Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 71---:`.1.-.171EZZLEMETVIL,MIOL'AIM. 71231
How an Old .Ian Caused a Ter
I to Retreat.
On De Cured by the Fair Ho ot The question of the power of the
!human e3 a over brute creation is
Dr. William' Pink Pills. Ione which has been much discussed.
Fierce darting pilus. Pains like red' however efficacious such a glance
hog needles being driven through inay be one would not seek such an
the flesh— in the thigh, perhaps 1 opportunity to exercise it as is de-
dowo tbegs to the ankles—that's scribed in Mr. Cameron's "Our
sciaticr.' one but the victim eanitfropical Pusaessious in Malayan In -
realize the torture of this: trouble. dia." "I believe," says the author,
But the sufferer need not grow "that face to face a tiger will not
discouraged for there is a cure in i attack a human being unless the lat-
1)r. William's Pink Pills. These! ter displays a lack et nerve." In
rills enrich the blood, feed the the incident quoted, one feels that
starved sciatic nerve and thus in spite of persuasive conversation
drives out the pails. Mrs. Joseph the old man was wise to take fur-
l.. Brown, Wilmot, N. S., was a ther precautions.
N ictim of sciatica and found a cure The native Malay believes in this
in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.She power also, but expresses it differ -
,says :—"For a year I was aid up eetty.
lwith sciatica from my side to my "If you will only speak to the
foot. What I suffered was at times tiger and tell it that it gets plenty of
awful. I could not touch my foot food in the jungle besides you, the
tt, the floor end had to hobble animal will be persuaded to leave
about tt ith a cane. My right leg you unmolested."
was drawn up, and I never expect- Unfortunately, few get a chance
ed to have the use of it again. I to speak in this way, because the
was attended by our family doctor, tiger invariably steals up behind its
and tried several other remedies, victim. I heard the account of an
but with no benefit, and 1 felt very old Malay who was preserved by ap-
much discouraged. One day I read pealing to the animal's better na-
of the curo of a similar sufferer ture. He said that he was returning
hough Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
home after a visit, with his boy of
nes I decided to try them. I got six years slung behind him on his
six boxes, and by the time 1 had back. Both were contentedly chew -
taken them I was tad tely cured, in Indian corn when the father,
and have not had the slightest look.in round, saw a tiger ready to
twinge of the trouble since. I am staring. g Catlin to mind the old
the:ciore, a very enthusiastic friendg
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 7 ld re- saying, he gasped out a few sounds.
- He found out the tiger seemed to be
commend them to all who a_a bimi
larly troubled." arrested, but he did not wish to
Thera is no mystery about the risk the life of his son, so lie moved
curls Dr. Williams' Pink Pills slowly backward to a tree he re-
make. They act upon the blood, membered seeing. Tho tiger ad -
enriching and purifying it, and in vanced step by step as he retarded.
this way feed the nerves and reach When the old man's back touched
the root of the disease. That is why the tree, he bade tie child climb
they cure such common ailments as up.
anaemia, pimples and eczema, in- Relieved of that anxiety, the fath-
dige:tion, rheumatism, neuralgia, er advanced with his wood -knife
St. Vitus dance, paralysis, and the drawn, arguing all the time in the
irregularities in health of growing keenest logic that it was infinitely
girls and women. Sold by all me- better for him and the tiger to part
ivine dealers or by mail at 50 conte
e box, or six boxes for $2.50, from
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A Complete Dress Will Cost Any -
thin From £1SO to £210.
Although King Edward is the
most democratic of monarchs, His
Majesty always insists that his Min-
isters must have the necessary
Court dress before they are allowed
into the presence. It will be remem-
bered that when the Bight Hon.
John Burns was given a seat in the
Cabinet tw.t 3ears ago, he petitioned
the King to dispense with Court
dress in his case. His Majesty,
IlAwev'er, was obdurate, and, in
spite of his high�osition, the Presi-
dent of the ocal Government
Board bad to conform to Court reg-
ulations before ho had an aud-
ience with the Sovereign.
All Cabinet Ministers and other
high State officials aro expected to
possess at least two Court uni-
forms. A complete Court dress will
cost anything from £1130 to £210.
