HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 7MILLIONAIRES WENT RIINGRY
Inspectors at falls Destroyed Meats in 'e
Private Car.
A despatch from Niagara Falls,: Buckley and A. R. Robertson, put
N. Y., sires: For the first time in' in an appearance on the rear plat-
s life, L.44net de :\guero, reputed form of the private car. Just here
to be one, of the wealthiest Italians is where the trouble began for the
in New York, together with a party millionaires. The officials demand -
of distiuguisited follow-countryulen, cd to be admitted to the chef's
was forced to go without his dinner pantry. There they found all the
on Wednesday. it all happened as choicest of viands, including dress -
the result of the cattle and dressed cd turkeys, chickens, clucks and a
meat embargo. whole side of beef. All these were
To the rear of (rand Trunk ex- ordered burned. The foreigners
`press No. 4, leaning the Bridge protested that they had not yet
fit•reet Station at 12.25 p.m., was dined, and would have no time to
attached Signor de Aguero's private procure other edibles until they
car, "Sunshine." The party was reached Toronto. In spite of the
bound to Cobalt to inspect some vehement protests of the million -
mining property in which they are aires the viands were burned in a
interested. Just before the train Grand Trunk engine, and the ves-
pulled out, Dr. Orchard, Dominion eels containing thein were left be -
inspector; Customs Officers Geo. hind to be disinfected.
LIWAlments With Gaulin Machine
at St. Hyacinthe, Que.
A despatch from Montreal says:
Icon. Jules Allard, Minister of Ag-
riculture for this Province, has an-
nounced the results of experiments
which have been conducted in con-
nection with the preservation of
milk. By means of the Gaulin ma-
chine, which was recently brought
from Franco and installed in the
Dairy School at St. Hyacinthe, it
has been proved that milk bottled
in November is good over amonth
afterwards. Mr. Allard promised
Government aid to any factories in-
stalling the Gaulin machine.
Han, Dripping Blood. Along Mont-
real Streets.
A despatch from Montreal says:
► An Italian, who will likely die,
ushed madly along Craig street on
Vednesday night through a. crowd
of Christmas shoppers, with blood
streaming in the snow from a deep
gash in his throat. He had been
gashed with a razor by an unknown
assailant. The blood left a crim-
son trail on the sidewalk, and the
injured man collapsed within sight
of his home. Robbery or revenge
is thought to have been the motive.
The Italian was taken to the Gener-
r al Hospital, and is thought to be
fatally injured.
Season's Reco of 1 'heal Ship-
ments Through Winnipeg.
A despatch front Winnipeg- says:
Navigation has dosed and over 48,-
000,000 bushels of wheat of the crop
of 1909 passed Winnipeg before the
last boats went out. Shipments for
the last week of open water reach-
ed the enormous total of 5,103,097
bushels. The entire movement of
wheat for this season leaves all
other years many miles behind. The
$t.uation, so far as the outlook for
le future is concerned, is much
inure bearish than it was a week
C. i•. R. Freight Trains Collide at
Richford, Vermont.
A despatch from Richton!, Vt..,
Says: in a bead -on collision of
freight trains near East Richton!,
on the ('anadinn Pacific Railroad.
late on Wednesday, Orrin Pickle. a
fire(van, was killed and four other
train hands injured. The locomo-
tltes were demolished and six cars
Fl 'TE:EN-YE.11t-01,1► 11011 SHOT.
rho' nl .1cc de ►
Accident During 1 rartirc for
School Entertainment.
A despatch from Dauphin, Man.,
says: Gordon Galbraith, a fiftee I-
3 ear old lad, as shot and fatally
wounded while practicing a dia-
logue for a school entertainment at
Gilbert Plains on Tuesday night.
The bullet passed through his
Fifteen Persons Killed in Collision
in French Tunnel.
A despatch from Limoges, France,
says: A collision between a freight
and a passenger train near here on
Wednesday, resulted in the death Company, whose foundry at Pem-
of 15 persons and the injury of 30 broke was destroyed by fire, has
others. Fire broke out after the made arrangements with the Cos-
-accident and most of the victims, silt Company to remove to Brock -
including the engineer of the pas- sine.
senger train, were pinned beneath The local option by-law was car -
the wreckage and burned to death. ried in seven new municipalities in
The great heat interfered very seri- Manitoba, repealed in two and con-
ously with the work of rescue. The tinued in force in five. Seven mun-
collision occurred in the Pouch icipalities in which it. was submitt-
Tunnel, between here and Drive. ed voted to remain under license.
- - +
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own
and Other Countries of
Besot Evcuts.
