Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 81V e w Winter l
+.41111:i :.t•!••1•'i••Fi••i••1••i••i'+•fi'•i•i'•i
S aitings
Over Coatings
$ i Antings+
} and Vestings
in all the latest
shames & patterns
at reasonable prices
the New Fashion Plates
for the present season
Merchant Tailor,
liminess Locals -- Read Them
E. A. Follick makes a speciality of
>retking and baking Xmas cakes.
Stewart's for Clean, Fresh Groceries
- — yer Xmas. Try their 30c Tea—Mixed,
Mack or Japan.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Stewart's for Bargains : $10.50 buys
t Lur•el y Fur -lined Coat for a Lady.
The Advocate will be mailed to any
address in Canada until January 1st,
1110, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
Follick's for your Xmas Fruit.
Stewart's fur .1 uzas China -25c to
$2.50 for Jar•lf,ie•re•.s, $2 to et, for Toilet
Bets and $12.50 to $30 for China Tea
"You are it" if you don't arm your -
golf with Ifowey's "Cure -a -Cold Can-
n eries" for the first cold that comes is
sure to catch you.
Steuort's Ter Rare Value in Pittner
Sits. 108 piece sets, 87, $5, 810, up to
111z5. Imported direct _t runt makers—
Swell for A i as (silts.
• Ladies! Our mirror, snake choice
Xmas presents for men or women, 25c.
Ito $1.00. Cole's Drug Store.
$,5.50, $6.50 up to $15 for some
. t,unelin•/ Peltas in Fur Ruggs 1,1
SL wa rt's.
Xmas Candies are good at Statham's.
The Advocate will be sent to any
address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910,
for $1.00.
We sell the best. Try our select
oysters.—E. A. Follick.
$3.75 for a /,,,rely New Style in Net
Ili�ala.r, si1.d-lin„1 ,unit frim,m'l With Ian-
ey finet tri ming. Stewart's.
See artifici d flowers at Howey's
Drug Store for Xnias decorating.
P, }'our Christmas Shopping at
Stewart's. Ilia Stock. Ili./ Values.
Soo nor In', itiful pieces of Fancy
Chin t for ('ht istt is--Fr•erlch Litno-
ges..ialtutese. Royal Bayreuth --in all
sort:, el dishes, etc.—Ds.truNte's 13a -
All kinds riots and candies at E. A.
Rare I'er,0.' in Parlor, Table and
Ilan;in•, Limp, ,it Stewart's.
P Y)•ical Caltarc Class.
Yeueg ut• o and boys wishing to
join S.:,tt. Ni j.r Ilectot's Physical
e ('la•s f r three months. will
lea', r -•e•ir nrt•n••-e at the Advocate Oft•
ice. Terms: —Yeang !nen, $2.00 for
poria,: treys, tttLtwt. Course to coin -
metes.. Mond iv, Dee. 7th.
11'h• n .1 'ing your Christmas shop'
ping c.il ,(t S athatn's and have a
deli. ; .140%,•tet stew.
M. O•cn• Corning.
Dr s .'nlon, Eye and Ear
Burg, <,.,. w iii at the Commercial
H,•'•'. Isar?'•. •.•1 Saturday, Dec. 1tHh.
• - pro . t 1v fitted and diseases of
Ev• , a et Nose treated. Hours
., 5 tt.tn.
�`++4. a 1.14++++++44+44+14+++!!
Cold Weather
••••-, NOW
1Vinter is new a tpon tis
and CHi{ISTMAS will
Soon he here.
r at'IT
as Overcoat
if n. t, better come
to es N11d
let us clothe you
We a ,•,:.•4') a ;...t : ne
Of atateris! and ear make
sad R. i. g"aranteed
'erctrnnt Tellor • Ftcter
444aaa- /'.tt-r1tf+i•♦+++4+4-'
LOOK !!!
STEWART is paying for
Choice Turkeys 14c,
Choice Geese 10c,
Choice Ducks 11c,
Butter, prints or rolls, 24e,
Eggs 23c,
Dried Apples • 1-2c
Co to Stewart's!!!
CONFECTIONERY at a Selling Price
Get your Xmas holly and mistletoe
at Follick's.
