Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-17, Page 5GOLD MEDAL
— FOR --
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ale In Canada.
Mrs. Yager, who has been visiting her
mother here for some time returned to
her home it: Exeter Wednesday. -The
gasters around here are taking advan-
tage ot the sleighing by hauling wand,
lode and grain. -)flea Jennie Cunntng-
t,am spent ?Welty with Blends In Lon-
do:h-\Vater is getting to bo very scarce
In this vicinity. Nearly everyone in haul
Ing and farmers have to drive their cat-
tle to the river. -!sees Minnie Patoa of
Totortto was vla'ting her parents here
title weck.-Jars. Wright of London is
canna on old friends in this vicinity. -
Miss Charlton of Delmont 1s visiting rel-
atives here. -Colne to Clandeboye for
Xmas. bones, Our merchant has a fine
display ot gitts.-Revds. Godwin and
Kerr exchanged pulpits on Sunday and
and the choir rendered excellent music.
-We are pleased to see Jas. Atkinson
around aga'n.-Joe Case spent Monday
In Exeter. -Sidney Ifodgins 1s drawing
brick troui Crediton, -lie purposes build
ing a new housa next summer. -Mrs. D.
Cunningham and daughter Lity spent
Sunday in Londesboro.-Wedding bells
will be ringing In the near future. -tiles
bertha Cunningham entertained a num-
ber of friends one evening of last week.
Mises.. Charles and Farquar, who vie -
red with their friend, Was Cunningham,
have returned reme.
Brinaley.-We are pleased to report
the improved condition of Rev. A. A. Bice
who underwent an operation at Victoria
1.Toeeltal. Ills many friends hope for a
speedy recovery,—Thos. Ramsay re-
ceived word on Tuesday of last week of
the death of his slater, Mies Annie at
Strathroy that morning, the funeral tak-
Ing place trona her brother's residence
to IsnInsley cemetery.
&kilo &Sou
ate offering some Big Bargains in
Pianos, Organs &
Sewing Machines.
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano, mahogany finish. This Piano
has been in use about eight months.
Regular price $250.00; sale price $175—
Call and see this instrument as it is
the beat value they have ever offered.
Also Big Bargains in FOUNTAIN
15c. a box to $1.75—the largest stock
in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
?hey ars noted for the quality of their goods.
esetev Aworate
11.00 11 paid In advance,
1t.10ayear ifDoe so paid.
SabTo U=It.d Stets Sabeiggab.n11.10
a s Year Strictly 1* Aaysace•
SANDKRB t CREECH, Publishers.
Crook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonle, and
only eats effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women
depend. :;old In three degrees
ot strength -No. 1, $I ; No. 1.
10 degrees stronger i3 • No. S.
for sial casae, per box.
Sold b all d te, or sent
prepaid on rope pt of pries.
Fre* pamphlet. d
C00[ IdE001a[ Ca..To1seut.0gT.lWasaeorl
Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th
This school is one of the largest In the pro•
venae. It Is not of for the thoroughness of its work
and the success of its students. 3 departmenta—
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy
Our graduates are in demand as Business Cob
lege teachers aa well as office assistants Get
our magnificent catalogue, It 1s tree.
Ross' Furs
Manufacturer and Retailer
Reliable Furs
The reputatinr, we ?lase earned for good style,
quality and reliable workmanship place. our
FURS neat among the many from which the
choice furs are nude, Our method of dealing
with the public has always been: "Honey
cheerfulh refunded If not satisfied with goods
Persian Lamb Jackets
24 Inches long, Miaow or hie fronts, large
storm Collar and Iteeerg, best linings,
1121100 5•' 1185 00.
Fur -Lined Cloaks
IM1 to :to lieehes long, superfine broadcloth, In
Brown or Green, llamester or Rat Linings,
Sable, Mink or Persian Lamb Collars it Revers
*18.00 to $100.00.
Catalogue Mailed Oa Application.
