HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 4(Exeter ADrorate Sanders d Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Dee. 24, 1908 T1IE MUNICIPAL SLATE An t he time for municipal notnslatlona draws near the names of probable can- didates ale being In• :,t:o::rd. Ut th • .,Id counell there will probab:y be only two seeking re-election, Messrs. W Jehnd and W. J. Beaman, both nem of erper ience and ability. Messrs. Fiske :and Knight wish 10 retire altt,ou;h friends are urging them to eland for re-elec- tion. For a time It was tnou;l.t that the contest for h,e e• resale vruuld b� betwceh ateliers,. .loans and ileainan, but when Messrs. T. H. McCallum and Williarn I3awdee definitely decided to enter the tight for the reeve's chair the former two gentlemen decided to re-en- ter the field for toe council. Besides the two mentioned aspirants to the recvtsttlp the present reeve. A. Q. Bobler, may get In the game at any moment:, althcu;h it !baa peen generally under- stood that he wars retiring tats year. Just who would lat.d the prize In a three -cornered fight w.3uld be very -un- certain. even as It is under any chemin stances. Botl-h have occupied the chair In former years and both are xperlcnced canva seers. But the old saw holds good "There le nothing so uncertain as an election." Of new blood for tit- coun- cil several have been mentioned, among them Messrs. W. J. Carling, C. 11. San- ders, Chrlb. Luker, but they have not signified their intention of seeking elec- tion. Of the Sc;toc•1 Trustees Messrs. Frank Wood, R. N. itowe and Samna Martin go out this year and it Is believed they will all seek re-election. Rev. D. W. Col - 11118, N. D. Ilurdon, T. 13. Carling, J. A. Stewart, I. 11. Carling and 11. NI Creech aro mentioned, but here again nothing definite is known, ae the new men have not declared tlreutaelvea. In Stephen it seems to be certain that Nicosia. Jacob Kellernlann and Win. And croon will contest the reeveship. They had a fight for the deputy reeveship last year, the rest of the council being elect- ed by acclamation It is believed that the paints; rive, Mr. Stephen Webb, will no: he in the field this year. For the deputy -reeve's chair Messrs. W. D. Sanders, Fred. Wuerth and William Yearley have been prominently mention - cd. For counrliiors Mr. Byron Hicks and a number of the forever mentioned gentlemen are spoken of. One thing seems certain and that 1s that tier: will be an election it that townehip. Messrs. John Iielbridge, Jothi Moir, Robert Gardiner and Joseph Hawkins, the present reeve, are supposed to be in the Held for the reeveship In Usborne township. Nomination day will. how- ever. likely see this simrtior down to Messrs. Moir and Gardiner. In e:"ter case a good conteeit is in ata.; for the chief chair. For councillors Messrs. At- kinson and Routley are again in the field. Mr. Fred Ellerington is also prominently mentioned, an is also Mr. Sidney Andrew, and u tdoubtedly many Others are being conetderrd. NOTE AND COMMENT Why should tae municipal elections in O.•t:+r lo he held at the most inconvenient ICJ4ut. Of the year ---i8 a ..4u -silos tnat ie uppermost In the nilndn of many of the people Just at this time. Our nean- iclI'a! campaigns ore torduetcd In the last few weeks of the year, a time when Chtlstm.ts and New Year activ:tips maim it hard for many citizens to devote Inu•h thouPub or work to civic duties. Ont- ario le alone a:no:lg the provinces in nd- herenc•e to thin ancient folly. The Ot- tawa Journal pointe out that in Que- bec the muilctpal elections are held on the tr.lyd Monday itlai,uary; New Bru't- swlck on t.pe last Tussday ih thatcher; Nova Scotia on the. third Tu.ed._. hi November ; Manitoba on the first To •s - day In December; In British Co u .•' :a on dates ti -ed by the utffer..1A r..0 eIpalitie s. and In Saskatchewan and Ales tt.t oa the aciantd Monday tit' Dee - ember. KILLED IN BUSH. Clinton. Dee. 13.-Wntic Minis a tree Donald McKenzie, on the Lake shore road. was instantly killed this after- noon. He was at work in tilt tush, and while telling tate tree it spill. bou id •d bark and killed him instantly. He was a married man. abou' 45 years of •t; e. and hies a family of three chlldr..n. Fullerton. -Wm. Stone has sold t.1s 50 acre farm to Mr. 1'. MtNauthton for the sum of $ 3500. Owing to 111 health Mr. 1:as teen obliged to sell. The Holiday Season IS HERE AGAIN:!!! Perhaps you :ire going to do a little travelling:- if so, you neer] to be prepared. See Oar Trunks, Suit (';ase. Valises, tit' 'We hive our of the bo.t 'to.