HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-16, Page 8Page 8
December 1611, 191
Notices trader This Bead, tea es»ta A tine
far it* t insertion; Ivo cones for subse•
ytaent insertions.
WANTED—Ritchei/giri.,- Apply at
Qeseen's hotel.
WA en:Is—To pus ae seeking
telt. Get particular at MES office,
WANTED --Good m i. for general
housework. Apply t • . vs. P. Fisher.
TRuNxs AND VALISESt—Big stock of
select from at lowest prices.
W. J. Glenna.
Wannem--A good girl to do general
housework. Apply to Mrs. R. John-
ston, 610 Jarvis St., Toronto, phone
North 905,
FOR SALE—A horse and cutter at 530,
er would exchange as part payment on
a cow. Apply to Mrs. J. 0. McGregor,
sower Wingham.
174 for information regarding sale of
turnips, potatoes, onions, cabbage and
all kinds , of vegetables. —A. Il. Wie-
Mr. W. J. Armour made a busine. s
trip to London last week.
Mr. Mack McLean, of Stratford,
visited friends in town for the week-
Miss Nettie Showers, of Turnberry,
is visiting for a few days with friends
at Langside.
Mr, H. Campbell Left on Saturday for
six weeks training course at Wolseley
Barracks, London.
Mrs. A. T. English and daughters of
Saskatoon are visiting with her sister,
Mrs. H. Hine. cliffe.
Rev. Mr. Thyme, of Palmerston, was
in town on Saturday and gave the
TIMES a friendly call.
Mr. Bert McLean returned to Kin-
cardine on Saturcay after spending a
couple of weeks in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson were vis-
iting for a few days during the past
week with friends in Clinton.
Misses Fora Irwin and Myrtle Bee-
etoft, of East Wawanosh, are visjtine
with Wingbam friends this week
Mrs. Jas. Sheriff, of Star City
S.ask ,.is visiting with relatives and old
friends in Wingham and Whitechurch.
Miss M. A. Hislop, Superintendent of
Anerum Brae Hospital, Stratford,
visited Miss Lizzie 0. Elliot last week.
Miss Norma Foxton returned home
last Friday after spending the summer
v;ith ber sisters and brothers in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt and two
children of Chiiliwack, B. C., are visit•
ing the Iatter's sister, Mrs. M J.
Foxton, Culross.
Mrs. Chas. Campbell, Marnoch, spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb.
Camp:•tell prior to Mr. Campbell's
departure for London.
Mr. J. M. Milligan. Molesworth. has
l:ecome a temporary resident of Wing -
ham, for the purpose of taking a course
at the Business College.
Miss Margaret Chandler, who has
been a member of the TIMES staff for
the past year, has resigned. Her
position is being filled by her sister,
.miss Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Law have again
become residents of Wingham. Mr.
Law has refused an offer of $5.00 per
eight hour day to return to Detroit,
tt.:t he prefers remaining in Wingham.
Mr. J. B. Duffey, who was trans-
fered to London two months ago, was
in town a few days last week and
moved his family to that city nn,Satur-
day last. Mr. l,uffey's many friends
will be pleased to hear he is doing well)
ie his new field of labor.
Mr. C E McLean. who has` been a
niembr•r of the Dominion Bank staff
h; re for coins time has been transferred
to the branch or the bank at St. Thomas.
1!ir. McLean is a young man who should
tie well in his cho-en profession and we
'MA hite every success in his new home.
Silk Dress Lengths—$5, $10 and $15
Nothing more suitable to give a lady than
beautiful silk dress length; can be made
in any style she may choose, done up in sop -
Melte 'Xmas boxes, in silks of the best quality
in Mescaline, Chiffon, Taffeta, Georgette
Crepes, Silk Meteor. Colors, Black, White,
Sky, Pink, Belgian Blue, Rose and Grey.
Guaranteed Hid Gloves—$1, $1.25 and
$1.50 a Pair
Something everyone appreciates; retakes
a very servicable gift. We carry nctthiug
but the best makes, as Fowne's, Perrin's
and Dent's, in all the colors and sizes; short
and long lengths.