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Your savings are the safeguard
of your future. You want to
place them where there is no
chance whatever of losing them.
You can do that by depositing
them with this Company, or by
taking out a Debenture for $100
of mg$e, for one or more years.
By 1[ww o depositor or debenture
bolder can lose one dollar of
principal or Interest while any
assets rern0in to cover his
investment. The assets of this
Company exceed $11,000,000, so
that there is no chance of loss.
In fact there is no financial In-
stitution in Canada which can
offer you more absolute certainty
of safety.
Correspondence will be gladly
entered into with those interested
in banking by mail.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Wood's P'hosphodins,
rt.e (: e r r «,H.h Remedy.
1.'nnsan .rates the whole
nervous ru,tkee new
11104414 . na Cert,w Net...
11. ntnl nn.: .n JYorry, Der
•,•.y, aricd 1{ enka' <, ! ^ills+lona, Ryer
--'i.eet, nod I, ree(.e of A •.Fe er F:mawrs
eI iter bolt. Mzfur OW. (1'r will plea a sit
Auld be all drawl:ids or moiled In
1•:.. ,11 eoeel t of pit �, •r y.,r.pAld
•,(. •. The sod Mgr/loins Co.
�,.-., ,1 TiommtlesOnt.
On Aueust 26th. lima, there w.ts a
wacat tiei&. T.:.tt d ty t'i' C. P. 1t. gold
in town lots. That was the start of
)1 look. To -day It is a thriving 'OA'
e Wtaernn t'a'aAA. That Is the way
to en springs up in the \\ est, alm•)+
• a. night.
T t^Y sty Peat .t mean wt a
',ever sluceree his wife. insp.r-
• o of our subs( rlptton Ilst reveals the
e,. t that several es:LO.able lad', s are • o'
irccctvtng their just due.
We are agents for Parisian flag, and
\\'e know the Guarantee
Is Genuine
W. 8. Cole
Parisian Sage. the quick -acting hair
restorer, no guaranteed -
To stop tailing hair.
To cure dandruff
To cure itching of the scalp.
To put lite into faded hair,
To stake harsh hair weft and luxuri-
To make hair grow or money back.
It is the stoat delightful hair dressing
made, and 1s a great favorite with ladies
who desire beautiful and luzuruant hair.
Price 50 cents a large bottle at 8.
Cole's or by express, alt charges pre-
paid from Giroux Mfg, Co., Fort Erle,
Honor Roll for November and Decem-
ber of Shlpka Publlc School. Number on
Roll 53; average 43 ;-V., Laura Barton
I\'., Minnie Finkbeiner 1459, Hattie
Finkbeiner 1245, Arthur Finkbeiner
1025. Dora O'Rourke 831, Harry Loch-
ner 312, Albert Smith 285. III., Susie
Keogh 1138, Violet Sharp 1061, Pearl
Wing 941, Jas. O'Rourke 940, Mabel
Clark 874, Mervin Pickering 810, Effie
Robinson 887, Ethel Lynch 909, All•_e
Geiser 703, Bertha Baynham 675, Ethel
Baynham Baynham 495, II. Sr., Willis
Brophy 923, llueeel Baynham 816,
Maggie Pfaff 614, Thos, Mason 555. II.
Jr., Earl Webb 1057, Andy Keogh 994,
Erma Finkbeiner 619, Vera Finkbeiner
743, Maggie Gowcr 659, Earnest Hutch-
inson 399. Part 1I Sr. -Ivan Sharp 537
Wesley Bayhhatn 413:3, Hattie Locnner
421, George Clark 404, Irene Schroeder
:t2, Nelson Armstrong 309. fart 11.
Jr, -Martha Baynham 561, Luella Wing
455. Luella Schroeder 3.98, Ilubert
Lynch 374, Della 13esterd 337. fart I.
