Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 4exetet ;Nuocate � Lredittois Bander* & Creech, Props. THUlt8DAY, Dee. 10, 1908 NOTE AND COMMENT Municipal affairs in Exeter with special reference to the approaching election ate characterized by their usual funereal silence. Only low rum- blings of coming disturbance are heard, which would indicate that there is to be something doing. While the present council cannot be said to have overstepped the mark very much, still therm are some points on which the ratepayers generally do not agree with them. One of there is the con- trol of the cemetery. At present it is under the management of a committee consisting of council members and other citizens appointed by the coon- cll. Many voters believe the council alone should look after the cemetery. Considerable looney is spent there each year, and a particularly large amount this year, and tunny argue that no committee of appointed citi- zens should have the spending of the money for any purpose. We are not in a position to say whether the com- mittee has wade any (inadvisable ex- penditure, but on general principle it seems that cemetery expenses come under the head of ordinary expendi- ture of the town and should be dealt with wholly by the council. We be- lieve the Ulan seeking aldermsnic hon- ors and willing to approach the elec- tors on that ticket, other things being equal, would he certain of election It is current talk that some of the pre- sent members of the council will not again stand. Provided such is the case there are many other good men and there should he uo difficulty in se- curing plenty of material. Now is the time to get busy and pick out the men. It is a wrong idea to leave it to nom- ination day when some people get afficted with a wish to get into office and their fitness is net taken into con- sideration by themselves or others, with the result often that they land in the council and the town suffers in consequence. The Advocate believes in getting municipal matters stirred up early and giving the good candi- dates a chance. Let the office seek the man and not the man the office. Centralia W. R. Elliott shipped a carload hor- ses to Montreal on Thursday last.— Timothy Coughlin, one of the best known cattle dealers in Western Ont- ario and a cousin of Dan Coughlin of this place, died in London on Thurs- day last, aged 53 years.—Quite a num- ber from here attended the Evangelis- tic service at Exeter on Sunday.—Mrs. W. Abbott of Sturgeon Point, near Fenelon Falls, is visiting her brother, Tboe. Oliver.—John Cot vi t..vho bee been suffering from inflammatory rheumatism for more than a month. is now on the mend, We hope he will soon be himself again.—Miss Sarah Neil has been re-engaged as pianist an the Methodist church, a positron she has filled for a number of years with much faithfulness oti her part and great satisfaction on the part of the congregation. —The anniversary ser- vice of the Methodist Sunday School will he held on the 20th and 2Ist inst. Special sermons will be preached on the Sunday and a tea -meeting and lit- erary programme will be given on the Mnndav evening.—The Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the Methodist church here have sent n bele of goods to the Deaconess Horne. Toronto, for distribution etnong the t.00r. The stinal meeting of the Metho- dist S.tnday School Board was held last Wednesday evening when the fol- lowing oMcers were elected for the en- suing year:—Wm. Anderson. auperin- tendent; Chae. Fairharl, assistant; Miss Rebecca McCoy, Secretary: Thomas Boyce, treasurer; George Ilaytrhent, librari ut; Miss Fletla Baker, erg oast. Teacherswere appointed ae Primary class. class. Mrs. R. Hicks Joel kit•.. Evans, rwsit. tan t; Int er•wediafe clashes. Misses Flo Essery, Arlie ili'•ks and Annabrell Swann; Bible e•I. Mrs. (Rev,) Butt, and Mks Lam1: tit ariaR. Dicke, assistants. The treasurer reported quite it sum of money in the hank dr.twing interest, something un- usual. Elittivl1Ii A number of the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1). Hunter Assembled at t heir home on Friday evening last. the ocea4inn tieing the christening of tbeir litho son. Howard John. The Rev. Hugh Fair ofleiatod. A pleasant evening was spent by all. The Holiday Season Is ,HERE AGAIN !!! Perhaps yin aro going to do a little travelling? If so, you need to be prepared. See Our Trunks, Suit C'ases,Valise , &e., We have one of the best storks you will find in the district. All choice gncsls and at prices that will suit you. Winter Weather demands • Winter «•earables. See our Miter, lilt.ve., Etc., As well n4 :Horse TDIltit ets. Our IIitrneati and Horsemen', ! 