Swiss and Irish Linen Handkerchiefs—
from 15e to $1.50 each
Our assortment of handkerchiefs is better
than ever, having bought them early, in all
the newest styles,. with lace edging, initial
and plain hem stitching. Special prices by
the dozen. -
Ladies' Silk Hose— $1 to 1.50 Pair
Silk Hose made from the best of silk yarns
Done up in suitable Xmas boxes, in single
pairs or 3 pairs to a box. In White, Black,
and colors.
Kimonos and Dressing Gowns — $2, $4,
Ladies' Gowns and Kimonos made in news
est styles in heavy patterned eiderdown and
velour cloth in pretty shades of Greys, Reds,
Hello, Blue and Pinks.
Heavy Satin and Sateen Comforters—
$G.00 to $15.00
Extra quality down -filled Comforters ma de
in full size, in pretty patterns in floral de-
Irish Linen Table Clothes and Napkins—
$5, $10 and $15 per Set
Best quality Linens in beautiful designs to
match in tenand dinner set sizes, Napkins
in small and large sizes.
Steamer Rugs—$10, $12 and $15
Beautiful Steamer Rugs made from the
finest of wool yarns, in pretty Plaid and
Stripe patterns,' suitable for lounge covers.
Ladies' Silk Underskirts—$4, $5 and $0
Underskirts in the newest styles, suitable
for the fuller skirts, made from extra quali-
ty Messaline, Silk and Taffeta in all shades
as well as black.
Ladies' Neckwear -25c, 50c and $1.00
Splendid assortment of ladies' neckwear
made in the new locust and fischu styles,
suitable for alldresses. Colors, White, Cream
Muffs, Stoles and Fur Sets —$5 to$150.00
Ladies' and Children's Furs in all the
latest styles in Alaska Sable, Black and
"Natural Fox, Mink and Persian Lamb.
Men's Neckwear -25c, 504 and $11.00
Extra values in Men's Ties in the newest
styles very exclusive patterns,
• Men's Gloves—$1, $1.50 and $2
Best English Gloves in Calf Skins, Suede,
Doe Skin, etc., with or without lining ire
Taus and Greys.
Men's Silk Scarfs—$I, $2 and $3
Knitted and Plain Silk Scarfs in beautiful
oriental designs, in separate Xmas boxes
Gents Dressing Gowns and House Coats
—$5, $10 and $15
Gents very fine house Coats in. newest
patterns made from heavily designed Eider-
downs, etc.,in colors of Greys, Bines and
Persian Lamb Caps—$6, $10 and $15
Gents Persian Lamb Caps in wedge and
driver styles, made from best quality Per-
sian Lamb with fine even curl.
PRODUCE WANTED—Choice Butter, New Laid Eggs, Dried Apples, Dressed Fowl, Hand-picked Beans
victim for 1916. It's leap year. If he
doesn't accept you he will have to give
you a 'silk dress.
-Card tables and chairs to rent for
parties, 6 tables and 24 chairs for $1.00
per night. See them at Walker's
'— We can give you clubbing rates (tin
any newspaper or magazine. All or-
ders placed at the TIMES office will re-
ceive prompt attention.
—A good stock of Iron and Brass
Bede, Springs, Mattresses, Dressers,
Stands, etc. All that is high is the
quality at Walker's Furniture Store.
--The annual meeting of the Bluevale
Cheese and Butter Co., will be held in
the Foresters' hail at Bluevale on
Thursday afternoon, December 23rd,
commencing at 1.30 o'clock.
—The best Christmas present would
be a comfortable Rocking- Chair. We
have a large stock to choose from 52.50
and up. JAS. WALKER.
—Mr. (Teo. King, of Culross, met
with a heavy loss on Monday. He de-
livered a load of wood in town and was
returning home, when one of his horses,
a valuable animal, dropped dead on the
Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Fowler. of Tees -
water, announr-e the engagement of
their elder daughter. Neiiie, to Mr. W.
Hisaox, of Stratford Collegiate. The
marriage to take place the last of
—Messers Rae & Thompson have de-
cided to discontinue handling the repairs
1for Massey -Harris implements and this
--Christens falls on Saturday this 1 branch of the business has been taken
lean. 4 over by Mr. T. R. Bennett, the local
For I lianeeiti and Wilding flings go - agent for that company
tt i1no:y :+.
—l?n'.•2 eau renewed your ':.ubeeri .
tion to the Taws?
