HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-24, Page 1SI to JAN. '10 NOW 18 THS TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TwaNTYAlan YEAR. !der EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1908. Wedding Invitations In Newest Types On Best Paters The Finset �Vork And Right }'rices The Advocate Of ice, Exeter SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are offering big Inducements for the next two weeks ! LOOK HERE FOR E VE -OPENERS !!1 Very Special Line of Flannellette 4 in stripe, light and dark colors, full yard wide. 11 yards for $1.00 Extra English Flannellette- 9 yards for $1.00 Stripe Cottondea (Al Quality) - 23c per yard Apron Gingham, regular price 15c -now 12ic per yd. Flannel, in fancy check, suitable for Men's Shirts and Children's Un- derwear, regular 35c and 45c- W��►► Clearing for 20c ei Ends of Flannellette and Flan- nel Sheeting -210 yards at your own price. 19 Men's Suite in Tweed pattern., regular $10.00, $8.50, $7.00— To Clear $5.00 11 Men's Suite, Black and Blue Worsteds Serge, regular $12.50, $11.00 and $10.00 — To Clear $8.25 13 Men's Black Suite, regular $8.50 and $7.50. - To Clear $5.00 I8 Youths' Suits, in Tweed Pat- terns, regular price $4.00 to $7.00 - To Clear $3.00 11 Boys Do, regular $3.00 to $0.00 -To Clear $1.50 17 Boys' Suits, apiece, suitable for boys from 3 to 7 years, regular price $2.50-$3.75 - To Clear $1.50 To. se prices are real and goods you need every day - and. Bargains you don't get every Day Number of Men's Heavy Freize Overcoats, regular price $5.00 to $7.00 To Clear 53.00 THESE SNAPS ARE HEAVY, WARM AND DURABLE — Outside of this sale — We Have A Splendid Assortment of Xmas Goods ! We pay as high as any of our Neighbors for Produce. " DO DROP IN " CARLING BROS. -PHONE 22-�� yCHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assorted stock of Nice Xmas Gifts For Ladies and Girls, in Nioe Fancy Silk li'k's, from 5c to 50c Lovely 13ack Combe, from 10c to $3.00 Fancy Belts. Swell Collars, from 25c to $1.00 Neck Laces. Bends, Ince Tit's, Cushion Covers, Table Drapes, Hand Bags, Gloves in all colors. Nice Fur Rufllers, from $2.00 to $3.00,- Muffs, 3.00,Muffs, from $4.00 to $18.00 Nice Boxes of Frilling, only 25c ' Fancy Slippers, at Low Price. Two Fur-Liiit Coats Left, $50 and $65—Beauties. And lots of other nice things for Xmas. For Men and Boys Fancy Braces, Fancy Ties, Mufflers, Gloves, Caps in Fur and Clotn. Cuff Links, Han'k's, Slipper.. (loots and Some Nice Suits at Bargain Prices. Corse in and see what we have to show you. Our groceries are the best we can buy Ill SNEIAL & ROWE Professional Cards. I F. CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • Successor to Da. RA Da. O. r. ROUL'ITON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Meneber of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontarlo and honor Ygadwte of Toronto University. O1710E: Over Dickson a Carlin,t's Law Office, In Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. diDR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D. D. 8.• Ilenor graduate of Toronto Unhertstr. DENTIST, troth •atraetal without any pain, or any bad effects Ogee oyer Madman a Stanlury's otfice, Main street lts•$•s. Medical DR, T. P. MCLAUCIIII.IN EIM resumed practice after spending a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General prartice with speoiat attention to Eye, (with refrac. tion) iar, Nose and Throat. t off, Dash.00.i, Ont. R BRIGHT, IL D., M. C. 1'. & S., IiONOIt IIII s Graduate of Toronto University}, two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. °fere amt R.