•ks you will fin.1 in the dist1irt. Ail choice goods .and :at prices that will suit you. Winter Weather demands Winter Wt.1r11hles, see our Mitt., (clove•, Etc., as well its florae .Blanket,. Our iiarness and 11nrsernen't Supplies are complete -Mee Thein. F. W. Clark 'Barn as Maker. (iRBDiTON LUMLRY '•IIsi Jean 1lorcun of London 1s home o : a vlait.-Jovk halralr.ple of Ilo.se- vain. Man., is here on a d,1ilt to 1.1• bro- •t•er George. It 1s twelve years .ince :.t 1, ft these parts. -Mrs. MMart:n Mr -Tag - :a:1 stilt continues very 111. -Miss Vera Gleunn of DU Idalk is spending her Vac( atio;, with Iver par.t,ts herc.-Quae a r:u.nber from this locality attend• -d the i)ihrin-Stoneman nuptials oa Wednes- day.-\iis. Robert Caitlin 13 .suite 11141 the t.otne of tier dsughttr. Mrs. George lietelake.-+;o:don i.lul:u:, 1.35 entiren- rd Ills household with a plano.-James Itruadfoot bus purchased a national re.un separa'or.-Mrs. N. 13. Morton was Ole guest of Mrs. Jail. Morton over Sun( day. -George Glenn left on Wednesday to visit rclativca in Wellington County. (;redlt011r This is Cnrlbtnlas week. Our nr.:r sats are kept very busy and each 1 ta.cil eltia paint t0 decorate his et and window for the occasion. We w the I ubltehers of The Advocate and many- readers a brlgut and Inc Chriatnlae.-ate. Otto Ewald and bi of Elkton, Mich., arc visiting tad f 'a brother, Au3uat E+vald, fur few days.-Alvi;l J1eJlu.:ay .138 t Job to light tae street I+g„te until t .dew Ieat.-Don't forgot Olt nominate Meeting of the Police Tluateea of o .illage, which will be held on M ii.ki too �bth, Ou.: Trusteed .vtll give actrouat of their etewardiellp tor t present year, and other business of li portance to the ratepayers ut the villa x111 be. uiscussed. A large ituhr should be ptesent.-Our !while Seltu _lowed for the Christmas holidays I'u:aday. The teachers, Mist Hartle of Dashwood and Miss Dunlop and MI Polly of Goderlcli are spending t. eclidaya with their patents. -Mrs, Js, .weltzer le visiting her sister, Mrs.,l'o •f London. -Fred herr is at Attila Crit to -day attending a ahooting rnat.:,t.- large nuaruer of our people have bee :attending the Crossley et Hueter :neo Iiia lr. Exeter the pant week.-dkatI.tg Emit -mild on the river. The boys at getting a large piece in readiness f Calletmaa Day. -Mr. and Mrs. Slmu Merlock of Dashwood visited the torn er's parenta in tile; village last Tu.ads -Jas. Laaaot, our popular Jeweler, ha • i.i : u;hl forth his talent to tt'e oc advai:t,t ,. this holiday season in eras In hie window. Ile has overcome u fact that he Itaeco t electricity as pow:• and has invented a scheme to keep tray of Jc-.vctry in motion. Jim Is a ge ,us alright and will repair and rentod .t:,ythhrg and everything I:t hie line o oushlese.-Mrs. W. Sambrook had a se ...re fall on Ute sidewalk Su.tday. Tn walks are very slippery and many o our people have received some Neve shake-uhe.-Dur!,g the past two ntot ins the aw,ual ' Butchering" has bee 3oilg on. During that time pigs of a sizes have been killed. We learned tl ecaer day that Joon Lawson of the et con. killed a ten -months old hog welgl ins 33tt ibt.. Can anyone beat this. Tno annual Xn1as. Festival of the Met! odist church wag held in aIae Town lia last Monday evening. The gall wa 11ac,ted to the doors and standing rosin was at a premium. The interior of th room was beautifully decorated wit fleets alai Lu iting and the platform ha an artistic arch over 1t. Itev, ltobt, 111 ,k pastor of the church, acted as chalrt,ta and made an excellent one. Tee pro grant throughout was of a high order Many of the little folks made their firs iepcarance, and althuu3n their vole_ were at times scarcely aullbie, th.a was overlooked at:d they wore given hearty reception. The choruses by th school were well sung and were alt ap proprlate for the Cilrlsttnae Beason Phew were three drills, the Esktnw de11 tate Doll drill and the Fan drill, Ear: drill was well cxecu.ed and the parelc ,n charge deserve to be congratut•at•r. for their su scea. The last number wa s dlalogu3 entitled, Dr. Cureall whI:r was taken by Mr.Elaier Gower as the Dr rail dialogu, proved very humorous tnroulhout and bruught the house down with Iru,hter. The entertalnm:nt carte o an end about 111.30 and all were well ,.1esstd with tie evening. The proveeds Local tied to about •14.