Mr. Gordon J. Leggatt has been-
eenappointed Police Magistrate for
11 incisor.
A colony of 600 Germans is to be
located in the Peace River country
next spring.
An epidemic of catarrhal jaun-
dice is reported among children at
London, Ont.
Mr. F. W. 'lhistlewait of L'Orig-
nal, has been appointed Registrar
of Prescott county.
Messrs. I3. M. and R. C. Allen,
brothers, who had lost all trace of
each other for 25 years, met by ac-
cident in a Hamilton hotel.
The public school of Pottersburg,
a suburb of London, Ont., is closed
on account of the teacher, Mr. Mc-
Fadden, being ill with smallpox.
Joseph Varone, an Italian, was
sentenced at North Bay to five
years in Kingston Penitentiary for
robbing a fellow -countryman at Co-
The National Manufacturing
Majesty Troubled With Irrita-
tion of Throat.
A despatch from London, says:
Alarmist rumors have been in cir-
culation in London recently with
regard to the health of King Ed-
ward, but, it was learned on Thurs-
day that the condition of his Maj-
esty is not such as to cause uneas-
iness to the members of his house-
hold. A member of the household
said that in view of the condition
of the King's throat it. was cow
sidered advisable that he remain at
Three Canadian Rhodes scholars
have won scholarships or prizes at
Oxford University.
Archbishop Walsh of Dublin has
been elected Chancellor of the new
National University of Ireland.
The British Government's bill
prohibiting the use of hop substi-
tutes in the manufacture of beer
has been withdrawn.
In the House of Lords on Thurs-
day Lord Morley unfolded a plan
for giving the people of India a
greater share in the government of
the eastern empire.
A bill was brought before the
United States Senate, on Thursday,
Succession Duties Collected Will United
increase the salary of the Pre-
sident from $50,000 to $100,000.
A despatch from Toronto says: According to the Bureau of La -
It is estimated that the receipts of hoe bulletin between 30,000 and
the province of Ontario from sue- 35,000 laboring men were killed in
cession duties for 1908 will amount the United States during the past
to between $1,100,000 and $1,200,- year.
000. It will, however, be impossible Thirty-four persons lost their
to state absolutely the revenue for lives during the hunting season in
the year until the refunds have the northern New England States
been made. Last year the Treasury and adjoining Canadian Provinces.
collected $s20,000 on the devolution C;INp:It1L
of estates, and it was estimated at
the beginning of the present. year Two brothers have been arrested,
that the receipts for 1908 from the charged with swindling investors
same source would be $600,000. in a German hotel trust out of two
'f' million dollars.
DRAGGED UNDER CAR TRUCKS The people of Caracas broke out
in n riot and burned all the pictures
London Woman ilas Mirnenlous and statues of President Castro
Escape at ilrantford. they could find in the city.
A despatch from Brantford says:
Mrs. George Bourton, a London
woman, was dragged under the
trucks of a coach on the Eastern
flyer for 50 feet at the Grand Trunk
depot on Tuesday night. She en-
deavored to alight from the train
before it stopped, and swung round
the handrail .right. between the
rails. The woman, who was on her
way to Guelph, sustained injuries
to her back. Her escape from being
run user was miraculous.
Accident at the Buffalo Mine May
Have Falai Result.
A despatch from Cobalt says:
Late on Wednesday afternoon an
accident occurred in the Buffalo
mine boiler house, whereby a
Frenchman, married. who had only
worked two shifts as a coal passer,
was dangerously scalded and is in Buffalo, Dee. 22 -Wheat -Spring,
FOR PURER MILK. Red Cross Hospital with only a firm; No. 11�Northern. carloads,
slight chance of recovery. The new glare, 81.13�s, Winter, steady.
Quebec Government is Looking for boiler exploded into the furnace, Corn -Steady. Oats -Sterid. ; No.
white. 51
the crack being nearly four feet 3 t / to 54%c. liyc-No. 2
1 ointer» in Ontario. lung. The accident put another of on track, 80e.
A despatch fromMontreal says: the three boilers in the boiler house Minneapolis, Dec. 22 -Wheat -
The Qiuebee Governwent is taking temporarily out of commission, and I)ec.. $1.08%; May, $1.09: cash,
action to bring about the purifica- this will necessitate the cutting No. 1 hard, $1.09% to_$1.09%; No. (i
tion of milk and Hon. Jules Allard, down of part of the work in the 1 Northern, $1.08% to $1 ns %; No.
the Minister a Agriculture, an- mine until the 'leder can be replae-
, -.►- - $1.06% to 8I.00%; No.
nouneed on Wednesday that the rd. The boiler which exploded had 3 Northern, $1.02 to $1.01%.