Hair Brushes make useful Xmas
gifts 25c. to $3.00—Cole's Drug Store—
see them.
WOOLS of various kinds for Fancy
Work at Dearing's Bazar. -8c. a lb.
Statham's is the spot for bon -bons
and chocolates, made by the celebrat-
ed flans of Lowney and Towns.
Greatest Assortment of Xmas
Cards now in town, are now on sale at
The Parity.
Ladies doing their Xmas shopping
can rest and have lunch at all hours at
Follick's restaurant.
Toys—We have a full and complete
line of NEW TOYS—Dolls, Horses,
Chairs, etc.—DEARINO's BAZAR.
Before purchasing elsewhere take a
look at Follick's bon -bons.
"The early bird gets the worm" this
old saying is true in regard to Xmas
buying, Come early while our stock
is complete. Howey', Drug Store.
Bon -Bon boxes -25c. to $1.50 at
Nothing nicer for a Xmas present
than a plant. A good choice at Fol -
Mr. J. W. Taylor is ill at his home
Mrs. Dearing is confined to the bons
through illness.
Mr. Dan. Davis has been confined to
his bed since Saturday through illness.
Only two weeks to Christmas.
Have you done your Christmas buy-
Crystal City Courier:—"John Cud -
more secured a wolf which weighed 45
pounds on Saturday, his famous dog
'Jerry" killing him alone.
1tey. NV. Godwin has been suffering
from an attack of the grip on account
of which he was unable to take the
services on Sunday evening in the
Methodist church.—Parkhill Gazette
Rev. C. W. Sanders, rector of Luck -
now, preaebed two very acceptable
and well directed discourses in the
Trivitt Memorial church in the absence
of the rector, Rev. Collins, who preach-
ed anniversary sermons in Lucknow.
The wealth of the United States in
1850 amounted to but $7.000,000,000; in
1800 it had increased to$10,000,000,000;
in 1870 to $21,000.000,000; in 1890 to
$65,(100,000,000; in 1900 to $88,000,000,-
0011, and it is computed that in 1001 it
reached the staggering sum of $107,•
At. Purves, Man., on Nov. 24th, J
C. Hogarth and wife celebrated th
lith anniversary of their marriage
which took place in Elverson, Man
A number of guests spent an enjoy
evening. Among the presents receiv
e,1 were several from Exeter, the form
el- home of Mr. Hogarth.
The Huron Old Boys' Association
held an informal banquet at the
Roslin House. Toronto, on Friday
evening, Dec. lth, at which Messrs.
W. K. McNaught, M.P.P., J. 8. %VilIi-
son, T. A. Russell, J. A. Cooper and
other prominent Huroniane gave
The friends of Miss Margaret Marie
Moir, eldest daughter of the late Geo.
Moir, formerly of Usborne, have re -
eel ved
e•eelvcd the announcement of her mar -
tinge, Saturday, Nov. 28th, to Dr.
William Dick Cotter of New York at
EI Paso, Texas. Miss Moir was super-
intendent of one of the large hospitals
in New York.
The union services conducted by the
celebrated Canadian evangelists are
now in full swing in the James street
Methodist church. During the last
week the interest has been increasing
from night to night, Friday nights
meeting being one of especial interest
and power. Sunday morning Mr.
('roseley preached in the Main street
Methodist church and Mr. Hunter in
James street. in the afternoon nt 3:15
a mass meeting of all the Sabbath
Schools of the town was held in Jarues
street cheirch and addresses were giv
en by both evangelists and were listen
ed to with great interest by the chit
dren and many older people. in the
evening the capacity of p the large
church was taxed to the utmost with
the immense throng that greete:i the
evangelists. Mr. Crossley preached
an excellent sermon on Conversion
and the after meeting was conducted
by Mr. Hunter, and ns a result there
were thirteen seekers at the Altar.
Mr. Hunter has the faculty of railing
things by their proper names and deal-
ing with common sins in plain and un•
varnished language. Mr. ('rossley's
sermons are striking expositions of
srriptnre, and his singing reaches the
hearts of his hearers, ane+ shows con-
clusively the power of song in evangel-
istic services. One of the chief fea-
tures of their esangelistic campaign in
Exeter will he the mass meeting for
men next Stonily afternoon at 3:30 in
the M tin street church at which mat-
ters of peculiar interest to men will be
dilenssed. The services will he held
every night this week except Smut. -
day in the .lames street church, te-
ginnir g at 7:13.
