Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-17, Page 7NOT FOR MONEY
I took in my danger at a glance.
There I was, up to my knees nearly
in gunpowder, with a naked light
SAYS in. QUIRK on ill wct'•ndhand.anti Marty }• hair literknockally estood
, d to-
WOI'LD II 11I: 111'1'HOCT
fley (urcd His Lumbago of
Years Standing, and Made
Feel 'Twenty Years Touuger.
Fortune Harbor, Nfld., Dec. 7. --
(Special. --Sixty years of age but
hale and hearty and with all the
rigor of a young man, Mr. Richard
Quirk, well kuown and highly re-
spected here, gives all the credit.
for his good health to Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
1 suffered for over twenty years
from Lumbago and Kidney Dis-
ease,'' Mr. Quirk ayes, "and after
oonaleting doctors and taking their
medicines, made up Les mind I was
incurable. I was unable to work
when 1 was persuaded to buy a box
of Dodd's hidney I'ills. To my
great and happy surprise I had not
taken half a box when I experienc-
ed great relief. Seven boxes cured
mc. That was in 1900, and I am
still cured. I would not bo without
r 1Dodd's Kidney Pills for any money.
I ani t w enty years younger than
before 1 took then."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the
Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain
all the impurities out of the blood.
That's why they cure Rheumatism,
Sciatica and other diseases caused
by the presence of uric acid in the
An Incident Which Carries is
Beek to the Indian Mutiny.
The recent death of the son of Sir
Henry Lawrence, the famous hero
of the defence of Lucknow•, carries
the attention back to the days of
the Sepoy Rebellion. One of the
strangest incidents of that terrible
time is told by William Forbes Mit-
chell in his "Reminiscences of the
Great Mutiny." Mr. Mitchell, who
was sergeant of a Highland regi-
ment, had the misfortune, during a
battle, to lose the greatcoat which
every soldier carried folded in what
was known as a "Crimean roll,"
and strapped to the shoulders in
such a manner that it crossed the
Many a man owed his life to the
fact that bullets became spent in
passing through these rolls. It hap-
pened that in the heat of the fight
my roll was cut right through where
the two ends were fastened together
by the stroke of a keen -edged tul-
wur which was intended to cut me.
As the da vas warm, I was rath-
er glad tot rid of it, but by ten
o'clock at night there was a differ-
ence in temperature, and when I
was relieved from patrol duty and
wanted to lie down to sleep, I felt
the cold, wet grass anything but
comfortable, for a kilt is not, the
most suitable article of dress on a
cold November night in upper
My company was encamped in and
about the tomb of the first king of
Oudh. A large enclosure surround-
ed the building of the tomb itself,
and en rho reside of this were small
rooms built for the accommodation
of pilgrims. When I entered the en-
closure I noticed these compart-
ments, and asked permission to
sleep in one of them, but was refus-
ed. I had to make the best of my
position, but was too uncomfort-
able to sleep.
It. struck ine that some of the Sc -
'nye might have dropped their
blankets in their hurried departure.
With this hope I went into some of
the rooms where a lamp was burn-
ing. took it off the shelf, and walked
to the door of the great domed mos-
que or tomb.
I peered into the dark, but could
Would you like to have a sam-
ple copy of The Fnrnter'9 Ad-
vocate and Home Magazine?
on the American (tot:Sim-et.
No progressive farmer can af-
ford to he without it. Publish-
ed weekly. Only $1.50 per year.
Drip postcard for free salup!c
cir,t 1 gent. Wanted. .1cldrr,s :
ifeoti,.a th;=
Fir cr
London Ont.
gether. Cold perspiration broke
out all over me. 1 had neither cloth
nor handkerchief in my pocket with
which to extinguish my light, and
the next moment might be my last,
for the overhanging wick already
threatened. to send the smoldering
red top to my feet, with conse-
quences too dreadful to contem-
Quick as thought I put my left
hand under the down -dropping
flame, and clasping it firmly, slowly
turned to the door.
Fear so overcame all other sen-
sation that I felt no pain of the
burn until I was outside; then it
was sharp enough. I poured the
oil from the lamp into my burned
hand. Then I knelt down and
thanked God.
Next I staggered to Captain Daw-
son and told him. He did not be-
lieve me, and told me I had waked
up from a dream. 1 showed him
the powder still sticking on my wet
feet. He instantly roused the
sleeping men, and quenched every
spark of fire on the premises.
