Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-17, Page 1L
SI to JAN. '10
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low l u b Rates
TwKNTY-Flalfr Yana.
der libeet
In Newest Tylwc
On Best Papers:
The Finest Work
And Right Prices
The Advocate Office,' Exeter
The Old Reliable
We are offering big inducements for the next two weeks !
Very Special Line of Flannellette
in stripe, light and dark colors, full
yard wide. 11 yards for $1.00
Extra English Flannellette-
0 yards for $1.00
Stripe Cottondea (Al Quality) -
23c per yard
Apron Gingham, regular price 15c
-now 12ic per yd.
Flannel, in fancy check, suitable
1 en's Shirts and Children's Un-
dbrwear, regular 33c and 45c -
Clearing for 20c
Qdd Ends of Flannellette and Flan-
nel Sheeting -240 yards at your own
10 Men's Suits in Tweed patterns,
regular $10.00, $8.50, $7.00 -
To Clear $5.00
11 Men's Suits, Black and Blue
Worsteds Serge, regular 812.50.
$11.00 and $10.00 - To Clear $8.25
13 Men's Black Suits, regular $8.50
and $7.60. - To Clear $5.00
I8 Youths' Suits, in Tweed Pat-
terns, regular price $4.00 to $7.00 -
To Clear $3.00
11 Boys Do, regular 83.00 to $0.00
-To Clear $1.50
17 Boys' Suits, 3.piece, suitable for
boys from 3 to 7 years, regular price
$2.50-$3.75 - To Clear $1.50
T,,, . prices ate real and goods you need every day_
and. Bargains you don't got every Day
Number of Men's Heavy Freize
Overcoats. regular price $5.00 to
To Clear 53.00
- Outside of this sale --
We Have A Splendid Assortment of Xmas Goods!
We pay as high as any of our Neighbors for Produce.
`-'""e`-PHONE 22�
We have a large
assorted stock of
Nice Xmas Gifts
For Ladies and Girls, in
Nice Fancy Silk li'k's. frown 5c to 50c
Lovely Back Combs, from lec to $3.00
Fancy Belt', Swell Collars, from 2oc to $1.00
Neck Lances, Beads, Lace Ties, Cushion Covers.
Table Drapes, Hand Bags, Gloves in all colors,
Nice Fur 'turners, from $2.00 to $3.00,
Muffs, from $1.00 to $18.00
Nice Boxes of Frilling, only 25e
Fancy Slippers, at Low Price.
Two Fur -Lined Coats Left, $50 and $65 -Beauties.
And lots of other nice things for Xmas.
For Men and Boys
Fancy Braces, Fancy Ties, Mufflers, Gloves. Caps in Fur and Clotn, Cuff
Links, Nati k's, Slipper'. Boots and Some Nice Suits at Bargain Prices.
Come in and see what we have to show you.
OurCr oceries are the best we can buy !!!
Professional Cards.
Dei. O. r. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 6.
Malabar of the R. 0. D. 8. of ocearto and Honor
Grsdnate of Toronto University.
OIIICE: Oa er Ui kion & Carling's law Office, Is
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
aiDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L 0. 8., D. D. Be
llonor valuate of Toronto Ucdveristy.
forth setts -tea without an) pain, or any laei effects
OlEce over Malinke & Staubur)'s o.T.re, Main street
JiM resumed practice after eeendtn)t a year (Col.
tlat British and Continental hospitals. General
taches with special attention to E)e, (with refrac-
oa Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
[>t R BRhil[T, M. D., kl. c'. P. & s., lloS01n
il• Orsdnate of Toronto University, two years
resident t'hyel ian itoyal Alexandra hospital, etc.
Office an.I Re.iaence, Ili. Amc, Ohl stand, Andrew
Street, ENETKR.
tors, Notaree, ('on,eyam err, Commisdonero
11o11cltots tat Bolton, Bank, etc.
