HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 8We wish you,
one and all, the
complimentsof the
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
Rosiness Locals -- Read Them
neat Yoe.
We are closing the best year's business
we hare erer had. We wish to return
our hearty thanks to the public generally
for they hare made the big store the big
success it has proven to be. A Merry
Christmas and a happy and Bountiful
Pew Year to all is our wish.
J. A. Stewart.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
We will continu-i the big sale one
more week. Clothing all gone. It !s
now or never. -Carling 13ros.
The Advocate will be mailed to any
address in Canada until January 1st,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
Buy your Christmas Holly at Stat -
Ladies! Our mirrors make choice
Xmas presents for men or women, 25c.
to $1.00. Cole's Drug Store.
Xmas Candies are good at Stathanr's.
The Advocate will be sent to any
address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910,
for $1.00.
See our beautiful pieces of Fancy
China for Christmas -French Limo-
ges. Japanese. Royal Bayreuth -in all
sore of dishes, eto.-I)Emus:0'a 13A-
Remember we have the largest vari-
ety of candies in town for Christmas.
CONFECTIONERY at a Selling Price
-MarnNo'8 BAZAR.
Hair Brushes make useful Xmas
gifts 25c. to $3.00 -Cole's Drug Store -
see them.
WOOLS of various kinds for Fancy
Work at i)earing's Bazar. -tic. an oz.
Stathatn's is the spot for bon -bons
and chocolates, made by the celebrat-
ed bins of Lowney and Towns.
Oranges ! Oranges ! Oranges! Our
stock of oranges is now here. Beauti•
• ful manger; from l5c to 60e a dozen.
Try them. Stathanm's
Toys -We have a full and complete
line of NEW TOYS -Dolls, Horses,
Chairs. etc.- I)EAltINU'ti BAZAR.
}3un•ilan boxes -25c. to $1.50 at
Oysters -selects, 50,; a qt., straights
40c a qt. An oyster stew from these
oysters is delirious. Try one while
doing yunr ('hristtnas shopping. At
Mt'ith rrn's.
W.' take subscriptions for all foreign
or (' ina.lisu magazines at reduced
raft e forget the Advocate
who , your •uhseriptions run out.
Dear ing'a rt tzar for Haas !lolly.
N• v is in- cline for cheap furniture,
as it .we & atkinson are giving a spe-
cial diecoanr . f 20 per cent off regular
T. • and S Iota Claus fliscusts in a
cht•i.'., line at Hearing's Bazar.
Mr. J. 11 (' imemn. of Toronto. en-
tertainer, w 01 appear in the Opera
Hou -e. 1'.x.•t. r, nn Monday. Jan. Nth,
under th.• •.•t-nicee of the Lt:lies' Aid
of (',ay.'• 1',.•-byterian Chord). SVait
for t •'- • taintnent--Mr. Cameron
old Weather
Winter is now apon ue
and CHRISTMAS will
soon be here. . .
as Overcoat
If not, better come
t e. .I• rand
let us clothe you
e a ns). keep a rod line
of mat^rial and our make
an.1 !lt 1. g,isnnteed.
Mrrchent Taltor - Exeter 1
Mr. T. P. !landlord shipped a car of
horses to Winnipeg Monday.
Monday was the shortest day of the
year, but It will be ■orae time before
teere will be any pere.pttble difference.
Damages were given by Judge Riddell
in Toronto last wick In favor of the
Glasgow Company against R. S. Lang
A Company ou ac( oust ut Inferrer pack-
ing and 4uallty of fruit.
Fred Kerr of the 'Duren Indians" and
T. W Stewart of London, formerly of
N'Innlpeg. give an exhibition shoot at
;15 libe pigeons in Ailsa Craig on Thurs-
day. 1•'ecd Is a good shot and will Un-
doubtedly give a good account of him-
The dealt' occurred in Crystal City on
Dec. loth of Miss Annie E. Uroenway,
fourth daughter of the late lion. Thos.
anti Mrs. Greenway, aged 135 years, 4
niunlh■ and 17 days. Deceased had ll:l-
gone medical treatuneht for several years
and tead been continually 11l during the
last two years.
Mr. Editor. -Dear Sirs. -Please al(
low rile space In your valuable paper to
thank my many friends In and around
Exeter for their extreme kindness to
myself and faintly through my long ill
nese. Thanking them again and you al-
so for 1 he space, I remain yours truly,
Samuel Danko-vllle.
Eseter merchants are at all times en-
terprising and tasteful in their store de-
corations and hi the display 01 their
goods. and Gila week can be seen sev-
eral efforts in Christmas decorations
which are worthy of mention. However
we consider it advisable that you ex-
amine there yourselves, and so we just
call your attention to them.