-La8t Wednes- .1 ay. William Jasper John Strange, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Strati;e, who live ;ion. i of the vlllagc, ,leased away after a short Illneei. its little body was interred in the Ebeii'ze: cemetery on Friday, the Hey. Itobert illcks officiating. The child had been ill t.u' a ottoit time but in spite of talc best medical aid, It died at the young age of T months, 1 n days. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire •.u,ln,uaity in toss their sad bet -mite - [tient. Your correspondent been request ed by the family to extend t ieir slaeere thanks to t ]e neighbors and friend,, who so kindly assisted Buns du-ing :h I. trial of sorrow. -A number of boys trust the Township of McGillivray have du.. - leg the past few years, been visiting this village and sowing then' wild u,ate Some of these smart f..11ows paid th; ,Mage a visit a few Su idaye ago and on their way ,o:ne at aught passed a yowls. boy of their own aryualnrtncc. The boys ;u npcd out of their buggy and and abused this uoy shamefully. We u iders!Jnd Mtge a:hart Alecks will have til appear before a J. 1'. and give aft ac- cwat of their behaviour. Just as it shcUld be. If rumour is correct as :o a hat they did to this innocent boy they dcaerve to have a taste of the full limit of the law. not only for their own pu 1- iahrnent, tut as a lesson to other smart ,toy's, who know 1t all and think they' own the earth. -Wold was received here :he other day of the death of Edgier!taker, who was crowned enta a party of other men, while crossing the Ice In .tlaska on a sled. Edgar was t Howe Hoy. browjht front England, and was raised Ira this neighborhood by Mr. Au;. u it Heist. From tits youngest days he w.as very clever and atter a short cou es, to college secured a situation wttn the .final Corps in the U. S. Army. where wa'1 nighty rrepectcd.Wo regret eery U h cc that his death has oured at such early stage of lite. Ile has a br3th- e, . Dave, residing i:t i'ittahu; g. c:t- 1,t a u:.: l8', 118 rry ids or - he he Con ur y an n,. 11- ge Ler of un Ib vs J, Pe ig A n t- is or ,l 1- Y. d di e - le r a f e f re n 11 1s, h 1- 11 8 1: n d s n u c e a 1 Dash 't'4►r►11 Tho Luth,•riin congregation will hold their Xi,* se. F.•-tiv.al on 'Then. - day night. A good time 111:1)• in' ex- pected -Aerate. Chi ie. Firer genti•t.•1' end Dred 1thnk.•r ,ere wee; ing •stilet• these day.. 11I le baby boys has nig ('r111' (n e teh of r Ii'•ir home 1111 Friday --The p•thlic srh.,..l chased im Tne•.d,in n.1 th.• teaehrt- sir •peeeing t ho hob „I.tc...t their teepee, se e• /nonce,- Mr K••llermsn a stilt,•, t it the North Western ('ol1"ge, N ,p.. 1. ills. is spend. ing the Xmas. holid.+at tais home here. -Tobias Guenther and wifee ave moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Snell. -Frank Beaver, accompanied by his mother and little niece is spending bis holidays at the home of his brother in Bay I�'ort,Micb. OI•IITUARY.-This week we must re- cord the death of little Etbilda Me - Isaac. of wbom we have before men• tioned as being sick, which bad event occurred on Friday at 7.30 p.w. The cause:nt' her death wail diabitis of which she had been ill some three months and while all the while failing in flesh and strength she was around the house as usual till Wednesday when she was compelled to take her bed and then it was that she seemed to give up hope saying, "mamma, 1 be- Iteve I am going to die" which was only too true as elle passed away as above stated. She was of a bright and cheerful disposition and was beloved by all. especially in the home and by her little companions where she will be much missed. She was laid to rest on Tuesday morning under the rites of the R.C. church in their burying plot at Mt. Carmel. We commend the mourning ones to Him who said "Suf- fer the little children to conte unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven " and hope and pray that finally there may be a grand reunion in that home beyond this life. Mooresville MIsses M. A. Simpson and Josie Whiteford spent Sunday with Mrs. D. Blackwell. -Mrs. Robt. Clark has gone to London to live with her daughter Mrs, Grey. -Airs. Gordon Bloomfield is visiting her grandmother Mrs, Fra- ser. -W. J. Hudgins and wife spent Sunday with the latter's brother Will Donnley of Denfield. -Everyone come to the box social to he held in the Mac- cabee hall, Moot esville, on Jan. 5th. - Geo. Bloomfield is confined to his bed through illness.