Sr. -Oscar l'laff 145, Eddie Daynharn
134, Elgle Webb 118, John Lynce 93,
Luella Finkbeiner 91, Clifford Pickering
5. I'art I. Jr.-1'hcbe Schroeder 143,
Lloyd Geiser 137, Otto Platt 128, Dona
Armstrong 1 1 7, E. nest Lochner 101,
Lloyd Brophy 80, Harold Brophy 50.
Mervin Pickering 11.
Few people here know that you ran
cure that dread American Elise.tse
Rheuntatlent, with Just common, every
day drugs found in any drug store. The
prescription, is no simple that any one
can prepare It at home at small cost.
le is made up as follows. -Get from any,
good prescription pharmacy Fluid Ex-
tract Dandelion, one -halt ounce ; Com-
pound Kargon, one ounce ; Compound
Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix
by shaking in a bottle and take In tea-
spoonful doses after each meal and at
bedtime. Those are all simple ingred-
ients. making an absolutely harmless
(tome remedy at little cost.
Rheumatism as everyone knows, 1e a
'symptom ot deranged kidneys. It ie a
condition produced by the failure ot the
kidneys to properly filter or strain from
the blood the uric acid and other mat-
ter, which, if not eradicated, either in
Inc urine or through the akin pores. re -
mania in the blood, decomposes and
Corms about the joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de-
formity of rheuntatisin.
This prescription Is said to be a splen-
did healing, cleansing and Invigorating
tonic to the kidneys. and gives almost
Immediate relief to all forms ot bladder
and urinary troubles and backache.
Following Is the report of S. S. Na.
12. listornt, tot November. Claes V.
max. 200, Gordon Morley 154. Class IV
Sr.. max. 200. -Vera Hodgson 131, Wen.
Hodgson 178, (lot go Arr,sey 171., Veru
t)gdcn 140. Janes JicCatlhy 112, Olive
Guant,g 1,13, Myr ',le Squire 139, Class
IV. Jr. max. _t,0.-11i1ton Ogden 163'.
Virga Morley '159. Class III. Sr., max.
200. Tessa Gunning 162, Phlllp Mc-
Gee 59, latter :Messed or. examination.
Class 111. Jr.. max. 2.1u. -Clara Morley
170, Earl Ifodgson 160, Nelson Squire
154, Arthur McCarthy 145, Melville Gun-
ning 130, John Knowles 31. Class 11.
seen. 20(1.—Jahn \\htllhan 181, Vivian
ih oak 108.
O. J. JicNau;htor, Teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley have return-
ed from their nuncyrnuutt trip and are
now receiving the congratulatioae of
their litany friends. -Milton Mlllson of
Nr. \guys visited with his parents herr
Sunday. -elle ladies u; our choir, ar-
e o;np:timed by Harvey Squire. were away
o t Su iday, coasequcntly- the singi,tg in
our church was furnished by the male
members of the cl olr.-Miss Barbara
Stewart of Uranton was the guest of W.
Ilrookson Sunday. --.1 sleigh load of
you 0: people attend• d the cvatigclis!1.•
MCI vires :n Exeter on Sunday night and
report a aplcndid meeting.-Mre. John
Hilbert of London has been visiting wI'h
her dau;htcr Mrs. J. V. Mlllson for a
few weeks. -,l,. and Mrs. Dan Iioigeon
spent Su:iday with friends i n Exeter.
-Dr. and Mrs. Hodgson of Manitoba vis
::rd air former's brother Thu. sday.-
At the time of writing Mrs. John Block
11 au feting from a severe attack of r!.cu
rt,a'lr fever,—At lee regular animal
1 g of the Sunday Scoot)) the teachers
,end officers were ele.-ted for the follow-
ing year, viz.; Supt.. Daniel Iiodgso:n
anise. Supt., John liazelwood ; Bible
class teacher, .1. V. t111ison : Class 11..
John Wright ; Class 111., Frank Gu
: Class IV.. Mrs. 3. V. MIllson ; As-
sistant teachers. Mrs. 0. Wilson. lire,
J. eV. 1lod,0'n'. anal \1:a A. Gu tn0,K :
Wien Lottie S'u:re ; Treas., John Hod-
gson ; Organist. Miss Bessie Morley.