A Goold reboot.
Ranked among the hest Commercial
.t, boots of the Province, is the Clinton
Business College. The success of its
grad•rates has not been excelled. The
new advertisement of this excellent
-eh,eol is to be found on this page.
11'.• understand that any young people
who are laboring under false impreu-
sion• that they can do tetter in a city
school, will be given free transporta-
tion to the great F.ieetric City of Peter-
iture. which statels sixth among the
•'ities of the i)ominion as to manufae.
taring output. While attending the
Peter', oat Bu•Ine.s(ollege whi"h was
f,, dosed a quarter-century Ago. they
IA he giten free tickets to the city
V. '.1 ('. A.. Y.11-.1'. A. or T. A A
Joseph, son of air. Thos. Case, left
this week to study operating with his
brother Nelson at Clandeboye.
Division Court was held in the Town
Hall here yesterday, when a number
of minor cases were disposed of, Judge
Holt presiding.
Rev. A. 11. Going has accepted the
unanimous invitation to become pas
for of Zion Tabernacle Methodist
church in Ilatniltnn at ,► salary of
$1400. Rev. Going has been four
years in Exeter, his term expiring in
June next. Throughout his ministry
in tide toren he has made many friends
and is very popular with his congrega-
tion, as well as with all with whom he
has conte in cunt yet, irrespective of
denominational lines. He has been
particularly successful in Exeter, and
his depat tore iu June next will be a
matter for regret with many people
A meeting of the School Literary
Society was held on Dec. 4. Eighty-
two members responded to the Roll
Call. The programme was as follows:
Reading, Loney Heywood; Duet, John
and Gordon Butt; Reading, Earl Cope-
land; Instrumental Duet, :hisses Ida
Rowe and Lula Martin; Journal, J. E.
Jones; Reading, Chester Harvey. Ow-
ing to the evangelistic meetings now
in progress it was deemed advisable by
the different committees to postpone
the "At Home" which was partly ar-
ranged tor by the Literary Society of
the high School. The entertainment
will be given at a later date, particu-
lars of which will be given in due time.
A. F.& A. M. Elect Officers.
At the last regular meeting of Leb-
anon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. &
A. M., held Monday night, the follow-
ing officers were elected for the en-
suing term:—Bro. D. W. Collins, W.
M.; Bro, H. N. Creech, S.W.; Fred
Kerr, J.W.; Bro. Win. Sweet, Chap.;
Wor. Bro. Jos. Davis, Chap.; Wor.
Bro.:. H. Sanders. Sec'y.; Bro. Sam'l
Sweet, Tyler; V. Wor. Bro. Beaman
and Wor. Bro. Carling, Auditors.
Candy -Statham.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the horse of Mr. 11. Statham, Lon-
don Rd. South, on Wednesday, Dec.
2nd, at 4 p.m., when their eldest
daughter, Gbecame g et• u tr de, lecante the bride
of Mr. H. Curdy. The bride entered
the parlor on her father's arra under
the strain of the wedding march play-
ed by the bride's sister, Mrs. W. Heit-
man. The ceremony was performed
by Itev. A. H. tieing in the presence
of fifty guests, under au arch of ever-
green and red, white and blue. They
were unattended except for the little
ring bearer, the bride's neice, Miss
Grace He:lntan. The bride's dress was
pale blue ..ilk .and the ring bearer's was
blue cashtne•rt- trimmed fvith lace and
ribbon. After congratulations and
the signing of tin• register they repair-
ed to the dining ronin enol sat down to
an elegant dinner. The presents were
numerous and cooly.'rhe evening
was spent in dancing and other amuse-
ments to the wee stns hones. The
wedding cake was supplied by the
pride's cousin. Mr. '%. J. Statham.
Mr. and Mrs. Curdy are residing in
Mrs. Elworthv', hens,•, South Boun-
dary. ('one, at slat ions.