'oldie, are complete —See Then'. F. W. Clark Harness Maker, (1BKDITON Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ilalst a nd family of Elkton, Mich., are visiting relatives in our midst—The (lax -mill has started the seaeaola'a wore last Vrlday.—!tett Clark of r.tt Royal Hotel entertained .t :.u.ntsr of '.is friend* to an oyster supper on Mutlday night. In hoILr of his birthday. —Jos. Lawson has completed the dtt •.1 hr ,las Linn toastruabie In Osborne tp. Ile Muer had a busy 5C4 0.i thin ;•'(at% lie tonattu:ted the sidewalks in the VII - lege, a large drain 1st slay To ,.ship and another one in IJeborne.—Itt•nry Ell- b-rr, M. P. 1'., was 111 Detroit on Tuesday and tt eduteday on business.-15dwarti Winer. who I.ae been visiting nisvrand- parents !sere: for a few weeks, has re. u: to Iiattover, where he has a go)d si'.u►tisn with the C. P. it. We are pleas cd to knew that Eddie 1s doing well and the prospects of the future are brlgtit for him,—Couatfi meet ung was held In the Town Hall iaet Monday. Consider- able tusinesa was transacted. The. last meeting of the year will be held nest Tuesday, reit 13tc. Inst.. after which the aepiranta for the 1909 Council *Board will call avowal and visit the ratepayers with a amlio and a shake of the hated — .tIt.or: Cu udnghann had a relapse a few days ago and Is still confined to his home. We aro pleased to know, how- ever, that ike is feeling some better.—The glebes Carrie and Susie Kuhn. Mian Myrtle Clark and Mies Vivian Beaver visited t:iends In London Saturday.—The Sunday schools of the Methodist and Evangel cal churches are hard .,t work preparing the programa tor the special' Xmas. entertainments, which will be held in the near future. More particulars will follow next wick. --Monday's bliz- zard came as a great su-prise. It nt.ide 173 look at the calendar to gee If we weren't enjoying Februtry weather In- stead of December. There is fine Sleigh- ing now and Curtness Mae began to pick up.—Our farmers arc greatly handttapP- ed for lack of water for their stock and are obliged to draw water from the riv- er in barrels. --Jae. Flynn le drhlleg an artesian well for Born Mawhinney.— Miss Lizzie Firtkbeircer of London Is vis- iting her parents for n few weeks.—Last Friday afternoon while Fred Silber was Leading his cow downt Ike street the an- nuli auldenly turned and threw hint with great force onto the frozen grou:td, dislocating his saouldcr. The arm wan repleted without much difficulty and Mr. Eilbcr 1s doing fine. Considering his advancexl age. lis years. it is wonderful that he still retains su.h spieadid vital- ity,—Mise Glavin and Mies Reilly of Ma- guire aro learning the dressmaking at Mies Clara r•'ahtter•s.—Some of the boys :lave been skating on the river the past week and report the ice in splendid con- diaoa.—The local Court of tete I. O. F. In a body attended the funeral of Inc late Moses Kestle on Sunday and toek part In the burial service. Daenuwuud 54if. BIIOKENSIiIItE, DASIIWOOD, CONVEY . ENCEII. Deeds, Wills. Mortgages sad all Lesal Doeume is carefully and promptly. prepared. Charges moderate. Issuer of marriage Licenses The annutl Ctelstnlas entertainment In connection with the Evangelical church will t4s held on the evening of Dec. 23r3. The doors will be open at. 0.30 and the piodraut proper will begin at 7.30.—The stores and shops ate already donaing ,litir holiday attire and look very attract- ive iedeed, with the mans, good things blousht to view at tills season of the year.—Next Sunday morning the new La hertan church of this place will be formally opened and dedicated. Tlrre will be three services held during the day; foe the morning It will be to the German language, in the afternoon In both Getman and English, and the same in the evening. This cuurcir building 1s a most beautiful and Impressive str•rct- u:e. and Is flushed in number one style The decorations on the walls er • *imply grand and a beau'y to behold. it cer- tainly reflects great credit on the !ergo congregation connected with this church. Orituary.