Government is staking enquiries
from Ontario and the United States
and that the movement will have
the utmost support of th.' Govern-
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Home acid Abroad.
Toronto, Dec. 22 -Flour -Ontario
wheat 90 per cent. patents quoted
at $3.70 to -day in buyers' sacks
outside for export. Manitoba Hour,
first patents, $5.80 on track, Toron-
to; second patents, $5.30, and
strong bakers, $5.10 to $5.20.
\Wheat -Manitoba wheatis firm-
er at $1.08% for No. 1 Northern,
at $1.05% for No. 2 Northern, and
at $1.03 for No. 3 Northern, Geor-
gian Bay ports. No. 1 Northern is
quoted at $1.12%, North Bay
freights, and No. 2 Northern at
Ontario wheat -No. 2 white is
quoted at 94 to 94%c outside, and
No. 2 red Winter at 94c outside,
and No. 2 mixed at 99c outside.
Oats -Ontario No. 2 white quoted
at 38 to 39c outside, and at 42c on
track, Toronto; No. 2 Western Ca-
nada oats quoted at 43%c, lake
Rye -No. 2 quoted at 71 to 72c
Barley -No. 2 barley quoted at 55c
outside, and No. :t extra at 53c.
Buckwheat -57 to 57%c outside.
Peas -No. 2 quoted at 86% to 87c
Corn -No. 2 American yellow
nominal at 70c on track, Toronto;
new No. 3 yellow quoted at 67c To-
Bran -Cars are quoted at $19 in
bulk outside. Shorts quoted at
$22.L0 in bulk outside.
Butter -Pound prints, 25 to 27c;
tubs, 22 to 24c; inferior, 20 to 21c.
Creamery rolls, 29 to 30c, and so-
lids, 28c.
Eggs -Case lots of storage, 25 to
26c per dozen, and new laid are
quoted at 30 to 35c per dozen.
Cheese -Large cheese, 13%c per
round, and twins, 13%c.
Bacon -Long clear, 10% to Ilc
per pound in case lots; mess pork,
$19 to $19.50; short cut, $22 to
Hants -Light to medium, 13% to
14e; do., heavy, 12 to 12%e; rolls,
10% to 10;4c; shoulders, 10 to
10%c; backs 10 to 167c; breakfast
bacon, 14% to 15c.
Lard -Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 12%e;
pails, 12%e.
Montreal, Dec. 22 -Grain -('a-
nadian Western No. 2 white oats
are selling at 46%c, No. 3 at 45%c,
extra No. 1 feed oats at 45c. No.
1 feed at 44%c, Ontario No. 2 white
at 44% to 45e, No. 3 at 43% to 44c,
No. 4 at 43 to 43%c per bushel, ex
store. Flour -Manitoba Spring
wheat patents, firsts at $6, seconds
at $5.50; Winter wheat patents, $5
to $5.25; straight, rollers, $4.60 to
$4.70; do., 111 hags, $2.15 to $2.25;
extras, $1.75 to $1.85. Feed -Mani-
toba bran, $21; shorts, $21; On-
tario hrnn, 821 to $21.40; mid-
dlings, $24.50 to 825.50; aborts,
$24.50 to $25 per ton. including
bags; pure grain tnouille, 830 to
$32; trilled grades, $25 to 828 per
ton. Cheese -Westerns quoted at
12% to 12%e, easle•rns at 11% to
12e. Butter -Finest creamery quo-
ted at 27e in a jobbing way. Eggs
-New laid. 34c; selected stock at
25%c, No. 1 stock at 22%e, No. 2
stock at 17%c per dozen.
Flour -Dull; first patents, $5.30 to
only been in use two months.
85.65; second patents. 85.10 t., $5.-
,f,----- 20; first clears. $4.00 to 84.10: sec-
ond clears. $2.95 to $3.05. Bran in
1111 AND STIt.11W 11.1RRE:D. hulk, $19.0) to 819.25.
- - - - Milwaukee. Dec. 22 -Wheat -No.