Among the most picturesque of
the carnival festivities of Europe
must be classed that of the Gillies,
or dancing men, of Binche, in Hain -
/tuft. These men, 200 strong, in
their remarkable head-dress of tall
ostrich feathers, and their
lace -decked costume fringed with
bells, dance from an appointed
place to the town -hall, bombarding
the spectators with oranges as they
go. Arrived at the town hall, the
public joins in the fun, and soon
somo 5,000 persons—men, women
and children --may be seen gaily
waltzing around the Grande Place.
In thousands of homes Baby's
Own Tablets is the only medicine
used when children are ailing, and
the mother who keeps this medicine
on hand may feel as safe as though
there was a doctor constantly in
the home. Baby's Own Tablets
euro all stomach and bowel
troubles, break up colds, expel
worms, and make teething easy.
The mother has the guarantee of
a government analyst that this
medicine contains no opiate or
poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs. H.
II. Bonnyman, Mattall, N.S., says:
—"I have uss.I Baby's Own Tab-
lets for my little girl while teeth
ing and for constipation, and think
there is no medicine can equal
them." Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 23 cents a box from
The I)r. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
see nothing, so 1 advanced slowly,
holding the lump over my head,
looking cautiously round, until I
was in the centre of the great vault,
where Inv progress was obstructed
by a big black heap, about four or
five feet high. which felt to niy feet
like loose sand.
1 lowered my lamp anti discovered
I was standing nnkle•deep in loosie
gun.p ewder. About forty hundred-
weight of it lay under my nose. and
a hasty glance round showed me
twenty or thirty barrels r.f the same
substance, over a hundred eight
inch shells all loaded and with fuses
tixec'. and a profusion of spar• lases
and slow rj etches lying about.
Ulcers sad bores Defied all Treatment.
Zam•Bak kms Worked Complete Cure.
6liracul.,us indeed is the cure which
lam-liuk has worked in the case of Mrs.
Jane ricers, of L'Orignal (Ont.). "1 began
to sailer," she says. "from ulcers and skins
sores. 'fhese broke out on niy kgs and
different parts of iny body, and spread to an
alarming ea•ent, catursl me great pain.
'they defied all remedies I sppiied to try and
heal them, and remained suppurating Mesa
One medical man after another gave
my case up, unlit I had consulted rive
different doctors, and they were all baffl:d b)
my case. Tion I went into hospital and was
(here five months, and camciaway yet). little
better. The sores were so extensive an t I
was so weakened that 1 had to walk with a
stack and a crutch. 'this was my a•odition
when first 1 began to use '%ant -1 ,ik. 1 spieled
it to the sores, and in a few days I thought I
paw sn improvement. I persevered with the
bairn and, to cut a long story short, the
wonderful balm did what ail the doctors had
failed to do—healed my ulcers. 1 have now
put away my stick and crutch, the ulcers and
sores are healed, and 1 take this oppottunity
of strongly advising all who suffer from sores,
ulcers, or open wounds to give "Lam-Buk a
proper trial."
It i$ by affecting such imrressive cures as
this that ?.xm-link has estahli-hed its world-
wide reputation. in every country to which
it has been introduced it has become the
leading family balm and ems ovation. This
surely is proof of exceptional merit f
Purely herbal in nature it supplies the
housewife with a handy and eflective cure fur
the hundred-and•one injuries to which she or
the children or the husband are liable.
lam-ltuk is also a sure cure fur eczema,
ringworm. acaln-sores, cold -sores, chapped
hands, sores due to blood poisoning, piles,
cuts, burns, bruises, and all skin injuries and
diseases. All druggists and stores sell at Soc.
a sax, or post free from tarn-Ruk Co.,
Toronto, for price. Beware of cheap and
harmful imitations sontetirues offered as "just
as goud."
It has Leen suggested that the
big game of Africa should be syste-
matically exterminated in order to
abolish the "fly fever" by destroy-
ing the principal means of nourish-
ment of the tsetse. In regard to
this suggestion, Sir David Bruce
says that while it is true that the
tsetse disappears when the big
game is killed off, there are other
Afriean diseases similar to the fly
disease which are not spread by
the tsetse. Although "civilization
and big ganie cannot exist to-
gether," he thinks that the propos-
ed wholesale destruction all over
Africa would be quite unjustifiable.
As the new country is divided off
into farms, the big game must go,
but the process should be a gradu-
al one, applied only as the exigen-
cies demand. For at least a thou-
sand years to come there ought to
be room in Africa for big game re-
gt Yew Abeeeptt-i Keened.
If you suffer from bleeding, itch- life is one of the most remarkable
tor agents selling our toilet neap.