—This w,setc we must record the death of two more of our citizens in the p -mons ot Mr. Peter Brenner and Sir. Louie Hahn. Mr. lirenner passed away at the home of I.1a father on Thursday mottling last atter some months' au:fer- in, of tu' ercular trouble. He was aged 2,1 years and :; mouths. Ile leavea the aged parents, a wire. three brothers and three slaters to mourn hie early depart u .. Inc was Interred in the Lutherian plot on Sunday thorilng. Louie 1117,11 passed away on Saturday ncorn- i.lti in this village after delete Inoitthe eutfetlug with stomach trouble. ile bore :,ia Lest ilinea•s with Ch&isl:Ill fortitute and never made any complaints. Ile w.ee 11031 tenderly and .ovingly cared for .:u Ing his last illnesa by his daughter. 'Maas l.ou:st. Ile leaves two sons and (out daug:atera to noun, his death. lie .rad attained l 1c ago of 76 ytsare. me fu :eral o.a Tucaday afttrnoo0 was largely attended. showing Inc respee In w0.1111 he w -ter held. Rev. Tatra ot the Lu het Tan church conductor) bolt funer- .era. preaching very appropriate and 1111- pres.ivc sc•hnono. \►e commend all !h bereft ones to lilnt whose lave can never f 111 anti ti u it that some day there may b: a grand re -u tion in heaven. Mairiage.—A very pretty wedding was celebrated in Loudon Tu sday after - noel' when an old Dashwood boy, Capt. Henry J Stephens of the Steamer Can- ullan. was married to Miss le.abel dao;titer ot Joseph Dudley or London. Rev. Howard. of Christ church per- te:need the ccr, atony In the pf00CI1 a of thou sixty-five guests, several of whom •.vere from Ksettr. The bride was sup- powd ty Miss Peal! Jonas, ,it,I t11 gtoutrlsman was Mr Emmett Tula.: of Clt►cland. The bride wore visite ess satin. empire style, with COutt train ,s uldtd wilt. seed pcarle a lid purl orna- ments. trimmed with hand made :ac(. She wo. lite ( uetont try vc 11 mid c iii orange blossoms and pities -it -the -val- ley. ler travetlit+g eu.1 was of mar, eti;f;on broadcloth and flat to mat':M. young couple toots a trip to reran - •a .4:.d Philadelphia. They have au" best ..ekes for a happy wedded life. Mr. Jo.t.plt ('.Tse is beat Fling telegra• ph)' with his brother, the slather ag- ent. —SIT'. Mutt ire ilohier spent Smi- thy at his home in Exeter --Mt.. Bice is visiting in iA)ndnn,—i.a (lr ilrt.e le, as. %lanai, taking It rounds.— Mr. James Atkinson, while repairing the roof of his femme the other slay. over, h.tl,utced himself and (ell heevily to the gtoend, severely injuring his heal eti l 110,11 and i.4 nnahle t.. 1•e arnnnd. t11-+ My;tl•- Simpson has been on t 1,.• s it i, list fit t he last couple of trays. 11"deins has gone to eta kid (h i.tnras with her .Iao,chtFr, Nth. Connors, in ('h•vel:tnl. -- Sir. Ahh at, of Centralia. has nt•sved to this place. Ws all heartily welcome bitit and the family to our tnid.t.—Mr. II. Allen and fancily have luuved to Como, and Miss Aggie Patton is now uccupying their former hone- het e. --Mea. K. Car- ter was united in mat i.egt• to Mr. W w. Scott, of Briusle•y, • n \1'edneedav, the 2nd of Dec. We wish thetu many happy years of e.'ddrd life. Trutt horses Is 41::g lo Ira ti0:e had a race with hit eepress /lain coaling Dom the north Stonday morning, and would ou doubt 1,4.1 b.a a killed hal it not been for the notion iter„ who man- aged to get them off tit track just as utey were nearing the ricer bridge.—'Mrs. %Virgin and her mend are the gu:ets of Miss Minnie Neil.—Mr. Martin, pulite. school leacher is preparino h1s pupils to: the Xmae. COM cit.—Miss June Cun- ningham visited In towt, s couple of days this week. Greenway H. A. and Miss Mabel Stinson of Ba field spout a couple of days at W. J. Wilson's.—Mrs. Thos. Stewardson spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Roht. English.—Mr. and Mts. E. A. Humphries of Parkhill visited at W. J. Wilson's on Sunday evening.—Geo. Patterson and T. Reid and Misses Bea- trice and Janet Patterson of Lieury visited their friend Miss Esther Mc- Pherson on Sunday.—Mrs. John Mid- dleton of Clinton is visiting her !leath- er. Mrs. M. Hayter.—Mrs. O. H. Wil- son and Mise Myrtle Wickert ate at- tending a convention of the Women's Institute in Guelph this week.—Fred Ramsay of Maple Lodge is visiting his daughter, Mrs. 1. R. Wilson.—The Woman's Institute will hold their next meeting on Dec loth at the home of Mrs. J. Cliff. The delegates will give a report of the convention held In Guelph this week. Everybody welcome. Readers Will Be Patient.