Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 5ASK FON ip
India Pale Ale
Brewed from 1,
lected hops, choice
barley malt and
pure spring water,
with the utmost
care. Botued at
the brewery depots
to ensure proper
handling. That is
why Labatt's Ale
is equal to the fin-
est, surpassed by
none, though it
costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods.
&Martin &Son
are offering some Big Bargains in
Pianos, Organs 85
Sewing Machines.
:if have in stock one Dominion
Piano, mahogany finish. This Piano
has been in use about eight months.
Regular price $250.00; sale price $175 -
Call and see this instrument as it is
the best value they have ever offered.
Also Big Bargains in FOUNTAIN
15c. a box to $1.75 -the largest stock
in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
They are noted for the quality of their goods.
Q xet•ex Abrorate
$1.00 It paid in advance.
$/•$o a year If not so paid.
Te Ualt•d States SubscrIbers$1.60
s Year Strictly to Advance.
SANDERS & CREECH, Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The groat Uterine Tonle. and
only w.fo effectual Monthly
Regulator nn which women can
depend. Sold in three dc+greee
of atr eugth-No. 1, 1 ; No, 7.
10 degrees stronger p3; No. 3,
for b )ocial cases, per box.
Sold by all t., or sent
prepaid on rooe t of price.
Frea pamphlet. Address TN
Coo( VIDIt1[MICo-ToeotTe.ONT. Uweterle Windsor,
Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th
Thi school Is one of the largest in the' pro.
vince. it is noted for the thoroughness of its work
and thl success of its student.. 3 departmente-
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
Our graduates are in demand as Business Col-
lege teachers as well as office assistants Get
our magnificent catalogue, It is tree.
Ross' Furs
Manufacturer and Retailer
Reliable Furs
The reputation ue hale earne.l for good style,
quality and reliable ••torkwan.hip places our
FURS first anion, the many from which the
choice fun are made, our method of dealing
with the public ha% ai..ays been: "Money
cheerfully refunded if not satisfied with goods
Persian Lamb Jackets
24 Inches long, blouse or b): fronts, large
storm Collar and Revers, best lining.,
$123 00 to $188.00.
Fur -Lined Cloaks
Se to 54) inches long, euperene broadcloth, In
itrown cr Green, Ilamester or Rat Linings,
Sable, Mint or Persian Lamb Collar h Revers
$48.00 to $100.00.
Catalogue Mailed Os Application.
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Where is there an individual
who is as capable to act as the
executor of your will as this Com-
pany, which was organized and
developed especially for this pur-
This Company will carry out:to
the last letter the terms of your
will. It will manage the estate
efficiently and economically, and
avoid legal entanglements.
It will not be tempted, as an
individual might, to speculate
with the funds held in trust. It
is debarred Oy law from specu-
This Company cannot die, get
sick or take a holiday always
ready to faithfully perform its
Charges are never greater, but
usually less than the remuneration
allowed individuals.
Services of Family Solicitor
always retained.
Correspondence receives prompt
and careful consideration.
Managed in connection with the
Huron & Erie Loan and Savings
Wood's Phosphodine,
The (," 1 l.esnedp�ta
Tones aria i• 'niter the wholes
Melte i , nukes new
bad in . ) : , t (rants Nerv-
osa Debility. Merl r! r• , ! 1 '. .1 Worry,
remlenry, ersal Weal., - l ,::..ion-+, Spar
• I'nrrh.tn. osd F•rrcf+ r/ .1' -• or f:rerrxr.
1 .rHiwrbox. oda for ila. lerwiapl.wsesii
aria turn F•o1.1 hr all druere,-ta or nihil ,1 In
pint t pkg. Ott roeeIP1'1 of tt r„v, \•nr 7).1141pAld
tswtooed free. The Snood M•dIcIrs. Co,
(formerly 11',al.!". r) Ti 'oast ► Ont
Your Mouth
Water when you
think of
So Good.
At all grelel'r r
1VKnnEn. -A quiet wedding took
ph' -e at the home of the bride'+ ninth-
et..'tt Dee. Ili, when MIs+ 11.•1tha Cps
..h.11 became the bride i.f Mr. Bett
O'Brien, of 11 ty Township. Only the
inonedi,tte relatives of the contracting
p le ties were present t.1 the ceremony,
w hich wee lie:formed Inv Rey. 11. J.
