Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 5The Ideal Beverage
palatable, full of
the virtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one seed look no further.
S. Martio & Son
are offering some Big Bargains in
Pianos, Organs &
Sewing Machines.
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano, mahogany finish. This Piano
has been in use about eight months.
er Regular price $250.(X); sale price $175 -
Call and see this instrument as it is
the best value they have ever offered.
Also Big Bargains in FOUNTAIN
lire. a box to $1.75 -the largest stock
in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
They are noted for the quality of their goads.
Oxeter gtbvocate
11.00 if paid In advance,
61.60 a year if not so paid.
To United States Sabacribers$1.60
(trig.. • Year Strictly is Advance.
GANDERS & CREECII, Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic, and
only hate effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in throe degrees
of strength No. 1,$1; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger #3 • No. J,
Sold byall d ta, or sent
for special canoe, per box.
prepaid on roue pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address): :nig
C')ZK WE0,01Ni CO_TO.ONTO.ONT. Usreserly Wtiwdaay
Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th
This school is one of the largest in the pro•
tiny. It i±not ed for the thoroughness of Rs cork
and the success of Its students. 3 departments -
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
Our graduates are in demand as Business Col•
lege teachers as well u omee assistants get
our magnificent catalogue, It le free.
Ross' Furs
Manufacturer and Retailer
Natural Canadian Mink
For a stylish and serviceable
FUR there is nothing to com-
pare with MINK, and it. is well
named the
Queen of Canadian Furs
Our selection of dressed skins, made up
Stoles, y,•arts, Neck Pieces and Muffs In
thle fur is the largest in Ontario.
In other furs -such as Royal Ermine
Persian Lamb, White Fox, Lynx, Broadtail
Isabella Fox or Alaska Sable --we carry a
splendid variety in all the latest designs.
Catatonae Mailed On Application.
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Clinton ;-On Friday, Thos. Wigg);i.
ton met with a painful accident. He was
at Klppen. puling up a power mill for
punping purl 03C•, when In sonic manner
a alts pipe was forced clean throuTh the
end of the second (lager, on the left
hand. The home was smashed. He had
to drive to ileo -efield to have the wound
Note the Shelf
It's the Oven Door.
What a cconvenie'nce and
what n safeguard against
lrncrl fingers and scorched
Mees when you're basting or
checking a roast or a fowl.
The steaming hot dish can he
brought out to you instead of
your reaching in to it.
That's the
\V. 3. H E. \I .\ N, 1•:xe et
Godertch, Dec. A. -Tae salary qtr rs-
tloa has been one which has given the
Cou.tty Council of Huron some trouble
for some three, owing to the (reqs •ncy
of applications from this, that or tl:c
o:hcr official at various times. and .tt
the last session of the Coteicil 1t was
ctec•idal to snake a careful revision of
the e.11atten of all t:;e official,' and to
snake that p:rntanent for a petted of five
years. A co rites was appointed and
made a careful comparison dl the sal-
aries paid In Huron with the salaries
p.tld ht other eou'llie'w t',roughout the
ptovincc. They selected fourteen coun-
ties which most closely resembled Huron
In point of situation, size and amount of
business transacted, and, taking the av-
erage of stalely paid In these, It was
lou at that tiro salaries paid In Huron.
with one or two cxcepcloes, are above
the average. A new ec,trdule of renwn-
()ration has been drawn up. which In as
follows, the salaries at present paid be-
ing given for comparison :
$ 100
Coon ty werdett
Clerk of Peace
J.ul matron
Jail surgeon
Auttitors, each
('o:mty engineer
Keeper Hon -e Itefaue
Matron, "
Asst. mat. "
Physician " ••
Caretaker. court house 525
Chaplain, Home Refuge 73
at hedute.
$ toil
Mitchell --John Philip, slipped ofT a
box in his feed More and broke a :mall
bone in one ankle. ---The 8.enonth.'tld
child of %V,alrr'r Thant+ got his hard
badly scalded by a hot ctip of tea.