Pine steep: of silverware. cut glees
Rev. 4'. E. Jeakins, formerly of
---net- curer Cinistmrts stationery i Wiu;whatn, who was appointed a Cana -
at the 'Irene atationery store. dian am y chaplain with the rani: of
•.. (trey eight .shopping days, before ; captain, is new in London, England.
3 jew lt•_ry at Bosse s.
C' ti t t:+. I> ny your goo
is nil .c.s-telc;tiit.
Wo) n rt ady for
•5 ristsrtttinL,t
frac;, the His na :qac' i4 inciuded in the Iist of Cana -
ditto regi. trations recorded by cable.
�,r<icnman�ty t, t I;ev. A. F. Lloyd, paster ofRidout
; Street Methediot Church, London, bas
and see. (ear (Replay.-- W. J.. G1:11-.1,
nilevay tickes1 frr.: :1
11. Et,:,itt. 1`uwat Agent for finers. T. It Kincardine Church at the beginning of
the nest Conference year.
been invited to become pastor of the
!►t ilii? TEr,`C:14nffice,.
t<k.s Ts S should „.„,04011. liov. Dr. M. MecGillivrae, Kingetnn,
td: Boni oq tto r •• The bort awaits • Moderator of the General Assembly
you ho•e .. -•-W. 4. /Mao ,r id the Presbyterian Chureii, reenre-
lhe best assortment of i"hri-ttinas ` tendo t''at the Cret Sunday in the
fo ,I' s :rel part cards can be :'. 'n at new yi-'ar ter l:c devoted to the
the II'stt:e etatienery store. service of inters+ :?anon in behaif of "tine
A. r ]+:! r r f furniture is gor,d for. supremo national and Christian hater-
.— t h 'istt a!? ?lenient. We Eatcents involved in the terrible war forced
evervttrieg needed in the fianituc'r= lana upon lei and upon our ailit-', ." 'Pile
at Welker e l tu'niture Store.Moderato, has issued an open letter to
--riot busy girls : EC, . ,, • this effect to the ministers, o~"%eo bear -
To the Electors of the' Town of
Ladies and Gentlemen,—I have been
requested by a number of ratepayers of
the town to allow my name to appear
on the ballot for the Reeveship for the
year 1916, and after due consideration
I have decided to accept. My record
has been before you in business for
over 22 years and for two years in the
Council in 1913-14. I deem it would be
unwise to make a personal canvas and
take this means of soliciting your votes
and influence to place me at the head of
the poll on the evening of January 3rd,
1916, as your Reeve. I promise you if
elected, to give all matters my best
judgment for the general benefit of
most concerned. If you do not deem
me worthy of your confidence I will
simply have to accept your decision.
Wishing one and all the compliments of
the season and thanking you in advance
for your support.
Your humble servant,
ers, members and adherents of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada,
Regular set vices will be held in the
Methodist Church next Lord's Day at
11 a. m and 7 p. m. The pastor, Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, will preach at both ser-
viees. In the morning a reception
service for new members will be held.
In the evening the pastor's subject will
be "Liberty.'' Good music. You are
Service every Wednesday evening at
eight o'rloel:.
The Annual meeting of the W.A.
will be held in the Parish Hall this af-
!• ternoon (Thursday), at 3 o'clock. All
members are urgently requested to be
Holy Communion next Sunday at 8.30
a.m. Bible class at ; p.m.
Pnni nna.TERtAiv CHURCH
• Last Sabbath, Dee. 12th, Rev, D.
'Jerrie conducted Anniversary services
in Gillies HIil1. Rev. A. G. Howat of
,that place occupied the pulpit of
the Presbyterian church here.
Regular church services will be held
t beat Sabbath in St. Andrew's I'resby-
i teria'a church at 11 a. tn. and 7 p, m.
$ The pastor Rev. 1#. Perris will preach
both morning and evening.
fit. Andrew's ',mike rte
te viil meet
on Frid'iv evening of this week at
eight. n'cloe?'
