Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 4•►• k 1 1 Harness Maker, Critter �s u(hher; p.a■.. 1. 1io1 lt. 73, 1.- Brawn S Lewis, Gottlieb potluck and Joseph Critteii Abtlipcate,� e:a. E Uc.u, 6., 11. >laugnus el. Class Ilaist. Thtre better wen couldn't have Ill., Sr. honors. It. Ileddee 83 B. Kien- been selected and we may ezpect wise tel 75: pars. M. Clark 72, P. Fahner 11 legislation Prow this able Board dur- te. Nlott n,, C. 11111 63. ing the coming year. Mime E. Du.tlop, teacher There area number of young (►nye, tely. Itl., rias 111. Jr.. :toners, v. or rather boys, just budding intoaean- t'utz ed. A. liedden 8.e, E. Trtete 15: hood, who have wade thewselver very peas. II. Finkbclner 72. F. King 70. It. annoying to the citizens of this village Eeellsh til. C. ilunnther 65. E. Ilalst 04 and neighborhood. They will sasem- it. Mote ns. bliss 11. fir.. honor*. C. ble on the street and wake the night (x■treirher e8, %-. 11111 70; pass. 1. bideoue with their yells. their singing Wolfe 68, 1t. King 67, V. ualrer 0 I. and profanity. If they think that CiAlia 11. Jr., 1•:. Sweiteer 61, L. McMu•- they posse.s the attributes of what a ray 611. Pt. Il., honors, V. Hatfmann 83 young man should goriest!. they are {ase l.. Deaver 7:1. R Clark 71. badly mistaken. They should tbink Here's wishing that ltJO9 may oe our Aline Al. Polley, teac:.er that they are not only lowering thew - beat year -Individually, collectively. ass E. Gal- 'wives in the estimation of the people. ntu:dcipality and as a country. Division I1., -Cl. IL -Honors„ a- but are also exercising a detrimental ser. L. Heist, Pass, tl. Lamport. L. influence upon the younger ones next Bean. K. Sweitser, M. Nicholson. M to them. Now boys, waken up, and Mown, A' Dallier, V. 13Iuctt, Cl. Ii Jr. no better time can be taken than just M. Guenther. Part 11. Jr, M. Lawson. now when the New Year conies in, to C. palet. E. Finkbetner, L, I..1w8o:t 1eform your habits. Pt. I. Sr. -M. King, D. English, S. Stena, et. Benedict, W. Bean..7. SIM. Pt. I. Jr -R. Brown, L. Sambrook, F. 11th. W. AI•pletoa, G. W leer. Clan A. -N. Geiser L. Etlber, W. Snell. Miss T. J. Hartlelb, Teacher. Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Dee. 31, 1908 NOTE AND COMMENT May happiness and prosperity be yours And now all the car,:ifdates have to do is win out. Vote for the best plan :or the of'ic.w, regardless of age or experience. The older ntan may have exp.:teence. while the younger hien must have a start, - age and experience will follow. 'It Is reported in the city that the vacancy In the Railway Commission oc- casioned by the death ot Hon. Thos. Greenway is about to be offered to judge Holt of Uoderich, junior Judge of the County ot Huron, and well-known \Vo wish all the readers of the Advo - in western O,itarlo. It Is argued that cat° and Its editors a happy and Pros - the chairman's hands should be peruus New Year. We will write 1009 strengthened by the selection ot a teal to-ntnlrow (Friday). Mod being a leap member rather than a layman for this year was a decided advantage for the important poeftion."-Turonto News. spinster maidens and many a stalwart' hero has fallen a prey to c•upid's shaft. There are a few girls left yet, and some carry that tar -away look, wearied atter a season of toil and worry. The boys win not have to t.u•;k1e on the armor and become the knight-errant, as of old. - lir. Fred. llowald received a piano from Several of this place attended the Martin & Son on Tuesday. -V. Ratz of Xmas festival at Zurich last Friday Parkhill was in the village Tuesday vie - night and sum the affair up in the fol• Icing Ida dau;:.ter, Mra. C. 'Zwicker.- lowing manner: The gathering was Some splendid skating has been eu)uY- eery large, the program excellent and e3 on tha river tr.r: past week. Welll.tg- the accommodation poor, on account tut. Rau la the manager of the rink zed of the church being too small for such Is cunning the money.-Tne Burros-Iona- gatberings.-The election of officers ,ton Light In Australia last Saturday Mae for the Evangelical Sunday School the topic of interest fast day. Maty of took place on Sunday hist and result- the boys were disappointed at the re- ed in all the old officers being re elect- cult. Longboat keeps up the Inter -:at of ed With only one exception. that of the focal sports.