Deafness Cannot he Cured
by to al applications, as they cannot reach the direst.
ed portion of the ear. There 1s only one way to cure
deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies
fleetness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tut*. When this
tube is inflamed yon have a nlmhlin[ sound or im•
perfect hearing. and when it is entirely closed, neat.
sera. i. the re.vlt, and unless the ill, ammati.tn can to
taken Dart amt this lobe restored to ita normal eondi•
tt en, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine rates
cat of leu are caused h) Catarrh. which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the nlit‘eitte surface.
we .ill give One Hundred itollars ter any ease M
Itsfneme('an.nl17 eatanht lust moor.' he cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for.•irculan free.
F. J. CiiINF.Y A Cat., Toledo, 0
Sold by Druggists. :!.^.
take Hall's Pani1I, Pills fax constipatloa.
Wool'a Ph
The Arent 1:ri311.% Rented
Tunes and i n • ,-orates the w
nervous tt n, makes ale
Bloat io oi.l \'-rets, Olarea AerO-
„us Debt7ity, Menlo! as .:.. i a Worry, 1)e
re n.tewr•y, Stxuot iI iaknexs Lmtion
saa. B'yer-
.::urratsa, and F,9ects 41'46114e or Froearse&
i. -u ll per boa. extorts► One willplaaae six
nru. Sold by all druggists or mailud Jn
plain pkg. on receipt of price. Alto pars ASd
mailed/rte. The Wood Men
polclne O.
(Prise -rim ivfadeorl T.rsratto.Ontt.
t It's Statcnai.ts Like That of II. llcy-
w man, Kingston. Ont., That is Mak-
} Ing til -e -•.a World Famous
Grand Bend
Louie Ravelle spent a few days in
London last week. -Messrs. Oliver,
Stetter and Mitchell were in London
on business Tuesday. -The Presbyter-
ians of this place intend holding their
Christmas entertainment on the 22nd,
while the Methodists will hold their's
on the 21th. Don't forget the dates. -
Mrs. Ellis of Dashwood is visiting her
sister, Mrs. L. Rayelle.-H. Smith
went to London to consult I)r. NVish-
art.-Mr. Antos was in Exeter Thors-
on business. -Jos. Gill and D. Wilson
were in Thedford Tuesday on business.
-L, Ravelle has started store in Mr:
Brenner's hall and will be ready for his
customers the last of this week. -Mr.
Holtzman of Zurich was in our burg
Saturday. -Stephen Webb was in God-
erich last week attending county coun-
r••L1 4
J. II. Taylor, 54 Bond 5t., Toronto,
Breathed IIyontel and Cured a Long
StandLtg Case of Chronic Catarrh that
Defied All Other Remedies, Also To-
ronto rind New York Specialists,
without taking a drop of medicine in-
to the stomach, J. II. Taylor, 54 Bond
Strict, Toronto, tells how the distress-
ing troubles of catarrh were overcome
by simply inhaling Iiyomel air. It's the
history of tens of titousattde similar
cases on record, proving that llyomel
can be depended upon to cure catarrh,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and croup. It
has no equal for any distress of the
breathing organs.
Mr. Taylor says; ''Some years ago
while on a hunting trip In Northern Can-
ada, I contracted a severe cold that
settled in my head and finally affected
eery throat. It rapidly developed Into cat-
arrh attd caused a miserable throat
weakness. My head would become clog-
ged dutIiig the night arid there was a
catarrhal dropping from the nose into
the throat, Many days 1 had been Un-
able to breathe other than through my
mouth. arid the constant hawking and
spitting was almost unbearable. I had
been treated by the best interest spec -
!allots here and in New York, but rtot't-
ing benefitted my condition. 1 obtain-
ed Hymned at W. 8. Cole's and soon
found relief, the throat dropping ceased
and my head began to char. I continu-
ed with Hyomel for six weeks and after
that time I was well In every detail.