The way the tortoise Nil' cling to 1 g I G MONEY
ing, blind or protrudu.g Piles, send things in Nature. One has been
me your address, and I will tell known to live three months after
you how to eure yourself at home the brain has been removed• The
by tete absorption treatment; and heart will continue to beat for fifty
will also send some of this lis itis minutes after being cut out of the
treatment free for trial, with refer- • Ludy.
ences from your own !outlay if
requested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send nq
money, but tell others of this offer.
Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers,
Box 100, Windsor, Ont.
Mr. Howard --isn't it wonderful
what force Niagara has 1"
Mrs. Talkenlch— "Marvellous ! Do
you know, when I first saw it, for
a full moment I couldn't speak."
The manufacturers of Orange
Meat (which is a high class whole
wheat flaked food, every flake being
rich in proteids) are rewarding
their patrons with a eery generous
gift. Tho sum of seven hundred
dollars in cash or a life annuity of
fifty-two dollars, equal to one dol-
lar per week, will be paid to tho
winner of the prize contest. Get
full particulars on a private post
card to be found in every package
of Orange Meat.
A physician, upon entering the
door of his consultcttiou room, ask-
ed: "Who has been waiting long-
est I"
"I have," spoke up the tailor,
"I delivered your clothes three
weeks ago."
WI Morten Know what is is to have violent para
Some take nue thing and some another. Our ad-
vice 1s to place "The IS Sr i." Months! Plaster
over the seat of the pain ; it will do more to sive
you tuwfurt than anything.
Mulligan—"The byes say ye lick-
ed poor Casey. Shure, he niver
hurt iny man's feelin's."
Harrigan—"He's a ahnake in the
grass. Tho blackguard referred to
me as his contimperary, and I'll
be the contimperary to no man Div
Worms cause feverishness, moan-
ing and restlessness during sleep.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator is pleasant, sure and effectual.
If your druggist has none in stock,
get him to procure it for you.
The sea lion displays no little skill
and cunning in capturing gulls.
The Demon Dyspepsia. --In olden When in pursuit the sea lion dives
times it was a popular belief that deeply under water and swims some
demons moved invisibly through distance from where it disappeared;
the ambient air, seeking to enter then rising cautiously, it exposes
into men and trouble them. At the tip of its nose along tho sur -
the present day the deuton, dys- face, at the same time giving it a
pepsia, is at large in the same way, rotary motion. The unwary bird
seeking habitation in those who by near by alights to catch the object,
careless or unwise living invite while the sea lion at the same tno-
him. And once he enters a man it ment settles beneath the waves and
ORIGIN OF FRUITS. is difficult to dislodge him. 110 that at ono bound with extended jaws
finds himself so possessed should seizes its screaming prey and in -
The strawberry, says a European know that a valiant friend to do scantly devours it.
authority, comes from cross be- battle for him with the unseen foe
tw•een the native strawberry of Vir- is Parmelee's Vegetable fills, It is the Farmers Friend.—Tec.
berry is native inn temperate berry and that of o The resp-mperate Eu- which are ever ready for the trial. farmer will find in 1)r. Thoma..
Electric Oil a potent remedy for
repo and in Asia. The apricot ori -wounds or pains in rho body or for
gloated in china. The peach was The fortune-teller is prominent
oriThe at Chinese weddings; should his affections of the respiratory organs
cherry loriginateda Chict. round fruse tthe Cas -prophecies be unfavorable, either and forll alsohousehold lilse a convenient
pian Sea. The plum comes from party may break off the tuatch' Ile friend in treating injured horses,
the Caucasus and Turkey. The phNoearlM to An tstee are friends nt rate- cattle, (tc., or relieving them when
pent is native in temperate Europe killer. Ilun.lrets of teflon testify to the fact attacked by colds, coughs or any
and Western Asia. The quince, nor accidents ant sudden emer¢eneiea, such as fes' ailments to which they are
epraln., cute ami bruises. cher fled it lnralnabt•.
comes from Southeastern 1'alrope, Avoid subdflnte,, there is but uu• "l'ainklller', subject,
the Caucasus, and the Caspian re-' —ferry Davla'—rbc and Soo.
giun.. The apple is native all over' —
Europe, in the Caucasus, round the Engine -drivers in Germany who
Black Sea and in Persia. The al- have run their locoinutives for ten
mond comes from Transcaucasia, I years without nccident aro reward•
Mfesopotamia, Persia, Turkestan cd by the Government.
and Algeria. The fig seems to have , — cars to come.
originated round the Meditcrran- A Magic I iIL—
ill. --Dyspepsia is a S _
aricunrl • in Syria. The foe with which then are constantly
P y .rA pave yard aoeRh" b the fry of termini
grape is native in Southern Europe, grappling but cannot exterminate. Wage for 11311K m
(I..., thorn more, in the fnrtn of
Algeria. Morocco and Western Subdued, and to all appearances Alien's Luna ttala... whi.-h i• nse,1 with such
..t *fleet even 1n ennrumytfun's early stases.
