs. Appenlan of North Dakata
as a visitor.-Mlltrld Faust of Napier-
ville College, lit., 1s visiting his parents
-David Ruby, wife and children of MG_h-
igan are visiting in this section. -Dr.
Gunn ot Cllntor., assisted by Drs. Camp
bell and Wilson, performed an operation
for gall atones 0.1 Mrs. Whitesidea,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams.
The operation was suet cestui and the
I.atle nt's' many friends will wlen for a
speedy recovery-.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local application*, as they cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
earners, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness iscaused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tubs Is inflamed you have &rumbling sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf -
nese ie the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi•
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Ifundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness (caused l,y catarrh) that cannot be cured
by gall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CREN EY h CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation.
1e. Simpson hats disposal of one of his
Heavy hurries to It. Robinson of Ailsa
Craig. -Mise Ethel Clark who has been
the gout of Mrs. R. Hodgson for the
duet two weeks, has gone to her home
1n Crediton. -Tic Eben°err dandle Int^nd
001d1115 their tineas. Concert on Dec.
2101,. A good time 1s expected. -Misses
Lilac aid Maggie Wilson spent Su•. -
day with Miss Nellie Lewis. -A. 511111 -
son of Mooravflle spent Friday at Ailsa
Craig. -Misses Alma and Mildred Car-
ter were the gu_ete of Mrs. F. Cunaing-
ham Su:.day.-J. Gilbert is busy thresh-
ing clover in this vicinity. -The Misses
Bloomfield and Humble wet',• the guests
of Masa Lizric Darting 0.1 Sunday.
- -
Harvey Vigors of the George White
& Son M'f'g Co., London spent Xmas.
week with hie family at Kirkton.-
Roy Jamieson of Calgary returned
Saturday to spend the winter with his
parents. -George Holman and two
daughters of Seaforth are spending
the holidays in this vicinity. -Mies
Nellie Nixon spent Xmas. week with
relatives in Georgetown and Guelph.
-The Misses Ella and Evelyn Shute
are spending the vacation in London
with relatives and friends.
Many inthis Township will regrat to
learn of the death In Fullerton Town-
ship on ChrisUuae day of Mary Ann
Peart, wife of Wm. 1'ridham, ex-M.P.
at the age of al yearn. Deceased had
1:cr•n 111 ot internal rantr(r0(29 growth for
about five Months. 5'•(' went to 'For•
onto to undergo an operatlolt un Sept.
14. hut after commenting it was found
that if continued the result would be
fatal, conecqu ntly she was taken to
ler home and gradually sank. She lacy
ca a t.ueban(1, two eons and several
Uro1I, re arad slaters. Tire funeral took
place on Jtoaday to Bethel ecn etcrY.
Ste was 0 patient ausfcrcr, enduring
h(r affliction with remarkably Cadet -
like resignation, never (onlplalhing. Of
late her wish was that elle would live
u ail after Chrletlnae, and she did. de-
parttug at 11 11. In. that day. In life
she w•as an txcellult woman and 11,0'1,
beloved ny all Nil° kn('N hr r. 'lir gfv-
eth Hie heloved sleep.' The late Mrs.
Pridhanl wars a faithful nlenlber of Pr th-
el Methodist church, Mitchell Road.
She was noted for her 11011;* alts of
Christian chanty, and Ler IWICIOI WAS
Dur• of the hugest 111 the history of the
ta.vrai,ip, the service D. Ing candu-lyd
by Reads. Yale, Swan and Orcin.
One Bad Mistake
ft's a serious m'stukc to i.,,:I.it tma'•k-
at he. Bar karne is the first symptom of
kidaey 111x. Fatal complications may
follow, Booth's Kidney Fills act qui' k-
Iy to nv(rccnie kidney 11 le. do nut 11' -
lay until too late; 1t naaY mean diabetes.
;3rlpht's Disease. stead wr;at a Ilium Ell
lraidtnt says.-
tir. West. Ilildcbrand of N. E. part of
town. licheall. Ont.. •'1 have not qnt-
tered with backache rime using Iloot''e
Kidney fills whl('1 I obtained et
it(mrhlll's 1'Lar,uar )". and prior to that
I had treats -any beer' unable to et0ap
or ettalght(•ll up wit', severe al lading
pains that would rate!. me -across the
8111111 of the bark and In t')e re,4to:1 of
the kidneys. Tae urine was highly (-M-
orel and contained a quantity of brick
dust sediment. Tits was particularly no
lleable whenever 1 would tak•• cold.
1 had used oiler retie dies h'l let t y -
1',g itootl 's K'duf y Pills bat toured
little relict. 1 trittve Booth's Kidney
('111n to tx• nn excellecat kidney regulat-
or VOA will gladly res temiter.d them."
Sold by dealers. i'rice 50e. The R.
T. 1400(11 Co.. I.Irnllr d . F ort Erie. Ont.
Hole Canadian Agents.
Nt Patrick's chorea held their a:t'luatir
•letmZs Tree on Dec. 22nd. At u.-
ut1 rvelything was a great sueree9. Mr.
W ashen n of \Yl,lchelsta acted as ehalr
11 In and ably did h1s duty. The you!'IA
0f the church deserve the greatest praise
.ii they pi'ttonned th:r wrol' program.
and It certainly reflects credit on !hens.
tar), gave itsitaltons. d:aiogu•s, tab-
leau-, etc., and Arany a father and
mother. besides strangers. were metas
•0-1 by what heir ■o•ls and daughters
did. We 'calk fur ward to many of them.
David McNicol, wife and family of
Stratford are spending the week with
friends in this neighborhood. -Thos.
Allen and wife spent the holidays in
Stratford with relatives. -Mrs. John
McInnis of Exeter visited at T. Oawer-
on's for a few days.