Mosey to Loss at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. 1L Oaaors•, &A , 1. 11. Dtcrsost
We have a targe amount of private funds to loan
• farm sod village properties at low rates of later
Barristers, Boli: iron. Win at., gaetet On
B. B. PHTLLTPft, Exlrrlta.
Llcos+ed Asct)oseer.
Bales attended In all parts. 8atiefsction fatale.
teed or so pay Terms reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma et Royal In .'rper.IM Society of
Mo loans, F.sRiand; Organist of Trivitt Yemorlid
OtParch,F.xeter. piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
of Musi. , Terms on application. Exeter. Ont,
Agent Confederat ion Life Aaqurance
Comp tiv, al'o Fire Insurance in lead-
ing (an•tdian and British Companies.
Main -St.. Exeter.
f1011SE FOR
A hey driving mare for sale -In foal.
Apply .at this office.
Stle••es,tor to Da_ RAMSAY,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls kft at the home of Mr. Peter Hamden
Mala street, (opp. Trivet Memorial Church), will he
promptly attended to.
Office Dr. Ramst,'s old etand,corner of Main anil
North streets, (opp.l'ym's Blacksmith Shop).
Yotrr patronage solicited.
House and Lot for Sale
There has been placed in the undersigned's hands
for sale, A brick house, nearly new, 1 a storeys high
containin: ' rooms resides 'mom. r kitchen and
woodshed, a good cellar underneath the house, a
good well of water near door, also goat drive house
and stable en the lot. The lot contains 3.5 acrae of
land b. good slate of cults, ation on w hich are s
goat number of first class fruit tearing trees. The
property is well fenced and eterything In first class
shape. This Is s very desirable property, ni. sly sit•
usteat, imitable fora retired larmcr, er any person
wanting a nice tidy home. Sat i.lactory reason giv
en for selling and will to sold for far less than coed.
For terms and partieuIars apply to
B. 8. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer,
):iter, tint.
(food general serv.n,t wanted to go to
s.rtnta. Apply to Mrs. D. Johns, Exeter.
i'uh!ic Notice is hcnb). given th.0 a
nesting of the Electors of the Villege of
l:rettr will be held In the TOW N HALL,
EXETER, on MONDAY. DEC. 28, tette
.at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, for
the purpose of making and receiving
Nominations for Recv.•. Councilmen and
for Public School Trustees. And
futther notice is hereby given that lit
the event of more candidates being pro-
posed for any office than required lo
be elected. the proceedings will be ad-
Jcuri.N1 to Mc)N1),tY. JANUARY •nth,
1tVOA. when pons w1i1 be opened at 9
a. m. Closing at :, p. :ref at the follow-
ing places, as fixed by Village fly.1aw,
viz. -Polling Su,,-d,vlsion No 1, at
Silas )landford's residence. 'alai,.-st.,by
F:,iward ',retie, D. It. 0., and Ilerbart
Ford, Poll Cleric. Folling Sub -division
No 2. at Weekes Bros.' Marble Works.
Main Strccy by W. D. -aVeckcs, 1). It. 0.
and James Weekes, Poll Clerk. Poll-
ing gu`f-division No. R, at F.. 11. Fish's
re ddct,ce, Main street, by R. O. iieldon,
D. R. 0.. amt Alea. 0. Dyer, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -division No. 4, at the Town
Hall. by .losepe I'aeis, D. 11. 0.. and
R. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. And alleltrt
ore are hereby requ q'• d to take notice
and govern themseiveq accordingly.
Dated at Exeter, Dec( tithe r 79, 19.11).
Br u ....g Ott,.r.
Evangelistic Progress.
The Crossley & iiu:,tcr evengellcttf ser-
vices ate stlii in ptoarese, and the in-
terest is increasing. Already over two
l:undted have alerted. and propie from
all the neighboring places are attending
night atter night. Many People who
were opposed to the evangelists or in-
different to theta at tee uteri. rue taking
a deep int -rest in the services.