Miss liuzel Browning returned nook
from Whitby on Saturday. \Yhllc In
Toronto she had the misfortune to
lose her purse containing a sum of
money, a thief snatching it from her
hand on the street. Sh .:mployed the
scrvrces of a policeman but she ha.e
had no trace of It since.
The financial statement of the Village
Of Exeter has been twitted and shows
the receipts for all purposes to be $28.-
933.')4 and the expenditure *21,7;;: 54
leaving cash on hand $5158.49. The as-
sets amount to $5311.89, the liabilities
$4012.97, leaving the general balance
to the good of 41298.92.
The Sun as a I. arnt Journal Is writ-
ten for the practical every day farmer.
It is not filled. with long essays or
doubtful theories, tut gives in plain ev-
ary day language, a lioca of helpful sug-
gestions to tillers of th1ll. In thio
particular the Sun is without an equal.
You ought to read It regularly. When
renewing for The Advocate, of er the
Weekly S.un, the farmer's business pa-
per, both papers one year only $1.Ht).
Cotter -Gregory -The marriage of Mi as
Loretta. fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos Gregory of this town, to Afr.-Iarry
Crosby Cotter, barrister, of Toledo,
Ohio. took place quietly at 11o'clock
Wednesday morning, Dec. 23rd, Rev. W.
M. Martin officiating. The bride ware
a suit ot ivory Sicilian, and a plumed
hat of pale bio_ satin. and was unat-
tended. Mr. and Mrs. Cotter lett on the
evening train for Toledo and other
points, the going away costume being
golden brown broadcloth with felt hat
to In itch, beau'iful.y trimmed with brown
velvet roses. Atter a week's visit In, To-
ledo they will leave for their future
home in Frankfort, Indiana. where Mr.
Cotter holds a responsible position with
the Clover Leat Alton Railway Synt'm.
Ttie bride for several years was aesuci-
ated with the Toledo City Hospital. be -
Ing superintendent of nurses at the bole
of her resignation due year ago. She
received many handsome presents from
far and near, amongst them being some
nubatantial frank cheques, also a box of
orange blossom■ from Los Angeles. Cal.
which she wore. Air. ntrd Mr.. Cotter
have the best wishes of their menu
fi tends for a life of happltices and prue-
From the Algoma Advocate. Tucssa-
lon. we take the following ; " l'roba',ly
never before in the history of Thess: ion
has a death produced mut n a and in -
interest in the coannunlly as that of Mr.
Nen. C. Case. which oeeurrcd on Sun-
Cday morning last. Mr. Case had been
111 for 001110 six weeks, tut a fatal re-
sult was not expel ted until a few days
Lc fore the end. Mr. Case was the son
Josel.ti Case and Elizabeth Dawkins, of
the county of Wicklow, Ireland, who
rams lo this country la 1834, eettlies
In Huron County, near Exeter. The pio-
neers raised a family of five daUehtcrs
and two sons, of whom Thomas. only
brother ot the deceased le the sole sur-
vivor. The eub,cct ot our sketch was
botn on the home Lunt in August, 1859
Ile came to Algona when a young man
and tau;ht ac.tool In fila district for
some lhltty years. Shortly after room-
ing to the North Shore he tnariled Miss
Jessie McCllttrhy, who survives him, ill^
f.intlly consisting of three daughters.
'1r. Case has b,cn almost constantly Ire
the !albite eye during his residence In the
district. having been principal of Thee -
'talon public schools for some years.
clerk of the town council and promincut-
ly kfu.tltied with the independent Orley
of Oddtellows. ile was of a kindly and
genial dispositlou and those with whom
he came in contact In business or so:lal
intercourse readily le came friends. "
%tips Clara Iktry of Ingersoll Is vis-
iting her sister. Mrs. le. G. Seldon.
Mrs. Janice Dtguan lett Monday for a
month's visit with relatives In Brantford.
Mr. W. liertxtt Gregory ot Mitchell
Is impending a tcw days at his iionio In
'Ir. George Armstrong of London re -
u ncd to 1110 home here Friday for the
Mr. Tom Cariing, Querns University,
Kingston. returned home last week for
the holidays.
MIs. M, Dougali who :las been teach -
Ing at Ceirolea Is visaing at her home
at Iturondalc.
Miss Minnie Sanders has returned from
London atter spending the millinery
season 11. tt.at city.
Mr. C1.rs Inrnty ictt Saturday to vIs-
it In I)carolt, Milwaukee and other plat^s
1;1 the Dente/ States.