There has been no return of the trouhlo
shire, and I feel grateful In speaking
well of lfyonlel, tis It cured me when
all else failed,"
T. Derry la o'f to the Old Cosntry on
a horse purchasing trip. -Henry Busch,
sr., had Inc m,lsfortu:re to fall last
week and broke his arm. -Tire Sunday
Schools and church choirs are getting
ready for C:rrletntae.-Our people are
talking fire protection again, -Mr. u. G.
Snnallaco,nb has disposed of his laun-
dty business to Robert Higgins who has
taken possession. -.Miss Genie Caldwell
daughter of John Caldwell, was married
last week to Loruc Moffitt, sun of J.
Moffitt, grain buyer of Kippcn. Itev,Mr,
Larkin of Seaforth officiated. They'll
reside on the Alkenhcud farm. -Johnston
& Mcafartht's slaughter house was des-
troyed by fire on Wednesday morning of
last week. Cause unknown. -Mr, and
Mrs. Chas. McDonell were In Forest ow -
Ing to the death of Mrs. McDonald's
brother -In-law, Dr. Walters. Deceased
died of appendicitis for which he was
Aperated upon, and was 111 only one day.
tie was very popular 1n Forest. -David
Cartelon shipped one thousand turkeys
last week. -Dr. Chesney left on Tuesday
for Windsor to act as veterinary Inspect-
or for the govcrnment.-J. MacArthur
was In Chicago attending the cattle-
men's convention. -Mise Margaret Bon
thron 1s visiting her slater, Mrs. Simp-
son, in Wroxeter. -W. McLean has been
on the sick net.
To relieve the worst forme of rho u.n-
allem, take a teaspoonful of !iii fol-
lowing mixture atter each meal oral at
elute, Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syt up Sarsaparilla, three
These harmless ingredients can be ob-
tained from our home druggists, and
ate easily mixed by shaking there well
In a bottle. Relief is generally telt tram
the first few doses.
This prescription forces the cloggcd-
up, inactive kidneys to tater and strain
(tom the blood the poisonous waste ma, -
ter and uric acid, width causes Rheum-
As Rhctlniatism Is riot only the tnoet
painful and torturous disease, but dan-
getoua to lite, 'nig simple receipt will
no doubt be greatly valued by litany out -
tents here at home. who eaould at once
prepare the mieture to get this relief.
It Is said that a person who would
tette this preecrtption rldularly. a dose
or two dally, or even a few fleas a
week, +could never have erectus kidney
or Urinary disorders o: nhcu-natinm.
Cu' thls out and preserve it. Good
ithcunatlatn prescriptions which really
relieve are scarce, Indeed, and when you
'reed 11, you wa.,t It badly.
There died in ilihhert on Sunday.
Dec. dib, Mr. Christie, father of Mrs.
Jas. (iardiner, at the ripe age of is
years. Deceased had hien in gond
health up to or short time before his
death. The remains vivre interred iu
Roy's cemetery ort Tuesday. the %h. -
Quite a number from here attended
the Crossley and Hunter ineetiiga at
Exeter on Sunday.-- 1.4hrl Vallee has
rutin -tied home. after 1. ii1t away do
in)/ the fall work on th•' f•erm let -yolk
purchased.--Tiim Biggs Irises th:�
week for England. - Mt. 'Ind Mt.. J.
Ste .,art of Heaf.'rtti t isited friends it.
thus vicinity the p..,.r few days, -Mr.
(iowan, our teacher, it huav chi*
af eat her getting tb•' popila practises
for the conceit to be h.•!J in the near
future. Moto -elate lye,.