1'..e Treasurer's repoi t shows a hal-
t „e of over t':'• un heel.
- --
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applIcstions.as they cannot reach the di.rai•
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to rure
deafness, and that is by constitutional rem dies
i4eatne.e1.ra,iwl by an inflamed rondition of the
murous lining of the F.u,taohian Tube. When this
labels inflamed you hat e a rumbling sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it i• entirely closed, Deaf -
nese is the restdt, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tithe restored to its normal condi•
tion, hearing will to destroyed forever; nine cases
nut of tett are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an intame.i con.liti.,n of the iniesc . surfaces
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any rase of
f)tafn'ea(caused (r catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Stud for circulars free.
P. J. CHENr,T It CO., Toledo, 0
Aoki by Druggivt.,'Se•.
Tab Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Stephen Council
The Council' of the Township of
Stephen met In the Town Ball, Credi-
ton, on Monday. Dec. 7tb, at 1 p.m.
All members were present. The min-
utes of previous meeting were read
and accepted. The Council Iostruct-
ed the Clerk to forward the Certificate
of the Township Engineer for the
work completed by Alex. Steeper on
the John McInnes drain, to the Clerk
of the Township of Mc0illiyray with
the request that the Township Council
of that Municipality pay the amount
of the certificate and the Engineer's
tees in connection with the examine -
tion of the drain in question.
The following orders were passed:—
Fred Heist, contract, Block 2, 3rd S.
Rd. $8.50; Hy. Eilber, Jos. Guinan and
Stephen Webb, selecting jurors, $4
each; Mr. Patterson, half coat on con-
crete bridges, L Rd., $161; J K Schroe-
der, rep. Mud Creek Drain, $1; Gib-
bons, Harper & Gibbons, acct. of Jas
Hannan, 80c.; F McKeever, gravel
con., Blk, 11, C. Rd., $45.48; Hy Isaac.
concrete culvert, 22nd Con., $20; Law-
rence Dietrich, gravel, $1210; Felix.
Wild, error in school tax, $5.50; Wen
Brown, work done re Treitz drain $30;
Canadian Exp. Co., express on Assess-
ment Roll, 35c; Chas Morrish. gravel,
$35.80; H F Eilber, acct, re Eliza Bern-
hoft Insane., $9.40; T Dietrich, gravel,
$17.90; Sol. Pollock, gravel, $16.40;
Wesley Winer, dog tax, $1; Ed Gill,
rep. culverts, $2; A Mollard, rep.
bridge, $2.50; W 11 Wenzel, rep. grad-
er, 75c; Wm Brokenshire, putting in
concrete culvert, $22.25; F W Faro -
comb, awards under D R. W Act.
$56.72, award on N B con. $18.27, Tp.
awards enforced, re McLellan, 8 B
$4.75; Theo Dietrich, rep. plow and
plank, $3.50; Jno Madden, rep. plow,
$3; Louis Adams, rep. bridge, $9; Jno
Appleton, ditch on O Rd. $2.50; Jos
Guinan, three school awards and
truant book, $25; N Baker, rep. cul-
vert, $2.50; J McLellan, gravel, $6.70;
L Walper. gravel $10.20, gravel N B
$4.50; J K Goetz, plank and rep. cul-
vert, N B $9; Hy Roeder. concrete attl-
vert N B. $4; Nadiger and others. com-
mission work on N B, $51,40; Conrad
Kuhn, concrete tile, N B, $5.25; R
Handford, gravel contracts, Blk. 4, C.
Rd.. $82.50; M Finkbeiner, commission-
er on O.f:Rd., $9.38; Jas Ford, rep.
Ford's bridge, $14.10; Arcby Morrison,
ditch award and grading, 1st 8 Rd, $2r;
Wm Mawhinney, putting in culvert C
Rd $10, two concrete culverts on 8 B.