Mr. Will Knight of Landon Medical
School returned to hive home here Tues-
d.sy to spend the holida; s.
Dr. and Mrs. L. 1' 0111 of Gibson.,
Lu g. Ohio, are visiting at t to hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Uregory.
Miss Nct:aa ilobter reiuraed hone! on
Sa•u day ftoni Battle Creek .where she
is taking a tours( lit nursing.
41I. W. J. Berry returned to his hone
if; Ingersoll Movie), aft:: a short vis-
it wlih his daughter. Mr.. g. 0. Beldon.
Messrs. T. in. Carling and 1t. F.. Pick-
ard with their wives who were in Giant -
fold prevlcusly .4 enduJ tae tu.ieral of
the late Mrs. Itantin in that city last
Willie Bernie is in London visiting
Mrs. W. T. Acheson was in London.
Mr. L. H. Dickson was in Goderich
Friday on business.
Mrs, Adolphus Hooper is visiting
relatives in Toronto.
Miss Ewwa Seldon, of Ingersoll. is
here visiting her brother.
Mrs. R. Knight spent a couple days
with friends in London this week.
Miss Mary Handford, of the Central
Hotel, leaves to -day to visit in Alvins-
ton. -
Fred Hamden. of London, Is visiting
at his hove here and other relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Weidenhammer left
Wednesday to visit with relatives in
Mr. T. W. Hawksbaw, of Winnipeg.
was In town last week shaking hands
with old friends.
Miss Laura Jeckell. of Uxbridge, is
spending the holidays at her home,
London Road. North.
Mr. Reg, Case, operator, was renew -
log his brother in Clandeboye the lat-
ter part of last week. •
Mr. Percy Cann, of Carnduf, Sask.,
arrived in town Tuesday evening and
will spend a week with old friends,
Mrs. (Rev.) W. M. Martin has re-
turned from es visit with herdau&hter,
Mrs. (Ilev.) R. A. Cranston, of Palmer-
Misses Lois Birney and Bertha Mack
and Wesley Dayman returned this
week from Chatham, where they have
been attending the BusineesOollege.
Mise Ella and Master Willie Heist,
and their cousin, Mr. Wm. Prowse. of
Marlette. Mich., are visiting their
grandmother, Mrs. Jane Dearing.
Messrs. Thos. Hartnoll and Geo.
Blatchford, having purchase' a bush
property in Turnberry. they left Tues-
day with a view to starting a sawmill
on the property.
Mr. Jas. Gould, Huron street, is con-
fined to his room through illness.
Mr. Thos. Creech, who has been con-
fined to his bed from an attack of ty-
phoid, is now on the mend.
Constable W. J. Bissett Wednesday
took one John Clifford, it tramp, to
Goderich for a couple of months.
Miss Ida Armstrong has been en-
gaged to teach in School Section No. 4,
Stephen, (Sharon), her duties commen-
cing after the holidays.
Tho many friends of Mrs, McDonell,
William street, will learn with regret
of her severe illness and, being 82 years
of age, grave fears are entertained for
her recovery.
Mr. John Taylor, of the Ross -Taylor
Co., is confined to his lied with a se-
vere attack of illness, with little or no
signs of improvement. His many,
friends will hope for a speedy recov-
Mrs. Daniel Kernick, while on her
way to church Sunday evening, slip-
ped on a piece of ice, with the result
that she broke her leg just above the
ankle, from the effects of which she
will doubtless be laid up for several
Mr. Witt J. Knight will receive the
congratulations of his many friends
on the excellent success he has attain-
ed in the second year term exams. at
the London Medical School, he having
passed in all subjects with honors.
Vill is bright young roan and we
wish hint continued success.
Sitio sbury
Richard Hotham, of Detxware, who
was visiting around here, has returned
bone. --W. J. Carter, of Detroit, is
spending :.'hr•isttnas around herr.-F.
J. Davis and W. J. Smyth each have
dug wells and both have got good wa-
ter. Thomas Smile was the contract-
or for F. J. Davis and W..1. Smyth
did his own. --Miss Maggie and Bertie
Quinton and Miss Alice Davis spent a
few day. in London the latter part of
last week. -Frank N'.t.hhnrn, of Ar-
thur, is spending Christmas around
Miss Lulu Mille of Woodham visited
with friends around here the poet
week. -Mrs. i)avid Hodgson, who is
home front the west, is visiting friends
and relatives in this vicinity.--Ilector
\iillson and Miss Maggie Dann of Dry--
anstun spent Sunday in London with
friends. --A number flora here were at
Exeter Sunday Attending the Crossley
and Hunter meetings.- Mr. and Mrs.