Last Sunday's servit'ee were well at-
tended. In the ntornins Mr. Crossley
preached in Caven Presbyterian church
and Mr. Itu iter 1n the Main street Siettt-
odiet church. In the afternoon (1nws&
meeting for nett only was held to Male
altos church, and in Vnc evening James
street church wan packed to the doors,
many standing and others could not
gain admlasion. One feature of the ev-
ening service was Mr. Hu Oar's story
of the conversion of Sir John A. Mac-
donald. The evettgeilat peed a glowing
trltute to the sincerity and devotion of
Canada's Grcateet Statesman. The ser-
vices will b_t condu=ted in the James -at,
et.0:-c'r all this week beginning at 7.1 1.
At the (11.188 tweeting for tn.Ii only Ll
laht attcet Methodist c! un. h an Im-
mense crowd of sten assembled. A
ependid choir of then sang with fine
effete under tai lend -aa ap of Mr. Cruse -
ley. Addresses were deliver.at by both
of the evangelists. Tae interest in the
subjects discussed was shown by the
deep attct:tlo;r riot it to the speakers all
threaten the ecrvtce. A similat service
wall be held in the same church next Sun
d,y a1t:rt.0on at 3.30, wlle.t Mr. Cro4'-1 y
will speak. At the same time Mr. Hue-
ter will address a nleotlrs of ladies ht
James street church,
Site. Dr. Hodgson of Regina, N. W. T.
spent a few days of the pant week visit-
ing with Mr. a')d Mrs. 1t. Skinner. -The
attendance at the Eilnnvllle church on
Sunday ev. i:ng was very not ill. owing
tto doubt to litany going to Exeter to
hear the Evangelists. Crossley and
I unttt.-The 'ro•xunnip council tend
their wind -Up 'canton on Tuesday and
transacted considerable business. Only
a couple of weeks rt main till the nom-
inations and elections w'.ra t.ske pixie
one week later. Already the mu delpal
pot Is ,farting to get warns and some
are :ooka,d forward wit'. municipal as-
perations. it Is reported that the Reeve
will rests!' and the. Mr. J. Mo:: aril Mr.
Robt. Gardiner and Mr. John Delbrldge
will contest the reeve's chair, wails the
names of Mess. a, 'Taos. ifu.tictn. Fred.
Eltertngto,e and Win. Monteith will be
In the field for cou:u ilrncn. Tney are
all good. capahte men, to sorry to say
they all can't eft ter covet'.) riffle 'R.
Public Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of Ile El etots of the TOWN
51111' OF STEPHEN wIII be held in the
DEC. 26th, 1908, at one o'eloek In the
afternoon, Tor the purpose of making
and receiving notol.tat:otu tor Reeve,
Deputy Reeve and Councilmen. A td
further notice 1s hereby given that in
tt.e event of more candidates bang pro-
posed for any office than ra,utred to
be elected. the proceedings will be ad-
journed to MONDAY, JANUARY 401,
:1)09, when polls will b.n opened at 9
a. m. Closing at 5 p. nL. it the follow -
Ing places, as fixed by Township By-law
viz. -Poll 1. M11;'s Shoe Shop, Lot
Con. 1 ; Toll 2, !'canal,',. Kitchen. Lnt
20, Con. 2; Poll 3. B.t rher Shop, Lot
1 I. Con. II; Poll 4, TOW,i Hall, Lot 10,
Con. 7; Poll 5, (u,tninghant's Ktic.ten.
Lot 11, Con. 13 ; Poll 6, Zen)nier's Hall,
Lot 2:t. 5 It.; Poli 1, ll lima n's ;file
Lot 11. Con. 17 Poll 5. xvtiso•i's ILttl.
Lot 40, S. IL, Pull ti. 1tactatwe's Hall.
Lot 1. Bauble. And all electors ter•
hereby requ. sled to tier r,o' u c a:rt
ern themselves ac 0:dlugl)'.
Ciedtton. 1)e c:o:ta r 16th. lona.
1IF.NIt1' EiI.IIEit,
Itt'u :,L,o 018(.:.