-T.Gilmotir is visiting Port Huron and Hamilton. -Mrs. Mar- shal Miller is visiting friends around Toronto. -Mrs. Robt. Clark and daugh- ters wish to thank the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted dur- ing the illness and subsequent death of husband and father. Greenway Messrs. T. Reid and G. Paterson of Lieury called on friends here Thursday evening. -Miss Esther McPherson spent Sunday evening with Miss M Stinson. - Don't forget the Methodist Xmas. tree on Xmas. night. A good program is being prepared. -Mise Da - rens Mason is visiting friends at Grand Bend. -Jae. t3ropbey is visitingfriends at Clandeboye.-Mrs. Roht, English spent a couple of days with her raster Mrs. A. Smithers. Grand Bend John Brenner of Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting his brother Jos. Brenner. - Mrs. M. Gill left Monday for Exeter for the winter. -Jerry (iravelle arrived home from Thed ford to spend a couple of months with his parents. -I Keller- man was in our burg Monday. --Mr. Hall of London was a ealler in our burg Monday. -Mr. R. Canning spent Sunday at Clandeboye.-Wilbur De- wey left Monday to visit in Monroe. I.. Itavelle spent Friday and Saturday in London. -The Methodist Christmas entertainment on Friday was well at tended. The program was very good and the proceeds amounted to $30.55 R. him of Stratford is visiting bye sis ter, Mrs. Jos. Ravelle. Farquhar. John Tucker is visiting friends in Chicago and other places in Uncle Samb domains. During his absence he has left his bueine-s in charge of his daughter, who we believe is quite cap- able of conducting the same as well if not better than her father. Ada is a hustler. -Frank Stacey of Carnduff, Sask., is renewing old acquaintances in this neighborhood. --The concert in the ball Monday evening was a decided success, the pupils did credit to the teacher, showing that great pains trust have been exercised in training. Tblet'ecitations by Miss Brown,Thames Itoad were excellent as was also the singing by Wm. and Nina Monteith. As regards the pupils we cannot men- tion the nnn11•rnue names, suffice to say that all did very well. The chair was ably tilled by 'Thomas Cameron. Proceeds upwards /,f $20. --We under- stand wedding bells ale ringing in our midet this week. The Canadian Monarch Fence 1FI♦ -Made by The Owen Sound Fence Co. --- THE MONARCH is the most modern stiff stay fence on the market, It has absolutely NO LONG or NO SHORT WIRES in it. EVERY STRAND is Of EVEN LENGTH. EVERY STAY STANDS PERFECTLY PLUM. It is not necessary to turn this fence in. side out --no! no This fence possesses a lock(shown in illus- tration) which holds the stays SECURELY in place without undue kinking, either in the strand or stay wires. If you are going to do any fencing it will repay you to consult the agent. ALSO HANDSOME UNG OF B FRANCIS, GATES & LAWN FENCING. ' WINCHELs,rA CH RISTCr) I:1s WILL SOON BE HERE 1fl We are ready to supply your wants. Our store is filled up with all the good things to make you happy for the Holiday Season and long after- wards. We invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer. DRESS GOODS - All the latent HOLIDAY SEASON GOODS --A cloths and sheave, et prices to suit ev. large assortment of New Ties, Scarfs, ery body. Caps and Gloves for the Christmas LADIES' COATS ANDJACK ETS- Vt'e have the IIEST and at the vett' lowest prises. Siieci.al flargaine wii t>t' e•ITered in i.adies' Fur ('oats ant ('loth Jackets to clear. FUR RUFFS- We have a large a'.cortmen1 in Atask it 4;th1.