•.i.fence, Dr. Amos' Ohl Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER.. Legal. Dlossos A ('ARI.INO, BARRISTERS, SOL)Ci• ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for Mohan, Dank, etc. Mosey 10 Loss It lowest ratese Wired. Obis•., Main street, Exeter, 1. ii. 0111.111111, R.A., L, Ii. Dtasos MONEY TO LOAN. We have a larnount of private funds to loan a farm and village properties at low rates of Inter M. MADMAN at STANBURT, Barristers, Soliciton•Main at., Easter On B. 8. PHiLLTPS, EXRTER. LIceseed Aucttose•r. Salts attended In all partsatiefactlo• gvsrYt• teed or no pay Terms reasonable A11 olden loft at Advocate OM will be promptly attended W. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal lm rrperated 8oe4ty of Moslclana. England: Organist of Trt.itt Memorial 0harch,Paetn. Piano. Organ, Itsrmonv and Theory Of Music, Terms on application. Ereter, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main•Mt.. Exeter. 1101ISE F'Olt S' LF A bay driving mare for sale—in foal. Apply at ails of:ice. Riedel Attention to Dentistry. Night eats left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden Mils street, (opp. Trltltt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Otll. e Dr. Ramsay', old staud,corner of Main and North streets, (opp. Pyre's Itlacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited House and Lot for Sale There 1,o 3'.cu placed in the undersigned's hands for sale, a brick house, nearly new. 1', storeys high containing 8 oms besides summer kitchen and woodshed, a good cellar underneath the house, a good well of water near door, also good drive house and stable on the lot. The lot eentains 3.5 aeras of land in good state of cultivation on which are a good number of first 'lams fruit bearing trees. The property 1. well fenced and everything in first clam shape. Thiele s very desirable property, nicely sit- uated, suitable for a retired farmer, or any person wanting •Moe tidy home. 3Ml•f*Hory reason Kir en for selling and will be sold for far less than root. ler term• and part kohl.. apply to R. h. I'llll.i.IPS, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. 8Ei1t+ANT r;Iiti. WANTED. tided general servant wanted to go to Sarnia. to Mrs. D�Johns, Exeter. VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice le hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held In the TOW N HALL, EXETER, on MONDAY, DEC. 28, 1DOS at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noan, for the purpose of making and receiving Nominations for itreve. Councilmen and for Public School Trustees. And futther notice Is hcrrby given that In the event of more candidates being pro- posed for any office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad- Journed to MONDAY. JANUARY 4th, 1909. when pot:s wlil be opened at 9 a. m. Closing at :, p. nee et the follow - Ing places, as fixed by Village Bylaw, vlz,-Polling Sub-dtvleber No 1, at Silas liandford's residence, Ma!et-st.,by Edward Tretle. D. II. O., and Herbert Ford, Poll Cleric. Folling Sub -division No 2. at Weekes htos.' Marble Works. Main Street, by \V. D. v\-eckcs, 1). it. 0. and James Weekes. Poll Clerk. Poll- ing Suledivislon No. 3. at E. II. Fish's revidet.ce, Mall, attract, by 11. G. Seldon, D. R. 0., and Alex. 0. Dyer, Poll Clerk. rolling Suh-dtvleton No. 4. at the Town Hall. by Joseph i.!a$l., D. It. 0.. and R. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. .U,d allelort ore are hereby rr ,u:a:'d to take neeke aid govern themselves rerordingly. Dated at Eider. December 12. 19.18. J.''t. SENIOR, Ra.urntng Offhxr. Exeter School Report, For December 11. S. Department Forst H. -Honors, Katie Colitns 80, Eddie \V1111s 80, Lizzie Sanders 77. Pas.. Alva MtMat.on 73, Beattie Mar- tin 73, Tom Sanders 71, Joen Oestre- Icher 69, Earl Copeland 63, leatstle. n Stewart 64, Wlllle lbrltcy 64, Anna Dow 63 Fors, 1I. -Honors, Willie Monteith 80 Gladys Kcatle 80. }'ass, Sara Petty 71 Loftus Bern 70, Gladys Ford 65,Jean Glasalck 62, elan} Ttelbner 62, Joan Butt 61. No. on rbli 21; average 19. S. L. Gregory, Teacher. Con;ntercial.