Exeter Council
Colleen ,net In. the Town Hall, rues -
Dee. 15. as Ice Statutes. All the mem-
bers present. Minutes of tweeting geld
Ue . 40. wale read and approved. A re-
port Dont the Fence Viewers re. award
between Meeers. Martyrs and Davis was
read, c1,argittg aascssntutt agalnat each
party of $3. The same was ordered
tiled. Mr. Abraham Dearing, sr., wait-
ed on the couucll regarding tabor on
drain, along Sleeve and Edward streets
Having paid ou: $13 in wages he wish-
ed a refund. Per Heatnaie-Johns-that
111. Dearing be paid the aunt of $ld for
work as perforated on Sltucoe street
drain. -<Carried. The comate _t appoint-
ed at tee last utecting 01 flu Jewell, re-
garding petitions fur deem lights, re-
port having visited the different pelnts
and would recommend that tete batter
of placing lights at these corners be
left with the Incoming council, and at the
corner of Sl,ncoe and Edward streets
a calling be placed on each aide of walk
over the t nivel t. Per F eke -Knight -
that the recommendation of the commit-
tee be sustained. The Co)nmissioncr be-
ing Instru:ted to place the railing for
the safety of the public. -Carried. 'lir.
S. Sanders waited on the Council ask-
ing an Increase of $t0 In salary it
Treasurer, -No action. Per Jol,tta-Puke
-that the taxes of Mr's. Sutton and S.
B.asketville be refunded.-Cat:i.:1. Per
Fuge-1Culght-that L. C. Pleating be
rtsitLatt:d a6, taxes on income asaJaa-
ment.-Carried, A large number of ac-
counts were passed but these wlil ap-
pear shortly in the Financial Statement
The Iteove advised the Council that tie
had written aakieg for figu:es regard-
ing a standpipe, reporting the.: the
water tanks were ;flaying out, and would
eu;gest that a vu:Ce of the ratepayers
be taken pre:.,Jed List they could get
the necessary itiforma.:on to submit at
the January election. Adj. by Knight.
Antos Den., r,p.,ut '1 ..Jay .n London
on tushneee,-Miaa Laura Marshall of
Mu.u-oe apent Saturday at.d Sun las with
friends 1n and around Kirktoit.-!t is
announced that ti:e annual atattv..t v.try
services of the Engliaa church Sunday
School was to have ossa held o,t Seaalay
last. ltev. Mr. Car,fale of Lu an w;ta to
have preached, bu: owing to a death
having occurred in his pariah it was
infpo isfbte for hint to be present ltev.
Mr. Remy occupied the pulpit and stated
that Mr. Carllele would preach the an-
i:lveraaty Betvtt-es in tae near future, -
The other day wt'ile in conversation wit!,
one of the truate a of S. S. No. 3a Us -
borne, I was informed that they had
secured the services of Miss Eagle Ceca-
80:1 of Ridgeway to becuine titer teach-
er, and that her application was eccout-
panicd by the best of recommendations
and hoidh.g a profeaslot,al certificate.
She gets a t,u:,tber tree scaool to tearh
and the trustees deserve enngratuletions.
Mu:,lclpal Mattes,. -Of late wa hear
1onelderablo talk hi the n,Unlcvpal air
for the coating year and there will be
lots of contestants In the field for bola
councillors and reeve. We hear that V'nt
Atkinson le going to see how fleet he Is
on foot again. He has tun on two prev-
ious occasions and won the bruin each
time, while in tae council he has been
a hard worlter, pleasant to do buslnese
with, and looked atter the township at -
fairs in su:h a manner that It reflects
credit 00 himself anti we say that the
ratepayers of the township of Cationic
will not make a mistake In letting him
f111 the saute chair for another term.
,ve also hear the names of John Molr
°ming oUt for reeve. Ile has ruff on
soveral o:xaslons and won oUt every time
hut once. While In the council he lyes
been a diligent, conscientious worker,
served the ratepayers well and no arta
in the township of Osborne Is so worthy
of the reeve's chair as John Moir.