I{1•:v. HUNTER. The Et•..ngelist
Mr. Jatttes Acheson has returned
from Loruton.
Mrs. F. B. i) irdle, of Brussels, is
visiting 1e•! tt:\ .•. here.
Miss Sad.Ii. r• ,.f St,afTa spent Sunday
with Miss Mine•►e•tt.. Horsey.
Miss Fl ,recce B'nett left last week
to visit her h, other in St ,.l Iir.y.
Mrs. W..1. Shoham and Mrs. Wm.
Cargill last week.
. A. K. McLeod are
in Seafur th and vi -
Wilson visited et
Mr. and Mrs. (i
visiting rel.tives
Miss D iston,
Morin, -k. 11 is rete
i iillin• r frith Miss
t nes to her home in
Dr. A. It unsay returned to Ingersoll
last Friday, having recovered from his
recent illness.
Mr. (inv,ri lto''.•ll h.as refer nes! from
a three years stay in the West and will
spend the winter here.
Mrs. A. Evans of London was the
guest of liar parent.,, Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Treble, last week.
Mr. John Singular returned to Kan•
gas this week after a t kit of six weeks
at the home of Mr. Wm. !Nephew.
Mr. S:t►n'I M.nders. Exeter North.
returned from the 1Ve•t fast week'
where he has been for several months.
Mrs. (1. at.wrl•tf•' "f Clinton. former.
ly of 1'shnrne, •pent s few days Ia•t'
week with frielel• in and around town.
Mrs. A. tlawinn•. District Sc'retar%'
of the 11'ont•m's inti'ut.', is attending'
a general meeting of institute workers
at Guelph.
Mr. Robert. 5.n.1�•1• returned Mon-
ray ecenirg fr.•,,l rh.• Alps of ('anada,
( Bruce C'onnty• a h,•r.• he spent a few ;
pleasant w. eks hues ir,g.
Mr. W. W. Tartan and Dr. A. H.
Kinsman attended the marriage in
i.ondon on Tuesday of Cates in 1lenry
J. 9t, pheos r.. t -a'•• 1, rl ,ncht.a• of \Ir.
and Mrs. Jeseph D,t'lley.
Wheat 91 16
Barley 48 52
Oats 37 38
Peas 75 82
Potatoes. per bag 00 60
Hay, per ton... 750 800
Flour, per cwt., family 275
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 145
Batter 21
Eggs 25
Dried apples 64
Livehogs, per cwt 5 05
Shorts per ton 23 00
Bran per ton 20 00
Mrs. Thomas Sanders, Huron street,
received word last week that her
daughter, Mrs. Thos. Fraser, of North
Battleford, Sask.. was lying critically
Trivitt Memorial Bazaar.
The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt
Memorial church are to be congratu-
lated upon the success of their Bazaar
and entertainment on Friday evening
last. There was as large an attend-
ance as could be properly accommodat-
ed and the effort served not only to
swell the coffers of the Ladies' Aid So-
ciety but also to bring together in a
social way members of the different
congregations in town. In the after-
noon tea was serf -cd and at the same
time the ladies had on sale the many
beautiful and useful articles they have
been preparing and accumulating for
several weeks which met with ready
sale. In the evening an excellent pro-
gram was rendered, consisting of read-
ings, singing, music, etc., with Rev.
Collins filling the chair in his happy
and pleasant manner. The instrumen-
tal selections by Mr. Brown were high-
ly pleasing as were also the solos sung
by Rev. Carlisle of Lucan. The read-
ings by Mrs. Weidenhammer were ex-
cellent renditions and brought forth
raptuous applause. The solos by Miss
Martin need no comment as when she
sings she receives the hearty support
and applause of her hearers. The
Deyonehire readings by Mr. Hurdon
were well taken and were indeed very
humorous. The singing by Mr. Den-
ning and Mr. Cross were pleasing
selections. Rev. C. %V. Sanders, rec-
tor of Lucknow, was present and gave
a short but very interesting address.
The proceeds amounted to upwards of
No newspaper or magazine In this
country pretends to rival the Family
11,rald and weekly Star of Montreal.