Asia. The red currant grows wild vanquished in one, it makes its ap- sfe.•sn•et.at.c,ago.
all over Europe, in the Caucasus, pearance in another direction. In
the Himalayas, Manchuria, Japan many the digestive apparatus is as The wrestlers and athletes of 'n-
and arctic America. The walnut delicate as the mechanism of a dia develop great strength by liv-
comes from the ('aucayns, l'ersia watch or scientific instrument in ing on milk, a little goat's flesh,
and northern India. The sweet or- which even a breath of air will and plenty of food made from flour.
ange originated in southern China'
and Cochin china. The citron is
of Indian urigin.
The t=ea has, in twenty-five years,
washed away 11e acres from the
British isles, but has also added
neuro than 30.000 acres, mostly
sand, which will be useless for many
snake a variation. With such per -
eons disorders of the stomach en-
sue from the most trivial causes and
cause much suffering. To these
I'armelee's Vegetable Pills are
recommended as mild and sure.
Ilitherto 1.1e Jordan has been
accounted the most crooked stream A caterpillar will, in the course
in the world. But it cannot com- of n month, eat food weighing 6, -
pare with 1Vhite River, Arkansas, 000 tines as much as its own body.
which trnvels 1,000 miles in traver-
sing a distancy of thirty miles as Msntlt Atter Month a eald suets, and aeett. to
the crow flies. tsar hoses in your throat. Are p..0 aware that
e.en a etnbb .-n an 11ont neglected e .1d Is cure)
wilb Alien's tang Balsam t
Mr. Singerly -"Do you know
that new tune just haunts Inc.'
Mr•. Hingerly—"No wonder -- afte
the tray you've murdered it
MC. The latest
‘ItatICi 114 the big
black plug
chewing tobacco.
A regiment of soldiers were re-
cently drawn up one Sunday for
church parade, but the church was
being repaired and could net hold
half of then..
"Sergeaiit-major," shouted the
colonel. "tell all the men who don't
want to go to church, to fall out
on the reverse flank."
Of course. a large number quick-
ly and gladly availed themselves of
the privilege.
"Now, sergeant -major," said the
colonel, "dismiss all the men who
did not fall out, and march the
others to church—they need it
Rus'ia ha' no fewer than eighty.
ail public holidays in the ,.car.
Is there anything more annoying
than having your corn stepped up-
on 1 Is there anything more de-
lightful than getting rid of it 1 Hol-
loway's Cern cure will do it. Try
it and be convinced.
"Do you know you talk in your
sleep, Henry 1" said his wife.
"Well," was the meek response,
"tio you begrudge me even those
few words 1 "
Lots matting SIS M a sap. Write at
once Tor fu'.l particulars to fele
30L1 SUPPLY O0., lox 33t. Toronto
Of nervous prostration wo hear $to It Brokers A ilnitn.Iatl 'gams
much noetadays, and it is comfort- �fOSd=�T
ing to know that there are places
specta!I} equipped and located fur end other stook• b ,nsbt an,/ •n1.1 o n .. a w•r.01 M
1 ornsp• ndeuc• invite+. orlon mar le w.r.d at
combating this phase of modern serespouse
life. On the main line of the Grand
Trunk Railway System, at St. Calle
RAW FU R8 "I"res
arines, Ontario, are located the seines us►
curative Saline Springs known toil LADIES' AND MSM'` TOSS
the "St. Catharines Well." Con- eats for *atain. Goods meat to say address es
netted with the Springs is "The
ISSUE NO. 5 08
rec•lpt of pries. Mosey rttarn•d Il set saltal►s•
Welland," where treatments fur levy'
>D. 171 >0�t�T7 112e. • Claw
nervous prostration, rheumatism, Matas. 77 RIMS Sr: tsar, TI I5Ta 1c1
etc are given by .killed attend
ants in charge of a resident phy-
St. Catharines is the mildest
point in Canada during the winter
months. For further information
and all particulars apply to J. I).
McDonald, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto.