Herb laingfotd visited the laatter's par-
ents on Sunda y. --Win. 3)gden is !Hurd-
ling a fine assortment of new cutters
this winter.-Sanutrl (cunning and
James Brien have been hauling a quan-
tity of gravel for the foundation to be
placed under• their hat ns next slimmer.
J. Wright and wife mud 11. tillson at-
tended the reception of Wm. .1. I(ow-
cline ,ind bride on Wednesday evening
at the home of the groom's father.--
\1is. lifunie Motley, otir organist, is
visiting \Ira. (larding near Exeter.
Miss Venda Squires vert ably filled the
vacancy on Sunday. -Mrs. Sutherby
and niece' S'erda Morley are visiting
relatives in London.
A very pleasant event took place 1a
S. S. No. 4, Stephen. on Tu?sday last.
the oc•caslon being the presentation by
the pupils to their teach, r. Mies Jenni-
sotl. of a handsome silver biscuit bask-
et and the following address, read by
one of their number.-
umber;Dear Trancer.-The time has come
when we must part and we wish to
show our love for you In some manner.
Stare you have conic among us you have
endeared yourself to us 111 many ways.
We have felt your Influence In malty
wage. We have appreciated your teach-
ing and words of counsel. We twlt've
you have done your best to help us In
ou • studies. although at dales. per-
haps. we were not AS obedient as we
setuld have been. We sincerely w1,t't
that we could I.old you longer wttn us,
t u' 11 has been deemed otherwise. ')ur
prayer Is that God may guide you al-
ways. \\'c couid not n t you go with.
ea showing you our respect for yla In
some way. thew accept this thou
Minket. not for its Intrinsic valor bit
to show in some tangible way ob. apprr-
elation of your service for us. -Signed
by the plods of S. S. No. 4. Stet! tea.
Mise Jennison replied in a tear rat:
ehosen remarks. She has teen presiding
over this section for the past 2 yearn.
dulagwhich time she has endtare.-1
rrself to not only these of het whoa'
bu' the entire community. and h r d -
par u-: will I,' regretted by all.
Wheat 92
Barley 46
Oats 85
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 60
Hay, per ton 7 50
Flour, per owt., family
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40
Livehegs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
8 60
�.i k
Reduction -
Teddy Bears.
Now he your chance
to get it nice toy
at lowest price
Regular 50c
Teddy Bears
Regular S 1.50
Teddy Bears
Ladies' Hand Bags
Regular Price
Special till after Xmas -
W. S. AOWEY, PHll1.B.
Chemist and Optician EXETER
Phone 50
We wish our customers
and others -
9 Merry Christmas
�-AND s-
Happe aad rrosprou
1,i Year.
tai ALAI Abu& atlkAltarAla AL ilk Aki
Scrap Iron,j�g
Brass, Copper 1
Rubber, Etc„
We ate preparedto pay
40c a hundred and upwards
Recording to quality, for Scrap iron
Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per Its
Horse Hair, 20c. Capper and Brass Se
Rags, 50c per hundred.
We Have for Sale
A btrge gnAntity of
suit Ride for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
trained hr our management than any other
in Ontario. (beat demand for No vs/Mates
as Aueinesa (' eTI -e' Teeehere. frit ate tte•'te-
taries, Ofire A.wietants, els. The ent.otli-
ment of the newt Folsom, Il-dern Systema
known in flasioeas S, tense we incite rom.
pariaen Three Oe artenent• Manned by
aYilltd Inetrootnrs
Mail Gimmes in all nuttiness Collette sad
High S•'honl tuhjeets.
(3EO. SI'OTT(IN, 1't;1't rt'tl
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware -
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Eto.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
` vinced
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware stocl is Cop1ete
Great Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's III
We have started a great
slaughter sale comprising
every article of furniture in
our large stock at a
Special Discount of
20 Per Cent
Off Regular Prices
for CASII. Note some of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to furniture
buyers. A call will convince
intending purchasers that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
finieb, with large Bevel Mirror,
regular price $10.50,
Discount Sale Price. ....$13.00
regular price $13.00
Discount Sale Price $10.00
regular price $3.50
Discount Sale Price $0.00
regular price $3.50
Discount Sale Price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
We wish all our
Customers and
Friends -�-,
and don't forget
Our Great Fur Sale for
the next week !!!
Fur -Lined Coats'
Neck Ruffs,
sold at a Big Reduction this coming week.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
111110"4110""4191'.." -400.--.410--190.441.0.410,milelo"eoms