Fair. Mr, and Mr'•. O'Brien %till re•
ode in Township of 11ay. They have
the hest %5 i.he. of :a large circle of
/, ier,d•. --Mr. Eno,. ('.,•k •ted t w rooms,
Chat los and (hey. of Virden, .Man., are
eloending rt few alas+ with Mr. (len.
Co -hell --The Armes, i...ry Servirevnt
Sun -lone on Sunday afternoon end
..%. rung were tt .I. -i'.'-.. 141 go '.'ngre
,tail n.. h. ing pre.ent. Rev. Robert
Nick., of (''e.Iit.n, it. ewheel %ery ae•
r•rin.tl Iv at Moth i.•i vice.. The taloa,
v.. zcvll.•nt anti cot!. foroi-hod ht
rh.' W'Nxih.ni Choir. --Mr. %Vet. ('.•w.
,lift i. •'n th•' sick Ii.t, xs i4 n1.o
11 or. Delhri,tg.. - Mr Leslie Ro'tin•nn
I.•(t \V.Ntrlewinv mot atm/ for N feel
viae !n C oh ,orae Mr. and Mr*.
f.«a1 %Vhtte and th•• Mieewe Whit.
.feral `t,irldAyat
Ilreatho Hyonul and Kill the Loathsome
Catarrh Genn..
Just a• long as you have catarrh your
nose will itch, your breath will foul,
you will hawk and spit and you will do
other dlsgOsting thing• beeau.e you
can't help yourself. Tne germs of cat-
arrh have got youy in their power; they
are continually and persistently digging
Into and irritating the nlgcoue mem.
brant of your nose and throat. They
aro now making your lite miserable: in
time they will sap your entire system of
Its e.iergy, its strength, its vigor and
But there Is one remedy that will kill
the germs and cure catarrh, and that
1■ liy'omel, the Australian dry ale treat-
Joseph Dural, of Woodstock Street,
Tavlstoc•k, Ont , says. -"Catarrh had
given me all kinds of suffering for a
Tong tlnte. There was a swelling of the
glands under the eye. and adjacent to
my nose and the dlscha;rges would drop
Into my- throat. I used several reme-
dies, but never got the relief that I did.
from Booth's Ilyontsh I have been eo
pleased with IIyomel results that I nigh-
ty- recommend Its uao by catarrh suffer-
S. Cole, ilio drt)Sglst, will guarant(
ilyomel to cure catarrh or money back
Don't delay this pleasant anti -septi
treatment. Breathe In Ilyomet and loll
the germs.
W. S. Cole will sell you a concplet
liyomct Outfit, including Inhaler, for
only $1.00. It 13 also guaranta.d to
urs bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds,
hay fever and croup.
E. A. lfawk.haw of Vancouver, and
Mise Violet Carter of Toronto ate home
for the Christman holidays. -Mrs. Wel-
lington liodg ins, Dick 1iodgins, John
Itulllna, Lucan. and Dr. Heber J. Hod -
;inn, of Seaforth, left Friday for Tor-
onto to attend the wedding of Mina Valle
Nell, eldest dau.tlter of Mr John Neil,
:o Charles II. Parker, barrister at law
both of Toronto. -Edward Carrigan of
Edmonton onton arrived here with lila fantllY
o:t Monday last, They were called borne
owing to the illness of Mrs. Carrigan'.
father, Owc•h Sullivan of Blddulph. Mr.
Sullivan, who ha, since died, was 87
years old and one of the first settlers
In the township. He td survived by four
daujhter, and two Hona,-Mian Ettle E.
Stanley has been engaged to teach In
the Essex public school; and Miss (folly
Martin will teach at Fargo, Ont„ atter
the new year. -A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took place at the Itonce of Mr. Alex.
\Ich'alla on Wednesday af.ernoon of last
week, when his eldest daughter. Mies E.
Ida McFalls, was married to Cambridge
W. Hawkshaw, reeve of the village. The
ceremony was performed by the Itev. 11.
H. Stevenson, of the Presbyterian church
1:1 the presence of the immediate rcl,(t-
1.e, telly. Miss 31 Falls has b'cn organ -
Jet of the Presbyterian church here for
the past 13 years and on Tuesday even -
Ing the members of the congregation
made her a presentation of a cut glare
water set, a dozen solid 'liver spoons
and a gold plated eular shell. The
groom is a member of the Wright &
tfawkshaw Milling Company and has
been reeve of the village for three years.
