Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-17, Page 4ezetet gkbtiocate
S&L/clefs dt Creech, Prop..
THURSDAY, Dec. 17, 1908
Considerable speculation Wailindulg•
ed in at the recent county council
meeting as to who would be the next
Warden. Under the present system
of the municipalities bring represent-
ed by the reeves and deputies it is
pretty difficult to Make a near guess
as to who will be the next Warden,
but Reeve Pete Lamont of Hay has a
.very- favorable chance.
Altl.ou;i. the offie tat report of the
tnectlug of the Committee on c!.urc•t un-
iCen of the Preabyterlea. Congrreational
and Methodist bodies In Canada has not
yet been given out. It has been lear,tcd
Mat at the recent meting In Toronto a
satisfactory basis of Union has been
reached, and It will be submitted to the
churches in 1910 for a vote. when It is
expected chat Dat decision will h^ to un-
ite and form one church. This may be
considered one of the greatest move-
ments of the age.
It Las been decided that the act of
last session respecting the sale of pat-
ent medicines shall come Into force on
the 1st of April. After that date any
preparation which contains chloral, aco-
nite ergot, strychnine, or any other of
the nunteous list of deadly drugs,wlll
have to be approved of by experts of the
department of Inland Revenue or bear
a printed statement on the outside of
each package that there is a deadly drug
in the pteparatioa and tae Want' of the
\Ve ate h1 receipt of a copy or a IJIr-
ectory of the breeders of pure-bred live
stock of the Dominion of Canada, iss-
ued by the Live Stock Branch of the I)r
partinent of Agriculture, Ottawa. The
directory contains a list of tI.e most
Important breeders in the Dominion and
has been published for the purpose of
enabling farmers desiring to improv^ and
increase their nerds to aacertair, where
in hien own or other districts the pure-
bred eto'k may he purchased. A large
edition has been printed and copies will
be sent tree to those staking application
to the Live Stock Con1ruieswn, Ottawa.
• 40
The outside body of the
';.1I'VEN IIs It:urge is east iron
The oven wa113 are steel.
lb .4 radiates inor+• i'iit'k1}-
ticrou it steel than through
iron. Thus the steel oven
insures a quicker and cheaper
li a'.• srrVicr for baking a;al
That's the
1'.•r Salt' By
W. J. REAM AN. Ex. ter
The Holiday Season
Pertfaps yon are going to do
a little travelli•Ig i if so, you
need t., be prepared. See Our
Trunks, Suit Cases,Valises, &e
We have one of the hest stocks
you Will fit;,) in the (Esti let. All (Soli( e
goods and at prices that will surf you.
Winter Weather demands
\\-inter \Veara)les.
See our \i;t'-. Glove-. Etc., a9 well a-
II •rte it! ,t,kets.
Our Harness
sod 11 'rseiuct.. Moritlies :.re onlpl.•te
-Sec Thein.
F. W. Clark
Barnes, M 6ker, CRRDiTON
CH ISELII L ItST Rev. Eifert had lust none of his old
A sletgh load of young people trout time vigor. M the same service Rev.
t,cre attended t ,e Crossley and Hu•tt•,r Rudolpe Eifert preached in the Eng-
ine, tinge in Exeter as Tu sday eren!ug.
-Mr. Geo. Pybus of Wesley College, Win
nllrg Is on a vt„t to his parents here.
-Don't forget the Christmas Tree on
Tu-tsday evening next, S_'n(1.-The ladles
aid met on Wednesday afternoon lust
and racked a bale of clothing for the
Deaconess' hone to Toronto. They val
u•d each article of clot!ang and the
preserved fruit which amounted to $-7.