-Chrtuttnas Day passed the organist. which position Miss Ida off quietly. The majority of our people Goetz was chosen to fill. We don't were ut home entertaining their frietnde hesitate to say that we don t approve to a Christmas diluter. The holiday of the method taken to fill those offi- season t.ae brought in a numoar of via. ces. It may be the best that has yet (tors, of whom we noticed -Art. Holts - produced. but it is certainly a very mann of North Western College, Napier - poor one, and we think the officers vine, 111.; Miss Clara Klenzle of the and teachers would do well to get to- Normal school, Toront.r; Cnas. Wind of gether and devise a new plan and atter Detroit ; Mrs. Nicholae, daughter and son giving it a third reading before the of Tavistock ; Mr. Wood of Forest ; Mr. congregation have it adopted and be- and Mra, Russell Iluxtabls of Hamilton ; come law. Then. too, the idea of keep• Miss Verdi. leotheringhant. Wes Otto, Ing the same men in the same office Sl;ss May Couehlit, of St. Joseph nos - for so many years is. to our mind, pita!, London; Mies Sarah Smith. Cleve - something that should not be tolerat- land, Ohio ; Solomon !leaver of Sandusky ed. No doubt in the school a full half ditch ; Mies Gertie McCue of Mclanen- dozen men could he found for each of- ten. -Won. H. Fenzel, Chas. Eilber, Con - flee, who would do credit to the post- raid and Henry Voelker visited relatives tion entrusted to them. but who are in Dctroit.-Geo. Motz of Naphtke. Man. forever barred sit by sotno one Who nas arrived here with h1■ wife and fant- shootd have resigned and trade way ily and intends residing here in future. for new material. Perhaps by speak• tie has pure ,ased the house attd lot, ing nut as we have we tnav stir on a formerly owned by the late David Urdu.' hornet's nest, and it may be at: .t get ami will take possession to the near tut stung but we're going to try and get ure.-A quiet marriage ceremony was per over it and, if possible. be on hand formed at Birmingham. Mich., 00 telae when the next election comes off,- eve, when Batt. Bertrand, toratcill, of The nomination for Police Trustees this village was married to Miss Myrte for the Village took place on Monday Johnston. Mr. Bertrand Is doing splen - night and resulted in the following be- dtdly in Detroit. where tie has a reagin Ing nominated: George Edi holier. rihle po.3ion with the Burroughs Add - Louis Preeter, ig. Welton. Godfreid ing Machine Co., and Ills many friends Nladiger and David Pfaff. Only three Juht tit wishing hint and Itis bride every are required to net and up to the time .iapph:t.ss during their married life. of writing none have resigned. so i' .ey w,ll reside all 811 Milwauaee Art•. whether there will lie an election or c.,at.-Mr. and Mrs. Otto Umbach of not remains yet to be told. -Mr. Arts- ,t.rloo are. visiting tie latter's mother ur Truemner of Toronto spent Xmas :lea. Stahl for a f° days. -Mr. and at his home on the Goshen Line. re- Mrs. Ottb Braun are visiting relatives turning to Toronto on Monday. Ile .a rebewait;g, Mich. -Mr. and Mrs. Uco.' was accompanied by his Mater, Mies are celebrating their silver Alice. -Mrs. S. Iretatut and lousily and on New Years Day. More par - Mr. Wm. 'I'i.•►n:ui, all of Stratford, . u..u.1 .11 nest week's issue. -Sire and spent the h.tli.i,eys with friends here.- .lis. Ot.o Ew,ttd who were visiting Mr. Mr. anti Mrs. It tl,t. Milt's, of Sarnia, ..:1 Mrs. August Ewald for a few days are holiday visitors with Mr, arid Mrs. left for Forest on Saturday to visit be - John Bender. fore retu.•nutg to their home In Elittau, e1:ct..-Last Christmas !Svc me Ev,tn- ,r,Ir.►1 £u..day Sehooe gave their annu.., .:.ucrtalttment in the a:.0"ch. The bu.Id- Ing was crowded 10 jou doors aim tee u-.:( wee beau.itulty deeorat 1 ,-t:04. belle and c real •e. Tile pre - eels ..e.t,u.tced to $40. The program ale 0: .4 very Mg t order and the mu- sic was well rendered. Several ex.•.Met e r0.•' ....o.,a were deltr.:ed by the IIttie .t,t l If they Cultt;uu : to cultivate their athiity t .oy will Slake a 11a1110 for themselves. The choruses by the boy. and girls were good. Special tn.ntion Inuit be made of the exercise, "Nearer MY God to Thee. Tho lights were turn- ed low tor the occasion and while the hymn was being sum; in the gallerv,thc ladies. dressed In white wen: through the motions to the words 3u ig. livery ono.spoke in 1.i611 praise of tine even- ing's entertainment and the different t ommittees who were interested in this festival are to be congratulated on Its su-cess.-The following officers were. el- ected for 1he Evangelical Su•iday School en SU tday.