Some remarkable stories are being
!old about tow:t and amorist he country
people coming In of (lila simple home-
made ctixturc curing rheumatism
:and Kidney trouble. here 1s the recipe
and directions for taking; Mix by shak-
t::g wall In a bottle one half outer( Flu'd
Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound
Kargon, thea( ou:tcce Compound Syrup
Stat eat•ar Ilia. Take ail a dose one tear
apoo•,ful atter menial and at be•Stlnr.
Ne change need be made in your usual
d..•', taut dark plenty of good water.
Trus mixture has a peculiar lone ef-
tee r upon the kidneys; (lensing the clog -
.:eel -up pores of the eliminative tissues,
forcing the kidneys to sift and atralrt
110111 the blond the uric acid land other
poisonous waste matter, overcoming
Rheumatism, Isladdcr and Urinary
toubles In a short while.
,t druggist 'he1-e or:to has had :.uartrtdv
Of calls for these ingredients since the
first aunuuat'eno nt in the newspapers
last October stated that the people who
once try It "swear by It." esp_clally-
those who have Urinary and Kidney
trouble a,,d suffer with llheurnatlanl.
All the dru;gists In L'us neighborhood
say they can supply the ingredlente,
which are easily mixed at borne. There
is said to be no tetter blood.clea.asing
Agent or system loaf( known. and cer-
tainly none more harmless or simple to
E. I'. Paulin of Goderirh is install-
ing a hot-water bcati, ` system pi Mr.
Pitetrr's new dwelling,-Mles L. Colvin
who had charge .pf .1. 1'reeter's millin-
er) department the past season left for
her home It, Brussels i.i.e week. -Dr.
D. T. Crawford of ::,nisfatl. Alberta.
formerly of Thcdfo,d, visited Dr,
C.snlple I 1.4 s: wan k. -}1r GaschO of Mich-
igan is visiting his grand parent•, Mr.
,and Mrs. M. Kcarrt,er, and o:hcr rel-
atives -Addison Surrrus and Miss Ilar-
hara Gasclao, bot 1 of toe 14th coo..
were yu:etly married at Exeter last
week, -Mr. and Mrs. T. Ewalt of Elk-
ton. MIrh.. visited relatives in this ,4 -
bit for the past two weeks. Mrs. Ewalt
Is a daughter of Joseph Kaeret,-r.
Stephen Council'
The cou.t(11 convened In the Town 11.a11
u Crediton on Dec. 151h. All menu) re
present. The minUtee of toe pr.•slous
meeting were read and approved. fi+n-
drra-Yearley-That a bond sig'IeJ 1'y
Jacob Kellerman') regard!: e a aril..!-
fortton of ditch ill \Vtllcrt \ward Nn. 1
b^ 1 l%ir,cd to him by the Township
Clerk. -Castled. Sanders-Tearley
That ily-law No. 12 of !Ott,. being a
ity-law to mart IXputy Returning Of-
ficers. l'o11 Clerks, and Polling Booths.
laving been read the third time, be pas -
Red and eigued by the reeve and cl: rk
nod the seal of the cotroratt3r, attn-h-
ed thereto. -Carried. , earlt.y-Kell r-
nlann-That the police \'iilage of Cr.d:-
ton be paid •bu and Inc Police V•,:age
of I)ashwood $3'. as Township Gr.c•tt
fon- 'look -Carried. Sanders -\\-eu to --
T ,a! Go'tlot) Brown the co,lector of :ax
1. het tby au•t or,zcd and Instru.-te.l
o cnr.th,ue tht levy and collection of
'*lee in the mar.n-r a :d wit , t •:r r0
provclded by law -Carr lea. Ord :r
n the amount ut $1336.2.1 were panned
of which a de'alitd state -tiara will a;' -
tar In ;he f . ,a '..al .Statement. T
nu aril adiour e.l te d e.
Henry Silber. Tp. eters
Jack Forest is home front the West.
-Cal Newell has taken a poeltion on
the staff at the station. -Harry Busch
returned from Moosejaw. Sask., last
week. He intends returning in Cha fol-
lowing spring and taking up a home-
stead.-1drs. I3rewertln of Rochester, for.
mealy Miss Jessit McLean, :s visiting
her parents and relatives in this section
-Nearly all the wells between llenenll
a,td 'Zurich have goac dry a::d fa.tnIers
have considerable trouble in getting wa-
ter for the stock. -Nilson Blatchford re-
turned from North Dakota where he
has been for the past three months;
Charles Mains arrived home from Fro-
bisher. Sask„ on Friday. -Don't for•
get the Christmas Tree entertainment in
Carmel church on the 23rd. -A. C. Hog-
garth, cashier of the Jtolsons bank ,ta't
Edmonton, was here last weak calling
on friends. -0. F. Tungblut handed
over his once business to R. J. Drysdale
on Tuesday of last week. The latter has
been making improvements In the shop.