The ladies arc to be, congratulated on
their act of charity.
win. Anderson Inas accepted an ag.•n: y
fur The International harvester Moak -
hie Cu. and will Lave ',Is safe rJotus i n
Exeter. -Quite a nuntb:r of our people
were abaicnt front the village last Sun-
day. Some were to Dashwood tett••:rd-
big the Dedication of to eLutheta.t chur-
ch, while others were in Exeter to hear
Crossley and Hunter, the evangellyt,a,
who are holding a series of nn•etla„s In
that town. -The last coat:icll 'nesting of
the year was I:eld to Inc Town Hall on
Tuesday. ..t large amount of business
was transacted. Tuesday was the last
day fo our people to pay their taxes,
and the town presented a lively appear
ante. -Our street llgitts have been in-
stalled and have made a great improve-
ment to the town. Our Village Fathers
are to be congratulated for the improve-
ments they have made. The walks and
now the Installation of the !isms are
a gtcat credit to their activity and
eats:c stores In hclpllttg the towtt.-N.1••v-
ton Clark of Sitipica has been busy the
past week diawing awn! the old luny
ber, which it ltad taken out of the up-
per Yla:min.-The Christmas .hestivala
or 1110 Met,.udist and Evaugeilral esu --
riles will be held last week. The Metho-
dist £u:tday School is giving theirs In
the Towtt halt ;cut Monday et.nlntf, to
continence at 8 o'clock : admission 10
.:1d 15 cents.; and the Evangelical Sun-
day Scltoot will render their program
in the ci.urch on Christmas eve. Both
1.1.90 been e.uty preparing the pro rains
and ;ulging from the past programs
rendered we can say there Is a great
treat In slot: Lor those vino will attend.
Let everybody route and enjoy diose
special services. -Our pu'l'e bcnJJl cio9-
,ea uexe Tu:sday, the _Cnd, for the hail -
era diton School ilepott.-lteyu's ed for
piss 'io per cent., for honora 73 pe -
Dtateion !.-Class A --N. Gasser, L. Ell-
txr, W. Snell, L. Redden, L. Flnkbel:u r,
Leland lledden. Jr. Pt. 1.-L. Samorpok
Sambrook, R. Brown, V. 11111. W. Apple -
'on. G. Weiner, F. 11111. Sr. 1't. 1L -M.
King. I). English, W. Bean. M. IlenacUct,
S. Sines. J. Sluts. Part .11.-1lonors,C.
liaist, R. Halst, E. Flnkbeincr, H. HIod-
den. Pass -M. Lawson. G. Bedford. Cl.
II. Jr. -Pass, E. lledden. M. Gurather,
it. I-'tnkbtinet. Class 11. Sr.-ilonors.-
I.. liaist, K. Swcitzcr, G Lamport, L.
Bean, A. Gaiser, G .11luett. Pass, V )Ccs
'le, M. Nicholson. M. Brown. Average
td. Miss !tartlet/3, Teacher. r
DRielon If. -Pt. I1.-11011ors. V. !loft -
man. It, Clark, L. Beaver, A. 1'inkbeLt-
er. Paas. B. 1101. Class 11, Jr -ease,
N. Sambrook. I.. McMw ray, 11. Rau, 11.
Wolfe. Claes 11, Sr. -Honors, C. Oes-
trete her, 1t. K*;;g, 1. Wolfe, E. W: u trth.
Vasa.. V. 1(111, If. FInkbeitier, V. Gasser.
Class 111.. Jr. -honors. V. }tots, 71.
I•'inkteiner, A. 1Itdden, E. Smith, G,
Gunther. E. Treitz. lass, E. liaist, 11.
Shenk, it. English, M. iroltztnan, 1.
LWeit.rr. F. King, 11. '.ton. Avec•ag'e at-
tendance :15. Jiisa roll:. reach •r
Division ILL -Class III. Sr. -Honors,
it Holden, E. Klenzle. 11. Shenk, 1'.
Varner. M. Cl.tl k. Paas. -O. Motz. '.1.
Winer, U. Ilcncdlct, E. tea+err. Clans iV
-Honors. I. ]lodge ,,• \l. LWetia'-t. L.
O. eitrelcher. Pass. L. Drown, F 11111. S
Fc;,ktchier, V. 1'.oltztn en,t. E. illi at, !I
!belt;theins, E. Been. Average 25.