$15; Conrad Kuhn, lumber and work
$7, concrete tile on 8 B $18.45; Wuertb,
Heist & Co. drawing gravel and ce-
ment, $36; John Houlahan, rep. cul-
yert, $1.25; Alonzo Hodgins acct. 83.70;
J Williams, commissioner on 0 Rd,
$3.75; 0 Kuhn, twelve 24 inch tile on
L Rd, $13.20; Simon Sweitzer, rep.
bridge, $2; G Kellermann, gravel,
$1.60; Wm Yearly. gravel, $1; J
Woods, gravel, $8.70; Tom Trevethick,
account, 35e; J Halet, wood and tile.
$28.8:3; Jno Mitchell, gravel $81.80,
gravel 8 B $15; I Sparrow. rep culvert,
81.50; R Hamilton. attending to tile,
$5; Ed Gill, drawing gravel for tile,
$16; H Bastard, culvert on Con. 18,
$3: Wm Hayter, plank andste, 85c;
Fred Masson, rep. bridge, $3.75; Tom
Webb, rep. bridge. $1; J Finkbeiner,
tile and work on C Rd $6, removing
obstructions in Mud Creek $8.
Council adjourned to meet again on
Tuesday. the 25th of December, at
10 a, m.
Henry Either, Tp. Clerk
ltiltehell —At the home of the bride'.
parents, Frederick Sidney Jones was
united In Inarrlage to Vera, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. hush Colquhoun ot
Chis place, The groom is from Fort Wil-
liam, and is considered one of the sub-
stantial and coming men of that town.
Klppen.-Many 1n this neighborhood re-
gret to learn of the deal,, of Miss Eliza
Suitt 0, sister of Mrs. It. Mcllis, which
took place at the home of her brother-
in-law 1)r. Button, Forest. Sec was 80
years of age and trade her home here
with her sister, Mrs. Meths. for a nur-
tx•r of years atter comingfrorn Siotl�nd.
\5'111 Not Itcslat the Pulling Down in-
fluenre of a Kidney Aching ilack.
The strongest man or woman with a
back constantly aching finds daily exist-
ence a struggle. Its the same way with
urinary troubles, Booth's Kidney I'ilis
cure these aliments. Ex. ter people ran
prove this statement.
Mr, J. T. Dignan. of Uidley and Wil-
liam Ste., Exeter, Ont., .aye. -When 1
would stoop over at my work for any
length of time 1 would nutter a weak-
ening dull pain conning un the small ot
my back and region of the kidneys.
I would scarcely be able to straighten
ntyselt up. The urine plainly told of the
diem drrcd .tt,d inactive state of thckld-
neys as It was filled with particles of
sediment of sand Ilke nature and highly
colored. 1 had tiled several planters an 1
different remedies and did not find r•-
lir•t until on advice of Mr. Cole, the drug-
gist. I used Tooth's Kidney 1'illa. The
one box of Booth'■ Kldney !'Ills cured
the entirely fit a very short time. the
urine neared to its natural color. My
back 'strengthened and the pato does n ot
conte In it front stooping or 1111Ing.
will gladly recommend Booth's Kidney
1'111e as i know them to he a fine kid-
ney re needy•,.
Sold by Dealer s. Price 50 centa,
The R. T. Rooth Cu., Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont.. Sole Canadian Agents.
K1i•Nen-Henry Sc hatter, hotclkceper,ot
this place was fined deo and conte for
i'Iling liquor without a license at CIIn
ton last week. This was file UurJ ap-
pearance and third tine.
M ('armei.--rear ityan, an aged resi-
dent of (Leis place died on Saturday, Dec.
nth, after a lingering illness du' t3 old
age. Tnc funeral was conductrd to Mt.
Cannel cemetery, Fr Dunn ofttctat tag.
Clinton. -After an acne.• illness of only
wo wrr(", resuittng from drop.Y• Mr.