Marrled.-A very happy event took
place at the home of Mts. D. L. Ander-
son, Chicago, on Monday evening, Dec,
14, when her daughter, Nellie B., was
u:tited in marriage with Gco. Dick of
Heneall. The cel etttony took place In
Ravenswood Presbyterian Church. The
happy couple spent a week in the city
before leaving for Iieneall where they
will reside.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas•
ed portion of the ear. There ie only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness 1e caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thio
tubel4 inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im•
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf•
newels the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi•
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggist*, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Invitations are out for the wedding, of
Miert Ella Y. Stoncmtan and '.Ct;lia,nt V.
Dirhttn to take place on Wednesday of
t1,18 week. -The Christmas True on Tu'n-
day- was i.ry su' , casfully carried out.
The Ladles' Aid offered prizes to the
moot regular attender, in each class.
The winners in order of the classes were
Carl Stoneman, Earl Kinsman, Bella
knl;ar.all, the prizes being two bible and
hymn books combined, and a book emit
led "Conflict and Victory" by itev Wm.
S. Cochrane. -Mr. and Mrs. G. Varthorn
and fancily of Thorndale are visiting
relatives here. -Miss Emma Kinsman,
0:re of our popular yo.ing ladies was
married in Toronto on Wed iesday last
to Mr. George Bagshaw of Davldeon,
Sack. We wish the young couple long
life and happhtesa.-Quite a number of
ehc young ladtre stet at the home of Mr.
11. Stoneman for the purpose of giving
their dauglitcr Elia a kitchen ,;lower,
consisting of granite, oft Thursday ev-
ening of last week, which testifies to
ttte esteem Ir. which she is held by her
girl friend,.. -Albert Ilyckman had a
very Eu , useful auction sale last week.
Mise Edna Taylor who Inas been in
Hantpshtre Mille teaching during tile
past year, has ucccpted the position of
teacher lin the school on the blit ton. of
Blar•.shard at a salary of ;400.
Clinton. -On Friday Mrs. McLeod au--
. u:abed to her illness of typhoid fever.
Iler death 1s particularly Had leaving as
It docs a family without n mother's
ptottctlon and care.
Clinton. -On Wednesday Mr. Ileery
ieacock of the London Road and Miss
Sarah tion, dau;inter of Jae. Nott of
Tuckcrsrnith were married at the par-
sonage of Ontario Street Methodist
Church. Both arc well known and pop•
ulcer young people.
Mf-o-ua Tablcta Cutc Dyspepsia try
I'ron,ptly Removing the Cause
Or Money Peak
There 1a just one way 10 cur- dy•lpep-
ata :and s c:n.t.;t dlsordrrs. trtvt:al or
serious. and that is tot One up or put
energy t:,to the stoma, .t walla. so that
they will he able to properly tufa or
,burn the food.
all-o-na tablets Quickly arouse thc
s:omac h from Its inaction and in a
short time it Is able o Jo its work
Harry Dodd of Bridge Street, ilast-
ings, Ont., says.- 'For seven years i
lid 'offend and spent ntu�•.t rno•t'•y
dertoring, but all to no avail. 1 • ould
eat bu' very ii•tic. as the ford would
terment and sour. making gas, which
c.tueed serious heart oppression. 1 w.%s
In c•onetar,t Int N(ry. R )u. goo woul(t
belch from my stomach, I was languid•
and weak and had no ambition. i did
nOt tett ilke going anywto to or .:slug
at yore- There was a constant du:l pato
In the pit of the stemach. i way U .
able to sleep, was nervous, testl'ga,and
would .awake mora tired than or going
to hed. i tried Mi•o-na and Roo., fou td
relief, and In less than six weeks \it -o
no had rontplet. Iy . u'.'1 ha
W. S. Cole. thc druggist sells Ml..3-ha
tablets at 50 cents a large box, u•,der
a rigid gu trantee 10 do all that .R (l.ti•11-
c-1 for than) or money bark.
We are pleased to be able to publish for the benefit of our
readers She prescription of a celebrated apeoialist. This is the
malt of years of tt‘icutifle 1tvrrltiYatiun and caper -Iowa. and
is taken from a reliable publication.