-l'i'es.. 3. If. Holtzman!' Vice -fres., Chrle. Palmer ; 'heal.. U. K. Klenzle ; Ser., Frank 1'inkbeiner ; Lib - rat lath Fraser Braun : Aee't. Garnet Swcltzer; Rook distributors, Geo. Bea- ver. Koury Fahner, Sylvester Wu!! tn', Alfred Wu:rth,-Otte of our citizens left :or a town near Chatham a few days ago on a very tnt(rcatin3 tnieelmi. la• re,uri.ed leome Monday to the best of .pirlte and altltougn a man up ot years appears to pave received a new leant, ee lite. No dote' -et spate v:.y Interesting developenlents will take i•IACe In the cou •se o: a few months. 1n the me,ut- itnte our people are a0 the qui vier. a. to the tlnale.-Last Monday. being )he Township Nonthtatlon, broufnt out one of the largest gaUtertnge of ratepayers .eld here for wine years. Mt. Stephen Webb. who was reeve of the township this year decided to rettre from pu'tlle Ilfe. We regret that Mr. Webb has etepp`d our of the ranks. as he ilea been . , able ratan. not only as .1 sou t'tt:or. bu' In the one year of ills office as reeve demonstrated splendid abilities as one Bet ig to his office. Nominations were re:eleed as follows. Reeve. Willem, Kel- ;^r:n.tn. 3Mrlta(t • It y -rt eve. .\•,d - son and Wu'rth . Councillors. W uert Yearley, f+endcrs, Love, Preszcator. •.,eft•leer. O:t Tu•edgy night the nem inetlon sheet snowed as follows, wit .'III appeer on the b.tliot paper 11 •fenday : Reeve, Kcliertnc•t and will r . De: u y -reeve, Wrn. Anderson by arcl.tm- tlion. Cou ,clunes. Flnkbetner. Love Se Acts. Wurrth, and Yearley The Police Village Nominee w... ht'Id in the Town 11 ill Monday nigh,. Thos. Tree -thick pt..ided over tits meeting as Rom '.it•g Offices and the following Pollee Trustees were omit). ('REDITON *ted for tit' 1• nt'ng y• at: Milian Dashwood M. I31tOKESS111RE, I►ASlIWOOD, CONVEY - Xs. E.NCHR. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages and all Legal Docutneots carefully and promptly prepared. Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licensee Cretlitoit Crediton School ltcport.-The ftelow- Ing le the report of elle Comtir u t o Cl.tsaee for the term. The percei t -•• of each pupil 1s given for I'te c.t' r work of the term. Those who hav' ob- tained 50 per cent may be r ega'de d as harl$g done eatletactory work. Cl. ill, Jr. Teachers. -E. Iftll, :,9 '1 Short 55, M. Brown 52. II. Meedd 51. Mani tc ulation.-It. 11111 51. 1t. Coudhlin 43, E. Mi Murray 30. CI. 11.-G. Geiger 80. E. Tru:•ntncr 71, M. Guinan 01. )3. 11111 54. C. Fit,kbciner 53, 1•'. Gu'nan d3, r lethncr 35. ''••. 1.-L. leinkbein- er 58, A. ieteecheiner 57. L. f3.tisei 50, R. Fulhvan 53, E. Fahn3r 49 L. Sch- roeder 40. C. K. 131u3(t, teacher. The tepott of the Public School tot the month ot December 1e as follows. hon- ors 75 per cent.; paae 6') per cent. ' Div. We 1., Class f V., honors L. Oes- The Holiday Season IS HERE AGAIN !!! Perhaps you are going to do a little travelling? if so, you need to be prepared. Mee Our Trunks, Suit C.tscs,V a I ices, &c, We have one of the best stocks you will find in the di.tt ict. Ali choice goods and at prices that will suit y. u. Winter Weather demands Winter Wearable!. Seo our Mitts, Gloved, 1'tc., tq aell a.' Horse Blankets. Our harness a t Iforeentee'' Sepplies are complete -Mee Them. F. W. Clark Lumley Mrs. Thomas Jackson of Listowel spent Xmas. with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Glenn. -A. Walker and wife of Bad Axe, Mich., were guests of the latter's brother. James Broadfoot.- Gordon Bolton spent Thursday in Lon- don. -Mise Mary McQueen spent Xmas. in London with relatives. -Mrs. Cann still continues very ill. Whalen John Hutchinson and wife are at- tending the wedding of the former's sister at Markdale,-Alfred Brock and wife of Shoal Lake, Man., are here on a visit to relatives and friends. -Mies Bertha Sutherby Sutherhy and broth- er Harvey are visiting their mother. - J. V. Milson and wife spent Xmas. with his sister, Mrs. Jabez Short,south of London. -Norman Bern. wife and daughter Maida visited at Alpert Gun- ning's this week. -Those who spent the bolidaye here were: James Hern and wife of Exeter, Newton Millson of St. Mat ye, Chas. Duffield and wife of Kirkton, Thos. Gould and wife, Orant- ton; John Tales and wife, London; Miss Tessa Langford, Port Stanley. -Mrs. Alfred Gunning of Whalen and Mrs, David Johnston of McIntyre are visit- ing friends at Paisley. -Mrs. Joseph Morley and Miss Bessie spent Xmas. with her daughter at Bryanston. - Rev. Hugh Hazelwood a former pastor on this circuit will he here and preach next Sunday evening at the special New Year's service which the young people have decided to hold. Special singing by London ladies. A cordial welcome Is extended to all. -George Parkinson and wife were presented with a baby girl for Chrfstwas.