.1 last Iron Embargo 1n'.I ailed at 1 Northern. $1.093 ; No. North-
E11looser. ern. $1.07', ; 'May. $1.06'% to $1.-
:1 despatch (turn 11'indsur, Ont., 03;/. Rse --No. 1. 76e. Corn --May,
01,,,c. Barley -Standard. title; sam-
says : It having been reported to pies, 59 to GOc.
the Government at (Masso that _ -
some slackness was bring permit- LI VF STOCK MAItKET.
tell in connection sit ith t he Canadi-
an quarantine against Michigan hay Toronto. Dee. 22. --The offerings
and straw and that goods were be -of export cattle were re'tr'eted to
ing received inland in Canada from a few loads of medium quality that
points in the infected States pack- sold at 81.5o to $4.1+0 per ewt. Sales
cd in hay, new and more stringent of choice butcher.' rattle were stat two years Turkey, on Thursday, en r. K•,rgevs nnpI multi colored pic-
:1 despatch frorn Fort \William, is checked. There nrr more than inttrurtions have been issued to the ed around 8:p per cwt. Good loathlure, ueycur before a it nesse(' in a
Ont., says: The most destructive 100,000 tons in the mountainous lcred upon a seer,: d attempt at
\Ica! Authoritie4 absolutely !mad- of choice cat Me were North frorn Irgislntite gathering in Europe.
Coal fire that has ("ter visited the piles on fire, and dozens of coal I. ting either + f the co:nmodit'es $4.60 to $1 75. and nudiunl gold At ('"nstihttional government, with the Albanians, Syrian'. and Arabs were
head of the lakes has been in pro- ahoveliers have fruiticasly eaten nleatinned ahu%e frorn fettering ('a- $3.75 to $4.25 per i- t. Common i 191181 ration of the new Parliament nneing the Moslem representatives,
oared to get 711 the seat of the blare. na '11. PiMu r till\'!! 11 f d as packing animals were worth 83 t p $3.(t0 per rleet••d under the censtitutiun pro- while Greeks, Armenians and Iiul-
gress fur Neeks ill the ('a:1nd1A1) } anTIP(1 i'% gusts of wind. clnitdtt of „r 111 bulk. cwt. ('hutce rows acre firm at $3.. Tntllgitte(i liy the Sultan. gars represented the Christian na-
I'acific coal docks. To cl•mbAt the smoke and flanu• horst forth at r.0 to $4 per cwt. Medium and eom- The Sultan opened Pnrlia nent in tionalities.
conflagration and save tens of thou night. giving the 11T nearanee of it - - '1' men cows brought $2 t., $3.50 per Person a Mt elaborate cereTo;ly. 8e far as can be judged from sor-
rands of tons of soft coal that is miniature volcano. in an extrrere cwt. Feeders and steekers were in The scene was perhaps one of the Lace indications, the new i'arlia-
1hreatened the company has resort effort to e:ain uish the blaze the Nl-('N This ti ME.
T ) R moderate demand at $3 tv $3 75 per most remarkable in the political ment has e-itered upon its duties
ed t ' alrr.ost every known tura is of eonspanv is preparing to put in op "You remind me of a broken ewt. Stock eaI%e• hold at $2 25 to ►Astor\ of the word. All the creeds . with a united determination to ear-
(xtinguishi.lg the blaze, without re- cration a want shot el. It will he pump. fleeter. • said the druggist. $2.70 per est. She'•p and larnbs and races of the Turkish Empire rn ort suceesafulln the ni•ns of the
salt. Hundreds of tons hate been weeks hr fore the seat •.f the blaze••}low sot" queried the M. D. a, ie easy in prier, without aquer-Iut►t their duly elected represe'lta 1l..odless rcvolutio•r whi•:h made
reduced to ashes, and thou. -ands of earl he reached. Spentinrons cem- "You can draw nothing from the able drop. Nogg were rep(�rtrd to trues. and the varied e• ,tomes of p•pssible the inauguration of a Iun-
tors more may go before the firelhcst.on is responsible for the fire. well," teplied the Till compiler. Ibe weaker. but r .. drelins war rfithe •:(legates, who cane, some in r:ittition.r.1 regi.r.e in Turkey.
\The C. P. R. Is Fighting a Big Fire at
Fort William,
Only Means for Stamping Out Smallpox
Says Dr. Hodgetts.
:1 despatch from Toronto says: i feiv exceptions those suffering howl
If the municipal authorities of this the disease had never been saccin-
province desire to be rid of these ated fur during the past twenty
nuisances which have been smoul- sears. Municipal Councils had
dering in their midst for over ten been uniformly indifferent to the
years, they must avail themselves question and the Act respecting
of the only known method to pre- taccination and inoculations had
vent thorn, viz., vaccination and re- been it. dead letter. This measure
taccination," said Dr. C. A. Hod- permitted municipalities to provide
getts, secretary of the Ontario for compulsory vaccination. "Tho
Board of Health, in his report to failure on the part of Municipal
that body on the outbreaks of small- Councils to make the Act operative
pox which have recently occurred. has resulted particularly in the
He told the board on \Vednesday large centres of commerce, most
that there had been 45 cases in ten disastrously to the business corn -
municipalities during October, munity," said Dr. Hodgetts. He
while 136 cases in 23 municipalities added that business was still fur -
had been reported for November. titer crippled by the failure of the
It had been learned that mild cases councils even in the face of an out -
had existed for weeks before their break of considerable extent to take
presence was known to the local a firm stand and enforce vaccina -
Medical Health Officer. With but tion.
corded. Selects sold at 86 per cwt.,
fed and watered, off cars, an ' lights
and fats at $5.75 per cwt.