The coat is made entirely from Roy-
al blue cloth of the choicest and
costliest order, richly embroidered
with gold thread, about 800 yds. of
t• this thread being used, and it is
this item that makes the garment
so expensive. The waistcoat is of
the same material, and splendidly
embroidered. 'ft, make the outfit
perfect there aro breeches of the
finest silk, with cream silk hose,
and footgear of the cheicost por-
poise hide, adorned with rich sil-
ver buckles. These, with a cocked
hat and a sword worn by the side,
complete the orthodox Court suit.
More than 5,000 yards of the
costliest geld thread are lavished
upon the otTicial uniform of the
Earl Marshal. This is probably
the mast luxurious suit for Court
bear, and costs the Earl Marsha}
Tho complete Court dress of a
Lord Chancellor costs that high
dignitary £120. Compared with
some of the other Court dres.es it
is rather unpretentious in appear-
ance, butt it is made of the finest
silk, exclut�ivcly woven for this pur-
pose, and !that is what makes it a
rather costly garment. The cor-
rect color for the coat -collar of a
Cabinet Minister is Damascus scar-
let. while the collars of some other
garments ' ary in color, according
to the rank of the wearer, some of
the foreien Ambassadors wearing
white attd others Royal blue. On
these. t'n other Court garments,
there is 'Owat5 bestoecd plenty of
gold 1hkead, and they rrn•rl' in
prig's from Lino tri I'
ISSUE •N o. its—ci.
Manitoba Mtn Tells How His I'ri•
nary Troubles I'anished Before
the Great Citeactiitn kidney lie.
Hanirlik, Man•, Nov. 30 (Special)
—Probably there is no disease to
which nian is heir that causes such
a general dread as Gravel, or Stone
in the Bladder. The frightful pains
it brings and the terrible operations
it necessitates causes a shudder of
apprehension whenever it is men-
tioned. But there is really no rea-
son why any man or woman should
fear Gravel. It • is purely and
simply r. Kidney disease, and as
such can bo either ci red or guard-
ed against by the use of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Take the ease of
Mr. Calvin It. Snyder, well known
here. He says :—
"In the spring of 1907 I was al-
most laid up from a lance back and
was also troubled with excessive
urination. I got a box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and used them with
satisfactory results. Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills aro the best Kidney me-
dicine I ever heard of.”
If you follow Mr. Snyder's ex-
ample and use Dodd's Kidney Pills
for slight urinary disorders, you
will never be troubled with Gravel.
If yon have Gravel, Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills will cure it.
You cannot find truth by trimm-
A hot head makes no warm
Tho poorest life is the one that
has no love for the poor.
Greatness is measured by our
without quarreling. As he advanc-
response to high appeals.
ed, the tiger retired. This contin We never know our neighbors un-
ued for about fifty yards, when the til we meet our needs.
beast, either convinced by logic or Leaders of men never w&t, to
daunted Ey bravery, bolted into the feed on popular appreciation.
jungle. No one finds happiness without
often turning his back on pleasure.
DELICATE CHILDREN No heart. is happier than the ono
that love leads to take a drudgery
He who spears at enthusiasm is
Tho uponoe ones are frail. Theire past the dead line of any great use -
bold life is slight. At the fatness.
very first symptoms of trouble The uncommon opportunities for
Baby's Own Tablets should be giv- heroism arc often in the common
en. This medicine cures colic, duties of life,
sour stomach, iudigestion, diar- Every time the pulpit makes a
bioea, andoother min, ailmng trout strong assertion on an uncertainity
tiles other minor ailments. 1t it weakens its mcsQnge.
is equally good for the new born A poor fatsh hacked by a great
babe as the wellg growntchild. Mo-oventhusiasm is better than the most
titers have the guarantee of a goo- correct faith in iso.
crnrnent analyst that this medicine They who fatten packed he adverait-
contains no opiate or poisonous its of others are only feeding their
New Harnhusoothing frg, Ont., . Mrs. (sayss:—"Iman, own eternal adversity.
'When a man apologizes for his
have stomach
troubleBabyOwn oTns tipsets forn religion the world usually answers
with yn and constipation ftel that
that it is too small a matter to men -
my little ones are safe when I have It takes more than dreams of the
a box of Tablets in the house." new heaven to make the clean
Sold by medicine dealers or by earth and yet it never w•il tomo
mail at 25 cents a box from The without them.
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
vine, Ont.