—From now until the Kew Year our advertising col- umns will be crowded, and 1t we give a little less reading matter than usual we know our readers will be patient. We have given theta our very beet efforts during the year now closing, and it we through press ot advertising (all behind a little now. for a few weeks at the Christmas season, we know they will make duo allowance. Our advertisers are Tellable business sten and what they have to say to the public is entitled to consideration. Stephen Accident.—Mr. W. E. San fere met with s•1 u•ifortunate accld.mt last week by be- ing thrown of( tee embankment of his barn. 1t appears that Mr. Sanders w is closing a door and the wlsd was blow- ing a fierce gale at the 11100. sweeping It around with terrible force, throwing Mr. Sanders head first off the batik landing on some timber below. receiv- ing a urs and bruises, also a oadly sprained wrist. Lu:kily, however. no bones were bioken. Death of Muses Ktatte.—After a rath- er prolonged Illness front pulmonary trouble Moses Keetle passed to rest on Friday last at the age of 46 years, 4 months, 6 days. Tire deceased was a hat'niae maker by trade and nerved hie :tpprchtic•cship with a gentleman in Sar- nia. This being accompllal.ed and being a mechanic of Ise 10..71* order he started In tusinees for !dimwit In Zurich ,where he enjoyed a large and lucrative patron- age for several years. Later he dispos- ed of the buaiueei, and then worked at the trade with Mr. James Clark of Cred- iton and also Mr. Chas. liartlelb of Zur- fch, where he t onthtu'd up to the time of going west. Several months ago de- ceased contracted a severe attack ot la grippe, which developed Otto lung trouble and cooling back to Ontario the disease giaduilly sapped his life away. iter. I:estle married Victoria Reynolds, who predeceased him about nlr-e years. The dee-carted was a native of Stepheen• be - Ing a sort of the late Joseph Keene. He was a man of good habits. and was mu:h respected by all who knew him. Besides a nine year old son, he leaves three brothers and tour etstera. The bereaved have the sympathy of their marry friends. The funeral took ptace(o to the Exeter cemetery on Sunday. Clinton—There died at the residence of her sister. Mre. F. Morris, in Pasa- dena, California, on the 25th of Nov- ember, Annie Worthington, second daughter of Mrs. (Dr.) Worthington, formerly of Clinton. She had at one time almost completed her education as a nurse in the Morden Hospital, Manitoba; but, finding the work too heavy for her, on the advice of her physician, she carne home to Clinton for a rest and shortly after took a position as clerk in the store of Tozer & Brown. The Satisfactory Drug Store hristmas �-�-GIFTS Don't buy your Children Presents until you have seen our large assortment of TEDDY BEARS at Lowest Prices,. Some Other Suggestions : BILL BOOKS PURSES HAIR BRUSHES HAT BRUSHES CLOTHES BRUSHES EBONY SETS SHAVING SETS MERRY WIDOW BAGS : GQ HAND PURSES OARD CASES POST OARD ALBUMS POST DARDS (Big Assortment) SPECTACLES INK STANDS and other articles too numerous to mention. HOWEY'S DRUG STORE, EXETER • CJ-{R!STCD IIS WILL SOON BE HERE I11 We are ready to supply your wants. Our store is filled up with all the good things to make you happ for the Holiday Season and long after- wards. We invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer. DRESS GOODS — All the latest clothe and ehadee, set pi itis to suit ev- erybody. LADIES' COATS A ND JACK ETS— We have the iIEST and et the very lowest prices. Special Bargains will he offered in Ladies' Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear. FUR RUFFS --We have a large asttarttnent in Aleeka Mable, Isattella Sable, American Mahle, Isabella Opts. sura, &c., &c., at Special Pt ices. MiLLiNEIRY—Bargains will he of- fered for the balauce of the season se we do not Intend to carry over any BOOT ANI) SHOE DEPT.—Our thing in this line if a price will sell it. shoe store ie full of all the needs for Come early and get some of the Bar- winter comfort. Rnhbeis, Overshoes. gains. Cardigans, Robber hoots, Felt Shoes, FANCY XMAS HANDKiiRCHiisFS Fancy Felt Slippers and Shoes. Also —A large assortment of them-- all kinds and makes of iloots and Shoes plain and fancy, whits and colored, in Leather for Ladies and Men. Our and fancy embroidered—from 5c up• pprices you will find as low as the They will eel please you. I(tweet. S:atisfection guaranteed. HOLIDAY SEASON GOODS --A large assortment of New Ties, Searle, Caps and Gloves for the Christmas and New Year time. All the West. FUR COATS --A large assortment in Coon Coate, Cal!