The Japanese show their apprec-
iation of an actor's playing in a
more substantial manner than by
freely applauding. They throw
various portions of their dress on
the stage, and at the end of the per-
formance the favored person claims
the money that the donors repur-
chase thein with, the prices for the
various articles being at fixed
Many inherit weak lungs, and as Sent for for Free
disease usually assails the weakest �`�t`�
Catatotse ?re. 75.
point, these persons arc continually
exposed to attacks of cold and pal- ' BOPled Oi4J1{ CO., Ug., SfEnd, 3
monary disturbances. The speedy tlt.ii.e. � 1111111115110111, Lear Ctja.011 and
A..ren•;a PriorrWtes.
use of Sickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will be found a preventive
and a protection, strengthening the
organs so that they are not so liable
to derangement from exposure or
abrupt atmospheric changes. Bic-
kle's syrup is cheap and good.
Greenland's population does not
nurnber 11,000.
#ID C323 /EL X490
I n.•ror aloertlaa'leapt when I have a ped
thinsj 'Pin.• who tar: k rt' advice In s rear Bad
bought •I'.sstakarelay rear.. SS tor every Si isr•st.
sd N .- 1 ha.. an Aber good It . a -n4 eel lost
a perc.atar• ul your profits after you Dare made
the o
write for my prop ',itton; It fists a••tbfag.
.1. J. WARD. Cobalt.
AND unmoor
..ions, tigers1 and other beasts of
prey in captivity follow the exam-
ple of mankind and sleep during the
night, while in their native state
these animals sleep during the day
and hunt for food during the night.
. ti-
011IDon't believe rhegma -
tient can be cured by ruts
0 bang liniment or oil nn
the sore scot. The dis.
ease cannot he reached in
that way. It must be
driven out of the'1.tem.
Only l'e'ery Ktrg will do
tet. g•dckly. 23 cents, at - sit
dealers or by mail, S. C. Well hCo.,Toronto
CPI Z2 AT tort
Ship early ant nt,tain highest price Mak*
us a t.lA! shipment. Catalogue on applicatim.
Reference., the lo,mini .n li.s:.k and CommK-
clal ryanci"..
A. & E. PIEROE & 00.,
(07 81'. PAC,. sir, • kto lIRF.At.
—A Cup ct
—is good for children,
—good for the Inva'id,
--good for all.
—There is no better
tonic and pic1:-me-up.
The HospiIaI for
Sick Children
REMEMBER That Every flick Child
in Ontario Wh: se Paronta Caunot
Afford to Pay for Treatment
is Treated Free.
rr .y
Ile wise and provide against
loss by insuring your Stall-
ions, Horses, Mares, Colts,
Oxen, Cows, ('elves, Hogs
and Sheep against death by
accident or disease just as
you insure your property
against loss by fire, and
more so fur dicta -e and
death may occur at ally time,
whilst loss by fire of your
property might never occur.
The premium is low and
the protection assured.
Agents wanted in all un-
repre'cntea Jistrtets possess-
ing a veterinary surgeon.
Write for free circulars.
Dept. A.
w vo5 Litt tux MOM1tt
The Hospital is
got a local Math
tuticn, but pre-
vinnial. The dell
child freta any
place in Ontario,
who cruet pay,hes
'the tame ptiti-
loges as De ebild
e ii ting in Tnrnato.
The this pitel
had last seer in
SICK ACT NOT vt0I.11c'rao. it. bets ami Bots
1,'!4S pati,-nts-1GS of these were fr: m 241
ptarea outside of Toronto. Seventy fire pee
cent. were children
of poor people who
cowl} not afford to
fhis tbarity op
peal. to fathers and
mothers of Onta,io
for funds to mein -
tato the hundrt.la of
sick children th.t it
nurses every vets
Since its fuunt'a-
tion the in•titntien I •
has treated It.469 --- --
children. 10,800 of narrl WITH lira TOM.
these were unable to .sy and were treated
FIS komt.
There wtr, L1 castil of rich feet treated
last par.
11 you know of any child in your nr;gh-
borbocd who 1e sick, cis he, any delor m-
i•y, fend the
perones n5rne
to Seerrtary.
The Hospital's
Cry is not 1,4
Itself, but for
he Children, nit
Hollers go
• not to the floe -
WA' feel but to the
"'Hill* Torn noon." (hildren_—
Plea -n Send Contrlbut'^nss to J. Row
Robortoon. chairman. es to Dou(tl*a
Davi Isom. nest.-Tr'nor., The Ftootst al
torLiekChilde.in,C' iigr•a y'.nurontib