-Ilonors, 11. Popo 77,i'asa G. Bissett 70, C Wood 07, le. Beaver 66. Form 1.-lionors, 11. Fuke 78, C. \Vood 77, W. Slllety :6, B. Hoggarth 76. }'ass, C. atki 13o.1 72, L. Grieve 71, C. Copeland 71, It. Dearing 70, A. Bie- bt•tt 60, W. Stewart 65, L. Boyle 67, G. Hooper 63, lc. Krug:.: 6.1, G Passmore 61, M. Jewell 61, L. Stacey 61, W. Webs - miller 6o. Nu. on roll 43, average 43. .\ '1. ,Johnston, feeder r 1'. S. Department Sr. IV.-Ilonors, Reginald .I3Isaett 88 Clarence Heywood 80, Etinl Millwood 75. Pass, Bluebell Barrows 69, Pres- ton Dealing 68, Mary Davis 63. Jr. IV. -Honors, Ruby Wood 96, MadelineOar- Eng 88, Mary .lcheaon 83, bene Riv- era 81, Lulu Snell 70, Leon Treol•. 78, Nelson 11111 77, Jean Beldon 76, :items eou_hcott 75. fabs, Fred Mc.'itcraon 73, Willie Heideman 73, Irene Hardy 72, Nellie Jones 71, Ariel Beveirey 09, Greta Biaeett 60, t'lory Dinicy 65, Russell Balkwili 65, James Waller 64, Velma Easterbrook 02, Viola Rowe 60. No. on roll 31, average 83. C. Vosper, Te.ici,er. Sr. 111. -honer., 0. Itodgcrt 98. L. Ilarvey 97, It. Snell 90, M. Jones 811, 0. Anderson 89, 1'. tluwee 87, E. Har- vey 84, L. Taylor 82, L. Koetle 82, Si Hector 132, T. Sweet 79, F. 11111 79. Pass, M. Blatchford 72. Jr. III. -Honor F. Rowe 90, L. Marchand 8d, E. Day 87. A. Knight 84, W. Mango" a4, 11. Rivera 81, E. ;lot'ney 77, M. C.tso 77, G. liichardeon 76, A. Bell 76, L. Hand- ford 73. }'Asa M. Senlor 7:;, W. ICydd 09, J. Drlckwood 69, V. Knott 05, M. Knott 02, No. on rot 48. average 43. E. A. McCallum. Teacher. Room \ I. -Form i1. Sr. -Honors, M. Huston -lin, F. tVoud 85, A. Mack 84, L, Hastings 80, E. Davis 77, 11. Par- su;,s 73, P. J..ckson 74, E. Cookson 72, M. Settler!' 72, J. Ferguson 71, S. Reed 70, J. Craig67, T. Clarke 01, M Hicks 6.4, J. Russell 6_. Form 11. Jr. -Honore, M. Vincent 91, M. Madame, 88, L. 'Luefle 86, D. Horsey 83, A. Car- ter 83, Dora Holden 82. G. Fitton 81, 0. Ford 80, 0. Wells 70, S. McFall 71, Dorothy Kunz 71, Amy Johns 71, Dor- othy White08, E. Dlnney6l, 0. Ortwein 00. No. on roll 39; average 37. H. N. Kinsman, Teacher. ]loom V if-Ptomoton.-Jr.. 11.l1onora F:. Johne 91, M. Day 8J, }'ass, M. l'lck and 71. it. Marshall 70, J. (furdon 00. To Jr. 11.-M. Kydd, G. Carling, M. Pat- terson. To Sr. PA 11. -It. Doyle. W. Rendle, I'. Collingwood, V. Mzrshall. To Jr. Pt. 11: -D. Charlton, 13. itiveru. 1). Gould, \V. hcddcn, M. Eastcrbraok. To Class IV. -U. Jones, J. Smith. M. Ilar•tlelb, I. 'Luetic, M. Lloyd. To Class III -N. Notry, Viola Jones, C. Ford, E. Taylor, M. Hackney, G• Jackson, 0. 1iarvey, M. Marchand. To Class 11.- M. Wood, II. Kuntz, K. Redden, E. Well P. harness. M. Webster. W. Webster; It. McDonald, J. Dowty. No. on 1'o11 44. average 37. F. W. Howard, Tcacht r. Room V111. -Jr. 11. --IL Cornish 87,.\. Taylor 82, M. (lardy 70, I). Knight 09, V. Welsh 68, II. hector 68, M. Russell 06. Sr. Pt. 1 i. -M. Walker 85, L. Wal- ker 79, \Villte Jacob: 75, 1. Et9';:r. brook 7(1, W. Davis 68, W. harness 07, M. Morlock 64. Jr. Pt. 11.-C. M,tllott 81►, 11.Kelly 89, L. Dearing 85, C. Har - nese 83, V. Sweet 80, A. Cornish 80,C. Morley 74, M. Bedford 70, G. Carter 60 \V. Drown 61, C. Baekervllle ('Gu. 1'I. 1.— \V. Knight 80, 1'. Cornish 79, \V. Gill- espie 78, I. Davis 75, V. HIll Ter, C. Ileaman 73, E. 11Ic0ce 70, J. Davis 09. No. on roll 37 ; average 35. Mildred Martin. teechcr STRAV IiEIF'Eat A stray 'letter, one year past, cant- on the prernimes of the undersigned. Let 13, Con. 21, Tp. of Stephen. Owner to profs profcrty and pay costs of adver- tising and charges for keeping entmal. iS:\AC LESTEIID, Ilarploy, On(. MONEY TO LOAN .1 large enrolee of money to Inas o:, farm and village properties at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLiOT, Conveyancer, etc. Office opposite Centra; hotel, Exeter. TO\VNSi111' OF STEPHEN. NOMINATION AND ELr.CTh)N Public Notice Is hettby given that a mectleg of tl:e Eit.