-Pat- rick McGee presented his daughter Margaret with a piano last week. Cromarty Maurice Erb of Sebringville has been engaged as teacher for S.S. No, 6 for the ensuingyear.--Miss Susie McLaren is spending the Xmas. vacation with her sister Mrs. G. Stewart, Seaforth.- The Misses May and Carry Martin of Mitchell spent Sunday at home. --Miss Lottie Hogarth of Toronto is spend- ing the holiday season at her home. - Mise L. Bardon has again resumed her duties with A. Bruce. -Will Chapple left Tuesday for Michigan to visit his brother Sinton. Will has the cage perhaps he will bring back the bird with him. Time will tell.-ltichard Hoggarth, who has been in the Torun• to hospital for the past six weeks, is not progressing as favorable as his friends would wish. We hope to soon hear of his recovery. -J. Mctieviu of (io.lericb is spending the holiiays with his cousin W. Crawford. -It is rumor- ed that wedding bells will ring again in our midst during the holiday season. -Rev. P. Gardiner of Knox College, Toronto, preached a very eloquent ser- mon in the Presbyterian church here Sunday, taking for his therne,Jeremiih 1.8: "Be not afraid of their faces for I ant with thee to deliver thee." Mr. Gardiner's fortuer home was on the south boundary of Hibbert. -Rev. F. L. Harhurn of Victoria University. Toronto, is spending the holiday sea- son under the parental roof, -Quite a number from here took in the Xmas. entertainment at Staffs last week and report having spent an enjoyable even- ing. -Tuesday week our public school closed for the Xmas. vacation and will resume Monday. Jan. 4. Our teacher Mise Evelyn Gillespie resigned some weeks ago, her resignation to take ef- fect at the end of the year. During her stay in Cromarty of about two years Mies Gillespie has proven an ef- ficient teacher and a general friend, and her departure will he greatly re- gretted. That she had also won the esteem and affection of her pupils was evidenced at the farewell entertain- ment given in the school house Mon- day afternoon at which both parents and scholars expressed their regret at her departure. Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence ---Manufactured by The Owes Sorted Peace Co. This is a very popular fence and 1e not only used by the majority of farm- ers but by the C. P. It. railroad, who Lu3t some 8000 milts last summer. The C. 1'. 1t. has used a number of other slakes of wire feller bu' have iound the Dillon to give the best satisfaction and as a teault will use no other. I am agent for this fence in this section, also their Lawn Fencing and handle all sizes of Gates and Fence Tools. I will he pleased to talk Fenc- ing with you and quote prices. See rue before placing your order. B. M. FRANCIS, Winchelsea P. O. NEW YEAR'S WILLt 50014 138 14ERE 111 We are ready to supply your wants. Our store is filled up with all the good things to make you happy for the Holiday Season and long after- wards. We invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer. DRESS GOODS - All the latest HOLIDAY SEASON GOODS -A cloths and shades. at prices to suit ry large assortment of New Tiee, Scarfs, eryhady, Caps And (!loves for the Christmas LADiES'COATS AND JACK ETS- and New Year time. All the latest. We have the BEST and at the very FIJI{ COATS -A large assortment lowest prices. Special Bargains will in Coon Costs, Calf -Skin. Black Tale, fli-hop, Horse, &c., Rte. Also a flue be offered in Ladies' Fur Coats and line of FUR•LiNEI) COATS. These Cloth Jackets to clear. coats will lee sold at Bargain Prices. FUR RUFFS -We have a large assortment in Alaska Sable, Isabella Sable, American Sable, Isabella Opos• sow, kc.. &c., at Special Prices. MILLINERY -Bargains will be of- fered for the halftime of the season as we do not intend to carry over any thing in this line if a price will sell it. Come early and get some of the Bar - Keine. FANCY XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS -A large itssortmmnt of then. - plain and fancy, white and colored, and fancy etubroidered-iron' 5c up. They will certainly please you. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING-Men'e Youths' and Boys' Reatly.to-Wear Suits at Bargain Prices. A big rut to clear. Our stock of Men's, Youths' and Bo's' OVERCOATS was nveer better. Big Bargains will to given in Men's Tweed Ulsters. BOYS' I'LSTERS AND BOYS' REEFERS TO CLEAR. MAi)E-TO- ORDER CLOTHING -if you are looking for a Swell Stilt, trtade to order. at a reasonable price, be sure you see our goods before ROBES ANI) BLANKETS -A full stock of Grey Goat, Hrown Hear, itish• op and Saskatchewan }t"hes; also Wool Horse Blankets and Jutt••Litted Blankets. Get our prices before mak- ing your purchase, BOOT ANI) SHOE llEP'T. - Our shoe store is full of all the nerds for wihter comfort, Rubbers, Overshoes, Cardigans, Robber Boots, Felt Shoes, Fancy Felt Slippers and Shoes AI -o all kinds and snakes of Boots and Slows in Leather for ladies and Men. One prices you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed. CHRISTMAS CHiNA - Just re- ceived a consignment of the finest French China. 'Mese make lovely Xmas Presents. A large assortment of Fancy Jardineres, Base Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Fancy Plates and Cups and Saucers; also Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts, &e., &c XMAS r3R(x)E111148-Our stock Is ALL FRESH ANI) NEW. New Raisins. Nes,' l!urrants, New Peels, New Fiat., New Dates., New Shelled Alneonds, New Shelled \%'alnilt. and Everything New that you will require necking your purchase. We have I to make your tutee Cake. All sold at the right goods at right prices. close prices. Everybody is invited to call and take a look through our large and well assorted stock. 1t will (10 you good and do us good to see you. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices. GIVE US A CALL !!! TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, THE BUSY STORE - - DASHW(X)D THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1667 B. R. wa1.IU tit. President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 AL= 1.&12D, Geoerat maw Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States a EntJsmd BANK MONEY ORDERS 173050 AT Tey fOU»Ow1M0 NAT5.I $3 and under 3 cents Over Its and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 a0• cents " $30 $50 1, cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Gartered Bank in Cana*!! (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United Slates. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of ras)ting shall sums of mousy with safat= t� at small cost, and may be obtained without daisy. !! Exeter Branch -O. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton Ideal Peninsular Hai the Advantages of a Steel Range w/th the Durabifty of a Cast -Iron Range "Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range for a small kitchen. It gives the conveniences of the best steel ranges with tine added advantage of being cast-iron and therefore more durable. The "Ideal" burns either tcoo,.l or coal and the grate bars may be changed in half a minute. Step in and let us show you the Drop Oven Door -Low Warming Closet -Adjustable Damper-Iriyllght Oven and other hnl.ro*e- rner.ts. Always glad to ezpiaiu the superiority of these tine ranges. '70 HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER ... Groceries and Confectionery ... ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE New Grocery and Confectionery Store, Opposite the Central Hotel, is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goods!! We aim to keep these lines right up the mark all the time! Fresh Groceries Always. New and Choice Confectionery. Cigars and Tobaccos. AND WE SUCCEED IN OUR AIM 10 OYSTER PARLOR Our Oyster Parlor I8 ALWAYS OPEN and we can guarantee satisfaction to our customers. Wilson Bros., - FiEeter. One door north of Bank of C'ommer . The Molsons Bank incorporated 1855 Capital Rest Fund $3,374,000 $3,374,000 Ilan 65 Branches hi Canada, and Agents and Correspouticuts in all the Principal Cities in the \WorId. e OENBRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tale. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government, DICKSON tit CARLiN°, Solicitors. N. D. IIUBI)ON, Manager, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WILL HELP to know just what to buy in the line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Si1erware. You very often need a hint as to what is most suitable to huy for your friends or yourself. Our Stock furnishes the Hints - '- It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at home and recall in a whole day. SO WE INVITE BUYERS ani we promise t() make their choosing aisy and their choice satisfactory. A. MAFCHAND, Exeter, Ont.