'Hiss Dunlop, Teacher.
rite report or the a ntinuttion cla•te••s
for the term will be given at t to clog -
of the sciioot.
l• M. gROKI' 1tliIItE, D.tS11W000, CONV5V
ir • I:Nt'11it. Deed., Wilk, Hortga,ces and all
I.eg•l 1Weuaunta.•atefally and pr.nt.ptly prepared.
Cnartcei mAerate. filler of xarria;e 1.lcensea
1),.‘id Bet wears a smiling
face 1hese days, at Xmas. box, in the
permits of a young sou on Sunday is
sine!, ,t just reason to smile some. --
annual Xmas. entertainment of
the Evangelical church will be held
Wednesday evening, :ler. 2.3rd. Doors
will le' opened :it 9.311 and the program
will commence at'I.:isle-Thi• merchants
here have decided to keep their stores
open every flight next week '.t•ith the
exception of \\'idnesday night, When
they tt ill close at (1 o'clock and of
usurse• on Friday they Will not open at
all. -Talk about ha i (11? customers
from a long distance our merchants
h ave the fitt•ulty of getting long dis-
tance customers rand of piling unto
then a good load of merchandise. The
reason i. very plain. They've got just
the filings the p• ()db. aa ant and hate•
1108 trios.:tinea t,f kn ,,ting they've
seiit them away pleased, hence they
come again and in most cases collie to
stay. -Our milliners having completed
their season's Wot k have left for their
respective homes in Thorndale and
i-ondon. --Wm. Snell has moved unto
his brother John's farm which he has
leased for a terra of years.
On Sunday last as we heretofore
stated the new l.utherian church of
this place was formally opened and de-
dicated to the worship of the Divine
(God. There were three services dur-
ing the day and at each service the
house was filled to overflowing; in the
evening tinny were t•►t•ne 1 away un-
able to gain admittance. The morn-
ing service Was conducted by the resi•
dent pastor and Rev. (brach of Illinois,
he It"ing pastor of this congregation in
Its primitive days, when the people,
few in number, worshipped in A small
log church. ile was also here as pas•
for at the dedication of the frame
hoililing which was last Sunday tahan-
atoned. Rev. Greet) preached on Sun•
d+a'v mot ning and also assisted in ad•
tut nisi int 1hesaeratnent of the Lord's
Supper. The afternoon service west
takefl by liev. Srhtneder of Hiehigen
who was also at nuc (iMP pastor of
this rnngrrgtii.in Rev. Schroeder
spoke in the German language and at
the. sante service Rev, Kix of Fisher-
wille preached in the F•:nb'lish
language. The evening service was
taken by Rev. Etfert of Flnradale''
w•n• .it one time pastor of this peol•l'.
11e, being an old time friend of all who
naw make up this community, wins
greeted with a large congregation of
attentive h. -lepers and it m iv he foils
•.fid that in explaining the Script'', es
lish language to many who were glad
to hear hire and to know that he is
making bis mark in the calling marked
out for him. And this ended a day
never to be forgotten by this congre-
Janus Du-larute, one of Inc old resi-
dents of the Saublc litre. Bled on Mon-
day of last week, after a short t11r1,•94.
The rrntat,ts were Interred ht St ,Ester's
cemetery Wednesday tnorning.•-The
gel of death entered the home of Dr. and
Mts. Campbell December 5th and took
away their infant son, Byron Mutd.x•k.
a;ed 8 months. The little fellow had
a t:ard struggle during his short earth-
ly existence, altnoujh every care and at-
tention was bestowed on Mtn. The fu:t-
eral took place on Sunday to itettsall
cemetery. The sincerest sympathy 1s
expressed for the parents.-Jllss Eta A
Durst of Colborne, the guest of ,Ilcv.and
Mrs. A. D. Glsctilcr for three weeks. left
for her home last week. -C. Scnrag Itas
putchased Joan Gingtrlch's farm on the
Bionson lime, Stanley. and moved there
last week. Tre far;ii contains 7:, aces
and the price was $3,700. -Hagan Bros.
have sold another team of fine drivers
to a man near St. Marys.