Ed. J. itu ledge died on Dec. Illi 1n his
07th year. Deceased was born 1n Clerk
enwrll. F.ng., and came to Clinton abtu/
'15 years ago.
St. Marys.-•Wfll„uu 1). White. an ea-
reemed resident Of the towin, whose co•t-
dtt:on had become giaduilly worsednr-
ing an illness ot several week.. sat* to
rest on Tu .day of last weee. Mr. White
ranee to St. Mat ye from Granton fou
years ago.
ClIrtton.—One of t.•,0 '3ra'.d Trunk
debks and an oeca0 steamer were des-
troyed by fire at i'ortland. Maine. With
the freight da,'roycd ware thirty Doher-
ty organs that were on their way to the
old country. Fortunately they were cov-
ered by insurance,
Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years.
111. was surprls.d at bow the
sores haled-- " I tookour N cw
Mxnr..o 1'axarse,T for a semens
disease with which I had been inflicted
for twelve years. 1 had consulted a sore
of t4'hyaiciana taken all kinds of bin.al
Medicine, visited Hot Springs and other
mineral water rn vete, but only got tem-
porary relief. They would help Inc for a
time, but after discontinuing the medi-
cines the symptonlii would break out
again—running sora, blotches, rheum.
otic pains, looseness of the hair, swellings
of the glands, palms of the hands waling,
itchiness of the sk.n, dyspeptic stomata', ansa VR[417r[r41'
etc. 1 had given up in despair when a
friend advised me to consult you, rayon had cured hint of a similar disease 8 years ago
1 had no hope. but took his advice. In three weeks' tante 1h. sores comment -vs! to Lend up
and 1 became encouraged. 1 continued the Naw Msreoo TREATMENT for four months and
at the end at thst time every symptom) had disappeared. 1 was curers 7 years a,ro and no
signs of any disease since. My boy, three years old. is sound and healthy. 1 certainly -
can recommend your treatment with all guy heart. You eau refer any person to me
privately, but you can use this testlnlnnlal at you wish.'• W.11.8.
of 11.s sad Wosses
555051 TSSATY[NT
READER Aro you a victim! have )•ou lost hope' An• yon 1nt.'nding to mnrryt ileo;
your blooxl town diseasexi! liavo you any wraLn•-s' aur New )ween
1'RUTsasT w111 cure you. What it has done fur others it will d.. for you. Consultation
Fr... No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Fe. of Chars..
Charges reasonable. B.olte Free -"The Golden )touitor," c illustrated n on Dtsevis s of Men.
Question fiat and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
THEN Decide ea the Business College
We ask the privilege of sending you
our intensely -Interesting, handsomely -
illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. in
fact„ you really owe it to to get
a copy and read it y before you
NINA the Business College to attend.
This Catalogue explains all about our
school, our faculty, our d'IAerent courses.
Teals why we honestly believe our Col-
lege to be the best for you. After reading the boot we will leave
you to fudge for youneli Sending for a copy placed you under no
obligation. Just mail your name and address on a postcard.
Student• admitted any time. Special opening* September and January,
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
JI CJI TeeleRV'LT. P,t,,.ipsl I w. wESTERVF.LT, Jr.. C.A., Vi.e.Pri,,:i,al
For Your
With Whipped Cream
One package
and a pint of
boiling water
Makes Enough Dessert for a Large Family.
FLAVORS: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry,
Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach.
No trouble to prepare—simply add boiling water—
cool and serve. Flavored just right. Sweetened just
right. Perfect in every way. Cheaper and better than
fruit, pies or pastry.
CAUTION : Don't accept a substi-
tute, or you will be
disappointed. There's no other dessert
just like JELL-O. Sold by all good grocers.
els! mut MU NOB CO., salawvuC, MUlAU.
Highest Award, Gold Medals at St. Louis,
Portland and Jamestown Expositions.
Will please
the children,
as each Biscuit
actually looks
like "Santa
12 smiles and
72 delights in
every pound.