It is in a class entirely h; itself. It Is
tete greatest family and farm paper
printed to day. It Is simply marvellous
what veto one gets during the year
tri that great weekly. A dollar invested
for 1909 will be the best dollar you ever
pivrigr w
t Harvey's Star
You may have been using some
other flour and you may have
had pretty- good results but now
for your Christmas Baking you
for bread and
for your• cakes and pies.
Nothing better made. Goods
delivered to all parts of the town.
Leave your order at the will.
Ali& JAL 4!Ii /AL Aell lek.All ilk AIL d
Scrap Iron, �Wa�ted
Brass, Copper
Rubber, Etc,,
We ate prepared to pay
40c a hundred and upwards,
according to quality, for Scrap iron.
01d Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per Ib
Horse flair, 20e. Copper and Brass 8c
Raga, 50e per hundred.
— - ..tee.
We Have for Sale
a large quantity of
suitable for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
tralnrd by nor management than any other
In OM arj,, Great demand Mrrnrrgraduate.,
a. R,1•inra• ('mile¢• Tey -hen, t'ri.ate Se. re•
tariN, OfTl'e A.wi•tant., et,. The etnbndi•
ment nt the m -et Expert. M,.1ern S,rtema
lanolin in Kalinin• s. ien.•e. We incite •.)m•
tari.nn. Three Department.. Manner! by
,t,lte•t in•tnrtnrs
Mail Ornlrse. in all Purims College and
High S,5,.,l .1'1. to
Jobbers and Dealers in �►'
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware stock is Miele
WE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furniture
MD041412 114111 414)C.13lli415114 aCCOCC4 CC31C
11415440,0ON01411 00111243i CDZIR @41NN
The Leading Home Furniahera and Funeral Directors.
Christmas Good Things Galore !II
The 3t'd week has passed away and now—
CHRISTMAS only 2 weeks away
It is time for us all to get busy !
—shop early and often• •
We can wait on you Xmas Week but can do
much better now when the crowds arc not so large.
YEAR !!! --iT makes os think of stir FI{iENi)S and wonder what we
can buy them for a XMAS or NE W YEARS' PRESENT. Make this
store YOUi{ II EA1)Q( ARTE1{S to (lo your 1101.i1)AY Shopping and
and you will find ns WEi,L prepared to supplg your many wants.
New Collars
The most beautiful fot
we have ever shown. All
the newest creations its
Ladies' Neckwear are
shown here in all the New
Dainty Colors.
From 250 up t..1131 each
Dyer 1(i1 dozen of the
nicest range we have ever
From :,c up to 50•3 each
Silk Scarfs and
We are showing some
very nice Seatfs and Fas-
cinators for Xmas. Noth-
ing prettier for a present.
Big Millinery Clearance
New Belts
1n Leather, Elastic, Me-
tallic and Brochade. These
hefts have all just arrived
and are the very newest
thing out for \mss.
From '25e up to 75c each
White Waists
A nice Int of New White
Waists for the Xmas
trade—to see there is to
take them—all prices.
Always in demand for
this time of the year. Kid,
('a•hu:ere. Suede & Wool
in long el' short lengths.
are giving on all our Millinery. Everything in the Millinery
I.ine MOST BE CLEARED OUT and if Cutting the Pri-
ces will do it you will certainly GET SOME BARGAINS!!!
it all roust go at some price !!! 8o you will get the bene-
fits of our losses!!! We are not counting how much we
lose as long as we clear it nut.
Do Not Forget the Boys for Xmas
We have a SWELL LOT OF NEW TiES, Rome in nice,
separate boxes. NEW MUFFLEi{S, from lac to $1. NEW
SUSPENDERS in separate boxes. NEW KiD or MOC-
HA GLOVES, from Al to $3. NICE, FANCY SOX,
SHIRT'S, ('APS and EVERYTHING they may need.
Don't forget that we are Headquarters. for Furs and there ie
nothing better or more useful for A XMAS PRESENT. We have a
big stock of Fi'it LiNED ('OATS, R1'FFS. Mi'FFS & ('APS. Come
and see THE 1110 DISCOUNTS we are giving on our Fnr•Lined Coat*
They ate Heal Beauties at the Prices.
1'c l(Iq'1:11 ' 4 for the celebrated W. E Sanford Clothing