Death. -Mr. Robert Clark died on tee
12th inst., at tee age of 7:, years. tie
was taken with a stroke of paralyels
two weeks ago from which he gradual-
ly sank Leith death rt•lleveti Hint. Int• r-
nte:it took place to 14(41's cemetery on
Monday. He leaves to mourn his death
a wife and three daughters. Mrs. (;ray
of London ; Mra, Yates or Detroit ; Mrs.
Sinclair of Alberta ; also two brothers
and one sister.
Thomas Gray of Lo:,dott attended the
furtetal of Mr, Clark Monday. -Mr. and
Mre. Cannan of IIantilton visited here
last week. -Mrs. Yates has returned to
Dettolt, her home.
Another pioneer Is at rest In the per -
eon of David Carletle, of lot 3, con. 12.
I libbert, at the age of 88 years, 25 days.
ire was widely and favorably known.
having acttled there over (10 years ago.
Ile was born hi Perthshire, Scotland.
and (nine to Canada when only 11 years
old. settling with ills parents near 1St.
Calharhtes before condhg to Illbbert. I[c
possessed .t strong couatitutlun and
cleared the forest into a tine farm, At
the same tltne acquiring considerable of
this world's goods. Ile was a men of
excellent ;rabies, tine moral chart'.ter,
and his friends and itleadaulps were
sacred to hire. In religion he was n
Presbyterian and 10 politics a Llueral
of the old school. Ills wife died 14
yearn ago. Three children survive Da-
vid en the homestead, Mrs. James Hard
finer of Farquhar, and 11... John Dow
of F'ullarton. Deceaacd was a patrlotfc
subject, and served his Queen acid Ills
country in the Mackenzie Rebellion of
1837. Sincere sympathy is extended to
the fatally.
Miss Phocmle K;dd, daurhtcr of Mr.
John Kydd, formerly of this vicinity,
but now of Mawltobt, Is visiting friends
and relatl(ea around he:c.-The Thames
Road beef ting held their annuzl meeting
last week and we ut:de; stand It was
decided to continue the affair as usual
for forty weeks next year. -Mr. Fred
Ellerington of Lumley has just complet-
ed his season's ti,reshing, which we are
Pleased to say has been a prosperous
one. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen stetted
the lattei's parents In Fleeter on Seri -
day. -Mr. Fal. Stone has the material all
on the grou id for the foutelatlon to be
taint under his barn next summer, -The
school concert to be held It, the Farqu-
har }fall next Sfonday evening, 21st inst.
promises to be a set -teem, as both teach
er and pupils are sparing no efforts to
stake it still. A wean adnttssio;l fee
will he t ,.,('10 to d.fra.t e%p>r',anes.
Grand Bend
Mr. H. Gill, of Port Franks, spent a
few days with his patents last week. -
The date of the Methodist Christmas
Tree entertainment has been changed
to Friday, the 18th.
DRATIL-This week it is our sad
duty to mention the death of one of
the oldest settlers of Bosanquet Town-
ship, in the person of Mrs. Patterson,
who died at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Hobert Pollock, on the
21st con. of Stephen, where she had
been visiting. She had caught a cold,
which developed into pneumonia, of
which she cried Tuesday, at the age of
76 years and 11 months. She leaves to
mourn her loss five sons and three
daughters. 10 religion she was a
Presbyterian. The funeral was large-
ly attended 'Thursday. She was well
liked by all who knew her.
it will be remembered that The Soy.
ereign Mink commenced the coin -
pounding of intere.t font' runes a year
on deposits, rand the tithe' ',alike were
force(i to fel! in line. Now that the
Sovereign is down and nit the hanks
have decided to return to the half
yeatly system.
t)ebus.-in Ilay, on Dec., 7, to Mr. and
Mrs. Louts Debug, a son.
Conlin. -In Meell)livray, on Dee. 8, to
Dir. and Mrs. F. P. Conlin, a daughter
Laporte. -In Flay, on Dec. till), to Mr.