( is of the TOWN SHIP OF STE)'!IEN will be held in the TOWN Ila LL. CItI•:DI rot+, un MONDAY DEC. 26111, 1908, at one o'clock In tete afternoon, Tor the purpose of making and 1ecelving nomi,tat:one tor itseve, Deputy Ittcvc and Councilmen. A td further notice is hereby given that In the event of more candidates being pro- posed for any office Mae ru,ulred to be elected. the proceedings will be ad- journed to MONDAY. JANUAiRY 4t!,, 1909. when polls will b: opened at 9 a. m. Closing et 5 p. nee at the follow- ing places, as flied by Township sty -law viz. -Poll 1, Mill's Shoe Shop, Lot S, Con. 1; Poll 2, Penpale'a Kitchen. Lot 20, Co,,. 2; Po11 :c, Berber }Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6; P011 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; Poll 5, Gl11ninghant'e Kitchen. Lot 11, Con. 13; Foil 6, Zinuner's stall, Lot 23, 74 11. ; Poll 7, Human's H.01, Lot 11, Coo. 1 ; ; Poll p. \Nilson'. ltai1, Lot 40, 8. it., Poll 10. 1.,r abee's Ball. Lot 1, Bauble. And all electors arz hereby retro sled to take notue aha gov- ern 3hfineelvice aceordingly, Crediton, December 16th, 1908. )trNRY P:it.ltle7t, Returning Officer. Calendars THE ADVOCATE is issuing a calendar this year and all subscribers are invited to call at the ofSce and secure one. Owing to rush of businese they are not yet ready, but will be before the New Year. Call in a few days, renew your sub- scription and get a calendar. COMPLIMENTS The editors extend to one and all the compliments of the season, wishing everybody A Merry Christmas -ANI)- Happy New Year 111 Evangelistic Services Interest still continues in the evan- gelistic services; last Sunday immense crowds greeted the evangelists at all the services. In the morning there was it general change of ministers, Mr. Fear preaching in James St. Metho- dist Church, Mr. Martin in Main St. and Mr. Going in the Presbyterian. In the afternoon two large mass meetings were held. One in James St. Church for women, at which over 1.000 of the fair Rex listened to Mr. Hunter's addre o., "The Model Wo- man." The nater •v •a held in the Main St. Church for ne.•n only. The building was p•pcked • ' its ntntost ca- pacity and limey could not gain ad- mission. Mr. Crossley's address on "Mysteries" was tt m.,sterly effort. In the err -(ping limes St. Church was packed so that there was hardly even standing room in the entries. Sunday next there will he the usual morning and evening services, but the special features of the day will be the amass meeting at :3:30 in .lathes 8t. Church in the interests, of the Y, M. C. A. Monday evening the subject will be " The Dance'' and Tuesday evening the services will close. Messrs. Cross- ly and hunter will spend Christmas with relatives, the former at Lyons, where he ,\•ill visit his sister, and the latter at his home in Toronto. EXETER SCHOOL Tuesday school closed for the holi- days. During the morning several of the rooms held programs that were listened to with pleasure by manypar- ents and friends of the scholars. The girls and boys of Room V had a pleasant surprise in store for their tea- cher, Miss McCallum, who is leaving to take a position in the London Schools. The surprise was in the form of two beautifulifts.-a gold mono- gram hat pin and a dainty gift ink- stand, with cut glass bottles. With these was given a kindly worded ad- dress, showing the love, sympathy and confidence that hits existed between teacherand scholars. Kirkton Geo. Farthing, who has been spend- ing the summer in the west, recently returned looking hale and hearty. - Norman Balfour of Stratford spent Sunday in town. --Hugh Ilazlewood who is attending the Methodist Col- lege in order to have the prefix Rey. added to his name, is spending a few days with friends in and around town. Wm. Urquhart who rceentiyq slipped and fell on the hard ground the result ranging his knee to be knocked out of joint, is not doing very well and ' it will be considerable time before he is able to walk.