For t ostmsate Stomach
Mr. 11. 1Ityiir..:., 1:; Colborne Street,
Kingatou, Ont., says; "M1-o-na 1s
worth its weight In gold as a renre/y
to i,uttkiy cure long -stranding eased of
dyspepsia. For years I had suffered
with utY stomacu and could 'lad no cure
; .or Uvea relief. I could not eat any-
thing. as It would sour and forth gas on
my stomach that had a pressure on the
heart. Ileavy pants woad conte around
toy sides and pit of my stomach. I was
unable to sleep for this and there was
nothing to relieve tsy miserable condi-
tion. I was weak aud languid and
would feel as tired in the morning as on
going to bed and perspiration would
break out all over my body, I would be
so weak from vunittin, that I would
tall to my knees. My tread would ache
and spells of dizziness would leave me
unable to see. Doctoral had termed the
trouble gastritis, but failed to benefit
ate. 1 tried Mt-o-na which I procured
atthe Drug store on advice of a friend
which has cured me when all else fail-
ed. I am sound ar;d well and feel grate
ful to Ml -o -nal for my present health.
I1'e the known results obtained by
Ml-o-na that places it far and away
above all ether remedies and confirms
W. S. Cole In offering to refund the
money 1f Ml -o -ha falls to cure stomach
trouble. 50 cents a box. Relief In
twenty-four hours.
The residents of Tuckerentith In the
vicinity of Seaf irtil were greatly excit-
ed recently when it was reported that
D. Geatmeil on the 2nd con., had been
attacked by two men while alone in his
residence. The object was apparently to
secure money, but fortunately he suc-
ceeded in getting thein out of the house
before they euzceeded in their plans. In
the exclternent a lamp was overturned
and set fire to a cloth which was cover-
ing the table. lit their haste to get
out one of them went through a win-
dow, splashing several glasses and also
the frame. \Ven. Devereux, a neighbor
of Gentntell's, also had an encounter an
hoar earlier, being ordered to hand over
his money. Both cases were reported
to Policeman Gilleepte, who, assisted by
Detective Gundry of Goderich, proceed-
ed to investigate affairs and arrested
the culplte, who were two residents of
Se.ttotth, J. Steele and J. Sullivan. They
appeared before Crown Attorney Seagar
and were sent to Goderich to stand a
Andrew Grieve bale a good idea who
the person is who took five turkeys
from his barn on Saturday night and
if the turkeys are not returned forth-
with he promises trouble. -Rev. A. A.
Bice, son of Wm. Bice, 8th con Mc-
Gillivray, went under an operation at
a London hospital one day last week
for the removal of gall atones. -Mrs.
Horner left Tuesday morning for Oil
Springs to take care of her sister who
is ill. She expects to be absent a
couple of weeks.
Death. -Wm. Windsor. of con .9 ,Me-
(11111vray Tp., dlcd at the home on Friday
night. He was one of the oldest sett-
lers In the township and for forty-eight
ycare had lived ont he same farts. horn
In Somerset, Eng., BJ ycare ago, he (m-
igrated to this country when ten years
of age and ,ettlid in the Township of
Pickering, c otning from there to NI, GI11!-
vray. Five yeara ago Mr. Windsor fell
ow' of the granary loft I:r Lia Ole:. sue-
talning a fractured hip and an Injury
to hie spine, from which he never recov-
ered. having been confined to his bed
ever since. Ile Is survived by his wid-
ow and seven children; Ly,na,t of St.
Clair. Mich.: Elisabeth of Detroit ;
Charlotte of Soo, Mich.; Malcolm of
West Williams; Alice and Joseph at
home. Tec funeral took place to St.
Jaynes cemetery, Clandeboye.
(Maple Omve)
(Too tato for last week./
A. Neil and son disposed of it bunch
of fine cattle the other day to Mr. F.
F. Downing of Lucarn for a handsome
figure. -J. Simpson arrived home from
Lulknow :Monday evening. -S. Murdy
hats purchased a new driver from Ed.
Simpson ot Clandeboye. Elmer says the
boys will have to take a back seat now.
McGillivray Council
Council met in the Town Hall on
Nov. 30th persuant to adjournment.
All members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and signed. A number
of accounts were passed.
Morgan -Ulens-that Bylaw No. 0
of 1008 appointing the place for hold•
ing the nomination, the places at
which polls will be opened the Deputy
Returning officers and Poll Clerks is
read a first and second time be read a
third time and pa/recd.--Carried.
