Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 34
Ithing was going to fall and be duncl
with it.''
Presently he was in the midst of
FOR WOMEN a complicated business transaction
in a Western city, miles away. All
. _- the details of a new and unheard-of
scheme were corning forth from his
lip., and a board of directors was
listening. The scheme prospered.
He moved his family West. Frag-
ments of the journey thither and
glimpses of the fine. house he bought
came before his vision.
A crash woke hint. The vase had
struck the floor. He had dreamed
an unlived life covering years, and
all in the time it tank for the vase,
which he had seen toppling before
he fell asleep, to fall five feet and
PILLS (' l Ut:D 11E1t.
AfterS 1i'•riltg for 'fwenteeright
Teat ow Pains and 1veaknesa
and Slceplesauesss-Dodd's kid-
ney Pills the Only Medielue She
('ottle's Cove, Notre Dame Bay,
Nlld., Dec. 21 (Special). -- Grand
news for suffering worsen is that
being scattered broadcast by Mrs.
Elizabeth P. Iticherds of this place.
Fur years bio suffered from that
terrible weakness and those agoniz-
ing }tains su many women know.
She has found relief in Dodd's Kid-
ney fills and she wants all suffer-
ing women to know it.
"For twenty-eight years," Pays
Mrs. Richards, "I suffered from
Rheumatisln, Kidney Trouble and
Neuralgia. I got so weak I could
not do my he usework. Sleep was Ferraris she liked both of them
out of the question except for a few equally well, and asked them to
minutes tat a time. My back ached settle the affair between themselves.
so I could not sleep. I tried all Tho jealous men separated, vow -
kinds of medicine and had come to ing to shoot each other at sight at
' rte conclusion there was no cure their next meeting. A month ago
for use, when reading advettiso- Luigi was riding to his work on a
menta led me to try Dodd's Kid- bicycle in the Village of Alstetten,
ney Pills. I now sleep well and rise when ho saw his brother waiting in
refreshed every morning. Dodd's the road with a revolver in his
Kidney Pills are all the medicine I hand
One Awaits the Other, But is Shot
Two Italian brothers, Luigi and
Coria Ferrari, who for many years
worked together on the best terms
in Switzerland, recently fell in love
with a pretty Italian girl at Zurich,
and quarreled. The girl told the
The woman who- has healthy Kid-
neys will never know the pains and
weakness that make life hardly
worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills
always make healthy Kidneys.
.i• --
Dream An l'nlitcd Life With-
in a Minute.
It is not unusual to hear one say
that he has been dreaming about
something all night, alien possibly
his dream occupied only a ery
short time. Many attempts have
been made to measure the time oc-
cupied in a dream, and records ap-
pear from time to tiine in the pap-
ers, showing that often elaborate
ones occupy but a few seconds.
The following incident is told by a
gentleman, who vouches fur its ac-
Ile was engaged one afternoon
with a clerk in verifying some long
columns of figures that had been
copied from ono book to another.
The numbers ,representing amounts
In dollars and cents, were composed
of six or seven figures. The clerk
would rend, for instance, "Four-
teen, one forty-two, twelve, mak-
'rig the amon It of $, and
the gent�rl would answer,
"('heck, , Indicate that tho copy
Was correct. Page after page had
been read as rapidly as the words
could bo uttered, each number re-
ceiving rho "check." The work was
droit 'y. and it was with difficulty
be could keep his eyes open.
Fiscally sleep overcame him, and
he dreamed --dreamed of an old
here he had been accustomed to
dr ive twentyfive or thirty years ago.
Ne could not recall any special in-
cident connected with the dream
except the locality and the distinct
sight of the horse. and of the buggy
to eine)) he had driven him. He
awoke suddenly, and as a number
was ended called, "('heck." He
wins conscious of having slept and
of having dreamed, and said to the
clerk, "Charlie, I have been asleep.
How many of those numbers have I
niisscd 1 ' "Note," lie replied.
"You have checked every one."
Close questioning developed the
fact that of the figures 14,142.12 ho
hall heard the fourteen and the
Leslie, but had slept and dreamed
during the time occupied in rapidly
uttering the words "one forty-two."
Ile tried. by reading other number%.
to measure the ileus. and think% it
could net hate heiffi more than n
Another story is fold of a mon
who sat hcfore his fire in a drowsy
condition. .\ draft. Wowing aerosol
the room. set a large photograph
on the mantel to swaying. A slend-
er t ase wee in front of it, and the
man remembers u ondering, in n
mood of whilnsic•al indifference,
het her the picture would blow for-
wssrd and send the vase to the floor.
hineily a Rust of wind did topple
the picture. and it strut the vase.
rya, men remembers hating been
drewi • licved in his state of
' that at last the "old
T N 1'
ISht 1: N0, 61-4'
Luigi jumped off his bicycle and,
after firing at his brother three
times, killing him on the spot, rode
off ns if nothing had happened.
Carlo was found dead with his re-
volver in his hand.
Luigi Ferrari was sentenced to a
month's imprisonment recently at
Baby's Own Tablets have saved
many a precious little life. There is
n, other medicine for children so
safe and sure in its effects. The
Tablets cure stomach and bowel
troubles, teething troubles, destroy
worms, break up colds and prevent
deadly croup. And you have the
guarantee of a government analyst
that this medicine does not contain
a particle of opiate or narcotic.
Mrs. J. Laroque, Log Valley, Sask.,
says: -"I am a great believer in
Baby's Own Tablets. I have used
then on many occasions and know
of no medicine equal to them in
curing the common ailments of
babies and young children." Sohl
by medicine dealers or by mail at
23 cents a box from The Dr_ Wit
liens' Medicine Co., Brockville,
for it? r SO GPorgc says," responded Mrs.
the Ohl Sea Captain Wrecked Silas -Yes, but the blamed old) 93-33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO,
His Vessel. horse wouldn't. He ran away. Spiteful. "5urn�tunPs indulges a
little too much, doesn't he?" 1 Stook Brokers & Finanolal Agonte
the Spaniard, lost his life in the when an obstinate. s11 pitiless cough et hastet Men den'? u other.to . . n¢ . +n. , , ..n r ,mml.•loa
wilds of Florida, whither he went away by Allot s Lung Hallam. pre.D°rdeucs IariteJ. Unten is..
Ire wireJat
for agents selling our toilet soaps
Lots rusk frig SA 03 a day. Write at
once for full particulars to the
SOAP SUPPLY OS., Box 33t, Toronto
A pilot named Hoddert, station-
ed at Heligoland, has just entered
on a well-earned retirement. Hod-
dert, who is not yet fifty years of
age, has during his thirty years'
service in the lifeboat rescued WU
persons from drowning.
"Dar is some diff'rence of opin- Have von noticed the remarkable
ion," said Uncle Eben, "as to
whether money is better than
brains. But de man dot. gits too
proud of either is liable to act mu'
or less foolish "
A Woman's Sympathy
Are you dIscoaragcd? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financt,tl load? 1.+ your pain
a heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to delicate women -1 have
been discouraged. too; but learned how to
cure myself. I want to relieve your bur-
dens. Why
bills?oil end
can ihe do iAln tl is for you and
will if you will assist me.
Alt you need do Is e, write for a free
box of the remedy which has been placed
In my hands to be given away. Perhaps
this one box will cure you—It has clone so
for others. It so, I shall be happy and
you will he cured for ?c (the cost of a
postage stamp). Tour letters held contl•
den' htity. Write to -day for env free treat-
ment. stns. F. 1] CURRAII, Windsor. Qnt.
"Say, Bill," said t.hc burglar to
his pal, "this paper says we over-
looked a package of bills amount-
ing to 81,000." .
"Ain't the depravity of the rich
something awful?" replied Bill.
To discern and deal immediately
with causes and overcome them,
rather thau to battle with effects
after the disease has secured a
lodgment, is the chief aim of the
medical man, and Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup is the result of
ratient study along this particu-
lar line. At the first appearance
of a cold the Syrup will be found a
most efficient remedy, arresting de-
velopment and speedily healing the
affected parts, so that the ailment
With indignation oft I swell
To see a friend
Have coin that I could more intell-
igently spend.
By Bribing the Nerves with opium eon may
Melia cough. but the inflammation Ross Iron WA
to worse. Allen's Lung 14tl,am, containing no
opium, goes to the root of the trouble and cures
deep.seatud affections of throat and lungs.
A boy never looks in a mirror to
see if his face .s clean after wash-
ing it ; he looks at the dirt on the
There are a number of varieties
of corns. Holloway's Corn Cure
will remove any of them. Call on
your druggist and get a bottle at
Silas -Took Mandy out driving
last night and tried to kiss her.
('yrus-And wouldn't she stand
offer made by the Manufacturers of
Orange Meat? They prolnise to the
winner of the first prize the suni of
Nifty -two Dollars every year during
the lifetime of the winner. This is
equal •to one dollar per week :tor
ing life. Full particulars of this
unique offer on a private post ear'.'
to be found in every package of
Orange Meat. Buy one today.
An Irishman, having returned
from Italy, where he had been with
his master, was asked in the kit-
chen, "Now, then, Pat, what is the
lava I hear the plaster talking
about?" "Only a drop of the
crater," was Pat's reply.
Great Things From Little Causes
Grow. --It takes very little to de-
range the stomach. Tho cause may
be slight, a cold, something eaten
or drunk, anxiety, worry, or some
other simple cause. But if precau-
tions be not taken, this simple
cause may have most serious con-
sequences. Many a chronically, de-
bilitated constitution to -day owes
its destruction to simple causes not
dealt with in time. Keep the diges-
tive apparatus in healthy condition
and all will be well. Parinelee's
Vegetable Pills are better than any
other for tho purpose.
Mother: "My dear, I'm afraid
your choice of William as a fiance
doesn't quite meet your father's
approval." Laughter: "Well, ma,
you know how dad objects to my
bills on principle."
A Sudden OKI often means sudden Illness.
I'aiak:Iter 11 s:I OVA is needed to ward it oft.
►'nequnlled for cramps and diarrheas. Avoid
.nlul.tutes, there is but one "Painkiller"—Perry
'Magistrate: "Sneaky sort of
man? What do you mean, sir?"
Witness: "Well, sorr, he's the sort
of man that'll never look ye straight
in the face until your back's turn-
A Pleasant. Medicine. -There aro
some pills which have no other pur-
pose evidently than to beget pain-
ful internal disturbances in the pa-
tient, adding to his troubles and
perplexities rather than diminish-
ing thein. One might as well swal-
low some corrosive material. Par- —____'
pro -
melee's vegetable Pills have not AONEY TO LOAN
Par -
this disagreeable and injurious pro
perty. They are easy to take, aro
nut unpleasant to the taste, and' ON FARM PROPERTY
their action is ii:ild and soothing] at low 6.1 r.tt,r. App!) t.
,\ trial of them will prove this• JONES &PROCTOR BROS.
They offer peace to the dyspeptic.
9 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont.
"1 int e such an indulgent bus- I
band," said tittle Mrs. Doll. "Yes,l A. Je PATTISON & CO.
We Guarantee 9 Per Cent.
You can always withdraw your money by
giving us one week's notice. NO DELAYS.
Why keep your money on deposit at 3 per cent ?
We pay our interest on the first of each month.
wrII rn v� lww.
Standard Stook Exoyango Bldg., Toronto, Ont.
Being the largest Manu- H
1 G H E S T
lecturers of high-class
Furs in Canada we can
afford to pay
The Sellers Gough Fur Co., Limited
So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu-
cation select Bell pianos) 'The fact that they use
lad prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1
One follows professional white in acquiring an education.
whynot follow professional custom is buying Bell pianos i
e only pianos with the Illitaitat,le Quick
Repealing Adams.
Send for (free) Catalogue No. ;,.
The DELL P1AHO W Orton Co.. Ism 4.4 GUI .LPH,ONTARTO.
Stranger -"I resume a man who It Will Prolong Life --De Sofa, OOSA.LT
has followed the SCA KO pally' years tr'No. lI ae SvaahM• after a storm 1s the relief li t t t 1 1 1
No opium in it.
The s. *detect lasts. Take a bottle home with
you this day.
must have been in sonic wrecks?
Old Sea Cnptain-"1Wrecks? Well for the purpose of dither he
a few. The west wreck I ever had
legendary ''Fountain of perpetual
was on the Jersey coast." \ouch," Paid to exist in that then
"Long ago?" unknown country. While Ur. Tho
"gomc'nt. you ace, T For be
calmed off the coast of irelar.d." seas Iiclectric Oil will not perpetu-
ate youth, it. will remove the hod-
"$ecalmed t" ily pains which make the young old
"yes. \Well, I tried every way before their time and harass the
to start a wind, but it was no go. aged into untimely graves.
Not a breath stirrin'. At last I
got desperat The Calcutta constable -or "par -
"1 presume so."a wallah," as he is called -has an
"Yes, 1 got PO desperate I made a )eratus attached to his shoul-
upmymind I'd try aplan fdef P1
dors to support an umbrella over
ten heard of, if it took the last dol- his bend.
ler I had C'an't raise the tt ind
A gu(.,I deal Tile sable mar t.yyd. Maks the Baseballs Statement teat "Tile
"It'9 1."
Month., Oa der will d.+ tn..re to tellers
,r aeuralgla, lame back, lumbago and kindred
On Shore. lra.nble+ than any ethic plaster. 2se tins asd 11
"JCeltO. 1We11, then, I took a big yd. rolls. All drugebts.
silver piece kissed it thre times, 1
swung it nice times round my head! UNLUCKY THiIRTEEN.
"Alas," sighed the school girl, "I
now realize' that thirteen is the
unluckiest of all numbers."
"What's the explanation?" quer-
ied the innocent bystander.
"it did'" "Well, you see, 1 am just 13
"Did it 1 \Well, you just ought years old," explained the fair miss,
and then flung it as far as I could
into the sea, in the direction I
wanted the wind to come, you
know ."
..1 see.''
"Well, it cattle."
to seen it Thr fust blast took every and mamma says I'm too old for
stitch o' sail clean off the yards,
an' in three minutes more ee las
scudding under bare poles a thou-
sand miles an hour."
o ' 1 sh'd say so. Well, the nix' breakfast table. "yes," replied
thing I knew. bump went ser how, the talkative hoarder. "Why?"
ail' there we was bein' dashed all "Here's an ad. in the paper that
t.• bits square up agin Jersey. Why, should interest you particularly:
sir. we struck with such force we 'To 1st -nice room for gent with OYSTER SHELL WINDOW-
bosutded any up the bench an' gas.",
walked dry -shod right into a hotel." On the west coast of India is
"1 never hear of that." teresting topic. but "lluw to get it"
'•N -o: the season was over ran SAMPLE COPY FREE found n species of c►yster, 1lacuna;is more important.
dolls, and papa says I'm too young
to have a beau."`
\ ml'rn looking for new quar-
ters. 1 hear 1" said Kiddrr, at the
What puzzles some people is how
some of our acquaintances make a
Of nervous prostration we hear
much now -a -days, and it. is com-
forting to know that there are pine -
Do not delay in getting relief for et. specially equipper) and located
the little fr lks. Mother Graves' for combating this phase of modern
life. On the main line of the Orand
11'urm l:xtcrminator is a pleasant Trunk Railway System, at St. Cath-
arines, Ontario, are located the
curative Saline Springs known as
the "St. Catharines \fell." ('on-
Schnolmistress endeav"ring to nceted with the Springs is "The
impress upon the class the mean -Welland, ' where treatments frir
ing of the word "cuticle" : '•Now, nervous prostration, rheumatism,
Polly Johnson, tell me what it is
ete., are green by skilled attend -
with which my face and hands are ants in charge of a resident 1,Iy si-
cotered 1'' Ilack carne the answer el St. Cntharines iv the mildest
w i t h e t a r t 1 i n g promptitude : pant In Canada during the winter
"Freckles, Miss!"
months. Fur further information
and sure cure. If you trite your
child why do you let it suffer when
a remedy is so near at hand!
Pall`, weak a.d nervous
peopis need a tonic that
will build them up and
make them well and
strong. Celery Ylrg Is
the tonic that will do
thew things. Large
package ".S cense, at 4.51. ret
ere or by emu. 13. C. Wells tt Co., Toronto.
and all parti('uters apply to J. D.
McI)onnla, District l'a,senger
Agent, Toronto.
Luck won't lick laziness.
Perseverance on occasion devel-
ops into per% ersity.
It is sweet to suffer, alien we suf-
fer for those we Ione.
Some people are interested in
our welfare, others in our farewell.
Trouble comes naturally to some
people, just like freckles and curly
The roan who is elm ays right is,
perhaps, the most exasperating
thing on earth.
-What to wear" may be an in-
tl.r hotels wAs closed Well, sir,1
after that I never tried no more Would you like to hale a sam-
fiN a cent pieces tt hen 1 wanted 1 pie copy of The I'nrmer'e Ad-
v, its ' " 'nettle and Horne Magazine!
"Ne.sir `After that 1 never flung THE BEST ACRICULTURAL
on the American ('..ntinent.
No progressi%e farmer ran af-
ford to be without it Pul.lish-
ed weekly. Only $1.10 per year.
Drop post -earn for free sample
copy Agents Wanted. address:
Mention this paper. London Ont.
anything biggcr'n a tent."
- .t. -----
The .Angry Mother ---You've got
an nuclei nerve to ask me to give
you Lack your hall when you nearly
killed one of my children with it.
The Iloy- tacit. ma•am, you've
got ten children and we've gut
only one bail.
placenta, whose shell consists of a
pair of roughly circular plates
abort six inches in diameter, thin
and Waite. Atpresent these oy-
sters are collected for the pearls
whit they often contain, although
few are fit for the use of the jew-
eler. Out in the early clays of Eng-
lish rule in 1n.ia the shells were
employed for window -panes. ('ut
into little squares they produced a
very pretty effect, admitting light
lake frosted glass. When the Bern -
bay cathedral was built, at the be-
ginning of the I'tli century, its
windows were paned with there
oyster shells. In Goa they are still
thus employed.
Black Watch
Meek me
The ChewinggTobacco
of Qtality.
Razor Sharpener.
I, • n d throw away your m.n.e in bre)in
a new Razor because y. lir old one sill n.4
w..rk, but buy a Coke of our "Perfection
li.tc•.r taste " which will keep your R it •r
in perfect :Jutting condition, end with etre
.s ill last you a lifetime. 11 your Hardware
..r Drug Inciter d, e+ not handle lhl., send
ur 2.-C and we w ill 1 .rward same post ;mid
1Mawanesa, Man
p *11V TE- O ]R
':x''s r%
111,,110` --
!Ship e+•ty •u 1 o'.tain highest pries tyke
u,a trial,51.:neral, a'..t i
1ouwona pplt.atio,
Rrterencs,. the D.nnim .n Haat and Couimer
tial ads, •10..
A. • E PIERCE & 00..
Mr sr. Pat sr, • Mtt)NIRF.AI.
It 4!
ile wise alai protide against
loss by insuring your Stall-
ions, Horses, Mares, ('••It•.
Oxen. Om (salves. Hoes
and Sheep against death by
accident or disease just ad
you insure your property
against loss by fire. and
more PO for disease and
death may occur at any time.
whilst loss by fire of your
property might never occur
The premium is low and
the protection assured.
Agents wanted in all nn-
reprc•ented districts possess-
ing a veterinary surgeon.
Writ• for free circulars.
Dept. A.