- it is with deep regret that we announce the serious illness of Mrs. Yule who lives on the town line of Fullerton. She recently had a slight stroke of paralysis and seerns to be gradually- sinking. Her relatives and friends entertain very grans hopes as to her recovery, awing to her ad- vanced age, she having passed the 85th mark. She carat to this cntintry in primiture times end has lived here ever since and but very few of her age retrain to tell of early pioneer life. - Friday Win. Moore our popular hard- ware tnerchant went to London to transact business but before he had done any business he was taken ser- iously ill. A doctor was at once sum• moncd and advised him to return home as soon as possible. which he did and was accompanied to St. Marys by Dr. Racey. Up to the time of writing we are glad to say that he 1s improv - Ing and doing as well as could be ex- pected. Centralia Death. -Tse death occurred here on Dee. 19th of John Thomas Boyce. aged (32 years. after an Illnrsa of thr.•r weeks of lnflamation around the hetet. Ile suffered hut little ent11 the l est few days. The Illness was the result 01 a cold. Deceased had always enjoyed the best of health previously. He was horn In Yorkshire, Eng., and after semi >,f to this country farmed out he 2nd of Stephen for some year.. He was a son of the late Thomas iloyer.. and never marr'cd. F'or some years he re.Lled with his brother James at Centralia. One o!t.rr brother, Rrtlhy 01 Marlette. Mich.. survives. Ile was of a quirt and reserved disposition and was well lik- ed by all who knew him. By occupa•i he was a drainer. The funeral took glare to the Falrfleld cemetery Mon.lav Dom the resldenee of his nephew. T. \\'. Rows. (lettere! regret Is felt at his .Icntlee. Andrew Batt of Albert College, Bellecill,', is Esme ler his hnlielays.--- Wedding hells will soon Is' ringing. -- A number from Crediton attended the tea meeting here on Monday evening. -Tb• anniversary of the Methodist Sunday School was among the moat successful ever held. On Sunday the pastor. Rev. W. H.:Butt preached to parents on family religion. In the ev- ening Geo. Stanley of Liman preached an able and eloquent sermon to the young people. A tea meeting was held Monday evening when a most excel- lent program was rendered by the Sunday school and all were delighted with the results. -The closing exercises of the public school took place Tues- day afternoon when a lengthy and varied program was given by the scholars. Rev. Butt occupied the chair and abort speeches were given by Mes- srs. Sam. and Sid. Davis. The teach- er, Mise Swan, has had a hard year and both parents and childreu are pleased with the results. School Reports The followlug ie t1.e correct report far S. S. No. 4, Usbocue, r,r tae month of Dccernber ;-Sr. IV., H. May, T. Coates, iI. Davie, C. May. A. Skinner, V. Kers- lake, W. Wacker. Sr. 111.,L. Coates, A. Hunter, L. Harding, V. Coates. Jr. 1i1., T. Skinner, F. Webber, M. May. Jr. II., V. Plncombe, G. Hunter, 11. Thomson, 11. Bunter. 1t. Webber, C. Thomson, V. Bickel. Pt. II., 1I. Coates, W. Thomson, C. Davis. Sr. pt. 1., V. Hicks, M. Skin- ner. A. Harding. Jr. pt. I., B. Carl, E. Thomson. Honor Rolle -H. J. May, C. May, 1'. Coates, A. hunter. Harold Swann, teacher. _ 1 The followlugle tl,o correct report of S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for December. Tile nasus are in order of nterit.I V. -Harry Schwartz, L. Morlock. A. Brokenshire, A. Cornish. W. Schwartz, 0. Brown, C. Felber, C. Brown, G. Cornish, H. Kraft, M. Brokcnshlre, 0. Gorman. Jr. Iii. - E. itoeazler, E. Amy, I. Eicher, L.Smith Sr. II. -J, Brokenehfre, J. Schwartz, C Morlock, E. Cornish, M. Coxworth, E. Wein. Jr, II. -C. Schroeder, C. Morlock A. Wein, 0. Cornish. Pt. II. --M. Wilds, 11. Preszcator. 