The Council then adjourned to meet
in the Town Hall on Tuesday,
the 15th
day of December, at 1 o'clockp.m.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
Hibbert. --Mrs. J. W. Steinhot: of Strat
ford has leen hare for some days attend -
lag her mother, Mrs. John Harr ot Hib-
bert Township. Mrs. Bair. who Is a
elderly lady, had tt.c mfatortu e' t
break her t;fp by falling In her houeo
day of two ago. Mr. horn has been
jtct, during tate last two or thre, yearn,
to weak spells and it was durl',g •uch
a IUrn that she fell with the reseal* that
her hip was broke:).
On Friday last Mr. \Vitt. Dawson of
Niagara arrived in town to visit friends
for a week. lie formerly lived 1n Ktrk-
ton and looks the picture of health. We
are glad to see hint back once ntore.-
Thos. Brock of Exeter and Ed. Stone of
Lumley waste the guests of 11 \tiesca
Copeland Sunday, -We ace a good many
loopier with smiles on their faces, but
tone store shilling than Clarkson Swlt-
z.er, for he has recently adopted a daue:t
ter Into the faintly:-wiii, liazelwood,
who has been critically indisposed for
the last throe weeks, we are pleased to
say has taken a turn for the better and
we hope It will not be lung until he Is
restored to his usual lrcalth.-Jno. Moore
who recently bought rite frame house
onpostte the Presbyterian c'hU:'ch, from
Mrs. Ilalley, le making preparations to
move it to Klrkton. He will have a com-
modious dwelling. -Jap Pridham has re-
cently bought the 50 -acre fat•nt known
as the Stephen Bodkin fifty fro:n Mrs.
Mercy Harris of Manitoba for a good
consideration. Jap now owns 15d acres
in a block which makes a good farm.
The 50 acres has been previously work-
ed by Rich. Waghorne, who gave up pos-
session this tall, -Mrs. Robs. Fletcher,
of whom we previously made htcnttmt
as being In London Iiospital, we very
mU_h regret to say. is not gaining
strength very fast and her friends feel
very anxious concerning her. -Mrs Som-
erville, who has been Iii during the past
week, is able to be around again. -On
Sunday night when the Klrkton choir
furnished the einging at the Anderson
Appointment, their places were taken by
the League choir. Miss Lucy Doupe pre-
sided at the organ and so well did she
play that the musk was admired by all.
We do not feel that we should particular
lee but would not be doing justice If we
did not mention the name of Chas.
Reeve, who toolt the bass and did re-
markably well. They were enjoyed by
the minister In the pulpit and we think
they are quite capable of holding the fort
Bachelor's Ball. -Ott Tuesday evening
last one of the finest parties that was
ever given in Klrkton was given by John
Nixon. He being a bachelor the Invita-
tions were very limited owing to space,
but we noticed a goodly number In at-
tendance. The music was furnished by
the Billy Mac Orchestra, who played the
very latest variations. Those in at-
tendance say great credit reflects on
John for the kl►tdnetee shown to them in
catering to their wants and we hope he
will always remain a bachelor.
Mrs, Abble Walker is visiting around
here for a few days. -Our merchant ie
doing a rushing business these days 1n
the poultry line. lie takes !n it good
number dally. -Rev. Arthur Carlisle will
preach in St. Patrick's church on Sunday
Dec. 13, at 11 o'clock. -Mr. Henry Hod-
glns 1a ail smiles-It'e a girl. Thcrc is
also a new arrival at the home of Mr.
Lorne Durnant's-it's a boy. -The chil-
dren at St. Petrirk's church are staking
preparations for a Xnt tn. tree at: 1 ru-
tertaloment on Dec. 22. and no Wine
will be spared to stake it a grand aM--
cess. They are toted for always having
a good tbtte,This time will be the bei
ever held. Colne and enjoy yours lees
for Duce.
Married. -A happy event occurred ell
Ute home of the bride's sister. Mrs.