Hostess --"Mr. S:nith is going to
sing a comic song." Guest — "1
knew something would happen. I mas' Eclectric Oil is kept on hnn
upset the salt at the dinner -table." by the intelligent as a ready mode
medicine, not only for many human
There can be a difference of opin- ills, but as a horse and cattle medi-
ion on most subjects, but there is cine of surpnssiog merit. A horse
only one opinion as to the retia and cattle rancher will find matters
bility of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- greatly simplified by using this OIL
terminator. It is safe, sure and
1131G MONEY "Wt►s a Person Always Tends to
for agents se111axT our cullet soaps Walk in a Circle.
t Lot arttaklog $503aday. Write at ..
i (.glee for full portioniare to the i, Which foot walks faster 1 You
SOAP SUPPLY 03., Box 332. Toronto may think this a very silly ques-
IMBIIINgifflaillatINWIMEORRINNWINICe tion to ask, but it isn't. It is a
(simple demonstrable fact, which
I'1' WAS THE COOK. you can prove to your own satisfac-
tion in a very few minutes.
Facetious Friend (teasingly) — If you will take a pavement that
"Well, which rules—sou or your is clear, so that there will be no
tt:fel" interference,• and walk briskly in
Mr. Youngwed (with hauteur) — the centre, you will find that before
"You forget we can afford to keep you have gone 50 yards you have
a cock." veered very much to one side. You
must not make any effort, of
RENEW YOUR YOUTH. course, to keep in the enure, but
Never before has the struggle for if you will think of something and
social and cotnlnereial success been endeavor to walk naturally you
so keen as in ourawn day, and to cannot keep a direct line.
the victor and the vanquished alike The explanation of this lies in
comes a time when nerves and body ilio peculiarity of ono tout to walk
cry for rest. Nature and science faster than the other, or ono leg
have combined to produce an envir- takes a longer stride than the oth-
onment where tired men and wee er, causing one to walk to one side.
men may renew their youth. On You can try an experiment in
the main line of the Grand Trunk this way by placing two sticks about
Railway System, at St. Catharines,
Ontario, is situated "Tho Wel- eight feet apart, and stand off about
land," where the ills of life are al- 60 feet, blindfold yourself, and en-
Iaiid, ed by bathing in the Saline Beaver to walk between them. You
will find it almost impossible.
Springs of the "St. Catharines r
Well," under proper medical su-
pervision and attendance. Apply Often what appear to be the most
to J. D. McDonald, District Pas- trivial occurrences of life prove to
tenger Agent, Toronto. be the most momentous. Many aro
— disposed to regard a cold as a slight
SHOES. thing, deserving of little consider-
PA'SStclla—"So your father handled
aulta'in andthis
Iserious ailments. en
hint without gloves 4'' tailingyears of suffering. Drive
Bella—"Yes, and it would have out colds and coughs with 13ickle's
Leen better for poor dear George Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the re -
it he had done it without shoes."cognized remedy for all affections
In Nature's Storehouse There aro
of the throat and lungs.
Cures.—Medical experiments have
Some of the bats of India mea
shown conclusively that, there are sure 6 feet across their outstretch
medicinal virtues in even ordinary ed wings.
planta growing tip around us which _
give them a value that cannot be M Ru►. nn get the ane ren haps •Iwgs nsv.
estinlated. It is held by some that •7he n R 1" ries t nothing sate . For9tade onlhe arsy m.
Nature provides a cure for every ,jalgia i iawrenee hing Is r.
disease which neglect and ignorance
have visited upon man. However,
Some men would do almost ani'
this may he, it is cell known that thing for a woman—e::sept go to
Parinelee's Vegetable Pills, distill work.
ed from roots and herbs, aro a sov-
ereign remedy incuring all tiling LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS
dors of the digestion. LIQUOR
flIM FOR HER. A. McTA(IOART, M.D., C.!'1•.
Mrs. Newlywed—"Cools has burn- 75 Yonge Strict, Toronto, Canada.
cd the bacon, dear ; she is so young f Ce+ to nr. vtrrazf r
and inexperienced. Won't you be
satisfied with a kiss for breakfast?"
Mr. Nowlywcd—"A11 right; call
Re eren arta r'•fe-sl snat
standing and personal integrity perinatal by :
Sir W. It. Merolith, Chief Ju.•tire.
lima. (1. W. Ross, es -Premier of Ontario.
Iles. S. Durmasts, D. U., President Victoria,
iter. Father 'Feely, P,o,tdent of Bt. Michael's
er in 7 Cullom'I'urunt r.