A Hotel Shed al .Abbotsford, B. C.,
Was Blown I'p.
A despatch from Abbotsford, B.
C., says: Archie Baxter, aged 50,
employed at the Abbotsford Hotel,
was fatally injured on Tuesday
night by an explosion of gasoline.
He was in charge of the hotel's
lighting plant and must have been
smoking when ho visited the gaso-
line shed, a short distance from the
hotel. At 5 o'clock a terrific ex-
plosion was heard. The shed was
immediately in flames, and Baxter
was reached with great difficulty.
He died at 6 o'clock on Wednesday
morning. He had lived in Abbots-
ford for some time and had been
emplo}ed by the Abbotsford Mill
Post-otllee Ofilc•ial at Ottawa is
Given Three Tears.
A despatch from Ottawa says t
Three years in the Kingston Peni-
tentiary was the sentence imposed
by Magistrate O'Keefe at the Police
Court on Wednesday inorning on
George M. Lett, who pleaded guilty
to the charge of stealing $2.00 from
the post -office. Lett has been em-
ployed in the post -office for five
years. During the last year and a
half, at intervals, money and jew-
elry has been taken from letters,
and finally suspicion rested on Lett.
On Tuesday a test letter containing
$2 was sent to Ottawa from Mont-
real. In the evening it was notic-
cd that the envelope had been tatn-
pered with. Lett was searched and
the money was found in his posses-
sion. When confronted with the
facts in the case he acknowledged
his guilt.
Remarkable Scene in a Court Room at
Bilbao, Spain.
A despatch from San Sebastian, 1 court in three vans, and covered
Spain, says: The opening trial of 157,000 pages. Crowds in the street
ten thousand woolen of Bilbao be- hissed the van's passage.
gan on Tuesday. The women aro
The court room was packed with
accused of contempt of court in beautiful Spaniards, and the plaza
signing a petition of sympathy on outside was racked with the re -
remainder of the defendants. Tho
behalf of Jesusa I'ajana, who was court resembled a beauty contest,
sentenced to eight years' imprison- instead of a tribunal. The justice
ment for killing her faithless fiance. and prosecutor were jeered in the
The petition extols Jesusa's deed, streets by the women, who demand -
and the Public Prosecutor caused ed to know where they could find
the indictment of all the women jails enough to imprison them all
signing the petition. The docu- if convicted. The novel trial is at-
ulents in the case were brought to trailing the attention of all Spain.
Government's Stern Measures are
!laving Effect.
11A 11.1.1". RIVER BRIDGE.
I'ir•1 '1'r: iu
Crosses New Structure
OA 11 cdnestlay horning.
A despatch front Calcutta, says: A despatch from Winnipeg, says:
The course adopted recently by the The rubicon of the Grind Trunk
Indian authorities to cause the ar- Pacific was crossed on Wednesday
rest, swiftly and mysteriously, t,f morning, when the first engine roll -
all natives suspected of revolution- cd over the immense Battle River
ary activity is hating a good effect bridge, which has been in course
on the unrest of the population, of construction during the entire
Instead of being deported the lead- season. The bridge is nearly three
ers taken into custody are being thousand feet, long, nn(1 is very
distributed to the various jails in High, so that the construction has
India. It is reported that the pow- been slow, on account of high winds
erful native secret societies are dis- interfering with the handling of
solving as a result of the energy aerial steel work. On the west side
displayed by the Government. A of the bridge the grading has been
practically com Meted to Edmonton
delegation of prominent nativesT . [
supposed to be implicated in the I for a long time. Steel is now being
revolutionary movement called on laid towards that city, and the work
the local Commissioner on Thurs- will he prosecuted as fast as the
clay and assured him of their sup- weather will permit. There are
port. Another result of the cam- still nearly 125 miles of track to be
paign is that the native newspapers laid before Edmonton is reached,
are becoming extrrrnely cautious in and the shortest railway line from
their comments on the Govern- Winnipeg to the Alberta capital will
ment. be complete.
Sultan Abdul Hamid Opens Parliament in
A (lespateh from Constantinople floNin, silk robes, and others in
sass: Af•er an internal of thirty the fashionable frock cont, formed