MARRIED. -The marriage took place
on Wednesday, Dec.23,of Mise Maggie
Turnbull. eldest daughter of the late
Alex. Turnbull, to Mr. Henry Rhode
of Stephen. The ceremony was quiet-
sy performed at the family residence,
Thames Road, by Rev. Mr. Fletcher.
The young couple have taken up their
abode on the groom's tine farm on 12th
con. of Stephen. Tne esteem in which
the bride is held was slightly manifest-
ed by the presentation of a linen .bow-
er by the choir of the Thames Road
church of which she was a member
which event took place a few Jays
previous. Congratulations.
A number from here attended the
Xmas. tree at Shipka Wednesday ev-
ening, reportinga a good tinge. -Mrs.
Yager, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and
daughter Jennie are visiting at B. Con-
ningham's-Richard Sullivan of Wis-
consin is visiting his uncle PatrickSul-
livan.-Miss Katie Curry visited her
parents at Mt. Carmel, Christmas. -
Albert Cunningham and family of
Crediton visited at B. Cunningham's.
-Jas, Freeman, wife and two daugh-
ters and Mrs. Freeman, Sr.. of Detroit
are visiting Mr. Collins. -Wm. Witzel
received word the other day of the
death of his sister-in-law in Wilmont.
He attended the funeral. -Mise Mabel
and Willie Slyford of London are vis-
iting at Wm. Witzel's.-Mr. and Mrs.
Hagen of Parkhill called on friends
here Sunday. -Christmas passed off
very quitly.-Our good sleighing bas
Thames Road
Visitors in this neighborhood are
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hayes of Kenmare,
North Dakota; James White and wife
of Hamiota, Man.; D. McNichol, wife
and family of Stratford; E. N. Keddy
and wife of Detroit. -Mr. H. E. Keddy
of Cyprus River, Man.. bas returnel
to his home here to spend the winter.
It is reported in Parkhill th11 the
Roman Catholic church Glu let was
collection was stolen fruiti the 1e8i-
dence of Father Dunn, but has been
Aa O104asbioned, Home -Made Mtz•
ture which Gurea Kidney and
Liver Troubles.
A prominent local druggist states
that since the celebrated prescription
of a distinguished specialist has be-
come more or less known it is inter-
fering with the sale of secret medi-
cines, especially the patent or ad-
vertised kidney pills. The prescrip-
tion, which first appeared in a lead -
ng health journal,Is.epr••duced here,
just exactly as originally written :-
Fluid Extract Cascara....... js oz.
Carriana Compound 1 oz.
Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz.
Directions : One teaspoonful after
each meal and at bedtime.
Any good druggist can dispense
Ibis, or, even better, a person cad
buy the items separ tely and milt
them at home by shaking them well
together in a bottle. It is stated that
the ingredients being vegetable, are
llarm:ss and simple. It has a gentle
and natural action, and gradually,
tones up the eliminative tissues,
leaving the kidneys ir: a perfectly
healthy condition.
A merchant well known in public
affairs states that this recipe cured
his lteumatism. Save the prescrip.
Ferry's are best because every year
the retailer gets anew supply. freshly
tested and put up. Yon run nu risk of
wady kept c'rremnant storks. We takes
the pa; yon get the results. Tiny of the
best equipped and most expert reed grow-
ers in Ameri-a. It L to Oar advantag,• to
satisfy you. We will. For elle eTery.
where. Our like Seed Annual free.
Write to
D. M. PERRY a Co.,
wkt4M, OM.
Breaks up a cold at the start.
At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho•Quinine.
Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -25c.
� �%;44s .- •�e•�►.`.r�•iL!„'• ....ill,i :•,i=ii; ; • c. s:id��' �L:
v•: •...,�.. yt
it U Immensely important .1 at
708 should Ket all tlae Information
abouts co::age before you enroll
las student Your sue" -•a de-
pends upon your choice.
Oar r... C.t.tng.• bila sl) •1 -.,1
«r Method. of T..eting-.h, e. t.rn
est graduates who sr. always In d• -,•,.d
k sapl•In lh. Comwwelal end Jaart-
heed e..,... in d.uil. SI ...n. ,•iv.
.f th. B..i,... Ede,. star's Ass oc i.uon a
Diploma. Aln.dor I.rga. h.ndn m.I
ndlew.t.d L•..► -dl L. sent to row FREE
a v were of ,,ml 11 .108 will )..t «rad
GO your 01111,11.nd .ddroa
Sted.nt..dmitted ear saw..
Sp..tal Opening September sed linear,
TI. crest City
Illsaesse mid Shorthand College
LOten0N. OKI/Late
t.W.Wsess t. W. Weasestrwsk.a.VIrm,)ser
MEN. you become dlaheartoneel
when you 1'681 the symptoms of
Ifenous LeLllity ami vanilla stealing
upon you. you haven't the neren'.r
ambition you 080.1 to 1...te, Y4.11
feel you aro not the man )•'u ought
to he. You feel Mtn 51011 g up In
despair. You got nervous sed weak,
have little ambltb,n, pain in the
1 ark ov. r thine) s, drains at night,
hollow eyes, Ural mornings. pref. r
to be •Ione, dlitrn•tful, v.rialle
appetites, b*,sene.s of hair, pour cif.
eulau',n - you holes Ncrveus
D.blllty, Our New Method
Treatment 1s year ref,,, -0. It
will strengthen all weak organ8,
vitalize the nervosa+ syst.rn, pur,'y
the Vinod and restore you to a man-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
,ere lona Tictlln! Harp you loot hope/ Are you Inte'ndbg to
Inure) f Inas y,•ur 51,04 been disease'1r liato you any weakness?
Our New Method Treatment will cure yon. what 1t haa done for hundreds of
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