-tikin, Black Tisk, Bishop, floret.. ttic., eke. Also A fine line of FUR -LINED COATS. These coats will be sold at Bargain Prices. ROBES ANi) BLANKETS—A full stack of (Trey Goat, Brown Bear. Dish op and Saskatchewan Robes; also Wool Horse Blankets and Jute•Lined Blanket.'. (let our prices before mak- ing your purchase. BARGAINS IN ULOTHING—Men'e' CHRISTMAS CHINA — Just re- ceived a consignment of the flneet Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -Wear French China. 'hese make lovely Suits at Bargain Prices. A lig cutXmas Prrspnta. A large assortment to clear. Our stock of Men's, Youths' , of Fanny Jardiner.s, Rase Lamps, and Boys' OVERCOATS wee nveer Banging Limps, Manley i'lattes and better. Bi Bat Reins will be given cops end Saucers; also Dinner Setts, in Men's T (• Tweed Ulaters. BOYS' Toilet MPtt.', tic., fie ULSTERS AND BOYS' REEFERS XMAS GHOCERIEM —Our stock is TO CLEAR. Alt FIfEsll AND NEW. New MADE •TO.ORDER CLOTHING—if R+►iein=, N.•v Ctrrr;ante, New Peels, you are looking for a Swell Suit, New Fig.', New Dates, New Shelled merle to order, at a reasonable price, Almonds, New Shelled Walnuts and he sure yon Pee our good. before Everything New that you will require making your purchase. We have to make your Ytnxe Cake. All sold at the right goods at right prices. close prices. Everybody is invited to call and take a look through our large and well assorted stock. It will (II) you good and de 118 good to see yell. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices. GIVE US A CALL !!! TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFEB, THE BUSY STORE DASHWOOD THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 11EAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1841 B. IL WALLIS, President ALZX. LAIRD, General Manger Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, , - 5,000,00b A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALLRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN RUSINES4. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 Exeter Branch -0. W. Harrison, Manager, Branch also at Crediton a; "Idea1 Peninsular Has the Advantages of a Steel Range with the Durability of a Cast-Iroa Range '•Ideal Peninsular•' is the ideal range for a small kitchen. It gives the conveniences of thk best steel range, with the added advantage of being cast-iron and therefore more durable. The "Ideal" burns either wood or coal and the grate bars may be changed in half a tuiitute. Step in and lot as show you the Drop Oven 17oo r—I•ow Warming Closet - adjustable Damper—Dayilght Oven and other improve- ments. Always glad to explain the superiority of These fine ranges. 70 HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER ... Groceries and Confectionery ... ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE New Grocery and Confectionery Store, is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goods! Opposite the Central Hotel. J We aim to keep these lines right up the mark all the time! t� Fresh Groceries Always. New and Choice Confectionery. Cigars and Tobaccos' AND WE SUCCEED IN OUR AIM 111 1 OYSTER PARLOR Our Oyster Parlor 18 ALWAYS OPEN and we can guarantee satisfaction to our customers. Wilson Bros., - setia One door north of I3ank of Commerce. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital - R.ost Fund - ▪ - $3,374,000 • $3,374,000 Hae 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all (be k Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT , at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Govetnwent. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. ILUki)ON, Manager, uying Xmas. Goods to know just what to buy in the line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware. You very often need a hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or yourself. -4011-- Our Stock furnishes the Hints It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at home and recall in a whole day, -e. SO WE INVITE BUYERS .'. an 1 we promise to make their ch(r)sing easy and their choice satisfactory. A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont.