HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-31, Page 1.4. SI to JAN. '10 NOW I8 THE TIME to subscribe tor the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates ttet TWENTY-FIRST Yam'. le Wedding Invitations In Newest Tyles On Best Papers The Finest `York And Might Prices O The Advocate Ofce, Exeter EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1908. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are offering big inducements for the next two weeks ! LOOK HERE FOR -Very Special Line of Flannellette in stripe, light and dark colors, full yard wide. 11 yards for $1.00 Extra English Flannellette- 9 yards for $1.00 Stripe Oottondea (Al Quality) - 23c per yard Apron Gingham, regular price 15c -now 12ic per yd. Flannel, in fancy check, suitable for, n'6 Shirts and Children's Un - r, regular 35c and 45c - Clearing for 20c Odd Ends of Flannellette and Flan- nel Sheeting -2.10 yards at your own price. BYE-OPENER/3111 19 Men'. Suits in Tweed pattern., regular $10.00, $8.50, $7.00 - To Clear $5.00 11 Men's Suits, Black and Blue Worsteds Serge, regular $12.50. $11.00 and $10.00 - To Clear $8.25 13 Men's Black Suite, regular $8.60 and $7.50. - To Clear $5.00 I8 Youths' Suits, in Tweed Pat- terns, regular price $4.00 to $7.00 - To Clear $3.00 11 Boys Do, regular $3.00 to $6.00 -To Clear $1.50 17 Boys' Suits. 3 -piece, suitable for boys from 3 to 7 years, regular price $2.50-$3.75 - To Clear $1.50 1'u: ae prices are real and goods you need every day - and Bargains you don't get every. Day Number of Men's Heavy Freize Overcoats, regular price $5.00 to $7.00 To Clear 83.00 1 THESE SNAPS ARE HEAVY, WARM AND DURABLE 1 - Outside of this sale - We Have A Splendid Assortment of Xmas Goods! We pay as high as any of our Neighbors for Produce. tt DO DROP IN " CARLING BROS. Happy New Year to All III Our best wish to all for 1 9 0 9 a very happy and prosperous year SNELL & PHONE NO.22 ROWE li tust•eal Cards. Ds.G. 1. ROULSTON, i. D. B., D. D. 8. DENTIST 112' CAIRNS, VETERINARYAIRGEO)7. . succorer to Da. Rawav, Special Attention to l)entbtry. Iss�irss of W R U. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter tlas-den 11Mn street, (opp Truitt Memorial Church), will be Suggest' of ?mocks Univiral tr- , promptly attended to. orv'ok: Over Dickson t ('arling's Law Office, in EXETER, ONTARIO. De. &ad.non's former Dental Parlors abr. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. 0. s.• `Ilssot graduate of Toronto Unlverietr. DENTIST, tuft eztsact•d without any pain, or any bad effect' Ogles over Oladmaa a Stout ur-'s otn, e, Main street IsaMr. Medical DR. T. P. McLAUO!II.IN IIas rentmeel erica -1 after apendini: a year (Col• IegakM British and Continental Hospitals General p !-e with special attention to Eye, (with refrae. {lo , Ear, Nose and Throat. OOce: Dashwood, Ont. an URIUIIT. M. f,., Nt. c'. 1' k P , 1iONOI1 • Oraduete of Toronto t'ni,ereitc, two years mit physician Rossi Alexandra hospital, etc. Oke and Residence, fir. Amo, ,old stand, Andrew Moot, Ka ETER. Legal. DtOKBON & CARLING. it001lsTr.RA, SOLiCI• tors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners SuHenoes for nelson. Bank, etc. Rolm, t e &sas at tower ratesof Intereet. Mess, than street, Eseter, 1, 11. Oaawe, $.L, L, H. Dets.ns -+" - - MoxET To A. No haw. • large em.mnt of priest' fends to loan e Wes sod village properties at low rates of imam OLADMAN l sTANBURT, 8srrlsters, Solkltor".lrale Waled.. slut'. Os B. 8. PHii.f.ii s. EXETER. Llcaetss4 Asctlosssr. Bales attended In ell parts. gstisfv'tion mimeo. Wed or no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left et Advocate Office will he promptly attended to. William Brown Prot. Diploma of Royal Inrorpnraled Society of ■oslcisa., EnglsnA; Orontes eV Trivia Memorial nb,tg.tee. Piano, Orem, IIsrmnny and Theory of Nook. Titmice application. Keefer, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire lnt'ntrance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St„ Kiefer. liCttsr FOR S.\i.f: A bac driving marc for sale -in foal. Apply at this office. • Office -Dr. liteni.ay's old stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. Pyne a Itlsckemith Shop). Tour patronase solicited House and Lot for Sale There has been placed it, the undersigned's hands for sate, a brick house, nearly new, 1'4 storeys high containing b rooms besides slimmer kit, hen en.i woodshed, a good cellar nndernrath the house. a good well of caster near door, also good drive house and stifle nn the lot. The lot contains 3.5 a••ras of land in c,xvl state of ruins anon on which are a good minter of flat class fruit bearing trees. The property is well fenced and eserything in first cteas shape. This is s very a.+lrsble property, nicely sit- uate.[, suitable for • retired farmer, or any person wanting •nice tidy home. Satisfactory reeaon giv en for selling and will be sold for far leas than cost. For terns and particulars apply to It. S. l'1111.1.1115,.1P3, Auctioneer, Exeter, (nt. SKR \ ANT Glltt, WANTED. Good general serv.i, t wanted to go to Sari la. Apply to Mrs,. D. Jahns, Exeter. VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Nolle la l retry given that a meeting of the LI( rtors of the Village of Ewer will be held In the TOR N 11At.1.. EXETER, or, MONDAY. DEC. 2tt. 1trIN at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, for the purpose of making and receiving Nominations for Reeve. Councilmen and for rebut. School Trusters. And further notice Is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being pro- posed for any office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad- Journcd to MONDAY. JANUARY 4th, 11'09. when polls will be opened nt 9 a. m. Closing at 5 p. nes at the follow- ing places, as fixed by Village fly .taw, viz. -Polling Sub -die talon No 1, at Silas Ilandford'a residence, Stain-st.,by Edward Trct(e. D. R. 0., and ticrbzrt Ford. Poll ('free. tolling Sub -division No 2. at Wctkee Itton.' Marble Works, Mahn Street,. by W. D. Weekes, 1.). R. O. and Jaynes We.kes, Poll Clerk. Poll- ing Sub -division No. a. at E. H. Fish's re ddence. Malt street, by R. G. Scidon, 1). 11. 0.. and Ales. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 4. at the Town Hall. by Joseph Pale D. R. 0.. and It. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. And alleleet or. are hereby rrqutstcd to take nn•Ice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Exeter. Mee mbcr 12, 19.15, JOS. SENIOR. ile itch:.g Ofrioer. Evangelistic Services E\'AN(JELISTIC SEIttICF.9, The closing week of the Crossley and Hunter evangelistic servlueo held an con- nection with the Methodist churches was one of great sus•ess. In point of attend- ance the aUdlences were larger than ever, although that hn difficult to imagine, as throughout the whole of their meetings the chur. -t. has been filled to the. doors[ This week however, many were unable to gain admission. On Sunday about two Iundred convert■ united with the churches at the morning and evening services. Tne afternoon talk was great- ly apprccfated. 'The Dance" was the topic for Monday night and Mr. hurter handled the euujttt without gloves, and during the discuasrou of the /tureent by both evangelists they were listened to with the closest of attention. Toe fare- well Hendee Tu-Nday evening was a re - ord breaker. Something over five hun- dred people have gone forward to the atter during tae four weeks, and nfueh good has been accomplished among boat the church ntentbcrsand those who form- erly were not profeaatng Christians. After a rest at their hcnn s the evangel- ists go to Lansing. )Mich., to eoadu•tt Sen lees, illek'e Forecasts. -A regular sterol period. which 1s central on December Jlet, will culminate on the 1st, 2nd and ;ted. Falling baromct)r, attended by get:oral cloudiness and rain southward. wl.h Show and boreal gales northward, will result during the first three days of tits month. High barometer and change to very rold will rush out of tea norte- we9t immediately behind these blt.,atrd- ous storms. Lrlliging progressively a few days of fair, frigid weather to al- most the entire coutalry. A reactionary storm period centres ou the lith and 7th. at this time the earth la In perihelion', or nearest the sit n and earth Full moon at extreme north declination Is on the 11th. Decided reaction to tailing ba:ont- cter and warmer will pass eastwardly over the country at 1. Ids time. resulting 1n genet:el rain aad storms on and towel Ing the 6th and 7th. Don't be eurprleet- ed If bll.zards hit many sections at this fiche• will, cold wave and High wide fcll(.wing from northwt:et. --- Geo. Armstrong bas returned to London. South Huron Farmers' Institute Itegular Meetings of the abode Soei, ty will be held as follows 1311CCEFiELD, Dixon's ilall, Monday. JANUARY 11th. EXETER, Town Hall, Tuesday, JAN- UARY 12tH, At 1 and 7,30 o'clock, when the fol- lowing speakers will speak on the follow Ing subjects. -W. F. Kydd of Slmroe,in the afternoon. 'Ant I raising the most profitable horse'', evening, 'Dropped Stitches"; W. C. Shearer of Bright, in the afternoon, 'Rotation of Crops and selection of seed", evening. 'Successful Agriculture" ; W. D. Sander. of Exeter at Iiruietield on a selected subject ; and 1t. B. McLean of Klppcn at Exeter on a selected Hubei( t. EVENING MEETlNiiS,--Besides the above mentioned addresses, a concert of music will also be given at the evening meetings. (In Exeter at OpAa Ifoune.( W. D. SANDERS, President, Exeter. 11. S. Phillipe, Ser.-Treas., Exeter. CONTRACTS FOit ACREAGE The Erclei Curling and I'rcn•rrvl'ig Co. is now ready to close contracts with fadners for the growing of peas. corn and tomatoes for the season of 1909. We will not accept green peas at the factory from other than that e: own tront aetd furutshcd Dy tri, corn- p:uiy, except at a much, lower pries ,ard f :ta'i true io type will not he .tc''pl. _d at any price S. M. SANDERS JI'tn'r. STRAY IIEiFElt A stray Helfer, one year past, an,^ on the prenttses of the undersigned. Lot 13. Con. 21, Tp. of Stephen. Owner to pto(e prof tray and pay costs of adver- tisipg and charges for keeping animal. i8 %AC 1,E8TERD, llarplay. Ont. MONEY TO LOAN .t large amount of money to loan on farm and village properties al lowest rates. EiRNEST ELLiOT, Conveyancer, etc. Office opposite Central hotel, Exeter. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. NOMINA TION A ND ELECTION I ubltc Roth a is hetcby given that a meeting of Me Ei.<tots of the TOWN 111111' OF STEPHEN t 111 be held In the TOWN HALL. CREDITON, on MONDAY DEC. 2Sth, 1908. at orae o clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of snaking and receiving nono,aat:ons tor Itrevc, Deputy Itctve and Councilmen. A. rt further notice Is hereby given that In the event of more candidates teing pro- posed for any office Man required to be circtcd, tete proceedings will be ad- journed to MONDAY. JANUARY 4th, 1909. when polls will be opened at 9 A. (0. Closing at :, p. nt • at the follow- ing pieces, as freed by Township Ity-law vix. Poll 1, Mill's Shoe Shop. 1.01 5, Con. 1 ; Poll 2. Penial^'• Kitchen. Lot 20, Con. 2 . Poll 3, Barbet Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6; Poll 4, ?owl; Hall, Lot 10, Coli. 7 ; Poll 5. Cunningttam's Kttc,ten, Lot 11, Con. la; Loll 6, 'Lintnter's lfall, Lot 23, 14 11.; Poli 7, I(tnnan's 11.01, Lot 11. Con. 17 ; Poll M. tviison's 11x11, Lot 40. 8. 0., Poll le M.icr atree's Hall. Lot 1, Sauhle. And all electors ora hereby requ^stcd to take nolr(s and gov- ern themselves ac. ordtagty. Crediton, December 16th, 18(18. HENRY EiL13Eit, Returning Officer. Calendars THE ADVOCATE is issuing a calendar this year and all subscribers are invited to call at the office and secure one. They are ready now. Call and renew your subscription and get a calendar. COMPLIMENTS The editors extend to one and all the compliments of the season, wishing everybody Happy New ;Year 1!! Nominations. Petween the hours of twclyet ant one o'clock Monday Me nominatione for Reeve. Couuclllore and School trustees took place In the Town. Hall with the following result; For Reeve,• -Wm. Bawden by Rich. Yel- low and John Rendle; Thos. H. McCal- lum by I. Armstrong and 11. E. Huston ; W. G. Bisectt by T. 0. Carling and D. 1:1111; T. B. Ca•Iing by D. Mill and W. G. Bissett ; W. J. llcaman by John Bell and J. J. White; W . Johns by W. 11. Lovett and R. N. Creech ; A. Q. nobler by W. J. Hearne') and J. H. Grieve; W. H. Levert by R. N. Creech and S. Fitton. Councillors. -C. 11. Sanders by T. 11. Carling and J. McLau ftihn ; W. J. Car- ling by David M111 and 0. Cuimore ; T. E. Handford by T. D. Cerling and D. Mall; W. Johns by I1. Sparkman and .1. Taylor; It. N. Taylor by H. Spackman and D. Mill; Irvin Armstrong by W. G. Bissett and D. M111; W. J. }learner' by Jas. Jewell *cal Jas. Brintnell ; A. E. Pelee by it. N. Creech and J. R. 1lfynd ; J. J. Knight by A. Q. Dobler and A. E. Fuke; Chrlstopner Luker by Rich. Dav- is and W. J. Heitman ; W. H. Levctt by ifich. Delbrldge and Wm. Harding ; T. Jones by II. Davis andA. Holland. Tlustete.-Samuel Martin by Jas. O. Jones and Rd. Delbri•Jgs; Frank Wo0.1 by .1. G. Jones and R. Delbrldge, R. N. Creech by Samuel Sanders and L. I1. Dickson ; W. G. Bissett by John Snell and A. Dearing ; Rev. D. W. Collins by C. H. Sanders and R. N. Creech. At the close of the nomination hour the Returning Officer, Mr. Jos. Senior, in- formed those Seeking mu ileipel honors that rho, had until nine o'clock 9. m• TU•Nday to qualify, and those not desfr- InK the Ioellio;i as s• root Uuet•"e until the ,Lame hour to resign. It was then moved and trrondtd that the meeting adjourn until 7.30 Wednesday evening, when candidates will be given an oppor- tunity to express themes iv. -oat a pub- lic• meeting itt the Town Hall. it is cue- teniery 10 have She public meeting Mon- day night, but the evening was changed In deference: to the revival services bhng condwted In James street church. Ow - Ing to the Advocate going to press Wed- nesday afternoon 1,0 account of the speeches will be given this year. On the txpltatlou of the time for qual- ifying or resigning it transpires that the candidates who are in the field are. - For Reeve, Wnt. Bawdy?' and T. II Mc- Callum. c- Callu•n. For Councillors, W. J Carling, R'. 3. !Iceman. W. Johns, C Luker and C. 11. Seeders. Fur School Ttuatces, W. G. IS:Haett, T. 13. Carling, S 1.larlin, R. N. Rowe and F. Wood STEPHEN. Reeve. J. Kclletntan and II. \Vtllert. Deputy -reeve, W. Anderson, acetanlatiu:i Councillors, M. Flnkbehter, M. 3. Love, W. D. Sanders, F. Wuarth and \\'. Yearley. (lSDUItNE. Reeve. Fred llunkht and John Solt. Counclllors by acclamation, Menor-,. Atkinson. Andrew, Ellerhigtotr ai,d Routley. McfILLIVRAY. ita•vc, Marshal Miller and John tt,.u- Inson. Deputy reeve, W. T. Wen.; by acclamation. Ceuulllors, Elni,r E. Sturdy. Jos. J. I'oore, Joshua M William %lawmen and lilratn %Vindnor. School Reports Following Is the report of I3. S. 113. 14, Stephen. for the month of Decembcr.'.ae- cd on general proficiency ;-V., iva Mi- sery, Maty Hanlon, Maxwell Ita)nham, Adrian Coughlin. Sr. 1\' , Fred Eon Luther Butt. Elva Brooks, Boggle \:nd- eraon, Fred F'alrhall. Jr. iV., M.u-,1ue-- Itc Hanlon. Stella Neil. Jr. i11.. Inose ilanlon. Maid lleatnan. Jr. II-- Leon- ard Abbott, Della Brooks, Gerald tia't- lon, Lloyd Ilaynham. harry Elaton.E't- die Alexander, Ethci Culbert. l't. ii.- ilazel Essery, Veva Davis, Lorne illcke, ilex Mills. Flute i(urtahie, truth Cough- lin, Gordon Culbert, Irene Alezand^r. i't L -Archie dicks, \VIlfr;d 11u:table, ida Taylor, Clarence Culbert. A. Swann ,Treacher. The renown's is the report of 8. 8 No. 2. Hay, for November and December3 IV.-13en Case 71, Greta Mawson 71, Stella Me Mahon 68, Wilfrid Nortt.•ott Sn. 11 i.-E,cri Campbell 79, Eddie W^t- sh. 67, Ada Case 62, Ella Jones 62, Emil Willard 40. Sr. IL -Pearl Wina:-d 68. Jr. I1.-italph Hawkins 67. John Slut ty 111 Willie Smith 66, Edna Ged- des 48 O. Mawson. Teacher. Madeltene Brown 70. Pt. I.- Willie ltoutly 87. Alden Creery 82, Albert Ogil- vie 74, I3. -Gordon Delbrldge Bir, WII- heimine Heywood 82. C. -William Skel- ton 84. Myrta Brown 79, May Heywood 64, Wesley Heywood 51. No. on roll 3D. Why do ■o many Farmers read the Weekly Sun. Because is so peraietent- ly advocates their cause; It faithfully supplies the practical farmer with valu- able information on all agricultural top - lea, and Is the most reliable barometer ot market conditions to be found It Canada. What the Weekly Sun has done for ethers 1t will do for you. Include Sun in your reading for next year. The combination price of the Advocate and Sun is only $1.80. Saintsbury Mrs. Joseph Atkinson of Wheatley is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. -W. Carter has returned to De- troit after a pleasant visit with friends in the burg. -E. 13. Stnyth of Saints - bury has gone on a trip to Toronto. - Francis Davis, Sr., spent Xtuas. with his daughter Mrs. W..1. Smyth. Mr. Davis has ate hie Xmas. dinner with bis daughter for over flfty years.- Naesan Davie and wife stent Xmas. with the latter's brother. J. E. Creery. John Atkinson, an old pioneer of Bid- dulpb, died suddenly at bis home in Centralia on Xmas. Day. The funeral took place Sunday from the home of his eon•in-law It. Dickens, A large concourse or relatives and friends fol- lowed the remains to the cemetery to pay their last respects to the deceased. He leaves totnourn his demise two sons and two daughters and a host of rela- tives and friends. -Hugh Carrel, wife and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Carrot's parents at Cario. The following Is t:,e correct repo. t of 3. 8. No, 6, l.'sbo:ne, for 143v.vnber ai;d Dee( mbcr.-V.-N.I1.1 Heywood 95. `r.IV Ray Fletcher -'t. 1.11;:. (lodbolt :,1. Jr. 1 \",-F.nrtna Hey wood i. Sr. 111. -Jean Campbell 68. Earl Coward 61. Jr. 11i.- Edv'ard Kellett 9.1. Inez Crcery 76, Roy Goulding 7.5. Eti, Coward 61. Sr. Ht. -- Dia Cornish 90, liardwirke Cornish 84, ina lieyw'ood 79. May Clarke 77. Jr. Ii. -Gcrdo.n nu it lir 111. (luadon Washburn 78. David Creel y 7 7, Lloyd Johns 1:. Pt. 11 --Myrtle Waahturn 81. \'rra Hryw v 1 '11. Mervyn Wilson 70, Louis Cor,ils:l 75 Greenway Miss F. E. Neil is spending her holi- days at her home in Lucan.-Mrs. A. McIntosh, Master Itussell and Olive of Port Huron, are visiting relatives in this vicinity, -Mr. Wm. English of family Grand Rapids, Mich.. spent Xmas 1 with his brother, Robert English. - W. A. Stewardson left this week for Creelmnn, Sask., where he has secured a school. -F. I). Curna of Butlalo, N. Y., is visiting at A. Gollen's.-Miss Mattie Stewardson of Parkhill is spending a week at her home. -Mise Mabel Hord is spending her holidays at her home in Parkhill. -Miss Maude Castle of Bayfield visited her friend, Miss M. Stinson, on Saturday. -Misses Mae and Ethel Carruthers of Detroit are spending their holidays at their home here. -Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wil- son visited at Mr. F. Durr's at Moray on Monday, -We extend congratula- tions to Mr. W. T. Ulens, Dep. -Reeve of McGillivray, on his re-election by acclamation for a second term. -Sorry to report that Miss Myrtle Wickert and Mr. Rufus McPherson are i11. BIRTHS ril..ell,-]n Strathroy, o:tllir. 25[1., to Mr. and Mrs. 1 R. i3lasett, fornletly of Exeter, a daughter. Snell. -In (laborite, on Dec. 133, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snell, a son. Jacques. -At Sunahhte, or, Dec. 26, to Mr and Mts. George Je.equ, a, a daugh- ter. kllllei.-It, Hay, on Dec. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louts Wirer, a son. Ilu3het.-L; McGillivray, oh D.( ;a)th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hughes, a son. MARRIAGES. \vlleon-O'Neil-At Clandcboye, on Dee. 23, E. J. Wilson of Flckford Mich.. to Mies Ellen Gertrude O'Neill, C:ande- boye. Hamt'ly-Wright.-In Clinton on Dec. 24, Lillian Almeda Wright to William J. HannHyn, all of Ctittton. Cranston -Torrance -In Cltntou, on Dec. 25th. D. London Cranston, of Pont Arthur, to Grace, daughter of .Tohn Torrance, License inspector of South 1Iut'on. POwE1.L-SNet.t.-In Somerville,Mase. on Dec. 21, by Rev. I)r. Tufts, Geo. H. Powell of Thedford, to Mies Flor- ence Pearl, daughter of the late Jos- eph Snell of Exeter. OBATI8 11;u•e.-In Mullett, on Dee. 22, Margar- et Cunningham, beloved vette ot Mr. holt. Brute, aged 68 years. 8 months and 14 days. Ihklham.-In Fullartoh, on Dec 2311i, Mary Ann Peart, wife of Wm. Pridhant aged 64 years. 5 months. Papa, buy your an Edison Phonograph be Happy!!! ALL and our holiday. (roods go at a .a-ritIre Gallant seethem a>tlkagla Aug: dg THE PURITY well Holiday Ooods --- Gole's Drug Store AVISIT TO OUR STORE cannot fail to offer many valuable suggestions in solving the perplexing questions What to buy for a Gift at a moderate cost that will combine all the essentials of Elegance, Practibility and Appropriateness Hair Brushes Mirrors Without question our line is large and complete. : Prices that make them de- sirable them. 26c- $3.00 inspect Them ----mor ? wn- Ebony Goods Everything in Kb ons, including Choice Toilet and Manicure Sete These make beau- tiful presents for a lady. $1.60--$6.00 Choose Early Choice Gifts Imported Perfumes, Leather Goode, Post (Crud AI1111111H, Stationery, and New Year Cards, Calendars and Book• lets, Shaving Outfits, Glove anti Handker- chief Boxes. 26c-$5.00 Bey Now Save Tour Money by Buying Here W. S. Cole, Phm.B., Exeter, Ontario SKATES -Every Girl and Boy Hockey Sticks... ..1Oc to :,�(• Hockey Pucks 10c Air Rifles $1.00 to $1.25 21 Rifles .... $:3.00 to $1.50 Carpet Sweepers 4ix• to ilk (For Little Girl., (carpet Sweepers for Mother, lit:3 to Si New Year's Greetings TO ALL Pocket Knives suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen. (lirls or Boys, from 5c to 111.00 Fancy Kcissors.. . from 2.5c to $3.00 Razors from 75c to $5.00 Carvers, in pair or cases G1) to $1.00 Silver Butter Knives, Berry Spoons, Gold Meat Forks, 1847 Tea Spoon,,. Dessert Spoons and Table Spoons. Wants Skates I!! -50c to $4.18) Had irons i'lated.. .....$1.20 to $2.00 'toast Pans roc to $1.00 Savory Roaet Pans. special price $1.00 (Reg .1" Bread Box*, Targe si7:•'.. 00e to $1.00 Nickel Plated Tea and ('ogee Tote, 00e to $1.50 Nickel Ten Kettle, 110e to $2.(11 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVF STORE 10 per cent Reduction on all B11seehnrners 111,1i1 Jan. 1st.