At London on Friday- the ease was be-
fo:v the court of Stat torn & \Lttchelte
11 drillers, against Sir. I'eare:on of
t! is Tuwnehlp. for $1Ju, the contrast
price of a well soak on his farm. The
plaintiffs were awarded lid, the cost of
moving the machinery only, while defend
ant was allowed rows in the at tion.
J. O. Stanbury of the first of t3ladnt.ut &
Stantury. Exeter, for plaintiffs, Fit-
ntu.td \tcredlth tor defendant.
N'Ildey Lodge I O.O.F. held their an -
:u0 t>_tteluet In their spacious call on
Ftldty of last week. :.thou, eighty of
the Oddfellows and their frc.mds at
down to an excellent supper. -Dr. C, A.
Lang of this v11:ae.' w.ts united In mar-
riage recently to Miss Myrtle 'lodging
at New York. The ceremony was per -
tot tiled in Memorial church, London, by
Itev. Dean Davis. Tho happy couple are
now on an extended trip to California.
Mr. .tt,d Mrs. A. Wright left for Tor-
onto on Saturday to visit their daughter
Mrs. J. IItcholls, who is i11 at the Itoa-
pltal.-Grace churci, Sunday School are
to hold their annual xntas. tree in Mb -
beat Town Hall on Thursday ce'g Stth
Inst. and the children are working !card
at an excellent program.
Centralia Eden
Miss E. Meirn of London is visiting DSATII OF EDDIE CAVES,
her cousin, Miss R. McCoy. -Mrs. S. Nord was received here Monday of
McCoy has returned home after a the death in Hautiota, Manitoba, of
pleasant visit with friends in London. Edward Caves, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas J. Caves, of that place.
SUNDAY SCHOOLANNIrillnARY.- He was aged 1) years. The little fel-
he held next Sunday and Monday,
The Aunday School AnniversarywOlow was sick for some months past
with diabetes. and although every -
Sunday morning the Pastor will occur thing was dont to relieve s sot?tiri
py the pulpit, on Sunday afternoon a I he passed away Sundlieay, Dec.hi8th. Heng,
mass meeting and in the evening Mr. with his parents, viflited friends here
Geo. Stanley, of Lucas, will give n for three months last winter. Mr. and
talk to young people. On Monday ev-
ening a tea will he served, after which
a grand program will be rendered,
consisting of choruses, dialogues, tab-
leaux, etc. Don't fail to attend.
Mrs. Caves were former residents of
this township and have many friends
here who extend to them their heart-
felt sympathy in this the sad hour of
their bereavement.
The Canadian Monarch Fence
-Wade by The Owes Soasd Felice Co.
THE MONARCH is the most modern stiff stay fence on
the market. It has absolutely NO LONG or NO SHORT WIRES
PERFECTLY PLUM. It is not necessary to turn this fence in-
side out -no! no This fence possesses a lock(shown in illus-
tration) which holds the stays SECURELY in place without
undue kinking, either in the strand or stay wires. If you
are going to do any fencing it will repay you to consult the
We are ready to supply your wants. Our
store is filled up with all the good things to make
you happy for the Holiday Season and long after-
wards. We invite you to call and let us show you
the good things we have to offer.
DRESS 0001)5 - All the latest HOLIDAY SEASON GOODS -A
cloths end shades, at pi ices to suit e'v• • large 1)51401'1 inent of New Ties, Scarfs,
ndy, !Caps and (:loves for the Christmas
and Nr•ty )1.ent• tittle. All the latest.
LADiES. I ;OATS ANDJACK ETS-; I:1'It COATS -•A large ns.ortment
We have the BEST and at the '.t'ii in Conn Coats, ('nlf•Skin, Black Tak,
lowest pi ices. Special 13.11 gains will. Bishop, Horse. eta, ere. Also a fine
be offered in Lndieb' Fur Coats and line of FI ft•io1NED COATS. These
Cloth Jackets to clear. ! coats will tie sold at Bargain Prices.