Dire. John Laporte, a daueitler.
ittg,U,-In Hay. on Lice. 3, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Regler, two boys, twins.
Mills. -In Exeter North, on Dec. 11, to
Mr, and Dfra, Fred. Mills, a daughter.
Plante -At St. Joseph, on Dec. iota, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pians;., e. daugh-
F1tA:3Ett-In North Battleford, Sask.,
on Dec. 7th. to Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Fraser (nee Clara Sanders) twins -
boy aril girl.
Lang-Ilodgtns-In London . ort Dec. 2.
Miss 1iytte Iiodt;h:s to Dr. C. A.Lang
of Granton.
Clark. -In Moorevllle, on Dec. 12, 12obt.
Clark. aged 771 years.
Stewart. -At Ailsa Craig, Dec. 2, Dr. D.
A. Stewart, aged 5J years.
11: :ton. -in nralit TOM, on Deeenth-r
1'luttuc verity, aged fn) years,
Oliver. -At Greenway, on D,e, :lyd, to
Mr. and Mrs, ttarl Oliver, a sort.
Routh-dec.-It: CII:ton, on Dec. ft, F1 -
ward J. itoutledgc, ugcd 36 years.
White. -It, St. Marys, on Dec. 8, William
D. White, aged 73 years, :. months.
Conlin. -In MvGtilivray, on Dec. 8, the
Infant dau;hter of Mr. and Mrs. h'. P.
Patterson. -In Stephen, on Dec. 8, Mre.
Patterson of 13osanquet, aged 70 years,
11 ntohthc,
Cantpbeil.-Int 'Lutich, ou D=c. 8th, Byron
Murdock. sett of Dr. and 1frs. Camp-
bell. aged 8 months.
Coats. -At Cresslit:e, Ohio, on Dee. 0,
Sarah Coatis, relict of the late W. Coate
of Clinton, aged 74 years.
An Edison
on the Tree,
Then a Ctirtetmas brightened by songs
music, dances and stories; then long
evenings made short throughout the
Winter by thea same great entertainer.
The Edison Phonograph
A gift appreciated by ah, front the
baby up. from CHRISTMAS DAY ON
Have you heard tete new Antberol Re-
cords. They play four minutes. Conte
in early before the last minute folks
crowd the store. You can buy now for
Christmas delivery.
AL Ilk
As atlttfttl
Hold only at
Aril" Iur1%, 117
Holiday Goods --- Gole's Drug Store
AVISiT TO OI'R STORE cannot fail
to offer many valuable suggestions
in solving the perplexing questions
What to buy for a Christmas Gift at a moderate cost
that will combine all the essentials of
Elegance, Practibility and Appropriateness
Hair Brushes
Without question
our line is large and
complete. : Prices
that make theta de-
sirable thein.
25c- $3,00
Inspect Them
Ebony Goods Choice Gifts
Everything in Eb
ony, including
Toilet and Manicure
These make beau-
tiful presents for a
Choose Early
Leather Goods,
fust (':rel Alburtis,
Xmas Stationery,
\rnas and New Year
('alendar ;•:.d 13,:ok.
Shaving (It s,
Glove and 11nndker•
chief Boxes.
25c ---$5.00
Buy Now
Save Tour Money by Buying
W. S. Cole, Phm.B., Exeter, Ontario
Christmas Suggestions
Carpet Sweepers
from 45c to $4.00
Very Acceptable Gifts
Roast Pans, 50c, f;f)c and 75e
Savory Roast Pans. reg. $ 1.50 fur $ 1
Skates, from 50c to $4.00
Hockey Stix from 1 f )e to 50c
Meat and Food Choppers
Crumb Trays
Pocket Knives
• $1.01) " 84.50
7.50 " 20.00
w 1.35 " 2.00
35c 1.00(
ft 75ci. 5.00
• r)c " 1.00
All empty Cement Sacks mast be returlt'il .1t ()Tiro!