}tight Iter. A. ,yweetmsn, Bishop o1 Infant 5,
Bet. Win. Maclaten, U. D. Principal tines
Cfia'in to the Rene 1 A teaspoonful t of i'•.tn• C, lisps. Toronto.
Wilier in a cup c1 out veAvo Avoid
eases with maria hr. McTsegart'+ vegetable remedies for t?.
you and .tart .geld. A'ert nlh.,tttotes, there b - Ilq'i r and t .bacco habits are h^althful, snf.'
but nue " Yalnaller—i'errr Daria'�bo attd 800. tn.rpenelre home treatrn.nta. h e hrp'.d..Tmie
—.— injections, ho public:tr. nu loss of time hoc
business. and a certrin cure.
FIRMNESS. Consultation correspondence ins!tel.
"Some men," said Uncle Eben,
"doesn't display no resolution nor
firmness 'ceppi'.' when dcy )nukes
up doir minds dat dcy isn't gwintcr
do no hard work."
A Cure for Costiveness.—Costive-
ness comes from tho refusal of the
excretory organs to perform their
duties regularly from contributing
causes usually disordered digestion.
Parinclee's Vegetable Pills, prepar-
ed on scicntifis principes, are so
compounded that certain ingredi-
ents in them pass through the sto-
mach and act upon the bowels so as
to remove their torpor and arouse
A Requisite for the Rancher.— theta to proper action. Many thou -
On the cattle ranges of the West, vends are prepared to bear testi-
%hern men and stock are far from moray to their power in this respect.
doctors and apothecaries, Dr. Tho' Tho stormy petrel, although so
smnli, has immense wing power. It
breasts the storms of every sea,
and has been observed 2,000 miles
from land.
The t'nitcd States favors the
names of writers for its towns.
There are 30 Miltons, 30 Scotts, 20
Ilyrons, 4 Dickens, 3 Goldsmiths, 9
Tennysons, and 1 Thackeray.
we teascaabte Man experts to ears • 111.1110,101
0041 in • d.ty. Put time and Allen. Lane pale tut
will overcome the cola and etare off c:ms1 ini3O n.
eons wilt case sol longs be sound as • new
Mr. Macon—"You should never
judge a man by his clothes, my
dear." Mrs. Bacon—"I never do.
I always judge him by his wife's
The tea you buy may he good,
hat '.0 may he quite sure it is if
it is "Salads." It is infinitely
more delicious awl decidedly more
economical than other teas because
it goes farther.
sl:\VINO WITll Till: TosGUE.
A German paper reports a cari-
ous ease of a girl, named Selma
Kunz, who until lately was living
at Wertheim -on -the -Main. When six
s ears it'd Selma suffered from a se-
vere brain disease, whist) loft all
her Ii►nbs paralyzed. Iter tongue,
however. remained flexible, and this
organ she began to train. She
gradually acquired a certain facil-
ity, net, only in eating ttithout as-
sistance, but in writing and en:brui-
dering. She eeold take ends of
thread in her mouth and knot them,
and could roll a skein of thread in-
to a ball in her mouth. and sticking
a needle into the table in front of
her could thread it. Her embreid-
cry was quite wonderful, done ex-
clusively with the lips and tongue
and in various c -dors. Selina Kunz
diad recently.
Tommy—"Ma, may I mako be-
lieve that I'm entertainin' another
little bey I" Ma—"Certainly,
dear : 'Pommy— All right ; give
tut some cake fur him, then."
We Must C• from heated roetnsOxt�t' -the rel'1
a!nt.(.'.'hl• l.and the tnnt e sets s
h rd It7 on take&lions
Lune Ital.am. A neglected cold 1a truebleaame
and dangoruua
Five is the sacral number of the
Chinese, who have five primary col-
ors and musical tones, five ranks
of nobility, and five cardinal points
and virtues.
Give the Children a Chance.
Spanking does not cure children of bed- Are you a sufferer with eornsi if
wetting. There is 5 constitutional cause you are, get a brittle of Holloway's
for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, ltnx Corn Cure. It has never been
tot. Windsor, Ont„ will send free 10 any known to fail.
mother her successful home treatment,
with full instructions. Sent no money, but
Fools aiC always dreaming they
write her to -day if your children trouble
you in this way. Don't b'a.ne the child, . would he happier in other places
the chan+ceare it C:.11.1 help it. Thi+ or circumstances.
treatment also cures adaha and aged
p.opl., troubled with urine difficulties by
day er night.