FUR RUFFS- -\Ve have a large ROBES ANI) BLANKETS -A full
ess.trtment in Alaska Sable. Isabella stork of Ore•v (boat, Brown Bear, Bish•
Mahle, A"'erie:tur Hall"' I'al,e'ila ()Owl- op and Saskatchewan Rubes; Also
sou,, wR ., Ar., „1 Special PI itis. Wool lint -t• Blankets and Jute'•Lined
MILLINERY -Bargains will he of.' Blankets. Get our prices before mak•
fered for the balance of the season
as we do not intend to carry over any
thing in this line if it price will sell it.
Come early and get some of the Bar-
-A large asiortaient f these
plain arts) f.tm:y, white and ....hard,
and fancy enthrnith'r•ed -- iron) a • up.
They will eer•tainly plea -e you.
Yuoths and Boy's' Ready -to -Wear
Suits at Bargain I'riet•s. A big cut
to clear. Our stock of Men's, Youths'
and BoyA OVERCOATS was nveer Hanging i.anlps. Fancy Plates and
better. Big Bargains will be given ('ups and Meucci s; also Dinner Setts,
in Men's Tweed t'I••ters. BOYS': Toilet Setts, &ce, tee
MADE •TO• Oit1)1•:R ('I,OTHiNG-if Ft.tisin', Ne r ('nrr.tnre, New Peels,
yon, are looking for a Swell Suit, New Fitfi, Ntw heaters, N••w Shrlled
mails tit order, at a 1e3sonnhle price, Almonds, New Shelled \I alines and
hP sure you see our gotxls before Everything New that you tail1 ft finite
snaking your pinclieEe. We have to awake your Xmas Cake. All sold at
the right goods at right prices. 1 close prices.
EVerylxxlV is invited to call and take a 1(x)k through
our large and well assorted stock. It will (ler you good and
do us Irl Kxl to SCC you.
X111 kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices,
ing your purchase.
shoe store is full of all the needs for
waiter comfort. Ruhbet s, Overshoes,
Cardigans. Robber Boots. Felt Shotes,
Fancy Felt Slippers and Shoes Also
nil kinds and iintkes of Roots and Shoes
in Leather for [oldie"' and Men. Our
;wires you will find as low as the
lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed.
CHitISTMAS ('NINA - Just re-
ceived a consignment of the finest
French China. 'i hese make lovely
Xmas Presents. A Targe assortment
of Fan :y Jardineres, Base Lantps,
S. Ii. WAL[Rit, President
ALi:Z. LAIRD, General Kyoga
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,010
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Brandies throughout Canada, and In the United States and England
Deposits of $I and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Exeter Branch -O. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
"Peerless Peninsulars"
Are Cast -Iron Ranges Built Like Steel Ranges
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the
Drop Oven and Low Closet which have
heretofore been exclusive features of the
most expensive steel ranges.
They are also the only ranges made with
Fire -Box on right or left side, as may
better fit the kitchen in which the range
is to be placed.
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid
cookers, are very economical in regent to fuel, are
strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service.
let us show you their many features of
superiority. 71
,.. Groceries and Confectionery .,.
New Grocery and Confectionery Store,
Opposite the Central Hotel,
is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goods!!!
We airs to keep these lines right up the mark all the time!
Fresh Groceries Always.
New and Choice Confectionery.
Cigars and Tobaccos.
Our Oyster Parlor IS ALWAYS OPEN and we can guarantee
satisfaction to our customers.
Wilson Bros., - E ceter-i
One door north of Bank of Commerce.
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1855
Capital -
Rest Fund -
▪ $3,374,000
▪ $3,374,000
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World,
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current t ate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON dt CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,
uying Xmas. Goods,
to know just what to buy
in the line of
Jewelry, watches, Clocks, Silverware.
You very often need a hint
as to what is most suitable
to buy for your friends or
Our Stock Furnishes the Hints ----+-
It reveals in a minute more
appropriate presents than any
one could sit at home and
recall in a whole day.
an i We promise to make their
ch(a)sing easy and their choice
Exeter, Ont.