Lantern viewe t f Ren filar will, be
given in the 1're,ti::,t:'rian church under
' the auspices of the Mission hand on
i Thu,•sday evening, Tutee. 1 . Admission
adelts Nye, children
of Valuable Property in the Town
of Wingham
This Executors of the Estate of
Crombie Dallas, deceased, will offer
for sale by Public Auction at the
Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham
on Saturday, eighteenth day December
A. D. 1915, at two o'clock in the after-
noon, the following valuable property,
namely: Lct Number Nine on the East
side of Centre Street in the Government
Additional Survey in the Town of
There are on, this property a good
brick house equiped with hot water
heating and modern eonvenienees and a
frame stable and wood shed. The
property is situated in one of the best
residential localities in Wiugham.
Ten per cent. of the purchase money
on the day of sale and the balance with-
in twenty days thereafter. The pur•
chaser shall be entitled to possession
immediately after completion of pur-
Further particulars and conditions of
sale will be made known at the time of
sale or may be had on application to the
Dated. December. 1st, 1915.
Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor for Executors. 83 ;
The Christmas Gift you
are going to select for
"HIM" will have a. tone
of its own—exclusive and
appropriate if you come
here to do your choosing.
Come to a Man's Store
for a Man's Gift
(successor to W. A, Campbell)
To buy Christmas Presents more
Seasonable or Sensible than
Slippers, Felt Shoes, Rub- .
hers, Overshoes, Hockey
Shoes, Moccasins, School
S h o e s, Overstockings,
Leggings or in fact any-
thing in the shoe store
line. •
Has a Full Stock of these lines at This Store
Sole Agents
for Ladies
and Derby Shoes for Men
Christmas 4resents
We are offering many lines of Shoes,
Drygoods, Men's Furnishings, and
• Ladies' Furnishings at prices
away below regular prices
1 1`
A ht•t.t. LIse o;
Saws, Axes,
A x e Handles
and Saw Tools.
"The Coal that Satisfies"
Rae& Thomason
Stena Mock Hardware
My Best Advertisement
is my Customers'
Eyestrain causes "(wailingly,
weak, tired and aching eyes.
Other th'Pngs may give relief
but perfectly adapted glasses
are the only cure.
The nmst important thing
about a air <rglasses is tile.
SIfILI, of the specialist fulls:
fits them.
If I cannot help yon, T say
so. If I can I do thoroughly.
Satisfaction guaranteed with
every pair of glasses. T supply
advice free.
Eophthatmic 0pticien
Edward St. Wingham
(vvr twenty yeats prateil:d
Ladies' Just Half Price
Every Pur in the Store at One
Half Regular Price
$1.50 Children's Furs for.... 75c
$5,00 Ladies' Furs $2.50
$10 Alaskian Sable Furs 5,00
$50 Coon Muff and Throw 25.00
Fur Coats and Caps
3 Ladies' short Fur Coats
not the latest style, prices,
were $25 to $50, sale price
$5 and $10
3 Ladies' Fur Capes, regular
525 to 540 for .. , $5 to $10
Special Shoe Values
400 cloth top patent leather
Shoes for $2.08
Ladies' everyday Shoes1.73
Ladies' Slippers only08e
Gond Shoes for children that
wear and look well at
98c, 1.80. 1.98
52 to 53 Man** Cloth for...98e•
75e to 90c i)resaGoods fnr...590
51,50 to 1,75 Dre,:s Goncls...98e
Fancy Ladle,' Ifaniker-
ehiefs, 3 in a box .. .... 25c
Ladies' Mantles
1 only New Brown Curl $15
for 7.50
1 only new Blue Curl $157.50
1 only new Black Beaver
$18.... $ 50
Extra heavy Coat $25 for.... $10
3 only good style Mantles
$10 for 5.00
Mill Ends on Sale '
Flannelettes, Cashtnerettes
Gloves, Hosiery
Good values in Ladies' 'lose
at 25e, 35c, and 50c
Good values in Gloves at 25c,
tt ...35c and 50e A
Rubbers, of every description
for men, women, Children
Comfort Soap ...,...... 4e
Ammonia 40
14 Ibs Granulated Sugar.
3 pkgs Corn :]tarok .25c
2 lbs New Raisins
Fresh Currants
Good Salmon 2 rang
Hest Corn, fens Tomatoes.. 100
14 lbs
(Brokerage Co.'s Stand
2 ihs
, f . • •• 41,1` • .t'�".•-- ,w"a't'r' :'• . ^ !i^ •'va
sire 11...i.esdese