This is an exact copy of the osisinai 1--w
The ingredients are vegetable and have a gentle and natural'
action, giving a distinct tonlc.effect to the entire system.
It is a wonderful mixture in the treatment of Lame Back and
Urinary Troubles. It cures Rheumatic Pains in a few hours.
The ingredients can be bought separately and mixed at home, or
any druggist can fill the prescription.
If not in need of it now wa would advise our readers to cut
this out attd save its -
Mullett,-J.%-tcs McMichael of the 2nd
con lost his barn laut week by fire. It
was caused by a dog chasing a cat
and over turning a lantern.
lllllsgreen.--Ates D. Hagen, the ...lever
and extrctncly popular head nurse at
Clinton Hospital for the last two and a
half years, has completed her course,
and left for her home In litlisgre n
where she will spend the holldaye.
Tu:•kerancith.-C. Edmunds. late of
Tu -kcranctth, has been having pretty
hard experience since he went west a
few months ago. Blood polsomag In lila
arm laid hint off work, the admen( went
to his head and it was nevessar, to
send him to Regina Asylum. from whish
he returned home a few days ntn::e.
During hie absence tits wife and child-
ren were all laid up with typt,o:d fever.
About Quahfyfng Yourself for a
Successful Career.
To Iwo th. felly et gO } ttbtestasse
IIsi whitest • 1'bstae.e Nieatlo d-
read ow ries Cat�.aslrogs:
Thr IJ11ro e '.tragi. (?�.U.•opt• «hest
Celeeetere w.►
Jed .sad year maws
will mai you
Amy Ti..
• 'Q
A `,
Qr 8msrist
a•�. Pp•ni.te
S..pt. en'
Tim Forest City
Besisess & Sborthani
Leaden, Ontario.
J. WI Weet+n.lt. .1. W. W..t.r,rk, J,, C.A
Plias 'pal Vb..l ,.o .�
Drs. Kennedy & Feralan
Owing to Dr. Ker.
gan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has aesoeiated with
him Dr.Kennedy Jr.
who has been with
the firm for several
years, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
Thousands of young end tui•: Ile a:. d loam are 5001:-•' v
tt n premature grave through 11.5It1,V INDLSCkt.l'•
YXCESsES ANI) 141,001) I1n)•AV'.,. If y"u hay c en.
1 owiageym,do11lscon.ult1.51x.' :r itis(00late. Ar
nervone anal weak, despondent sin: ,lo,my, speck. L f„•
eyes, with dark circle• under them, well.: lack. k i,1n. y. i
Me. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and 1 •.r.,
Invent in urine, pimples on the face, a -es sunken, bot'' •.- ..
careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrust:ut,
energy seal strength, tired tnorningi r•.tless nirhts, eha
abl. mood*. weak msnheud, premature decay, buta tains,
loose. sore threat etc,
e the
In k
re -
Blood Poise,
are its n,
.valent eta, most serious,sea.es. They saptl•.r.r-y
w 1 of the vtcttul, and uuless ealirely eradicated f r m t
system may .fiat ti - f rine- e•.erslinn. fleware of Mercury. It only sup;,ress:a t
0,mptorus-OUR NKw MKTMOD cures them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone es■ cure you. and make
taa. o you. Vieler i:+ Inllu. ace t,c loam barurias'alive , lie htr,,.11•unfied •n that a
pimples, blotches, a.:1 u1 -.r• di.a;'ear. th•nerves become str.-e .. '4'.'! 14114(1f
.orae.+, tsahfut.ess and despondent vale:• the ere txcorn.. b•r.•t t the lac. fall a-.
clear, energy r.turne to Cie L.xty, aril the m•+r.i, ploysi al, ■,'l vitni systems are inv g
orated; all d•aini cease -nn nye. wits! wast• fro-, th..ystem, :'001 let quacks sad fakir
rob you of your hard earned dollars. W. will eur.gsu.r n. per.
READ E R nn•t.1 w'• levels 1 %na, wtitc for an honest opinion Yree
a•, c:u:ge. n•,•'Ati FYI:G-' The(t)llrn Naled)
Questlen list ter Homs Treatment Sent •a Request.
Core Michigan Ari. and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH
! have arranged with
Perrin to place Santa
Claus Biscuits on sale
with all first-class dealers.
Get some from your grocer;
they are delicious.
Yours truly,
12 ‘/arieties.
'•naua,r�t.11..h c 111111/i2