Thomas Atniltage, on Dec. 'Slid, the cert-
entony being performed by the Rev. Ar-
thur Carlisle, when t1: N. Gilbert Carta
of Clandeboye was uta:rieti 10 Wl:aatu
Scott. aproeperous young farmer of Yea-
Gllllvray, ar:d son of tits :ate
Scott of the same township. They will
make their home on the gruo:u's fine
tarot In McGillivray. \Ve wish Mr. arts.
Mrs. Scott a long and happy wedds11
lite. • -
John L. Getter of tare I ronson Lilts,
was In Watctlso last week. -Ed. Wii-
hennt and wino of Baden visited the isR-
tet'e parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Sat -
area, Sauble Line, -Henry Wcbutr oT
\Vatatloo Is home for a visit with hitt
family. -Mrs. Herbert E. Alt of Exeter
spent a few days with tier tnotner, Mrs.
P. Bender, -Mr. and Mrs. Justus Demuth
of Ashland, \\'le., are visiting relatives
and friends here. They were former
residents of this place. -The smoke stack
at the grist null blew down last week
during the heavy wind. The roof of the
dynamo annex was pu:tcturcd and the
stack 1e a wreck. It le only three years
since it was put up and it is of heavy
Iron, -If. Volland, jr., aud. N. Foster,
jr., have purchased 51) acres ot land
in the 8th con. front 5. P•annlc,
Ailsa Cralg.-A pretty wcddine look
place at c ne hose of Airs. ♦. W. prows.
on Wednesday, when her tt..0;ht• r, Mists
Mildred Irene, was uvitc:d In m'trriailis
with Mr. Harvey Smith, Station a,edt
at Tara, formerly night operator u: Alt•
ea Craig. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. Spidell In the presen.•? oY
about forty Invited guests.
Your Wile
to have
Dessert to -day.
You'll be delighted
Sold at grocers
r •�s ':••• • .A.'.•.;elf 1..saless:ce ,.-•eeZttrd: 'a:j•.•:iCee.Z•lett .
It 1, fmaleasely lmpc.rta,.t that
troy should get all the Inir,,rrngtlon
1 about • colle(o before v ., enroll
Iu a student. Your mu,. as. ds.
pends upon your choice.
Our r... C.alogv. t.1, 1101 .h.et
air Method.T.aotlmg- r , we; tars
at gr.d..t...ho are al -.t • I•.d.-..d
It ...!.,n. t1 . Conawe,., .n.l Short-
AanJ ee.,ee.la d.WI. St..,-tI..,1,.
Ile'..'. And thio larg.. h.nd. -
ilI..trst,d heo1 .ill E, seal tett..
(`y rcturr •1 mait ii,.v uses. i. -,t ,•,
u. your ,.m. and add,.,,.
Stod,nt. admitted •nr 1,.• e
Special U, e, int S.it.rai•.r •• r ).n;vr
a•si..,. ood Shorlbaad
J. W. W.w.reet,. W. waater.e.. p. C.A.
Principalt :c slMacya
at Will The Settlement
of Your Estate Cost ?
We will be pleased to tell you,
if you will furnish us with par-
ticulars. No charge.
We will also supply you with
will forms and place your will in
our fireproof vaults where it
cannot get lost.
The Canada Trust Company is
e trustworthy, experienced execu-
tor that will manage your estate
most economically, and imparti-
ally carry out the terms of your
Our intimate connection with
the Huron & Erie Loan And
Savings Co. enables us 1 t obtain
numerous investments which
come under the " Trtn',tee Act,"
and of which a pri:cta farty
would never hear. 'lilt enables
111 to keep our Trust Ft :la's always
invested, and Estates derive a
larger profit than otherwise.
Services of Family Solicitor
always retained.
Correspondence invited and
answered promptly.
rust Eit.
! have arranged with
Perrin to place Santa
Claus Biscuits on sale
with all first-class dealers.
Get some from your grocer;
they are delicious.
Yours truly,
12 Varieties.