1't. I. -S. Cornish, M. \Vein, E. Either. Mabel C. Jennison, Teacher. CONTRACTS FOIL ACREAGE The Exeter Crenlug and Pree.rvl'ig Co. Is now ready to close contracts with farmers for the growing' of peas• corn and tomatoes for the season of 1909. We will not accept green peas at the factory from other than that t .own from seed furbished oy (tie com- pany, except at a much lower price pard if act true to type will licit he acc.p:_d at any price 3. M. SANDErUI Mttn'r. BIRTHS liawkshaw.-:n Toronto on Der. Mil, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hawkehaw of Exeter, a son. \4'not*w:y,-1:: Celea oa Oct. 26th, ter Mr. ,end Mrs. Pete>• \\eataway, m.19e- lonaries, a son. 1SARRZAOSS. Peacock -Nott.-In Centel! 0:1 Dee 16, Henry Peacock to Mina Sarah Nott, all of Tuckerem,lth. Cottct-Gregory.-In Eerier, on Dec 23 Mr. harry Crosby Cotter of Toledo& Ohio, to Mise Loretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Gregory. Exeter. 1 agehaw.-Kluanlau-lu Toronto, on Wednesday, Mr. George Bagshaw of IDA\tdeor,, Seek., formerly of Exeter, to Miss Emma Kinsman of Chiselhuret O'Iaiett.-upshall.-L, Winchelsea, ou Dec. 16, Mr. Bert O'Brien of stay tp., to Miss Ilcrtlta Gpsball. Dtnnin.-Stoneman: At the residence of the bride's parents, Hibbert, on Dec, 23rd, by itev. Hart of Hensel', Ate. \Vat. V. Dinner to Atlas Ella Jul:a, daughter of Mr. Henry Stoneman. nEATd' I3oyes.-In Centralia, on Dec. 19t1, Mr. John Thomas Doyes, aged 02 years. Mclsaac,-In Dashwood, on Dec. 18th, EUlilda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac, aged 9 years and 28 days McLeod, -In Clinton, Dec.. 11th, Annie Marshall, wife of Donald McLeod, aged 42 years. Siewart.-In Stanley, Dec. 15th, Abigail Tweedie, relict of the late John Stew- art, aged 72 years, 8 months. A bright, happy Xmas, and a pros- perous New Year to our many cus tourers and friends CALL our holiday Goods go ata riace— ( altar(' ,ecthem ' COME IN THE PURITYPoweu p Holiday Goods --- Gole's Drug Store A VISiT TO OUR STORE cannot fail to offer many valuable suggestions in solving the perplexing questions What to buy for a Christmas Gift at a moderate cost that will combine all the essentials of Elegance, Practibility and Appropriateness Hair Brushes Mirrors Without question our line is large and complete. : ('rices that make then) de- sirable them. 25c-- $3.00 Inspect Them 7 Ebony Goods Everything in Eb ony, including Choice Toilet and Manicure Sets '('hese make beau- tiful presents for a lady. $1.50—$5.00 Choose Early Choice Gifts imported Perfumes, Leather (foods, Post Card Albums, Xrnat. Stationery, Xmas and New Year Cards, Calendars and Book- lets, Slet\'it g Outfits, Glove enol Handker- chief 130x."•, 25c--$5.00 Buy Now Savo Your Money by Buying Here W. S. Cole, Phm.B., Exeter, Ontario Christmas Suggestions Acceptable Xmas Gifts Pocket Knives snital,le for Ladies or Gentlemen, Girls or Boys, from 5c to $1.00 Fancy Seissots ft (All . to $3.00 Razors front 75c to $5.00 Carvers, in pair or rases 54) to *1.00 Silver Butter Knives, Berry Spoons, ('rid Meat Forks, 1517 Tea Spoons, Dessert Spoons nerd Tnhle Spoons. ry at Xmas Prices. Wants Skatem !!!-SOc to $1.00 Sat] irons Plated. . $1.20 t., $2,00 Roast Pans 50c to $1.00 Savory Roast Pans, special (trice $1.00 (Reg 11 S.) Bread Hoxe, large size We' to $1.($) Nirkel Plated Tea and Coffee Pots, IMM to $1.50 Nickel " Tea Kettles, 9Oc to $2.00 Everything in Cutle SKATES -Every (girl and Boy Hockey Sticks......10c to 50e Hockey Pucks 1Oc Air Rifles 22 Rifles $100 to $1.25 $3.(14) to $1.50 Carpet Sweepers . .. t:x' to 50c (Ior Little Girls, ('arpet Sweepers for Mother...1M to $1 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STOVE STORE 10 per cent Reduction on all Bnsehnrnr'r' "' ' 1;", _t