A Hungarian blacksmith recently
cent a novel present to the Austri
an Emperor. It was n goose egg:
with a liorreshoc, a pair of pincers.
a file, and it knife, all riveted to
the shell. The work bad been se
carefully dune that there was t
even a crack in the shell. The 1. ,•-
peror sent him an autograph phu-
tegraph, a Inedal, and Ia in re-
The Name of
Black Watch
On a Tag on a Plug of
Black Chewing Tobacco
Stands ler 'ugly.
• et
t J 1 Foss _--
5,000 GOAL MIN01
"For three weeks I actually
had to be fed like one feeds a
I iby, becau;c my stands and
arnis were so covered with
ec semi that they had to be
bound up all the time."
"i'i,at is the experience of Miss
Violet M. Mc'crley, r'f 75, Gore Strret,
S.,ult S:e. Mari:. She adds 1 "1
could rc.t hr b.1 spoon raw lot is. From
finger 1 i•5 to e bows the dreaded do ease
spread, guy f.n er na 11 came .,fi ar.d my
11 sh se.. r.ne raw mass. The it• hint
.,d the l•sin were a.•c,t eicrneiatme.
I had three mono s of this torture and
at one time amputation was discussed."
"•Lain -flak alone saved my hands
and arms. I persevered with it and in
the end had my reward Te -day, I am
cured tomlde'ely of every trace of the
dreaded eczema. and I fervently hope
that sufferers from skin disease may
know of my care and the wiracls
Zam-Buk has workers,"
Zarn-Buk is without equal for eczema,
ringworm, ulcers, abscrssea, piles, crack
hands, cold sores, chapped places, a
a;1 skin injuries and di.eases. Druggists
and ,trues at 5o cents a box, er lest
free from Zam-link Co., Toronto. for
same puce. Von are warned agsiast
dangerous substitutes sometimes *Betted
as " just as good."
DJ W A rN T E D 'a e.•ry r.calY.
t. Canada dna
W twt.a States
t• .e.uti.• .ut r•nd., u•a v
U:ow,u•1. In an . oe.p.,,.ar. ,.ler el ani
dladiwt• NNW •dn•t...rg na<ver. 4 444..nvr4. et 4014/11
El1,01 .
o.ta aur •.yen.'. 14 der d,,. 1:..J,
• year roendt44.11r417 .nr pt.a; •a eapntn-.• .egwnd,
est• for particulars.
WM. R. WAti1 A ■:D. CO.. l.ssdse, 0x4. Canada.
Stook Brokers & Financial "g9nta.
lfClCb ALL•r
and other st•.cke bb•aaht sod dales o n c'•mmlasle4
C.,rreip,.ndeuce iurlted. Orders may ho aired
,ear eapea•a.
ij3iifl PIANOS
Ship early end obtain highest price. !lite
,.. fMet ,btpmeut. Cnt•.Iojue on a plIcati-,n
References, the U natra.rn Dant and Cummer
ctst ateuc"w'.
A. ^.a E. PIERCE dac0ORlrtt•.
807 s r. t',. t; 1. Sr ,
is what every lady desires to serve
at ber table.
is the concentrated nourishment
of beef.
A iittic added to any kind of coup
makes it more t..tity and greatly ;
increases its value as a food.
A little BOVRii, in the gravy is
an improvement will' roasts of all
AtI3 EYEFYrtlat/
Prn 1 f r rnr Free
N•. 75.
101 PCB 8 0'911 CO.. 11 .. Uu. 'i 1, 011
Maker of Orli /gene+, Pelt Cigar.. and
Autocole 5 am Pianos.
Oives Perfeck.
VCR GALi.. 11Y
� .%v--+•e•rT;`e!�s�v"^: -.+se•, tibia alrle�''T' ..�. i -- >r��c�T; �:w �.: a-1��y�,l..fwi'?
Cobailts Cob Its!
f.:;iI.s r.':iriarzdrwa .arh Zi
ec f oro buying s zo les consult :71c and 1 will send
you HEE a complete list of ten or twelve of the
best unlistad prop3siti'ins on the t tri:ct, ranging in
pace from 10 cents to CI ,r share, with full Infor-
matian as to how to buy f ham to mako money.
Write nio for my plan. A card will do.