►, Isabella S•thlr, American Malik, 1sahelh, ()pos. sunt, &c., &c., at Special Prices. MILLINERY -Bargains will he of- fered for the balance of the seamen AS we do not intend to carry over any thing in this line if a price will sell it. Come early and get some of the Bar- gains. and New Year time. All the latest. , FUR COATS- A large Assortment I in Cion Costs, Calf -Skin, Bleck Tek 1 lane of FUR -LINED COATS These Bishop, Horse. Ate., &r, Also a fine FANCY XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS --A large assortment of them - plain and fancy, white and colored, and fancy embroidered ---froth re: up. They will eertatnly please you. BARGAINS iN CLOTilIN(i---Men's' Youth's' and heir' Ready -to -Wear Snits et list gain Prices. A big cut to clear. Our stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' OVEiU'OATS was nverr tetter. Big it t, gains will be given in Men's Tweed Ultte'ru. BOYS' t'1.STEI s AND BOYS' It1.EFF:RS 'IO CLEAR. MADE•To. UitDEit CLOTHING -if yon ore looking for a Swell Suit, made to order, at a rt'a'onahle price, he sure yon ser our goods before making your purchase. We have the right gond, at right prices. coats will he sold at Bargain Priers. ROBES ANi) BLANKETM-A full stock of (trey Gnat, drown near. !lisle o and Saskatchewan Rashes; also ' Wool Horse Blankets and Jute•Lined Blankets. (let our prices before mirk- ing your purchase. BOOT AND SHOP; DEi'T,--Orr shoe store is full of all the needs for Iwinter comfort. Ruhl/ers, Overshoes, CArdigFan y ,a Bootiens, Rubber Felt Slippers a dShoes, Also all kinds and ►Hakes of Boots and Shore in Leather for Ladies and Men. Our prices you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed. CHRISTMAS CHiNA - Just re - 'sewed a consignment of the finest French China. 7 hese make lovely Xmas Presents. A Targe assortment I of Foully Jardineres, flare iAnipc, Hanging irarnps. Fancy Plates end 'Cups and Seticets: also Dinner Setts, !Toilet Setts, t&c., fie 1XMAS r1 HtOGE!? IES -Our stock is AL1, Fit EMI AND NEW. New Raisins. Nev Currants, New Peels, New Figs, New Dates, New Shelled `Almonds, Nrw Shelled 1t'ahtaats and Everything New that you will require to make ymlr Xmas ('oke. All sold at close price'.. Everybody is invited to call and tltke a look through our large and well assorted stock. It will do you gt►(K1 and du us good to see you. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices, GIVE US A CALL !!! TIEM A N & EDIGHOFFER, THE BUSY STota - - DASHWO()D TIS CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1111AD OtlrP'ICE. ?mows* Rl'ri,. usuwD hist B. Z. WWLlrPD, PrttttidsatPaid-up Capital, $14/p0,0Q0 AS"- LMDf , costal Traaatsr I Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS E (oryt °imed to .farnion 01 aidr banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts inay be opened by mail, and armies deposited or withdrawn iA this way with equal facility. 11i Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Orediton Makes Broiling Easy It is this Key much More convenient to do your broiling by lifting Plate, than to lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room and get the pleat directly over the coals. Notice the Low Warming Closet, a special feature of this year's "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Daylight Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Bars, Thermometer in oven - are only a few of the con- veniences you should ask about. Step in at any time and go over the "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Glad to explain their improvements to you. 72 HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER ... Groceries and Confectionery ... ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE New Grocery and Confectionery Store, Opposite the Central Hotel. is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goods"! We aims to keep these lines right up the mark all the time ! Fresh Groceries Always. New and Choice Confectionery. Cigars and Tobaccos. AND WE SUCCEED IN OUR AIM II! OYSTER PARLOR Our Oyster Parlor IS ALWAYS OPEN and we can guarantee satisfaction to our customers. 'Wilson Bros., - Exeter One door north of Bank of Commerce. The Molsons Bank Capital Rest Fund incorporated 1555 $3,374,000 • - $3,374,000 Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, A GENERAL BANKING, BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. - EXETER BRANCH a Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON cit: CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, 1 uyingXmas. Goods ` to know just what to buy in the line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware. • .e You very often need a hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or yourself. Our Stock Furnishes the Hints -- It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than anc- one could sit at home and recall in a whole day. SO WE INVITE BUYERS .'t an 1 we promise to make their shoo,. ing easy and their choice satisfactory. A. MARCHANO, Exeter, Ont.